Why is Germany the only place that still likes and makes point and click adventure games?
Why is Germany the only place that still likes and makes point and click adventure games?
That's not true.
I don't usually like point&clicks, but those deponia games were actually enjoyable. there's some bullshit but not way too much. and being casual the gameplay is kinda good. Simplified enough so it isn't convoluted mess.
Name a non-German pnc from the last 15 years
Hard mode: Actually good ones, so no Broken Age
Germans are autistic
But not the cool kind of autism. The kind of autism where you can't let go of stuff.
I like Daedelic games in general, but not Deponia
The treatment of women in that game is generally unsettling, even as anti-feminist
Reminder that truck/farming simulators are some of the most popular games in Germany.
This. I played these games and kept thinking "Hey, this is sexist as fuck". Sadly chuds on this board will cone to us and tell us that we should be killing all women and saying their all bitches etc....siiiiigh
We have a weird taste in video games in general.
But to be fair, the genre was also dead in Germany until the dude that developed Deponia, first made Edna & Harvey and people liked it.
Is it? Only Rufus is a huge ass towards them (and everyone else), nobody supports his behavior.
*gasp* Channers are actually treating women as people now?! It's a bloody miracle! "angel choir plays*
Thimbleweed Park
Blackwell series
Jenny LeClue just came out.
>red haired girl
>not a gingel with freckles on her ass cheeks and breasts
Reddit called, it want your faggot ass back.
Reminder that Rufus got cucked by his dad
*rapes you*
15 years? damn you're generous.
The walking dead.
Ironic shitposting is still just shitposting.
real gingers or bust my nigga
Leisure Suit Larry
Is she smoking in the shower?
I want to drink her pee!
Gray Matter
Blackwell series
Frogwares Sherlock Holmes games.
As a fellow anti-SJW, grow the fuck up. Seriously is it so hard to treat people different from you as people?
That's more like visual novel.
Fran Bow
You guys don't take showers?
*rapes you*
The last one was developed in Germany.
It was never dead in germany, it did drop a bit in popularity though when it died everywhere else since they were just churning out low effort shit like the simon the sorcerer sequels.
Only retards who have to identify with the main character in every single game claim this. Rufus is a giant dick to everyone, that's the joke. You're supposed to laugh at what a dick he is, not try to self insert as him. In the third game you lure children into the van of a pedophile to get passed a puzzle.
((( )))
None of these count. Try again.
I heard smash players hate this gif
they're based and if you say otherwise then you need to rethink your tastes.
baka desu senpai.
Blackwell series is kino, good taste.
>swedish game
Cover art checks out
well? it still does count, right?
A timeless classic.
lol what?
Explain your definition of point and click.
>Thimbleweed Park
Lefty dribble.
>Name a non-German
It was a German studio with German developers in Germany, so no.
>muh lefties
Shut up faggot. It's a classic lucasarts point and click through and through. And if you're going to start shitting on DOTT and Sam and Max hit the road then you should probably just go kill yourself.
Why is a redhead taking a shower in the open while smoking.
This is confusing.
Looks like I hit a nerve, why don't you complain about me on discord?
>classic lucasarts
If you mean Maniac Mansion sure
>None of these count
Daedalic doesn't make them anymore. Devil's Men was cancelled and Silence wasn't really a game and more of a "gaming experience".
Maybe Trüberbrook...
Because making games is fucking expensive and banks don't give you money for games that will likely flop which is the case for point and click games, in Germany though you can get a credit from the state if you want to make a game (Trüberbrook got that just like Sea of Solitude and Far: Lone Sails) at least in Berlin (the biggest and most relevant city for gaming in Germany) but in the past your game had to be basicly free of violence to get it which leaves you with very limited options. The violence thing might change though.
The credit is pretty nice, you only have to start paying it back when you already make profit not from the start.
I see you mr.clean
>Daedalic doesn't make them anymore.
Fuck, why? If they need the money just make 5 more Deponia games
What game? Or is it just some random gif?
Kentucky Route Zero.
The Runaway series was quite decent and had an excellent german dub. I believe spics made the games.
"Adventure Point n Click games, I hate them all"
-James Rolfe
Deponia. The gif is from the first game in the series which spans at least 4 games I believe.
Thanks user. Animation and art style is really nice I must say.
I remember getting that Greenpeace game from Daedelic in some bundle years ago. Thought it was going to be terrible but it ended up being really, really good
Because we're almost incapable of being bored. Also the reason why simulators are still somewhat popular here. No matter how little action something has, we'll still find it engaging.
I should have trusted my instincts and dropped the series at the "loud music" puzzle. I got baited into finishing 2 games by the ginger thot though.
