Have you reached MR 100 yet?
Monster Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
What monster have you fapped to the most?
no because pc player
kys degenerate
Hellish Slasher or Ruiner LS? Only difference is that Slasher has less raw, no full handicraft, but has 40 defense bonus and lets you slot Elementless bonus
why is this still the only 4chin Youtuber we have? Reddit has dozens
>tfw we're worse than Reddit
Because we're smaller
Whats the best raw lance?
I haven't equipped a single piece of non matching armor for my entire run of IB.
What's so """Yea Forums""" about a random person uploading videos of gameplay?
honestly tried getting into it on ps4, but cloud save fucked me and had to start from pink rathian, so no mantles, shit gear etc, got to shara ishvala and gave up, i can wait for pc.
It was fun but i dont want to grind all that again to grind it again on pc
Fuck clownsuits, fuck TA autists, and fuck metafags
Is SnS a high damage weapon?
There should have been a feature like in GTA 5 case to just carry over your progress
based redditor
64J3 mrBP WMk3
Let's play, Yea Forums.
Are there any quests that let you grind for decorations right now? I only know of the Jagras and Lavasioth ones but I don't think they're around. I just want to make a set that isn't a jumbled fucking mess but I barely ever have any time to play.
So are male hunters the Stacys of the monhun world since female hunters overwhelmingly outnumber them?
Why is Special Ammo Boost on Teo's alpha chest?
its just annoying how cloud save has some jank shit for overwriting saves
The art is in making a functional mix set that actually looks like a proper set
Maybe Iceborne just isn't for me.
Does other games G-Ranks have this much of a health increase for monsters?
>what is Tailrider Safari
Yeah kinda
>implying redditors aren't autistically min-maxing and posting long detailed posts about their skill breakdown and analysis
No because I paused MH to play Borderlands and got sucked in. Its not fair they had to release a week apart
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if fashionposting gets you a ban over there. Redditors are the stalest nofunallowed take insult at the slightest perceived offense turbo autismo retards I have ever encountered in my entire life, and I browse Yea Forums/nel.
I just started guiding lands and I want to capture a god damned garuda.
i'd say older games are worse but mainly because the style of the game, worlds QOL changes make it more bareable for new players, we didnt used to even have jumping attacks or mounting so it was just a slog waiting for the monster to do its attack and slam the head over n over with 5 mins to spare
>tfw PC player
Stop shilling your own channel already
How the HELL am I supposed to use the item wheel on PC, am using default controls because I'm now used to them
Is the nami set good for elemental sns? also which set should i get?
Is this a new meme or something? To shit on Brachy of all monsters? Hes a good fight.
It is. He tried doing this on every thread on Yea Forums and /vg/ as of 3 days ago. Multiple polls already BTFO him
>wondering how weeks of MH threads didn't get a single shitpost outbreak
>go to /mhg/
>my fucking face when
Absolutely terrible monster, really don't get what Reddittors see in him
What happened?
Melding Pot dumbass
/vg/ doing /vg/ things, and by that I mean extreme faggotry, E-celeb whoring, and one or two posts about the actual game that only get responded by lenny faces and memes. The usual, you know?
>lenny face in 2019
My fucking God why
In terms of absolute raw damage? Probably acid glav with full handi, master's touch, and some rare level 4 decos to make it work.
In terms of flexibility, ruiner nerg lance probably.
Honorary mentions to the garuga lance and the shara lance.
Wanted to get into HH, is the Seething Bazel one good? wanted to have a reason to farm him since for some reason there is no volcano in the guiding lands
80% of /vg/ (and 100% of /vg/ for games from japan) are reddit transplants and normalfags.
it only proves yet again that banning Kawata Shoujo was the right call. All of that cancer would be here right now if incel cümbrains hadn't rightfully been given the boot.
not yet
The real power of the namielle set imo is when you have a weapon with hidden elemental element. Being able to build for that without having to account for free element/ammo up 3 is pretty big, plus you are getting a big boost to your elemental damage.
Idk much about sns but it seems like a good choice for the set to me.
Let's get another one for some comfy honts.
Also Listfag doing Listfag. He's just quieter now cause Iceborne BTFO'd GU.
I'll admit I never really hung out around MH threads before Iceborne, who is Listfag and why is he such and insufferable faggot?
Like with the expansion, you would think people would WANT to upgrade their gear right? And yet here I am in the guiding lands having people join with drachen armor. Did they just expect that behemoth shit to be the best in the game forever? I don't get it.
Long running generals on /vg/ for games that get localized or are popular basically turn into a dumping/breeding ground for shitposters and terminal autism given the nearly non-existent moderation there.
Fuck grinding. I think I'll go back to GU for a while, need to finish guild quests anyway.
>Enemies that unnerve you
Can i fight him outside ancient forest? Dogshit map almost killed me
Pretty sure this is an accurate representation of how he really feels about Iceborne
From World? Definitely tied between Tobi and Kulve.
let me sum up /mhg/ for you
>hey World is good
>hey World is bad
He sometimes appears in the vale, he's also in the Guiding Lands
Just like Yea Forums
The fact that things randomly die around him without him even lifting a finger is pretty disturbing
Lunastra is kicking my ass guys. I've never had this much trouble with a monster before, even in freedom unite
go elemental my dude
In freedom unite she was just an easy teo so it makes sense to cart more, also aeriel glaive is good if you dont have heat guard
Cool expansion but where's the Tower, we know the Ancient Civ was in the New World because of the robot armor
not him but post a cute elemental build for ls bro
Why are mushrooms so good than these bitch ass potions? Fuck potions and fuck y'all for not using mushroomancer.
>Why are mushrooms so good than these bitch ass potions?
So you have a reason to slot Mushroomancer
Some Epic Store shill who initially started out by spamming this retarted list of reasons why World was shit, that was filled to the brim with nitpicks. When people got on him about that, he then started posting killscreens from GU with the text "Play a real MH Game." Then the Iceborne beta came out and instead of calling out certain aspects of the game like he did with World's list, he just started listing literally every single aspect of it as bad. Now he lurks around until someone praises Iceborne, in which case he'll GUpost you.
I think I'm at 82. Should I be rushing to the guiding lands? I am taking my time right now and clearing all the content.
Don't rush. Tempered EDs are no joke
Hmmm, conveniently forgot to mention that he falseflags on both sides, hmmmm..
>Guild Quests aren't even in it
>Grinding is bad, even though IT'S LITERALLY WHAT YOU DO ALL THE TIME IN MH
Fuck off.
