Is it really as good as Yea Forums says?

Is it really as good as Yea Forums says?

Attached: Yakuza-0-2.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread: will inevitably start to feel bored/ - Crazy combat.webm/ think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high./ bomb being a fake in 2 sums up/

No. It's better

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if you like reading

You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yea Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.

That's what you're in for.

more like 0/10

Yes, don't fall for obvious bait and copypastas.

bruh it's got dank memes *dabs*

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Sorta. I managed 70 hours in the fucking thing, to my disbelief. Thought I'd get 30 max.
Main story is genuinely good, but not in a sense of "woah deep", it's wacky, but emotional. Not some gay fucking last of us shite. The side quests are really 50/50, the RC Car racing one was actually fun, and there's some funny ones too like the michael jackson one. But some are just bore fests.
Also, expect to read a lot. A shit ton.

I fucking loved it. Got me into the franchise and I'm eternally grateful for that.

It's fine as long as you understand that it's not an action game with good combat, it's actually a VN with minigames which range from passable timesinks to frustrating chores.

Some of the later games are better imo (2 and 5), but yes, it's good.

I really didn’t like it. The basic enemies are fun to fight. It’s like a modern beat em up. Then you have to fight bosses and they just don’t work the same and then they inevitably pop devil trigger and armor everything you have and read your inputs. The bosses aren’t fun because you’re very limited as what will work. That first Kuze Boss was a nightmare until I learned that he always would get hit by a certain combo so I just did that until he died.

Depends. If you're a weeb who gets excited about japanese things just because they're japanese and looking for a way to distract yourself from your shitty life for 100 hours it's a godsend. For everyone else it's overrated trash.

>it's not an action game with good combat
That's EXACTLY what it is, though.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Imagine typing this out and hitting submit. What the fuck

Fuck off, the combat is braindead mashing. If you think cutscene finishers make combat good then you are a fucking brainlet.

Shitty movie game that get's masturbated over because it's japanese.

Where the fuck do you think you are? You are on the fucking video game board on motherfucking Yea Forums.

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It's absolute gold

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Finally someone said it. Thank you.

>shows an action game with bad combat

Just because you're bad at it doesn't mean it's bad.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 5.webm (852x480, 2.98M)

based schizo user scattering the quality bait again

Eh, he's not actually wrong. I enjoyed Yakuza 0 for a while but it overstayed it's welcome by about three times as much as it should have. I finished it eventually but holy shit I don't know HOW some people are autistic enough to play ten more of these and still beg for more.

>enemies take turns fighting you
wow, how epic.

>enemies stand and watch you
>press the AWESOME button for an AWESOME attack
The enemy hit reactions are satisfying as fuck and carry the combat, but it's passable as best.

When you read the responses to this thread it's important that you notice how any criticisms of the games do make people mad but they are never refuted because they're true. Yakuza is a meme series.

They're comfy.

actually it's worse than that. people respond to criticisms with counterpoints as worthless as this:

>I have no argument or refutation.
Concession accepted.

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Are there any other videogames where you can pause anytime, including mid-fight, and heal as much as you please?

elder scrolls?

Yakuza 0
Nier: Automata

looooooool majima is soooooooooooooo raaaandooooom!!

Breath of the Wild.
Most Zelda games actually. Only one that made an effort to combat it was Skyward Sword.

And with two words you basically admit that everything said was true

>17 posters
The falseflagging is strong in this thread.

Its fun but has caught the attention of shitposters

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>Being unable to appreciate comfykino

Attached: Yakuza-0-6.jpg (1920x1080, 504K)

Yakuza threads rarely get more than 20 people in them. Not sure what your point is meant to be.

Main story is boring as fuck, full of shitty dialogue and cutscenes. Almost all side content is great, though.

This post is becoming more and more relevant with each reply. Unless you consider "but it's comfy" an actual argument.

a lot of mgs games

Oh shit he added "kino"; a worthless buzzword, to his other worthless buzzword. He sure showed me.

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It's the first Yakuza game I've played and I have no idea who far I am (I just unlocked Majima's cabaret club) but I'm enjoying it a lot, and I normally loathe errand boy games.
It's pretty much a mix of JRPG, visual novel, minigame compilation and beat'em up, and those elements together somehow work.
Unlike other errand boy game that I've played (and whose I'll rather not say because Yea Forums worships the fuck up of that game) the combat system, the small size of the game world and how fantastic it looks and feels (like you've been transported to late 80's Japan) makes it enjoyable.

That said, as points, I don't see myself playing another of those once I finish this one. Maybe I'll give a look to either the original Yakuza 1 or Kiwami.

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Who is falseflagging? The people saying the game is shit or the people saying the game is great?

>in b4 "every single post I don't like is a falseflag"

Imagine living an existence this devoid of humor.

>Yea Forums hates Yakuza now
What the FUCK went wrong?

He didn't. He pasted it from his text file, because he posts the exact same shit in every single Yakuza thread. Stick around for the next few, and you'll see the exact same posts.

Most replies were short opinions without chains until bait kept popping up. At that point, poster count stopped increasing very much and responses to said bait have been weak for the most part. All of this suggests some falseflagging is going on.

rank em

That's a lot of good points, I think I'll pa--

>They're comfy.
Is that so? Well I'm still not entirely convinced...

well why didn't you just say so, NOW I'll buy your game.

Lurk moar if you honestly can't tell the difference.

People have criticized Yakuza here ever since 3, idiot. The real mystery is why Yakuza got circlejerked so hard in the past two years that now anyone saying anything other than blind worship and posting KIRYU CHAAAAANN xD causes a handful of retards to have a complete meltdown.

I like it but prepare for more of a tv-show because there's going to be a lot of sitting and watching. Good writing but the gameplay is nothing special (or even generally good, really) QTEs etc. As far as I see the only reason I see for it to be a videogame series instead of a show is that the style of the side-missions differ so much from the main story that it pretty much only works because the player gets to decide what they want dependent on their mood.

As the only Yakuza I played, I was initially quite confused because the game really wants you to go all out with side activities that completely destroy the pacing of the main storyline, which is quite fast and never really lets you take a breath (at least with Kiryu, Majima is a bit more relaxed at least early on). Ultimately I ended up not doing much side content until I replayed it a bit later.
What you can expect:
>Fantastic soundtrack
>Manly men being manly men
>Serviceable combat that locks all the cool moves behind lengthy minigames
My biggest gripe with it is that it feels like the story bits and everything else are two completely different games quality wise as well. Sidequests have absolutely no variety to it and every non voiced piece of dialogue feels twenty times longer than it should be. Sure, the actual events in them are often hilarious (from fixing taxation with Majima to infiltrating cults to becoming the grand champion of model car races), but all that they boil down to is often punching a Threatening Drunkard or something.

