Well, Yea Forums? Are video games too cheap?
Well, Yea Forums? Are video games too cheap?
Other urls found in this thread:
>spending any money on a game
i'll continue to spend $0 (ZERO dollars) on videogames
I wont pay over 20 for a video game, especially now that they are loaded with fags and shit.
video games are not even real anymore.
>paid internet
Anyways I've only bought indie games that are like $20 and a handful of Japanese games since the PS4 released.
>every game is $60 + $40 season pass
>FFVII will be $300 plus a new console to get the whole thing
>too cheap
i will keep just pirating everything
Shoo shoo nigger
Do I look like a give a fuck.
>$60 base game
>$25-$40 for deluxe edition
>$30-$100 season pass
>multiple season passes
>infinite microtransactions
Not every game needs a $10,000,000 budget. Charging $60 for everything is outrageous.
fuck up, white boi
>bought hollow knight when it was on sale
>one of the best games i've ever played
>guilt from not paying full price sets in
Then we'll have every game developer funded by Patreon, or government grants.
Video games are very rarely 60 dollars for a complete package these days.
This guy gets it
>Street Fighter 5 gets discounted to $8
>Buying the base game + the three season passes bumps the price up to $70
I feel bad for the people who bought it at launch.
>heres your 3 hour shitty story campaign and equally shitty skinner box multiplayer mode bro
>thatll be 120 dollars plus tip
fuck off, if you cant turn a profit selling games for the already lofty price if sixty bucks, maybe you shouldnt spend a billion dollars making them
>game launches for $60
>it lowers in price a few weeks later
and not just shitty games, popular games do this as well.
never understood though.
>The problem? Video game budgets have become astronomical ($500 million USD or higher, 70% of that being marketing budget)
>The solution? You're going to pay $200 for a video game, goyim!
No thanks
>buy a new game that's probably garbage
>buy at least 20 days worth of food
which one do i need to live
Time to get back on pirating.
Must say that I haven't bought a full game since Hakoniwa explorer which was Jun 2018
That's only an indie game aswell.
I've been doing fine working on my backlog and waiting a year or so for games to drop in price or have GOTY releases with everything.
Sure it sucks that games like Hitman are now timelocking content but I'm not paying full price for unfinished shit.
>More people buy videogames than before
>Tonnesof pointless money is spent on graphics that get outdated to appeal to casuals
>Even more is spent on retarded celebrity VAs and marketing
>To top it off $60 is the "base" game now as games shovel dozens of season passes and micro-transactions down your throat
Modern games should be free now with how retardedly cut up they are.
so 120 for a complete game or 120 plus 50 dlcs of cut content? because we already have the 1st one
not when they're this fucking horrible no
Modern AAA games are ALREADY 120 buckaroons with all of their content.
>Costs the game industry 300 million to make a game
>Charge you $60 for it
>You don't even get the full game on purchase anymore, instead you have to pre-order from several varying locations and buy all the DLC to get the full extent of what you paid for
>Costs the film industry 300 million to make a movie
>$10-20 at the most for a ticket to see it
>The only other things you're buying are amenities like drinks and popcorn, but that's supporting the individual cinemas and not the actual film industry
Why are video game developers and publishers so entitled? No one's asking anyone these companies to put an extra 100-200 million out for marketing purposes in order to try and guilt trip consumers. It's also typically better to wait for certain games a year down the line so the same company can sell you the "Complete" Edition of that same game.
No if a video game is more expensive then less people will buy them.
I don't see how that impacts me but ok
How can EA continue buying football commercial ads when games are $60. Think of the fucking devs!
>Buying games
Good, devs will actually have to pitch a good game in order to get funding because the consumers will have them by the balls.
>piracy in PC gaming is rampant and unstoppable even with cutting edge DRM
>start offering heavy discounts for recently released titles
>it works
Who even made this post? Surely not a game developer, there's no way one would be that retarded.
Though Epic is pretty fucking stupid, so maybe it's not that farfetched. Epic is actually inexplicably fucking retarded, as are the publishers who go exclusive with them.
Objectively speaking, no.
There's far less content in games these days.
Developers and publishers are far more enabled in pretending you don't own the games you own these days making games far less valuable in their own right.
The issue is that developers want you to believe that a higher polycount and texture resolution somehow translates to more work having been done, and granted, if you aren't aware at all the tools for automation in professional level workstation software. You'd be inclined to believe that 4x the polycount and 4x the resolution of a texture somehow translates to 4x the work.
The reality however, is that asset production and automation has become increasingly easier and software has not been reflective of the advancements in allowing people to work less.
At the most generous, games could be described as "Bigger" but not any more dense than games from like 12 years ago.
lmfao i don't even buy games now
The last time i bought a game was hollow knight
Films are literally 3 hours tops of content.
Video games can have an infinite amount of content.
Not comparable at all.
EA literally put out the exact same Basketball game as the year prior and got away with it without any threats of lawsuits.
You don't even get full game for 60 bucks anymore. It's just base for dlcs and """"micro""""transactions. Jewery is getting out of hand, my fellow gamers
I buy Japanese games and indie games
t. me
>vidyergames less advanced like 20 years ago
>make software to make making games easier
>consumer base goes through the fucking roof as well for AAA companies/titles. More consumers=more revenue
>start doing digital only sales unless there is a public outcry, dont have to spend more money on materials, and you're never out of stock
Good. The Kickstarter model lets us have any game as long as there's enough demand for it. No more being subjugated by the wants of publishers.
Most fun games are 20 or less
AAA games lack soul, theyre overpriced and mediocre, might as well pay regular price and be the same or better
>won't someone think of the multi-million dollar companies
Do you know how likely fucked your sells would be if a base game's starting price was above $75 in a non-economic inflation scenario? Whoever is even trying to suggest the price for games should be as high as $100 is basically asking for another video game crash to happen.
Also and nobody wants to acknowledge this but increasingly a game's budget is blown on advertisers that ask for more and more money to advertise
Cope buycuck
Most games nowadays are as long as an actual movie.
>buying games
I'll consider it if pic related becomes a thing finally.
Because video game 'journalism' are a shill arm of an oligarchy designed to nickel and dime some of the socioeconomically poorest who won't adequately question the unethical practices.
why the fuck would I pay a cent for video games when I can watch it for free on twitch ? lol ?
>images you can hear
I guarantee the start of next gen is when game prices go up. And I'm willing to bet on Call of Duty being the first to do it.
Nah how about they just stop hiring fucking movie stars for their games?
Absolutely. Cost of AAA video game development has increased exponentially compared to a top of the line 90's title with maybe a team of a dozen, and yet they're less than half as cheap when adjusted for inflation. They do sell in vastly larger quantities, though.
They are.
But I don't care because I spend $180 a year to get various games on a subscription plan.
The next video game crash literally cannot come soon enough.
>paying for games
whoever wrote that is either one of the people working on games and think they deserve a massive pat on the back for writing code or something or they are completely off their rocker.
either way thats WAY too fucking much for a videogame. I'm not going to spend 1/4th the amount of money i already spend on a console on games
>idea guy thinks an idea is the most important part of the game
Imagine being a paypig
The solution for you is to simply raise the price of consoles.
99% of games arent worth 5 bux
Why are many (not all) of the weeb games staying at high prices? A friend a few months ago suggested God Eater 2 on PC but its been staying at $50+ for quite awhile now. Don't get me started on Toei and Square Enix games.
i know you were born in the 2000s, but video games actually cost >$150 back in the day adjusted
wrong on every level. apply yourself faggot
>Spending the national treasury confiscated under threat of force so nerds can make shitty
How can you compare a 1.5-3 hour one time experience to a game that can be played as often as you want? are you retarded?
Otherwise I agree though it's fine to wait and all that but $60 for a game is fucking fair given the relative comparison to how much games cost in the 80s and 90s even without inflation.
I will willingy pay $100 for a game at launch, but I want everything to be included at launch, no DLC, no season passes, microtransactions, nothing
That or free content updates on occasion, like Overwatch
Nope, it's correct. Provide proof if you think otherwise, nigger lover. If you can't even intuitively reason out that paying 200 people for a game is more expensive than 10 nerds working on a SNES title then you ought to lobotomize yourself immediately.
how much did a ps1 game cost? adjusted for inflation
Hollywood only exists because of the millions of tasteless Chinese masses, it would be an unprofitable venture otherwise.
Video games sell more than ever before, and they also siphon far more than "just sixty dollars" when you take into account DLC and all that other bullshit.
And especially for the major titles, they've chosen to adopt Free2Play models while still retaining up-front full-price values on the base game. So if anything, these sorts of video games shouldn't just cost less, they should be free, period.
If games were in enough demand to warrant a 120 dollar pricetag, then we wouldn't see a majority of them halve in price after being on the market for like 6 months now, would we?
>in the 2000's
nigger i was born in the 80's.
doesnt matter though. $60 is enough and anyone defending a raise in game prices is out of their mind.
I hope you never learn about PBS.
It will succeed, too. Because like all cases of this, the already successful ones end up winning in the end, while the ones who could barely scrape by get drowned out, redirecting their sales to the now even fewer limited but already widely successful choices available as the only alternate means.
Movies sell way more tickets than all but the biggest video games sell copies
>"muh inflation" says the corporate shill
the second the average game costs more than 60$ is the second I stop buying new games. I barely buy new games as is.
I pay for my games, but this "free market doesn't work and we need to artificially fix prices based my personal sense of morality" shit makes me want to pirate everything from now on.