>The skill "free meal" has activated
I'm still wondering how long do I have to wait until I can start discussing MHGen/XX and create lobbies, especially for our resident PC players waiting for the PC port, but that local autist made it way too difficult since he'd just sperg out and derail threads.
Is crit Hammer still viable in master rank?
What's crazy is that you can make better sets with even more skills. I'm guessing it's not even that they're lazy, but that they don't know how to put together sets on their own.
>I'm still wondering how long do I have to wait until I can start discussing MHGen/XX and create lobbies
Forever, Listfag has the special ability to make people even more retarded than him, remember that there were people in the Yea Forums threads that thought they would ""defeat"" him by spamming in the exact same way he does
I just put together my 3xTigrex set and I am in love. I made my radial menu right into a consumable wheel, and it has turned me into a god among monsters.
Are pills better than drugs btw? I can't quite tell. Also do I need Immunizer at all in my setup?
Fuck, I meant hunter's hub quest, the multiplayer part anyway.
No, I have a job and go to college.
Immunizers are pretty useless, just use jerkies
To be fair those spinoffs are dogshit
Why would you want some autistic eceleb for a shitty vietnamese basket weaving forum
eat sushifish scales
>tfw double dipper
It might not be matching in terms of being all one monster, but Ive got a mixed set with decent skills that also looks really good altogether
I'm glad Clutch Claw completely replaced Flashing
does it work with lifepowders and stuff so my friends can stop carting 24/7?
not cute but badass. currently using velkhanna minus head for the set bonus (yes special sheath does charge it). its a work in progress because im trying to find a good headpiece that looks nice but is also useful. am currently using glavenus for focus but might get palace guard headpiece for looks and health boost. i use the zinogre, rathalos, namielle, and legiana longswords. will probably get the nerg ls when i get to it. i love bright white and regal armor
>tfw triple dipper
no it only works with items you ingest so sprays like lifepowder dont work
You look like a power bottom.
You don't eat it so probably not
ive tried my hardest to make this fucker look good but he turns out to look like a dumbass. ive changed it 3 times.
>"Zinogre" GS
wtf is this bullshit
What? The best place to be is right by his legs.
How fucking shit are you people? Brachy is one of the easier monsters in the game, ffs.
That set made me realize I've been playing GS wrong. Like lmao, fuck crit draw and creating windows. Imma jus trade on everything. Like nigga imma just stand in its face an shoulder tackle through shit in to TCS. Who gives a shit if I get hit its free healing nigga
As a lancebro, that shit sucks.
Game is telling me to defend seliana.
How much is there left? Getting kinda boring desu.
>eat ancient potion
>The skill "Free Meal" has activated
3/4 of the expansion
you're about 2/3 done with the story. theres only one mission like that
of course
More people should include earplug in their build
It makes the game 200% more enjoyable, especially for slow weapons like GS which can be interrupted during their attack animations
I don't even think my damage output has changed that much, since roars are now perfect occasions for damage or clutch claw
Where the fuck is everyone? Everytime I play it's 90% japs and no room has more than 1 or two people. Are they fucking with the servers?
I've been using full nami set and the bonus triggers very, very often so you will almost always have that boost available. It's worth it for the water resistance as well if you want to farm Nami. Fun fight.
i wouldnt have to use fucking earplugs if the monster didnt roar 3 times in a row for no good reason. and dont get me started when theres 3 monsters in the same area clipping into each other. ive gone at least 30 seconds without moving.
i think theres something wrong on capcoms side. filters only sometimes show me full servers.
Earplugs are great because they prevent you from getting interrupted/fucked over while allowing you to freely hit the monster.
As a funlance bro I disagree but I have never used another weapon so maybe it is hard for my fellow shieldcousins. The monster I always have the most trouble with is savage jho, I can only reach his legs and rarely head, can't even hit his tail in World unlike in 3U and he is constantly moving. I still like him but he is very annoying with GL.
What's a good Gunlance set for MR?
Velk is kicking my ass because of that stupid ice beam
>make him run at a wall
>trap him/mount when he's enraged
>make him run at a wall again
>drop some crystals on him
he's pretty much dead at that point already.
There is no point in joining rooms. People just use the SOS system or jump in and out of guiding lands shit.
But, I want to socialize!
G. Rathian
I don't even want lobbies since you can join other people's guiding lands have have a comfy expedition hunting shit
The best ones are those that just kill everything that moves and nothing specific
I use earplugs since FU, but I think it's more needed than ever in World.
Every time a monster join the fight, you have at least 4-5 roars between the two.
Yeah. Sure, sometimes I could dodge the roar with a tackle or dive, but it's still a huge nuissance that makea me waste time.
Also not getting your TCS animation interrupted is probably the best thing possible as a GS user.
How's the Boltslicer?
How long did it take? Did you solo it? I'm a solo player.
pretty good. looks awesome. i dont have the max version yet but you get a tiny bit of purple sharpness. have 300 thunder and 825 raw. no crit though which sucks but my only alternative is the boring fulgur anjanath ls and im not gonna use it
I just use whatever I feel like. Full silver rath & gunlance with artillery 3, jumping 3, Vitality 3, capacity boost and guard up is my favorite atm. And it looks cool. Silver Rath forever
not him, but I played since launch and reached MR125 today. MR 50-70 is the most difficult because barely any EDs and tempered spawn in GL. After that, you can just farm the GL variants and tempered to MR100.
Soloing GL can be agonizing since its built for multiplayer. The scaling is normal, but its really obvious its not meant to be solo'd since you can only max out 2 regions
I still can't believe how Disposable Earplugs are not a thing anymore in World.
Just because listfag isn't here anymore doesn't mean he isn't shitting up Epic threads or other vidya threads
>nu Brachydios
Fuckin really?
Who cares
I played mostly solo, it took me about 2 weeks because I couldn’t autistically grind. Elder Dragons and tempered mons in Guiding Lands are your best friend for MR.
Don't care. Not my problem
Based as fuck
I just iceborne. MR4 stuck on thus damn viper tobi. Even sending out S.oS flare no one comes to help. Is this guy that bad?
>any brachydios after 3U
Poison res 3 and then avoid mouth and the fight is suddenly not AIDS
Literally just use poison res and you're good to go.
tru dat. Frenzied is alright tho
will he ever come back from the flower fields, smtbros?
speaking of smt: which demon would you like to be made into a collab a la behemoth?
I would love a Beelzebub and a palico armor that turns your cat into a Jack Frost, complete with hee-ho sounds and speech mannerisms
imagine being so BTFO by a monster that you feel the need to shitpost about it for days to try to get other people to hate the monster as much as you do. Based Brachy dabbing on the shitters.
