If you defend this game you are 100% casual trash.
If you defend this game you are 100% casual trash
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I don't play FPS games so I don't care.
What's going on in this .webm?
What's the issue?
I don't get it
Don't play fps' what's wrong?
I haven't played MW so I don't know exactly but it looks like some really high idle sway
I'm guessing it's because the gun moves instead to remaining perfectly still.
I like how babies cry about it being casualized because it has realistic features typically found in SQUAD or ARMA 3, the most anti casual games out there.
The shadow on his hand
I actually really like that iron sight sway. One of the biggest issues with the game is that accuracy is a non issue since iron sights make all your guns into pinpoint lasers. Adding iron sight sway is a good way to both stop that while giving a visual indicator of it. The game series has been trash for years now, but this is a neat little addition.
Have you ever held a gun before, especially after running? That's pretty realistic, and if anything, still too subtle.
retard's attachments on his pistol increase idle sway, for the purpose of making this thread he added on every attachment that negatively affected idle sway
Guns have sway? needing to control sway makes you a casual? your so hardcore you cant control a gun in a video game unless its pinpoint accurate?
>SQUAD or ARMA 3, the most anti casual games out there
t. Quake fag
>control random sway
im not the only one who visualize a vibrating dildo, right?
>SQUAD or ARMA 3, the most anti casual FPS games out there.
Fixed. FPS are still one of the most casual genre and nothing can be done to change that.
swaying is ok but why use a tilting motion from the wrist. nobody does that
Playing it at all makes you a casual
t. LARPing military incel
Bitch boy eurotrash, try shooting a handgun and you'll see how much your bitch hands and bitch arms have trouble being 100% still. Handgun shooting is an art that takes years to master.
>sway is extremely minimal
>completely uncontrollable
who wouldve thought COD would be a casual filter
Wrong. Fps games require coordination that normies can't handle. Normies can handle rpgs, third person games somewhat, driving, flying, fighting, puzzle, and almost all other genres. But fps just boggles their mind.
>most popular most normie game EVER is a free FPS/TPS
You sure showed everybody.
>I can control randomness
>That's why I'm a millionaire from playing slot machines
Who would have thought Yea Forums would be overrun by retards and casuals?
>One half of Yea Forums is autistically screeching about how bad the game is
>The other half is autistically defending it
That would be MOBAs, MMORPGs or RPGs before it would get to FPS.
No thanks, it's the worst CoD to date. IW have a horrible track record ever since Activision canned Vince.
Thanks, osama doggo-kun
game artificially randomizes your aim for no reason this (obviously) doesnt work on consoles as they have autoaim
Played a few hours, it's not that fun. At this point it's just a lesser BF4 if maps were all small.
If the next BF comes back to a modern settings everyone will forget this reboot.
unoptimized garbage, ground war is a fucking adhd sensory overload and it annoys me, far too small the maps for that kind of gameplay
I haven't played a cod since blops.
Does this one have zombies? May pick it up.
>everyone shitting on the game for mechanics
Yeah, that's exactly why Overwatch and CSGO are so popular. Do you remember how fucking giant MW was when it came out? Of course you don't, you probably weren't old enough to play it then. Jesus Christ, the level of delusion is insane.
Too bad, so sad.
What do you even mean?
I uninstalled the beta of this trash game after 20 minutes.
>graphics from 2001, why the fuck does it look like im playing without my glasses? why is it so fucking blurry?
>characters seem to "run" at breakneck speeds of 2 km/h
>i just ran around 1-shotting people
>maps the size of a shopping mall toilet
>also ugly as fuck
i really feel sorry for anybody who things this game is good.
I'm not picky I just want something I can smoke weed and play dubstep with.
you know what I find hilarious? COD4/MW2/Black Ops 1 even MW3/Black Ops 2 have way superior multiplayer yet all those games are basically dead now.
Why do people fall for any COD game after MW3/Black Ops 2 time and time again?
MW2 multiplayer: aim missile at ground, switch to knife, melee everyone. If they kill you, then both you die.
SEETHING zoomer.
Git gud faggot, no mor 360 no scopes for (you).
take the most OP gun in every newer COD game
every gun even the pistols were like that in MW2, thats why it was good
Commando was annoying but not invincible
The only issue with MW2 was One Many Army and Danger Close spam noobtubes.
That isn't mimimum sway, are you fucking dumb? That sway could make all your shots miss on top of the bullet spread.
Projecting zoomer detected
Have you ever fired a real gun? Scope sway isn't a meme.
