Why do WRPGs always portray organised religion in a negative light?

Why do WRPGs always portray organised religion in a negative light?

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Because it deserves criticism

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Because retards who unironically believe in — and base their entire lives around — an invisible sky genie deserve to be mocked as openly and as often as possible.

Why do JRPGs?

It's a good question: are there any RPGs that genuinely try to make a moral/ethical/spiritual point rather than the silly Bethesda/BioWare gimmick of choosing between being a total dick or a saint?

I can conclude that there's only two: Ultima IV and Undertale. Both of which seem to look favourably on religion.

I don't think undertale has any commentary on religion

It gets a bit samey having the ebil church xD in every single game.
As soon as I see a religious group in a game, I can just predict what's going to happen.
At this point, you can honestly say having an evil church is playing it safe.

It absolutely does, the player character is a direct allegory for fallen man and original sin

Atheism is the mark of the midwit. Theism is like a horseshoe shape when it comes to intelligence, it appeals mostly to the highly stupid and highly intelligent. Me? I think its pretty obvious which category i fall into

>Jesus walks away

And that is the worst think Jesus can do to that man.

Because it makes perfect sense that you would have a literal army of minions and influential individuals to mercilessly kill as they are so devoted/brainwashed and will not see reason as they believe themselves not only in the right, but right because god is on their side. It's like asking why a cyberpunk or more modern setting games has you go against the evil corporation.

I guess Castlevania since Jesus power Belmont bloodlines murder a personification of evil and death itself in almost all the games

Cause it's mostly filled with left wing people

Without a single exception in recorded history, ever human tribe came up with an idea of god or gods despite being isolated from each other. But apparently it doesn't count becaue they gave god different names. Fedorian logic.

Ricky Gervais is a fucking asshole.

He is no different from Christians who constantly rub in your face that GOD EXISTS YOU CANT DO THIS WITHOUT GOD, GOD DOESN'T LIKE THIS SO FUCK YOUR LIFE

Everything he fucking says is GOD DOESN'T EXIST GOD DOESN'T EXIST. He's such a hypocrite.

Damn son

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Oops I posted it again

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Humans also came up with dragons, yet those obviously never existed.

>portraying christianity as evil is ok
>portraying literally any other religion as evil is not

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user that's fucking dumb, and demonstrably false. Keep your garbage head canon in your head.


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All those gods are just different names for the one and the same god.

Wrong, dragons exist, they just don't have wings or magic.

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>demonstrably false
Demonstrate how it's false, then.

>creating scenarios in your head so you can be angry

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elder scrolls religion for the most part is alright. not exactly pure good but not outright evil. the living gods of morrowind were also okay even if they killed nerevar.

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This is only because Christians are the majority in America. Imagine being in the middle east or the UK and bashing Islam.


Who nose

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Ahh yes the komoto dragon, well known for living everywhere around the world and not a single island.

Ricky thinks he lives in the 80s where people are all religious. No one believes in God nowadays old man.

The fact that not a single aspect of the game, plot, or lore in any way reflects a christian dichotomy. You're injecting the context all on your own, sperg.

"There have been nearly 3000 Gods so far, but none of them exist. They're all silly made up nonsense. They're not real. None of them are real" - Rickey "Euphoric" Gervais

>not realizing that all of religion, god included, is metaphorical
Fucking smallbrains everywhere

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Ok, but this could do without the awful flowery language that reeks of a 23 year old social studies graduate.

Because "church bad" is entry level "look how daring and controversial we are!"

Christ, imagin missing the point this badly. You and your religion are not special. Humanity has been amusing itself with stories since time out of mind. The Greeks and the Norse and the chinks are just as misguided as you.

religion is conservative and they hate conservatives.

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>if I twist his words then it equals a refutation of the substance of his claims
Except it doesn't and you're a retard. 0/10

I'd rather be surrounded by people telling me I'm gonna burn in hell everyday than a single one of you fucking smug atheists, why do you talk down to anyone else or act smug as if you have some profound intelligence? If you had any fucking neurons firing in that primordial skull of yours you'd realize the knowledge we have now is insignificant to make any kind of conclusions based on existence. Watch the fucking news and come to the realization you're just a hairless ape, look how often our "advanced" species kills one another over simple ideologies, not always religious, even political. You stupid mother fuckers need to realize you're one step ahead of fucking chimps, soley because we can communicate effectively and manipulate our environment. We're all a joke, quit acting like you're exempt faggot.