Tempered Iceborne Brachy is fine too in my book
But 3U will always be untouched
Kaneko got blacklisted by Atlus so no chance at all
What's the band in the Behe video?
Disqualified for performance enhancing drugs
the handler (m)odded
>The skill Offensive Guard has activated.
>takes ~10 minutes to kill Rathalos
>takes ~10 minutes to kill Pink Rathian
>took 18 minutes to kill Nergigante on my first try
>takes 20+ minutes to CAPTURE Azure Rathalos
Is there some special method of handling him because I don't understand why he's so difficult
>Speed Eating 3
This is cheating what the fuck
I'm about to start grinding the Guiding Lands for the rest of my foreseeable life. Need one more handicraft deco to get Handi 5, but then I'm probably set for a while. I used a Velk 4 set for a while, but I figured I'd make stuff out of the other EDs.
He's just an asshole user.
What HBGs should I be looking to work towards, pre-IB? I have never touched a bowgun before today so I really have no idea what to look for aside from avoiding element.
>tempered tobi oneshot me with the tail
>tempered narga deal 1/2 of my HPs
Excuse me, what
>change up the AI to be aggressive and have slimes take more time to detonate, making positioning critical
Yeah fuck off
>put in a new skill that only affects blocking weapons
>it's such a massive boost that it's basically going to be on every build
>still do less damage than bow/hammer/hbg
Just play hunting horn and give everyone earplugs
guys help, how do I get a cute Dodogama gf?
Jho for clusters, Zorah for status, Glutton from KT for spread
Is it worth it to make Acidic Glav's hammer after fighting him for the first time, or should I just use my trusted hammer until I get to Shara?
When you do reach MR 100 and fought Ruiner, drop your MT set and focus on half/half offense and defense skills. Ruiner weapons have max sharpness and has enough white sharpness to not need the MT or razor sharp or handicraft. Plus elderseal works better in IB so those are a boon when fighting EDs
Use enviro (falling rocks, vines and shit)
Flashbomb when flying to drop him to the ground.
Trap him.
Mount him.
Lead into Lynian trap.
Dung pod into turfwar.
Clutch claw wall slam + soften.
Use offensive Palico gadgets like bomb or molotov.
I am a casual faggot who wears an entire alpha set + matching weapon. Should I bother grinding for Shara Ishvalda's or just wait for Ruiner Nergigante? Currently using Velkhana set.
So is slime a thing an actual status you can inflict with his weapons in world or is it just blast?
Brachy has a unique type of blast in the fight, but his weapons are just blast.
>for not being a metafaggot
No. You are a definite chad. Keep doing what you're doing. Shara's set is only if you're really bad at dodging, otherwise just wait until Ruiner
I haven't had the time to play as much as I'd like to but I just killed Shrieking Legiana and holy fck what an annoying monster. I stupidly also followed the plain Legiana and killed it, thinking it somehow got a lot easier after breaking some part.
Nobody runs Earplugs because you need 5 lvl3 deco slots and you can just roll the rolls
However now you can build plugs efficently and rolling the roar is dmg down and inturups your combos
People are sleeping on plugs, its mandatory on nondraw GS, hammers and HHs
I just fought Lunastra in the guidind lands and she spams her damn supernova now? Please dont tell me there is a tempered version on top of that
What about screamer sacs, i don't want screamer pods i want screamer sacks.
Hes way harder than his 4U version thats for sure
The therme set is a such a fucking gift for making a nice looking dude holy shit. They're basically blank pieces that go with everything.
a waste of time
Just get a 3 earplug charm and use 2 deco slots on your armor if your armor doesn't have earplugs.
I wish /vg/ wasn't the only place to get PS4 room codes.
3U was nothing special, I remember farming that mission with Two Brachs on th Snow Map with an HR Brachydios SwitchAxe because I was grinding it, make it less obvious than you are fags who started with 3U
Tobi has very strong attacks when true rage mode and especially when you're weak to thunder.
It's just that he dies too fast and staggers like a bitch.
>They gave Teo 2 "fuck off my face moves"
This should be illegal.
Has anyone gotten ruiner to spawn on a level 5 area? On the hunters guide it has a 1 star chance of spawning on a level 5.
>waisting charm
ew. There are decent sets with build in plugs like shara or bazel
Maaaan fuck min maxers looking cool is always better than everything else. Besides if you're a veteran hunter you should be able to wear anything you want and not cart.
>Player from my session joins my hunt
>He carts
Why do americans do this?
Bazel and Garuga are pretty much made for GS and earplug
>Teo is no longer a pushover
This is bad how?
Bros, do you cut tails with your gunlance?
i fucking suck at the hammer
i miss my uppercut every time
>teaching guy to play in a session
>When he asks about mods I recommend some
>But tell him a lot of them are cheating, and even if you dont think it is, itll make you elitist.
>Player in session joins hunt
>he spams damage numbers twice during the hunt like WoW dungeon elitists. Isnt even first.
>this is why, son
PC bro here. How is IG in Iceborne? Did it get buffs? Is aerial IG still dead?
Why are the shields on the right arm?
It's practically built for it imo, at this point I have a habit of tailcutting even if I don't need to.
>shilling your own channel here
To gain 20 clicks andthumbs down? It's not my channel anyway
4channers not Redditors would be nice
At least downward strike is very good and fun
to trigger alr-right cucks like you
Try blocking with your weak arm (assuming left). You'll break it before you block anything. Never use a shield with your weak arm
Good. Not really. Yes.
I was HR 287 until my retarded roommate used Reuse date on my profile
I’m back up to 4 now still internally pissed
>being right handed
I bet you don't play double invert either.
Because you don't need to be very accurate to shove a stake up a monster's ass and pull a trigger.
You can feed your bug slinger ammo to increase its attack, attack rate, and duration of gathered buffs, on top of being able to grab two extracts at once.
Aerial IG can't be dead because it was never alive. There's a new dragoon dive attack that's pretty good, but you still don't want to spend much time in the air.
>be hammer master race
>everything shines white as fuck in the DLC
>cant tell if my hammer is powered up
It's good.
Descending Thrust is both very useful and very strong, use it liberally.
Airborne is now a 30% damage bonus if you like flipping around in the air, though ground focused play is still the way to go.
Your Clutch Claw attack is actually pretty strong.
IG's combination of mobility, range, and relatively low attack commitment is great for keeping up with the more mobile monsters like Velkhana and Barioth.