Have sex, dilate, cope.
It's probably to stop people from camping with their sights aimed right at a doorway. Notice that the aim is pretty stable for the first few seconds, then gets worse. You're supposed to snap to irons, fire a few shots, and move on... not stay aiming through them the whole game.
Anything else you want to add to your projection, zoomer? So far we know that you're SEETHING, wanting to have sex, dilating and coping. Pretty sad indeed!
>reeeeeeee why do I have to put effort into games
>I just want to be able to press rt to win
>what is recoil and scopesway
>add in the tinyst sway
what did OP mean by this?
It's not a real gun, it's a virtual one.
This means that sometimes you will kill because your opponents random number generator for the sway was a little more extreme than yours.
It's not fun to win nor lose fights like this.
Sway is ok, but the sway in the OP is way too fucking much to the point where you might as well go spray an AK in CSGO.
Who are you quoting, zoomer? More projection, perhaps?
so its more realistic?
i see no problem here
Tell me, are you a quakenigger? Is this why you're so butthurt over anything that isn't point n click?
>why is it so fucking blurry
buy a new pc or change settings brainlet
i bet the give retard consolers the chance to turn off that weapon sway but fuck pc players and put it on. and you cant take it off.
fuck console players this is why right her ei never wanted to see consolefags on pc. they would do this and call it fair like they fuck up everything else on pc for consolers.
>remove the tinyst sway
have you ever played a pc game? try going to the options next time boomer
That's the aa retard, takes 2 seconds to figure out if you're not disabled.
sway should only be the retardedness of you and you can't hold your mouse steady. not artificail retardedness that consolers suck so bad they call a.i. real.
>all settings on ultra
>still looks like Hitman 1
You seem awfully agitated. I wasn't the guy you replied to.
My point is that at that point of sway you might as well just program a button you can click that has a 90% chance of showing YOU WIN. There's no leisure to put yourself in a position where you can win guaranteed. All you can do is hope that yours is on the mark while the one of the enemy isn't.
how is any of this unfair? everyone has the same thing effecting them. many shooters do this in terms of recoil/shaking after sprinting/breathing/suppression effects all affecting your character.
>defending shit graphics
sorry guys but you cant honestly defend these shit graphics, even if you crank all this shit on ultra it still looks like a dumpster fire
you're getting this mad over something you are "guessing" is true? lmao
>add a 1% chance every second to randomly lose the match for no reason at all
>hOW iS ThIS uNFaiR? eVerY OnE hAS THe SaME cHAnce
You are a moron mate, turn off the aa and put res scale to at least 125%, blur gone. Not defending the graphics at all just pointing out how fucking dumb you are.
I'm not going to buy this game. The beta was enough, but your settings are fucked if you think it looks like a 2001 game. Maybe your GPU is fried. Name a game with good graphics in your opinion.
>It's not fun to win nor lose fights like this.
You say that, but you're the type that will immediately attribute all losses to RNG sway and all wins to pure skill, so this will undoubtedly increase your enjoyment by making you feel like you're better at the game by giving you something to blame.
part of acquiring skill is being able to compensate. and you're confusing RNG with in-game mechanics. Brainlet indeed.
>compensate for randomness
what are you even trying to say here?
that.... what? turning half of the nonsense graphic options will make this outdated trash look better, somehow?
holy shit ive seen steam indie games with better graphics than this.
>Name a game with good graphics in your opinion.
quite literally any FPS that came out in recent years
you're confusing RNG with in-game mechanics
saying something doesn't make it correct dummy
maybe if a grandma was holding the gun lol
pistols are close range weapons
you compensate by getting closer
you seem pretty retarded so here you go grandpa
Idle sway is random, which is governed by a RNG. Educate yourself.
>You say that, but you're the type that will immediately attribute all losses to RNG sway and all wins to pure skill
Projections & assumptions don't make good arguments, bitch boy.
Jesus christ you are literally too fucking stupid to understand the basic ass graphics settings I detailed. Just play on a console and don't procreate please.
>Have you ever held a gun before, especially after running? That's pretty realistic, and if anything, still too subtle
How fucking out of shape are you?
Anyone else wildly flip flop between being good and being shit each game, and not knowing what exactly what you did right or did wrong?
It's not a projection or an assumption when you literally did that in your first post complaining about RNG.
That anons an absolute retard but I feel like WW2 looked a lot better than this one
What exercises do you do yo strengthen and stiffen your wrist muscles and stop adrenaline from affecting hand shake, exactly?
Netcode is the worst in the series. WWII was similar, but it only happened every now and then.