$60 is enough for a dev team of 5 dudes like back in the day. as long as you're fine with that kind of quality then i agree
i didnt own a playstation. I had a Genesis until i got an N64 for christmas in '97
last time I spent money on a game was on my ps2 17 years ago
Also the reason why everyone does dlc and season pass garbage now is because it was a way of raising prices without pissing off autists who didn't understand inflation. faggots who say that a game should never cost more than 60 dollars no matter what are the reason why you can't get away from this shit nowadays.
Irrelelvant, he's comparing the amount of money going into the production. Whether something lasts an hour or 100 hours does not mattter. All that matters is how much it costs to make, how much it sells, and how much each sale is.
>Yea Forums want to pay 150 dollars per game
>except Zelda, 60 is too much
make up your mind lmao
>instead of making money from more sales we will make money from higher price
indie game development was a mistake
READ ALL OF IT, DON'T FUCKING COME BACK TO ME WITH A TL;DR. You asked for an argument and I am providing it.
just live long enough to see the public domain grow so huge with quality content, that no sane person would care for new products.
i am fed up with the industry
i thought that it's me and you Yea Forums that changed, but i was wrong.
video games aren't made with love anymore, their sole purpose now is to make money and that's where the fun ended
the video game industry has become a chinese sweatshop and i can't remember the last game i played where i felt genuine joy
i'm not playing video games anymore for fun, it has become a job to consume and rate
i want my soul returned to me, give it back milhouse
let it all burn, it has lasted for far too long
Why would they get cheaper? It's not like they lose value.
The only games that become worthless after a few weeks are games that you'd only play to be cool, to show your friends that you pay attention to what's new and popular. An actually good game that relies on quality rather than advertising should remain at the same price forever, or at least a really long time.
>pirated hollow knight
>one of the best games I've ever played
>no guilt whatsoever
>gonna pirate Silksong too
No, games are too expensive. The overwhelming majority should be $10-40 at best. $60 is the absolute upper limit.
literally none of that addressed my point you fucking autistic retard
games HAVE to be more expensive to make up for these team size increases, kill yourself and your family
Because they retain their value, and the publishers know the audience is there. Same reason Nintendo does it. If you want a counter example, look how selling indie games for pennies in bundles destroyed their perception of value, to where people think $20 for a 10 hour game is too much
Never gonna happen because people who paid $100 will start asking for new DLC and then publishers will start nickle and diming them until they end up paying $200+ for the game
Are you retarded? If an idea for a game sounds bad why would someone fund it? Not saying the end product will be great because kickstarter games are a thing now and we seen how shitty some can be but that just means they will have to step up their game and actually deliver on what was promised or fuck off for the next game because nobody will trust them and we, the customers, hold the cards. Best case consumers get a little more power and we get fun games again and not just movies pushing diversity or some shit, worst case nothing changes so no real downside.
>maybe you shouldnt spend a billion dollars making them
Pretty much this. Mostly because they spend more money on marketing then on development costs. I'm sure hiring actual celebrity actors costs a bit too.
Movies are finally catching on with the DLC shit, forgot about Spiderman Far from home?
>you should be spending twice as much as you do now
what the fuck
what is wrong with people?
>such a literal who you omitted the name
also no
>spending $60 on a video game
I haven't spent more than 30 for a game in like 10 years.
Anything that's higher i just wait for a sale. NO game is worth that much anymore.
spend less money on marketing
Maybe the industry should stop overpricing video games than.
>Here's the same game as last year with an 6-8 hour main story with some tacked on multiplayer, that'll be 60 dollars plus tip please!
i mean its not like games have gotten better now have they. theyve certainly gotten prettier and their scope has grown. but they arent better. I'll agree on a raised price when "AAA" games arent already money grubbing piles of shit.
by the way. there are plenty of "small team" games that cost less than half $60 these days
>using premade engine means less money spent on programmers
>scalable hosting servers means maintaining game is cheaper
>chinese sweatshops churning out textures models sounds
>you can develop literal shit and casuals will buy millions
>hurrdurr 60$ is too cheap
Is that bug okay?
When I look up a game to buy, one of the first things I check is if they have in-game purchases. Specifically I see if there's an option to buy game currency that comes in bundles greater than $60. If they have that I'm probably going to skip the game. If they go over $100 I will definitely never play that game.
>Are video games too cheap?
Don't see how, you can't get any cheaper than free lmao
That's an incorrect leap of judgment. Games do not have to be more expensive if the games being produced are done so responsibly with reasonable budgets. That is the responsibility of the developers to determine how large their team needs to be in order to keep their ROI high at a $60 price point.
Do you understand? Team sizes do not need to be large, so game prices do not need to be high to mitigate that decision. Large team sizes are not a necessity. They are a choice.
>Games cost 60$ now
>come with less content
>what content it does come with is more than likely walled up behind artificial time barriers or god forbid a pricetag
>have ridiculously expensive marketing and graphics that bloat the budget
Fuck off, I will use an example right here and now to how cancerous this industry is
>play Gears 5
>like 7 characters total to play as on the COG
>need to get DLC to play as other characters, 2 of which are stuck in the 80$ version of the game
>Play Gears 3 from 8 years ago
>literal dozens of characters, modifiers and other customization options to choose from and unlock without DLC
>other characters part of fairly large and cheap DLC packs that include new content and maps
I can't even fucking play as the character I've been rocking since Gears 1 since he's stuck behind an artificial time barrier where I have to wait months just for a chance of him being added then I still need to play hours upon hours just for a chance to unlock him.
Fuck this industry.
You're fucking retarded if you think this. Games could be $100 base and they would still be selling DLC and Season Passes for just the same amount, if not more.
They're doing DLC and Season Passes ONLY because it gets them more money, not because it's some "fair" way to raise the base price of the game.
But games DO cost that much, when they cut out content, and make it DLC
I spent $30 on the entire LotR Extended Cut Blu-Ray, and those movies combined contribute a little more than 11 hours to get through. That's longer than most video games that are asking for $60 + $20 Season pass + DLC. And that's assuming I'm also an absolute brainlet you only views movies as one-time experiences that should be consumed then thrown away.
I can honestly say I've seen the trilogy at a bare minimum of 6 times now, and that's being very conservative
This guy is a massive idiot who doesn't understand economics. The market would not bear a $120 price tag for video games, sales would plummet. That's why publishers have had to rely on DLC, collectors' editions, and microtransactions to raise the prices without actually raising the prices
So do you think that games were way too expensive in the 90s and the industry is much better nowadays?
that's not how pricing works dipshit. the man hours spent developing a video game are not significantly different from developing a movie, and recouping that cost is what prices are based on
otherwise you're saying something like monster hunter should be $500 just because it has more potential entertainment, or that Avatar tickets should be twice as much because it's longer. both of those are fucking retarded
Sockpuppet accounts, people do this to boost their likes in order to trick idiots into agreeing with their shit or downloading their malicious shit.
I guess I take the hit more than usual because I saw SNK Herorines put on PC earlier in the year, with no fanfare, but was still interested because the waifus and I heard it had a simplified fighting system. Unfortuantely its still at a very high price and stats show the community never existed for the game in the first place. I have a backlog so I'm not in a rush to get these stuff, but still find it horrible to see a game like THAT one at full price.
Publishers waste hundreds of millions of marketing with garbage pre-rendered Hollywood bullshit trailers instead of making a good game and letting the gameplay speak for itself.
Publishers are just greedy, that's it. EA made $5B+ in 2018. They'll never be happy with a fuck ton of money, they want literally all of the money. They want every single penny, nickel, dime, quarter, euro, peso, yen, etc. They want all the money on Earth. They could make a profit of $1T and it still wouldn't be enough for EA.
I'd happily pay $80 for a game - if it was good and didn't have any removed content or garbage DLC or MTX.
>This whole fucking thread
I agree. The problem is that the based retard cited movie ticket prices rather than blu-ray discs.
WHY STOP AT $120, MAKE THEM $200, $300 EVEN
All games should be free and paid for by the government as reparations for flooding my town full of niggers and beaners
>well over $100 for a new game
that’s a good way to increase piracy
That's not true at all, you smooth brained monkey.
Gears is without doubt one of the worst victims of this shit.
But those games still sell like wildfire, every time. The fact is that most people are suckers and have no perception of value outside of what corporations tell them is valuable.
The new Gears game already had a legit 70€ pricetag on steam and I understand it has microtransactions on top anyway.
how's that boot taste?
>haha dude just sell a game made by 20 people for 60 dollars, it'll work out trust me
uh ok user
>$120 for a game
Well that depends. Is it a complete game? No bullshit locked behind preorder bonuses? Does it have DLC? Microtransactions? If not then it’s not worth $120.
How does hunger taste like, commie?
How come nobody who ever engages in these discussions understands the core concept of economics? No good or service is exempt from the relationship of supply and demand.
God of War
>No mtx
>No season pass
>$40 now
>Season pass
>Costumes locked by toys
Fuck the gooks
So how was a 4 hour game costing 80+ dollars in the 90s any better?
>Avatar tickets should be twice as much because it's longer
There is a bit of sense to that. Longer movies mean fewer showings per screen at theaters. Fewer showings mean fewer sales. Variable ticket prices would mitigate those losses for the theaters.
Video games are already the most expensive mainstream medium, if you charge more all you're going to do is lead to more games bombing in sales and more developers shuttering because nobody is going to buy them.
I don't like DLC or microtransactions but they're the only reason the AAA industry is able to stay afloat. I wouldn't even be against that tanking to shit but I'd assume they realize this too or else they would have tried a price jump by now.
