There is literally nothing wrong with Epic Games, Tencent, or China

There is literally nothing wrong with Epic Games, Tencent, or China

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>There is literally nothing wrong with China
Oh boy, a gore thread.

I don't care enough to have a strong opinion desu. Epic and Tencent might as well not even exist because they don't impact my life in the slightest

what is wrong with this nigga

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Stupid paranoid autist steamcel

Give me 20 free games, love this shit.

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it is actually Tim Sweeney

Whats this?

>Accusing somebody of being a Steamcel when there's no evidence of that


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The current trend people are using to stop others from criticizing China is "You're being racist eeek!" so take that as you will.

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My money is on one of those chinese "reeducation" camps.

I have bought about a dozen games on EGS store so far.

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Free shit


A lot of those "reeducation" camps are speculated of being organ harvesting operations.


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If you ignore all the bad things they do you will find that they are a pretty good company


>le epic is bad memexD
Fuck off 2 reddit.

chinese shill thread
move along

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Tiananmen Square protest of 1989

What about those Ugyhurs Chang ?

Enjoy your social credit points yellow nigger

You can say the same thing about all evils in the world, you dingus. Doesn't make them any less evil.

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>or China
Everything is wrong with China you fucking shill.

This must be steam's fault, huh really makes you think.

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>There is literally nothing wrong with Tencent or China

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The chinese are soulless bug people. Also the rape of nanking was greatly exaggerated. The entire country should be nuked

There is also literally nothing wrong with not giving EGS a single cent of my money. It gets absolutely nothing.

ITT: Railroad workers

>Buy game on steam
>Download and play
>Buy game on gog
>Download and play
>Buy game on epic
>Download and play
Now tell me why I should cry about one of these?

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>Reposting the same thread 27 times is paranoia
Your delusional get your head checked.

Is it time for this thread again?