ITT: We trigger vidya PTSD
What's wrong user? Just jump up there. Are you a retard?
ITT: We trigger vidya PTSD
What's wrong user? Just jump up there. Are you a retard?
Other urls found in this thread:
I Never understood that. Played that game, but I didn't get stuck anywhere. Unless it's some optional part that I didn't do.
It's Assassins Creed 2. It's a dream sequence where you briefly play as Altair. It's not AC1. People had a very hard time climbing that post. Unlike every other identical post in the game that one cannot be climbed from the front. I reset the game 3 times because I thought it was bugged.
hi there
are you having fun?
I remember back when I used to spend a lot of time on GameFAQs and there would be half a dozen threads about this exact jump on the front page of the Assassin's Creed 2 forum every day.
If you tried to jump onto that post from the left or right side, you'd fall short. You had to position yourself right under it and jump straight up.
It's too high to be jumped on from the side either, you need to run up the wall and jump left onto it for extra height. And never again do you ever need to do that in the game, very weird, if you can get just above this the cutscene plays and the dream sequence ends, it wasn't supposed to be puzzling.
I've got 2
Jokes on you I like the whole game.
This stirs a memory in me...
Ye I know it's assassins creed 2. looked it up some years ago because people posted it here.
It was the last assassins game that I played through, but I don't remember getting stuck at anypoint.
I had fucking forgot that pain in the ass boss, thanks.
the run up the wall sidejump is used a ton of times in the games
what are you talking about
i distinctly remember getting past this the first time no problem... then i replayed this portion some years after and i completely forgot to wall-run lol
I played through Arkham Knight recently and that game has tons of moments where you're left with zero guidance of what to do next, and all of them have a ton of google results associated with them.
I remember one cutscene where a woman basically tells you how to do it and thats all I remember. I just know that 99% of the time you never needed this movie, it had a couple of story specific moments you had to use it maybe, I think I remember having to do it once in the vatican
I "solved" it by doing a jump-in-place on the wall in front (hold sprint button + "foot" button)
dunno if that was something added in later though
every single market stand cover required you to use the move to get on top of it though
>you'd fall short. You had to position yourself right under it and jump straight up.
I ran up the wall then jumped to the side to grab it.
Also valid. I remember defaulting to telling people to get right under it and jump straight up because it was all but foolproof, and the sort of people asking about it needed all the help they could get.
Probably did the same. Dunno it's been too many years to remember some random part of ass creed.
That is some bullshit right there.
Hello there
Yeah, that one fucks you over if you're not prepared going into it. For some people it might mean actually having to restart the game from the beginning because they built a party that's not great.
>On the meat bone
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>Meat on bone the
>Meat on the bone
>setpiece clearly designed to make the player feel powerful
>make it so frustrating that you feel like a retard
I'll raise you
That was some bullshit, made 0 sense
>You were supposed to agree with the spastic who is never right
>Fancy meeting you here.
I hope you have some backup saves.
>Never again do you need to do that in the game
Unless you want to be good at the game, that is
just did this fight. this shitty game goes for the Dark Souls 2 approach to difficulty where it just throws all these enemies at you.
Can somebody explain to me why people disliked these guys? I feel like the boss was way more painful than these duders, and I played on hardest difficulty.
was it the camera angle
i lost my faith in mmos when I saw this guy
>when one of your dumbass friends / brothers overwrote a save you were playing on
>especially just after you beat a really hard part / got something rare
i once got damn near to chimping out on my younger brother once for resetting a save i had. forgot what game but he did it so many times.
3 4
the ptsd came with the second game
oh man... oh man oh man oh man...
jus longjump it bro
>no manual
>gaining healer skills atm for mc
>no recent saves
Fuck I fucking hated how many chained bullshit battles there were in that game. Good game though
some publishers should be necked for killing the best of games. can you imagine BMW switching to making bicycles?
I never beat him. ever. LITERALLY impossible to beat without three lifetimes worth of luck.
There's a strategy to him.
The problem is that once you've got the strategy down, it's up to how long you're willing to beat yourself against him again and again until you get the right RNG.
You weren't using Battle gear were you?
This never fails to get me
the trick is to NEVER double jump. it kills all of your momentum. i would say the worst part of that game is the kalebo III hoverboard race and the associated skill points. the minigames really drag that game down for me
>grinded through 12 floors of boring combat
>stocked up on a ton of blasters just in case RNG fucks you
>shitty japanese programmers can't code a random dungeon system that won't suffer an anomaly which makes you stuck, forcing you to start all over again
>tfw I still beat it though ;x
I remember because i did half of these
I dont remember this one.
Who was in the wrong? I have both been able to jump on this and been unable to jump on this.
It has been years since I last saw the actual screencap posted.
>I dont remember this one.
Case 2-2
Gravel in the Swimsuit
Event 51
that's one of the easy ones. The chernobyl one is the holy grail. getting to that fucking chopper man, that FUCKING CHOPPER
>only had one guy make it out of this
Only the people who forgot the key will understand.
did it the same way
>he forgot the key
Who did you guys use
I did it with Game and Watch
So are you supposed to jump up to post?
Off to the freezer with you bitch.
game? looks cool
The Last Remnant? Gives a similiar vibe as that game
Jigglypuff. I found some way to cheese it as a kid with her.
They tell you early on how to side jump off of walls in both games. It wasn't required anywhere, but doing so allowed you to take alternate, potentially faster routes when you're running around town. Anyone complaining about this in the slightest is just admitting that they were braindead retards when it came to the freerunning--the selling point of the game--and that they're the ones responsible for the later games just playing themselves.