Just a reminder that $60 is still too much. Games cost retailers anywhere from $15 to $30 to put on their shelves. The markup is ungodly. >Cue the retail niggers saying this isn't true and the mark up isn't """that much""""
It's one of the reasons I appreciate what Wal Mart has been doing this summer by dropping most of their $60 games to $50 in store. Games are too expensive, and anyone who says otherwise is a
>>Games cost 60$ now
>>come with less content
>>what content it does come with is more than likely walled up behind artificial time barriers or god forbid a pricetag
>>have ridiculously expensive marketing and graphics that bloat the budget
This. Low base game price is compensated by paywalls.
Why not? Do you look up the length of the Credits list of a game to determine how the appropriate retail cost of a game?
nice pic user. its so funny its true.
Attention all government entities, I am officially declaring my support for the mass genocide off all (ALL) corpocuck bugmen.
>small dev teams
I unironically think this helps explain "soul". With older video games you get how it's the strong vision of just a few people. The more cooks in the kitchen (and the more publisher meddling), the more watered down it gets, with design-by-committee and focus groups and mechanics built around system reuse instead of the other way around. The vision often gets lost.
me on the right
>bought eggs on sale
>made the best scrambled eggs of my life
>food analogy
I refuse to pay more than 20 dollars for a video game. During the 6th generation, most of the games I bought were players choice/greatest hits titles on GC/PS2 that were 10-20 each for the best games on the systems. On PC I only buy things when there are decent sales going on. The last console I purchased was a PS3 back in 2010. Only game I even own on the thing is Uncharted 2, which came packed-in, because I bought it expressly for the purpose of jailbreaking and playing pirated games off a hard drive.
It's fucking unbelievable how bad it is, the difference between unlocks in Gears 3 and Gears 5 is night and fucking day.
I wish Crowbcat had made a video about THAT instead of some other stupid shit that he did. It seriously pisses me off that I can't play as my favorite characters anymore. I could barely do it in Gears 4 either and that shit was even Gacha locked.
This industry is for the dogs now, I wish nothing but pain and suffering on the people that caused this shit to be the norm.
>pay 15 dollars for a 2 hour movie
>pay 60 dollars for a 20 hour game
which one is more expensive user
So then what you're saying a 2 hour game being priced at 60 dollars is valid? Right? Shut the fuck up, retard
Maybe we could stop gobbling down corporate hollywood-tier bullshit
>spend 50% of the budget on advertising and marketing
>spend 25% of the budget on graphics
>spend 20% of the budget on mocap and facescan that adds nothing to the experience
>spend 5% of the budget on a throwaway script with porn-tier writing and pay a bunch of code-monkeys in Indonesia to take the last version of the game and add two new guns
DLC is a consequence of bloated development budgets. Stop buying AAA garbage where they spend $150m marketing this bullshit on Facebook and football commercials and it'll go away.
I'm not buying Triple A garbage at 60 dollars why the FUCK would I start paying more?
So were games in the 80s-90s just a complete ripoff then?
So, Factorio? They had a price tag of $20 for most of their development, and only recently raised it to $30.
They shouldn't waste so much money on marketing then
Reminder that the videogame industry is the richest industry in the entire world. Even if you were to make videogames cheaper, it'd remain the richest industry in the world. It does in no way need higher prices to continue existing.
And yes inflation is a thing, but the effects of inflation is not equal across all fields of society or all fields of the world. Developer salaries are relatively unchanged for instance, making development cheap.
Videogames DO NOT need to be more expensive. Fuck this corporate propaganda.
Soon it's gonna be a higher base price and they will still have paywalls. What's gonna stop them?
So if a short game with shitty graphics was released, you think that nobody would think that 60 dollars is overpriced for it?
Fucktorio im pirating it
There;s nothing to think about. The market for EVERYTHING in the 80-90's was vastly different than it is now, even when taking inflation into consideration. It costs companies less money to move/produce these games than ever before, yet they want to play the victim because they decided to throw away 2/3's of the game's budget on a YouTube ad people are going to mash the Skip button on the first millisecond they get (assuming they don't just have adblocker enabled), then have the gall to turn to me and say I'm morally wrong for not wanting to spend additional money for said product. Fuck no.
This is bullshit Stadia shilling.
Its what sells games though. Youre braindead retarded / living deep DEEEEEEEP under a rock if you think otherwise.
i would be okay with that if they made complete, unbroken games not sell you 50% of the game as dlc and microtransactions
but user, random minor details are way more important than your favorite characters being locked behind microtransactions. how can i play the game if it doesn't have horse ball physics?
No. For the amount of actual content you get they've always been way too expensive. Even back in the NES / SNES days you'd pay 60-80 bucks for what amounts to 2 maybe 3 hours of new content. Longer games only spanning into the 10 hour mark with mostly rehashed and JRPGs being artificially padded out to reach 30 hours. Nowadays the padding comes in the form of DLC garbage you have to pay extra to see.
I just want the AA scene to rise so cheap games with low to medium budgets with an actual TEAM are made.
Never EVER pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.
I don't follow capeshit. Redpill me on what happened for the purposes of the thread.
I think most people would not be willing pay $60 for "a short game with shitty graphics," unless the gameplay was really great to make up for those shortcomings. I don't appreciate that you're unable to stay on the topic of big vs. small dev team sizes, however.
Based and monkeypilled
I will now buy your game.
>Reminder that the videogame industry is the richest industry in the entire world.
>more money than banking, oil, telecommunications, defense contracting, cinema, or agriculture
Do you have a shred of evidence to back that up?
Tru the cuts should be made on programmers its unreal what they get away with
Most marketing goes towards games that are already popular franchises, so what is even the point? You don't need to spend millions of dollars each year to convince people to buy their annual sports game again.
That's an amusingly retarded and economically reductive way to view inflation and changes to game development.
If we weren't INTENTIONALLY BEING DISHONEST, a lot of those games would be like $5 now.
Oh wait, they actually are
The game lasts ten times as long.
I enjoy games that cost $20 far more than the ones that cost $60.
Those idiots don't realize that if they would made game's prices so high, almost no one would have buy them? 120$ - 150$ for a fucking video game? Fuck those retards.
Game pass bayyy beee
No. This is a fallacy because the claim is that microtransactions are due to games not growing in price, but ultimately in some cases (Such as games with Ultimate Editions that have all the DLC) it costs $100 already and STILL have microtransactions on top of that.
You'll never placate a corporation's greed and they'll never placate their investors, so there's no point in trying to make games cost more when they'd still be doing all the shit they do now.
Factorio is not 60 dollars.
marketing only sells pre orders, if the game is good it will get good reviews and people will always talk about it and it will keep giving you money
Yeah. That's how it works. You manage your team responsibly. Customers are not required to subsidize the unwise financial decisions of developers. The expected price point for most games is $60. When you exceed that because you needed to hire your 89 buddies you're going to bloat your budget to an untenable degree and your game will sell remarkably less because of the price point. You lower your ROI because you made a stupid fucking decision.
No. Video gaming should be a hobby than anyone can enjoy.
You asked which is more expensive, not which has a better cost-per-time value.
>scalable hosting servers means maintaining game is cheaper
Literally nobody actually hosts though.
And hosting a master server costs FUCKING NOTHING.
No, they are too expensive if anything.
>mocap and facescan that adds nothing to the experience
This is what drives me insane more than anything else. Not only because they spend millions of dollars facescanning these A-list actors, but because they then go on to fuck up the facescan, rendering it completely pointless. It's almost definitely some kind of money laundering scheme.
thanks for the detailed explanation user you really owned that corporate shill
>game developers want to unionize
This will be reality sooner rather than later. Can't wait for game developers unionizing to cause a video game crash lmao
I don't remember Undertale having marketing. Or Hollow Knight. Or Cave Story. Or you know, a ton of successful indie games that are way better than 80% of AAA heavily marketed titles.
>Video gaming should be a hobby than anyone can enjoy.
It already is.
Do you really expect leftists to understand basic economics?
People aren't going to buy a game like that for 60 dollars.
You can't get a gallon of gas for 80 cents anymore like you could in 1995, so why should you only pay 60 dollars for a video game in 2019 when they cost 69.95 in 1995?
They're sure as fuck going to buy it less often when you make it more expensive. You retard.
doesn't digital content now mean there is infinite supply?
Mocap and Face scan is actually really cheap to do.
Hell if you have a kinect and finger tracking controllers, or even something like the leap motion you can do mocap
And consumers are focusing on spending their money only on products they deem worth it. Why to so many Zoomers ignore the fact that Capitalism is a 2-way streak?
I pirate every game because they're always trying to screw you of your money with a half finished game
If I enjoy it I'll buy their official merchandise from their store or something, something physical I can actually own
Games are so shitty now that I don't even put in the effort to pirate and play them, I just stick to the old stuff
Normies are into vidya an don't know how to tell a good game from bad because they're just told to spend spend spend. I mean how many young girls (and even older women) have convinced themselves that they all have to shop at Pink?
>playing indie games
shiggy diggy
>consumers should pay more
>drives down the value of video games by giving them away for free and selling them at significant discounts mere months after release
Not the smartest bunch of people.
Buddy it doesn't take a full blown explanation to tell you why a Genesis game wouldn't cost a million billion dollars now because Muh inflation
Maybe we should look into alternatives to gas instead of sucking saudi cock to get it.
IE play indies.
90000 solid indie games come out that you probably have no idea exist
>but look at these 3 games that actually did have marketing but i dont realize because i think tv commercials == marketing!!!!!!!
Yes. The supply is by design tightly controlled by preventing people from actually owning it. You can only rent licenses to access the product. Customers possess no rights to the things they pay real money for. Funny, because customers can't prevent digital distributors from doing whatever they please with the money from the exchange.