So yeah, go play it user, do it. I just hope you don't get vexed at your character getting stuck in level geometry.

Attached: HOW MANY TIMES OLD MAN.jpg (1366x768, 126K)

Again, what bait? What falseflags? Are the falseflags people praising or criticizing the game? Are people baiting to imply the games are good or bad?

>in b4 "every single post I don't like is bait"

Yea Forums always turns its back on games they "liked". For example for the past month all the Devil May Cry 5 threads created on Yea Forums are hatred ones.

Yakuza is has always been one of the most quintessential Yea Forums series.

I see, so you're a falseflagger who decided to reply to me twice yourself.
Learn to use a different typeset.

Again, people criticized Yakuza here ever since 3. You think nobody had anything negative to say about 4 either? Nothing? Holy shit, did you forget 6 ALREADY? You have to be baiting or deluded but if you seriously think Yea Forums was ever nothing more than a Yakuza fanclub then I'm sorry but you were looking at r/yakuza

>61 posts
>25 IPs
Oh, it's "that" kind of thread again.
Keep going Schizo-kun, have fun replying to yourself for hours again.

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[try to have some fun for me starts playing]
[muffled kawaiii naaaaaaaaaaaaa in the distance]

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I have no idea what your problem is but that's twice I've simply asked you to say which posts in the thread are falseflags or bait and if it's the people saying the game is good or bad and you won't answer. You're shitposting, simple as that. Can we go back to actually talking about the games now?

I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.

If someone criticizes the combat (which is fair) there are faggots who immediately start screaming about PC players, 0fags, zoomers, resetera, etc etc. Same thing if someone says they would like to explore new areas after playing on the same map for over 10 years.

Every Yakuza thread is now packed with prime examples of this newfound unbearable childishness in the fanbase. Yea Forums doesn't "hate yakuza now" just because you saw a post with criticisms in it. Get a fucking grip. If anything has ruined Yakuza discussion, it's not PC players or 0fags or any other kind of "invader" but actually the incredibly paranoid and autistic old guard who are more interested in lashing out at everyone rather than actually discussing the games.

We used to be able to say 3 was bad. We said it all the time. Now? You're a secondary zoomer reddit tranny PC 0fag blah blah blah. Fuck that. Step back and ask yourselves who is really shitting up these threads. It's not the people who are saying what parts of the game are weak, it's the people chimping out over mild criticisms. I mean, what the fuck do you want? 500 post threads around the clock where everyone just says "I LOVE YAKUZA IT'S FLAWLESS!"? Where's the discussion?

The irony is if any of these faggots wanted to discuss Yakuza, they'd do it. But they don't. They want to complain, over and over, about imaginary enemies. Just fucking discuss it if you actually want to, but you can't, because you're too busy chimping out over someone saying they would like to see a new map. Which isn't even an unreasonable thing to say.

This Yakuza 0 and the rest of the series is greatly overrated. It's not the worst but it's pretty boring with half-assed mini-games and boring beat 'em up combat. The devs know they couldn't write an actual decent crime drama so they have to resort to making it goofy instead.


I already answered that by telling you to lurk moar if you can't tell.
At least you're learning to use a different typeset.

I'd never played a Yakuza game before and thought it was fucking amazing, 11/10

I bought it for 12 bucks like 3 weeks ago. And I'm fucking liking it a lot. At first Kiryu's story bored me and I wasn't very invested in his idolatry of Kazama, or why everyone wanted the Empty Lot, but now that I'm in chapter 11, I'm hooked. Majima, however, hooked me the moment he came on screen, and that built up really paid off. He is fun as a fuck to play and I wish more Yakuza games put hiim as the protag instead of Kiryu who I know like a lot more, but he's got nothing on Majima. And I'm saying this as a total newcomer to the series, because I understand Majima is a much more toned down character in this game.
Will probably try out Judgment after this game.

user, that's like, everyone posted at least twice. Is that strange to you? Do you just post once then leave threads?
Besides, you're not taking the one autist posting over and over telling everyone to ignore the thread and the points being made in it just because he doesn't agree but can't explain himself with actual discussion.

Attached: even kiryu will not fall for your tricks.jpg (870x675, 129K)

Hello Beepzorz :)
Cute thread, come rest in my beautiful arms.

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Okay so I'm just supposed to know which posts make you mad without you telling me, and I should agree with you that they are bad posts? Got it.

Sorry I can't be in every single Yakuza thread to piss and moan while contributing nothing, but you go ahead and stick with it. You seem very happy.

anyone praising the yakuza combat or writing is falseflagging because everyone, even the fans, know these are the weakest parts of the games. the combat especially is shit.

I think it's pretty good. It's pretty grinfy if you do all the side story and completion list stuff, but just play the game and do the content that you enjoy you'll like it.

shit, you're right will inevitably start to feel bored/
31 results found. - Crazy combat.webm/
120 results found. think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high./
11 results found.

When will captain autismo inevitably start to feel bored, walking from thread to thread, reading and reading while he stares at his monitor lifelessly?

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I've only played 5. Should I pick up this or the remakes next?


0 then Kiwami.

are there any bad ones to avoid?

3 and 6

Kiwami 1 is the one to avoid.
Kiwami 2 as well.
Based anti schizo user

he'll never stop
dead souls

3, 6, and 4 is not great, but okay. 5 is better but overstays its welcome for way too long, even by yakuza standards. 1/kiwami isn't great.

based and hard truthpilled

why has nobody said this post is wrong?


Because it's true. It's been posted before and every time people get mad as fuck but nobody can claim it's wrong. Archive is full of people crying about it but not refuting it.

>Samefagging this hard

See, like this:


If you enjoy Yakuza games your opinion on most games is shit. You probably think automata is a good action game

OP here, thanks for your honesty. I might try it if I find it cheap enough, or pirate. But it's no longer a priority play for me.

