>steam users have 2000 hours in their most played games
>most i have is around 500 in tf2
>i get into a game, start becoming addicted, get bored of it, move onto another, only for it to repeat with that game
ADD fucking sucks anons
Steam users have 2000 hours in their most played games
Other urls found in this thread:
i can hear this image
I havent played a great game that was longer than 15 hours.
That is not ADD stop pretending you all have some weird mental illnesses. You just get bored of the game after a while, it happens to most people.
post your most played games OP
>has better gaming habits than other people
>"this sucks lol"
Shut up retard. Playing a single game for 2000 hours is a huge waste of your life. At least you experience more things, to the extent that it's possible in the context of video games, when you switch to a new game every few weeks. That you would feel bad about not devoting thousands of hours to one repetitive game is baffling and kind of pathetic.
why does he have a picture of jordan peterson on his wall?
I really liked Fredrik Knudsen's documentary on him. Really put a lot of his shit in a new light. Wings has done a lot of bad shit, but I genuinely hope he gets his shit together someday and moves on.
>most i have is around 500 in tf2
Are you me? I also unironcially have ADHD. I don't see why you'd want to get invested in something as pointless as single video game. Playing new games all the time is fun
>>steam users have 2000 hours in their most played games
They're probably just memers who leave a game running so they can get an absurdly high amount of hours on their steam profile.
>At one point made good bank every month
>Donated to a cripple kid to be able to game
>Hooked up with a fatty single mom
>Sucked up most of his money
>Broke up
>Got another landwhale
>His own mom took his money too
wings is perfect example of what happens when a person is not ready to be famous.
>people enjoying their hobby so much is pathetic
>people making millions with those hours are pathetic
maybe you're pathetic you little retard
more like a perfect example of americans lacking financial education of any kind. people look at me crazy when I tell them I'm debt free, filling my roth IRA annual contribution every year, and do not want to buy some dumb fucking stupid shit and keep my overhead low. yes my credit score is 780 you creditlets the only reason its so low is because I only got a credit card less than a year ago.
>being this insecure
psssh nobody cares about your fucking credit score
I too just watched the Wings of Redemption 'Down the Rabbit Hole' video
> autistically playing one game for 3 months of in-game time is a good thing
you're ok, user. keep playing more games.
I loved when on livestream he talked about his stuck turd and needing to have his asshole fingered by his grandma to get it out.
Like what the fuck nigga, why would you share that openly online?
cant stop wont stop
>every retard addicted to DOTA is a pro that makes money off of it
maybe you're the retard haha
i work in credit related fields and it's always interesting to see/hear about high credit scores like that.
the average is like 600-650 so seeing an almost 800 is like "wow!"
>lacking financial education
that was the least of his problems
>doesnt think what he says
>breaks genuine friendships over greed
>spends +80k on single mom gf with 3 kids
>feeds trolls
>refuses to accept mistakes
It's not a big deal. I have a couple games close to 300 hours, but almost everything after that is around 70 hours tops because I finish them and then keep playing other shit from my backlog. Don't forget many steam users have legitimate autism and can handle thousands of hours doing the same thing over and over.
if you had add you wouldn't be able to put 500 hours into a game, you'd alt f4 and start doing a million other things you dumb FUCK
I just can't do it I can't TAKE this shit no more man
>yh man how dare people enjoy their hobby without making money off it, what fucking losers amirite
srsly neck yourself you little tard
ok nobody except this autist cares about that guys credit score.
ironic when you selectively picked out one thing yourself. i'm not even moving goalposts, you legit need to work on your reading comprehension retard.
>implying that even if his entire high school curriculum was based on financial awareness he wouldn't still be a bumbling idiot throwing his money away on dumb shit
You just can't fix southerners, user. They are subhuman third worlders and they cannot help themselves.
lmao debtard triggered. if you didn't care you wouldn't have said anything about it. i noticed they spoilered that info since it wasn't really about the topic but you by saying how that info was something to be insecure about contributed nothing to the conversation except for being someone to laugh at.
