So this is basically the confirmed GOTY right?
So this is basically the confirmed GOTY right?
Other urls found in this thread:
of the Year
it was great but don't push it
It really is. DMCV is too shallow to compete being that its so short, easy, uninspired, and has non aggressive enemies even on high difficulties. Nintendo shit is for manchildren. Sekiro js truly the winner here
Only game worth giving a shit about
What a disappointing year thus far. Started strong with REmake 2, DMC5 and Sekiro, and then just a barren desert the rest of the year.
This. Holy shit going from RE2 to DMC5 to Sekiro was based.
Then absolutely nothing of this quality comes out.
To OP, yes it's my GOTY.
>implying a game that game reviewers couldn't even beat is gonna beat Reddit Dead Redemption 2
>that garbage game
at-least post something with half-decent gameplay user
>a souls clone
have you just not played other video games this year
is anyone supposed to know who this is?
>have you even played anything this year
>doesn't list any games
RE2 remake,DMC5,Sekiro,Death Stranding.
Right now I'd say Sekiro but Death Stranding might grab the cake.
The thing about Death Stranding is that it will be a better MGSV with actual cutscenes for once
Elden Ring won't be as good, and you know it.
It will if they have flails.
yes, she's bestgirl from the real goty
Anything is better than sengoku *CLANG CLANG CLANG* parry spam.
So far, yes. I do have high hopes for Death Stranding, though.
That came out last year and lost to God of War.
3 houses
>So this is basically the confirmed GOTY right?
Incorrect, it's Baba is You
pretty much yeah
Could've done without the tacked on shitty stealth. Combat was excellent though.
Also a choice of say three different weapons (sword, axe, spear) would've been nice, so there was a reason to play through the game more than once.
it really is
Yes, without a doubt.
A challenger approachs
yea this year wasnt that big for gaming, eather sekiro or super smash bros.
weeb-bait for coombrains
I really love it but I'd say RE2 is the best game to come out this year.
But TLOU2 will win all the "official" awards
Have you seen the newest gameplay? The only saving grace for that shitshow will be the character creator and a few orchestral songs. The combat, world, level design, and enemies are extremely lame.
better than last year at least
GOTY is either Sekiro or Pathologic 2
>doesn't have a mikiri leg stomp
that's like half the fun of fighting those dudes
actually boring
It's the AAA GOTY but the secret true GOTY is Outer Wilds. I forgot about Sekiro like the day after I beat it but I still have fucking dreams about OW months later.
>hurr i do 20 quick time event and win battle best goty ever hurr
unironically greedfall was the best game to come out in 2019 and if you don't like that then you can hit the road, jack
I see the Greedfall shills have started leaking
I'd say so, it's a mastahpiece. Feels the most unique, fresh, spirited of everything released this year. From should keep making new IPs.
My runner-ups would be KH3 and Astral Chain, despite their respective flaws. I felt like DMC's story was a bit lackluster, hurr Dante fights Vergil again, Nero is insecure. Meh.
Why did you feel the need to console war when no one had mentioned nintendo, and bring up breath of the wild no less? Pathetic.
>haha you're a shill if you like game i don't like haha i am are dumb retard drumphtard gamergater
Yup, for now:
Sekiro > Blasphemous > Devil May Cry 5 > Death Resident Evil 2
get the fuck out
I can respect a man that love KH3 for what it was. I don't agree with him, but he's a breath of fresh air.
haha i bet you want to be a woman too, fag
it's goty
but it's never going to win any awards
What quick time events? Sekiro doesn't even has quicktime events
Lmao what the fuck are you doing mentioning Blasphemous? It's a horrendously unpolished, derivative buggy piece of trash.
It's literally going to get most of the awards if Death Stranding tanks. Everything seems to be pointing at the game tanking.
you could reasonably call executions QTEs
big dlc incoming, will be revealed during the VGA, be ready
Nah, so far Resident Evil 2 Remake is winning.
nah the casuals who nominate the awards never beat the game. gears 5 will win the goty due to its sheer normie appeal and historically part of a series that once was huge
miyakisanta is a geinus, the clinga clang clang clinck gameplllaty is beyoned anything aever made be5/
no possible way is GoW winning. The only reasonable argument for it is that it's American and American reviewers are generally loath to praise Japan unless it's Nintendo.
This game feels a lot older than 6 months.
I want to believe but I don't
because it has soul and new games don't usually have that.
well if Re2Make is nominated, it will win but idk since its a remake. besides that, dmc5 and sekiro has no chance.. the pew pew lovin american """journos"" will never elect a game like dmc5 or sekiro. remember in 2016, 3 shooters were nominated yet dark souls 3 with a higher meta score wasnt even mentioned
Sekiro is definitely my favorite this year, but journos will give it to tlou 2.
Demon's souls, Dark souls and Bloodborne have won GOTYs.