Not really, all he does is spin and flail like all the other bad fights. Only good spinny monster is Duramboros
Bad day?
Does Kirin's set bonus (Great Luck) affect Crown Size outcome?
I feel like hunting horn is seriously underrated in group hunts. ATTACK XL and being able to one hit weak points with clutch claw increases the dps of the whole squad by so much . And let's not forget about defense boost and the new stamina buff that is super busted on any weapon class that consumes stamina heavily like the bow, when I use the HH it's almost impossible to fail an online quest
I just kick randoms gor two reasons, if they are blatant leechers that want to get carried and IG jump spammers
I even saw one doing that against Shara's rock armor.
HH is new KO king(without using imapct mantle), hummerbros btfo to the 3rd place
>get zinegro's hammer
>get it's special effect at charge 2 instead of 3
Im not a min a maxer but I just enjoy ensuring our team doesnt cart.
What are you playing right now ?
Long or Normal?
>khezu has existed before MH
As it should be. Hammer has always been a faggot piece of shit, horns are (and should be) just better hammers.
>Tigrex set
>Speed Eating 3
>Free Meal 3
It's free healing.
>Nergs new LS design is like a sexy European war knife
>Still has the ugly cage scabbard
Man I'm torn, but the stats are so damn good.
Long atm, but I regularly use and tail cut with all 3. That being said, using a shelling build doesn't mean you aren't allowed to join in on the tail cutting action
Me too. I use to carry 10 flash bugs AT ALL TIMES, now I don't ever equip the 3 premade flashers.
The cavern areas of the guiding lands are giving me khezu and gigganox flash backs from tri
I'm a pcfag lance user, what does offensive guard do?
>MR Kirin
FUCK this thing! What's a good tactic to end this things life!?
>speed eating
literally why, max potions dont have a long animation
What's the fastest MR grind? Doing the event quests or just going deep in the grinding lands?
How? I'm still a noob with the clutch claw.
Tempered monsters in Guiding Lands
gives you a short lasting 5%, 10%, or 15% damage boost upon doing a perfect block
Monsters are much less susceptible to flashes in MR so the most reliable way to get stuns is the claw
You're better off ramming a flying monster into the wall, rather than flashing them only for them to immediately get back up or in some cases be immune
Can someone post that chart that shows what got unique weapon models and what got bone'd
Is there any limit to how many times you can ram a monster into the wall?
Christ dual blades got the shit end of the stick this time.
What exactly is a "perfect block"? Does it have a visual or audible cue?
>The skill Peak Performance activated
>The skill Peak Performance has worn off
>The skill Peak Performance activated
>The skill Peak Performance has worn off
>The skill Peak Performance activated
>The skill Peak Performance has worn off
>The skill Peak Performance activated
>The skill Peak Performance has worn off
>The skill Peak Performance activated
>The skill Peak Performance has worn off
No, but they can't be rammed when enraged. Usually monsters will become enraged right after a wallbang so you can't just keep doing it over and over again.
No, but it doesn’t work while they’re enraged and they’re guaranteed to enrage after 3 claw punches
>The Vaal Hazak experience
It's just that you need to block right before getting hit. It also works with the Lance's counter and CB guard points, which is really neat.
Double the fun when you have furor at the same time
Zinogre's intro really made me wonder why they didnt include the Monoblos in World.
Helping some HR guy right now, if we get more people we can do HR/MR at the same time.
Give me your whiskers already bitch. I break your head and still don't get any.
>tfw join quest and idle until carving time
Why should they? It’s just Diablos with a different head.
He just does more damage
t. farmed tempered Brach all day yesterday
It does have visual and audio cues, yes, as well as the skill message pop-up on the right of the screen. The buff lasts for 12 seconds. The timing isn't super tight, but tight enough that you have to actively try to activate it rather than play things entirely safe. I think it's a great skill, both for the damage buff as well as making it more engaging to play Lance.
>They redesigned the nerg weapons to actually look good AND they are all at least top 3 pick
Justice at last
it doesnt exactly make lance any more engaging than it already is. youre still doing the same shit, just getting rewarded better for it
Why add Pink, Azure, Gold and Silver? They are just different colors.
Maybe its because someone at Capcom decided they should have standards for once
>lost to Velkhana twice in a row
Play Frontier
Switch to IG if you are having that much trouble. IG absolutely dabs on Velk.
I would rather block with my stronger arm if I was facing 20 million pound dinosaurs.
>anons talking about fist weapons
>suddenly want some Big O gauntlets made out of Brachy
When a monster would wind up an attack outside of my poke range I'd prepare a counter early and be entirely safe because the counter window is so gigantic. Now I wait until the very last moment to activate the buff. It's a small thing but it's something.
lancing in iceborne made me sad so i made a new character for hammer
very very fun weapon
Sucks that Frontier had garbage like this when it also did introduce some of the most interesting monsters in the series as well. Hopefully some of the good ones make it to mainline one day.
First off shit taste second why the fuck would you make a new character for that?
>soon you will never see this shitpost again
feels good man
Fire Diablos is genuinely fun, there's multiple way of avoiding his big AoE, including having one player steal the big cactus seed he eats before powering up and trying to survive until the diablos become tired.
I wish they never added hammer's self buff.
no rational reason really
starting from scratch just feels nice
Where is Goldcrown Augurfly?! It's night time and raining and i can't find'it.
The loading screens at least lets me be on Yea Forums tho.
What will be the best Rajang weapon?
I want to, but there's no point when it's just going to die in a couple months. I don't have enough free time to get through all the content and I like taking these games slow anyway, so I've accepted that I'll just never get to enjoy Frontier.
>thunder weapons
LGB, Bow, and DBs but even then raw might beat them. Thunder is the worst elemental weakness for whatever reason.
I hope when Rajang comes out all his stuff won't just immediately become meta like what happened with jho
I like the variety we have now
>tfw Frontier is dead
Play Toukiden 2.
Game boost you to G level pretty fast. You could probably do most of the monsters before the game end, excluding end game bullshit.
Literally just some fire res, he's just more of a flaming asshole compared to normal Rath. Make sure to have a spare flash bomb for when he just won't fucking come down.
Based Musou Ezelion
Do Earplugs work against brute tiggy?
What other games would be fun to see crossovers with to fight their monsters? Behemoth was a neat match and I'de like to see Iceborne do something like it.
Raths are the series mascots, for better or for worse, and their subspecies are almost always in. They also at least have a significantly different color scheme and marginally different attacks, whereas Monoblos is literally just a Diablos body with a different face and does exactly what Diablos does but worse
Maybe, but it's fun to rush through it like that. If anyone manages to get a private server going I'd try that for sure though.