I spent way too much time on that fucking ledge, I had absolutely forgotten neutral jump was an option
Someone post the original, I don't have it.
Did people really struggle with this section? Jesus gamers are retards.
Someone remind me what the fuck this is. It’s on the tip of my brain but I can’t remember.
>used kirby
>spammed down B until I won
It was cheap but I felt so fucking smart.
It took me quite a while to realize there was some hidden hallway you had to go through to finish this fucking game.
Guess you haven't been here for too long, bitch
One shot, on kill, Suzie. I personally thought mile high was harder
Am I the only one to come out of this level unscathed on the first try?
they do a metric fuckton of damage, are really fast and if you don't have venom ammo for whatever reason you're going to get dicked on
I really loved this level, everything about the location, the atmosphere, how far away from the skyrunner you had to move your squad and the mad dash back, being chased by chrysalids.
Fuck this thing right here.
you're the retard, it was an extremely poorly designed part where the standard moves of the game didn't work
>Elite Knight set
>Black Knight shield
>Lightning infused spear from Sen's Fortress
>FaP ring
This pic is perfect.
You did save her, right Yea Forums?
At least you can turn the camera.
the way that combat encounters were triggered you could be 'in combat' but still be moving on the overworld, and when that happened you'd lose the ability to jump. i eventually learned to just force an encounter right before doing a jump. despite all of it's flaws, it's still a masterpiece.
Prepare yourself.
Damn how the fuck did people have trouble with that? I really loved the climbing mechanics in ass creed, especially in Revelations which I still think is the absolute height of the series. They completely butchered free running after that. Being able to get to street level from a rooftop by tackling a peasant was great, and then just removed that feature.
>i eventually learned to just force an encounter right before doing a jump.
I'm ashamed of how long it took me to figure out to do this
I just think putting platforming in Xenogears, in any section it appears, was a poor choice
but yes it's still one of the greatest games of all time even in its unfinished state
I guess i got really lucky with my playthrough cause i didn't get stuck anywhere, but i'm constantly seeing people bitch about how hard their playthroughs were.
Holy fucking shit when this thing appeared as a kid I would shit myself. I had no idea how to play that game at my age and this stupid cat would always appear and murder me.
Typhoon makes all things possible
There should be at least 10 grenade markers
you could just fucking post the box art of that game, I don't know how or why I did it but I did it
Now do it Ghost Pacifist
I've never completed a pacifist run because of this
is it any good?
i read that it's gameplay isn't all too great but pretty complicated and i don't want to spend time learning a complicated but shit game
hey i know that game
what is it?
>had a whiteboard in my bedroom
>every time a friend would visit they'd write something on the whiteboard/sign it
>becomes almost a biblical tablet by legend
>countless years of good will and memories
>younger sister comes into my room when I'm out, wipes it all off and writes "I love my brother user"
>show her what it means to anger a god
Used save states for most platforming bits and I do not regret it.
yeah but thats only a whiteboard, not a video game.
plus it's kind adorable. atleast they didnt write something like LOL FUCK U
The game was good for its time because of the graphics and CG movies, but the game is overall very forgetable (the only thing I remember about it was the thing that forced me to start the whole game over because I was stuck at a point of no return).
The story and the characters are decent, but I wouldn't advice you to bother with it unless you really like the gothic ambience and creepy stories. I finished because back in the day I would only buy one game on special occassions and you couldn't return games like you do with Steam now.
That one ledge grab QTE as Sheva.
This was complete bullshit
Looks like the vizier from prince of persia and the two thrones
That was impossible even with controller
Jigglypuff and Rest, shit's easy. All Star Match Deluxe was way worse.
>Wreck the last racer's shit with my souped up lambo
>Have to use a midgame-tier car for the chase afterwards
U wot, the final M3 GTR is one of the fastest cars in the game. The one used in the intro is mid-tier at best.
You can skip the voidling fight + keep Gwydian alive if you teleport and trap him somewhere.
I absolutely loved this shit with 2 friends
? it's rasy af lol. just vaguely spam w/d
>not the rope
Couldn’t find an original picture, but Halo 2 on legendary had a ton of PTSD moments. It was somehow the easiest of the series for me though
Really? Because I distinctly remember the top speed being like 30mph lower than a maxed out Murcielago
I once got exactly 0.0 but since it wasn't LOWER than 0.0 i didn't get the crest
Red Faction rail gun mercs
I know the only cars that can compete with it around a circuit are a fully Junkman'd out Carrera GT, Lotus Elise and Fiat Punto, the grip and acceleration on that thing are just nuts.
what game is this?
Gets much less rage inducing when you realize it's 95% luck. The butterfly shit was way worse
I love the fact that the game is competitive, but when this fucker appears, if he gets the person with the Item, EVERYBODY FUCKING LOSES. GON doesn't fucks around.
Some dude's cunt of a sister broke her computer and basically forced user to give his up. She ended getting his mom even to take it to geeksquad where they completely wiped it and did a fresh install of windows she even told him he was tech retared because he was originally using linux and his sister's programs weren't working properly on it so it was his fault somehow.
Same thing, do people not know about snipers? I think one of my guys took a hit tho
divinity 2 original sin
>0 and O look the same
>I and l look the same
I tried playing the game three times, once with a guide, and each time I got completely stonewalled by this fucker.
fag deserved it
>blocks your path
What's that? You decided to go Circle of Magi first?