>Gears will win
What the fuck? Not even Gears 3 won anything, and there's been 3 games since Gears 3. Gears is fucking dead in the water as far as popularity goes.
we are talking the game awards hosted by keighley.
all depends on if TLOU2 comes out this year which seems unlikely given they haven't announced a release date yet
for a very generous definition of "quick," but otherwise it fits
yeah it really hasn't aged well
yes, just beat the sword saint and it was based. Game is hard as shit tho
You would reasonably be incorrect. QTEs require a fair few circumstances in play to be called as such, to differentiate themselves from context sensitive actions which are something else entirely, as well as any standard gameplay mechanics.
sekiro or dmc5
Yeah, when's the last time gears won anything there?
sekiro was hard to get used to at first cause souls teaches you to dodge
in sekiro you WANT to parry a lot, for posture. so once you adapt, it's really fun. and the game is much harder if you try to dodge only.
>it's a Shichimen Warrior fight
>can't get aerial deathblow to work
So what's the big AAA title that will most likely win most GOTYs this year? Gears 5?
its fun when uoy pres the el1 ajd are 1
It is for me, right now. The only contenders I can think of are Fire Emblem, DQXIS, Death Stranding, and KH III out of sheer popularity.
what's weird about this year is there hasn't really been a really big American game. All the more universally well-reviewed and popular games have been Japanese.
westerncucks will never give goty to a based nippon game
parrying is literally a QTE with slightly more player input, the entire game revolves around parrying until you get an execution and then doing it over again
to be fair though i stopped playing when i realized the game didn't even try to put in a little bit of effort into it's wolrd design/stealth mechanics
Nonsense. There is no button prompt or anything resembling one, it's entirely based on timing and animations. It's like calling Dark Souls rolling a QTE.
>there is nothing resembling a button prompt
>time slows down when parrying is possible
i mean sure there's no traditional prompt but you're literally pressing one button when you need to at specific times until you win
>>time slows down when parrying is possible
I honestly think you've never played the game.
okay to be fair it's been almost a year since i played it, i was just going off of the one gameplay webm
the game is six months old
It would be but it's not Resident Evil 2 Remake.
>he thought this was normal gameplay
that's closer to a year than not, can you even into rounding?
am I being bamboozled
why wouldn't i? it looks like generic soulslike garbage with a "twist"
are you retarded or just playing dumb?
alright user, how is half a year closer to a full year than not-a-year instead of just being in the middle
did maybe notice that there wasn't slowdown on every deflect? He even cocked up the timing and ended up with a block instead of a deflect on one of the hits
well you see user, we're past the release date which means that we're closer to the end of the year than the start of it, it works like any other form of rounding in that instead of worrying about trying to find a specific middleground you instead just round to the nearest big number which is in this case a full year, i'm sorry that your gradeschool math teachers weren't able to teach this to you and i fully support you on your next attempt at graduating from highschool :)
yeah well that just proves my point that parries are a qte, because if you don't do them at exactly the right time you just block instead
QTEs require a button prompt. Simple as.
fuck off faggot you're a shitposter who never played the game and got caught out
i actually did pirate it when it came out but i stopped playing it when two enemies that should've fought eachother didn't even acknowledge each other's existence in favor of ganging up on me
i mean sure the rigid definition of QTE requires a button prompt, but it's effectively the same idea, you press a button in accordance with a prompt which is entirely based off of reaction time
every fucking definition of QTE requires a button prompt. Your "definition" covers basically every mechanic in video games that requires timing. Fucking jumping over spikes is apparently a QTE to you.
>two enemies that should've fought eachother
I can't even remotely fathom what you're talking about
there was a boss fight with some giant ogre or some bullshit that was tied up and his guards teamed up on me with him
the problem is that jumping over spikes has more player input, while parrying is literally waiting for your opponent to reach the right point in their attack animation and then pressing a button, it'd be fine if it was just one mechanic in a deeper fighting system like in mordhau for example, but the entire game's base combat system is literally parry parry parry execution, this requires practically no actual input from the player in a non-QTE sense (movement, distance, properly responding to different types of attacks and counter attacking them)
and before you say anything yes i know that some enemies have heavy attacks that you can't parry and have to dodge but there's no real way to counter attack so you're better off just dodging and waiting for another chance to parry
>LITERALLY got filtered by Chained Ogre
oh my fucking god
>there's no real way to counter attack
man you really didn't play the game huh
>hurr game shouldnt have to put in the bare minimum to keep player immersed muh """difficulty""" is the only important thing
yeah i did and there's only a basic attack besides your parry/block
Qtes are moments that remove control from the player to make them pass an arbitrary, prompted reaction/timing test. Parrying is not that. It’s completely up to the player to use it or any other option in response to an attack. Sekiro does have qtes in the form of deathblows.