Nope, I had max and he still ragdolled me with growls.
Will Rajang get all unique weapons like Jho did, or will some of them get BONED?
>take earplugs 5
>roll whenever the monster roars
>people think im some sort of japanese monster hunter pro
>im actually really bad at the game
who else here is a monster hunter trickster?
Boned for sure
>hammer bro
>hitting head 9/10
>always make sure to drop a weak point on tail or wings for swordbros unless another weakener is in the party
>LS still fucking mob on the head
I don't get these fags, LS will always suffer because of these smooth brains
wasn't that always a thing? in 4U even with normal tigrex I remember getting knocked back when he did the enrage roar
They have more incentive to bone weapons now because of the custom upgrade system
Yeah but they could have practically no animation. You basically unhinge your jaw and swallow the vail whole at 3
What are the good MR hammers?
Someone recommended the grinding mallet but it seems like you gotta min max autisim for that hammer.
I just want a hammer i can use with full armor sets and not deal as much damage as a IG.
>it's no fun to rush through it*
I'm having a tough time getting through monsters I wonder what armors other people made during the story.
>Everyone went through the story in Drachen armor
Well fuck me I guess.
I admit that early on I did it just so I could fucking survive but since reaching end game the only unmatching set that I don't run is a combo of narga and ebony odo because I happen to like how odo's helm looks when paired with narga's set. Not every mismatched set is a clown suit, sometimes the mismatch matches better than the match match.
absolutely devilish
>havent seen anyone in my hunts out KO me outside of another hammer user getting the last hit from me
>See HH users do good, but never do any KO
>even grug guns can't seem to out KO me
Is it useful to play the original Monster Hunter on PS2? I'm new to this series
Also have MH4U and MHW
The Hand of God.
>roll through roars
>noone is impressed and pretend like it never happened
>being gay
What armor for GS?
basarios when? also whats are some good hunting horn skills. made zingores electric guitar but the songs are kinda ass while yian garuagas banjo has fucking ear plugs L. anyone know if you can transmog zingores horn appearance?
nerg HBG or legiana HBG?
Original Monster Hunter sucks and it's a miracle they managed to turn it into what it is today
You can get by completely fine with starting with World, although the quality of life improvements might annoy you if you ever decide to go backwards. Play Dos at the absolute most if you're really bent on knowing how it started out but FU is better in every way
I saw user and I always lose my shit becasue gunlance cant roll
>Center doesn's shine brightly on charge
I was very sad, but literally slapping the shit out of monsters is just wonderful.
shit we Kung Fu Hustle now
Velkhana for critdraw or elemental(you need 4piece eithetway)
If you're going to play nondraw then just pick whatever as long as it has focus 3 as that's the only skill GS "needs"
I disagree. Frontier's pretty open. Once you get to G rank, you can do almost every quests so you can't really rush through the game.
Whats Dos and Fu ?
>Shoulder tackle through roar
>Everyone watches me TCS the fucker in the head while they sit there helpless
>The whole party offers to suck my dick and send me money
>Abe makes me honorary citizen
Monster Hunter Dos for PS2
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for PSP
Start with Frontier
Bazel and Garuga are really good.
Damascus torso is a literal must with those 3 slots.
>Last time I played was on PC release
MAn there's so much shit to do now, every NPC wants me to talk to them...
Decided to do a short Rath hunt to refresh my memory and apparently that fucker jho got added into this game as well, just what this game needed when it already had that bomber asshole.
How exactly can you avoid Screen-wide AOEs there?
>aggressive headpatting; the weapon
Shit son, its almost enough to make me want to go hammerbro for a bit. Almost.
Can you save scum the steamworks game? Is it just save before doing it and going back to the ps4 menu to close the game if you want to try again?
I have. They're arguably the most fun weapon in that game, but kind of basic. They're also the game's equivalent of the hammer so they're a lot slower than you'd expect besides this attack. They're not pile bunkers, either.
You learn to iframe or panicdive? They aren't spammed and run on a timer probably like most AOEs in mmo raids. FZ is a game that hard filters the shitters from the pros
>Dos = MH2
>FU = Freedom Unite
>Both are 2nd gen games
The MH serie is organized in generations, kinda like pokemon.
Games in the 1st gen are very barebone
2nd had a lot of improvement but are still jank af.
3rd gen started on Nintendo and had Underwater combat, on top of another slew of improvements
4th gen brought mounting, increased mobility and more vertical options
Gen/Gen Ultimate are the 4.5 gen. They brought different "styles" for each weapons and switchable special moves.
5th gen is world
You also have Frontier, which is a 12 years old MMO based on the 2nd gen and who is basically Ninja Gaiden x Monster Hunter.
And Online, which is a poor MMO hink copy.
Both of those are closing at the end of december and should be free to play on top of providing various boost to help experience contents faster. If you have to play one, play frontier
The howitzer one start with a smaller wind pressure which tell you to fuck off (I didn't include it though for better shitposting)
For the black rathian one, just roll through it or parry it., it's actually pretty easy.
No idea for the ricochet but I'll assume you can iframe it.
Are you using the Vaal Hazaak one?
I dislike it because of how ugly the poor thing is
I mean I just sheathe before rolling through it but if there's no time I step through it just like I do with Velkhana's sweeping ice beam attack, then joust into its face with my poker
I always thought frontier was asia/japan only basically?
It's tedious and unnecessary.
They shouldn't have included this restriction of areas leveling down.
Just hunting random shit is the most fun
Broken Silence and Chariot Gun
>HH spins2win shit tons pf KO damage
>you hit monster with final hit to trigger KO
The jap server will ban you if they find out you're a dirty gajin. Also they still take money for the subs.
The TW version only requiert a Capcom Online Game account, has recently gotten an english patch, is free and has a pretty expensive english guide. It's missing a handful of monsters tho.
It's literally the most useful thing hammer got this gen and it so understated, built in armor means hammerfags no longer have to complain about people attacking the head and tripping
Nah, Brachy is a great fight with Evade or now that you can just slot in Blast Resist on your Guard and dash sideways out of slime
Am I a retard, or a retard, I dont understand the Guilding Lands at all.
What's the best new hunting horn with Iceborne?
And do I have to play with the acidic galv hammer or can I use my precious val hazak hammer?
Why didn't they do it like the old games where you had your arms glow red blue or something else depending on the skill?
>they shouldn't have added the method that created turn rooms
Fuck you. JP turn rooms are comfy as fuck. We always go Forest -> Coral -> Waste -> Vale because that order causes the least conflict between levels and has the most crossovers of monsters in that order.
