3 days later

3 days later

I am forgotten

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Like every other CoD game after 4.

>sells 10 million copies

Its literally infinite warfare with modern warfare coat of paint and gimped movement

The gun balance in this beta made me lose all hope that this could be good. Clearly the devs don't play their own game

M4A1 and the MP5 outclass everything else.

COD crowd already moved to fortnite

why the fug the weapons feel like toys? Original MW had great weapon feel, only AK47 sound was fucked up. Other than that it was a solid game. Guns in 2019 MW have no balls.

Welcome to cod you fucking newfag

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>views on this shit site = game being succeful or not

you must be over 18 to post in this site kid

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It was a shit beta.

Yes. Getting railgunned by the mp 5 constantly makes me glad I didn't pre order. Incompetent balancing

>views on this shit site = game being succeful or not [sic]
Actually, that's exactly how it works unless you give a shit about Activision's bottom-line, in which case you're a massive shill faggot.

First 2 ground war matches were awesome.
Then I realized everyone just fights in the center of the map and it's just as boring as ever

>if it's bad on purpose, it's good
Kill yourself drone.

why are the maps all drab? WW2 had plenty of colorful maps and lots of the plants actually moved in the wind in WW2 which made everything feel more alive

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It's okay

just like BF it's trying to hog all the console and PC markets into one game and the result is predictably boring and incompetent

Turn up saturation (on your monitor obv faggot)

>low viewer count because people are playing the OPEN beta

That's the worst map. The rest are fine -- well, the ones in the beta, anyway.

So this is the power of photogrammetry?

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you are onions ignorant and hypocrite

Only thing they have to fix is ground war ui, like not making the default spawn your home deployment

If you got slapped by guccius remember the name

cod is a best seller every fucking year. Twitch only serves for pc fat shit, since that god awful shithole is full of f2p games

your franchise is dead as fuck on PC

enjoy the company of your fellow consoletards

but then everything aside from cod is oversaturated faggot

>pay Shroud $500,000 to play it for a few days
>contractual obligation expires
>no one playing or watching it anymore
Every AAA game ever.

Again, who gives a shit about the bottom line you spineless shill?

then turn it down after playing CoD :)

I am not turning my monitor saturation up and down every time I open the game up and close it

then deal with it :-)

I am dealing with it you dickhead. I'm just saying it's drab