Currently selling my collection

Currently selling my collection.
Anyone got tired of collecting? Makes me depressed somehow

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Other urls found in this thread: U&qid=1569179283&refinements=p_n_condition-type:6461716011&rnid=6461714011&sr=8-3

how much söy do you consume daily?

I'm buying a house in a few months and will probably get rid of a good chunk of mine beforehand to save the hassle of moving it. Like 70% of it has been boxed up in my loft for years anyway, never even look at the stuff.

>Makes me depressed somehow
Because the high you get from buying stuff can only be chased for so long before you realize its a fleeting feeling

Why do you own so many fucking controllers?

games going digital helps
you guys need to stop worshiping nintendo though. they're past their prime imo

>you guys need to stop worshiping nintendo though. they're past their prime imo
Right I'll just move right on to buying Sony and Microsoft stuff, they've really been hitting homeruns the last two gens.
10/10 consoles that absolutely have games

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god I hate consumer drones.
this same lardass who buys five nintendo switches and hoards them to himself is the same guy who sneers at homeless veterans on the corner and thinks he's better than them.

this twisted game needs to be reset.

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Some real "more-money-than-sense" going on in that picture. Unless you're keeping all the stuff sealed to flip it to Bing Bing on eBay later, which would be the correct thing to do. No one actually needs 18 joycons and 7 Switch consoles or whatever.

Why do people keep all the boxes of their shit? I can understand wanting a bunch of games, but the cardboard disposable boxes? Do they just want their living rooms to look like a toy store or something?

I don't understand the mindset required to get this involved in collecting. What's the point of buying all that stuff if it just sits on a shelf and never gets used?
I get much more enjoyment and sentimentality out of things by using them until they break

Yea i sell my collection every few years. because a lot of games ill never get to so why keep them. ill always keep games like silent hill 2 and resident evil 4 that are fun to replay however

Blame the gouverment and the brainlets who registered into the army in the first place.

why is it always nintendo when it comes to this garbage

bad time for you to freak out, i own every console and a gaming comp
just saying there's something wrong when someone sticks to a company for no reason
ps4 definitely won this gen however

I'll give you 50 dollars.

jesus that's some mental illness level of hoarding right there.

>Anyone got tired of collecting?

No I never "collected"

look at the word used to define this behavior. "collecting"

why the fuck do you need to "collect" things, especially things that don't have any intrinsic value or use? it's bizarre manbaby obsession behavior

wow what a waste of your life and money

Yeah, consumerism is a spiritual void. Better to study, reflect and create.

Have a kid, then you won't regret your collection and you'll have someone to pass it on to and share it with. Unless you have a daughter which renders the your collection worthless or you're an unapproachable balding uggo or something, then I'd probably just sell it.

>just saying there's something wrong when someone sticks to a company for no reason
Oh, no, I'm traditionally idort.
But Sega isn't an option anymore and Xbox and Playstation have been terrible the last two gens.
Nintendo is basically the only company worth caring about as far as consoles go right now.

I'll stop laughing at Sony when they find a way to replace all of those rad niche exclusives they used to get for free by being the cheap and easy console to release games on. They were fucking retarded to think they should become a "luxury" product, the entire reason their shit was good was because it was cheap and shitty so anyone could afford it

Depends on what it is really. If you have a collection of NES and SNES stuff you're probably a cool guy and we should hang out. If you grab your paycheck every month and blow it on Amiibos and Switch merch you're probably a cocksucker of the highest order.

It's interesting that none of the game edition consoles will ever be worth anything, either. Only the original console in its original retail packaging will be worth anything in the future. That shitty Diablo one might as well be used as a doorstop.

>Diablo switch
>LGPE switch
>Star Link

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>5 Switches
Like the other user said you're just addicted to buying shit

>Anyone got tired of collecting?
I had an epic retro gamer collecting phase and in the end I realized how fucking stupid doing it was in my case when I still ended up emulating everything I had.
Also, it's heavily expensive hobby no one but you appreciates.

I hate getting associated with faggots like you just because I still own all my original consoles/games going back to childhood

Is any of that even worth more than original retail price? Do you have a Nintendo tattoo?

