Is this the worst draught in video game history?
Is this the worst draught in video game history?
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we had like 20 really good games this year user
More like I don't have enough time to play everything that I want.
No? Concrete Genie and Medievil remake are out next month, plus Death Stranding releases in November. You'll find out more about The Last of Us Part II this Tuesday too. What's the big deal?
FIFA 20 is literally out this week.
>that list of games
this is the worst generation by far
Death Stranding is a gigantic ocean of freshwater coming our way. Get ready minna-san!
Are you talking about the PS4 or just this generation in general?
Overall things will continue getting worse. More and more the model is moving toward ultra-expensive multiplat games, rather than back in the day when there different system's libraries used to have a uniqueness to them, as well as there being a larger assortment of mid-range-budget games where the developers could take risks. But with each generation that has gone away, to the point where in Gen 8 each system's library is 99.9% the same shit. And it will just be even worse in Gen 9.
if you think its bad now, you're not very smart.
When the PS5 comes, It'll be 2-3 years of literally nothing.
>best games are Bloodborne and SotC, a remake of a PS2 game
I really do not care for Sony's first-party games
ps5 is at least rumored to have backwards compatibility out of the ass - probably rendering the ps4 basically useless
Yeah, there hasn't been anything since Spider-Man and there's nothing currently to look forward to.
well yeah they kinda have too considering Xbox One can play almost every Xbox 360 game, even discs. Sony can't just ignore that like they have for fucking years.
no backwards compatibility for PS3 though, so still no DeS
I might actually get a PS5 if that's the case, and it's true hardware BC rather than some wonky emulation shit (which I assume would be the case if they're sticking with x86)
I've wanted to play bloodborne for a while now, but I've never been able to justify purchasing a console for one game.
GoW should be in god tier too
At least PS3s are dirt cheap. Anyone who wants to play DeS who hasn't done so already should just buy a used for for pennies and softmod it. I just picked up a PS3 for 5 dollars at the flea market last weekend, feels good man.
Look at Xbox for that.
but aren't most of those are trash?
What went wrong?
the order wasn't that bad desu just overhyped and overpriced
the lost legacy and nuGoW should be in shit tier though
I didn't hate it or anything, but after beating it I had pretty much no desire to touch it again. I found it had too many long and unskippable walking sections and too little enemy/boss variety for there to be much replay value. The puzzles weren't interesting either and I can't remember any that deviated from the formula of either A) freezing/unfreezing obstacles with the axe or B) quickly hitting those nodes when the Blades are enchanted with Hel's wind.
In terms of bosses, I thought it felt like they poured all their effort into Magni & Modi and treated the rest as an afterthought. Hraelzyr in particular would get my vote for worst boss in the series. Mechanically speaking he's really restrictive and he doesn't have much going for him in terms of spectacle, something GOW bosses are normally good at. At the time, I didn't even notice that the way you kill him was a reference to how you kill the Hydra in GOW1 because the fight bored me so much.
I think changing Kratos' voice actor was a big mistake. It was already difficult to see this Kratos as the same character given that he behaves so differently & we aren't shown how he came to be this way (all of his "character development" seems to have happened before the game begins). Christopher Judge sounding so different to T.C. Carson really exacerbated this issue for me.
Having played every GOW game apart from Ghost of Sparta, whose story I'm still familiar with, the story didn't do anything that the series hadn't already done before. Chains of Olympus, Ghost of Sparta and Ascension in particular were all really effective at humanising Kratos, and I would argue much more effectively than GOW 2018, since Kratos in those games had a violent side to contrast his more human side against.
Kratos and the violence in GOW 2018 in general are really tame. The only particularly violent execution animation I can remember is the Wulver's. In places, it feels like the devs wanted it to be as cathartic as the previous games, but stopped halfway there because they were afraid of making this new Kratos seem like not such a nice guy.
This half-baked approach rears its head again in another area, the "theme" of grey morality. The Dark Elf king's dying words implies that Kratos & Atreus helped the wrong side, but this is never brought up again or expanded upon. Earlier than that, they dedicate a fairly lengthy scene to Kratos consoling Atreus after killing a bunch of human raiders, but this is the only time you fight humans in the entire game (when earlier versions of the game had you fighting humans much more often). The gameplay reveal trailer also showed a troll begging for mercy just before Kratos kills him, but they cut this from the game too. The story would have been more interesting if they kept this sort of stuff in.