Dark Grimoire? KIll her mother? Oh yeah it's no proble-
"Kills Alistair in one hit"
"Fireballs the other party members and one shots them as well"
"U decide to micromanage the shit out of yourself and drink every single hp potion you managed to keep so far"
"Only bring her to down to 80%"
I just panicked and shot my cat.
>Zoomers with smartphones will never know this challange
Fuck this looks so familiar, but I can't remember what it's from. What game is this?
It was confusing as hell when I was a kid. I couldn't understand what was or was not on what level
>3 buttons (or 6 depending on your controller)
Your IQ is less than room temperature if you got stuck
*halts your momentum*
blockhead grande
That's the true end, though.
The gameplay is actually pretty simple and it's not that long, only maybe six hours. The story is good and it has surprisingly decent voice acting for the time.
What's the problem here ?
Fuck I’d forgotten about this, absolutely awful qte
I tried my damnest to not use my phone for that last super hard one, but alas at the end I gave in and used it, still feel guilty for it.
I still don’t get how people got confused by this
He doesn't like Twizzlers
I quit the game after this stupid boring-ass chapter. Is it even worth going back to?
The reason it never quite 'clicked' for a lot of kids playing at that time is that you virtually never used up or down at any point in the game for anything. The whole game operated on moving left and right and that was it. If you needed to ascend, you instinctively jumped instead of hitting up.
Was the only game I couldn't complete a lot of levels on Legendary. I didn't have a Problem with Legendary on the other games outside of some H1 levels
Well that's not enough to trigger ptsd.
>height of the series
Absolutely based, people always shit on me for saying that but it genuinely is. The setting, old ezio, the return of Altair, the perfection of the gameplay formula, the tombs, the bomb creation, it was absolutely amazing. Even the tower defence, while weird, was actually fairly fun.
>Dude, just get a female version of a low female rate evolve via trade mon or head butt trees for 500 hundred years to catch a mon that can flee with a high catch rate when only Pokeballs are available to you
When did people start pretending Whitney was easy as a kid?
Depending on which point in the campaign you arrive there it can be sorta easy or fucking impossible
If you have a high level assault it pretty much cuts the difficulty in half
the only level on veteran I had to cheat to get the platinum
It took me a lot of save scumming to do it on my first playthrough (max difficulty), but it's manageable
Yeah, it gets a lot better in the later cases
2-4 has great atmosphere and 2-5 is the best case in the series
2-3 kind of sucks though
Gothic 2
When I was younger, I went in there accidentally in the night while running away from a fight.
I fell down there and the moment I saw the doots I paused the game and didn't unpause for at least an hour, thats how shitfilled my trousers were.
... good times, fuck mercs.
i somehow managed to get by the infamous archers no problem on my 1st blind playthrough without cheese tactics such as poise or summons, though i did get raped by those bat winged demons before you even get to the flying butresses
>not grinding XP with your starter
>not soloing the whole game with your starter
LMAO@retarded kids lifes
You run up the wall left or right of it then jump towards it mid wall climb. It’s not the same as glue-ing yourself like most of the climbing so people who are bad at video games couldn’t figure it out
the lambo fuckin sucked
if i recall you could enter the tuning menu and either make the lancer an all around king
Or the M3 a monster at any one challenge, be it racing or dragstering
This game was shit, but I miss it
>the lambo fuckin sucked
You are aware we're talking about the original NFSMW and not the EA remake, right?
nah, you just do a hop when sitting right beneath it
ok i honestly don't know
I just know the one im thinking about had an edgy max payne looking white guy as the enemy
I'd also like to see the original. it's been too long.
He's not completely wrong though, the Murcielago may be fast in a straight line but it's a heavy beast of a thing that doesn't really like to go around corners. The Gallardo is a much better overall car.
i dont recognize any of these guess it helps to not play shit games lol
Scared the shit out of me the first time I encountered it.
How much younger was she compared to you? That sounds like something a sub-10 years old child would do
Try playing it on hard - the laser and missile weapon systems rooms will be connected to the main section.
Since you clearly don't remember the game very well, I'll remind you that the lambos with all the upgrades are the best cars in the game statistically. Also, performance tuning isn't available on the M3, which is another reason it's such a step down.
You can get around that with the right tuning and careful application of speedbreakers and nitrous 90% of the time, it's really only the >90-degree angles that cause it trouble. But yeah, you can easily finish the game with the C6 or the Gallardo.
>T-thanks Spyboy
>Any time Flygirl
2-5 will blow your mind
Entire game is worth it for that alone
>"Only bring her to down to 80%"
That's why you leave the Dragon fights just before you reach the Landsmeet.
I mostly used the Murcielago for pursuits because of its weight, that thing's hard to stop once it gets going.
For races the Carrera GT is the fastest thing you can get after the M3 except on really tight twisty tracks, where the Elise has it beat.
Literally the only thing I had to save scum for in the game, it would have ruined my ghost run.
On a related note, how do I make sure I don't miss any e-books in fucking Mankind Divided?
>When people post screenshots of games you're playing and enjoying right now
>Don't use up or down for anything else except looking up and down and crouching to spindash
>Pressing up and down has no immediately visible feedback because you would have been bouncing on it
>It is possible albeit incredibly difficult to get through by jumping
It's objectively badly designed and the game's director publicly apologised for it.
It's all just about hitting him as fast as possible, it's pretty impossible to avoid the projectiles, so you just have to kill him before he kills you. As long as you memorize his movement pattern it's pretty easy.