What site are you selling this shit on

You have so much money, what the hell.

I sold my dreamcast collection for rent money a few years back. 30+ games, lotta expensive titles and peripherals.

There's not a day that doesn't go by where I don't wanna an hero because of it. I had SoA, Project Justice, and MvC2. I'm bout to lynch myself right now.

>______ is basically the only company worth caring about
this is where you drop the ball
a true idort has every console and isn't brainwashed
surprised you don't own the entire amiibo collection

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That sucks, but you gotta do what you gotta do. At least with dreamcast it's super easy to just burn some CD-Rs

How much for that WW Wii U mate

except nintendo doesnt have survival horror as a genre anymore. you just like bing bing wahoo games admit it. i like sony still because of the action adventure games and survival horror like re7 vr.

>a true idort has every console and isn't brainwashed
Why would I buy consoles with no value?
I still have my PSP, PS2, PS1 and launch PS3, still have an Xbox and Xbox 360, but I'm not stupid enough to have bought the PS4 and Xbox One after how poorly the previous gen went for both of them. Microsoft basically completely gave up on exclusives that gen after like two years, and Sony barely even started caring because they were so used to coasting on free exclusives on the PS2 and PS1.

Xbone and PS4 are basically redundant if you have a PC, if I ever actually buy them it'll be once this gen is over and I can get the best model and the 3-4 exclusives that didn't end up getting ported to PC a few months later.

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can I have your wolf Link amiibo?

>i like sony still because of the action adventure games and survival horror like re7 vr.
Those are all on PC you dingus, and its not like I'm going to collect PC components and keyboards.

Nintendo is making the only console stuff worth buying, PC is where I play the rest of my games though. Its not my fault that PS4 and Xbone are relying almost entirely on their multiplats, but I'm not paying to play games online on my own internet for no fucking reason. Consoles are basically worthless without exclusives and Microsoft and Sony are slacking way too hard, I'm not happy about it, but I'm not going to buy their consoles just for the sake of owning them when they have basically no value next to my PC

>collecting a bunch of cheap plastic
atleast lego sets actually keep some value

>has like half a dozen game per system

you don't have a collection, you have autism

doesn't nintendo have exclusive rights to one of the three remaining survival horror franchises?

I already don't reallly understand collectors but hardware collectors are one level above it, at least all the shovelware shit game collectors buy can be palyed

>Collecting for the sake of collecting and never touching the items.


>Collecting what you like and will want to play and revisit

found your problem

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i'm thinking about selling all my snes carts...but I have them since childhood so it feels so wrong...i don't really know

>I'm not stupid enough to have bought the PS4 and Xbox One after how poorly the previous gen went
there you go freaking out again.
you could easily turn that entire mindset on it's head by how shitty the wiiu was, but instead you're devoted to 1 entire company and hoarding their products

Bingo. Alternatively, finding things that you won't necessarily use, but that you got in good condition under market value and can make a profit on. Just don't put those on display; it's vain.

>you could easily turn that entire mindset on it's head by how shitty the wiiu was
But the Wii U had games, what was shitty about it?
The Xbox 360 was good at first too, but they stopped making games for it after like the second year, and that gen lasted like 8 fucking years.
Sony barely put anything out the entire gen, and most of it was those lame naughty dog games. I'm sure some people liked them, the writing was pretty good, but I played Uncharted 1 and 2 and thought that they were some of the most generic and boring games I've ever played regardless of how charming and endearing the writing and voice acting is.

I'm not going to flush money down the toilet on consoles that don't have games, Xbone and PS4 are coasting so hard on their multiplats that my PC makes it not worth the purchase.

actually this

the super mario switch is actually worth double atm lol

they are part of the product, nice to look at and helps it retain value if you want to sell it.
Many of the SNES boxes are worth more than the game now.

>that fantastic feeling re shelling and installing a new backlit screen on my original GBA along with buying a flashcard with every single game gb/gbc/gba game

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Isn't Deadly Premonition survival horror and an upcoming Switch exclusive? I don't care for the genre so I never looked all that closely at it.