>I can hold a pistol perfectly on target after sprinting around in 30 kilos worth of ammo and plate carrier, I'm no fat ass!
Nobody believes you or is impressed
This. For some reason it stops registering my mouse movements for a split seconds and the aim stutters slowly
Right here, man.
I haven't played cod since blops 1, but something feels off to me.
To be fair in more if a BF fan, which explains my gunplay habits which don't translate into this game at all. BF5 being so shit made me give the series a shot again and I've had decent amount of fun, but it really is just 50/50 for me.
Best match I had wa with the LMG loadout of all things, which is funny because >lmgs in cod
Shotgun as a secondary is too good, though
>n...n....no!! you're retarded!!!
hahahaha look at this trash.
holy shit Rage from 2010 had higher res textures than this.
This game seriously fucking looks like a mobile game.
How is the campaign?
I want to play It singleplayer
Is 26 zoomer?
I just wanna re live my highschool years.
I should've known you were a console shitter by your painfully evident low iq.
it's set to stock render at 50%
It's really easy to fix, but Idk why the fuck it started like that
Stop being poor, buy VR, and try to hold a gun steady in a VR g ame. You won't. No imagine your controllers are made out of fucking metal.
works on my machine
are you implying i recorded this?
i just typed "modern warfare beta" and copy pasted a link here without even watching.
stop shilling for 100 year old graphics that are being released in 2019, you poor fools.
>is 26 zoomer
No, not really.
Not gonna lie I'm kinda jealous you had a relatively good time in highschool.
I don't even want to relive my college years to be honest.
>this literal ape still talking
Guns sound neat.
Bullet popping/cracking sounds great. Idk about anything else about the game: I've never played it
>this literal ape is still shilling
>weapon sway in cod
4 had it eith four-or-so guns for balance purposes. If not, everyone would've just used the M4 with the RDS.
the exercise of not having parkinsons
>that.... what?
i'm not even buying it you absolute mong. just find it hilarious how fucking computer illiterate you are.
Yeah, I complained that winning through RNG isn't fun and doesn't feel good.
That's the opposite of what you're trying to project onto me.
You're just used to being trash.
>anything but casual trash
Are you 8?
>graphic illiterate
dude dont have to be a master programmer to say the graphics look terrible, imo
>calls CoD casual trash
>plays CS, R6, ArmA or Squad or any BR meme game
Into the trash they go with your opinion
no im on pc retard, but consolers are the retards that this was added for since muh joystick fps
if you're not trolling i genuinely feel bad for you
This actually helps. This and the PC config trick to turn off the blur filter makes the game tolerable.
Ah, I see
>your opinion is trash because Ive named off a list of games you dont play either
>cod game is casual trash
i play on pc but you sound like a retard i'd never want on my team
cod is far more casual than any of those other games
Is this the first instance of a game attempting to balance by making one of them drunk?
>crosshair moves when using a sniper scope
>this is fine
>crosshair moves when using a pistol scope
no fucking consolers won't have that this is probably only from the pc version. we have to deal with some retarded pretend sway while consolers get handicaps and easy modes.
stupid faggots consolers need to stay off pc if they cant play
are the graphics good, average, or bad, for an AAA title being released at the end of 2019?
is.... is this it?
THATS the best this game can do?
Geez, guys, there is honestly no way in hell i can defend this game.
just look at it.
holy crap.
Casual zoom zoom detected
honestly i'm surprised you don't forget to breathe.
why did they kill black ops 4 so fast
it was PERFECT at release but every fucking 'balance' patch made it worse and worse and worse
>sprinting through the map like an autistic retard
>come to a sudden stop and aim
>cant hold gun still because breathing hard and heart is racing
>Call of duty game is casual trash
You're like 13 years late
*ads attachments to eliminate idle sway*
Nothing personal retard :^)
but user I just topfragged with a 2.3 kd
>gets triggered by people calling cod casual
>calls other zoomers
projecting little retard detected.
>so mad and salty because i think the graphics look like outdated low resolution shit
Who are you quoting, angry zoom zoom?
try shooting a real handgun and see how much your aim DOESN'T waggle around.
>u mad
yawn, this is getting real boring. cya retard.
i'm 25 you fucking stupid little virgin lmao.
>ahhh I hate these gosh darn consolers, they get handicaps, not fair!!
>consolers need to keep playing on consoles!
It looks fucking retarded, the weapon is wobbling like it's a floppy dildo.
t. never held a handgun
These things sway like a bitch because you can't shoulder them.