Ironically, the Holy Bible acknowledges that other gods can exist, but it is a sin to worship them regardless if they do exist or not.

>implying I don't believe in all those 3000 gods
Except for the flying spaghetti faggot. Fuck him and his fedora followers.

It's insanity. The sheer level of disrespect you have to retain for centuries old, civilization building religion demonstrates narcissism at its peak.

Head on a pike for these cunts.

Megachurches and cube orbiting, probably

What are some great franchises that got ruined by their fanbase?

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so like.... is this image real or...?

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It was written in the 18th century, by a 31 year d romantic poet who was also a schizo - what do you expect?

>ur gay 2 so me gay is less bad haha
rather or not you believe humanity as a whole is laughable religion is especially so

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>not remembering how assflustered muslims were regarding Hitman

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>because christianity has been SO respectful to everybody since its inception
>ignoring blasphemy laws, crusifictions, ""holy"" wars, demonization and persecution of large benign groups of people, and the dogmatic conditioning ri be utterly intolerant to everybody who disagrees with your subjective belief system
Ok dude. Fuck off

>rather or not

Did you guys know that Holy Trinity is a complete fabrication by Vatican and that Bible in no way suggests that Jesus and Holy Spirit are somehow equal to God?
It's such a liberal interpretation of the source material that it borders on "Squall died on disc 1".

Because a lot of Western RPGs are vaguely based on medieval Western Europe, where the church often represented a stage of fear mongering and repression in order to regulate the masses.

Sometimes the impact of it is left ambiguous though. Like Dragon Age, where the Chantry's influence does both good and bad in the world, depending on what's being done with it.

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What games portray Islam in a negative light?

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no salvation outside the church brother

>>because christianity has been SO respectful to everybody since its inception
That's not how greentext works you reddit nigger

What happened in Hitman? Was there a goatfucker assassination or something?

Yea Forums

I know it's just bait but
>be God
>God loves you
>but doesn't like sin
>He tries to save you
>you choose not to be saved
>Therefore, you lose the benefits God allows you right now
literally a nice guy trying to let you into His house, but with some rules is all.

I'm not a theist, but people who are 100% commit anti-theists are unironically more retarded than someone who believes a space genie created everything. Because at least the space genie gives A possible answer to the universe came to be, while "hard science" types just believe what they hear from scientists, who have gone on record to state they don't really have any objective answers once you get to brass tax.

They did that because parentage was the only way they could understand how they were here. And when you start talking about the beginning of man in a society that thinks the Earth is flat and the center of the universe of course they're going to start thinking First Daddy made everything else.

Fact is we're only here because the conditions for life to form was an extremely lucky roll of several million dice, one of countless rolls on countless planets. If it hadn't worked we wouldn't be here to make up primitive stories to explain why we're here.

>the words in our holy book are the literal truth about the universe
>except the parts that don't make logical sense
>those are metaphorical
how convenient

>and if you don't do as God says you'll burn in Hell for all eternity

believing there is no god is still blindly believing something, so you're massive hippocrates

>haha I'm a cynical british man! That means I'm more sophisticated than everyone else cause of my accent!

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How was church today, lads?

>substance of his claims
Just because there happen to be a lot of gods doesn't make true that none of them exist. The man is a self-described militant atheist. A lowly worm. Banned me from his Twitter for me saying I was a little tired of him saying God doesn't exist.

About 90% of catholic beliefs have nothing to do with the bible. Its just reskinned paganism

how is making up an answer in anyway less retarded than saying i don't know.

Yeah, it's okay to attack the majority. White people, christianity, straight people etc. White men aren't a majority but they're okay to attack too because they have more systemic power. Also don't you remember all those catholic priests who allegedly raped those little boys and girls? See, all of christianity is evil. Ignore the literal muslim grooming gangs making entire houses full of child rape.

I like to think God is like that Universe thing in Futerama.


>we're all apes anyway so therefore I like religion and you suck!

Catholics made that up, its not in the bible

>a COMEDIAN of all things thinks he can criticize anything
Reminder that you're nothing more than a clown. You would be a court jester in the olden days

You dont get to decide that you fucking faggot. This isnt your safe space and nobody cares about how you feel.

