Crash remake

>Crash remake
>3 games
>price drop to $30

>Spyro remake
>3 games
>price drop to $30

>Medievil remake

>Shadow of the Colossus remake
>price drop to $20

>Link’s Awakening
>1 5 hour game
>frame rate issues out the ass
>nearly no major difference aside from the artstyle
>60 (SIXTY) USD with virtually no hope of a price drop

Why is this allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I responded to you about this in another thread already but those games are just making new HD assets and sticking them in UE, probably reusing a lot of assets from other modern games as well. Links awakening is made from scratch with a new art style and a new gameplay feature.

Your forgot to mention how the Spyro remake also has no major differences besides artstyle and is rife with bugs and glitches

>still spamming LA threads

It's okay when Nintendo does it.

boring game
boring game
shit game
>shadow of the colossus
boring game
>link's awakening

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Crash remake is okay at best, they fucked up the physics and the gameplay. $30 is more than enough for it.

It's also censored too

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You have 5 seconds to explain how that's relevant in any way

I don't know what to say to you dude. Just don't buy the game if you don't want to. You're just trying to make problems for yourself when the answers are simple.

It's not.

Sadly nintencels are the biggest consumer drones that exist and enjoy getting fucked by shitty practices so long as it's a nintendo product.

ITT butthurt poor people
Go back to drinking your soup from the soup kitchen cause you don't have any teeth, only gums left

>While swimming in the cove, my necklace was lost in the waves.
Isn't this also what it says in the English version, too? What's the censorship? I don't think this changed from the English GB version either.

Its over. You got BTFO once again.

I really hope you didn't waste months of your life shitposting about this game endlessly only to get humiliated by Nintendo yet again.

That would be pretty embarrassing, don't you think

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Originally she loses her top in the original Japanese, German, and French versions

Isn't it selling well though?
If people buy it regardless then of course Nintendo are gonna charge full price.

Its not even that good

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Were the donuts any good?


Im just wondering when they will get their remake. I don't care if it ends up being some Xbox Scarlett exclusive I can spare some money plus the new Halo game looks pretty neat.

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>BOTW comes out
>Jim bad
>LA remake comes out
>Jim good

All of those games were made from scratch what the fuck are you talking about?

>being this guy
SotC remake does more than LA remake and is cheaper
LA is just fischer price tier aesthetic and somehow runs worse than many other titles that look way way better.
Removing scrolling between regions entirely was a mistake, removing it within areas is fine but the FPS just shits itself inbetween areas and in the swamp.
Probably because they were so fucking stupid that they actually created full 3d assets for a fucking top down game without any idea of performance limitations.
The ONLY reason the swamp would ever drop FPS is because of transparency and other water fx. The ONLY reason they would ever need to create a water layer is if it was a full 3d game. All they had to do was create a new ground type with a different graphical effect to it but no.
Instead we get this.


Both crash and spyro had horrible frame rate issues too.
Otherwise I see your point.

Nah its fucking great. If you do a quick Google search you'll see its getting rave reviews across the board. Perhaps you just have shit taste.

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Nah my taste is fine, just its overhyped

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>shifting camera angles in a top down game
What the actual fuck is wrong with these people.

They probably fucking did to support this retarded camera.
ALBW actually authored every asset in the world to fit a top down style specifically so you wouldnt only see links head in certain situations because that loos boring as fuck compared to the classic visual design.
It was goofy as fuck to see sideways but worked wonders for the visuals in ALBW.
Too bad the folks that made this literally have no idea how top down zelda is suppose to look.

>remake of well-received game is well-received
you don't say

why is the "trendy game" minigame glitchy as fuck with the physics once you snag an item?

>Why is this allowed?
Why indeed....

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is he holding a juul?

this but unironically

Its been a rough couple of years for you hasn't it?

Oh well, no sense dilly-dallying, you only have a couple of days to mount your next offensive against the next smash hit exclusive to land on Switch - DQ XI. Get to it m'boy.

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Tbh Labo did add VR to the Switch.

>Why is this allowed?
Because you can choose not to buy it.

Based on your complaints, it sounds like you would just prefer to emulate the original anyway. So do it. No one is stopping you.

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At a stunning cinematic 20 frames per second...

>reviews mean everything
>especially for Zelda
Jesus christ himself will be back before a Zelda game gets a score under 7

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>8 years later
>still cant stand that a good game is good
Like pottery

tell me with a straight face how Skyward Sword is anything above a 5/10
also thats not the only example

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Ah yes, Revelations 8:8

>smash hit exclusive
A port of a 3DS/PS4 game is the next exclusive Switch has?

anytime someone tries to use metacritic score as an argument, that image should be posted

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SoTC is better on PS2 and the other games you mentioned were never good. Link's Awakening is still one of the best handheld titles of all time, and one of the best action adventure games of all time. Nintendo knows it, I know it, now you know it, when you have a good game with a brand as strong as this one, you don't need to compromise on price.