it was mediocre as fuck
you can counter perilous thrusts with Mikiri counter, which is a different input than parrying
you can counter sweeps with a jump kick, which is again a different input than parrying and Mikiri counter
A pit of spikes makes you do one thing and one thing only - jump over it. An enemy attack in sekiro can be avoided, interrupted or tanked. Arguably a pit of spikes is more of a qte in this regard
I don't even understand how you were fighting the ogre at the same time as the guards unless you wandered into the upper left area behind him without clearing it first
either that or wow classic
WoWtards are just hilarious
but that's not death stranding
Already dead and forgotten. 6.5/10 on a good day
Pressing buttons is qte now. Not like it matters, last of us is gonna win every award this year
Hands down one of the worst games i've ever played and i've played a lot. To think i used to love fromsoft games.
you're mother are moments that remove control from the player to make them pass an arbitrary, prompted reaction/timing test. Parrying is not that. It’s completely up to the player to use it or any other option in response to an attack. Sekiro does have qtes in the form of deathblows.
>hurr muh mid-lategame abilities that should've been a part of the base moveset exist so you're wrong
a pit of spikes requires positioning, timing, potentially the proper amount of momentum and other factors, an enemy attack in sekiro can be avoided but that's pointless because you can't get an execution by avoiding attacks and executions are the only way to kill enemies effectively
no u
I have serious doubts TLOU is coming out this year
Jump kick is default
Mikiri counter is one of the first skills available
and now you're moving the goalposts so I think we're done here.
>Another shitty year for your "hobby"
Sekiro requires positioning and momentum and stuff like that just as much as a pit of spikes does. And yes you can get an execution solely from avoiding attacks and hitting them when you can, it’s called a vitality deathblow, play the game.
fuck you, this year was great. You just don't like video games anymore.
I'm going to bear sekiro before the year is over but so far even though I didn't beat it still my GOTY there's nothing coming out that can top it
ok so as it turns out i've just uncovered the actual GOTY
Games trash and full of artificial difficulty tbqh. Le meme for big big damage MANS Haha 2 shot git gud fag lmao xD
what are you even trying to say? your brain is fucking rotten.
why even bother responding
what is this zoomer l337 facebook mustard rice tier slowmo shit
>40 hours of cling clang clong
>the absolute shittiest stealth my pair of eyes has ever witnessed
Applying the same logic, this is gotoy not goty. Fucking failure.
Have you actually played the demo? I did. It's not good.
>you can throw shards will ledge hanging
fromtrannies are gonna be like "bruh you're not in their peripheral vision" lmao
Holy shit imagine exposing yourself like this.
You should be a professorial comedian.
haven't laugh like this since mum gave birth to me
Couldn't even finish it, it was so clunky and fucking boring.
I'm not kidding.
Thats funny because it's the least clunky soulsborne game yet. Get filtered.
I've never played any others.
Got up to Emma or whatever her name is and beat her, then just stopped playing. Didn't seem worth it.
Get fucking BAITED bitch.
True oldfag dabbing on you nerds neo v scum
no, its gotty you fucking nigger
Your definition of a qte is so vast any and all gameplay mechanics are qtes. Greedfall is just a qte sim. You either didn't play sekiro or were filtered. Either way you are coping
>Got up to Emma or whatever
uh user...
that's literally the second to last boss on the route you chose
literally just proves that hes full of shit
I didn't fucking know. I'm not like you cucks and look up the fucking story and bosses. I just play the shit. And it's not like the "story" of the game indicates "HEY YOU'RE ALMOST THERE, BUDDY!"
there wasnt even a thrust attack in the video wtf are you talking about?
You are lying. You didn't even play the game.
well yeah, because the video cut before he killed the last dude
>. I'm not like you cucks and look up the fucking story and bosses.
>And it's not like the "story" of the game indicates "HEY YOU'RE ALMOST THERE, BUDDY!"
Or you could you know, pay attention to what happens in a game. Even a tiny bit.
I dunno, it's usually pretty obvious when the game is almost over. And "killing one of your major support NPCs" is a pretty big indicator that you're closing in on the end.
I think it's decent. But clearly not a challenger. I'd be surprised if this game is more than a 7/10 at best.
so how far in to youtube playthrough did you get to before you skipped to the end of the game?
Who doesn't... Seriously, who doesn't?
I'd only want to be a girl if I could do it without having to be trans
and also if I'd be cute.
>Still didn‘t best issuing or demon of hatred.
I Liked it that it was completely new and not dark souls 1 tunnel edition
DoH and Ape are legit the only bosses that don't fit. Too large for Sekiro's sword fights. Human fights are great otherwise.
what a shitshow of a thread, holy moly
I liked it, but it definitely isn't beating Sekiro in a GotY competition
That said, I do like it more than Sekiro so far.
Ape works alright and has one of the best phase changes in Souls games, but Demon could definitely be better.
Any tips for a first timer? I just beat lady butterfly or whatever her name was. Combat took getting used to but after adjusting to using parry more it's pretty fun
if you can beat Genichiro, you can beat the game
Yeah turning trans is shit. Could've probably make it if I started young and become a trap or some shit like that, but now it's too late. Being male is okay ig, but I wish I were a cute girl.
