Great story

>great story
>your choices actually matter and affect the story many chapters ahead
>awesome action sequences
>great stealth level
>actually makes you think about shit like AI and slavery and futurism
>even the main menu girl is a cute

And Yea Forums hates it because it's not bing bing wahoo or weeb trash

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fuck off with this shitty movie it has nothing to do with video games

This and Until Dawn are the only good movie games

>actually makes you think about shit like AI and slavery and futurism
Christ imagine being such a brainlet that you unironically think that

There are cute robo girls but the game was just ok
Made me want sexbots even sooner

Its not a fucking game

>>awesome action sequences
>>great stealth level

detroit would be so much better if they cut out 50% of the game which is slowly wandering around and clicking on stuff and if they made all the qtes automated. i can't be assed to replay the game it's so slow.

How come Yea Forums wasn't cumming all over the place when it came out?

half the game is slavery = bad, why do you think Yea Forums hates it?

Haven't played it but I can't picture a way to make me ever choose a robot over a human. They are toys. They can easily be replaced or fixed. And because it's a game about robots in 2019 I'm absolutely certain it will force the issue that robots are better than humans so at least a few humans must die. Boring. Why not have daddy issues in there too? Just really nail modern storytelling tropes.

I wanna fuck Hank.

I played through the game choosing maximum robot = tool options so I got all the bad endings and finished the game in 3 hours.
Never played it again.

And about as S U B T L E as a brick to the face about it too

Or maybe it's because its inclusion of it was written was so fucking horrendous, it was like a highschool freshman wrote it. That's why normal people hate it.

>And Yea Forums hates it because it's not bing bing wahoo or weeb trash
Nintendo boogeyman/jealousy, AND an irrational hatred of Japanese games? You're not subtle at all, ResetEra

>normal people hate it
Wait so you are telling me this might be a secret underrated gem?

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>Great story
>"What if Androids were treated like niggers"
Yeah, right

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>great story
It's a retelling of the black rights movements.
>your choices actually matter
most of them don't. only a select few do.
>awesome action sequences
You mean QTE's Something nobody likes doing and would rather just actually control the character instead.
>great stealth level
That's a bold faced lie.
Not when you can restart any point in the story it isn't.
>actually makes you think about shit like AI and slavery and futurism
Not really. Just slavery since it's just a retelling of the black rights movement.
>even the main menu girl is a cute
Yea Forums hates it because it's not a game. It's a tax right off for David Cage.

Nope. out and about pile of shit.

Quantic Dream is a great studio which makes good games with interesting stories. People here only dislike it because they have AAD and they cannot read more than two lines without feeling mentally challenged

Only Connor was great

are they still molesting the employees in the studio?

Connor was the best part of the game. Run was great. Android robotto trying to supress his emotions is the best outcome and the desired one. Everyone else can fuck off, especialy Hank Mc"Why the fuck isnt this machine human and doing its purpose, muh son got killed cause of a druggie doctor, FUCK YOU".

Cage a hack. I like dogs.

>great story
Really? I haven't played it but it looks like cliche "robots have feelings too!" garbage.

Of course it is. You're playing the characters, not yourself. In what world would Kara, the original glitch in the program, who has been beaten and destroyed so many times, ever see herself as a tool? Marcus was almost never used as a tool, and for that he either sees himself as Robot Moses or Robot Hitler depending on how you want to run him. The only time that mindset makes sense with the character is Connor, and arguably at that. If you follow the "good" route you discover that he's actually programmed to think he was making his own choices so he could eventually erase the glitchy programming by finding the source of it and destroying it-- and it's just extremely easy to fuck it up at the end unless you've been paying attention.

>great story
the parts with Connor are pretty good but the game overall is far from great, it's got shit dialogue for example
>your choices actually matter
unless you fuck up so badly that one of the main 3 gets killed, then no your choices don't matter, playing good or evil as Marcus has no real consequence for example.
>awesome action sequences
in typical David Cage fashion, they go on for far too long. Connor vs. Connor is the only memorable one and even then there's no interesting choreo or good direction.
>great stealth level
I literally can't remember what you're referring to, all the stealth segments were incredibly easy and getting caught didn't really mean anything
Not for Connor, and it's incredibly difficult to get the other two killed unless you purposefully go for it.
>actually makes you think about shit
yeah it makes me think about why unemployment is a problem if even scumbags like Todd can afford an android even two, why Marcus is fighting for the rights of non-deviants that are no different from computers, why Kara even cares about Alice beyond "her deviancy made her do it" and what the point of her story is, and why humans act like psychos toward androids when we anthropomorphize non-humanoid robots all the time.
>even the main menu girl is a cute
she was hotter as the bitch in Beyond Two Souls

it's not a bad game overall but considering it's David Cage's FIFTH attempt at writing/directing a game, with an amazing budget and total creative freedom, and the BEST he can do is "mediocre"? That's fucking pathetic.

>yfw the new Kamen Rider show has a more nuanced and less heavy handed robot slave plotline undercurrent

When Japanese kids show make a better and less cartoony example of a sci fi dystopia, you know damn well you fucked up.

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>most of them don't. only a select few do.

Not op, but you're full of shit. The option tree they post at the end of each chapter proves this.

The story may be contrived and tired but let's not outright lie about aspects of the game that can be proven with a google search.