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You're missing the point entirely if you think it's about what makes me specifically mad.
These threads have been infested with obvious bait for a year now, so there isn't an excuse not to be able to tell what is and what isn't. You only need to see 2 or 3 to pick up on it.
On Yakuza threads themselves, there's nothing new to say, everything has been talked about to death and back years ago, but now we can't even laugh together at the same bullshit because some retard has to incite and split everyone. You'd know this if you paid attention instead of expecting to be spoonfed exactly what's going on.

>He fell for the 'Automata is bad' meme

Attached: NieR 9S Combo.webm (1280x720, 1.49M)

automata isn't amazing but it's at least competent. yakuza devs have been struggling for over ten games to make the combat good and they can't do it. in fact it was even starting to get worse. now they've giving up entirely and switching to turn based. they haven't got a clue.

have sex

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i played automata its not that much fun and the combat is really dull ive seen webms like that so many times its just boring

>automata isn't amazing but it's at least competent.
yeah thats pretty much all it has going for it

Zero was really fucking good

>he's literally fuming because he wants yakuza threads to just be faceapp reaction images and KIRYUUU-CHAAAAAN gifs instead of discussion
Kindly fuck yourself


do you think we can't see through this or are you just retarded? seriously go outside and play in traffic.

good thinking OP no need to play bad video games

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The obvious bait is the worst. Obviously anyone praising the Yakuza combat is baiting, because the combat is so incredibly shit. Everyone knows it, and yet people still bite when someone shows up to say otherwise.

>On Yakuza threads themselves, there's nothing new to say, everything has been talked about to death and back years ago
And yet here you are. Again.

You haven't played a game with shit combat, if you think Yakuza's is bad.

why the fuck is anyone voting no

hello bait-kun
isn't it about time you found some new material?


This is completely correct.

literally me

>incite and split everyone
you're literally mad that people are expressing opinions you don't agree with and you admit it right here

Yeah. I have a problem, just like everyone else who habitually goes on this site including (You).

>Is it really as good as Yea Forums says?
>asks on Yea Forums

it might be a bot. spooky


I think the person who is actually seething is whoever is clearly mad as fuck over it but somehow can't bring themselves to say it's wrong

The bomb being a fake in 2 sums up perfectly why the writing in these games is terrible. Nothing ever actually matters or has consequence. Things happen just to have a melodramatic scene which ten minutes later doesn't even matter anymore. Kaz can be stabbed and left to die and then be back on his feet and fine 2 minutes later. These games are full of this shit. It's not even "twists" because that would mean things would have to be foreshadowed or at least still have consequence. But literally everything that you think is happening can be undone at any moment. RUBBER BULLETS is the most extreme example but the games are full of this garbage. It only annoys me because when people point out how shit the gameplay is they defend the games by saying "you idiot, you play for the story" but that makes no sense when they're written so badly.

I don't get why everyone shits on this series for the combat. It's obviously not as complex as something like DMC, Ninja Gaiden, or Bayonetta, but it's not meant to be that. It's meant to be like a modern version of those old side scrolling beat em ups back during the SNES/Genesis era and the arcade golden age. Yeah it's simple, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

It was fun for the first 30 hours but then this definitely applied to me. I THINK I'm near the ending now but it's been a while. I keep meaning to go back to it but it's hard to get enthused about it. Turning on the PS4 somehow feels like a big effort compared to playing something on the PC or Switch, silly as that sounds.

I think maybe they did that as a sort of overcompensation because of literally the opposite happening in the first game and like 90% of the cast dying by the end.

enemies actually hit you in those games, and there was a chance you could lose. you also didn't have near-infinite healing you could pause the game to do.

It's just zoomers.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 6.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

> bomb being a fake in 2 sums up/

>Turning on the PS4 somehow feels like a big effort compared to playing something on the PC or Switch, silly as that sounds.
Nah, I'm the same. Probably the most """first world problem""" imaginable but I have to REALLY want to play a PS4 game to bother turning it on these days. And once a Yakuza game passes that tipping point into becoming busywork instead of fun, that's a real pain.

I completely agree
I'm fine with the games having fun or being silly as well as serious, but retards use this as an excuse to let the game get away with total bullshit, all because "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!!"

If I'm not supposed to take it seriously, then what's the point in having such incredibly long, po-faced cutscenes, which are played completely straight? Only to go HAHA IT'S DUMB NOW for two minutes and then everything you invested in doesn't matter anymore.

>Enemies don't fight bac-

Attached: Yakuza - Insane boss fight.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

I do find it weird how people will make posts here about yakuza making them cry, or being really well written, but the moment someone points out a massive glaring plothole or an incredibly poorly judged scene then suddenly the games are meant to be considered a huge joke and you're dumb to think about the plot or character consistencies at all.

Real men cried at 0's ending.

whoever is playing this is retarded lol

It's extremely embarrassing how many guys like to believe they're "alpha" because they play an autistic as fuck 100 hour grind which is so casual it's practically impossible to lose and has a primarily female audience.
But yes, tell me again how this is a "manly" series where enemies don't even attack you and you can pause during fights to heal as much as you like.

It's honestly because people, myself included, have already argued against these points to the point that it's tiresome. What's the point in having the exact same conversation again and again with some reposting idiot and anyone who's too stupid or naive to tell?

Based, Fuck moviegames.

It’s truly great. One of my top 10 games of all time.

It's the best Yakuza game for sure, but that's not saying much.

>It's a movie gam-

Attached: Yakuza - Black Umbrella.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

the shitty combat I can put up with but the sheer amount of cutscenes and how long and boring they are is torture, especially with writing this bad. 99% of what happens is irrelevant by the end anyway.

I bought this game randomly because i had finished my backlog and nioh looked like shit. I went in totally blind and i loved it. I still boot it up to fap to ghandara movie store to this day

yakuza fans love cutscenes so much they even put cutscenes into the combat

For me, it's Yuki.

Attached: yuki.png (895x899, 1.08M)

How much waifu stuff is there to do in this series? I'm a pretty lonely guy so that stuff really appeals to me. Kind of the main attraction to videogames at this point, don't really care about the other stuff

I paid for two month, so about two weeks more.

so this is the ALPHA yakuza fanbase huh

You're welcome. And that sounds like a good plan. You could probably play and finish three good games in the same amount of time you'd end up wasting on 0. Just something to keep in mind.

>Kind of the main attraction to videogames at this point
You're making it far too obvious with this user. No (You) for you.