>not paralyzing and/or causing flinch
>not teaching rollout to geodude with defense curl,using her own strategy against her
>not lowering accuracy, especially with a ghastly followup
even a kid could come up with those strategies. you're mentally retarded.
Online guide is probably your best bet, though really the only truly missable ones are probably on the missions themselves, Prague is accessible for 90% of the game
>this video still triggers retards to this day
Fuck fuck fuck
>My ironman run is going great so f-
>Don't use up or down for anything else except looking up and down and crouching to spindash
so? they're still used in the game. process of elimination is not too much for non-retarded kids to handle.
>Pressing up and down has no immediately visible feedback because you would have been bouncing on it
try not having adhd. it doesn't take that long to get going.
>It is possible albeit incredibly difficult to get through by jumping
in a game that expects you to go fast, only a retard would assume the designers wanted the player to do something that tedious.
this was some severe bs right at the start of the game
>Hype this up in the trailers
>Actually one of the worst parts of the game
So many TIEs.
Oh, what's that? You've only used sidestep and backflip the whole game? Well, get fucked.
god this is the absolute most shit case ever
It's not.
If you're using a controller, you can spin both sticks at the same time and the meters for these QTEs will fill twice as fast, with half the effort.
i remember spending like two days in a row trying to fucking do this as a kid
really no-one posted the final song ok bunch of casuals in here
Never had a problem with this. The trick is to optimize movement. It’s obvious that’s what they want you to do. You don’t kill them all, Then it’s no problem.
Amazing call back to the original but I still used youtube to beat that shit. No regrets.
god i miss cybershell
Never beat this i don’t think and I loved this shitty game.
I bought the strategy guide specifically to get past this as a kid. Didn't have internet at the time so couldn't just look it up.
The mission is fine now, but it killed my child self.
Also, earth-worms.
What's funny about this is the wii version cut this into a cutscene to save data and it works 10x better
Most of the people posting on Yea Forums were 9 when this game came out, no one played Drakengard 3.
your brain's badly designed
Fucking hell, took me longer to beat this than the rest of the game
Best level, though.
How to take a game from 9/10 to 7/10 in three missions
The ignorance of this post.
>tfw had my MEC soldier fucking dash to the panel then bust my ass getting everyone back to the skyrunner
I bet you jerked it
>Knuckles run
>starts talking about double fake penguins and a kid who killed himself by putting on too much deodorant
He was a funny son of a bitch.
The PSP version, too. This moment is just a few seconds of a cutscene which makes it lame but it's so much better than playing it out in the "real" version of the game.
I had zero problems with this part on my first go. Just walked up and killed both dudes without getting hit. Sen's fortress was also EZ
For those who don't know, pic related is one of the three colombian missions in Hitman: Codename 47.
Those missions were a fucking chore and I am glad they were not brought back for Hitman: Contracts.
Same for the Japan missions in the sequel.
>not having a link cable and using a sibling's GBA.
Codename 47 was already a 7/10 to begin with, those missions bring it down to a 5/10. You have to admit, though, that those leaf physics in the Amazon were really nice for when the game came out.
All yo credits, nigga. NOW.
>when the ai kicks in
>this portal is the first of ten
it just took me a minute or two; nothing to stay angry about
>he didnt noclip through the entire level
Wait a minute that card...
the game was already pretty unfun, but that is where i dropped it. such a bad sequel
"oh god please just drop once please"
What are you gay?
Drakengard 1's version is completely fine though since the camera stays still and it's purely visual, sure it'll take some attempts but Drakengard 3 is in another league of bullshit.
I really don't. Did he have some stupid gimmick or what.
I always had more trouble with Jager afterwards than Gates of Hell.
Fuck The City of White Nights.
Leonardo really was a bro.
came here to post this
Seriously did they even playtest this level? This shit was thoroughly unenjoyable. Zero cover, repetitive rooms and comedic enemy spam that drags on for WAY too long.
I think this is the only level in the whole trilogy I skip on each replay. Fuck the Library.
I only had trouble with this level the first time I played it
Even on legendary it's easy as hell, literally just grab the shotgun start blasting through flood and turn your brain off for like a half hour
I bet you two complain about the Water Temple too
>Goldeneye64 mission 1
>MISSION FAILED: killed too many scientists
>MISSION FAILED: kill more scientists
This thread is proof that Yea Forums is full of casual zoomers. I used to think people here were actually good at games
>is a fucking key quest
>if he isn't his green nigger cousin is
Not PTSD-inducing but he was the casual filter of MHW before Elders, I had a harder time with Odogaron because I was using hammer and he was much faster than I thought he'd be
the slamming doors from cry of fear
>game has no voice acting
>can’t read
childhood gave me some challenges
>dude just turn off your brain
Post your video of you beating the Drakengard D branch boss, if you're so good.
In hindsight I used have just used my keyboard. or a fucking macro, but i was pissed. had to just keep going once i got my rhythm down. Doubled+1
Honestly, it's not that bad. The jumpy fuckers can mess you up depending on what build you have but you can abuse the AI and kill a lot of them from afar or just avoid them. You can skip the boss and once you reach this part, you just run through the maze.
The final mission tho, that shit is ptsd inducing.