I have hundreds of games but theres no point selling them because vast majority of them are ps3 and 360 games so I'd get basically nothing for them

OP here: yea it took me a long time to figure how that it is actually a fucking waste of money
currently sold 3 items and made 415 € in 1 week


If you are questioning don't do it. Unless you really need the money. I sold mine way back when they were worthless and always regret it.

>Xbone and PS4 are coasting so hard on their multiplats that my PC makes it not worth the purchase.
yet again, you're talking to someone who owns every console and a gaming computer while you're just pc/switch, and soon switch is going to be fully emulatable.
wiiu had an insanely small library and you can't judge a later console by how shitty an earlier one was.
you're literally the definition of biased

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I still enjoy collecting new things but the fact that I have too many things to display them all is depressing. A ton of my figures for example just live in their boxes on a shelf because I have no space to property display them all. I think about selling it all some times but can't bring myself to do it.

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Why ever join the army in the first place? If everyone in ever country refused to fight in armies then nobody could be forced to do anything

this question but unironically.
why do you feel the need to buy multiple versions of the same console?

Well, no - but actually yes.
Have you considered that bias isn't actually that bad?

Dirt-poor people don't have many options, sempai.

>that green ranger flute dagger

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>be poor retard
>career prospects are mcwageslave, walwageslave, or amazoncagie
>everybody thinks those jobs are for poor retards
>join the army and everybody thinks youre a hero that defended their freedom

pretty easy choice

That's not how it works in facism lands

If it makes you feel better I broke the shit out of my dagger when I was a kid because I used it what it was made for instead of being a collectorfag

I collect, and I've definitely overspent on some meme titles, but I only collect games I want. Whether its my $2 copy of Strangehold on Xbox 360 or my $100 copy of Enemy Zero on the Saturn I only add games I like.

It seems to me most of the people who get "burned out" just buy whatever they see or what's cheap and eventually they have an entire room with hundreds of games they dont even fucking like and then they suddenly "grow out" of it.

I used to collect the boxes PC games came with. In 2005 I probably had 50+, all the boxes in great condition, they had their manuals as well.

I ended up having to move to a small apartment which meant throwing my collection away. I miss them a bit, some of those boxes had great designs.

This is your brain on söy.

based user realising he's wasting time and money that could be spent travelling and seeing the world

>>and you can't judge a later console by how shitty an earlier one was.
>woah Sony and Microsoft really did poorly this gen, maybe I'll wait until they have like, 5 games I want before I buy the new consoles
>Oh wow look at that the gen is almost over and they never got 5 good exclusives, glad I didn't waste my money

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Because they keep breaking

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your shit looks like a store

i want to stop playing video games and become a super human

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yea i just want to focus in skateboarding again, this collection is like burden to me

I was thinking about donating all my games and consoles to like a kids hospital or something. Because theres no real point selling them as i'd only make a couple hundred bucks at best. Can I just turn up at a hospital and donate them? I have ps3, xbox 360,xbox 1, ps4, switch. about 150 ps3 games. about 60 xbox 360 games and about 30 or 40 ps4 games

Janny looks like THAT?

he already tried that argument earlier.
wiiu user

I collect foreign figures and sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it. Like I think about all the money I spent and how big of a consumer whore I am.

The only thing I ever collected was numerous art of gay furry porn and I will continue to do it.
As for physical media I don't see much sense in it.
I mean there are some characters from video games that I do like and would've bought a high quality statue of them if it were released but they have none.

If your stuff is opened it's not a collection it's a library. It's not going to hold or accrue much value.

imagine collecting shit like this onions af

I can't stand having shit in boxes. Ik that's the whole point of collecting by keeping it mint but I find it pointless. I guess it's only good if you plan to invest in stuff

Hot Toys hold a retarded amount of value open or not.

>tired of collecting

This is where you fucked up. Once you start this mindset, you might as well be 'collecting' stamps, because it's ultimately the same thing.

If you are buying things, get what you enjoy and what makes you happy. I sincerely doubt having every color joycon makes someone happy, and if you thought it did, you really invested your time, money and energy wrong. You should have just focused more on the things you more personally like, instead of trying to get full sets or 'lots' of products just for the sake of it. I think you subconsciously realized that's what this ultimately turned into for you, and that's why it feels bad now.