You're 25 and haven't had sex? I don't think there's any hope for you, user. I'm sorry for your unfortunately circumstances.
>hasn't had sex
Lads, what the hell happened to modern games?
Even old-ass games like Bad Company 2 blow this out of the water, graphically speaking.
>Even old-ass games like Bad Company 2 blow this out of the water, graphically speaking.
you are delusional
It really does look way more crisp and high res.
Not to even mention BF5, compared to MW.
i played this beta for an hour or two and went back to MW2. the arcade feel is what i like, this weird half realism they go for isnt for me
yea they dont need to come to computers and get handicaps just so i can..
deal with the "realism"
who the fuck actually plays call of duty
Good thing I'm not playing with your noodlearmed boywhore body but a supposed trained soldier.
OP is the board's biggest autist yet.
>he wants to snipe with A FUCKING PISTOL
Not even that user but imagine unironically saying
>lol ur a virgin
this actually made me laugh.
Seething incel detected
your mom
>I stand at a 15 yard indoor climate controlled range and I can hold still!
>why can't a guy who just got done a sprint in combat hold it still!
Range queen
You're supposed to use the pistol close range scrub
Imagine your surprise if you fired a gun irl
Except it's badly done.
His arms should move, not his wrists.
so THAT's how all these 12 year olds on Xbox Live know her.
>That's pretty realistic
I guess you'll like falling to the floor in agonic pain and then dying in CoD if you get hit once in the belly
Obsessed polish retard
I mean that IS what happens in real life
Level 30 in the beta and my best kill streak so far is onlu 8. In 4, it was 25, in MW2, it was 45. Every kill streak I get is immediately balanced out by a death streak.
Only faggots use red dot. Absolutely pathetic.
Lmfao you're literally a dumb retard autist faggot
Ironsight only makes you the best player
>Light Barrel: + ADS speed, - bullet velocity
>this is CoD, average engagement is like 25 meters, I'm sure it's nothing
>MP5 now shoots 10mm paint balls going maybe 100 m/s
So far I have been loving it.
Great graphics (wtf are retards talking about)
Runs maxed on everything that matters at 1440p on my i7 & 2070 GPU sitting at 114fps
Ttk feels good for CoD
Pistols fucking suck but I've done good with them so far
Maps are nice but so few in beta
There is a battlefield mode with 64 players & vehicles that's pretty rad (vehicles are toy tier tho)
The only fucking thing I cant stand is the lighting, I cant see anything in half of that cave or any building not filled with lights & there is no lighting option.
Any1 know how to fix darkness?
Tldr: runs gr8, looks gr8, feels gr8, darkness is too dark pls help
Pic unrelated not on pc for screenshots
It actually does.
Yep, they significantly lowered the skill ceiling. It's now CS-tier garbage.
Implying american soldiers don't have diabetes and heart problems, making them have parkinsons aim
>Starts off accurate
>Gets less accurate if you try to use it to camp
Absolutely fucking based
>implying CoD wasn't always casual trash
It wasn't, at least on PC. It's just a meme CS shitters came up with to justify their shitty RNG mechanics. Now that MW has similar mechanics, it turned into casual shit, just like CS.
t. top 100 SPM player, GE and ESEA faggots couldn't even touch me.
you might be right. I've played it on console and haven't noticed this
>It wasn't, at least on PC
Are you retarded?
CoD has always been as casual as you can get kid.
>why does this shitty youtube screenshot look bad?
just unlock the MP7, it shreds through people with a ridiculous fire rate and shoots as straight as a laser
i've tried this game yesterday
can somebody explain why does it run like shit considering the graphics have barely improved since 2009? also it takes around 50 GB, which is ridiculous for multiplayer only. if i recall correctly MW2 was around 8 GB. it almost seems like a scam to make you buy new pc components or even worse, a console
Spotted the CS shitters
I don't play CS, CoDbabby
Fortnite isn't any better, kiddo, hate to say it!
yes, CoD is a hardcore FPS for real gamers
It's as close it gets to arena shooters
Go buy new eyes.
A mixed bag for me.
> Super satisfying, shooting and getting kills is great, just like CoD knows to do
> Fast
> Streaks are weaker and harder to get
>Almost impossible to see an enemy in the shadows, especially in high contrast areas
>AR and SMG are far and miles better than anything else. Others guns are either situational or outright bad. The M4 is just too reliable.
>Ground War is mediocre. Would have been better without vehicles I think.
>Disappointing game modes.
It's good.
Just not 60$ good.