You have 3 seconds to name a christian group-appropriate game to play today

you have 3 seconds to name a christian group-appropriate game to play today

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Animal Crossing

Shin Megami Tensei

Super Noahs Ark

Final Fantasy 12. It has cultural disintegration, race-mixing, and teaches that abandoning your tribe is a good thing.


Imagine being a religious fh when you have access to the Internet, holy shit.

devil survivor
postal 2

>being a slave to the jew
Yess, it's totally normal to feel guilty, white boy.

He never said it'd be easy.

The west went to shit after we abandoned God
Change my mind

Tetris gets hype af yo

Veggietales: Escape From Veggie Island

Why did mods delete my post?

The God Of War games since you kill European Gods left and right, that should make them jizz their pants like the race traitor cuck faggots they are

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Gott mit uns, cristnigger. People like you have committed the most horrible atrocities in recorded human history.

Mods are athiest trannies.


Just minutes after the Epicuros thread got slammed.
You are dedicated to this shit, aren't you? Except this one is way less fun.

Stop larping.

Super Noah's ark 3D

Any WW2 game, since in those you do the bidding of the "chosen people". The modern day equivalent of going on a crusdade to die for Yahweh.

According to ch**stians humanity has no moral value.

>christian chan

You must be talking about Jews or Muslims

I thought this was a Your Turn to Die thread for a hot second.

Christians did commit horrible shit you raging fucktard, stop pretending they haven't.

>People like you have committed the most horrible atrocities in recorded human history
your nose is showing senpai

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