Maybe this is just a thing for me but
>be fuckshit scared of open water
>get TW3
>friend tells me there are whales before I start playing
>forgotten about this mostly mid way through playthrough
>fumble and retardedly fall off my boat
>see big looming shadow in the depths moving
>alt+f4 and uninstall the game
I cannot finish this game after seeing that
I went with a great sword and thought odagaron was so much easier to read and react to than anjanath
No one said it was hard, idiot.
thanks for reminding me that I still have to beat this on Marine MC Mythic
Did you know that if you drink a cat's eye potion and then move the Camera beneath the water or dive, you can not only see the Whales but all the way down to the ocean floor? It's fucking deep and the whales are huge. They also only move when you move, it's creepy.
I did. The trick is the route but once you have it down pat you can knock out a couple guys and save her.
God I loved Alundra
no indication that holding the d-pad would do anything.
Incoming image dump motherfuckers. (Like three of them anyway.)
The end.
Boy oh boy do I have the game for you.
In order to avoid doing a further playthrough I did the plasma cutter only achievement at the same time as the nightmare difficulty achievement. I also had to get the achievement for that segment at the same time, which was by far the hardest part.
I'm being completely honest here and saying that I think if I played this I might actually cry. I'm not scared of much but deep, open water does something to regress my mind to being fucking 3 years old.
I'm sorry.
plot twist: it's not the climbing or jumping that triggers PTSD. It's that he can't swim once he jumps off that into any body of water, including small ass puddles.
For me its the races
especially the one with erol through the whole damn city
The turret sections suck but I think people mainly despise them so much because they don't realize you can fire both barrels with the triggers.
based fellow scared of whales man I think I was scarred by the fish in Mario 64, I used to have a recurring nightmare that I was chained up underwater and that thing was trying to eat me
I feel you man. Did something happen when you were younger? I loved the ocean until I had a shark encounter at the beach when I was 12.
The only thing I can think of other than is once I was swimming out to sea with my cousins and I got stuck on some seaweed and needed to be helped, this was when I was about 9, although I kind of remember already being pretty scared of open water at that point. I've always had nightmares about the sea. When I was 8 I very nearly drowned in a swimming pool when attacked by a down syndrome woman who held me under but I don't think that's what did it
It was weird for about 10 seconds until you realize what you need to do, and even weirder that the puppeteer system prohibits jumping on it directly from the middle of the balcony edge but I can see how it's memorialized in this meme precisely because it highlighted the flaws of the puppeteer system, at least that's my theory.
Oh boy do I have the game for you.
I categorize Far Cry 3 as a horror game
The bosses in VJ were so much harder than the moment to moment gameplay. Great game though.
You renamed this file just to fuck with him, didn't you
mario 64 was my first feeling of hydrophobia or whatever its called
was swimming in the open waters of mexico when i was 12,saw a fucking eel come up from the abyss.
It's not that hard, especially when you compare it to what they added in the final DLC.
I wish someone would make a game similar to subnautica but either based on realistic sea creatures or ditch the cartoony graphics. It would be the ultimate survival horror game if everything didn't look so damn goofy.
>saw a fucking eel come up from the abyss.
fuck that AAAA
Endless Ocean
Check this guy out, watching him clinch his way through this game was fucking gold. Facing your fears like this is pretty fucking impressive. Also intense as fuck.
absolute garbage-tier game. The shitty simon-says boss fight to end it is oddly fitting way to close out such trash. And yeah I finished it, and felt very angry after doing so, as if they still won and I lost.
My angry Amazon review of that game was taken down.
The closest I got to facing my fears was water combat in Monster Hunter 3U, but the cartoony 3DS graphics spared me actual terror, I own Subnautica because of a free giveaway thing a while back but I will never install it as long as I live I don't think
the first of many, many things to make me rage in this game.
this is nothing.try it in VR.
literally threw my headset off when a thresher was screaming at me
Might be nothing, but VR is probably physically unbearable for people with actual phobia.
I'm currently in armistice with the Spider boss in Hunt. I have some level of arachnophobia, where I have worked my way to a level where I can easily handle most shit that runs around in central Europe and take care of the occasional tiny excuse of a spider that sits in my apartment. But seeing that abomination of a fucking spider made out of contorted human flesh, the size of a small car, frantically running around you with the appropriate sounds of half a dozen appendages in high resolution in fucking CryEngine 3 of all things just has me literally struggling with my body's response to that shit.
First time I solo'd the fucker every single hair on my body was standing at attention and my fight-or-flight impulse didn't drop until 5 minutes after I killed the fucking thing.
Bitch what the fuck! That shit was FIRE.
Nigger you suck
>mfw perma death run
Haha, You mean cause of the water parts? You must have hated the level where you escape from a sinking ship and have to swim up from it. Or the one where you dive in a cenote. Diving/jumping in a cenote would fucking terrify me, I watched a cryptid youtube video where this dude talked about people going missing from cenotes and swim holes. They go missing literally in the blink of an eye dragged under, These cenotes are supposed to be kilometers deep and mostly all connected.
Fuck That.
fuck spiders
Its a broken part of the game where you need to jump to that post but for some reason the game REALLY doesnt want you to grab it
That motherfucker
Thanks dude.
It's not really broken, everything is working as intended, it just requires the use of a move that is never required elsewhere in the game and never really gets taught to you. I think there was some mention of it in the first game because I was aware of it, but I can understand why it confuses people and why it would slip past testing.
>54 minute run
>Have a beautiful Kestrel build
>Doesn't even last 1 minute against this thing
>I was playing on Easy Mode
>things have gotten so bad that there are people these days who will actually fucking defend cosmetic microtransactions
Life is hard sometimes.
horse power armor
I made it to the boss on one of my very first runs and actually managed to beat it, and then discovered it has another fucking form, which I also beat and then discovered it has ANOTHER FUCKING FORM which I lost to. I dropped the game shortly afterward, it felt too much like a slot machine and not enough like a strategy game.