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>muh cardboard value
>muh investments

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Multiple reasons.

>Get education essentially paid for by the government
>A possibly better means of networking yourself to other employers than most colleges
>Gives you actual work experience in whatever field you go into that will be recognized by employers when you transition your learned skills to the civilian sector
>Some of the best family insurance plans you can possibly have, while also being insanely cost effective
>Get paid to get physically fit
>Progression into NCO/Officer ranks is based on individual earned merit and not by who you're friends with
>You'll get to see other parts of the world (even if it's Iraq or South Korea)
>The likelihood you'll ever see actual combat is pretty fucking low
>G.I. Bill will basically give you your down payment on a house, or you can use it to put one of your kids through college down the road for essentially free.
>Everyone who joins the military is a unique case of fucked up, so it's easy to get along with the social circles
>Get to shoot firearms civilians aren't normally allowed to use, which can be fun

I genuinely enjoy myself more during downtime moments with the bros in my unit, playing rounds of Uno or discussing absurd "What-ifs" than I do putting on a fake persona for my civilian friends who just want to bitch about how much they hate Trump, or try attempting whatever retarded fotm Reddit thing is trending at the moment.

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i think you live a materialistic lifestyle, user

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Don't worry enough stupid people exist to fill up the spots.

I've been buying Storm collectibles Mortal Kombat figures and I almost fell into the hole of feeling like I had to buy them all, but I just got sick of all the Ninja recolors and skipped a few. I don't need Smoke or Rain. I'll get cyborg Smoke when he comes out.

The only thing I collect is more bitches on my dick, have sex losers

>buys 5 of the same console
>puts it on display but never plays it
what’s the point of this? people usually collect things because they have value (coins and historical artifacts). These are just pieces of electronics made in china

>bought a different SKU because it had differently colored controllers

jesus, i wish someone would suck my cock like this.

This. A couple of years ago I found Earthbound at a Goodwill for $5 and I've been chasing that high since.

Have you seen what unopened game consoles go for 5 years after they're OoP? U&qid=1569179283&refinements=p_n_condition-type:6461716011&rnid=6461714011&sr=8-3

I keep mine stored so when I sell the console, I can just package it back up. I don't see the point in displaying them though

Sounds like you have other issues.

>selling your consoles

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I mean even if you don't lead a materialistic lifestyle you'll still be unhappy.

>buy a ton of shit
>keep it in it's packaging, never use any of it
>hardly anyone cares or is impressed
Yeah, I can see why that would be depressing

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Wii U had lots of games though, whats your point?
I am still the same guy, and I waited for Wii U to get 5 games as well, except that actually happened.

>Things won't make you happy
Preaches man begging for $15/hour minimum wage.

By the time I want to sell my console it's worth like half the price of what I paid for it so I just keep em

I never understood that. Why buy something if you aren't going to experience it and enjoy it?

Have you seen that many basedamen sneering at homeless veterants?
Are you conservative by pure chance?

The problem is the internet and social media creates an environment where you have plenty of "communities" where people can constantly upload pictures of their stuff and get upcummies. That's 95% of the reason behind this collectorfag autism. They don't use any of it. Nobody they know IRL cares about it. But hey, they can go on /r/gaming and get a bunch of upboats.

They also think that the stuff will increase in value over time. They almost never do.

Currently selling games/figures that I've just had sitting in the closet for a few years. Not really into displaying my game collection. Will definitely keep the games I like and think I'll replay one day.

I'll give you $40 for a switch

If I was centrist or anywhere right of that I'd be sneering at the homeless with them.

90 % of it is brandnew even the super nintendo, gamecube, wii mini etc

Well strictly speaking it does, but there are a lot of asterisks there. In general, there seems to be a sweet spot where games/consoles reach their highest value when the kids who grow up to them reach their thirties and have a bunch of disposable income to spend on dumb nostalgic frivolities. Then all that stuff becomes passe when they get off their nostalgia kick and move on to something else again. And then the next generation of kids reaches this age, and so it goes. For example, back in the 00s atari stuff got super expensive when all the boomers wanted to recaptcha their childhoods, but then the fad wore off and they went back to being pennies again. That's also why we saw NES prices start to go up, then SNES/Genesis, then N64/PS1, and now we're seeing Gen 6 stuff start to go up. In 5-10 years we'll start seeing 7th gen stuff go up too. And that after so much time passes, all these things will drop in price as well, which is already happening with the earlier gens.

