Realistically is there anything that can stop Link from being named "King of Yea Forums"?

Realistically is there anything that can stop Link from being named "King of Yea Forums"?

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he isn't a prince so he can never be a king

T. Zelda

he's hot, strong, smart and pure
I dont know if that qualifies to become the king of Yea Forums.

bing bing wahoo

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m-more please

Link beats Mario in every head to head popularity contest

Smug Link makes me angry

so? This isn't GameFAQs, and he's by far a better character

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It's funny because Zelda is always the dominant one in their relationship during the series

the only king of V is King Zelda

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Yea Forums is more similar to GameFaqs than you may think


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There is one cuhrazy man who stands in his way.

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What's this >Queen of
and "King of Yea Forums" thing?

And anyone with taste would want the latter to be Senator Armstrong.

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> Anyone with "Taste"
Ah so nothing but contrarian hipster faggots?

He's an adventurer. He wouldn't let himself be tied down by such a commitment.

he has too much dicks in his ass
king should be dominant not sub like link

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He allows himself to be fucked in the ass by Zelda in BOTW

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I haven't played a single Zelda game

Yes, Snake. One of these two will win.

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This is your king of Yea Forums. say something nice!

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> Post is literally about Brackets user
> Autist still took the time to make this & pretend everyone is some non-existent boogeyman
Why haven't Jannies banned you yet?


oh okay, so there are just two statistic obsessed retards that call anyone who doesn't like their arbitrary top choices a contrarian, this board is in a worse state than I thought

toon link is trash

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You are worse than the boogeyman that you obsess about, this is about a thread about Macho Man (Brackets) holding a King of Yea Forums contest that has well over 400 comments right now. And yet you obsessively spam your charts that nobody cares about crying about some schizophrenic boogeyman, kill yourself & go back to /r/eddit.

don't care virgin
obsess more over your worthless lists and rankings

>you will never be a big sister to little brother toon link
>take him out for ice cream
>touch him forcefully as repayment
>ara ara

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You're free to love blank slates and Mickey Mouse expies but don't even pretend to be better than anyone else with that mentality.

Didn't Snake already win a poll like this with Dedede right behind him?

No, there was another thread a couple months ago and Samus was ranked #1 with Link & Mario rounding out the top 3

Turning that over rated shit off.

Why is this boy so sexy

Speakin of kings. Thread archived so waitin on bracket user to make another (especially since the poll to decide if Gilgamesh and some others get in is still up and running)

Theyre both non characters

The other one was a best character poll, did they make yet another?

Sorry to keep you waiting!

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He's everything you've ever wanted to be

Came here to post this

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They always use the same poll & add more requested characters in


Who? Sorry but this is a Nintendo board, no literal who characters allowed

Based, fuck these limp-dicked choices and shit-eating bureaucrats. Senator Armstrong for Ki-no, for PRESIDENT of Yea Forums

The amount of times he is brought up on Yea Forums per hour is insane. He obviously makes people seethe and insanely happy.

He really is the King of this shithole

Good luck my fellow mischievous mustached miscreants

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Toon Link is the worst Link.

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>link doujins

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