
This is a Xenoblade thread for talking about the Xenoblade series of video games.

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My 2 save file is at 170 hours and I'm still maxing affinity charts as I have been doing for the past 100 hours of game time.
Save me from this hell.

Thing's that need to improve in the reskin
>Combat speed
>Movement speed
>Jump height
>General game feel
>Target resolution should be 1080p minimum
>Frame rate
>Pacing in the middle to end
>Exp gain
>Side quest variety
>Draw distance for textures
>Fall damage calculation
>Sign posting for side quests

>A long time ago, there was a city in Gormott known only as the White Chair.
>It had the oldest and richest history of any city in the land, and boasted a fortress many considered impenetrable.
>But that city was destroyed by the Ardainian Empire. Razed to the ground, until nothing remained.
the White Chair should've been in the Torna DLC
what a wasted opportunity

I've been just buying veg oyster aspic and sticking it in the pouch repeatedly for 18 trust a pop.

It's mad they didn't reduce the trust needed based on when you pulled the blade in the game though

If you have the DLC, use Love Sources instead. It's still tedious, but much quicker.

never understood losers like you that do pointless shit like this that clearly isn't fun

Gormott being in Torna instead of any other titan is extremely retarded since it's the only titan in the game not concerned with the aegis war

Just remove the Vision Reacts track and the remake is a 10/10

Is this from Nia's backstory? Don't remember this shit at all.
And I wish we could've gotten at least another Titan to explore in the past.
That's why I stopped playing myself. Just grinding out Blades and my level got tiring. Then there's the fact that I've been fucking rolling for KOS-MOS and still don't have her, even though I already have T-ELOS. And I want Shulk and Fiora and Elma in my main party.