If I'm remembering correctly and that's the horse dude then I'll be good, it took me a couple tries to realize you could grapple him
>born too late to not even consider the possibility of being a cute girl
>born too early to take advantage of future space tech that allows for quick, perfect, and painless gender reassignment
an abstract kind of feel
>RE2 and 2 stale action games are the GOTY contenders this year
Damn, what a shit year. Not that the last few years have been any better.
Sekiro gave me that gaming joy back and now I got no idea what to play
Genichiro's the guy who cut your arm off at the beginning, he comes after horse guy
It's one of those games that makes you learn the combat with a steep learning curve but when you actually got it it's like bicycle and feels really satisfying
Oh gotcha, I ran into his area without realizing it was the boss and had no resources. He definitely seems beatable though gonna give him another try later
Death stranding is goty
was MGSV not enough for you to learn to never get hyped about a game before it comes out
Don't get me wrong, Sekiro is much more polished and is objectively a better game, going off of the CV demo. However, I prefer the focus on build variety Code Vein has, and I like the edgy aesthetic.
I also find the gameplay genuinely fun
>When pic related hasn't come out yet
I thought it was alright but I never managed to finish it. I was already burnt out on the formula during DaS3. I barely managed to finish that and I stopped playing Bloodborne entirely at the final boss.
Sekiro is pretty different from Souls but at the same time it doesn't go far enough in any direction. There's stealth but it's kinda shit. You have some sort of combo system but not really and most unlockable moves are ass anyways. Kinda feels like a less flippin and slicin ninja gaiden prototype
Sekiro was great but a runner up to DMC5 for me. I've only played Sekiro, DMC5 and Greedfall so far. RE2 for October spooks and Blasphemous I'll start tomorrow maybe.
I'll tell you right now, Blasphemous will probably disappoint you.
Blasphemous's strongest point is its art direction. The game play is unfortunately lacking.
The demo didn't really do anything for me, so I am prepared.
imagine being this user being so BTFO i know he is probably in the thread lurking still. (You) are retarded
>"Sword" Saint
>whips out a goddamn M16
based and redpilled
consume product dont ask questions
Just bought it today. I loved all the Souls games and Bloodborne, but I'm not enjoying Sekiro so far for some reason. I hope it's just a first impression
Fuck. Yeah I know that feel... Can you live with that all your life? Sometimes I'm scared one day, I'll just fuck it up, and crossdress like a fag at 40.
You're gonna enjoy it don't worry
It's the most shallow, one note action game released this year.Only way this could be GOTY is if you played literally no other games this years.
it took me a few tries for the game to actually click but when it did I fell in love with it
try not playing it like souls and instead try to figure the game out fight by fight. It took me forever to trust the block button but that shit strong
again another post that says other good games came out but with no examples
I just think to myself "man being trans would suck and good lord would I not be a cute girl"
just get gud bro
>no replay value
>shit bosses
>no memorable tracks
Yeah it's shit. DMC5 and RE2 won 2019 baby.
>no replay value
the game has 3 different endings you didn't play it
>shit bosses
>Guardian ape, Demon of Hatred, Sword Saint Isshin and the list goes on
you must be pretending to be retarded right?
Isshin is dogshit, Demon of Hatred is a reskinned cleric beast you fucking nigger monkey.
if it did get GOTY, I would not complain. it's a damn strong game. I'm pretty sure it won't though as this was the year the incompetent poseurs who pretty much dominate game journalism decided to get together and a present a united front against dark souls type games
So you quit playing in the 2 seconds before you fight isshin after Emma?
He's not necessarily wrong. Sekiro is extremely focused compared to Soulsborne but consequently is that less replayable. It's a trade off you can view either favorably or not.
Yes I did. Two different bosses and a different cutscene isn't replay value if the bulk of the game remains unchanged. It didn't even do a DkS2 with revamped enemy layouts and that game was dogshit too.
>no replay value
>replayed it four fucking times
I swear, do you people even hear yourselves?
so you just admit you replayed the game
Waiting for it to come to Games with Gold, since it's singleplayer.
Bloodstained is next month, so I know that the SECOND I buy a used copy of Sekiro that it will be announced as a game for the following month.
Isshin is one of the best bosses in Souls.
>play sekiro as first game
>play DS after
I liked sekiro but DS was more fun and challenging
Value is only derived by enjoyment. There was no enjoyment besides "wow wolf is cool i guess oh he died already because he's easy as shit". Value implies it was worth my time, it wasn't, it was disappointing and the only reason I don't hold disdain for it is I got the platinum.
Whereas DMC5, I platted and continue to play to this very day, almost nightly. THAT is value, not monotonous checklisting for trophies.
>doing something you hate just for e-penis points
absolute fucking loser
Completions sake, I have legitimate OCD about not selling a game til everything's done. I hate it too.