>qte webm
What is that supposed to prove

Its unironically the best game I've ever played
First playthrough was about 120 hours

Attached: Cute_Funny.png (280x100, 30K)

Oh look its this false flagging retard again
The combat is good you just post fucking garbage

fuck falseflaggers

its called "bait" and you're responding to it

I can't imagine what kind of autistic hugbox you must be used to in order to get mad at everyone who doesn't like the same videogame you do, and ALSO get mad at the people who like it a lot more than you.
>reeeeee everyone is baiting or falseflagging stop reading everyone else's posts only I have valid yakuza opinions reeeee

Alright, seems like most of shitposting has died down, now let's discuss why 2 was such a weird mix and mess of ideas and twists and dumb shit. Only played 0, kiwami 1/2, 3, and judgement (yeah, I'm a ps4 ojama) why the fuck does Ryuji do jack shit the entire fucking game, and the entirety of the plot is mainly driven by the Jingweon, and apparently he's supposed to be the best antagonist in the series? Shibusawa, Nishiki, Mine, and Kuroiwa were all better than Ryuji.

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>The combat is good you just post fucking garbage
Post some good yakuza combat then

>in b4 you refuse but still insist the combat is good when all the evidence says otherwise

>Post some good yakuza combat then
If you insist.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat 3.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

The weird thing is the one guy who chimps out at everyone in EVERY SINGLE yakuza thread about "bait" never contributes with their own opinion. They just scream bait over and over which derails discussion. It's almost like they're the real problem.

Finished Kiwami1/2 recently. Holy shit 1's story was so fucking boring, Christ. I couldn't have given a shit during the final fight where it was showing me flashbacks.

>It's almost like they're the real problem.
they are, which is why most people ignore them and continue to discuss the games while he gets warnings from the mods for false reports

Here retard

Nice samefag

>Its unironically the best game I've ever played
Go play more games.

All me

I've played several. None of them matched Yakuza's 0 scope or content.

1 is the worst in the whole series honestly, Kiwami is even worse because its so fucking unbalanced
The story is complete shit if you're coming straight off zero
How disappointed were you in Nishiki?

scream about bait again, maybe something will happen this time

Why does someone liking a game upset you so much? I've been playing games for 20 years mate

>all these shitposts
>ip count hasnt increased in 10 posts
What drives a person to hate a game series THIS much?

Attached: kino.png (534x158, 89K)

please point out the shitposts

THIS is the game you guys are defending LOOOL jesus christ zoom zoom zoom!

Love how you didnt even attempt to prove him wrong

Yeah, this was me after playing 0 about a few months ago. Nishiki was definitely the most "interesting" of the story, but I really still didn't really care about what he was doing. It's a remake of the original so I can't hate it for that reason. Though, after seeing how many characters were well developed/likable in 0 and seeing them be flat as all hell in Kiwami was pretty sad for me.

Maybe you've never been to Yea Forums before but not every post you don't agree with is automatically a shitpost

what? he said the posts were all him. you don't believe him? guess they were all by different people after all. you can't trust anyone these days

>people write long and detailed posts but what they don't like in the yakuza games and explain using examples
>retards call these shitposts over and over just because they don't agree, and don't discuss anything


Attached: quen.jpg (337x468, 26K)

Oh like these:

Thats half the thread I'll just assume the rest are also you
Please screencap this post and show everyone how many are your posts, you autistic retard

I just started Kiwami as my first game just a couple hours ago
First impressions;
>Story seems cliche, but the characters are great
>The battling is very simplistic, but it looks like it might pick up later. After having played through a little bit of it, I can *definitely* see why they decided to go the full-blown JRPG route for Yak7. It's 3/4ths the way there already.
>Kamurocho might be the single most comfy setting I've ever played. I've already taken a half hour or so just wandering around, taking in the sights.

So far, and again, I've only got a couple hours under my belt, but it really feels like the type of game that you can really feel the love and passion that went into it, if you're willing to squint and ignore the ragged edges. Not for everybody, but for those who get the appeal, it's the best thing ever.
Not sure if it's for me just yet, but I'm willing to find out.
Nothing at all wrong with that.

Just look at these
They are the only posts in the thread of any actual substance. The only ones. And they're being called shitposts. Look at them compared to every other post in the thread. You're absolutely right. Yakuza fanbase is full of retards.

Ps4 ojama poster here; nobody actually wants to ever discuss actual gameplay, story, characters, etc and their highlights or issues. It's always the same gifs, webms, and copypastas being posted, and anytime somebody actually asks a question for any sense of discussion it just gets blown over because nobody except for me have played the games.

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How many times are you going to say the exact same thing you fucking psycho?
Maybe if you actually posted "criticisms" inatead of the EXACT SAME copypaste every fucking thread
We cant have a single thread discussing the game anymore because of you, every time it turns into GOD TIER COMBAT CRAZY COMBAT LOOOOL MAJIMA CRAAAAZY YOU WILL INEVITABLY FEEL BORED

i don't give a fuck biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
where's yakuza 3-4-5 on pc??

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Yea Forums is literally worse than reddit. fuck me for expecting a comfy yakuza thread.
what happened? i remember we used to like this series

There are literally only two shitposts listed there.

Everything else is perfectly fine. And all you've done is make clear to everyone that you think a "shitpost" is any post you disagree with or don't like. I mean jesus christ everything you linked to is on topic, which is more than I can say for your little tantrum.

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They are all you arent they lmao
Kill yourself SPERG

unfortunately some people just can't appreciate god tier combat

So is Kiwami 2 poorly optimized or is my machine just bad? Apparently it's designed for PS4 instead of PS3 like Kiwami and 0, but it doesn't look that much better graphically. I mean, I'm playing on a laptop, but the other two games I mentioned ran just fine.

Works on my machine


As long as Yakuza goes, is one of the best together with Yakuza 2.


Okay keep seething over people having different opinions I guess. You're going to find the world has a lot of "shitposters" in it. I'm going back to actually talking about the games instead of trying to cure your autism now.

I can't tell you what a relief it is to read this and hear I wasn't the only one who felt this way

You still wont prove its not all you lmao

Yes please go back to posting cherrypicked webms I cant wait for more of this thrilling yakuza discussion

That's it
I'm shutting down the thread

Attached: rare_is_gay.jpg (534x418, 118K)

This is what being an ebin anonymous message board brings. One autist is enough to ruin everything. There are much better places to post about vidya, and MUH LEDDIT is one of them.