> people are making MILLIONS off of playing DOTA for 2k hours you TARD xd
> so what if people aren't making money?? they're enjoying their hobby
could you be more fucking dense?
Do you think Richards really gonna khs once he no longer makes money on Twitch?
Is he gonna be ok Yea Forums?
consuming dopamine simulators is not a hobby
double suicide with boogie
He's gaining weight again and selling his truck instead of that oiece of shit v6 mustang to pay for his modular home, I don't think so user.
Basically I'm the same as you, but except for an ira I have a 401(k) where I basically put 15% of every paycheck into it (but I only pay 9%)
He makes loads of money a month playing shitty games for 5 hours a week of course he'll be fine
>He's gaining weight again
how? He his stomach is 1/10 the size it used to be
Boogie most likely is gonna kill himself first before Richard.
Uhh, mods ban anyone trying to not shitpost, rill tawk.
Whos the fat guy and why is it being suggested by youtube. No im not gonna watch it.
Majority of that is chargebacks. Like that guy who donated 400 bucks and charged it all back.
after watching that 2 hour video by Down the rabbit hole, I just genuinely feel sorry for him
I'm literally watching a Wings documentary right now: youtu.be
Stuffing your face with Wendy's Chili and Zaxby's drive thru is the cause. Also the stomach will expand back to normal if you don't keep proper diet.
You can stretch it back to its original size. Ulcers might get him though.
I love the way he grabbed the mic like he was trying to strangle the guy through his computer.
It's wingsofredemption
read about him on kiwifarms if you're really curious, but he's a retarded streamer who showed clear signs of anger problems. He got legit angry in a friendly stream with someone else over losing, to the point of breaking his controller years ago. And that was the beginning of the end.
All you need to see is the "LOOK HERE LISTEN" clip to see the true tipping point. After that, he got an autistic troll group going after him.
>tfw chair squeaks like this too but I'm not nearly as big as him
Being tall sucks
Use WD 40 on it you lazy faggot. Unless your Richard being so fat the chair squeaks in agony.
psssst user do both my nibbler get that guap we gon retire one day and play vidya son!
>Unless your Richard being so fat the chair squeaks in agony.
I'm like 6'4" and 250ish last time I checked, I even went out of my way to buy a chair made for people that weigh like 300 pounds and it still squeaks like a mother fucker
at this point its the matter of whos unhealthy lifestyle will get first
Mine does too, but the chair's literally older than I am.
>filling your roth IRA every year like a good goy
You could invests in ETFs and make more money if you're too much of a pussy boomer to buy crypto but not enough of a boomer to buy gold.
Boogie always talks about his suicide and I do believe when everyone really does forget about him he's gonna end it. He's a 55 year old manchild with no children, no wife, no fulfilling career, hordes useless plastic garbage all over his room, unhygenic to the point he had to have fake teeth drilled into his mouth while the real ones where rotten and disgusting.
why would you want to spend 2000 hours on a fucking game in the first place faggot?!
Wendy's Chill is only like 250 calories for a large though
If you can play a game for 500 hours you don't have ADD, they have autism that compels them to play something for 2000.
All that sodium coupled with two hotsauce packets and three bottles of water will expand your stomach user.
Ok mods ima need you to ban everyone who gives me advice real talk
I can relate to this in RPGs
>start playing
>get familiar with its story and characters
>about to finish it
>start playing something else to never look back
The only game that I've been able to play over 500 hours is Sengoku Rance. And I'm really fucking happy about the official release and the overflow of threads on Yea Forums.
Wait what the PISS I thought the only thing that mattered was calories for getting fat. Fug I don't know anything about nutrition. I'm 200 lbs at 6'0" and trying to lose weight because I have a huge gut but am skinny everywhere else. I have LOTS of sodium in my diet. Like I cake my burgers with layers of salt
Salt leaves liquids sitting in your gut for much longer periods of time.
>real talk
It's reel tawk user.
rill tawk*