The OST really disappointed me too. GOW has always stood out to me as one of the few series with an orchestral soundtrack that really stood out from the rest, but I can't remember a single track from GOW 2018. Felt like white noise most of the time. The worst part is that there isn't a remix of Zeus Wrath Divine/Phoenix Rising/Brothers of Blood.
Can't be worse than American beer
Some things I thought it did well:
>the hitstop makes the weapons feel very good to use
>decent amount of side content
>the voice acting and dialogue were generally good
>the art direction is good and the game in general looks very nice
TL;DR I wouldn't call it bad, but it tries to do too many things and as a result doesn't do any one thing particularly well. The previous GOW games do most of the same things but are much less bogged down by design trends of their eras, so both their combat and stories feel much more focused.
judgement and Catherine full body released recently, death stranding in 1.5 months. Xbone's entire existence and switch in 2018 until smash was worse.
The order was good though.
Not really considering how expensive games are now. If anything I wish I had more time to play Vidya
The Last Guardian is definitely not god tier
Should I get the archam double pack. I never played those games
>install New Vegas on PC
>get a couple mods in
>having moderate fun
>game crashes
>install Oddworld Abe's Odyssey after seeing some youtube vid
>play for a while
>not having fun
>nothing fun to play on my PS4 either
I hope next month's Plus games are good. I actually had quite a but of fun with Detroit
The Wii U after Mario Maker
It's not as bad as for the poor poor X-bros
Dreams is god tier
>2015: Bloodborne
>2017: Gravity Rush 2
>2019: MediEvil
A game worth a damn every 2 years isn't terribly impressive so yeah, it's up there.
You mean the warm draught coming from the back of that noisy console?
Fair point.
shut up, kike
Wii-U the whole gen.
Look I get that uncharted is shit as an actualy game but they set out to make exactly what they were aiming for and hit the mark. It might be nothing but on rails bs but I think it still has a lot of technical marvel and polish thats honestly so good I could allow it this once.
2 was fine but they should've stopped there. They added nothing but shit in the later games.
And 4 is just bizarre in the way how it lets that cruel antagonist bitch off the hook by using the race/minority card. Gives me a bad feeling about TLOU2.
the grappling hook was great in 4
Keep seething.
learn how to spell correctly retard. and no, ps4 has more worthwhile games than any other system
Its like im looking at youtube rewind
Isn't that good ? Yea Forums hates exclusives, everything should be on every platform so that we the gamers have the choice to play where we want.
that image makes me depressed
how much of a Sony shill do you have to be to pretend that this gen has been good?
That guy's name is literally almost onion
That is because you are a delusional contrarian Yea Forumsirgin and nothing else.
The rest of the world thinks that this is the best lineup in video game history. You may think your taste is refined but in reality, you are just being pretentious and you are unable to engross yourself with the absolute masterclass artistic gameplay value that these games are the closest in perfecting out of any game ever released in the history of this planet.
There are plenty of great games to play this gen, more so than the previous gen.
However, exclusives are terrible and many of them have been major disappointments.
We should be celebrating the fact that all the good shit isn't held hostage by shit hardware desu.
>The rest of the world thinks that this is the best lineup in video game history
yeah yeah whatever, it still makes me depressed, those games look like shit and one of them doesn't even exist
this list sucks. makes me feel even more buyers remorse. when I think about it though it's not as bad as ps3, I really struggle to think of many good exclusives for it.
>noooooooooo sony and orange man bad!
face it, uncharted 4 was pure кинo and Rafe was the best antagonist in the entire series
everything there is trash except for bloodborne 2 (which isn't real) and dreams
>The rest of the world thinks that this is the best lineup in video game history.
This is a nincel larping as a snoynigger, stop trying to make us look bad
>Have to add fake games and multiplats
PS3 had great games such as Playstation All Star Battle Royale and Wonderbook: Book of Spell though.
WiiU had more worthwhile exclusives during its lifespan than PS4 or Xbone did, though now that 90% of them are on Switch it's a moot point now.
I played Uncharted 4 to completion and I don't remember who the fuck was Rafe
Name them.
How does one get hair like that?
You know what's sad? This is the library of the console that fucking won the generation, imagine how bad the others must have been.
Sony always wins. Shitendo Snitch a dildo.
genetics and gel
>WiiU had more worthwhile exclusives during its lifespan than PS4 or Xbone did
pick whatever you want
I'm sure none of them think the PS4 has the best library in history of vidya. Even the snoyest of the snoys would say the PS2.
>Pretentious numbbrains who can't keep their attention peeled on everything the game has to offer
>Can only comprehend hitboxes and the abilities of the characters.