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Its better than WW
>better bosses
>better lands to explore
>"empty as fuck overworld" isnt retarded huge and only takes 30 seconds to get where your going
>adventure pouch is a good idea (should have been in botw and also had horse inventory for adventuring)
>shields and potions arent borken overpowered as soon as you get them
>hero mode is more challenging than any other zeldas hero mode since hearts will never drop

The only downsides are
>swimming segment
>motion controls
All other complaints are more prevalent past zeldas and only retards didnt notice.
If you think going to repeat areas is a negative then you should go look long and hard at OoT

Based in 4 critics

>>better bosses
this is where i stopped reading

Japanese games literally have more value

>only goes down to 91 when its still the most lackluster Zelda ever

>Link's Awakening is still one of the best handheld titles of all time, and one of the best action adventure games of all time.
If its so good why does it need a remake then? Sounds like Nintendo is just ripping off their fanbase again

>fighting a boss again with new mechanics
>meanwhile in WW
Wow I sure loved replaying the 4 main bosses with literally zero changes to their fights aside from a ruined color scheme (because the game has so few fucking dungeons)

Repeat bosses has been a thing in zelda since fucking alttp and repeating areas with a slight tweak is all OoT is based on.

Wait so the japanese version has floating hiragana above kanji? How common is this in games? I'm currently learning japanese but we've only barely started kanji but I can read hiragana and katakana perfectly.

>Link's Awakening is still one of the best handheld titles of all time, and one of the best action adventure games of all time.
maybe if you only owned Nintendo systems all your life

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>Medievil remake

Skepticism increases...

>How common is this in games?
It's called furigana and it's extremely common in games meant for children. You won't see it in games for teens and adults.

SOTC was $40.

it's been known to be $30 for months

What do you mean? It's 30 bucks no matter where you go to pre-order.

I bet OP is gonna spend over 200 bucks on all FFVIIR episodes.

Wow. Hard to say if that means Sony is being awesome or they just don't give a shit about something that isn't "GOTY walking sim bait #24901".

>implying there will only be 3
Only if they cancel it

So odds are a lot of Nintendo games will have furigana. Good to know

it's increasingly common in games for children in recent years
off the top of my head on the switch it's in Pokemon, Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Okami

Most do

They know a remake of a 20 year old game is not worth full price unlike other companies

Nintendo has been charging $60 instead of $40 for handheld games for over 2 years now. Get used to it

Retard. N. Sane Trilogy was made from fucking scratch and remade absolutely everything from the original trilogy, reusing nothing. The same goes for Reignited Trilogy.
Hell, fucking Battle for Bikini Bottom: Rehydrated is only going to be $30 and it's remaking the original, already hefty game with cut content and new everything. There's no excuse for this shitty GameBoy remake's pricetag.

>muh dungeon maker
cope. 3 games, $40

Yeah, its a good game, not a shitty 3 game combo.

It's literally the definitive version of the Naughty Dog trilogy, man. You're missing out.

Because nintendo manbabies love to pay that

>"fully remastered from the ground up on PS4"
>reusing assets
what did he mean by this?

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Did you miss the point of the post? It's not about the cost of handheld games, it's

nincels should stick to shilling because they suck at lying

I think you missed the point of my post. This is a systemic problem not exclusive to LA. Nintendo is charging $60 for everything. 1-2 Switch, a game which should have been a pack-in tech demo, had a price of $50 and that's the lowest they've gone.

Switch is all about Nintendo jewing out. I see nothing surprising here.

Remember when Dong Freeze was only $50 instead of 60?
What happened

Supply and demand. A product is worth as much as a big enough part of the market values it.

I say this in a completely unironic way: Iwata cared. He was so much more than a businessman, it was like the least of his qualities. He would have never allowed Nintendo to charge for online because he was totally against it personally.

They've gone down the proverbial shitter since he died, and it's funny because a lot of people thought they'd be better off. The only thing they're better at is exploitation. Of their fans.

Stop seething snoylet.

I doubt anyone values 1-2 Switch 50$ when its just a tech demo
Also if that were true GTAV would still be full price

The extra content is exclusive to the switch yes. Sorry, you can't play it on your snoystation

Kys, snoyponies :)

no if anything its nincels who are seething, i mean they already were angry that they couldnt afford a PS3 at launch that's why they spend years making fun of it

yeah just like people were angry they couldnt afford an xbox one at launch

yep, mad as fuck

I've owned Nintendo products for my entire life. I know DKCTF was $50 because I bought it, and I saw them years later charge $60 for the same game. I'm upset with Nintendo specifically because I used to love them and I know they're better than this. I imagine if I just ate PS4 shit that I would be off playing Iceborne or something.

stop seething nincel and stop being poor

>its good because its expensive :^)

Yes that's what nincels are saying, not my words

Nintendo is the Apple of videogames and charges a premium for them as if they're more fun than non-Nintendo games

They aren't

Uber cringe

kys, snoyponies trash

>I doubt anyone values 1-2 Switch 50$ when its just a tech demo
It's reasonable to conclude that If the people paid that amount for that game, they thought it was worth that much, in the general case. If people were disappointed for their purchase or if lower price games are much better is an independent issue.