>he doesn't know

There should be a subversive game where the church isn’t evil and, nvm that’s too edgy.

The reason you're not burning in hell right now is because God is coddling you and trying to get you to do the right thing. Hell is absence from God, and that's why it's torturous. It's not some malicious place He puts souls that he doesn't like; it's when He walks away from someone unwilling to be saved, and the repurcussions thereof.

Because they're made by gaytheists who can't into understanding religion. Also that's the most retarded quote I've ever heard.

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They also made god up.

Without a single exception in recorded history every human tribe waged war, raped and pillaged other tribes.

Just because everybody did it doesn't mean it's good.

It's realistic.

I'm an atheist and I despise retards like you, you smug worthless cunt, the only thing that makes you 'intelectually superior' to anyone is the colden calf you follow because you don't have any other kind of intelectual achievement in your life.
Neck yourself.

>be god
>outline in painstaking detail exactly what to do
>make it clear if you don't do these things you burn in hell
you know the terms of the deal, all christians and even non-christians do. Do the things or burn, it's a very simple concept.

>there have been nearly 3000 earths so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real.
round-earthers ETERNALLY btfo.

>player character literally falls into the underworld, wherein the monsters prejudge him as evil for being human
>has to choose between obedience to a parental figure or be cut off and go it alone
>entire game is about the player either proving right or wrong the notion that humans are innately evil and driven to sin
>you seriously think this has no relation to fallen man or original sin, even though the character is referred to as the "fallen human", "you feel your sins crawling on your back" etc.

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>"follow the prescribed path or your life will become a living hell"
>oh fuck why am I so sad, I wanna die :(
every time


>"user, come inside. There's a blizzard out there."
>"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"
>*freezes to death*

>Me? I think its pretty obvious which category i fall into
You're the only thing worse than a smug atheist.

>and the repurcussions thereof

which are?

>not believing in something because there's no evidence for it is the same as believing in something even though there is no evidence for it

Actually there is an exception. There is one ethnic group that has literally never waged war on anyone. You're not gonna like it, but it's

But the terms & conditions in your god's contract clash with the ones for getting into valhalla
What do I do now?

This trope is common because, generally, the church of the organised religion tends to be at least hypocritical. Most religions preach peace but at the same time, they are used to justify war. In Europe, many of the churches collect money and then spend it on fancy clothes, massive buildings, and extravagant clothes for themselves. What good does any of this do for an all powerful God? Little of it goes to helping the needy the church helps.

You have the Catholics that the leadership protects and allows their fellows to molest and rape children. But they are supposed to protect the weak and be paragons of virtue. I'm not saying they all do, but enough do and the catholic church clearly don't do enough to punish these activities. Typically they just send them off to the middle of nowhere and let the abuse continue.

Other religions of the world tend to get a pass because the writers don't know enough about those religions to properly pass judgment on them in their game. Or in some cases, they fear being attacked for criticism of that religion.

is there no way to call for the mocking of a belief with out assuming superiority to those who hold it? cause i think all humans suck but this sky genie bullshit needs to get called out and stopped in it's tracks

If god didn't want Adam and Eve to sin we shouldn't have put that fucking apple tree there

but I didn't make any fucking deal

My interpretation is that Churches, and most organised insitutions with hella influence, generally haven't been good historically. Catholic Church, orthodox, whatever.

If i wanted a tip id wait tables

That's probably how he really is. Only fedoras actually think he's just some old guy floating above Earth.

Wow, I've never seen seething on such a cosmic level.

>Just because there happen to be a lot of gods doesn't make true that none of them exist
I never made that claim. It's just a fact that not a single God has ever been DEMONSTRATED to exist objectively. Every god/angel/demon/daemon/spirit is 100% subjective. Its self evident unless you believe in superstition rather than critical reasoning, which is what religion (especially christianity) teaches.

Bro i really don't wanna get into a religion debate on Yea Forums, but the whole concept of salvation is flawed. The original sin thing is absolute bullshit. Why on earth should we have to pay for the sins for our supposed ancestor. Its literally the same as white guilt

>rather or not
nigger what?

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Also, the Jews and the Christians worship the same God.

>I'd rather be surrounded by people telling me I'm gonna burn in hell everyday than a single one of you fucking smug atheists
Based as fuck.
Fuck atheists
God bless those poor fools.

go away