>Thinks female characters are ugly if they aren't 100% neotenous/designed by a lolicon artist
>Unironically listens to Metal Gear Rising soundtrack when not playing the game.
>MHW DLC came on the first week of Sep
>BL3 came out in the second week of sep
>The Surge 2 comes out in 2 days
>Code Vein cones out at the end of the month
>Destiny 2 DLC comes out Oct 1st
>Ghost Recon comes out on the 4th
>Travis Stikes back comes out mid Oct
>Oct ends with MW and Medievil
And that's me skipping over a lot of game and getting some of the big ones.
inb4 butthurt snoyfags
i ain't reading that shit nigger
2013 - 2016 was an abysmally bad time for vidya. 2017 onwards has been somewhat better.
Coomer tier reply.
all girls in games should be lolis, that sounds pretty based
You must have extremely narrow and shit taste if you don't have anything to play.
He's completely right, it's even more amazing considering its lifespan and how little the PS4 has made despite the good sales and all those years. The Wii U definitely had better exclusives than the PS4 while it was alive.
you had the last word, you won, go celebrate with some PS4 vidya
>we got really good games this year!
>U-u-uh, like, uh, here is this list of every game from all years and multiplat
>S-s-see we got the games!
Couldn't even name one game huh?
>low tier
>spider man, ratchet, alienation, uncharted 4
>god tier
>last guardian
>mid tier
>uncharted lost shit, gundam versus, baseball games, until dawn
You have dogshit taste.
So you got multiplats and remakes? Great argument.
Not really. All of the games are bing bing wahoo that most people don't find engaging anymore.
its the last year in its life, stop complaining
You must have extremely narrow and shit taste if you do have anything to play.
Wipeout and Everybodys golf VR is pure kino
Multiplats are not games ? What are games then ?
I already played wipeout 2048 once and pulse/pure 3 times
anything that proves my argument
As opposed to the remakes and port that's the switch is getting?
If that's your argument, then every console and PC are on a never ending drought.
Not for the Switch.
>The Wii U definitely had better exclusives than the PS4 while it was alive.
But it didnt? For the longest time the only worthwhile thing on the WiiU was MK8 and even after WiiU stuff got ported to Switch they also didnt care
LOL, imagine thinking anything in this list beyond Spider-Man is relevant.
Exclusives. First parties. You cant say the system isnt on a draught when they arent receiving exclusives or first parties.
Who brought up the switch? Sounds like someones trying to deflect.
pc gets the definitive version of every multiplat so not really
the only reason to use a console if you're an idort is to play exclusives. so for idorts the ps4 is experiencing a never ending drought.
>So you got multiplats and remakes?
Isnt the next two games coming to Switch a multplat and a remake?
From recent memory, that would be the Wii U from late 2015 through the entirety of 2016, the Wii in 2011 and 2012, the Xbone from 2018 to present, and the Vita past 2012.
Again, who brought up the switch? Only you did. But since you brought it up, it just got two exclusives in the last few weeks in Astral Chain and Daemon x Mech.
The 360 from 2009 to its death also counts.
>Only you did
No someone else did, Im just pointing out that people say there's a drought because those games dont count
>it just got two exclusives in the last few weeks in Astral Chain and Daemon x Mech
which people already 100% by now
And how does people actively playing and beating a game disqualify them? Does Bloodborne not count as a game then since people 100% it? If so, the PS4 drought is even bigger than one would think.
>And how does people actively playing and beating a game disqualify them?
Because people are saying there's a drought even though there's games to play
>And how does people actively playing and beating a game disqualify them?
And does a game being available on various system disqualifies them from being games ?
So by your "logic" there has been a drought since 1982.
I played the game from start to finish on the hardest difficulty and then again on NG+ because I enjoyed the combat a lot. The skip cutscene update and the new set armors from NG+ and most importantly the moveset patterns to the valkyries in NG+ made the replay value much better.
The valkyrie queen for me personally was the biggest factor to replay it because that fight was so damn good—easily one of the hardest boss fights I've had in a game.
The only reason I would replay it a third time is because I saw some youtube videos on unintentional mechanics like runic cancelling and "dual wielding".
>Dark souls 3
>Death Stranding
>Remake 2
>The Evil Within 2
>Pathologic 2
>Total War Warhammer 2
>God of war
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Gravity Rush 2
Nah, this gen is one of the best gens in the history of vidya. Eat my shit contrarians.