>Also if that were true GTAV would still be full price
It's more complicated than that, a couple of reasons for reducing the price of GTAV is estimating that they would get more profit from sales by lowering the price, instead of aiming for the reducing segment of the market that was willing to pay the original price for it, but more importantly the business model of Rockstar for this game aim to have an install base as big as possible so they can get more profits from microtransactions, so it was to be expected for them to lower the price as soon as the sales slowed down enough.

have money

Because BOTW sold millions.
Crash and Spyro are dead franchises.

got plenty of $, snoy trash. Hence why i'm not screaming my lungs out when a game i wanna play cost 60$

Again, i suggest to cull yourself.

Because figure Link is cute, CUTE!

>Crash remake
>3 games
>price drop to $30

>Spyro remake
>3 games
>price drop to $30

>Medievil remake

>Shadow of the Colossus remake
>price drop to $20

>Link’s Awakening
>1 5 hour game
>frame rate issues out the ass
>nearly no major difference aside from the artstyle
>fully emulatable on yuzu 3 weeks after release

What's the problem?

Can't wait to see you again when Luigi's Mansion 3 and Pokemon release.

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Soon if they were added to super smash.

I also got money, that's why Im not having a spastic seizure and blaming everything on Sony because I cant afford their stuff unlike you

This is outrageous.
MM >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SS

what the fuck do you think they can reuse the PS1 assets on PS4?

"yea the PS1 textures look good, lets use them"

I agree with you, but
>5 hour game
this meme has to fucking stop.

I thought it said 15 hour game, top kek they're doing the same when they said that Halo 5 was 4 hours long.

Snoyniggers love that shit.

>Luigi's Mansion 3
I dont think even nintendofags care about that one
>and Pokemon release.
that's /vp/


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Snoys seem to care even about the most obscure nintendo exclusives, like Daemon X Machina, so I'm sure we're gonna see threads about it just like this one.
>I dont think even nintendofags care about that one
To be fair, snoys always care more than nintendofags.

(SIXTY) USD with virtually no hope of a price drop
>Why is this allowed?
Because nintendo.


Did you used to be able to jump 2 holes with the feather in the original? I don't remember. Somehow this feels broken

Show me in the doll where Sony touched you

I'm the one touching you nigger

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I beat link's awakening just five minutes ago. It took me one solid day of gaming plus half of another to collect all the tidbits (heart pieces side quests etc).

It's the ideal game to rent because it's tightly packed with lots of content but you'll also be done with it very fast if you are competent at games.

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>it's real

this is true, I'm a big Mariofag but dropped interest in LM3 after seeing it was more like Dark Moon

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No U

You dont seem to be given you cant stop thinking about Sony, maybe you're a huge fan of them in denial

It's 1:1 remake
It's made in UE
There is literally no excuse

Cry more faggot.

It's not worth $60. Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee were not worth $60. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD on the Wii U were not worth $60. Tropical Freeze's port was not worth $60. But you know what? It's Nintendo, they can do it. Their name is so big that it doesn't matter what scummy shit they do because they can get away with it. They are the Disney of video games in every sense of the comparison.

Okami is a lite version of Ocarina of Time, with a painful amount of talking and handholding. Combat is repetitive and annoying. Drawing on the screen kills the (already slow) pace. I've drawn HUNDREDS of circles, you couldn't have just made that an instant button press? You'll never die, not even once, there's no challenge. Running is slow as heck, and swimming is even WORSE! Please save yourself the pain and don't 100% the game, getting all the fish is an RNG nightmare and there's two missable achievements many hours into the game.

There's tons of issues here, all gameplay problems exist in service to the unique Shinto (Japanese nature worship) art style.

Bonus: They broke the fanmade patch that elminates nasty motion blur and other foul postprocessing demons. Also it runs at 30 fps, despite being an HD remake.

Most of the tracks seem to lose the main melody in the background in favor of creating ambience.

It's really disappointing.

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Let's Go was worth full price because it was pretty different and a new experience

OH no I can't believe that this remake of a game we have known could be beaten in only a few hours for over twenty years is beatable in only a few hours!

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Hold up

I can understand the interest ONLY if you've never played the game before. But not at 60$...
It's literally just a graphics update. Same dungeons, same minigames, same layout, same movement, same enemies, same puzzles, same map, everything is in the exact same place down to every last grass spot.
No way I'm shelling out more than 20-30$ for a game with exact mecanics from when l was 12.