Having said all that, using video games as an investment is fucking dumb. Unless you happen to have some genuinely rare treasure like Panzer Dragoon Saga laying around in your parents' basement, you're not making some substantial profit off hoarding old vidya. You might make a couple bucks over the course of years. It's just foolish and nigger-tier to use something so stupid as a form of speculation when there are so many better ways to invest money.

I think if I had a Porsche 911 I'd be happy.

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>no weed in the pile

why would he be happy

Idort reporting

Nintendo > PlayStation > Sega > Xbox > PC

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>Why do people keep all the boxes of their shit? I can understand wanting a bunch of games, but the cardboard disposable boxes? Do they just want their living rooms to look like a toy store or something?

As someone already said, some boxes are worth more than the games now, because most of them didn't make it through the decades. It was much easier for cartridges and hardware to survive.

I personally started keeping mine because I thought they looked cool. SNES boxes in particular look great to me, still do. Boxes to consoles and stuff today look very minimalist and unimaginative, so I don't really care now. I love my switch, but I have no desire to use any switch related packaging as display pieces or decoration.

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if the value of the box is what's important, why haven't you sold it? That alleged value doesn't mean shit if you're planning on keeping it.

when I was 18 I had a job and no responsibillities so I blew my money on collecting. Over the last few years Ive been sellibg off my collection and investing into a smaller but higher quality collection. There's no need to have a figure of every cool dude ever. Just get yoy favorites.

Honestly the Rider toys are cool as hell, I have a lot of sentai henshin devices myself. That said I would never display them all like this, I keep some stuff out because I don't have anywhere else to put it. Also going to sell a lot of my game collection soon, collecting is not a good mindset if it's compulsive.

OP: Just sold another item: now made 500 € from 4 items probably 200 - 250 € in winnings

I got rid of my entire collection along with a bunch of peripherals and accessories because I had a really good month or two where I was genuinely happy and I looked around and realized none of this shit was making me happy and it wasn't contributing to the little happiness I was managing to find so I just took on the mindset if I haven't touched it in the past month I probably don't need it, feel alot more organized and there isn't a single thing I regret selling or throwing out.
granted I didn't own a retarded amount of shit like in the OP pic

i own even more shit its an old picture, but luckily i only bought brandnew stuff the prizes of all my stuff went up over the past years

bought this for 250 now worth 500

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Intentional collections are soulless.

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>want photo book
>cost $600

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I could use a Wii U pro, other than that I have no interest in collecting so much stuff.

this looks too soulless

>collecting children's toys instead of having a wife and kids and the lifetime of fulfillment that it brings
>wonder why you're depressed

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>Wasting your precious time and money on the vaginal jew and its crotch spawn


>Wasting your precious time and money on the vidya jew and its microtransactions

I always love posts like yours because you're so conceited and up your own arse you don't see the irony in what you post. Forget for a moment that you've been so buttfucked by the government that you think it's the people's problem to save the homeless and not the government who abandoned them; what have you done to help the homeless?

I'm sorry that you're poor and can't afford anything, but I'd rather spend my money buying things I enjoy than helping someone, that's what taxes are for.

Buying 5 switches thoguh is dumb

This webbum always hurts to watch.

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Actually this. I've had a terrible year and it's made me realize that I don't give a fuck about the shit I'd collected. I donated/sold 80% of it.

you're reading beyond the lines there. where on earth are you getting pro-capitalist sentiment from the post?

>Makes me depressed somehow
>buy a bunch of toys for a lot of money only to let them sit on a shelf unused
fucking open your shit your retard. Actually USE the stuff you play for you consumerist faggot. You're either tired of wasting money or tired of not using the shit you pay for.