>Tfw actually good looking guy
>got plenty of girls for casual sex
Why can't I be happy with what I am? Why do this shit always feel like it's meaningless. Damnit. Just want to be a girl instead.
I don't fucking know. I didn't keep playing. Idiot.
Where are you bro?
retard frogposter :)
>Replay value ENTIRELY dependent on 3 minute cutscenes you can just watch on Youtube
>No different builds, no different armors and weapons to find, just the same shit every single playthrough
You're retarded. Replayability isn't about the endings, it's about the gameplay differences you can take to have different experiences. No co-op or PvP also hurts the replayability but it would still be better even if it just had different builds but it doesn't.
Thank you, precisely my point but it's been devalued into "u got a platinum loser xD"
this just sounds stupid
>better even if it just had different builds but it doesn't.
sekiro wouldnt even be a challenge if there were different builds
there's not even really an opportunity to go into the menu to quit out between killing Emma and Isshin's cutscene starting
ok pedo
Daily reminder games like Sekiro will no longer be a viable form of videogames under the new French law.
your point was devalued by you replaying it multiple times while saying it has no replay value
>ok pedo
>sekiro wouldnt even be a challenge if there were different builds
sekiro is already a fucking cakewalk if you use the firecracker, the only way the game's challenging is if you don't use the prosthetic arm except when mandatory
There was no value in the game's content itself, but in a digital number that isn't even unique to Sekiro itself.
>game has no replay value
>oh hey look at this i beat the game 4 times
holy fucking retard
No, Sekiro was a big step down from any Souls game. GOTY is gonna be Doom Eternal most likely.
>a challenge
You're the retard and a liar on top of that. I bet you're the same fucktard kept saying there was 3 owl fights yesterday and got exposed.
get filtered by the bull trash nigger
another DOOM game how original
t.anti consumer glarker of corporate cock
People keep trying to lump Sekiro in with Souls. It isn't a Souls game, its an action game with set characters and weapons. The problem is it is ultimately a poor action game, at least compared to some others. Sekiro has too much of Souls in there to not feel totally fresh but it doesn't embrace the new enough either. Its torn between what it wants to be and thus suffers.
Its not about build variety, its about combat variety. Weapons, combos, moves and abilities.
If you beat the game once already, there's 3 more endings.
>4 souls games get made in a 7 year span
*Fromfags are fucking silent
>The second Doom game in 15 years comes out
>another DOOM game how original
it's the second Doom game in three years, though.
it's one of the best action games ever made IMO. I've played very few 3d action games with one on one fights as tense and strategic
Why did this game even bother with the dogshit stealth if it was so action focused? The combat is very clearly designed around confrontational 1v1 samurai duels. It almost feels like they realized either A.) they couldn't make compelling stealth AI, or B.) they would lose their Soulsfag audience. So they just overhauled the swordplay and kept whatever was left.
>minibosses will always magically have one dot left no matter how many times you stealthkill them
Fucking lmao
DMCV or Iceborne imo.
>fights every target face to face in flashy combat
Owl did a pretty poor job honestly.
>Demon Souls
>Dark Souls 1-3
>Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
>Soon, Elden Ring
So many good games, why were we blessed with Fromsoft?
because it started as Tenchu and they didn't want to abandon the ninja concept entirely
It's funny because the only two good games from that list are Demon Souls and Bloodborne
I mean, yeah, have you seen the size of Owl? No way that nigga's sneaking anywhere.
>he thinks that GODjima won't surpass this parrying shitfest
Think again on your words and deeds
It's because of the character, you're a shinobi behind enemy lines.
world tendency was a pretty ass mechanic. if it didn't exist, Demon Souls would definitely give Dark Souls a run for its money
DS2 aside, Miyazaki is a man on a mission.
With everything I hope for DS, Sekiro deserves GOTY.
i highly doubt DS will out do Sekiro.
isn't there room in the world for action-oriented games with stealth elements to exist alongside pure stealth games? i agree that the stealth stuff isn't very deep, but it's fun.
Sekiro fucking sucks
I need to grind 41 skill points to 100% this game
DS is going to be, quite deliberately, a chore to play. it's not remotely comparable to sek
It won’t be. It’ll be 2020 for sure
DS is going to be close to Rust and Stalker with a twist in multiplayer cooperation in that sense.
Fucking Japanese, how can make so good games.
I guarantee half the features Kojima has promised either won't be present or will be so half-assed and anemic that you'll wish they weren't.
Nah. Sekiro is a good game, but overrated as fuck by fromdrones. it's just poor mans Ninja Gaiden Black with much more shallow combat and gameplay.
I hope your statement is wrong, but I've had my hype organ watched since 2018.
Based pre-ordered last week
DMC5, REmake 2, and Bloodstained are all much better than Sekiro. And Outer Worlds will be too
Wrong. Especially for DMC5 and Bloodstained.