It seemed distinctly unimpressive. I think the Zelda formulas only work once or twice before you grow out of them. You can probably stomach 1 or 2 of the 2D games, then 1 or 2 of the 3D games before everything else feels phoned in, derivative, tedious and frankly - not worth your time.

It's Nintendo's fault, however. I picked up Linkle Liver Story and realized top down 2D action games are fucking phenomenal. I tried its predecessor, Crusader of Centy and played a game that both surpassed LTTP and every 2D Zelda after it. I think I get it though. Nintendo wants to make an accessible game that gets people into that style of game. You're not meant to play more than one or two, if you do you'll become bitter, cynical and hateful that the rest are just terrible. You'll find that people adore utter garbage like windwaker and skyward sword but the problem isn't them - it's Nintendo. Those were their firsts so they feel most attached to them. The solution is to play new, better games.

The music was totally ruined. I can't believe how many posts I've seen praising it. Tal Tal Heights is the perfect example too. The GB version was one of the best songs of the game and a series classic.

New version fucked up the tempo, added this weird melody that throws off the flow, removed the reverb, replaced the marching drums with mouse clicks, made the mix quieter and softer, just completely butchered in every aspect

Nintendo handles remakes by butchering them. This is a consistent trend that dates back to the 90s.

why is there so much blur in this shit it's so goddamn distracting


Name one Nintendo remake in the 90s besides All-stars

Because I can pirate any nintendo game without any problem. Why I should complain for a free game?


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>expecting any sort of nudity in a japanese console game, let alone a nintendo one
nice bait
>you wont see it in games for teens or adults
adults maybe, but teens 100% you are gonna see them. Also, childrens' games ususally don't even have kanjis, only kana

>Also, childrens' games ususally don't even have kanjis, only kana
Older games, maybe, but mostly because of hardware limitations that made storing or displaying kanji difficult. All modern kid's games have kanji with furigana

>teens 100% you are gonna see them
There's really no such thing. There's kid's games that adults also play and then there's adult games. Pretty much everything on the PS4 is without furigana. Even DQXI didn't have it when the 3DS version did

You have five seconds to remove the corporation's boot from the creative's face.

Every time I see this I can't help but wonder how far on the spectrum the guy who made it is.

I appreciate his work, why don't you?

It's really fucking annoying how the game pauses every time a small key gets dropped. For what purpose?

It's made for kids
You can speed it up by pressing/holding B

Probably to emulate how it was done in the original GameBoy version of LA. It was dumb back then, it's still dumb even today, but leave it to the game devs to stick to that sort of tradition, warts and all.

>supposed to be a pipe not a cave
the pipe takes you underground, you aren't actually in the pipe

original made for kids too

you could move while a key fell in the original buddy


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Nincels can't refute this

Gotta pay the ‘Tendo Tax

the original also had messages left and right. just walking close to a block you couldn't lift gave you the message you couldn't lift it. every time.

I died in the first dungeon and my save file says it too.

This triggers the fuck out of me, I need to restart the game because I probably missed out on something by dying.

It's actually pretty comfy...

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Is there no way to own the boomerang and shovel at the same time?

So this new issue not found in the original is acceptable because an old issue was removed? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you faggots have to justify literally everything?

The game pauses for like three seconds every time a small key falls. It's retarded and there's no reason for it

Why are games getting so short?
Shit programming?


Pity I always found Spyro games boring.

They're chill but it's ok not to like collectathons.
After all we all have different tastes in gaming.

And I'm telling you you can skip through the messages much faster with B

Or try complaining more, I'm sure that will solve it

Why do you keep bringing up messages?

Was there a way to hop into the fishing pond? I seem to remember it but I have no idea how to do it

You dropped your funko pops in the water, bro!

Isn't that what you're talking about? The annoying messages everywhere, even for getting items you've gotten before

Because it's Zelda and it's an automatic purchase for your average liberal millenial parent.

No. No it's not. Are you defending a game you haven't even played? There's no message for picking up a small key.

They were tediously boring to the point where I got a game as a kid and rolled my eyes because I knew I'd play it once then store it away forever.

I'm nearly sure there is. I'll take a screenshot next time I see it. And I'm not defending it so much as offering help. The game obviously has tons of flaws, though I personally haven't noticed the amount of time it takes for the key to fall from the ceiling

>DOF and bloom out the ass
did Nintendo finally hire this man?!

Kek go back to /vr/ faggot, just because it was on a failed console it doesn't mean it's a hidden gem.

Yes, Okami is better, what kind of point are you making? There's room semantically in my claim for other, better action-adventure games to exist, you know. The fact still remains that Link's Awakening is one of the best.

Truly, there is no community that poorfags and purist autists won't shit up.