Oh cool. Sorry if it was explained already but whats the TW version
wait, turn rooms are back?
>I bought Daemon X Machina, Astral Chain and MHW Iceborne
playing Iceborne last
Is the armor good for solo hunting? I never noticed it making a huge difference.
>not having the time to play all of them
I am on a cycle of IB, MHGU, Daemon X Machina, and Borderlands 3. I dedicate atleast 4 hours before switching
Get on my meta-level
yeah. Not sure it's worth it, but you can do it.
These turn rooms are for guiding lands? Does that mean you have to load and reload the guiding lands everytime for another hunt?...
I am a wagecuck and you are my eternal sworn enemy.
Taiwanese version. Game is in chinese.
>roll around in full Shara set because true Gaia's veil is godly (pun intended)
>lower ranked players seem to equate armor rarity with skill and think I'm some sort of super hunter
>they seem content to hang back while I do most of the work
>they have no clue that I'm barely a step above grug tier but make it work through endless vitality, medicine, and recovery jewels and vicious abuse of the veil's ability to ignore bullshit like wind or roars while I wail on things
>mfw they mistake my wolverine tier unkillability and shiny armor with skill
Totally a professional guys.
Holy shit MR Uraagan is a bitch and a half
Jesus Christ so many explosions
It's gives you a small boost in KO damage as well, so yes
>be LS fag (since F2 fuck you I will not be judged)
>monster goes down
>go to town on tail
>finishing spirit combo to get back to red as it's about to stand
>hammer fag out of no where is now between me and the tail
>finish combo for muh red
>he's reeeing in chat about being flinched
>gets carted trying to type his reeeing out
What has a hammer fag doing at the tail exactly?
Must have had max sharpness on that mallet to slice right thru the tail.
>Palico plunders a mantle
And just when i consider to stop bringing it along.
I am a wagecuck AND collegefag too. Learn to reduce your time on Yea Forums, it'll help a lot
Anytime I do a special arena quest for Uragaan now I just climb to the second level while he is enraged because of that shit.
I asked about the armor. The attack and KO buffs could have just been baked into the moveset without making you waste time buffing yourself in a game that already has too much of that with mantles.
Playing FU solo
Just got to G
Plesioth, Congalala, or 2Gypceros next
I feel like dying, pick the torture method for me
Also don’t do this, don’t listen to the boomers saying this game is good
Zones have levels
Gather at bonepiles/mining spots and hunt monsters to raise zone levels
Higher zone levels have stronger monsters, with GL exclusive monsters at the highest zone levels
Along the way you can build up analysis by hunting monsters and collecting turf war tracks, which gives you the ability to lure out specific monsters
>SOS hop for Gold Rathian in GL
>capture it
>put on partbreaker 3 and give palico plunderblade
>run and abandon arena optional for mats
Then no the armor is useless in solo, it's basically 1/2 a point of filch free so teammates can't trip you anymore
Congalala's probably the least stressful
I'm not sure if I just didn't understand MH but going through G solo in FU was a nightmare, it seemed like everything took 35 minutes minimum to kill. Also every weapon but GS and Hammer sucked
Guiding Lands turn rooms.
Join. Go to Guild Hall. Greet Room. Announce your 6/7 area. Join together with three others in the room. Depending on the rules of the room you rotate turns every 15 to 20 monsters in that area or every two hours in that area.
I despise the enrages in older games
>dude what if monster got a speedhack
>dude what if it started cancelling animations
it's just fucking lazy
Then I am standing by my opinion, but thank you for clarifying. It's nice to know that it has a use in multiplayer at least.
Try maining "fun"lance in FU. Truly, it is hell.
Impact Mantle + Slugger HBG is so fucking fun.
>that based GS user that whiffed his wakeup TCS twice
Definitely /ourguy/.
oh come on poor guy tried his best
>cave in the monster's skull with hammer every time they roar
>everyone clapped
>Punished Hammerbro is tired of getting flinched
>He takes the fight to LS fags and interrupts their combos and shits up their flow for once
>He's still out there, sacrificing his hunts to fight his one man war
Sounds based
Installed FU on my PSP, will try that one, thanks for the description
But is it worth not hitting purple sharpness?
What's the consensus on clutch claw?
I'm on PC so all I have to go on is videos of runners spamming it on every opening.
I don't like how it seems that you have to drop your momentum for it.
What's the best way to farm decorations?
yea I think I like this better, sorry LS poster but you got what you deserved
Did they reset MR for iceborne? I quit playing world at like 150 MR i think.
Havent played iceborne yet, too busy playing wow classic.
>mfw Master's Touch with purple sharpness and Protective Polish
You're confused. World had HR, Iceborne has MR. Doing Master rank quests raise both.
Im tired of playing longsword but I can't decide wich weapon should I play
truly a monhun existential crisis
You should try mhp3rd too, it has a lot of improvements over fu but not nearly as much content
So... there are no just regular quests for shit like Zinogre or Gold/Silver?
Earplugs Charm V when
Stop making me waste decos on this shit
Been using it too much. I'm flowcharting it and losing opportunities to do the big bang combo.
like how is roaring even real nigga just roll nigga haha
>clutch claw
>dropping momentum
lmao if anything clutch claw accelerates it to the point people go retarded unga even harder
>hunting with the same guys for the last 2 hours
>velkana shows up
>kill the monster we are hunting and then tag velkana
>everyone leaves
Just get Evade Window dude
It's not like there's any Gravios or Monoblos roars that are too long for even max Evade to skip through
there are optionals
Anyone has a elemental dual blades build pre Silver Rathalos?
>stop bringing Palico
Why would you ever consider this?
He is a calico that is your pal. He's your most faithful paw-rtner. He's your life-long furr-iend. He's sturdy as fuck and strong as hell, and he's a total chick magnet.
>earplugs is a wasted slot
>don't forget to get health 3 for those MR tempered monsters
you are a disgusting and embarassing newfag
there are no Yea Forums streamers, they are all faggots that think they belong here when they actually don't, just like all you fucking normalfaggots
Anyone else bored already? I hit MR 55 in a week and I have no desire to play anymore.
>apples to oranges comparison
Never mind, enjoy your wasted slots.
>Don't get hit
>Don't need health 3
Palicos are a crutch
What's a good weapon to bring to Namielle? He's kicking my ass.
>my friends are crutches that only hold me back
Okay there, fucking anime antagonist
GaijinHunter is /ourguy/.