If I'm sold access to my game, the company I purchased the game from should only have access to my money. Just as they can revoke my access to the game, I should be able to revoke their access to my money.
Why don't jobs and disability benefits shell out $10-$15 more so I can pay for the increased price without issue?
We get it, faggot. You're cool. Now please, go back to sucking dick like a boss and stop bragging about yourself on the internet.
>Video Game Crash
Nah, at most companies like EA and Activision may crash and burn but there's too many avenues for games now for an outright crash at this point.
>budgets should get bigger but games should remain the same price
but why though
Oh boy I can't wait to play yet another pixel art rpg maker game.
Paypig angry
I will admit the random minor details being gone is bullshit too, but goddammit why can't these retarded ass youtubers focus on the REAL FUCKING ISSUES
based and buxpilled
But I only have to pay 10 bucks to get a game from 1995.
I didn't say budgets should get bigger you fucking mongrel. I said they should be reasonable.
it'd have to be an actually life-changing game to be worth that much money
It does have to inflate eventually but with every major release, whether AAA or indie, being rushed hackjobs that are patched and backfilled with DLC at a later date, that's not any time soon.
When was the last time you played a game that was complete AND technically stable AND actually good with no post-release additions or fixes?
This. Plus look up how many employees some studios have, despite only releasing 2 games a decade
The last game I bought was a brand new copy of MK 11 for 13 bucks. I wouldn't have spent a single cent more on it desu.
*20 years after it was released
faggots, all of you.
video games are expensive, in the future video games are expensive, in the past video games were expensive.
what is the only difference? prices get set unreasonably higher as time goes. video games have already passed the point of innovation and evolution.
money was important before for the devs but exploitation is the normality these days. devs put their all into games in the past to get by while also wanting to see if the players enjoyed what was put on the table and even later until 2010 arrived where things started to shift towards greed.
kill yourselves for buying games without any thought put into your product. tunnel vision is a fucking curse.
What I said was more of a comment on how price doesn't relate to quality and enjoyment than how the price of games is fucked. Even implying that a modern game costs "only" $60 is laughable in an era where every AAA game has an extra $60 season pass plus other nickel and dime DLC.
Games that cost $20 are better than games that cost $60 precisely because they're made by people with actual budget, actual passion, and actual goals instead of a hollywood-like money mill.
Let me guess, that is some indie developer. 150 fucking bucks on game, on today's age game. Way more than a good pair of 16gb rams.
FUCK vidya industry, i pirate fucking everything.
>Customers possess no rights to the things they pay real money for.
This may well change with the French - Valve ruling; but I risk going off topic
So then why shouldn't you sell a game made by 20 people for 60 dollars?
Why are there people actively fighting for companies to fuck everyone in the ass? I'm genuinely curious why you would write this article and not feel like a complete fucking bootlicker.
>pirate shit looking game
>it was shit
>glad I pirated
>not even gonna bother pirating the next one
Shit game.
What _IS_ the appropriate price for a new game?
[Say for AAA]
I think $40
You forgot the name and blue checkmark
150 dollars. It's time you pay me a fair price for my games.
I would unironically be fine paying like $200 for a good game where all of the costs were in relevant things like adding a ton more ways to interact with shit in an open world game/more levels/etc instead of shit I don't care about like marketing, ultra expensive assets, and celebrity cameos. You'd think with how easy it is to make stuff with modern engines studios would take advantage of investing more into actual game design but that hasn't been the case. As it stands now I'm very rarely willing to even play a AAA game, the only big games I buy at full price these days are fgs and most of the value there comes from the groups I play them with rather than the quality of the game itself. There are so many interesting games from the past to go to as well that personally the level of quality I would need to try a new release raises each year as my backlog grows. I can't understand the mainstream "hardcore gamer" people buy the all of the big AAA games each year like Ass Creed, Watchdogs type shit.
$50 at absolute maximum
20-30 bucks.
Budgets for films are roughly equivalent, if not higher, to those of video games and are a fraction of the cost to consume.
[citation needed]
They got shit backwards. Games have never been cheaper than today and they are still too expensive for what they offer.
Video games are actually very cheap, but they seem expensive because the average westerner is extremely poor compared to the market that bought their kids $80-90 NES/SNES games. If you raised the price, you'd lock out the majority of your market, and the industry would collapse. There is no solution for the gaming industry, as it has no power to raise incomes in (formerly) developed nations. The only answer is a slow death as they include more and more microtransactions.
via inflation they should cost less now.
It's always funny to see pirate niggers think they matter. That being said 60 bucks is fine for a brand new video game but you really should only be buying two or three every year at most and only from series / developers / games you know won't be shit. Anyone who buys more then that full price are fucking stupid
You can do whatever the fuck you want. The point is managing your budget to that you get the largest return on your investment. If your investment is too high (because your team was too large) to keep your game at the expected price point your profits are going to go into the fucking toilet. If you're charging more than $60 for a game you're going to sell many less copies because that's the customer expectation for the biggest titles. You as a developer or a publisher should already be aware of this expectation and you should manage your finances accordingly.
Team sizes do not need to be exceedingly large. They can be small. They SHOULD be as small as possible in order to make the most profit. Very few games can write a blank check and guarantee that their game will sell like gangbusters.
I know you think you're making a counterpoint, but you're actually just scratching the surface for why people shouldn't be spending more then $60 on a video game. Yes, marketing will sell more copies, but a good game will sell by word of mouth alone. So why should consumers enable marketing strategies of mediocre games if the net result are the companies complaining about not making enough money by blowing marketing budget on mediocre games?
I'm proving the excuse for million dollar marketing wrong by example. Marketing just tries to force sales of games, it doesn't make good ones. A genuinely good game will sell on its own with very minimal marketing just because it's great, and net you a greater profit as a result. Toby Fox is a rich boy now because of this principle, corporations just prey on stupid people like you to preorder their game whether it sucks or not.
t. niggers
>hol up a mint lemme make dis literally who twitter post e'en mo' literally whoer
Ok then tell me why. Do you think that a genesis game cost the same to make as a modern AAA game?
this image is 3-5 years old in the least. Someone should adjust it for inflation again.
someone post that pasta about american paratrooper on the rooftop
It's really the grab an extra 20$ from the "first wave" chumps who have more money than sense.
I'd be willing to pay more if it meant I could get some niche games with actual depth and risky ideas instead of more generic games that are heavily streamlined and designed for everyone. As it stands the only people doing this are indie devs and their games are cheap.
You're a dipshit and you are absolutely going to be taken advantage of for the rest of your life. Not just by corporations, but by people you run across in your daily life.
It was the dev's choice to put the game on sale for the price you paid, plus money is still going to them so there's no need for any guilt. If you feel like it, buy Silksong at full price.
I'd be happy to spend $60 on a game if I got the whole game without additional monetization.
Nice lack of a counter argument.
Depends entirely on the budget used for the game, and the consumer's willingness to spend money at the asking price put forth. Some games might deserve more than $60, but I'd say a vast majority of games would average out to being worth $40 brand new, especially if it's digital only.
>$60 for game day one
>$75-100+ for special edition with exclusive DLC
>another $15-30 for Season Pass or another $20-40 for all DLC separately
>and that's if the game doesn't have multiple seasons of DLC so that's another $15-30 for each season
>re-release the game later on another system or as a complete thing with new content/balances and dosn't update the old version so that's another $30 at least
Anyone who says they're cheap don't know shit about vidya.
>bought discount meat
>took the worst shit in my life
>regret not spending full amount for better meat
zero dollars. If they're going to have microtransaction/ad-based models like in F2P mobile games, then they should cost as much for the base game as well.
$60 is completely fine, but if you throw Microtransactions at me or DLC less than a year after launch then we're talking $20-30 at best.
Games have so many fucking microtransactions now that you can basically just pay what you want anyway.
If anything games should just be free and funded entirely by microtransactions.It's a good enough system for gatcha shit.
the only video games worth spending money on are multiplayer games
>have money
if it's convenient then I'll buy it, but if I know I'll have to jump through hoops then I'll just pirate it
I think $60 price is fine. As long as it meets a AAA standard, but the AAA standard is thrown out of whack. You got companies selling half baked games for $60, putting out low budget stuff and charging $60, putting out games with microtransaction mechanics and/or lootboxes for $60, or just flat out taking something thats already established and alter it enough to think it warrants a sequel and charge $60 such as the call of duty series, halo, or marvel vs capcom 3. They just arn't making them like they used to, so if they are gonna lower their quality for some games then they need to lower the price to reflect on it. Especially the games that are heavy on microtransactions. If you want to have a freemium market place model in your game then make the game free or it doesn't work. you can't have all the money
I'm just considering things from the other perspective. Of course people who can barely afford to live from paycheck to paycheck never think about what it'd be like to operate a business
Never pay more than $38 for a computer game.
I would have paid $60 on Let it Die if it didn't have any of the bullshit microtransactions, gacha, or pay-to-resurrect mechanics. If it were just a action dungeon crawler with asynchronous PVP and balanced accordingly it would have been sweet.
How about you stop releasing buggy shit and purposefully omitting or removing content then adding DLC to bring that in or small bullshit that should really be free as an add-on.
Also have AAA devs actually put some heart into their shit and make a good game instead of "broadening their audience"
He's actually completely right, user. This is, "I listen to NPR" levels of understanding economics at play here, and you still need to catch up.
money is a by-product of the task you love
or something along those lines
think for yourself for once
$1/hour of average playtime, up to $50
AAA developers are getting more and more lazy with the broken shit they've been putting out lately, pretending nobody will notice. And what IS there is just bland formulaic generic bullshit that the corporate fat cats know will work. I'm not paying $60 for that shit, I don't even want to spend $30 on it.