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Cope nintendie.

Because Nintendo fans are extremely stupid.

There's a message when you get one out of a chest. Not when you pick one up that falls from above. No need for personal screen shots, you could verify this right now on Youtube or whatever. You can't move until the key is finished dropping. The entire process takes like three seconds.

I've noticed and it affects my enjoyment of the game. Because it's retarded and there's no reason for it.

>he doesn't have a hacked switch
>he actually payed 59.99 for a remake of a gameboy game

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zoom zoom

Of course, fag

I pirated it senpai, I've lost nothing but a few hours.

I just wanted a sensible conversation about vidya.

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>tfw pre-owned switches are all drifted to fuck and new fixed switches are unhackable with no new hack in sight
Should have just bit the bullet and got one years ago

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Actually at wal-mart all Nintendo switch games are 50$

It's a rip-off nothing more nothing less

Stop lying

Why can't you enjoy anything

is there more of a giveaway of being in the liberal Cali bubble than referring to something as "masterclass"?


>base console
It only applies to the joycons, so get new joycons or play with a pro controller. Problem solved

Snoyboys will always be eternally seething.

>Why is this allowed?

>le sony boogieman
>when Yea Forums is 90% PC/nintendo fanbase
has it occurred to you that this is nintendo fans bitching about something perceived as bad? or are you seriously suggesting charging 2-3x more than the other guys for remakes is a good thing

>OP's mom
>3 cocks
>10 cocks

Case in point. Eternal cope is just part of being a piss4 fanboy.

Why do you care what other people do with their money?

>t. the gamer tool

This is why PC is best girl.

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How does it feel to be a stupid ugly retard bitch?

This is Yea Forums
If you cant handle the heat, get out of the kitchen

I've already enjoyed it 20 years ago

Nips are out of touch as usual, they think their brand is above everything else and they have the right to rip off fans.

Sounds like he triggered you hard.

Trade shovel for boomerang. Buy back shovel for 300 rupees.

You're probably remembering the part where you swim under the bridge in Martha's Bay.

you cant say that on 4channel.orgTM

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I think the artstyle is bad and didn't translate into 3D properly
Then again, I guess the calarts twitter hipster manchild demographic is ripe for pandering to, so might as well make a game with good lighting and graphics and then make all the characters and creatures look like some doraemon steven universe shit
really bothers me when they praise studios for retarded clashing design aspects

Honestly, I swear blue boards are more NSFW now than they were before the 4channel tunnel.

i'm a huge zelda fan and love link's awakening but i could never defend this remake.
the dynamic resolution is the worst sin, imo
but the framerate, character models and shitty build-a-dungeon are up there too

Thing is, if you don't mind the chibi style, a lot of this could be improved very easily if you've got artistic skills. A lot of the objects use smoothness maps for shininess so you can edit those easily to undo or reduce the awful gloss on probably most everything. And facial expressions on characters tend to be flat textures so you could redraw the faces to be different.

I want to look into editing the humanoid characters first to give them more dynamic anime-like facial expressions along the lines of the DX photo album chibi style.

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I actually think I'm remember the pause screen warp glitch. I know you could end up in the pond somehow..

they should have called them all soulless.png

>the dynamic resolution is the worst sin, imo
How is a variable resolution which is barely noticable worse than framedrops up the ass

Nah the lighting and water are terrible, the music is more miss than hit and the physics are worse.

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kill yourself

>change it to a necklace in all versions
>still make her get embarrassed if you dive underwater next to her
>still put stammering into the item description when you get it
They could have been more cheeky with it by making the "necklace" a pair of seashells on a string instead of a pearl necklace. Then it would just go over kids' heads and adults would notice the necklace looks an awful lot like a mermaid bra and get a chuckle when realizing what was going on.

>crash remake $40 price drop to $30
because crash is not that good so they offer it at a lower price to incentivize purchases
>spyro remake $40 price drop to $30
because spyro are shit games that are bubsy 3d tier so they set a lower price to incentivize sales
>medievil remake $30
because it's a literal who game that no one's heard about so they set a lower price to incentivize sales
>shadow of the colossus remake $30 price drop to $20
because it is a corporate soulless remake released to make money lost from the last guardian
>Link's Awakening
people value Zelda and don't need to be incentivized to purchase it, they will do so willingly because they enjoy the franchise.

you must be 18 to post here, johnny

For $60 I was hoping for more than a nearly 1:1 remake.

>For $60 I was hoping for more than a nearly 1:1 remake.
Good thing there are improved controls and additional content.

lol thinking Zelda is better than Medievil.

>you'll see its getting rave reviews across the board

lol YOu poor soul, you poor poor soul.

ctr remake is basically 2 games in one, $40, and is actually better than the original for once

in b4 muh microtransactions

nintendo does it worse with amiibo shit anyways

Bingo. People really need to understand that Nintendo games will always sell well no matter how bad they actually are.