DMC5 and RE2 I am perfectly willing to argue over. But Bloodstained doesn't really do anything new for its genre besides look fuckugly.
You're a clown.
Especially shitstained, jesus christ.
FROMSOFT never really disappoints me (except with DaS2, even then it was a fun game). Definitely GOTY for me, but realistically, it's going to be anything but Sekiro. You know how these award shows go.
Reportin back with Genichiro "beaten", definitely a fun fight I thought phase 2 was gonna last a lot longer though
good job user!
Thanks user but a quick question, which shinobi tool goes under the shuriken in tier 1. I feel like I overlooked something
Firecrackers, you buy them from the merchant after horse guy
That's what it was, I remember seeing that shit now too. Thanks
That's not Pathologic 2, so no.
There's no fucking way that magnetic kik's hitbox is so tight, this guy modded the game.
For me?
It's Ace Combat 7
I honestly think this game has a chance of winning GOTY, their past FROM games never sold just as well. What were the sales again? I know it surpassed DaS3's total sales in under a month.
4 million as of June, I believe
I love it but risk of rain 2 is my goty with the latest update
what a chad badass player, i would never have thought of that
i remember when replay value was just enjoying a game more than once because it was a lot of fun
tomoe takeru dlc when
unfortunately it's probably not gonna happen
it sucks immensely
Should be DLC but probably won't. Sekiro was barely scrapped together with reused assets and Tenchu remains. Still came out amazing and sold millions so maybe something may come.
a full sequel based on frozen tears ending would be unbelievably kino
Return ending is obvious sequel bait but IMO Severance is the kino ending.
better ending for a self-contained story, yeah. but the idea of an odyssey across 16th/17th century china is kino
I remember that guy. Fuck that guy.
Owl showed me how trash I truly was and now he's my favorite fight.
I'm not into Samurais... sorry
>two enemies that should've fought eachother didn't even acknowledge each other's existence in favor of ganging up on me
You fucking retard.
I you played the game you would know the lore behind the chained ogre and how they are literally being used as weapons by the army because they are using the divine sediment to make fucked up super soldiers
better than roll roll roll roll swing swing die
It will be better because of co-op without pvp and a major focus on actually making a fleshed out world rather than that shie like "lol i dunno its convoluted" or "haha the past is a lie didnt you know simpleton" that is modern souls lore
how do i beat this bitch?
deflect then hop on her noggin when she sweeps, no real gimmicks other than going intangible sometimes
nope, it's exactly that tight.
Deflect but expect her to delay attacks and feel floaty when she assaults you. Nothing like the warriors you fight that are hard and aggressive.
Do what the other user said as well.
Keep chasing her so she is under pressure, this is your fight so you control the pace. Not her.
You can aggro her with ceramic shards from behind for a brief deathblow window IIRC
Was her boyfriend the ghost in the bridge?
I don't remember how but I used to thrash the hell out of her with the subimaru.
man I wish I had known about Subimaru when I was getting my ass kicked by the gun bitch in the swamp
yeah i hear ya
Its like mega man in that way honestly gotta get the right power to rip that boss a new ass hole
>Astral Chain
Anything else of value coming out this year besides Kino Stranding?
I don't really care if is GOTY or not. Already has a special place in my heart.
Sekiro is technically a Nio guardian
Code Vein, D55M, and Outer Worlds might be decent
If Phoenix Point comes out this year, it'll probably be worth playing.
Nah, it's too hard for "journalists", "e-celebs", and "influencers" and doesn't contain any feminist, sjw propaganda and/or gender/race diversity so it won't get much chance.
>race diversity
but there are Asian characters everywhere. There's even a black guy.
Depending on if the campaign is solid or not, Modern Warfare might have a chance
This is absolutely true. 1/4 of players will get so filtered they will refund, 1/2 of players will get so frustrated later on they will resell, and the last 1/4 will sell the game after they've finished it because there's no replayability or online.
>tfw Elden Ring is destined to be worse
I can't go back to the roller derby, please don't make me Miazaki-sama.
>im a retarded steamdrone
Keep posting this everywhere so everyone knows how retarded you are.
All this shit is about selling your account not individual games.
Try to keep up at least my guy
imagine if Elden Ring integrates Sekiro combat and mobility into a more cohesive RPG framework.
imagine how good that game would be
not everyone bought Sekiro on PC, user
The directors for the two games are different, but considering the direction Dark Souls has been going in with 3 that's not an impossibility.
And most console sales are digital who cares?
It's a shinobi game, and you're applying the western concept of shinobi being just invisible assassins.
>confrontational 1v1 samurai duels
No its really not.
They are about exploiting weaknesses and cheesing the entire game in half the time a normal fight would take because why the fuck not if your in ng+
Memezaki isn't directing? That's a shame.
hes not even original so why do you keep wanting him?
He's the director on everything because his name sells, the actual grunt work is done by the Co‑Director which in Sekiro's case was Kazuhiro Hamatani.
because he directed some games I rather like
He didnt I promise.
he's the only credited director on Dark Souls and Bloodborne so that's at least two.
