*is superior to win7 in every conceivable way*
Enough is enough you dumb boomers. Upgrade right fucking now.
*is superior to win7 in every conceivable way*
Enough is enough you dumb boomers. Upgrade right fucking now.
based, fuck windows 7 pajeet niggers
Won't give up my freedom for a bunch of 3/10 western games thank you very much
>windows 7 shitters have been reduced to wojakposting
This is why you lose.
*breaks itself in next update*
Use whatever the fuck you want. A computer OS is not an important choice in the grand scheme.
Nothing is in the grand scheme.
But I already did.
>not having a win 95 q66 machine to play old games
i literally pulled one out of the trash. its fucking great not having to boot linux and VMs just to play dungeon keeper.
>Posts a picture of the LTSC
For what purpose user?
>force updates and bsod's immediately afterwards
It's fucking garbage, Pajeet.
Just bought myself new hardware and "upgraded" to 10 myself. It's not so bad once you put classicshell in
My only real gripe is how win10 seems to flare up when you put kmspico in
Kill yourself nigger chink poo.
Windows 7 is for subhumans. Literally.
What update?
>superior to win7 in every conceivable way
>adds a fuckton of input lag in windowed/borderless mode, and you literally cannot turn it off in any way
Yeah, no. It's really sad, other than this, Windows 10 LTSC really is better than 7.
MS got involved in PRISM in 2006. If you want freedoms, you must either stay on XP or leave Windows entirely.
Literally nope
Imagine shilling a OS that tries to collect data on every single input you make, filled with bloatware that eats up resources, makes you use one of the worst app stores in history and gates games behind its versions.
>Inb4 le privacy boogyman.
It's in blue and white as soon as you install it.
Stop advertising LTSC, or MS is going to start cracking down and having to white-list accounts for it.
>this kills the shill
Feels good to have a legit W7 Ultimate on discs, so I can not only stick to the best desktop OS ever created, but also upgrade W10 to a way less jewish cancer if I really need it later on.
Still, I bet I'll just be dual-booting W7 + Linux from now on.
My HTPC and tablet are running 10 LTSC, my gayman PC runs 8.1 and my work PC runs debian unstable. The 2 servers are all CentOS.
had to use win 7 at a cyber cafe today and it looks so archaic.
Reminder that win 8.1 was the last decent windows
10 is a 98/Vista/8 tier windows.
Reminder that there's virtually no reason not to use linux these days.
>gayman PC runs 8.1
So you literally went with the option that has the worst of both worlds, congratulations.
But user, Windows is not a product. It's a software licenes.
It has better performance than 7 and less shitware than 10. So no, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>RTX 2070
if it wasn't for them purposely making dx12 exclusive to win10 no one would use it in the gaming scene
Absolutely indubitably based. Fuck boomers and fuck nerds.
See , the same shit applies to 8.1. This is the only reason why you might want to use Win 7. If not for this, then use Windows 10 LTSC, it doesn't have any shitware in it, you'd know that if you'd looked it up.
>Breaks every other update because idiots at Microsoft can't test shit for more then a week before shipping
Yeah, i'd rather not.
>windows 8
more importantly,
>there are people who use nonLTSC Windows 10
>the rest says they don't use Windows 10 because it's shit while not knowing of LTSC
It's a product, fuck off you megalomaniac
win7 is only used by niggers at this point
I used LTSC for a day before switching back to Education. It was a disaster.
i used ltsc for a bit but whenever i tried some games wouldn't run because it was missing that windows entertainment pack crap and manually installing it even i still couldnt get the games to work even so i had a bunch of bugs in software that i was trying to run all the time, got fed up and went back to pro
More importantly...... are the Microsoft shareholders making money?
That's all that really counts!
That's probably what you mom thought too when she tried your dad instead of Tyrone
>only argument is FUD
LMAO pathetic 7jeet
i will, on the last day of support
They are, but the only reason they get money from their OS is because they're a monopoly
>uninstalls your products/makes them unusable with updates
>Can turn off updates, but it just turns them back on
>Literal ads in the start menu
How much of a boot licker do you have to be to really support this?
Except for the random performance problems you get all the damn time and can't fix.
Maybe it's better for you AMD people, but on nvidia linux is infuriating.
Okay what the fuck did you try to play? Literally never had any incompatibility issues with LTSC, that's just Microsoft shilling its shittier version with Mr. Goldstein's software added; I'm curious.
>install win10 ltsb
>go and manually install windows store regardless
Even the fucking interface is straight up a downgrade, kill yourself zoomer.
i unironically am considering because of WSL
MSYS2 sucks
C++ development would be so much easier
the state of this board, defending Win10
was bethesda games actually lmao pretty sure it was fallout new vegas i think i was trying to play? was quite a while ago so maybe they fixed their shit since then
You are the type who buys a new TV and sets it to fuck up the aspect ratio because that's what you're used to, aren't you
>retards think that Win7 isn't already compromised
Windows 10 can actually be unfucked to the point of only making one connection to microsoft's serbs (which is just to test if you're connected) but it takes real effort
>You still need to fix the Control Panel, the Windows Menu and the File explorer to make them usable
Involuntarily switched couple weeks ago, wanted to install W10 just for some tests on another drive, computer rebooted on my main drive and the installation somehow fucked it. Still have my data, wasn't too bad. Actually quite happy with W10 Education, you can actually disable shit on it, even updates are disabled, only turn them on once a month. Still use 2 programs to efficiently turn of 99% of useless shit and telemetry.