Niggers are the biggest corporate slaves there are you dumb fuck
Even if we're talking costs back then
Lets assume that, somehow, players will literally buy anything no they won't you stupid faggot lizardman and you can keep boosting the price as high as you want on your video game. If your company is already struggling at the current price tag, I absolutely assure everyone it will have more trouble at double the price even if every single person is still buying at the new price.
It's not about asking price or how many buy in. It's about money management. These companies are shit at managing money but are full of people who are UTTERLY CONVINCED that is not the case. If you waste this much profit then you'll find new inventive ways to waste even more and kill the company even faster because your stupid lizard brain will look at and think OOOH WE HAVE INFINITE MONEY NOW???? COOL! and just shit all over everything you do. The faggot that was paid to make this thread, to check for opinions for his lizard boss, will send this to his boss and his boss will think "oh that's not me so there's no problem".
And I bet that faggot is super convinced their company is the cornerstone of the gaming industry too. Same as literally every developer of a game is. Somehow even $5 indies are convinced games will vanish overnight without THEM. Just them. Them personally. Yeah, champ, every single one of your gaming companies is SUPER SPECIAL. Every single one of you is somehow solely responsible for holding up all of the gaming industry, I'm sure.
Suffocate on your own feces.
The website updates automatically. It changes every day.
It's not really that but the business model of pumping as many games as possible in the shortest time possible for maximum profits and marketing efficiency.
Back in the Good Old Games era, a single company would pump out 3 games in a lapse of the entire decade.
Now they print games every year. In reality, if your dev company has over 100 employees, then you're doing something wrong.
That's not a bad measure desu
$50 if they plan on adding a lot of paid DLC later
$60 if they plan on adding a moderate amount of paid DLC later
$70 if they plan on adding a small amount of paid DLC later
$80+ if there's no DLC content and there's several weeks worth of shit already included in the game
>gladly pays 2000 dollars for a new computer every few years
>refuses to pay more than 60 dollars for a video game
Why are you like this, gamers?
>Back in the Good Old Games era, a single company would pump out 3 games in a lapse of the entire decade.
No, they really wouldn't.
I assume you meant to say under 100.
No joke. Most of them will prioritize fashion over everything else. Includes buying shitloads of nikes.
Weird how people on Yea Forums like to rush to announce how poor they are.
They last maybe 5 hours, so 5 bucks.
1hr of playtime = 1$
Why is that weird? Most people aren't swimming in cash these days and have to budget themselves carefully. That's just modern living.
Yeah, we shouldn't have to eat the cost of the inflated budget. They would make their money back if they sold a cheaper game with a smaller budget.
Ok so the game cost much less to make, but was more expensive. Doesn't that mean that games are way cheaper now?
I've become patient enough to just wait years until you can get the "Complete" edition at a reasonable price. Getting to play a game on Day 1 with what will be half of the full-version's content is not worth $59.99, especially with plenty of other games I can play in the meantime.
>average playtime
Retarded. This is like paying writers by the word, it'll result in even more bloated open worlds and pointless rpg systems
You don't have to spend money on a new TV, you just need to know when your neighbor has bought one.
The retarded thing is that they do turn a profit. A fucking massive one.
My PC parts are literally 7 years old and I'm still able to max out modern AAA titles at 1080p. Only suckers shell out for new parts to keep up with 4k 144Hz upgrades.
learn econ. the price of goods are what people are willing to pay for them, muh following inflation argument is retarded
> a single company would pump out 3 games in a lapse of the entire decade.
Holy shit do you actually believe this?
No. I'd rather game budgets and dev team sizes get cut in half. We used to make better games with lower budgets that came out at higher frequencies. I want to go back to that again. This 5 year average dev cycle for games that end up fairly mediocre and safe to draw in as wide of an audience as possible to offset their stupid budget thing I stupid and needs to stop
This. Falling for media hype and buying games on release is the problem.
>they raised the price for no reason
nope, I'm pirating their shit, no way I'm gonna give money to those cucks.
Yea Forums is mostly composed of proto-commies. It’s the reason why you see so much tranny propoganda disguised as “trap threads”
They are, which is why they add on a bunch of DLC and microtransactions.
In an ideal world, AAA games would be $80-100 with no microtransactions or lootboxes
Blame player demands for graphical quality.
HD killed the industry.
>Games should cost $150 USD
>Already cost $92 CDN after tax when they cost $60 in the US
>MFW thinking of having to spend $225 after tax for the privilege of playing a shitty new modern game for a few hours
Why are upper middle class americans so fucking out of touch with the rest of the world?
Who the fuck can afford to spend that much on a fucking videogame? ESPECIALLY in the age of digital distribution.
It's not going to happen. Games have that much poured into them because that's what people demand.
Too expensive, Not enough content to value the price
its anonymous, its weird that you think social status tied to wealth matters here
If games were that expensive then retards would whine about it even though there's no dlc or lootbox horseshit. It's just more profitable to make games cheaper but have more hidden costs.
Again, that's not how inflation works, and isn't actually reflective of WHY games are as expensive as they are these days.
>upper middle class
More like "journalists" and everyone on social media in general. They're all out of touch like you wouldn't believe.
we're done here
Very based
There really ought to be a tier between AAA games that probably ought to be $120 flat to make money and
They probably are going to attempt to shill new releases for $70 when the next-gen consoles come out, similarly to what happened with PS3/360.
PC will hold out at $60 for a couple of years until eventually the big publishers are able to trick the plebs into thinking that $70 for PC games is acceptable as well. Just like how $60 PC games wasn't a thing until all the retards bought the PC port of CoD MW2 for that price and communicated that others could get away with it as well.
It's weird to be proud of being poor. Being poor means youre lazy and stupid.
>thats just modern living
No it isnt and thats a dumb thing to say.
So then why brag about how you have to steal you entertainment?
>HD killed the industry.
>calling others poor when he's middle class at best
Do you know a single rich person? They may play video games but not nearly as much as people middle class or lower. Video games are escapism. You don't need escapism when you have money.
General rule of thumb: The more a person plays video games or spends time on Yea Forums, the less money they have. The only reason I replied to this guy was so he understands that he might not be the poorest person in the thread but he is the dumbest.
>Being poor means youre lazy and stupid.
Do you actually think this? lmao.
Way to be completely out of touch
>no arguments
dumb zoomers born in 2010
people born into wealthy families often unironically think they earned their wealth and that poor people just never tried because it was so easy for them.
That's my thoughts exactly. I've never really been big on the "AAA games" going back generations. I've always been into the middle-range stuff that was still properly funded and developed by competent developers, just without the mega-budgets and expectations of selling gorillions. But meanwhile, I'm not a fan of most "indie games" either, save for a few exceptions.
It's the same problem that's also been happening in the film industry, where the middle is being hollowed out, and now you have nothing but disney capeshit mega-blockbusters and indie arthouse bullshit with nothing inbetween.
Absolutely, it's why they've had to bring over predatory mobile game monetization strategies. Which is a shame.
They're refutations. You need to express yourself more correctly if you want people to take you seriously. Stop saying nonsensical things or make claims without evidence.
games haven't increased in price from the 60 dollar standard BECAUSE of digital media saving them money on distribution
stop being dipshits, brothers
Oh yeah i love throwing 120 dollars at useless garbage
The fact that modern AAA games have become so devoid of quality in all forms to the point where we're able to revert back to people literally making independent video games in their mom's basement as a successful business practice that are sold at a fraction of the price, and even has it's own subgenre of the overall market, should say more about the state of most AAA game's worth than anything,
Wealth is, like most good life outcomes, well correlated with IQ.
Poor people are generally dumber than wealthier people, and given that intelligence is significantly genetic and heritable, stay poor across generations.
>Why are upper middle class americans so fucking out of touch with the rest of the world?
Because they're dumbass commies and if anyone is more successful than them it's a sign that something is wrong and EVERYONE ELSE needs to fix it.
Weird how poor people always seem to be experts on how rich people live.
Prove me wrong then.
Journalists are fucking evil.
>well correlated with IQ.
Nigger IQ literally only relates to how well you can learn, and even then, from traditional means.
You can be IQ 150 and be the dumbest motherfucker on earth.
Not that user but I'm lazy and stupid but not poor at all
you generally do spend $120 on them, and ironically get less than you did when you really only had to pay $60 before DLC and Microtransactions existed. Chinks and Arabs are fullretard paypigs and they'll drop thousands of dollars on games with microtransactions.
The video game industry is the most lucratively profitable sector of the entire entertainment industry by far. They make far more than enough even when it's priced at $60 without DLC or microtransactions thanks to digital delivery cutting the costs of physical productions and limitations. They've increased prices for the consumer and reduced costs for themselves.
videogame industry is really just unmitigated profiteering and it's too bad lawmakers are retarded old dudes who grew up playing sticks and stones without any understanding of the computer world.
maybe dont pay with monopoly money
Not really true. The cost of development itself has only gone down with engines like Unreal freely available to indie developers to make games with HD graphical standards cheaply and efficiently. It's just the AAA meme where graphics consumes too much of the budget.
>guys i'm so smart trust me
>brb though need to buy the 130 dollar edition of borderlands 3 randy pitchford reeeeeally needs my money
ok retard
Kotick outright said he's raise the base price of CoD if he thought he could get away with it.