Brotherhood = Black Flag > 2 > Syndicate > Rogue > Revelations > Unity > 3 > 1 >>>>>>>> the rest
I don't even consider the newer AC games to be Assassin's Creed anymore, really
I don't remember this, name one please
Woolie you were the only one to misinterpret this, stop it
>revelations and unity that low
>syndicate that high
LITERALLY exists to get people to phone the Sega hotline to tell them how to progress
Nothing about the barrel is consistent with the rest of the game, the rest of the series...
Where else do you need to use the up and down directions in this rhythmic way? Nowhere.
Where is the visual indicator that Sonic is somehow manipulating the momentum of the entire barrel when you press up and down, in a series known for realistic/logical physics? Nowhere.
Where is the logic behind this barrel, that poses literally no threat to any player once they know that it moves when you press up and down? Nowhere
I have absolutely no doubt this barrel was a ploy to get kids to call their help line.
Fuck these faggots who don't know anything about game design, there is no logical reason why anyone should think of pressing up and down here, it's like if there was a room where suddenly only the C button jumped for some fucking reason. Sure, by pressing everything you would eventually get it, but that's not how you design a fucking game and it's not intuitive to any player.
yeah it's a good list
This, I remember realizing if i didnt luck out and do well enough past a certain stage just start over.What is this?
Yep. I got lucky enough to almost beat phase one of the boss a couple of times on easy mode. Just killed any interest I had in the game when regardless of what I do it's impossible to win most of the time.
I'm a freak but AC1 is my favorite. It's the only one that genuinely tried to be a stealth game. It wasn't perfect but it was executing new and interesting ideas. AC2 onwards the games just became combat-centric and the combat was never particularly good. They removed the only fun part of combat in AC1 in all the sequels. Hidden blade counters were awesome in the first game because you couldn't block strikes, and you had a very limited window to pull off the counter but it always gave you a guaranteed instakill, even on templars and the final boss.
I was playing this when my dad blew his fucking brains out in the bathroom
>he doesn't know
bethesda released horse armor paid DLC that was cosmetic and everyone hated it, now look at us
Played it and loved it. Fuck the Abyss though. How is the second game?
I never used the mechanic required up to that point.
Now that you mention it I did know about that, Foreshadowing for bethesdas future business practices
jesus really?
Crazy. I was playing GTA IV on a ps3 when my roommate did the same.
>Syndycate > Rogue
>Syndicate over anything else
Like, if you had fun with it that's okay, but Syndicate felt very weak. It tried being a mix of everything but ultimately failed at being all at once. Personally, I enjoyed playing a chad templar who assasins assasins, but Revelations is my most memorable.
As for the newer Assasins, yeah. Bayek was pretty cool in Origins but the ending felt fucking forced, and I have not played Dynasty but I heard it's Origins without Bayek therefore it's bad
never finished it due to bugs
the game wasn't THAT bad
>Revelations not top 3
>Black Flag considered an Assassin's Creed game
3 was literally the game where you stopped being an assassin and became a soldier in some war, the start of Unity felt like it was more of an actual Assassin's Creed again. Never got far into it, though. It's just too much bloat at this point, and it has only gotten worse with Origins and Odyssey.
>Foreshadowing for bethesdas future business practices
More like foreshadowing for the entire modern industry. All told Bethesda is probably the least reliant on microtransactions of all of the big publishers.
is that a fucking translucent headcrab?
3 is a bad game but I appreciate that they actually tried to close out Desmond's arc. Most series just string you along forever, never really resolving anything. AC3 gave enough conclusion that I was able to drop the series at that point and not feel like I was left with an unfinished story.
Given how rare that is in this industry, especially with big budget series like this, I think it's very commendable.
People only have themselves to blame for microtransactions having staying power
I don't even remember this being that bad. Had to redo it maybe once?
Why did the campaign in halo 1 suck so much?
The later half is literally shit like this and you going through the same levels in reverse
The game is really easy, but the first 2 bosses (this guy is the 2nd) are very hard for the beginning of the game. If I remember correctly this guy is just brutal damage wise, summons adds, and you have to fight him twice in a row.
Monster Rancher fans know what 5% chance to hit feels like.
You just need 2 flashbangs and an incendiary, or one of each.
>run straight to the pressure plate room from the left side
>throw an incendiary to the shielded ganado and the guy with the goat skull on its head, this buys you enough time to activate the pressure plate
>kill the shield guy that spawns right outside the door with your semi auto rifle (you did buy it, right?)
>grab the explosive grenade on the right vase
>go upstairs, throw a flashbang, tell ashley to work the crank and kill the two snipers
>gather the remaining ganados while ashley does her job then kill them with the grenade
>when the stairs lower throw another flashbang and kill the scythe ganados with your rifle, OR throw an explosive grenade if you have another one
>hole yourself up in the balcony with the first aid spray and kill whoever survived the grenade explosion
RE4's main campaign isn't even hard, ada's on the other hand, i still have nightmares about the battleship and saddler.
You say that like the people complaining are the ones buying. We know for a fact that microtransactions overwhelmingly make their money from "whales", a small amount of customers that will spend tens of thousands of dollars on a single game. Do you think those people are the ones posting on fucking imageboards about how much microtransactions ruin games? Of course not, everyone who cares about this issue is powerless to stop it from continuing, that's why people feel like their only possible solution is legislation.