That honor would go to Xbox One from release to present
Damn, PS4 players really have literally nothing to play. Ever.
Yes, that's why this place doesnt talk about videogames since there is not a single one
But it's got Cockroach Killer 2K19
It's been a year already, it's time to let go of your unhealthy hatred towards GOTY 2018, God of War
>Who brought up the Switch
Dont try to bullshit me you console war faggot.
I doubt a PC or Xbone owner would go through the trouble of making the same fucking threads everyday about this none existing drought because those platforms share 90% of the library with one another, so unless OP is a self hating faggot, its obvious that it's a Switchfag trying to stir shit up. Which is fucking hilarious when the two biggest games for the Switch this year are a remake of a GB game and their yearly series.
>inb4 angry sonyfag
I'm an idort that mainly plays on Xbox.
Hell, I even forgot that Death Stranding is coming out soon too. So theres another game.
Nah Halo5 is great and has tons of free content, not to mention game pass
I didnt bring that shit up, I'm an idort as well. I'm just sick of this console war shit and am attempting and failing it seems to derail shit.
Nah sounds more to me like snoy trying to falseflag for pity points, they're the worst fanbase lmao
>God Tier
>Last Guardian
I didn't hate it, but it wasn't very good.
No, multiplats count for PC because they're the best way to play the game
I feel like this game was unfair to Rafe because of Drake's stupid nigger brother.
>they're the worst fanbase
the only worst fanbase is the fanbase that claims others are
RDR2 was better
Cope harder snoyfag
Then why didnt won GOTY? Seems like salt to me
Who cares lol
thanks for proving me right
Whatever helps you cope
I am a ps4 owner. I confirm it's a short list of good games.
Same to you
At least it's almost over thanks to Kojima-sama.
>I think about it though it's not as bad as ps3
Are you joking? The PS3 has way more interesting variety sans most of the bullshit thats going in the industry. Albeit smaller library than the PS2. That should tell you something about the state of the PS4, if not the industry as a whole.
Nah, the Switch 2018 was way worse. Even 2019 barely had any games until Q4, most of which are garbage remakes like links awakening.
>tw3 non-exclusive
>mgsv non-exclusive
>bloodborne - not for all
>dark souls 3 - not for all
>DS unreleased, timed exclusive, at the end of generation
>re7 non-exclusive
>re2re non-exclusive
>the evil within 2 non-exclusive
>nioh non-exclusive
>rdr2 just about on pc, though good point
>greedfall non-exclusive
>pathologic 2 non-exclusive
>total war non-exclusive
>god of war point 2
>horizon not that good
>medievil unreleased
>gravity rush 2 good point
>doom not that good
>mhw not that good
3 good points. the list grows thinner.
show the games that you cleaned up for this plebbit-grade pic, canon-kun
Games dont have to be exclusive to be good, what meme is this? More than 85% of switch exclusives are mobile phone tier garbage.
Why does every post mentioning a bunch of games needs an autismo to immediately dissect it?
This. There’s so much greatness. I will have missed a ton of awesome games on here I can already tell.
>Ignoring Q3 which had Mario Maker 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Astral Chain
>Q4 has Daemon X Machina, Links Awakening, Dragon Quest XI S, Luigis Mansion and Pokemon
I agree the year is a bit uneven, but ignoring games makes no one smarter
Oh and only one remake, not the majority of the games coming out mind you.
sorry i thought we were discussing video games, didn't know you were a mouthbreathing monkey retard faggot
It's only a drought for AAA drones.
Not him but I own both consoles. I have at least only own of the highly touted PS4 exclusives, while I have a bunch of Nintendo WiiU exclusives.
not really for the ps4, but the xbone absolutely
Still selling pretty well, sounds like a you problem desu
>while I have a bunch of Nintendo WiiU exclusives.
you mean former?
As someone who actually enjoyed it
That would be 2008-14
no u
>Mid tier
>Days Gone
>Until Dawn
>God tier
>Last Guardian
i'm playing bus simulator 18 and having a good time
Last Guardian was not worth the wait and it became clear that Team Ico's disbandment during development destroyed the game's chances. I think I enjoyed even Crackdown 3 more, and that's saying a lot.
check your search bar. what does it say?
Xbone had exclusives?
Glad you made this thread, I was worried it was just me. I play the same old same old with my brother but I haven't bought shit for the PS4 in forever. It's actually been a latent cause of me building a PC and starting a retro collection.
Tbh I'm not sure I'm ever coming back. Old games are just better. Less bullshit and more fun.