>Weird how poor people always seem to be experts on how rich people live.
I'm poor. I'll admit it. But you think that just because I'm poor that I've never SEEN rich people? That I've never been in rich areas? Because I have. It's night and day. People barely leave their houses in poor areas because there's nothing to do and they don't want to be attacked or robbed by other poor people.
I walk through a rich area and everyone is so much more relaxed. They're buying clothes, sitting at the restaurants and cafes that exist because the people living there can afford to visit those places, etc.
My point is, the poor people are staying at home, and doing shit like playing video games or watching TV. I'm not some retard who has never left his house. I've left my house and I've seen what the world is like. This is what the world is like. People with money do things and everyone else just gets by.
Because gas is a product that has actual scarcity you fucking moron. There's no limit to video games
I simply don't buy games new any more. It costs too much and there's too much of a risk of the product being terrible. I wait a year to get it with all its DLC for $30 if I'm interested.
>Still no anarchy reigns PS3 emulator
Post the source of this quote
>all that text for fictional anecdotes
You're a fucking loser and always will be.
>literally just ignores my post that I put all that effort into writing
That's fine. I will now hide every one of your replies. You have lost this argument.
Oh wow you've been in rich areas? Oh man everyone back the fuck up this dude has walked through a rich area.
umm actually Steam puts indie games on sale without even asking the devs, which is another reasonn we are going to epic. Steam just sees indie devs as cattle and does not allow them to decide price of their own game. Summer Sale? Too bad you are participating. Winter Sale? No choice, you are going on sale.
Steam does not care about game devs, Epic does.
Pull that shit and I'll just pirate everything instead of 90%.
Yes thats why youre a loser, because you put more effort into your Yea Forums larps than you do into improving your financial situation.
The best games I've bought for like 5+ years now have all been indies and small studios.
None of which charges $60 at launch.
IQ is one of the best predictors of life outcomes. Period.
Companies already have billions to piss away on hiring "influencers" to promote their games. Considering they can afford to play twitch monkiestens of thousands per hour to play their games, we should probably be paying less. Significantly less.
I don't think someone with my play habits is fit to comment since I mostly play/buy single player games that tend to be complete on day one
Whenever Yea Forums complains about games that are "incomplete" or have loads of DLC and too much added afterwards, it tends to be multiplayer stuff. Sometimes it happens with more WRPG style games like the Witcher having a bunch of post main game content added on or Spiderman PS4 having more costumes and missions after but even then, GOTY versions of those come out in time making that a temporary issue
Different games take different approaches in terms of how they're managed and marketed.
I think between 30-60 for single player releases is fine. Around that for complete in the box experiences (ie: something like Smash or a racing game or just other games that have some multiplayer component that doesn't require infinite patches and add ons and balances) and then you have games as a service style multiplayer games. I'm not sure what those should cost but, if people want a flat fee, those should cost more, if they want to jump in and just pay a small fee, they should turn more games like that into sub fee games (ie: sports, CoD, other yearly release titles that have a mainly multiplayer focus)
Statistically most people ARE poor, corporate faggot. Do you ever stop to think WHY no one wants to buy your overpriced garbo? They don't have the money. Literally they do not. They are not being stingy. They are not hiding it under their matress or in a swiss bank account. Most don't even have enough money to warrant having a bank account in the first place. They just need one due to how credit and modern purchasing works.
Most are probably barely floating above the penalty for having too little money in their bank account.
what the fuck is this
most of the "increasing cost of game development" is unneeded advertising, actor cameos and a stupid rat race for graphical fidelity that tends to not even stay at stable at 60 frames
>You should be spending $120-$150 on them.
That's a good way to get me to start spending $0 on them.
I love how Yea Forums pretends they dont care about graphics
If you're so poor you cant afford a video game, you shouldnt be playing video games. You should be out trying to better your life.
There's a difference between using graphics that are competent for the present market, and blowing all your development money on a new system that ends up being outdated in 8 months anyways.
Cashing in on hype, maybe?
genuinely don't, every game could look like a PS2 game and it wouldn't make a difference to me
Bitch please, I'm playing My Life as a King again and it looks like puke yet it's still addicting.
I don't. I can subsist on indies for the rest of time if necessary.
Movies have budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars, and charge $20.
What excuse do video games have to charge more than $60?
If you are talking about the billions of meaningless gimmicks that take a fat drippy shit on your resources just to make some arbitrary mass of polys blurry.
Then no, I don't give a shit about graphics.
If $60 is too cheap, then why are most AAA games half the price in six months?
The word is 'addictive', stupid.
Multiplayer games with yearly releases rely on you "having" to buy the next game so you can play with your friends. They're banking on the overwhelming majority of those people buying the new game in the first few days.
>dude just make more money lmao
Wow... how did those billions of third worlders not think of that? How did those Indians, Africans, Arabs, Chinese, South Americans, etc not just better their lives. This person I'm replying to, quite literally has a two digit IQ. It's another case of Reddit visiting Yea Forums.
More expensive to make and a smaller install base.
>I'm a pedantic cunt.
>I'm a low-income retard
multiplayer games are for cunts desu
Games should be freeware, outside maybe online games to cover server costs. The moment you make a game with a goal of selling it, you compromise on your vision to make a marketable product.
EVEN ASSUMING paid games disappeared altogether with their authors becoming family men, swearing off gamedev fivever and shit, freeware games would be entirely enough.
Also maybe people will get real jobs lmao.
real, joke-free answer to this:
the effort to produce a full game now is
- LOWER if you're making the same game as someone in the 90s because you can use a pre-existing engine. what they had to do all on their own you can get premade and almost for free and all you need to do is tweak it a little.
- HIGHER if you want to make a technically ambitious, realistic looking game because there's just a shitload more expectation for textures and animations now.
game prices should work accordingly. any game that could have been made in the 90s should be cheap (at most tracking inflation, so for a PC game that could mean like 40-50 bucks) and any game that lives up to current visual standards should exceed inflation with its price so it's actually possible that the appropriate "full price" tag is over 60 now. not sure.
when I consider all this the only conclusion I can draw is we should abandon photo-realism until we can brute-force it and just focus on interesting themes and GAMEPLAY instead. I'd rather play 40 bucks games with great gameplay and interesting style than 70 bucks "block buster" games with soulless, generic gameplay (because they have to appeal to everyone). I also don't believe all RPG characters should be voice acted. just make things more abstract and use the resources for what really matters.
>How did those Indians, Africans, Arabs, Chinese, South Americans, etc not just better their lives.
Those people arent pirating and playing video games, dummy. Theyre working 18 hour days doing hard labor.
It's an entirely fair criticism amigo. I worked my ass off to become a regional manager After ~2 years and I make way more fuckin money now.
I've had lots of fun with Timesplitters and TF2 tho
dumbest post itt
what is a real job, besides manual labor, at this point?
They can afford it fine at the CURRENT price. 120 is too much and beyond the means of a monthly purchase for the majority of people who currently game. These people have steady jobs. Even full time. They just don't earn the kind of money you think they do, Randy. Full stop. They just don't. Modern jobs do not pay as much compared to how much money is demanded by monthly expenses like utilities, food, shelter, and clothing. Obligatory expenses demand more % of a paycheck than they did when your mother and father were in the work force.
Or you're one of those faggots that exploit the background hum of the economy and wonder why no one else does it. Spoiler, if they did the economy would collapse. That 'market' is already saturated and regularly crashes cause of it.
We are living at the limits of what the economy can do. There's nothing else to give or take or earn.
You'll notice that both of these games are decades old and have completely different design philosophies to nearly every modern multiplayer game.
Except for TF2. The cancer killing TF2 is the kind of thing in every multiplayer game today.
I care however I also think we should be at least a gen behind what we are now. Console tech just can't handle it and it's resulting in expensive titles that run like shit and aren't worth the money they ask for them.
>haha stupid poorfags you shouldn't be buying games if you don't have the money, you should just try harder
>"okay. *proceeds to pirate game*"
I wished people would stop giving videogame "journalists" clicks. There hasn't been any need for these vermin in almost 20 years.
..Do you stop to listen to yourself?
How many regional manager positions do you think exist? Do some quick math for yourself. Imagine how many regional manager positions can exist. Now imagine how many people currently purchase video games. Is there a lucrative high paying job for every single one of them?
I swear to god no one should be allowed to pass high school without demonstrating a basic grasp of economics. No, make that middle school. Every single person should be forced to repeat middle school till they understand the basic idea that demand will not be met if supply is less than demand. Your stupid ass should have to sit in the same class as little timmy experiencing his first boner while he draws crude tiddies in his spiral notebook and drools on himself.
Maximum poorfag mentality.
why are twitter trannies like this
who in their right mind thinks video games should be over $100. you'd think these liberals would be sticking up for the poor guy and going against "muh corporations"
but they seem to just choose the most retarded opinion possible
video games should be $10
>b-but they cost a lot to make!
so do movies. those cost millions to make but you don't see movie tickets selling for $60
games should be $20 at most
>Yea Forums has no problems donating 500 bucks a month to their favorite streamers but won't spend more than 60 dollars on a video game
why the hypocrisy, guys?
No but i see popcorn and nachos for $60.
>implying I donate money to anyone
Stupid faggot. I fully understand how using debt as an asset works. You think you know how it works and are one of the lunatics driving the world economy in to a grave because you don't understand the world can still only support so much debt no matter HOW clever you are with using it.
>donating money to e-thots
78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. That means no savings. One or two middle class brainlets speaks up and say "haha just stop being poor guys" like it's an argument. The only real arguments are statistics. The statistics agree with what you and I say that nobody has any money.