Fuck this faggot ass game
I can't believe I got memed into buying it
git gud
He isnt very hands on with the modern titles so only DaS1 really had his direction to it.
Theres a reason half the stuff in BB goes directly against some of his design fundamentals.
what do you mean?
one of the things he always use to make sure the people under him followed was that a creature should not be grotesque for the sake of being grotesque, that there should still be respect applied to the design and character of the monster.
BB kind of went nuts in that regard and that flew out the window.
His favorite title is KF on the playstation and thats not an easy title to stomach so its not hard to see why he makes the games the way he does. Not necessarily unfair or even too easy like some encounters we see in the later games but always challenging enough to make you pause your first time going in. Thats another thing that was lost the further we went.
Good games for sure just certain aspects are lost on the modern games and thats why I usually dont replay them as often I find.
I could go on about how almost nothing in his games is actually original and how its all just KF+berserk but thats a whole nother can of worms.
I forgot it existed
I can't really think of an enemy in BB that's grotesque for the sake of being grotesque. They all fit into the theme of the game. I can believe Miyazaki took a backseat for Sekiro, but why would there not be a co-director on Bloodborne if someone was doing things to move it away from Miyazaki's vision?
I forget anything exists when I'm not thinking of it.
I didnt necessarily mean that they are further from the vision he has created just that he had much less of a hand on approach.
Thinking back maybe is was some of the random shit in das3 that seemed like BB rejects. Most of the bosses were still on point but the BSB and One Reborn never felt like they fit with the rest of BB to me and just seemed excessive for the sake of being over the top graphically speaking.
this so far
That's called not thinking about something. Did my laptop stop existing because I was away from it until now?
not coming out til next year
it’s because they all got btfo by rdr2 and are desperately trying to steal everything they can from that game to compete. rdr2 was basically 3 years ahead of everyone else
>a generic open world game with really pretty graphics was 3 years ahead of its time
I guess
Youre not wrong, oblivion did the same thing to everyone back when 360 was just a baby.
No other games had a massive open world with physics based clutter ragdolls on everything background AI to fake a living cityfully fleshed out day night cycles and so on.
Now it all seems so standard but compared to what it came out next to oblivion was ahead as fuck. Then they just kept making the same game with a new skin sadly.
Wonder what next gens thing will be
In the sum of its parts and immersion it absolutely is. Rockstar stuck to their vision even to a fault. Some hate it but I've come to appreciate it.
Unironically it's Three Houses
Wow what the hell. I just beat Sword Saint and I thought this was going to be way harder.
I had heard a while ago that the final boss had 4 phases, which I interpreted as meaning 4 totally unique forms. But that person I heard from apparently just meant 4 deathblow bars, so I beat the final boss while thinking I was still only half way done. This feels like a ruined orgasm.
I forgot this game came out this year
I mean, he does technically have four phases. It's just the fourth phase isn't all that different from the third.
Now do a NG run Charmless/Demon Bell
I mean I thought Isshins sword form, spear form, and lightning form together were all just the second phase (Genichiro being the first) and that there were still 2 entirely different fights afterward. Like there'd be cutscenes between each one. But nope, each healthbar alone was a phase.
Not that he wasn't a tough boss, but I sat down thinking I'd be trying to beat him all night and now I just did it in less than an hour.
well that happens. Some people just have different ideas of what phase means.
Huh I guess every game is just quick time events. Never thought of it that way.
>ctrl F
>no slay the spire
Sekiro is my game of a year, but the only game I would put any where near Sekiro as of right now is Slay the Spire.
Slay the Spire is great but it also came out two years ago
RDR2 is a deeply immersive experience and the free roam is genuinely fun, but the on rails missions and clunky controls really hold it back from being a true masterpiece.
I don't know if it matters, but official release date was Jan 2019. It was in Beta purgatory forever.
well it's not like indie games will ever win GOTY so I guess it doesn't really matter
but if I had to pick a 2019 indie game for GOTY I'd probably pick Baba Is You over Slay the Spire
It is perfectly normal gameplay for good players with good reaction time.
Yeah right faggot. Like you use the duck button in combat.
I use it accidentally when I'm deathgripping the controller
Does it get better / more challenging later or is it just we've all gotten very good at this sort of game due to it being the same engine?
if you can beat Genichiro you can beat the game, although Sword Saint and Dad might take some doing.
They were always the same difficulty user.
I dont get the meme
how the fuck is a game full of asians diverse?
>black guy
lmao what
nigga even has a Westernized accent
when people say "diverse" they don't mean lots of different skin colors, they just mean not white.
only asians they accept are westernized mutts, not actual japanese people
lmao never noticed this. seems to be mixed though, he looks blasian
>you could reasonably call executions QTEs
He's mixed, Emma's mixed and Armored Warrior's conquistador motif definitely hails from Iberia. Chained Ogre also seems western in the face and blonde hair. Kinda cool to see all that despite the encroaching isolationist Edo period time wise.