You have to understand that Halo went through a lot of development shake-ups, and once they were locked in as a Microsoft Exclusive for the XBOX launch they had a solid date that was non-negotiable
There's making-of documentaries out there about how much had to be cut and rushed for Halo 1 and how it only really succeeded because they nailed the core gameplay loop early on
Halo 2 was basically what they would have wanted Halo 1 to be
Mein niggy
You make a good point
>Try to save her in a pacifist run
>An enemy falls off a ledge after I knock him out and dies
This triggers me because it not the infinitely superior Breath of Fire 3
Oh fuck me i moused over that and didn't pay attention and nearly shit myself.
Fuck undersea monsters.
I can still remember most of the cheat codes by memory
I guess this would be the BoF3 version
not really difficult but a very tedious segment
>Do a Sidequest and kill some extra enemies
>Game turns into imposible difficulty and can no longer do any progress.
What the fuck was ever the point of this fucking creatures?
>underwater escort mission with forced stealth, snipers, and backtracking
Kojima was taking the piss
Wasn't that a Rogue Squadron cheat for the Naboo ship or something?
I'm glad I just picked a guide for this, and for shitty games like digimon world 3 and all that old shit with shitty desert puzzles.
>sings hauntingly in your path
fuck this americunt fairy.
so you can traverse the ass grass without getting succ'd
Ah the Desert of Death, I don't remember it being too terrbile though.
I'm not sure if somebody played this here but if he did he would understand the little surprises in the hub area...
Yeah, you have to enter HALIFAX? first, and then !YNGWIE! after it
normally it would beep at a succesful code entry, but in this case it doesn't, because Phantom Menace hadn't come out yet and it wasn't meant to be discovered by anybody until the movie came out
some people found it though
it's a reference to some of the developers going to see Yngwie Malmsteen perform in Halifax, an inside reference only they would get
It's not that bad, it's just really long and you have to keep paying attention so you don't get off-track because if you do you pretty much have to start all over
There are also optional areas in the desert that require very specific paths and course adjustment which if you're a completionist makes it even worse
haha hell ya bro
>It's just too much bloat at this point
You say that like Revelations was already filled with bloat
>tower defense
>crafting system
>notoriety system
>what's up dude? I heard you run's going well so far.
>Horde of many
For my dad was mindblowing
Which one is the correct answer?
I did it with Ganon.
I had trouble with this when I bought it on Wii. The way the platform jiggles when you jump or step on it. It looks like you are supposed to keep jumping on it to move it. I had to look up a walkthrough for this.
oops, this was meant for
This barrel is right after one or two barrels that you pass by jumping on them. I hate all you dumb fucking autistic faggots that defend stupid shit like this. Three games and this mechanic is never once used except for this single instance. It's not even mentioned in the instruction booklet.
Resi 1 Tyrant. When I first got a PS1 my dumbass parents didn't get me a memory card, so I kept playing it like a hardcore autist, made it to Tyrant once and died, second time I got there I had insane adrenaline rush that almost made me drop the controller but got the fucker, had weird nightmares about that shit for months.
Meat On The Bone
shut up ee a cute
I'd like to see you run with plasticiser in your fucking ass
The whole game is a massive PTSD generator, I wonder if there any other game that is more unbeatable without getting hard psychosis than that one?
Really? That seems like the most obvious answer?
Ah, the ol' "Only brainlets had difficulty with the Carnival Night barrel" troll. Over a decade old at this point, and possibly on track to infuriate as many anons as the barrel itself did in the first place.
These guys are scary at first, but you just stand way back and keep shooting.
Yeah but the way they just keep going no matter what is kind of unnerving
I've only seen somebody play this at a friend's house back in the 90s, and they did this. Did everybody actually find the Butler creepy and lock him in the freezer?
Why would you not have Venom ammo?
I was always really good at this level for some reason
but that threading the needle at the end is definitely rough
the part of Shadows of the Empire that scared me the most as a kid was fighting IG-88 in the scrapyard
This and the following battle where Rafa keeps rushing in to get fucked by the notSephiroth and those two sluts are such bullshit.
007: The World Is Not Enough?
With a single image I can trigger multiple boards
Oh so that's why I was confused about the responses to that post.
I was stuck on this for hours as a kid. There's floating platforms with a bunch of guns on them. The guns have a shit load of armor and because there's so many clustered in such a tight spot you get your ass whooped while doing attack runs on them. You also have to use an A-wing which has shit for armor. I bet an X-wing could handle destroying the guns themselves.
There's little canisters you're supposed to shoot that destroys the platform instantly. I'm pretty sure that parachute platform is one of the gun platforms. I don't think the game tells you this, but it's easy as hell once you know you can do that.
this is one of those parts that really just fucks with you. you may or may not get it done on your first try and if you do more power to you but the more you have to try and retry the more difficult you make it on yourself. its trippy.
Fettel popping up next to you scared me more than Alma desu
I'd never heard the phrase before. I thought it was some kind of slang for cheers, clinking glasses.
It's confusing because they're asking where the weapon was hidden - which is inside the fake bone-skewer, which is not really ON the meat but more INSIDE of it but that's not an option. so you think OK - it's on the bone, on the meat, on the meat bone, bone the meat on...?
i had a nintendo magazine which showed how to do the whole compass/battery/book shit
as a kid never understood something so basic, but it actually helped me
goood times
Who the fuck ever just says "meat" anyway?
Is it beef? Steak? Lamb? Pork? I have only ever seen Japanese media refer to any meat as literally just "meat".