Did you miss the part where I
WORKED MY ASS OFF, to become a regional manager you greedy communist faggot.
Of course not everyone is going to be a regional manager, that's not the point.
I'm sorry you don't make $50 an hour crying about how oppressed you are, but maybe if you stopped that for about a year MAYBE, you'd actually make something of yourself.
If you do either your'e fucking retarded.
I just pirate everything nowadays. I hope the industry crash and burns.
Feels good being able to buy whatever games I want. I'm 100% digital on my ps4, BTW.
It's called working hard, little zoomers. The sooner you figure that out the happier you'll be.
I spend $1,000 in h-manga scans because i and other people enjoy them.
This days a $60 game is not worth $60 at all for multiple reasons.
>"donating" money to streamers
Good joke, user. I barely make enough to go paycheck to paycheck.
So you advocate better spending of your money so you won't be poor? I completely agree.That's why piracy is the way to go. :)
>spend 50% of the budget on advertising and marketing
>spend 25% of the budget on graphics
>spend 20% of the budget on mocap and facescan that adds nothing to the experience
These matter more to casuals than gameplay.
Because they make most of their money in the first month of sales and anything afterwards is gravy, since things you paid for not being sold is wasted money.
No one asked me if I live paycheck to paycheck so I'm dismissing that cnbc piece as fake news.
I fail to see how buying a game outright, especially digitally, is more arduous of a task than pirating one.
>buying new AAA games
>in 2019
They're all shit. I cant wait to buy far cry, fifa, and assassins creed. Again. For the 10th time in 10 years. Just buy indie games.
It's not about communism you dumbass nigger tranny twitter aids ridden faggot.
The simple fact is most people cannot simply get higher tier jobs cause THERE ARE LESS OF THOSE THAN PEOPLE NEED. Which is fine. This is NOT the problem with the world unless people like you keep screeching that people just need to work in to higher tier jobs as your solution for everything. The problem is jobs AS A WHOLE pay less than ever compared to the risen cost of living, education, and other goods. We wouldn't need better jobs if the same jobs kept up with inflation. They don't.
It makes me mad when someone like you comes along and distracts from the issue cause you can't understand there are more people than there are high paying jobs.
I'll pay full price when the games actually have depth to them. Most of the time it's yet another open world shitbox or interactive movie.
Maybe I dont want to play games where I have to put my pronouns in the character creator screen
There are very, very few "genuinely good games" out there. It's infinitely easier to make a good ad campaign, than it is to make a good game.
You have a loser mentality. You already made up your mind that there's no way for you to earn more money.
They're fine if you stay a year behind the curve. God sick of Ubisoft a long time ago, same grindy bullshit every time.
Yes goy, pay more than $60 for a video game. We need more money for motion-capture, face-capture, advertising, paying twitch streamers to play our game, hosting parties for Instagram influencers, and paying for voice actors for every NPC, even the ones that only say hello to you! If you complain, then you're a greedy alt-righter!
Get back to work.
Bro, just stop trying. The guy is a narcissist who thinks everyone should be killed if they're poor. Your attempts to use logic and reason will not get very far.
If it helps, I understand everything you're saying. We're in a bit of a bind here with how there just isn't enough money and jobs to go around.
>The guy is a narcissist who thinks everyone should be killed if they're poor.
Stop projecting.
This. If we only take into account inflation, the prices should be like $70-75. However, budgets have exploded with dumb shit.
>video games should be $10
>>b-but they cost a lot to make!
>so do movies.
I'm going to need to see a comparison of the average budgets and of the average sale numbers of AAA games and movies before this comparison is valid. Because unless you can show me that they both cost the same to make and that game sales are comparable to both movie ticket and disc sales combined, you can't say that games and movies should cost the same.
First stop attacking people because they don't have as much money as you.
i barely even spend that. i usually spend no more than $10 and I have a huge backlog and tons of games i want to replay so it's not like I'm starved for games. i don't know how people can justify spending $60 on any game let alone on a regular basis.
If you're unemployed and refuse to work then you're a drain on society and the planet and should be euthanized for the benefit of the people who actually go out and put in work.
Importing 60-80 million Latin Americans into the United States was a mistake
i can say anything i want, numbnuts.
I'm not attacking you because you don't have as much money as me. I pointed out that potentially your mentality when it comes to work may be leading to personal failure, and then you sperged at me being more successful than you.
The funny thing about Hollow Knight's price is that it makes all the other smaller indie devs SEETHE because it's become a really popular point of comparison when it comes to the price of indie games. It usually goes like this:
>what the fuck why is this game 20 bucks?
>Hollow Knight was like 15 bucks, had god knows how many hours of content, and even had their TWO devs make free content patches for it
>why are you devs so god damn lazy?
In fact, this was around earlier this year after the sequel announcement, there were some anonymous indie made a complaint in the Hollow Knight discord apparently where the devs should make Silksong cost more because it's hurting all the other indie games coming out. They're basically devaluing all the other indies.
Heaven forbid someone try and find work, only to be replaced for a pajeet working at below minimum wage.
This but unironically
Video game budgets should have a mandatory hard cap of 5 mil. If you cant make an enjoyable game worth a 40 dollar price of admission with 5 mil then you dont need to be making games
And you still miss the point. Of course their are ways. You still can't understand there are less ways than there are people. Worse, people like you walk around trying to convince everyone they can be JUST LIKE YOU so exploit the debt driven economy and they can be rich too! Which will crash things even faster, leave them more desitute than before...
And let you pick up the leavings of their failed efforts as spare cash. Which is your goal in the first place. Like how everyone keeps being convinced to go in to real estate. Then a bunch of cheap property is left around cause too many people tried to get in on it. Now the ones that are left pick it all up for a fraction of what it cost and start the process again. Trick more people in to realestate and...
Blame the Debt Economy. It's a cancer upon the world but there is no turning back. It's an idea that works.. but only to a certain threshold. People keep convincing themselves it works cause breaching that threshold is a SLOW death rather than an instant one. So when it fails they can act surprised like it wasn't fucking inevitable.
Isn't Terraria even cheaper?
>get utterly outclassed by the competition
>bitch and whine
not even fucking once
lol this is the most commie post ITT
>inflation happens
>muricans refuses to pay more than 60$ for a AAA game
>they're surprised when publishers starts to add mtx, dlcs, seasons passes and live services as a way to re coup some of the money costumers now wont to pay
the next big thing will be game streaming, 8th gen games should've been priced at 70$ you can't prove me wrong
>but muh ping and data caps
shut uf faggot, this is the future you choose, we already have: Stadia, PSnow, xCloud, Atlas, Uplay+ and more to come, this is the way publishers found to remove control from the costumer and get a 100% revenue
i don't even care about this shit because i have a backlog big enough for a life time
what website
It's actually pretty true for JP market. Eroge in the 90s and PS1 games cost almost the same as current ones. That's like almost 20 years ago. Not sure about other regions.
I've spent 1600 hours on a $12 game.
shit's pretty cash.
Daily reminder to moralcucks
They're pretty cheap as it is.
In short, I'm not willing to pay $120-$150 for a video game, $60 is very roughly around the top of what I'm willing to pay, so it's up to the developers to adjust their manufacturing process in such a way that it allows me to buy a product worth $60 instead of continuing to make their games more and more expensive.
The devs are just resistant to do this because spending a larger budget on a game and getting a larger revenue from it gives them a larger raw profit. Like if you can get a 10% return on any game you make, you can spend $1m and get $0.1m profit, or you can spend $1b and get $100m profit. Same relative amount of cash, but because they're using more of their assets at once, they can get a big impressive return.
So you admit you were wrong.
Yeah and the generic indie dev gets mad about that as well.
Most games nowadays are movies
in this context pricing is mostly about what you expect your install-base to be. if you think many people will be mildly interested you set the price low to cast a wide net. if you think a few people will be very interested you set the price high.
option C: if you think your game will interest few people mildly you need a huge marketing budget.
Raising the price of games is the fastest way to get people to stop buying them
I have enough money to buy every game I'm interested in. I buy if I feel like it, pirate if I feel like it, don't really give a shit. Always buy niche games so I do what I can to keep those going
>the assdamage that happened when Terraria's devs said they would never sell their souls to Epic games
>Importing 60-80 million Latin Americans into the United States was a mistake
I'm the one talking about how Debt Economy works.
The reason so many people are being imported is precisely because of debt economy. They didn't cause it. They are being used to fund it. When a normal person becomes debt saturated, they can no longer be milked and their debt can no longer be wielded as a sword. What is the exploitive economist to do? Find more people with no debt till they are saturated. But wait, all your citizens are debt saturated. What now?
Well, that country over there is sure full of people with absolutely no debt. It would be convenient if they were not over there and suddenly over here...
I would, 100% without a doubt, spend $200 on a new game if it had NEW FUCKING ASSETS. I'm not going to pay $120 for all the dlc and shit for a game that has added nothing to a game that was released just a year or two ago.
pic not related
>Feel guilty about not being reamed in the arse
The absolute fucking state of Americans.
>u-uuhhhh calling it "selling your soul" is a bit disingenious sweeties
>you're just saying that because you already have a successful game
lmao the fucking tweets
Yeah, go ahead, price them $120
Lets see how well that will end,
American jobs pay less compared to inflation than they used to pay. Jobs pay the same. Cost of everything went up. Think of why we refuse to pay more.
Same with Stardew Valley. All the really successful ones are like that. Minecraft is like 2 bucks, Hyperlight Drifter was only 20.
Indieshitters can get fucked
No, games should have never costed that much to make from the start. It's a fuckin' video game.