Link's Awakening is older than all of those games

Is it really only 5 hours?
That would fit with my busy uni schedule

>>tfw pre-owned switches are all drifted to fuck and new fixed switches are unhackable with no new hack in sight

Wtf are you talking about? JOYCONS DRIFT, not the switch.

Cult of Nintendo will lap up whatever Nintendo shits onto a plate

Can't comment.
>Shadow of the Colossus
I'll concede

I won find the shill.


if you know exactly where to go and when, and know how to solve every puzzle, and never go exploring or do any side content or collect heart pieces/other collectables, then yes.

switch medieval with crash and i ll agree

ahh yes, those games dropped in price even though they were selling at their release because activision, et al are so charitable

the fact they dropped the prices is proof these brands aren't as popular as you claim they are, while zelda is.. cope more, faggot

>he fact they dropped the prices is proof these brands aren't as popular as you claim they are

You are a moron, seriously, if you believe this you're a dolt. A game going on sale has NO correlation with popularity, idiot. In-fact, the reason Nintendo games never go on sale is because of morons like you whom buy anything Nintendo shits out.

Holy shit, Hex Maniac's thighs are fucking enormous!

>games dropping in price have no correlation with popularity or sales
>nintendo games never go on sale because they are popular and people buy them

sorry, didn't know you were retarded

>Shovel Knight becomes playable in Rivals of Aether
>Has a the collecting and shopping me mechanic built into his moveset
>Banjo&Kazooie become playable in Smash
>No collecting mechanic at all, even when one of his moves has limited uses

>Cyber Sleuth has about 250+ Digimon, but has 50+ hours of just the main story, 112 hours for 100%, following mechanics, and graphics on par with other console games
>Pokemon SwSh will have double the monsters, but will be completable in 8 hours, no post game or any good online, offers nothing else beside being Pokemon, and is just upscaled 3DS

>Nintendo takes down rom sites with the games you can’t get anymore and with defunct publishers
>Uses those same roms to resell you the games you already own with worse emulation tools, and a limited library

>Nintendo also takes down channels that have their music
>Doesn’t even bother providing their own

Nintendies will actually defend this.

That's the power of money.

Lighting still completely broken on Yuzu. probably due to the tilt shift blur. I bet they implemented it in a weird way.

Fuck, you got em mate

>but will be completable in 8 hours
>no post game or any good online

snoys already forming shitposting narratives this early? enjoy the drought.

There's no defense. It's why I stopped being a fan. I will actively shit on Nintendo until they go back to being cool

I don’t know what you’re trying to prove with that screenshot, the atmosphere in that is executed leagues better in the remake than the original

Power Wisdom and Money?

LA was always short, cause its a fucking Game Boy game.

No idea about other games. Maybe because its more profitable for a company to churn out shit ass 'series' rather than new games, so its probably better for their bottom line to just work on the next in the series, rather than to make a single product have longevity.

Do you think they'll package Ages and Seasons together for $60? $30 for each game, but sold together for $60. Consistent artwork, additional content, all for $60.

Or do you think Nintendo would sell them separately for $60 each?

Attached: linkle_inquisitive.webm (480x700, 3M)

So is this game actually good or is it just a worse version of the original? I haven't played the original since I won an original Gameboy from a raffle that my elementary school had. Came with this game and believe it or not Mortal Kombat. The early 90's was a weird time.

Yeah, user, but all those games suck ass.

>Unironically liking that faggy dragon
Come on...

because you're also paying for a game from a legendary series, people barely gives a shit about the games you listed
this is Zelda you dumb motherfuckers, this is AAA, fuck your trash indie-like games

Attached: descarga.jpg (224x225, 6K)

All three original games are superior experiences, they retain the cartoonish style and humor form the 1990s without sounding/looking like a stupid Dreamworks movie for 4yos, the same applies to CTR. That shit is so bad that I just went back to the PS1 version the day after. My #1 Buyer’s Remorse of 2019 so far.

And all four games have inferior gameplay and more glitches when compared their PS1 counterparts.

Star Ocean First Departure R is 20.99 but I would gladly pay more if it got a physical release.

Attached: Star-Ocean-First-Departure-R.jpg (768x432, 114K)

>being a child and complaining about the cost of any single game.

Get a fucking job.

I tried so hard to like this franchise back in 2007.

Failed miserably.