That's not Ursula's quest.
The game was great until this part and then I gave up.
Not that the snipers are bad enough, but having to protect AI is just ugh.
You wanted to preserve something that was easily erased. Should have made it permanent.
i love and hate quarantine zone
>try to do anything
>sentinels kill me instantly
>eventually learn that you can give beam rifles to your elites and have them shit on the sentinels with two shots
>the fucking infected tanks, especially because i never grabbed the rocket launcher
>the level is basically an ethnic cleansing
>your allies are fucking giddy because they're mowing down scum and avenging their fallen brothers
>and this
There's a similar level to this in the first one that has you also assaulting heavily-armored stations with a flimsy A-Wing, the one where you have to also shoot specific gas containers (but not the other ones or you fail) WHILE doing your attack run
if you want more than a bronze medal you also have to shoot down about 30 TIEs while doing it
I hope this guy eventually moved out and doesn't have to deal with his retarded mother and sister anymore.
This part was so easy. I played this as an adult because everybody was talking about it and can barely take damage.
>horse armor cost $2.50 back then
>nowadays a dance animation costs $15, as much as an indie game
I used to be so fucking scared of him
I shot him and he just kept following me, i remember turning off the console once he got too close, i always imagined there would be something scary if he got to you
To this day i never went back into the mansion, thus never even begining the game to this day
*Droideka setting up sound*
>when she sees your small caliber rifle
I had to give up on a recent 100% playthrough because of this bitch.
Just about all of WaW is a fucking nightmare, even just on hardcore.
And it's considered totally fine because people justify their spending by either pretending game devs are all impoverished or because throwing more money at a product only furthers proves how big a fan they are of it.
they want more of it, so they throw money at it, that's all
What game?
It wasn't cosmetic, the armored horses had more HP.
>Played as C. Falcon
>Got the last kill on Giga Bowser with a Falcon Punch off the stage
>picked falco
>get them all grouped up on one side
>spammed B from the other side
>for like 5 minutes
>they typically just kept walking or running towards you, never jumping
>get them all to like 300%
>spam f-smash
>still takes like a fucking hour or two to finally win
>2006: Horse Armor? What the fuck is this bullshit. Remember when you could get an expansion pack for this price?
>2010: You know, MtX is fine if it's for mobile games. It's a different audience, different product. No way horse armor that outrageous would fly in a $60 game
>2014. Well, as long as it's cosmetic I don't see what the issue with horse armor is. It doesn't really affect the gameplay. Don't like it? Don't buy it
>2016: Okay, so you can buy a a key to a box that you bought which will give you a % chance to drop the horse armor you want. I mean, I can't judge what you do with your money so it's not an issue
>2018: Look, it's not really a big deal. The horse armor just gives you an XP boost to cut out the grind. You can still play regularly and unlock everything, eventually. Plus, it came with the season pass!
Games that have these $15 shit transactions are either free to play, or they still cost money but give out free characters and levels afterward. Morons who are buying these, are funding the more important parts of the game.
>blocks your path
But what if I'm doing a handgun only run?
RIP Big George you bravely held the line so (almost) everyone else could GTFO
git gud
I first played this as an adult and didn't have much of a problem.
The train section, however, was a bitch.
No, they're funding the continuation of microtransactions. Content that used to come with the game as unlockables or packed into massive expansion packs.
Devs are not weak and poor, they do not need to milk their customers for every cent they can in order to continue making games. They CHOOSE to and you retarded fucking degenerates CHOOSE to support their practices.
This game is easy if you are playing any difficulty mode other than the hardest. If you keep losing, then the game makes itself easier without telling you. If you are good, the game makes itself harder without telling you.
These guys will sometimes fall off if you manage to get up to them, hug their nuts, and wait for them to swing.
Other than that, for whatever reason the direction you're facing dictates where the knockback pushes you. So most people are walking forwards grinding against the wall cuz they don't want to fall off, but then they block an arrow, and it sends them backwards opposite of where they're facing, which is at an angle towards the wall, so they fall off. You had to look perfectly straight forward while blocking, or locked onto them. Then you'd stay on the ledge despite the knockback. It was really stupid. I bet most people wouldn't have a problem with this section if that retarded knockback was fixed.
here's a shitty mspaint showing what I mean
What game is this? Looks creepy.
Why does everything, literally everything, have to get corporatised to the absolute fucking max
Literally can't do anything without getting ripped off, advertised to, and datamined.
Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut
Good mod for Half-Life 1
Same devs who went on to make Cry of Fear, another good mod (later went standalone)
One of the Tomb Raider games.
I always thought that level was awesome because of how huge it was.
You have to build your ship around countering the rebel flagship. So unless you got really lucky with whatever you happened to put on your ship and how you built it, you'd probably never beat it your first time seeing it. At the very least most people are going to need
>4 levels of shield
>3 point cloak
>40-45% evasion from engines
>mind control to counter flagship's mind control
And that's just to survive. Then you're going to need other shit to defeat the super shields in phase 2 and enough firepower to bust through its normal shield. Once you know what kind of gear you want it's really easy on easy and even normal, baring a couple ship types.
I still found it odd they bothered to add voice-acting and FMVs to the later PC port of the game. Dash never sounded quite like I pictured in my head though.
God, this pisses me off every single time I read it. Fuck shitty parents and siblings.
Wtf is this
I was terrified of him too.
Am I the only one to like carth?
Reminds me of the Max Stories. Try not to RAGE!
This enemy never made sense to me.