Side mission is better than the main story

>side mission is better than the main story

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Pickles fucking suck

Fuck those prices.



>3 bucks for a pickle
That better be a huge fucking pickle

saw this thread on Yea Forums yesterday, literally the exact same replies

$2.75 for a PICKLE? Wasn't a jar of pickles for like $5-$6 have better value?

shitposting, as chaotic as it seems, is ultimately a static, stale cycle of perpetual sameness

Brb. Smuggling in a jar of pickles

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Cinemafag here, our concessions are expensive because all that money spent on tickets goes back to the studios, we get maybe 5 cents from a 10$ ticket.

>Mcdonalds right outside
>Get 2 mcdoubles for $3 and a apple pie for $1
>Shove that shit in your pockets
>Enjoy your food and movie

Water thread?

So is this a PS4 thread?

That much for water?
Those damn Pokemon Creatures making prices crummy.

If the snacks were high quality, then people would bitch less about snack prices.

What's the american obsession with pickles. I'd never consider just eating up pickles straight out of the jar.

>$3 pickle

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>report 20% less of attendance to the studios
>pocket 20% of the profits
Not that hard.

You. I like you.

ikea swedish meatballs are fucking tasty no homo

What's their endgame?
Is it better than a Kirkland Dog?

*not actual size

>*not actual size

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>Not actual size
What a ripoff

Why are hotdogs at stores like costco & bj's so fucking good?

>$5 for a water bottle
Just bring a cup and fill it up at the water fountain next to the bathrooms lmao

*not actual size

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costco hotdogs are better but you need a costco membership

Anyone else sneak through open vents in Costco just to get to the food court? Their prices are just TOO GOOD to pass up!

No you don't. Most of the food courts are on the outside, anyone with money can walk up and buy.
Even if the food court is on the inside, just tell them you're going to the food court and they'll let you in.

real meat and no fillers or mechanically separated chicken

You don't need a membership to use their foodcourt.

No you don't, see Literally just walk in, say "I'm returning X" or "I'm renewing my membership" and they'll literally bow down and thank you for buying their $1.50 hotdog

>50¢ hot dog

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Food court here is inside and the security is anal about letting people in because niggers steal here.

>eating a pickle in a closed space with dozens of people

You can just fuck right off.

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>the security
What kind of south-west coast Costco are you going

It’s funny too because the prices don’t seem to bother that many people from what I’ve seen. They might bitch about the cost to themselves but buy the stuff anyways

>not having an outside Costco food court
Have fun asking those Costco jannies if you can go inside.

Is that 5 dollars for a bottle of water?

>people think "not actual size" is just a joke when its there to prevents lawsuits from amerifats

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Same with everything else. Everyone's a retard and afraid of being seen as poor. People deserve to die.

south florida

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>They might bitch about the cost to themselves but buy the stuff anyways
This is what poor people do.
Piratechads will just download a game/movie camrip or DVD rip and watch from home, and smart people will just smuggle in their own snacks past the cinema gestapo

>sneak some stuff inside your pants
Who the fuck is dumb enough to buy from cinemas?

Can someone delete this.

>paying to watch a movie once

It's for showing off to your date. You don't want to look cheap, do you?

>Not paying for a hooker to get past the no-singles policy, buying a gun to protect yourself from the inevitable shooting, and then buying some milk duds before you walk in to your $20 kinoplex showing

Nobody thinks that.

How are your crab leg prices?

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>Crab legs at the cinema
Do Americans really do this?


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stay jelly, eurocuck

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nice, my local kinotorium sells deviled eggs and coffee grounds for the unorthodox eaterviewers partaking in ludo cinema

the janny usher is gonna ban you from the cinema

One fucking pickle is 2.75?

No one actually thinks this, we just think it's fucking stupid how you actually have to tell someone that the hot dog isn't that big. People are retarded.

i would go to the cinema if they sold crab labs

Imagine loading up on high calorie cancer inducing shit "food" to eat while you sit on your ass for three hours watching grown men in capes.

>trying to watch it chapter 2
>boomer a seat away from me won't stop crunching as loud as he can on his theater pickles
>look over
>holy fuck
>he's covered in pickle juice and chewing with his mouth wide open, smacking his lips with each bite and holding two pickles fully in each hand like a baby
>leans all the way back by pressing the seat button with his pickle
>can't even see him anymore in the dark, just hear crunching for the next 20 minutes
>immersion was ruined

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>Local cinema is short staffed all the time and has no one really at the front checking for stuff.
>Go to a gas station and get soda and candy and other stuff for 1/3rd of the price.
>Occasionally buy popcorn or pretzel bites (Both are not too expensive compared to other shit).

To be fair, my local cinema is much more fair about concession pricing then others, but i'll be damned if I pay $4 bucks for candy anywhere.

Shit, did they bring back Butterfinger BBs?


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>user was sitting next to pennywise

If you get pickles and/or nachos at the cinema you should be publicly hanged


Thats called embezzling and it’s not as easy as you made it sound you dumb fuck

Based waterposter

Movie theater foods are extremely expensive for no fucking reason. i haven't bought popcorn in more than a decade. Last time i checked a single popcorn bucket with two sodas was 50 banana bucks.

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>2.75 for a single pickle

Fucking what?

This is what everyone does everywhere because everyone is shit with money or doesn't care. I worked fast food for years. They'd hike the prices, people would order shit, bitch about the price, make a passive aggressive comment about corporations or something, then buy the thing anyway. And then keep coming back. They know they can get away with it.

why is this so funny

Ok then. Given that paper is technically edible why don't you just sell movie tickets at the concession stand.

Just when I thought I’ve read the dumbest thing in here...

>dude just steal
Holy shit that's brill. How come no one ever thought of that before?

Not an argument
>He says on the same taiwanese basked-weaving forum that torrents and shills piracy.

What kind of fucking pickles have you been eating that smell bad?

I don't think you know what edible means.

I never purchase any food or drink at cinema. I just get the ticket. I don't like popcorn or sugary drinks or sweets/chocolate.

>He didn't have "that kid" in middle school

I'm all for piracy but only because it's stealing you get away with. I certainly wouldn't try to steal from Mickey Mouse or the IRS as a profit seeking business because they get theirs.

That'd be 52c when adjusted for inflation

That's what China does, just replace that 20 with 99

Just don't tell them then and you don't have to hide from the IRS, just report the 20% as concessions and don't do it when mickey mouse is there.

Why or who the fuck is selling pickles at a movie theater?

God bless your soul.

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These, though a cinema near me does have great churros.

I can't give you the who but I suppose the why is simply because someone buys them.

At least he spared you from only concentrating on the shitty movie

>no pokémon creatures

What is your pic

>no fucking reason
actually it's because they charge almost nothing over licensing fees for tickets. A 10 dollar ticket they make almost nothing on. All of it goes to Greenblatt and Silverburg productions.

Crab legs are fucking great

This. I stopped drinking soda because those kikes have the nerve to charge more than $1 for two liters.


>good Yea Forums thread
>not on Yea Forums
so they do exist

I wanna work in a crab lab when I grow up.