Not really much of a difference to W7 to be honest, I like the dark theme and it boots a bit faster, otherwise its ok.
Doesn't mean I actually like W10, the whole sinister practice of forced updating, forced updates by default, no switching off telemetry and data collection on non-business versions, is still a major red flag. But I'm not cool enough to use Linux or something.
Try actually blocking those connections at a PoE level and see what happens, genius.
That's funny, I hear proton and all that other fun stuff works better on nvidia.
You install your drivers wrong or something?
Forget to install Vulkan support?
compromised has little to do with it 10 just blows dick. Let me know when you stop getting ads in your start menu tho.
Literally today I tried Valkyria Chronicles 4 and I get 1/3rd the Windows framerate. Some people on protondb report the same thing, while others say it works fine and dandy. You never know which game decides to run like shit, which is why I'm still on Windows for gaming.
>I hear proton and all that other fun stuff works better on nvidia.
it's common knowledge that not only is nvidia shit on linux, AMD is better than AMD on windows and about equal to nvidia on windows
AMD's software division is shit and the open source mesa drivers are great
Why is it that every time one brings up windows 7 on upcoming game forums, there's a horde of Microsoft witnesses coming in to tell you that you have to upgrade to windows 10 right now otherwise your pc will die the very second they drop support? Essentially, how does a company like microsoft even have fanboys? Is it console refugees?
I'm Brazilian and I still use windows 7.
Just like from XP to 7, I will only move when a game I really want to play everytime can't run on it, just like I did with Mortal Kombat 9. Don't see that happening anytime soon, since you know, most modern non japanese games are fucking garbage.
no idea
anyone even technically literate knows microsoft as the pahjeets they are but a bunch of brainlets seem to think they're the best thing ever
where these brainlets learn this is fucking beyond me because no one besides microsoft says good things about microsoft
With how Microsoft has been hiring, every iteration of Windows factually consists of more pajeet niggers.
>Ruins your game audio
>not running games at 1080p 240hz
It's like you don't want to feel true immersion in your vidya
my w10 craptop is enough of 10 for me
Every fucking time, never again
>continues to repeat the same argument
LMAO, keep on spreading lies
>Forced updates if you want the latest security updates
>Often come rolled up with other shit that may stop your computer from booting or may even delete random shit.
I think it's a bunch of beaten housewives. They'll also largely harp about privacy, as if it's the only issue with 10.
Microsoft is driving the need to upgrade everything. Have to buy new software to be compatible on the latest windows OS. Need faster hardware. I don't mind progress, but this is costing me money.
I think taking a solid shit is superior to diarrhea too.
>Nooooo where are my store apps? Where is my candy crush? Why does my computer work? This is a disaster I'm switching back
He posted LTSC you fucking troglodyte.
90% of people here don't have a fucking clue of the difference, as shown by the comments
>implying most aren't corporate and bundled sales
>implying what's popular is best
The fuck even is that, this is the first I'm reading about it.
Objectively shit opinion.
I have to bend over backwards to stop 10 from grinding my HDD at night with telemetry cancer searching for updates to download in the background without my permission and installing them without my permission.
I've never heard my HDD sound like it was being pulled over coarse sandpaper in an enclosed tube until that bullshit started happening.
LTSC doesn't have the Ryzen scheduler update though
>old app opens instantly and has simple UI
>new windows 10 app they make takes 15 seconds to open and lags like hell with tons of unnecessary features and icons
>*is superior to win7 in every conceivable way*
I'm fine with Linux and windows xp VM, sorry I don't know how to say "thank you" in indian.
>why yes I do run ubuntu, how could you tell?
there's not much to discuss here, just combination of 2 facts:
1. Most people use system that came with their PC, because they don't know any better
2. All new PCs come with Win 10 pretty much since it came out of beta
Thinking of taking the manjaropill soon. I grabbed the KDE version instead of XFCE since I think it looks nicer, is there anything else to take into account? Also any other suggestions would be appreciated as I know very little about all this
windows is a fucking TRASH os
LMAO @ niggas who arent dualbooting linux - windows
>still can't handle 4k displays
>using microsoft products
>browsing Yea Forums
you're a funny man
never fucking ever install win 10 on your machine
>you dumb boomers
I'm pretty sure "boomers" are the ones actually using Win10.
I went through MS-DOS, Win95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, and 7 - I'm not scared by the change like zoomer kids who MAYBE had seen an XP machine once.
I'm a dev. Windows 10 is infinitely better than Windows 7 as a dev platform.
In the long run, it's technically less secure because Microsoft is claiming they won't support after January next year. In actuality, as is the case with all previous versions, they will keep making security updates for the businesses that refuse to upgrade, so support will easily go until ~2025.
More like you're a pajeet. Win10 is the worst since Me
>anonymous says that microsoft is bad at UI design and SQL so don't use windows 10
well I'm convinced
If Windows10 was really superior nobody would need to convince you to switch
I live in Tokyo, darling. You are living with your mom.
Boo hoo hoo.
Because AAA games can barely break past 60fps maxed out at 1080p.
so thats why all their employees are pooloos...
they are the only ones willing to work on that shitty ass pile of FECES
No, sometimes people just stubbornly refuse change. You still see anons arguing in favor of fucking ZSNES.
it's literally free, retard
>installing linux abandonware on actual hardware
>not just using the tools in a VM