Attached: 1568812237754.jpg (1120x840, 118K)

Fine I'll waste my time taking a grab so you can move the goalposts in order to justify continuing your big baby tantrum over meanies saying opinions you don't like. You've already embarrassed yourself plenty by exposing yourself.

Attached: Capture.jpg (679x553, 73K)

yakuza combat is god tier but just looks shit in webms for some reason. trolls have taken advantage of this and are trying to make yakuza combat look bad by posting these webms. mods won't stop them because technically posting webms showing game footage isn't against the rules but yakuza is a unique case.

Attached: reminder.png (700x700, 64K)

I still refuse to use reddit out of principle
Hopefully this retard accidentally drinks drain fluid instead of milk one day and we can have good threads again

so posting footage of yakuza in yakuza threads is now bait

Eat shit schizo retard

I fucking hope so. I have so many faceapp pictures and dancing majima gifs to post. Threads have been ruined by people saying what they think the series weak points are.


Attached: 1566339581587.jpg (1024x575, 70K)

Come on man, have you seen Yakuza combat? It looks like shit when it's played back. But we all know it's incredibly good. Yea Forums wouldn't hype up a game with shit combat, and neither would a lot of ecelebs. What would they have to gain? IF yakuza combat was shit people would know by now. It's just unfortunate that it looks bad in motion.


>people posting memes of a series they like
UNTHINKABLE! I must shitpost to drown out the posters who are pretending to like this series!

>the only time the games look good is on the hardest difficulty on the hardest boss and if the player handicaps themselves with certain conditions that the game didn't provide
not really helping your case here user, and I say that as a fan of the games.
considering most people will play these games for 50 - 70 hours, these clips are so incredibly unrepresentative of what you'll actually be doing while playing that I'd almost think you were baiting

Aren't you the one crying about footage of yakuza combat being posted in these threads? lmao get a grip

user quick, you hate cherrypicked footage right? Well I've got a crime to report to you:

If you enjoyed Saints Row more than Grand Theft Auto, you'll enjoy Yakuzo 0. If you're more of a Grand Theft Auto type, then it might not be your cup of tea. That's the best way to explain it.

This is not what playing Yakuza games is like.

This is what playing Yakuza games is like.

Attached: 1559395522435.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

even though you're right and every single person in the thread who has played yakuza games knows it, I refuse to agree because I'd rather delude myself than let a fair criticism of yakuza be posted on Yea Forums without me calling it bait


Attached: 1568331767642.png (829x663, 621K)

Well I appreciate your honesty at least
Okay? I like Yakuza games, I'm not mad about anything.

Attached: Why the Yakuza games have good combat.png (593x1457, 600K)


nigga do you really expect me to read all that twitter shit
if the combat is fun its good, why do you retards overthink this shit

lol jesus christ

Attached: Not an argument.png (420x234, 159K)

>the same guy who now calls yakuza shit because it's popular

>Things that didn't happen

>this is not what playing yakuza games is like
>posts video from the same guy
I posted them because they are good m8

It's 80s Japan simulator. Your reaction to that sentence instantly tells you if you'll love this game.

>I'm not mad about anything.
I believe you, user that is not the autist who was btfo by actual good Yakuza footage.
kek I should check Yakuza threads more often

Attached: 1517580601655.jpg (757x1024, 345K)

>its only an argument when you relentlessly shit on the game

Does it have comfy city pop tunes?

Excellent taste in music sir

>I posted them because they are good m8
Yes? Fine? I didn't say they weren't good, I said they didn't represent what players will actually be doing when they play the games. What I posted is what Yakuza combat is like.

Top 20 album of all time for me. The guitar and bass tones are unmatched.

>walk into the club
>this plays

Attached: 2PPUFnj.jpg (1024x1024, 832K)


>fighting mr shakedown isnt what you would actually be doing
Lol shut up you stupid cunt
Run along now

>Does it have comfy city pop tunes?
No actually. There's not much 80s about it in all honesty. You can play a Yakuza game set in the 80s or in the 00s and they're essentially the same

it has eurobeat

user, I don't know what learning disability you have, but try to follow.
When people buy Yakuza and play them, they don't spend 50 hours doing fights like these do they?

No, they don't. They spend their time doing fights like these Do you actually deny this? Because if you say yes we'll all know you haven't played any of them

all the disco tunes are fucking great though
friday night is top tier

That proves my point. This sounds like it's from the late 90s or early 00s. No game set in the 80s should have music like this. It's not an 80s Japan simulator and the devs didn't try very hard to make it one if that was their goal.

Eurobeat and italodisco is 80s though

>they don't spend 50 hours doing fights like these
chances are they won't do fights like those at all. those clips are a player intentionally restricting themselves in order to try and make the game challenging. at any moment during those fights he could effortlessly cheese a win if he wanted to, which isn't something you can say about any game with good combat

Attached: 147043550693.jpg (480x313, 24K)

Tell me honestly that you think that track sounds 80s and not late 90s/00s.

aww poor babby upset someone posted good combat

beat the game and now wondering if I should 100% it

Attached: 121400.png (400x378, 79K)

>refuses to answer
Hello shitposter. Maybe leave the thread to people who have actually played the games, okay? I don't know why someone who has no interest in playing a game would want to waste time arguing about them but here you are.

You will start to hate the game, if you try to 100% it.

It does sound 80s, dont know what 90s music you're listening to

it's pretty gud


>I wish more Yakuza games put hiim as the protag instead of Kiryu

You can also play as Majima in Kiwami 2. He has his own separate story in that game.

probably because is spammed in every yakuza thread, along with the same three webms, so they call it shitposts now

Do you not think is good combat?

Nice pasta.

fuck mahjong

its woefully short but it has the best boss theme in the whole game and DIO

I can see the artifacts clearly, nice edit.

It's certainly better than the other titles in the series.

so it's been posted before, so what? I would be mad if it was full of lies or bait but it's pretty fair and a lot of people agree with it, so what's the problem? if people disagree they can disagree

Fuck the everyone here having the same arguments with the same people about the same thing everyday.
Just shut up and enjoy shit like this:

I already made my feelings on that post clear here

Exactly how bad is the rest of the series? I played 0 and enjoyed it, but I'm on the fence if this is a franchise worth investing time and money into or not.

>S: You got your salaryman in there, the delinquent school girl and her sugar daddy, Chinese people, and even those Nigerian touts. What's with all the fucking gaijin (foreigners) in the area anyway? It used to be just Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.
>M: Don't say gaijin. Say Gaikokujin. It's more polite. Jake's a gaijin.