>LA was always short, cause its a fucking Game Boy game.
Quantity =/= quality

BotW has the same problem, except on the reverse end of the spectrum. 999 korok seeds but they're mostly uninteresting after you've found a few of them. It has a beautiful world, but it's filled with nothing but weapons you only need because they break after 10 swings, 999 filler microgames that you wouldn't even play if they were free on your phone, and a slew of copypasta dungeons all of which have the same theme and only a handful of which are memorable. The thrill of exploration is still there because the world has tons of unique features but you know you're not going to find something behind any corner that actually advances your game

LA conversely is short and compact but it's well designed as a game. It has an extremely well paved adventure pathway (which is basically absent in BotW's design) with a quest series and independent item discovers/purchases that serve as gateways throughout. Despite its small stature, it feels like every corner was packed with something to find or some other key that opens a new area.

I would submit LA as *the* definitive top-down action-adventure, whereas BotW isn't really an adventure game at all, it's more of a sandbox with mild RPG elements

I have really fond memories of it, but it's not for everyone I guess

You probably think Olive Garden is a gourmet meal, too

So Nincels are defending because of
>le snoy boogyman
Yet the Wii U games were cheaper and didn't look like Unity shit. Nincels everyone.
play more games fags.

>Links Awakening
>5 hour game
Stop using guides you fucking retards. Links awakening is a puzzle game first and foremost

>Links awakening is a puzzle game first and foremost
If you're a lobotomy patient. It might have qualified as a rudimentary puzzle game if there weren't fucking owls everywhere telling you exactly what to do

whats with the blur on the top and bottom of the screen? couldnt they have at least made it like a gradient instead of just this jarring blurred line? looks retarded

They're defending because those that actually play games beat it on the first day and now they have nothing to do again

Link is always in the center, so you really don't need to see what's not immediately there. That house, for instance, wasn't even on this same screen, so the fact that you can see it at all is more than what it used to be. If you want to see it clearly, you walk closer to it. Not hard to understand.


Stop using a game guide to beat this maze. You should spend 30 minutes solving it. You shouldn't only take 10 seconds to do it. This is why you're beating the game in 4 hours!

Attached: toadstool-dungeon-entrance.jpg (1398x783, 154K)

Just beat it tonight, and was thinking about how great it would have been to have remakes of LA, OoA and OoS all one cart, would have been a much greater value

Because capitalism says it is. People will pay that price. So the company will sell it at that price.

I just want Mystical Seed of Courage to get released.

>30 minutes
I wish, that puzzle takes me 3 hours
I love Nintendo! They is such good puzzle makers

Spyro isn't gay.

Honestly if they do the Oracle games I hope they use the artstyle used on the boxart and manual instead of the one used on link's awakening. Don't get me wrong I'm okay with it but I'd like to see link in 3D using that artstyle.
Oracle of Ages/Seasons were my first Zelda games.

i didnt say i 'couldnt understand' it.
i said that it looks like shit. why did they put it in there? why not just have it be clear everywhere?

I watched a bit of that video, but I stopped immediately after I realized that he doesn't know the different between remake and remaster.

Dumb frogposter

If you want the real answer, it's probably a combination of wanting to make it look more photographic and hiding the the MRS

But seriously, it's not a problem because you're never looking that far away from yourself except in dungeons, and it's not in effect in dungeons

If you were actually playing the game you wouldn't even notice it because your visual acuity is limited to a small area are the rest of things in your periphery become blurry anyway. Your eye naturally blurs everything you're not looking at. Same reason the argument about Link's face is moronic. Are you going to spent the entire game staring at Link's face? I've looked at his face like 2 times. If you're playing the game, you don't have time to look at his face.

You're just nitpicking about a screenshot.

Attached: shadow-warrior-2-nvidia-multi-res-shading-border.png (1920x1080, 34K)

Nintendo understand the value of a game, why do you think that they are the only company that doesn't race their games to the fire sale price of $20 6 months after release. If you don't like it Switch is easy to pirate.

Dumb baboon

>why do you think that they are the only company that doesn't race their games to the fire sale price of $20 6 months after release
Probably has something to do with them having a complete monopoly on their own system. Other 3rd party devs have to compete with each other on other platforms for buyer money. Anyone who owns a Switch pretty much only buys Nintendo games because that's all there is

Nintendo Tax

It's okay when Nintendo does it

Third parties don't want to put games on it, how can they expect to capture the market?

They don't expect to, I'm just explaining why other games tend to be priced competitively whereas Nintendo can charge what they want

There's no reality where a 3rd party dev can beat Nintendo on their own platform, it's not why people buy Nintendo hardware

Capturing the market isn't becoming like Nintendo, they just need to become big on the platform, they can, they just don't want to put in the effort, even Nintendo's greatest allies don't want to put in that sort of effort. Third paties completely destroyed Sony and Microsoft on their own platforms but they can't even begin to compete with Nintendo on theirs? There are a bunch of games that have taken off on Nintendo platforms, but those devs always manage to fuck things up, or the publishers drop the platform outright come back in a decade and then blame the user base for not being fans throughout a 10+ year absence.

essentially got Link's Awakening for $25 because I have a friend I game-share with, and I bought the pair of vouchers

what, are you poor, stupid AND friendless?

