This is your grandma/mommy/daughter for tonight

This is your grandma/mommy/daughter for tonight.

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I love Palutena

Is female Byleth attractive?

I love Palutena

Is female Byleth attractive?

d-delet this

I love Palutena

Is that Pit's ass?

>Filthy heretics don't know the difference between Rhea and Palutena
I hope the Immaculate One burns down all your houses.

Shut up rheatard

I'm loving Palutena right now

Fuck that old hag

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Palutena is a false idol. Sothis is the one true creator. You are a sinner and an apostate.

I love Palutena

yurifags are mentally ill

damn pit is looking fine

I hate Palutena

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Where have I seen this style before. I feel like it's some webcomic.

so are you so you make a fine couple

Why everyone horny in FE fanart
Why can't just be friends

Is it incest if male Byleth fucks Rhea and Sothis?

>female Byleth

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post more Palutena

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W-Why does Pit have tits?

Conservation of mass.

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Is it incest if you fuck your biological grandmother who is techniclaly your daughter due to your posession of her mother's soul?

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>biological grandmother
When is that confirmed?

>she was my...
What else? Her best friend? Rhea and the saints were the last survivors of their race.

>biological grandmother
It's even more confusing than that. Rhea's daughter is also her genetic clone, so while Byleth is biologically her grandchild, they are genetically her child.

How many layers of incest are we on right now?

>she was my...
Lesbian lover.

>tfw love both Rhea and Palutena
explains a lot in hindsight

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Jeralt also has Rhea's blood in him. I don't have the image, but byleth's family tree is basically a straight line where every single point on the chart also curves back into Rhea.


somebody find this

We don't really know the process of how Byleth's mother was created. She might or might not have any of Rhea's genetics within her.

I already made this joke before
>Rhea: how many layers of incest are you on
>Azura: like,, maybe 2, or 3 right now. my dude
>Rhea: you're like a little baby. watch this

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mommy byleth

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No wonder Byleth is so autistic

We also don't know how Rhea herself was born. If Sothis made her asexually or if Sothis ever bred with a human.

I always assumed that through whatever Dark magic alchemy Rhea used and Japanese logic of reincarnation, Rhea probably saw all 12 of her experiments as her mother (without her memories). So when she said, “Your Mother... she was my...”, I would assume she was about to say her mother too before Alois interrupted her.

Now I am imagining Byleth’s mom to look like a Blue Haired Rhea/Seiros in a Monk outfit now.

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How kind of the slithers to make sure not to mess up her clothes while they experimented on her.

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a classic
archiveofourown org/works/20690663

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Jeralt got a blood infusion from Rhea that made him ageless.
Sothis created Rhea and got killed by a bandit when she went into slumber after preventing Fallout Emblem from hitting shelves.
Rhea killed that bandit that used Nemesis spine and heart to craft a sword, Rhea used that heart to create 12 unsuccessful humunculous as vessels for her mother return, the last one was Jeralt wife, given her body Byleth was a stillborn.
Byleth mom begged Rhea to save his son using her own heart(Sothis heart) to keep Byleth alive, Rhea facing yet another failure obliged.
Jeralt is scared that the baby heart doesn't beat and the baby doesn't cry, takes advantage of a fire to escape with baby Byleth thinking that Rhea did something fucked up when in reality she saved the baby.

Later on during the rite of rebirth, a day were Sothis was claimed to return Byleth grabs the sword of the creator that Nemesis crated from Sothis spine and it resonated with Sothis heart inside Byleth this confirming that Sothis did indeed return.

Cue to potential grandmother/mother/daughter/son incest.


protect her smile

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Wrong. The Sword of the Creator is made from Sothis' bones and heart, not Nemesis. All the relics are made from the bones of Rhea's people.

Kek. Also based.

So what are the chances that Wilhelm actually did the dirty with Rhea and that Edelgard is technically her great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter?

Where do you even get a rapier from

The only time I've seen one is on Judith

You have nothing to correct.
Must have worded it wrong but nemesis killed Sothis and the slitherers crafted the sword, I sated the sword was crafted and used by Nemesis not that it was nemesis spine.

Sothis spine and heart powered nemesis sword.

she definitely would've mentioned something like that.

given the similaritys between rhea and edelgard, probably fairly high
some guy in the teacher paralodge drops one

Extremely high given that Macuil wanted the 10 elites dead and Wilhelm prevented that from happening.

Bird dragon gets pissed if you attack him with Claude and Seteth.

I love green haired mommies