Don't count.
They don't count because I said GOOD games.
You are not me
They chose to become an AA developer (that Golum game noone asked for for example) and said that Point and Click adventures alone can't finance shit, especially after Silence flopped.
>just make 5 more Deponia games
4 was already released as a magazine supplement in Germany and only later on Steam. You had to buy a Computerbild Spiele which costs like 6 Euro (that magazine is dead now too) which had it on cd. Deponia 4 likely made them no money.
who the fuck smokes in the shower?
>swedish game
says who? you fell for it.
Why are you pretending to be me? Sad fuck.
If she breathes... *turns lightsaber on* she's a THOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!
every pc game is a point and click
>point and click a game's icon
>game starts and you play it
are the deponia games even good?
was machinarium/samorost done by germans?
>kills your point and click adventure gaming genre
I just ate, what the fuck
Is Harvester a fun game to play or do I just watch a full playthrough?
What am I looking at?
they're not ofcourse
You don't know what a point and click even is
deponia's so boring
Sam & Max Series
Name a comfier game
that looks like the paris level from TR angel of darkness
I never really liked the genre although I love the art of the ones that came out recently. Saw Ross' Dungeon play some of the old ones, this shit is straight up troll games.
Play it motherfucker, it's a riot.
Broken Sword 2
>you need a zebrafish for a recipe
>you have to paint a stripe on a regular fish
Eh, they're 6/10, I enjoyed them for the first game when everything was new but dropped it because the protagonist was an insufferable faggot manchild.
I liked the part where you have to fix Goal's personality chip, and Rufus starts scraping the dirt off with a metal brush, turning her retarded
Longest journey was pretty damn comfy.
because they copied the same paris street that tourists go to
and yes I haven't played any broken sword games, it just reminds me of angel of darkness
Is there more lewd like that in the series, or is that just some clickbait for the first game?
Because the average IQ has been lowered.
>dislike Deponia for the sexism
>not the puzzles that run on moon logic
>or the 3rd game in general
I didn't get a phobia, but I did start to get uncomfortable around clowns from this.
Fuck that goat.
>are the deponia games even good?
I like them very much. As the other user said, Rufus is a bit of a cunt. But solving puzzles in cuntish manner is actually an interesting spin. It's sometimes unclear if Rufus knows he's being a dick or if it's on the player solving puzzles that way. But he does have a bit of a character arc where he has to learn to stop being so selfish. At least until the next game, where puzzles are solved by being a terrible person again.
syberia 3
P&C friends, anyone played this? It's from The Longest Journey creator
I have to admit this is it
point and click adventure games can be stressful usually by some poorly designed puzzle even for someone that enjoys the challenge and is enjoying the game and paying attention to it while playing.
Take into account the average modern video game player has none of the qualities nowadays needed to even finish a simple action single-player game, getting stuck on an area in the campaign when it's just corridors, people skipping short quest dialogue in other games etc.
You get the idea.
They're autistic and with no taste
TechnoBabylon and Gemini Rue are some good point n' clicks.
Literally Yea Forums
Tolerating the protagonist throughout 3? 4? games requires the patience of a saint
As long as you play it with the knowledge it's a comedy of errors and the world WILL get worse thanks largely to the decisions of your character, it's tolerable. If you care deeply about the game world and want good results for your actions, yeah I could see someone being really frustrated with Rufus.
>special education school
Coom coom
point and click adventure games are bad
Go back, dischord fag.
the only me here is me dumbass
What game is this and who's the girl?
What city were they basing these backgrounds on, cos it sure as hell wasn't paris.
Deponia, the original. The girl is Toni, Rufus' chainsmoking hardass girlfriend.
What are the best point and click adventure games? I haven't played many of them.
Everything in the Lucasarts catalogue. The later you go chronologically, the more smoothed out they are, taking away the huge list of interactive commands and just focusing on "USE ITEM WITH THING" logic. If you consider that bad you're more hardcore than I am.
>Cuckold ending
>fans get mad
>make another game
>same ending
Shame about the ending. At least Unavowed was a massive improvement instead of continuing the trend.
I liked TP until the point where I had to control 5 characters at once and noped the fuck out.
>15 years
That's easy. Scratches.
>Is it? Only Rufus is a huge ass towards them (and everyone else), nobody supports his behavior.
Rufus is supposed to be an asshole and an anti-role model.
Nevermind that he doesn't only treat women like shit, but basically everyone around them.
Point-and-Click thread? cool
I played this some days ago, really good game but there's something I don't get, what were those monsters and that "hell dimension" exactly? products of that artifact that Sarah was fixated on? her own guilt and regret making it up in her mind or something like that?