Top kek based nips

Stop pretending to be me you fucking psychopath

i dont partake in these threads much, im just stating why they do it. I dont really think it was good or bad, it was just ok. had some nice highs but some serious lows, but autists on both sides cant accept that. it's always either the best game either or lifeless trash

Attached: 1553468517568.png (719x689, 507K)

Can we call mods on this guy already?

>You can also play as Majima in Kiwami 2
I'm not sure why they bothered with that.
>less than two hours long.
>Majima just uses a neutered version of his Mad Dog style from 0
>no substories or anything exclusive to do.
>no extra moves to get; no exp to use on anything.
>only side thing is fighting those thugs for plates for money which you'll have nothing to use on because of the above.

it's really not. only get into the series if you really want to waste time. 1 and kiwami is shit, 2 is okay but the story is shit (and kiwami 2 has bad combat). 3 is a bore. 4 and 5 are okay but then 6 is shit. so after investing over a thousand hours into the series which mostly isn't great, you get an unsatisfying ending that will just annoy you. worth it? no way.

0 = great
1 = shit
2 = great
3 = shit
4 = great until RUBBER BULLETS
5 = great
6 = shit


I appreciated it just for the Makoto scene
It was nice to see a small part of old Majima come back, even if it was only breif

Hi user. Quick question: do you think doesn't show good combat?

It became slightly popular
Yea Forums is hipster video gaming

Just filter him and dont respond to him. It may take another year but eventually he will fuck off.

Hey schizo user, how do you do it? There are some other games I fucking hate that I want to drive out of the board


Is it a series of diminishing returns?

>autismo trying to both dismiss the combat videos AND samefagging the same old "can't refute the webms!" posts at the same time
>desperate damage control to attempt to regain power over the thread
Imagine his seething right now lol

Attached: E34cP6D.png (640x644, 440K)

Sounds like I was right to drop it after 0. It had its moments but goddamn I am not autistic enough for this shit.

It does, that webm is from the youtuber i posted that you apparently dont think is good
I dont understand your point


How many times are you going to respond to yourself?

He's currently BTFO, you should seek advice from a more experienced Yea Forumsedditor.

5 is the second best game so no
6 isnt bad its just not a satisfying end, its still a good game


yakuza fans are still seething in this thread because their game has braindead combat it must hurt to give devs money for bad games huh

It's over. Try in another Yakuza thread bro.

Attached: R-6376176-1417855008-3547.jpeg.jpg (599x604, 130K)

Honest answer: Pick a game with an unbearably defensive and incredibly autistic fanbase and just post basic criticisms of the game. Don't lie, just post the truth. Post things about the game that aren't good, and the autistic seething fans will actually do all the heavy lifting. Other anons who agree with the points you make (they're true, after all) will agree with them and the autists will go into full DELETE THIS!!! MOOOOODS!!!! meltdown and will then begin actively destroying their own threads while insisting they're the ones saving them.

>still going

Attached: 1512326735734.png (645x729, 107K)

reminder that this is why he's doing it

Attached: autism.png (1315x103, 12K)

still seething

Attached: ftG0FyBp.jpg (277x281, 11K)

>the combat isn't bad because of this one boss fight where the player isn't allowing themselves to use their full moveset

Thank you for doing more damage to the reputation of this game than I ever could have. I'll be copypasting your very own posts in future threads to make Yakuza look worse.

Attached: pure cope.jpg (1430x1023, 62K)



Attached: 1566338606739.png (751x1569, 251K)

>i will counter shitposting with.. shitposting!
Is this his master plan? Crashing this plane with no survivors?

I wonder what game he's such a big fan of.
My bet is on either Uncharted or The Last of Us

>he basically admitted he's seething

Attached: 1567567441586.jpg (676x858, 51K)

Attached: oCcc7H.gif (400x225, 1.38M)


>taxi missions in yakuza 5
Why did they get rid of these? They were fun as fuck

They were cool but the Heat Move slingshot was too OP. A little bit more budget and care and it could have been its own game.

Attached: 1567393286048.png (828x720, 599K)

>Player isn't allowing themselves to use their full moveset
Literally happens to only OP moves and there's probably 2 of them in the game at best. Imagine seething so hard that you call no damage runs "m-muh self limiters"

I would appreciate if you would delete your post, it's kind of undermining my argument

Stop giving him the attention he craves

1/Kiwami 1 makes it x10 better because you get to understand certain characters.

lol based

Do NOT lewd loli Haruka

>he's still at it

Attached: 1454011322571.jpg (664x719, 49K)

Good point

Personally I think not knowing that Nishiki turns out to be a piece of shit is better, ignorance is bliss

Guess you're right senpai but i just have that deep "bullshit trigger" that goes off whenever i see retards posting dumb shit. Something just makes me want to break their arms.
But yeah, he seeks attention so I'll just filter him out and stop feeding my anger issues.

This is just sad man

can you imagine cherrypicking footage of yakuza combat in order to misrepresent the game as a whole

Holy shit this thread is literal cancer.
Yakuza 0 for me had the best story of the Yakuza games I have played. If people think 0 is a movie-game then I honestly wonder if they played the game at all. It had great story and most of the substories were funny. Game is quite easy unless you play on hard mode, but you have to understand the core essence of the Yakuza franchise: they are not supposed to be Dark Souls-tier hard... they are meant to be fun to play and Yakuza 0 was just that, an extremely fun and satisfying combat where you are meant to kick ass in the most flashy and brutal way possible. That's what makes it fun and why Heat Actions are part of the series, just like the execution attacks in Bayonetta for example....
It's a fun game that doesn't take itself too seriously but still manages to tell a good emotional melodramatic story centered at young men, which may or may not interest you.

they should have just replaced the heat move with a standard nitrous boost or something and toned it down a bit

>the guy who posts SEETHING LMAO over and over has anger issues and admits they are actually fuming over a videogame discussion

can you imagine playing a bad game and then trying to defend it with shit webms? This is every yakuza fan

it was obviously projection from the start

Most people on Yea Forums talking shit about yakuza is souls fags pressing 2 buttons calling it better gameplay.

Imagine the sad life of that guy lol.
Keep going, I'm almost there autist-kun.

