Hello steam?

>Hello steam?
>yes I'd like to unsubscribe.
>why? Well Epic is giving 6 entire Batman games, you see.
>Yes this is goodbye. I can't say it's been a pleasure.

Attached: depositphotos_165237224-stock-photo-man-talking-by-phone.jpg (1068x1700, 127K)

batman games are the hill you want to die on?
r e a l l y ?

Already played Arkham Asylum and City, not interested in Arkham Knight. If I want to play Lego games, I can just visit my family and play with my lil bro. You're way late to the party, timmybob

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there's a batman bundle every month on fanatical.com.

Batman hasn't been good since arkham city and both asylum and city GOTY had been on sale for 5 bucks or so for years.

>caring about that giveaway bullshit
All games are free if you're smart.

>batman games
peak soi

dumb capeshitter

Not to mention that Asylum came out a literal decade ago

Still holds up if you ask me and for sure one of my favourite games. It actually got me into batman, because I did not like him as a kid.

But.. i mean I wouldn't drop steam because it's free now. What's next? Free Ocarina of Time?

holyshit it's been a decade, it feels like it was just a few years ago

Not saying it's bad or dated, just that most people who're interested in it probably played it years ago, aside from some kids maybe.

I know how you feel OP, I too enjoy taking candy from strangers in vans

but you can't subscribe to anything on steam

okay see ya, we don't want you anyway, you casual fickle cunt

>hoes mad

For sure. I mean, I'm a steam user since 5 ever, but of course free games is always nice. Just kinda stupid to abandon one service because another gives free games.

I'm personally hoping for gog 2.0 because sadly the future is gonna be that everyone has their own dumb launcher.

Free games are nice. Free games that I already own, less so

Already got all Batman games for free on Steam.

Why should I install ANOTHER spyware program on my PC?

>GOG is literally the only company that thinks on how to provide better service to their customers
>idiots instead of supporting GOG would sell out for a few free games
Some people are truly pathetic. No amount of free games will make me support Epic and their cancer.

So this is the power...of chink shills...

>"Ah ok, well that's too bad. Whatever you say user, ok yeah goodbye."
>*gabe lets out a deep sigh*
>"that's the third one this week....."
>*brzzzzt brzzzzzt*
>"Its uh just me, Gabe Newell. You see its user, he-"
>"He sold, we know. Appropriate measures will be taken, Ze payment will be the usual. Good evening Mr Newell."

Attached: gabe_newell.jpg (1464x452, 129K)

>twitter meme
thanks now i want to use the epic games store!

>"that's the third one this week....."

Attached: 1533474008725.png (256x384, 137K)

>Hello Epic Games Store?
>yes I'd like to unsubscribe
>why? Well Winnie the Pooh Tiananmen Square massacre 1989
>Yes this is goodbye I can't say it's been a pleasure

Attached: pooh.jpg (960x540, 73K)

You fags know that repeating the massacre message does not actually kick chinese people off? That it doesn't work that way and was made up for a dumb meme?

I already have all of the Batman Arkham games on Steam and don't want the LEGO ones because those aren't fun aside the first.

Now if it was the Return to Arkham versions of them then I'd be interested in getting them, but at the same time Rocksteady would have to update them on Steam then because of the new rule.

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>yes we understand sir. you may recall upon termination of your subsciption you permanently forfeit all access to the games in your steam library, yes?

I'm fairly certain Steam doesn't let you delete your account if you bought something on it.

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