name 1 (uno) italian game
Name 1 (uno) italian game
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grezzo 2
Mario + Rabbids.
porco dio
There's that somewhat horror game about a real life mental asylum in Tuscany.
assetto corsa
Super Mario Bros
Assassin's Creed
Super botte e bamba 2 turbo
Beyound god and evil
That one about the chick with huge tits on steam I think
Screamer series
Moto GP series
Assetto Corsa
Milanoir is a good game, very hard, but very fun.
Horizon zero dawn
I know there’s a italian made fighting game, but I don’t know the name
that's french
Gran Turismo
An old friend of mine made this, a pretty decent Wipeout clone
Shadow fighter for the amiga
Knights of the Old Republic
no it was made by italians
here's a fresh one
>L'eredità (2003), PS2 - PC
Might as well include the game based on Lucignolo.
Fucking italians do not have public bathrooms.
You have to go to caffees and mcdonalds and buy something to have the guard let you use their fucking toilet.
Also, your food is expensive as shit.
>go to tourist trap instead of place frequented by locals
>"wtf why is everything expensive"
you gotta find the obscure small hard to find places, not the ones with a big RESTAURANTE sign on the front
the pasta I got in Rome had some of the best sauce I'd ever had and it was some dingy little place
Do you want me to get fucking mugged?
Also fucking shit, your outlets suck ass.
I hope to got the US conquers the entire fucking world so i do not have to buy a fucking adapter for everry thing.
Also fucking hell your books are expensive.
Also to everyone in the thread.
The closest shit to a peperonni pizza is called pizza diavola it is individual sized and less fatty than american pizzas.
Doom and Destiny/Advanced, these two are cool.
The best italian food is in the homes and kitchen of the people
Restaurants ain't shit compared to that but that's what so great about it
>the guard
where exactly have you been?
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (PS2)
A true gem, i still play it once a month or so, and i'm not even italian.
In a mcdonalds in Milan.
There is a black guy stopping you from going upstairs (where the bathrooms are) if you do not have a ticket.
I think I remember some game where you could chant spells with your mic. Verbis something something, wasn't it made by italians? I thought it was a cool concept considering it was announced in 2012 or something
even in naples you're not getting mugged in broad daylight or at all if you travel with a friend
you're more likely to get scammed but if you're not a retard it shouldn't happen
I guess i could try going over for dinner to some friends's homes and em cook stuff for me instead of buying myself stuff in restaurants.
never seen something like that, the closest was a qr reader in a br king in bologna
But yeah, he wanted me to buy something befoer letting me go upstairs.
>Fucking italians do not have public bathrooms.
This is false. Where the hell have you been?
i don't know why you haven't already if you could, we take pride in our kitchen and family recipes and gladly cook for foreigners, no need to feel like a self-inviting asshole
You need to go inside caffees or restaurants and use their bathrooms, oh, in the fucking metro, you have to pay 2 eurros.
Even in fucking malls, there are no public bathrooms.
Oh shit! Thanks for reminding me of this game. I played it when it came out and totally forgot it. Downloading again!
Huh, didn't know that. I thought it would make me look like an asshole. Specially now that i am going broke because i wasted most of my money on vidya and manga books.
So yeah, do have some family in here, so i will try to perrhaps convince em into cooking me something. Anything.
Excellent taste, the story is surprisingly wholesome for being so simple.