So i booted up my PS3 again and holy fucking shit are these graphics bad...

So i booted up my PS3 again and holy fucking shit are these graphics bad. Now i know im looking at it with 2019 eyes and know it's 2006 hardware but how did we even consider that generation of system great looking in the first place? I always thought it had bad graphics even like way back in 2011. The colors were always washed out, the graphics were supposed to be next gen but the only thing next gen were the still in infancy facial recognition features where they try to emote characters more like IRL but most of them still fail massively and ended up looking like they got down syndrone or something. Not to mention jagged edges everywhere even for the older release in 2010-2012. And the most glaring issues were that if you played on a huge ass widescreen TV, cinematic cutscenes just looks like its filled with blobs of static and everything is just a pain to the eyes. Even the console exclusive known for pushing the hardware limits and with great graphics like GOW and TLOU looked like what running it on low settings on PC would be.

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OP is a retarded fuck who has to post about the most blatantly obvious shit on earth on Yea Forums.

yeah, this will happen with the ps4 in 2029 as well

thanks for reading it still. Thoughts?

The worst thing about the PS3 is its performance. The PS3 version of Bayonetta is unplayable.

thank god emulation exists. xillia 2 and demon souls finally locked at 60fps.

Nice blog post faggot.


>graphics snobbing

How dare you insult the legendary PSTRIPLE...

tbf i think the xbox360 is the same but i can't vouch since i have never owned one.

is xillia 2 marginally better than 1? Thats the general consensus but doesnt really looks that way from gameplay alone and >lolreviews.

The recycling of assets is a big turn off for me.
Milla is an autistic qt

DOA4 still looks good.

360 had better performance but no worthwhile exclusives

TVs used to be smaller and 720p was already cutting edge.

Graphics whores are the absolute niggers when it comes to video games, there's a certain charm to how things used to look and play back then, it's almost like a time capsule, if you're too retarded to enjoy it stay on PC and shut the fuck up.

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those are some nice filters and amazing aspect Raidou

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It's xillia 1 but with better combat, better character development, and far less bugs.

No, i think PS2 was perfect for its time. Same with things like the SNES,Genesis and N64. I just think for its time, the 7th generation were clearly underwhelming because everything looked like shit on it.

Tales games are notorious for recycling assets so Xillia 2 is nothing new.

Probably because PCs started to pick up and advanced graphical features became the norm. That coupled with the fact many games had ports to pc that played better (most of the time) really cemented the problems the ps360 era had.
the wii will forever be a joke still

>demon souls finally locked at 60fps
Breaking half the game.

it's worth noting that 360 is still exclusive to the best version of Oratorio Tangram and is the only version with online multiplayer that surprisingly still has a few japanese people playing.

Sit further away from your screen. I'm currently playing Xenoblade X on Wii U and despite being 720p with questionable performance the game still looks stunning on my 55" OLED TV and is a blast to play. I was playing Xeno 1 on the fucking Wii before that on that same TV and it wasn't that bad after getting used to it, in fact it had quite some charm to it, if I went with emulating, I would get blurry textures and stuttering.

Because the PS2 came before it you idiot.

3 > 2

I laugh at them because they are the same fuckers that were praising some graphics as the ultimate shit when they came out.

I still believe that most 3 games that tries to be realistic looks like thrash, even today.
and they get offended.

>Xenoblade X on Wii U and despite being 720p with questionable performance the game still looks stunning on my 55" OLED TV
The Wii U shits out a 1080p signal while the 720p output of a PS3 requires more scaling on the TV side.

>Bayo ps3
In what way just curious fps or input?

Only if you're playing at 100+ FPS

why did ps3 games look so shitty when the cell has infinite power?

Runs at 30 fps and has long ass load times
its obvious the game was made with the 360 in min and the ps3 was a second hand port job.

Factually wrong. The PS3 and 360 output 1080p and do the scaling internally just like the wii U. There are even a few games that run 1080p natively like Wipeout.

It looks fine. I use my ps3 every now and then and a part from noticing frame rate drops i still like the games as much as before ps4. PS3 xmb is still much more reliable than the ps4s as well

Yes, 3 is greater than 2. You were used to playstation 2 tier games, and the PS3 was a huge step up from that. It isn't rocket science. In 2026, you will likely look back at the PS4 graphics as being God awful.

ur an fagot op

I thought anime games like Ni No Kuni looked good.

this. Graphical advancements made huge strides between 2005-2009 alone and games from 05/06 looks so drasticially different with the leap when compared to games from 08/09. TBF the early years of the ps3/360 looked like it lived up to its weight but for games 2010 onwards the hardware just couldnt handle the rapidly advancing technology and what you get is a drastically dumped down version.

Anime will looks good all the time. Just like anime movies as well

games like gow3 and uncharted you barely notice differences with modern graphics unless you play on ultra.

no i wont. i think the ps4 has done exceptionally well maintaining true to its next gen marketing.