>carting to namielle
you need to think about a lot of things
>tfw you get kicked instantly after joining an SOS
Why even flare if you gunna kick people who actually come prepared.
Just roll. Unlike mainline, Frontier encourages evasion pretty much anywhere. Learn how to time rolls and sidesteps and you'll pretty easily completely avoid 99% of all the attacks you ever see outsiders complain about. Despite that, it's still very challenging. Frontier places an emphasis on reflexes rather than just repositioning.
Ackshually it IS a he.
Confirmed male, sorry furfag
mizutsune of course
>ryucheatshi trying to advertise again
If you kick someone that responds to your SOS the game needs to remove the slot that would have been taken. Unless it already does, but I don't think so.
Hunts are taking too long. Every time I finish one and think about doing another, I think about the time it will take and lose my will to play.
It's pretty annoying to have the monster turn around to face the cat when I'm trying to hit the head. It was much worse in old games when monsters moved mechanically and prediction was key, but still annoying enough that I'll probably drop the palico once I no longer need parts from Plunderblade.
but it's hard to press X AND hold down literally any direction on the left joystick at the same time DDD:
>pullin off a triple impact wave with HH
>Just tried HBG for the first time
this fucking thing is so much fucking better with an actual second stick, holy shit it's so fun
lmao fuck off jim
furfags like it male though retard
I realized that at soon at posted that
>bazel LS is straight up worse than the teostra LS in every capacity but slots
What did they mean by this
>Join Zinogre investigation SOS
>Have ice weapon
>10 thunder resist
>get kicked
>join a different one
>get kicked again
I'm confused.
pierce or spread tho? there is a correct answer
I kicked someone earlier because he wasn't fucking moving from the spawn
is their more jim comics? yandex and google have failed me in turning up more
Are you sure you were getting kicked and not just this game's shitty netcode making you DC?
imagine getting so close to the actual fun
imagine not hunting monsters with a fucking shotgun
No, getting kind of bored honestly, guiding lands is a pretty shit endgame
Outside Zinogre and Cancer Khukve what's a good spread HBG?
Fuck maybe, it said I "left" the quest and right before and right after I joined Ebony Odogaron quests just fine.
This is the only acceptable reason, well that and sticker spamming, the latter is arguably far worse.
It gets me even more erect than a true GS charge
Impact wave and the Horn Spin are the best HH editions this gen
>Finish eating a meal in the guiding lands
>Stamina drops
Thanks to the lads who joined the room.
>Handler keeps all the protein to herself
Another sin to add to her existence
Is there any good hunting games besides Monster Hunter or is MH the actual only good one?
Toukiden is kinda fun
God Eater is interesting but kinda lackluster in some areas
aw. if handler wants more protein all she needs to do is ask :3
I just foght the gold & silver duo
>dung pods dont work
>they ignore the challenger mantle so i can't relocate them
>Fucking poison and giant explosions everywhere
Their going to lock transmog behind an AT version of that fight isn't it?
Fucking kill yourself
No. I'm MR 65 and my wrist fucking hurts.
Any tips for fighting lunastra? Would farming something with heat guard help me?
Cabela's Big Game Hunter.
Is there a way to play Frontier offline?
If you have a vita soul sacrifice is sort of a MH clone that is really good
AT’s aren’t coming back ever
>Nami bow with Velk set bonus and crit draw
Now this is fun.
Space... ___ _____ ________.
Thank fuck. What absolutely terrible fights they were.
Heat guard+fire resistance, health gas tool, cross your fingers and pray.
No point cause Tempered EDs are AT tier bullshit
Wind Resist helps.
What's a good hunting horn? I love the teostra orphee
Soul Sacrifice Delta is really good, but for different reasons than MH. The actual hunting part is merely acceptable, while the world and story are exceptional.
I actually did try the God Eater 3 demo, but I really disliked it.
HH's that I've found to be useful
Acid Glav for the 'meta' best damage horn
Bazel as a nice support/HP recovery horn that still has AtkUpL
Velkhana as a nice alternative to Bazel with AtkUpL, DefenseUpL, and the new stamina echo note song for stupid amounts of stamina
Zinogre's horn for best sounds and if you know your allies are running element-heavy builds
Zin's horn also utterly fucks any Diablos with the sonic waves attack
>velkhana appears and forces my lure out of the area
absolutely based
thank you capcom
Just go fashion
I don't know of any others. I just have that comic and the picture of him with the horn, and I don't even think they're by the same people.
I do have this palico, though.
I love building for defense, it's always a little nerve-wracking to see people post builds with things like no stun resist. Obviously if you never get hit you don't need defenses but god damn are a lot of pubbies not actually there. Kudos to those of you that run those builds and pull it off though.
>average at the game, can use most of the weapons reasonably well
>can get shit done but not gonna pull off 360 no scope 2 minute arch-temp Nergi kills or whatever
>enter Iceborne
>Barrioth and Tigrex tilt me because ha ha time for full room jumps and full body hit boxes
>commit to full guard gunlance set
>begin defeating dudes with defensive play
>get tilted? gunlance
>begin snap reacting to every monster's opening with combos, stakes and fire
>sub 15s on anything possible. feels good for a grug tier
>hit post-game, make a DPS beat stick and a DPS set
>make more gunlances
>make 5+ sets based on various factors, expected difficulty, the weapon, defense vs dps, wide or long or normal, with vaal regen or without, etc
>join any hunt and look competent and deal above average damage too
>secretly just a tilted baby that hates spazzing attack spam monsters
Something about weaving in damage on split second openings while being immortal is really satisfying despite being probably the babiest tier approach possible.
The Lances are fun to be honest.
>really like pre-world monhun
>nobody else does it as well
>nothing but world for the next ten years
It hurts.
Respect your Elders.
Wrong, this is best timeline.
Wait till you try evesion GL builds, you'll never look back. Jumping 3 is the best. I carry guard up but only for the rare circumstance it's needed, like waking up to Savage Jho's chou makouhou.
Buddy, World's gameplay is as peak as MH gets. This is irrefutable
At least there's a ton of content in pre-world stuff if you prefer that sort of thing
FU, 3U, 4U, GU are all worth playing and there are even more games emulate or import that are worth it as well.
And who knows, maybe 6th gen will make some changes to World formula as well.
How do you get Uragaan Jaw+?
Do you only need to break the jaw once or is there a second break?
I'm starting to include Stun Res 1 in my setups now. The IB buffs make it an amazing value point.
Ah I see. Well thanks anyway user and I like that palico too.
or clusting in multi, if 1 flinch free stopped clust blowback it'd be fine. But it doesnt.