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He's his own beanbag chair. Fucking based.

if you never play them why keep them
just take a few photos instead if you want the memories

I've never been the type to buy things to collect, and the few friends I have that do (nintendo of course) don't even seem very interested in actually playing the games, seems like an empty existance.
Not that my life is so fucking amazing but from the outside it seems very evident what they're doing wrong

well im depressed for 5 years now and buying this got me happy for a while everytime i bought something

If you haven't opened and played with most of this shit then you probably don't like them anyway

im honest, i only play pokemon and zelda, so i want to sell everything except zelda and pokemon stuff, cause whats the point. i have the nes and snes classic so i sell all the snes stuff aswell

I wish i lived in the US for the army experience. My country you get mostly the same perks but the overall experience is more tame overall rather than proper military and the assault riffle of choice might as well be made from cardboard its that useless and shit

Then you already live a shallow life and need to spend that money therapy or meds. Excess reliance on material possessions instead of the experiences they inherently provide will leave you empty and alone. I'm not saying go full Buddhist monk no nothing mode, I'm saying to go through your shit, do the Marie Kondo malarkey and get rid of stuff that is nothing more than plastic and PCB in a neat box to you.
Having the burden of stuff merely existing and in your possession is worse than financial debt.

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There is nothing satisfying about having a "collection" of anything. The joy of consumerism starts at anticipation and ends within the first five seconds of getting your hands on the thing.

I keep some old books, comics and games I really love and either remember fondly or might reread/replay at some point. Everything else would just be dead weight so I craigslist shit to keep it in circulation and use that money to buy new games.

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That looks like shit user.
If that's just painted gold then you got sucked hard

Am I the only one who resells everything after finishing it?

It’s the girlfriend right? She gave you an ultimatum and you had to choose? Just dump that bitch. Mine broke up after she found my toenail collection.

>my toenail collection

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>Five Switches
>Each comes with a set of Joycons
>Get Mario Party with joycons
>Buys seven more sets of joycons

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well no one reads my posts in the thread, but i said i already sold 4 things for 500 € and i have 30 + more listings on ebay still

well its rare as fuck and sells for 500 what can i say

Wii U only went out of print at the end of 2016/early 2017 and the prices doubled instantly

super mario odyssey switch already double the original prize
red joy con already double the prize.
pokemon switch already 100 € more
smash switch already 200 € more
diablo switch sold nothing so same prize
got invested money i think so far after just 1-2 years

>anti-buyfag threads

Because you are not a collector.
You are a retard.
Just look at all the shit in there, that is just "I buy EVERYTHING".
I like collecting, but come on, the fucking JoyCon grips? For real?
And all those switch versions? Are you dense? What are you going to do with them?
Sorry man but it clearly went out of your control, you are not a collector anymore. You are a slave to your collection.
I don't even know what to suggest since you are far too deep into it.

I bet this picture is from some nintendo board on reddit


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Just get a modded dream cast with SD card instead of disc drive. Will play all the classics without the compression of burnt discs.

what a fucking retard. Why does one person need this much shit?

Collecting is unironically the most obvious and the absolute worst beta-male behavior, good for you for growing up.


Kill yourself, retarded cuck.

This is Yea Forums now boys. Pray 8 Yea Forums comes back.

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Selling off all my old consoles was the best decision I ever made. I earned like four grand and I just emulate on the rare occasion I want to replay something. I bought a Vita since the PS1 was my favorite console, shit is tight!

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I get buyfagging, I'm a buyfag for statues, but why buy 2 of the same collectors edition?

I don't collect vidya, but i did collect toys for maybe 7 - 8 years. And one day, I just looked around at all the shit and realized i didn't care about 90% of it. Sold off most of the stuff and now just have a small collection of things I actually like.

Probably also a scalper

The value of old vidya like 8 and 16-bit will tank in the coming years. Most people who are nostalgic and were around that era will be too old to have interest in collecting anymore. The peak has already been reached.

I collect games too, but, why are you collecting things that are all easily purchasable? I collect games that I know I'll never be able to get a hold of again & stuff that isn't emulated well.

I always assumed militaries had some sort of exchange program.

Apart from Project Justice, those aren't too bad to get back. Skies and MvC2 are like £40, sure it's expensive but that's pretty much retail back then.