>There are a bunch of games that have taken off on Nintendo platforms, but those devs always manage to fuck things up
Give an example? Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest are both doing better for dropping Nintendo platforms, as they've both finally attained a Western audience. Wouldn't have done that by sticking with Wii graphics for another generation

>I sucked my step-dad's cock and he tipped me with a Gamestop giftcard, so I technically got the game for half off!
No one cares

You're blatantly full of shit with Dragon Quest, XI is far from the best selling title but I gave examples of Sonic and Story of Seasons, both selling best on Nintendo platforms, plus there's a load of indie games doing overwhelmingly best on Nintendo platforms, but realistically examples are hard to come by because no developers are bothering to put their games on Nintendo platforms, and if they do it's only ever ports.

I'm going to wait a few weeks for a gamestop to have it used so I can rent it for a few days and take it back, only costing gas :^)

>it's only ever ports.
Do you unironically expect non-paid exclusives in this modern age? Why would a developer purposefully restrict their potential client base when porting has become so easy?

Is this game worth it for the existential terror themes? Obviously I know the twist but I'm kind of curious to know how it actually plays out in the game.

>existential terror
It's a gameboy game. The "story" is a shoestring that compels you to go from point A to point B for some reason instead of none. I could summarize the whole thing in a single sentence and I would feel content that I had left little out.

No, nobody goes screaming into the oblivion begging link not to wake up the fish or anything. You just learn it's a dream then it ends. Like most Nintendo games it has an autistic fanbase who massively oversell the games content. It's a good little adventure game but it isnt any more compelling than any mediocre twilight zone episode.

They are the ones leaving money on the table, they make unpaid exclusives for other platforms but don't touch switch, not even bothering to port current games that could run on it, or porting them almost a year later and then blaming consumers for meager sales, as if all potential customers didn't already buy it when it first released. there's no reason why a dev can't make a game aiming for Switch and then port it to other platforms, it's not like it's hardware has hard limits on the kinds of games you can make.
Hell it's not like what I stated isn't even standard, there's loads of PS4/Vita/3ds only games that weren't paid for by their platforms owners, and many of them were ported to other platforms later.

>garbage quality games are priced less

Attached: 96B4999D-7C7A-463D-8877-BB73BB6BC2D7.png (1247x729, 93K)

>they make unpaid exclusives for other platforms
Name one. Multiplats that skip the switch aren't unpaid exclusives, they're just games that are too difficult to move to the Switch because it's a tablet and it would take a lot of work

to the retards defending this shit:

if the gba link's awakening had never existed and this game was 100% fresh, i'd still think for its length that sixty bucks is too much. now take into account that basically no creativity was needed to make the game beyond the cartoony style and music remixes, and it becomes EGREGIOUS that it's sixty

It actually wouldn't take that much work, developers just aren't willing to put in the effort, but once more if they don't want to put in the effort then they won't make any sales, and they won't grow their fanbase on that platform.
Sakura Wars
Granblue Fantasy Relink
Granblue Fantasy Versus
Yakuza 7
Persona 5 R
Project Awakening
Deep Down if it was released
Senran Kagura Seven
As you can see there's a few of them.

>It actually wouldn't take that much work
It took them a year to port DQXI which is nothing next to most 8th gen games. I think you're greatly overestimating the Switch's abilities. Doom is the most current gen looking game the Switch has and it runs at like 380p and 30 fps, in addition to having huge asset downgrades

>gameboy game that has less colors than the NES
>remake it with Unity tier graphics
don't post selfies here.

It took them so long because A they actually put in the sort of effort they should when porting to Switch in terms of cutting back asset quality, something that is actually automated these days, and B because they had to port the entire game across to a newer version of Unreal which supported the Switch, they also added a load of content to the game. I doubt that porting took their whole development team.

So? Willing to bet the extra content is extremely minor. Also DQ is a terrible bland franchise so die faggot. Q

Fuck off faggot get life
Its my goddamn money let me enjoy an actual good game

Regardless of your opinion on the price, I've been playing this over the weekend and it's been an absolute treat. It's so fucking charming, and all of the little gameplay tweaks and little stylistic details they added make the game so fucking satisfying to play. I honestly can't see how anyone could play this and come out disliking it. I wasn't even hyped an iota for this game until I actually got it in my hands. As far as remakes go, they totally nailed it. This game has almost as much soul as the original.

[Spoiler]Yes, I'm aware most people shitposting about it haven't actually played it.[/spoiler]

>Yes, I'm aware most people shitposting about it haven't actually played it.
The main problems are such that you don't really need to play it to point them out. The framedrops are so common that they would crop up plentifully in any youtube video longer than 10 seconds. For a gameboy game they're asking $60 for, they really didn't put much effort into polishing it up.