Stun resist is somewhat of a waste unless you're fighting something that will hit you repeatedly from off screen like bazel or kirin
I disagree, but a part of me is glad that the franchise is doing well and that so many other people are enjoying it now. Maybe in ten years it will go back to being something I like.
Is that with evade window or without? I usually run Evade Extender 2 for gap closing and general mobility.
Nah. It's arguable. World and Iceborne especially made a ton of improvements, but also some much more arguable changes and additions.
Pretending that 5th gen is objectively superior is absolutely retarded and only something a brainlet would unironically believe. There's no such thing as irrefutable here. It's all arguable and subjective.
I'm nowhere near good enough to reliably avoid getting hit and the majority of my deaths are what I call bad circumstance combos. Like anyone can come back from a single bad hit at full health, but eating 60% of the bar and seeing stars come up is usually a death sentence unless your buddy or cats grab aggro.
Cracking once should be fine, it turns from hard spot to weakness spot, gets break textures and is eligible as bonus reward.
It is indeed the babbyest approach
I'm talking gameplay-wise. Everything else is subjective and debatable. As for the roster, IB puffed it nicely and the updates should put in more variations of skeletons like how they're doing with Rajang.
If World or IB disappointed you, just know that at the very least this is a good foundation for future titles since IB already rivals most previous MH games in terms of roster and it doesn't even reuse PS2 assets
>monster kills you from 80% hp in one combo
This is frustrating to me.
4th gen has more in common with 5th gen than 1st through 3rd gen yet people still lump 4th gen in with 1-3 and call it old monhun just because it's pre-World and they need something to feel superior about when most of the people that say that shit started with either 3U or 4U.
P3rd was the last time they had a game similar to 1st and 2nd gen as well from top to bottom, with the exception of the heavy nerfs made to monster damage. Both tri and 3U have heavy distinctions from 1st and 2nd gen.
The people that say "old monhun" are retards that don't even realize how much the series has changed and often think the game they started with is "old monhun." Then they take the most superficial examples, like the flex, and say "SEE IT IS OLD MONHUN."
I'll probably end up going through older games more in the meantime, yeah. It just sucks because GU was really close to what I would consider a perfect monhun, but like most entries it had some nasty flaws holding it back.
I honestly think anyone that calls 4U or XX "old" MH is probably a tribab seeking revenge for all the abuse. That or its genuine gentards
Not until you've encountered him via the 99 quest
>failed 1 cart zinogre investigation 3 times in a row
I don't remember him being this fast
Honestly I've still yet to figure out why anyone with two brain cells to rub together would choose to not always have a stun charm.
It's not just that, its because he's fucking huge
World and Iceborne has been digging through the cut content from Dos for ideas for a while which is kind of funny. Wouldn't be surprised to see MH6 bring back seasons to go with dynamic weather and passage of time, as well as population levels.
Just give me back a farm attached to my house. Keep the Seliana style house where I can change shit inside, but attach a farm to it that my cats manage and I can go in to do stuff manually if I want extra bonuses.
Because if you need defense, vitality/divine protection takes precedent
A charm doesn't take a jewel slot.
I disagree. I think 4U and even GU have more in common with past gens than 5th gen because the changes 5th gen made were very drastic compared to the ones in 4U and so on.
5th Gen has
>No zones, everything is seamless
>Gathering works in a different way
>Animations work in a different way
>Item consumption animations
>many more points
These things make the gameplay in 5th gen, to me, feel drastically more different than 4U does to FU.
Stop pretending your opinion is some objective fact and get your head out of your ass.
How is liking one style of gameplay over another not subjective? I wouldn't call World a good foundation for future titles specifically because I don't like any of the changes it made to the gameplay.
There are vitality/divine protection charms too. They take potential skill points into w/e you want to build overall
just dont get hit unironically
>tfw just spent roughly 3 hours doing Extremoth because I stopped playing World before the FFXIV collab
>Fail most of the run despite everyone being in MR gear because of pubs
>Finally got lucky and got into an SOS without the shitter that kept carting (I keep running into the same people over and over)
Thank God it's over, now if only I could get people into my dlc story Behemoth quest so I can finally be done with this quest chain.
>Hunt Teostra, Lunastra, Velkhana and all those elders in Guiding lands in less than 10 minutes
>This is fun
At MR167. Trying to level Coral to 7 so I can finally get the health augment on my rarity 12 weapons.
So the guiding lands is just a never ending grind zone?
Hit it till it dies, is just another Kirin with a little extra zappityzoop
It wont sit still for me to hit it AAAAAH!
speaking of, most of the elders aren’t fun to fight. only teo and velkana are any fun, kirin and nami are kind of a pain. nergi’s not in t3 investigations (i think?). at least we have bagel and pickle now but i feel like 70% of my deco farming runs is just fighting cancerous mons and it’s slowly getting to me
Once you're into the more powerful tempered monsters, you won't be hit enough times to be stunned, you'll just die.
3 in vitality is the difference between scarred garuga beak diving you dead versus barely surviving
Us the Clutch Claw to wound its body, that way your attacks won’t bounce and will still deal a decent amount of damage if you miss the head. Also stack Thunder resist, for the average player dodging all of Kirin’s bullshit is nigh on impossible, especially during the day when Kirin’s lightning is the same colour as the ground and you can barely fucking see it (seriously how the fuck did that get past testing?).
Are bows now one of the more less popular weapons? I've only ever seen 3 of them in MR hunts.
Yes. Guiding Lands is pretty much a grinding zone made for multiplayer though. The shit sucks as a solo player. Legitimately one of the worst endgames in the entire series as a solo player. I'm even considering getting PS+ and actually doing multiplayer because of how much of a slog it is.
>tfw a Scarred Garuga tail swipe instakilled me with 900 defence and vit 2
kys binger
>Average defence and not even vit 3
Bow has never been that popular in western server. Most western gunner uses hbg or lbg rather than bow.
Really? I've done three or four monsters in the guilding lands and they seem to be dying faster than their story line counterparts.
I use the odogaron lance and 3 bits of a.rath so I don't bounce and get a little thunder resist. Get speed eating if you're a shitter like me and get the vigorwasp on your cat. Vitality and thunder mantles for when he gets enraged
It used to be pretty popular in base world.
>raw bow
just use the clutch claw mantle to guarantee tenderize so you don’t have to worry about bouncing my dude. vitality mantle is almost useless
>Realizing that performing except to get your buffs up is a dps loss now because spin stronk
Triple impact encore wake up exempt of course
Maybe then there'd be some use to the fucking house