Here's a thought. Maybe stop moving to overpriced shitholes on the west coast before you make a game?
If the game industry thought it could get away with more then $60 as a base price, it'd do it already. Anyone who thinks $120 as the base price would end DLC and micro transactions is a fool.
It's not about the time played, that's a meaningless metric. it's about the ***\\//*** it had on you.
That would make it cheaper, and much less filled with retarded politics and shitty dialogue. Sounds great.
Corporations are the new God for Americans
No other industry will pay publications to shame and belittle you for complaining that their products are both poorly made and overpriced.
This user gets it. Move to Bozeman, Montana instead. Please, all the game devs. Montana is a nice state just make sure to put a grill on the front of your car and carrying plastic coverings for the backseat or bed.
i don't pay for morality, i pay for the features that comes with a legit copy
>pirate a new game
>it's broken needs a patch
>patch needs to be cracked
>have to wait more on top of what i already waited for the initial crack
>cant play online
>no achievements or shit
>no cloud saves, have to look up the save location and save it somewhere locally to not lose progress or use a 3rd party software to manage pirate savegames
>cant use the steam controller setup to use my switch pro controller gyro feature
>no way to track play time
lmao, enjoy being poor
Are you retarded? Most industries will do that and worse.
The real answer.
It's kind of funny that, in spite of the internet enabling people to work anywhere, tech has clustered into a handful of cities.
He is more of a man that both of you will ever be
kill yourself, zoomers
how comes you guys were paying up to 100$ for N64 games back in the 90s? wtf went so horribly wrong you cant pay for your entertainment anymore?
hollow knight suppor trannies now so dont feel bad
Name three.
Game devs move to the west coast because that's where the studios are. Studios are at the west coast because that's where the game devs are. And neither are going to move because that's also where all the infrastructure and third party companies are. Montana may be nice, but there's fuck all there in support for a games studio.
>spends 30% of the budget on an MP mode I don't want to play
>10% more on buying ads for normies
>20% of the budget is wasted due to diversity hires not being good enough
>rest of the budget is spent on hiring chink contractors who make the actual game
If companies aren't making enough money from pricing them at 60 dollars (even though they are), then maybe they should get better at managing their budgets
Imagine feeling guilt for not giving up MORE of your limited income on entertainment media.
doubling the standard COULD serve to filter the good devs from the merely passable or terrible
Tobacco. Automobile. Energy.
don't tell me what to do, you¡re not my master, and I'm not your slave
pay reparations or fuck off
first post best post
you too are alright white boy
Face to face communication is still important, and the fastest way to transmit lots of data is carrying a hard drive down the hallway. Clustering your team is still sensible. Being close to the various animation studios etc. is sensible. Vidya and Hollywood are customers of the same companies these days.
You can work software literally anywhere on earth with a decent connection and energy infraestructure. Sorry, I forget you americans have no concept of either.
>10% more on buying ads for normies
If it's anything like movies the triple A market is spending a LOT more cash on ads than 10%
I think about 40 € is ok if it is in a box with extra physical stuff. Digital 30€ if it is brand new maybe. 25€ is a very good price for most digital games. There are some 2 hour indie shit games that cost like 20€ though and the developers say it is so expensive because it is art, lol. Fuck those kind of games of course and fuck overpriced scam story DLC.
>2259 people
>Likely people that think they would be getting paid more
Vidya doesn't have a thin margin, Publishers just blow just too much cash on bullshit and Devs pump too much of their time and effort into shitty parts of games.
If they use a sensible amount of cash for a game, they wouldn't need to resort to bullshit nickle and diming tactics (if they need that shit at all). In fact by resorting to that you scare more people away from your games.
I'm not american, but bumfuck nowhere doesn't get great infrastructure anywhere. Montana is nothing but bumfuck nowhere.
Three examples of these three categories?
make me lmao
I was a babb in the 90s, stupid nigger. The economy was still sort of okay then. My parents both had high paying jobs that didn't require college degrees. Both of which now require multiple degrees and learning subjects that have literally nothing to do with the job. Not even tangentially. Even then, by that era in US economics they were in the trap all middle income couples were forced to fall in to. Working more hours in the day than existed. What happens when time budgeting results in 4 hours of sleep a day? Bad bad things.
Once Google Stadia becomes the industry norm, good luck pirating video games then.
I'm not against all marketing, they need to sell the game, I'm just against doing retarded normie shit like superbowl ads
they do not deserve more money
they just dont.
no, we are not, we are playing videogames just like the rest of you
ever heard of HUEHUE?
He's right 60 doesn't make sense.
Which is why I wait for games to go on sale for dirt cheap, with all the dlc content bundled together, and all the patches that have fixed the game, and mod support has flourished.
Wrong. Time and time again, in every industry, itbhas been shown that the largest deciding factor for how well your product sells is marketing. People buy what they're told to. Any monetary barrier of entry would do is filter out those who can't afford the same massive marketing budgets as big companies
>I'm not american
>Montana is nothing but bumfuck nowhere
Price it whatever because I don't buy newer games anymore especially at full price.
Would rather play games on the PS2/GCN/SDC
>Once Google Stadia becomes the industry norm, good luck pirating video games then.
Google your shit's going to fail and you're immediately going to try burying it and go back to hoovering up money by being a monopoly in mobile operating systems.
Here's your (you) Google Shillman. See you next thread!
Once chinks stop freelancing for western masters and start producing their own AAA games, whatever the fuck the west decides to do with their industry will be completely irrelevant.
Yeah its called the network effect. There is also a lot of VC money in Cali, so it's easier to get funding
In the off-chance that streaming becomes the only way too play games, I'll just keep playing the games I already own and never purchasing anything ever again
It's time to accept that the prosperity of the 50s to 80s in the US was built on the advantage of having won ww2 with the infrastructure intact. By the 80s, the rest of the world - especially Japan - had caught up. By the 90s, only credit kept things going. Now the lower class gets the bill.
>7 people per square mile
>capital city has like 30k people
It's bumfuck nowhere: the state.
Stadia won't become the norm because high quality streaming is going to take more data than people are willing to pay for if their infrastructure isn't bottlenecking it to begin with.
Why are people bashing on Montana suddenly?
The idea that star wars game tied in with a movie release is not profitable at $60 bucks, with more expensive preorders without microtransactions and cut content sold separately is ludicrious and stupid. Publishers need to get their shit together and optimize their production and their expenses because it's already unsustainable when every big release is shadowed by a big outrage and scandal.
Have fun playing super mario world and sonic the hedgeheg 2 over and over and over again.
It has a city. Case closed.
Time for companies to accept they can't exponentially increase profits for literally forever and they'll have to live within the means of their own company. There's a faulty belief that an economy that is not growing cannot accomplish tasks that riddles the richest of the country that control everything. It's so bizarre and destructive. The money that already was there doesn't cease existing cause no one added to the pile.
a pay maybe about 1 full priced game a year thats it. this year Ive paid full price for none. Next game ill play full price is vampire bloodline 2. I usually wait a good 5years so i can get them for 15$
This user mentioned it as example of where to move
It has a town. You don't get to call yourself a city at that level.
Technically I should be able to watch Twitch in any resolution I want. My own connection is steady. It doesn't do that fake burst speed thing. Yet the platform constantly drops cause they themselves cannot support as many users as they have once it gets past.. 5-6pm my time? Maybe a bit earlier.
My speed isn't that great by modern standards but it can still handle any streaming needed. Yet the infrastructure of the world around us is simply not up to heavy permanent use by so many users at once.
Are you smoking pcp?
I’ve never had to “pre-order from several varying locations to get the full extent of what I paid for” this sounds like some weapons grade autism.
I can greentext too, check it out
>buy a movie ticket for 20 dollars, buy some stuff to eat and a drink for another 20, double that if I have a guest. Enjoy for 2 hours. Maybe. Confined to one specific location, possibly next to people that smell, are rude, black etc. Do it all over again if I feel like it, pay the same price.
>buy a video game for 60 dollars. Have the video game for the rest of my life, play at my leisure how and when I want to. Can sell it and recoup some money if I want to.
>price of movie in 1989 = $3.75
>movie in 2019 = $10.00-18.00
>price of video game in 1989= $55.00
>price of video game in 2019 = $55.00
Some strange workings afoot there
Me in yellow
I didn't pay shit, senpai. I got lucky and got loving parents who spoiled me, no shame in admittin' that. I only spend money nowadays on games I really want, mostly Nintendo bullshit, because everything else is boring af muh realism over the shoulder movie shit.
I love Zelda, I bought the 100 dolla edition of Breath of the Wild that came with all that shit I don't even do anything with. Got over 700 hours outta it. Can't complain. What is that, like 14 cents an hour? I ain't the best at math but IMO, the money went towards somethin' I believe in. Great game.
Now we got Link's Awakenin', one of me all time favies, and they ru'rnt it. I ain't spendin' shit on what should be a 30 dolla game they sellin' for 60. Hell naw.
Now I'm just ramblin' tho.
>well acksually games back then cost more to buy
Well ackshually games were always overpriced new, but we also had secondhand shops and easy ways to get cheaper used games with less anti consumer practices.
>pirate every game i can
>spend 30/60$ per quarter in p2w mobile shit
Get on my level fags
I care about art style.
say hi to the google shill equivalent of uighurs for me
Brothers, I have been redpilled.
I'm woke now. I realized a subscription based model for videogames is the future, and I welcome it.
I can sort of understand why niche indies need to cost more.
fuck you, it's just going to end up like how you need five hundred subscription services for film