Attached: 1461223408077.png (527x634, 560K)

>I'll be copypasting your very own posts in future threads to make Yakuza look worse.
are you really going to dedicate so much of your time to that?
that's just sad, user

>Something just makes me want to break their arms.
calm down you fucking sperg, jesus
imagine getting this mad while trying to convince everyone that yakuza combat was good

Attached: 1559400108526.webm (748x420, 2.92M)

I wonder what other games can you cherrypick this way?
>Anarchy Gage in BL2
>Dark Souls parry fishing
>Persona autobattle

I dunno, if I was good enough at trolling that I could make someone THIS mad I would do it too

"Movie-game" is such a retarded insult
Its a jrpg brawler, no shit it has tons of text
Is FF also a series of movie games? Fire Emblem? Of course not
Its a 100 hour game and only about 20 hours of that is cutscenes, which is still heaps but its pretty far from being a "movie"
A movie-game is something like a walking sim arthouse game, but even then I think its a stupid way to describe a game.
If its fun, which it is, then its good.

Jesus Christ.... 317 posts and only 76 posters...

Attached: 1568487492992.jpg (400x800, 116K)

OK I'm starting to feel a little bad for the guy. Thanks for the laughs anyway, see you on the next Yakuza thread!

Attached: 1454731925194.jpg (367x523, 18K)

>He fell for my trap
>He fell for it so hard he replied two times
Oh, sweetie.

That faggot is about 50% of this thread
This happens every Yakuza thread now btw
I hate this place, we need ids

Attached: 1568402235650.png (900x729, 129K)

I'm not letting you go cunt.
post more Joost please

im not even the yakuza shit poster you are talking about whoever "he" is im not him but i will gladly join the side of not promoting shit games

do people really think yakuza combat is good?

>We need IDs
God i miss /vint/
We had quality posts for the entire day because all shitposters got outed so hard. Last two April fools were a fucking joke

Pose for the screenshot, boys.

Attached: j90purtif3e11.jpg (236x189, 12K)


I got about halfway through the game and dropped it because I lost interest in the melodrama and the silly side content lost its appeal.

Attached: saturn.jpg (598x900, 75K)

lmao the only good thing about Yea Forumseddit Yakuza threads are the faceapp pics, I swear to god.

Personally I feel like it's one of the worst ones in the series and only disliked Kiwami 1 more. The basic storyline is decent but the side content, specifically the two business storylines to get your 4th fight style are just such a boring and soulless grind. Majora's is alright since the minigame is kinda fun but Kiryu's is just literally waiting for a bar to fill, going through a few menus then more waiting. The waits are short enough you can't really do anything useful during them and long enough to be annoying and even with gaming the system for near unlimited money you'll be such in this cycle of waiting forever.

You will also need to grind to max out your fight styles because the means of upgrading is money rather than XP this time and all the costs are over inflated, though this isn't really an issue as 0 is really fucking easy even for a Yakuza game.

you sound like a simpleton

Where's Moose?
You know it's a sad state of affairs when even he doesn't post in Yakuza threads anymore


yakuza 1 and 2 kiwami pale in comparison

nice shitpost

Jesus christ what is wrong with yakuza fans


>this thread

>He's still at it
God imagine getting so BTFO all you can muster is a single word.
What country are you from by the way? Just wondering what state lets their schizos run freely

A lot of it is a chore but there's fun too. Kiwami is shit though. After 0 you're pretty much played the best the series has to offer.

If you had told me two years ago that Yakuza would be the series that got copious amounts of shitposting, I would've laughed in your face, yet here we are.
Was porting to PC the fatal mistake?

what the...

Attached: yakuza has great combat.jpg (1330x764, 309K)

Delete this image please

It's undeniable that there are a bunch of people who only got into this series because it felt "niche" and that made them feel like they had good taste
then they found out the games were "niche" because they were shit and boring

>casuals acting like casuals and not digging deeper above surface level
That's like every single game nowadays

If I knew that the autist who inhabits Yea Forums Yakuza threads was so mentally bankrupt and easily BTFO by his own posting I would have joined in on the fun a lot sooner. Look at him still going RIP actual good Yakuza threads but that's what boards with IDs are for, I guess.

>315 replies
>76 unique posters
Why is this guy so vehementy shitposting?

Attached: 1561217867510.png (388x376, 218K)

the only good thing about Yea Forumseddit Yakuza threads are the faceapp pics, I swear to god

No idea, but he's been BTFO now. Yakuza combat is officially god tier.

Attached: 1559419148049.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Because his favourite game got shat on

everyone knows yakuza combat is shit why is this discussion still happening every day

>his autism doesn't let him stop

Attached: 1470192071118.jpg (700x700, 294K)



Have you calmed down yet user or do you still want to break people's arms in anger over videogame opinions


Man I fucking hate what happened to Majima past 0. In 0 he was such a prime fucking character, truly the best example of a human being, but then he starts acting like a complete fag for no good reason

Attached: output (1).jpg (700x700, 135K)

Kiryu is an ally so naturally Yea Forums supports him and his game.

Attached: 1567718355316.jpg (1920x1080, 348K)

I dunno man, this is definitely true if you consider the series as a whole since each game is basically the same, but Yakuzao 0 itself was pretty fun all the way through I think.

Attached: Parasite.jpg (600x300, 72K)

Attached: 1567718196950.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

Thanks for another hook for laughing at your autism's expense, user, but the thread has run its course for me. See ya!

Attached: 1536863590907.jpg (633x711, 23K)

so this is why Yea Forums is so adamant to defend these games and their honor

pretty based

To be fair if i went through so much weird shit in my life like Kiryu did i wouldn't be phased by trannies either. On a scale of Yakuza weirdness trannies are pretty tame stuff

Nigga did you see what happens if you fail at Michiru's substory in 3?

>announcing for the third time that you're leaving the thread
I understand, user. You're clearly a busy guy. Later!

I want to suck Zelda's titties!

I am. I've got Smash roster threads and LoL threads to monitor. I am extremely happy with my life.

It's just an expansion to how he came to be the way he was in 1. The best thing is knowing why Majima is the way he is, playing 1 then 0 makes you appreciate him a lot. Idk, that's the way I see it.

I just finished the story for Yakuza 3 remastered tonight. Might go back and clean up the coliseum fights, but shit takes ages. Enemies constantly block if I combo, dodge if I do anything, break my grab if I grab them. How do I get over powered in combat?

>Smash threads
>LoL threads
Well that explains your sperg-rage. Just try not drive a van into innocent people in fury because someone said they don't think yakuza combat is great.