>sacrificed him
he's certainly the better option out of the two
There's another option?
you can send Kotaro but it's the absolute worst thing to do with him
there were actually people from portugal and missionaries from western countries in feudal japan, so it fits. it's appropriate diversity
Nah, game's hardly memorable and the combat is too simplistic. Solid 7/10 but nothing i'll remember after this year.
I made sure he got the good ending
I will always love this doodles.
No, it's total fucking garbage. Haven't played any other games that came out this year though so I guess it is GOTY for me.
And for the record of this thread. The true classic FROM challenge lives in NG+ with the demon bell and charmless.
Which make Immortal Severance ending not the final true ending
how would that preclude Immortal Severance?
Because IM it is the "official ending" that is obtained in the first cycle, but the true spirit, the true strength that lies in the creation of any FROM titles is in the next iteration, so Immortal Severance it is the divertion, the distractor for those who leave the game without experiencing its true face.
NG+ has NOTHING to do with the first run. It's a totally different experience that forces you to face the game in a completely new way.
same , the first half of this year I consumed nonstop jap vidya and I aint ashamed of it
Yeah this is the GOTY considering there is no game to challenge SeKino this year. DMCV had potential but they fucked up the story and DS is just going to flop and only kojimbo bots will play it and praise the deep walking simulator. You think you know but you don't
Old Man Isshin > Sword "Saint"
you could at least have found a less embarrassing webm
Just testing the skill out. Shame it's not as useful as Mortal Draw or Floating Passage
>you can hop on his noggin for the whirlwind
why am I such an idiot to not think of that
Third person action games are my favorite genre yet this game did not click with me at all.
Me, I prefer the struggle and life gets better as men get older
It looks better at first, but it's the joy of a soulless slave. Once you understand, you'll see being born a man was the greatest gift God could have given you.
I'm probably going to kill myself if my hair gets any thinner
Nah that was patched
If we're going by quality:
>Doom Eternal
If we're going by what will actually win the most awards
>Kojima's walking sim
Love the game although they could've slightly decreased the cost of certain prosthetics.
And perhaps 2 special moves instead of 1 for better combos.
Keep in mind you're playing on easymode, user.
One thing that every faggot who boasts about how easy it is, and other faggots who complain that you can spam parry to win always seem to forget is, you're playing on easymode by default.
>Copy paste From trash with a rhythm game parry
Death Stranding will be GOTY Pćucks
>a fucking walking simulator
its sengoku period, mate, and a lot of gaijins lived in japan for trading and missionizing. "isolated" just happened after that because hideyoshi found out some western people were selling Japanese slaves to overseas and trying to use their religious power to counter his power. there were many catholic people includings some daimyos
by the way that discourse that Japan was iaolated in Edo era is turned out not necessarily correct according to recent studies
If this was a western game all of that would just be a QTE
all games are QTE, the ultimate argument
Dumb weeb.
It'll be snubbed by some movie just like Bloodborne
>So this is basically the confirmed GOTY right?
That is pushing it. Neutered game to be GOTY lmao
Sekiro is a glorified yet very simple Rhythm game.
Baba is You, now that was something new
That's the biggest failing of Sekiro. The stealth is hilariously half assed.
what a fucking chump you are
the stealth is definitely ass, but the biggest gripe for me is the exploration sucks
Every From game has felt like a disappointment after Bloodborne
Some self-proclaimed "gitgud" gamers who thought they were chosen ones just because they could beat some old fromsoftware games are now crying over this game being too difficult or not having "muh RPG elements" and "replayability" (seriously, why did these fagots think they could reach to the true state of gitgud despite now whining about these non-gitgud elements), but in fact this game has became the most important video game that fromsoft has ever created, and one of the most revolutionary action games ever created as well. Just get away, nu-GOW. I will say Its importance is equal to demons souls, and DMC1.
It's literally copernican revolution of the genre that is calld action games. Instead of tyring to dodge and evade an attack of enemies in your normal action games, you must be going to face off enemies head-on, with the true skill of swords. "Hesitation is Defeat".
But contrary to this true values that true games appreciate in this game, the game will not get GOTY unfortunately considering the current political state in which this game is treated with some western jounalists, and at what point is the game mostly being talked in media.
Is this pasta?
>>time slows down when parrying is possible
>it's been almost a year since i played it
Not even the best game in it's own month's release.
It's cute but that does the text say?
It's because the arena is way smaller.
Something alonf the lines of "let go" and you're too heavy", except the Slayer of Demons is saying something like "It's good to finally have someone who can fly"
This was actually a good game unlike most of the stuff posted here
It's shallow and trite like every other FROM release after Demons' Souls, which was just shallow with a few redeeming qualities.
fucking this
the "GOTY" tag means fuckall nowadays