Wrong as PS3 games output at 720p when natively rendering it, while Wii U games always output at a 1080p regardless of their native render resolution.

The 360 had better exclusives, what are you smoking?

You need a 720p screen for a PS3 or as you have found out it looks bad

360 dominated gen 7
>inb4 muh nintendier

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I've still play my PS3, Wii and PS2 to this day. For newer game I jumped to Master Race. I've been thinking in buying a PS4/BONE but I will wait for it to be cheaper console and games.
Also, what did you expect, dumbass? The graphics to get better with time? Geez, OP, you're so stupid.

I agree, that whole gen has aged like milk. When I played Motorstorm for the first time it was mind blowing, it looked photorealistic at the time

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This, ps3 games look nice on an old 720 lcd. 1080 is a jaggy mess though.

>The worst thing about the PS3 is its performance.
You mean difficulty of developing on for what the developer mindset was at the time.

Main thing that's aged with PS3 is environment lighting, a lot of games using LDR colour (leading to a lot of colour banding or washed out palette), games which used fucking quincunx AA (since the GPU supported it and MSAA was out of the question before CPU-offloaded means like MLAA were a thing), and how slow its OS UI was since it never fucking cached anything.

they're using a geforce 7000 series which is just a refresh of the 6000 series

I've always liked both of those slim models. I'd put them in top 15 best looking.

>too stupid to hook up a 720 display
It's like nu/v/ doesn't understand how LCD panels work

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I still think God of War Ascension looks great on PS3.

my point is that it you're essentially playing games in the lowest ugliest settings if you were to play it on PC

A lot of us were still playing on tube TVs at the time also. Took MS' "This is the HD Generation" to pick up speed as non-shitty HDTVs became affordable.

I had a 360 in 2006 but I didn't get my first HDTV until 2010. I was using a CRT until it crapped out on me.

i miss having a fat ass tv to play ps2 on. it always looked like shit on flat screen LCD/LED tv. But who cares we have emulators now

Current gen consoles were so outdated at the time of launch, they literally had to release 'upgraded' versions halfway through.

damn i can only imagine your first day gaming on the HDTV. must felt like shortsighted guy finally getting his first pair of glasses and everything is clear and pristine

even without that the current gen already run current gen games netter than the previous gen ever ran their current gen era games.

I still have my ps3 connected to my 25" CRT TV through component, it looks really good. fuck the haters.

It's basically just Xillia except it's not a blatantly unfinished game this time. Most of it is just recycled assets though.

That and being sub-720p. A lot of titles aren't even "HD" because the performance on the PS360 was fucking ass.

I just remember the teething pains of developers not catering for TV users when it came to legible subtitles and HUDs that weren't fucking tiny.

Nowadays we still have the same problem, except now its developers who design huds thinking we game two feet away from our TV instead of five-six.

Uncharted 2 still looks better than 99% of ps4 games but holy shit I recently played Demon's Souls and i must have gotten to single digit fps cause 2-2 was unplayable.

Anybody wanna play with me on my Colecovision? I got bump n Jump!

>Snoyboys trying to cope with their shitty PS3 by dragging 360 into the conversation
You and OP are both assblasted that the 360 did so well. Just because the PS3 was shit doesnt mean all of gen 7 was.

its 2019 let it go


Let what go? The 360 is still a great system.

Because the cell was a shitty experiment by snoy. They wanted to make a proto-APU and take on Intel, AMD and everyone else, but it backfired so bad it almost nuked the Playstation division.

Talking about the faults of a system isn't console war faggotry. PS3 had a serious performance problem, especially with multiplats. I say this as I'm playing through Drakengard 3 right now

black ops 1 fucking sucks on ps3 its literally unplayable for multiplayer


>on console

Ps3 was intended to be played on older 720p screens.

Where am I assblasted? It's a known fact that the 360 was sub-720p as well. Try again, faggot. That whole generation was dismal in terms of actual power-performance.

PC ports are the only time where that generation shined and even then those were shit due to shitty port-jobs.

No it wasn't besides maybe a few launch titles. The majority of 360 are at least 720p, and many run 1080i as well.
You are assblasted because you bought an overpriced PS3 that struggled with 720p.

A lot of 360 titles were sub-HD also, for the reason being once the framebuffer was under a certain resolution (1200x700 I believe it was?), the 360 would basically get MSAAx4 for free, so a lot of games were sub-native for that perk alone since it was worth it.

I bet you're playing these on a 4k TV or a big 1080p one. Most of these games are either 720p or a lil below(1280x600 or someshit) hence they were supposed to be played on a 720p TV. Now some 360 Games on Xbone can output to 4K which is nice. Wish the PS4 did that, maybe the 5 will who knows.

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I only got my first HD monitor in 2017, shortly before I got my switch.
Before then I played PS3 on a big ass flat Trinitron CRT.

I could really go for a new Motorstorm. There's no other arcade racer that plays or handles like it. Shame the devs moved onto Codemasters after the mess that was DriveClub, and made that one game that did so poorly it was on PS+ in the same year.