Unfortunately true. There's a lot of time I wish I could get back.

chill out autismo

Attached: s9d34g3hj11.png (735x767, 729K)

Ironically this is your attempt at deceiving people who genuinely enjoyed the game into believing they're deceiving themselves

No combat is shit and there's soo many cutscenes

t. almost became self aware before the conditioning kicked in

In other words you completely agree with the post but you don't like that you do

Kiwami 2 sale when?

>Cutscenes are bad
Zoom zoom

Yes the post is true but I still enjoyed 0 outside a handful of tedious parts and some repetition. Played some Kiwami afterwards but it was shit so I left it there. I have no regrets and overall enjoyed my time with Yakuza.

>yakuza comes to PC
>all threads are irrevocably shit
happens every time

Just pirate. It's not a good enough port to justify buying and the combat sucks anyway. Even on sale you'd probably regret it.

>people outside a tiny circlejerk play a game and find out it's not flawless
>start talking about the games flaws
this is how threads get ruined. every fucking time. I wish the mods would do something.

You've been at this for five hours, this isn't healthy


Pick one.

Attached: Yakuza spa fight.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


>press triangle to continue watching the movie
wow great boss fight
this is the god tier combat that one user is bursting into tears over because they're so angry anyone would dare criticize it?

Good post

It was just on sale a week ago.

Unironically the best game of all time.

Why do no other videogames come even close to Yakuza in terms of god tier writing?

Attached: Yakuza God Tier Writing.webm (650x364, 2.97M)

user please

>Not one of the best written characters in vidya

>le random japanese joker

If that's true then videogame writing is even worse than I thought

He's funny.

It's only slightly better than 5, which was slightly better than 4, which was slightly better than 3. There being some huge discrepancy between the quality of Yakuza games is a fucking meme. The entire franchise ranges from like 7.5/10 at the low end to like 8.5/10 at the high end.

>overwrought soap opera plot twist dogshit
>God-tier writing
Lmfao this is what weebs actually believe, holy fuck.

Keep in mind I’ve played most of the Yakuzas and enjoy the gameplay, but if you honestly consider it “god-tier writing” then I don’t even want to interact with you anymore.

it's fun
my only complaints are
-real estate royale is a lot of waiting
-honestly not much incentive to do Majima's equivalent of RER
-disco AI is busted for sidequests
>eyes on the character models vibrate rapidly sometimes for no reasons

Attached: 1569079622518.gif (346x360, 873K)

oh man oh god oh fuck oh shit oh jeez
this jackass of an user won't interact with me anymore over a disagreement
fuck what am i to do

That's subjective. I thought 4 was better than 5 and 0 is better than 3,4 and 5.

saw exactly this happen to a friend of mine who basically liked whatever their favorite faggot youtuber told them to like. they bought four yakuza games because they were SOOO GOOOD according to the youtuber and they didn't get halfway through ONE of them before dropping it. but they still insist they'll finish it because it IS great they're just distracted by OTHER games right now. they can't accept they were duped into spending far too much money on something shit. youtube man wouldn't lie!!

The only good thing about Yea Forumseddit Yakuza threads are the faceapp pics, I swear to god

>pic related

Attached: What the fug.png (1186x1180, 810K)

Holy shit! 405 posts and under 100 posters... what does this one guy have against Yakuza 0 lmao it's just game, dude chill out
seriously the funniest thread ever on Yea Forums

Attached: 1569196606788.jpg (300x301, 11K)

I'm halfway through zero and feeling this way. Should I force myself to finish it?

this thread has twice as many posters as yakuza threads usually get

When will Sega apply this animation style to there games?

It's good but not as good as it could have been. It should have been 100% focused on Majima. The Kiryu segments were terrible and boring. Doesn't help later games take a dump on Majima's character growth since they were written before 0.

If you're not having fun playing a videogame then no you shouldn't force yourself. It's fucking videogames.

I think more than one person has criticized Yakuza 0 in this thread, user

He didn't get popular until 4 or 5 so that's when they decided to make a game about him.

you're replying to a cope poster

Doesn't combat like this get boring after a while? The enemies never seem to do anything and just wait for you to do the cutscene move

you basically mash or spam your way through most fights but the games aren't really about combat so it's not as big a deal as it would be in other games.

That's why they changed it to turn based combat, maybe this time enemies have a chance of beating you.

More reused assets than a Neptunia game.

>aside from 0 just being a good game on its own, was glad that Yakuza was finally getting popular so that more people could go on to enjoy the entire series

>over two and a half years after the western PS4 release and 0fags still have not moved on
>probably 95% of the people who started with 0 did not even play past Kiwami
>0fags still want to discuss 0 at every opportunity despite several new games in the series having released in the interim
>the vast majority of screenshots posted and memes created are about 0
>people shit on the rest of the series saying that 0 is the only good one despite not even having played the others
I'm disappointed.

Attached: 1539731544537.png (251x231, 40K)

>tfw no Yuki gf

Weak bait.

Not him but also kinda half him but it's true.

Eh, it's kind of true though. What I don't get is if the games are 90% reused assets every time why do we now get LESS minigames than before? Just leave them all in.

Is this how you cope?

I bet a million dollars right now that you'd have to leave your controller untouched for at least half an hour before you get a game over in yakuza 7

desu apart from 1 it's the best game in the series.

>>>>>still responding to the retard
filters exist you know

>Doesn't combat like this get boring after a while?

Attached: Yakuza spin move.webm (1280x720, 409K)


You mean 2.

all the posts I don't like are by one person. I don't want to reply to them and I don't want anyone else to either.

uhh okay
take your meds

>this one user who is still trying to convince everyone that yakuza combat isn't god tier with his cherrypicked webms

It's time to give up, bait-kun

kiwami 2's combat was fucking retarded


Out of curiosity, has anyone ever 100% a Yakuza game?

I mean, holly shit i tried 100% yakuza and and it is taking forever, now i need to learn fucking majong to 100% it. wtf.

Apparently all games have something like this.

Attached: 1540084523298.jpg (700x1244, 92K)

Holy shit, and not refuted ONCE?

Just because you're at an all you can eat buffet doesn't mean you have to eat literally everything there. Some people do, but don't force it.

Based Gary

Is Gary /ourguy/?

the irony of this post

Tinder is such shite I haven't seen a single chick who isnt either a pig or a turbo slut