>was machinarium/samorost done by germans?
Nah, czechfags made that.
>showing with the door open
Does this bitch want her floors to get wet?
>Not comprehending the euphoria of a good shower smoke
Bet you fags haven't even had a good shower beer
I could remember it wrong, but I'm pretty sure the MC, being the huge dick that he is, opened the door to the shower.
fuck Deponia and especially fuck Rufus
fuck also that cringy dev commentary
Deponia isn't a good game
Can jannies remove the naked lady we don't like it.
Because they have shit taste and shit humor so they really like this genre in particular
oh god no, is this going to be the day when I finally play a video game?
The Mystery Case File series of games became a point and click series around 2008, so that's a good decade's worth of point and click games. I'm not really sure if you would call them "good" games, but I find some enjoyment in them.
czech Polda series is still getting new games
>mfw in Goodbye Deponia you literally sell a black woman into slavery as a replacement for an organ grinder's dancing monkey so you can buy burritos
>smoking in the shower
>not closing the shower door, making the ground around it wet
Absolutely subhuman
Smart phones genuinely gave a whole generation brain damage.
It's called a woman. They're not very logical.
Still Life is from 2005 and one of the best point-n-clicks ever made.
I played it years ago but don't remember all the details. Neat little game though.
Nice work with the use of the word "chud". I never would have thought to say it because I'm usually pretty isolated from the type of faggots that use it unironically. Can't imagine where you hang out that is so obnoxiously progressive.
Germans are dumb faggots. Fuck your shitty attempts at "point and click" adventure games
>mfw when he forces the woman's boyfriend to be the host of an alien parasite (after he forced him to eat shoes when he was a starving homeless man)
>mfw when he first leaves some children in the care of a pedophile and afterwards leave them in the mouth of the swamp monster and only one survives.
>mfw he sets a horde of crustaceans on a gondolier singer until only his skeleton remains
>mfw when he grinds baby dolphins to make cat food
The point of Rufus is, that he is a total asshole, who still ends up being likeable (clearly not everyone ends up feeling like that).
Why focus only on his sexist behavior?
I still have ptsd from Myst 4's puzzles.
racism you mean portraying a black girl as a monkey
racist you mean
Sexist and racist behavior. Your attempts at baiting are pretty bad and doesn't change anything about
I don't have a personal problem with it, it's just somewhat shocking to see sexist/racist behavior played for laughs so flippantly in a game when they're such societal taboos. Like, you have to wonder how they've escaped a twitter outrage mob demanding that Daedalic be cancelled and their games removed from sale. I guess relative obscurity has kept that from happening.
Hotel Dusk
Stop baiting.
yes it does the game itself is racist, its not some main charater portrayal
>a twitter outrage mob
Oh the humanity think of the mob mentality on the internet!
Primordia was very good
Like it or not, internet outrage has gotten people fired and products pulled.
fran bow
Which products so I know which publishers to avoid?
Harveys new eyes was pretty nice
German humor. We don't have as much of an outrage culture like the USA and like dark humor.
The games were highly praised in Germany when they were released btw and not really that obscure (they were even covered by the most popular YouTubers).
The most successful German movie btw is a parody of Manitou's Shoe, except that every character is gay. Second most successful movie is the same, except it's a Star Trek parody. That shit would be unimaginable in the USA
>not closing the shower door
This scene happens when you open the shower curtain. And the cigarette is a joke, she's a hopeless chainsmoker.
Point and Click Adventures were a dogshit genre that deserved to die out, and you posted the best example as to why. Deponia is a microcosm of everything that was wrong with the genre. Inscrutable puzzles running on retarded anti-logic that reduced the entire gameplay to randomly trying out things on the screen and the inventory until something happened, endless lines upon lines of cringeworthy dialogue and scenes that the authors presumably intended to be funny but are just Fremdscham-inducing, and all of that just to be presented with an unimaginative and boring plot that wastes whatever potential the setting might have held.
The saddest thing is, I played some LucasArts Games for the first time recently and you can just see the genre declining, as it moves from genuinely funny dialogue and at least somewhat logical puzzles to the devs just huffing their own farts and expecting everyone to applaud them.
Has anyone played Little Misfortune? How is it? Just released recently and I liked Fran Bow
Deponia is one of the most coherent and logical point and clicks out there, which puzzle did you get stuck on.
The Black Mirror (Part 2 and 3 where made in Germany though)
I call bs on that, part 1 is especially bad. Now if you mean Doomsday Deponia then I would agree. That game has much better pacing and gameplay than the previous 3 parts.
And they were worse than BlackMirror 1.
Nothing that immediately comes to mind is close to some of the garbabe monkey island throws at you.