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Other urls found in this thread:


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Also ironically this Dreadknight looks better than the actual model.

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based 'n WAAAGHpilled

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>dead setting
>geedubs is richer than it ever was

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Lemme just Chaos Gate this thread up.

>"The Emperor orders you to die."

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Chaos is the only true answer.



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>Come you aliens, show me what passes for fury amongst your misbegotten kind!

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>The only time until Space Marine where the Ultramarines are actually cool
Man Chaos Gate was fun. Pity however that your HQs can't be customized.


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>When a Librarian gets in a Dreadnought.

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and they have shit to show for it as far as vidya. we'll never get a game as good as dawn of war 2 was, might as well just play that till the end of time

>Librarian dreadnought
you have my attention

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how bout some moba action lads

Needs more seals

Chaos Gate should've been a series. 40K XCOM could've popped the fuck off. Look at how popular Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2 got.

Game was really fucking janky for sure, but the potential was there. Loved the fucking voice work. Gunning down heretics with your Ultramarine bros giving you lines like 'Die before me, Chaos traitor.' Good shit.

Chaplain i need inspiriration

>We have shitton of Dreadnought types and patterns
>We have Chaplain Dreadnoughts
>We have Librarian Dreadnoughts (even the 1K Sons got them and probably passed on the secret to the Blood Angels before Tzeentch claimed them)
>We never got Techmarine-esque Dreadnoughts

Presented in 5th ED, these guys caused a lot of commotion for how bullshit they were (as in pretty powerful). Namely not only they had Force Weapons like any other Librarian, but because they were Dreadnoughts, they could hit with S10 (thus killing anything with one hit, and that which did not got finished off with their force weapon). But the real bullshit was that they could use psychic powers. Especially Wings of Sanguinius which made them count as having a jump pack. Yes. FLYING DREADNOUGHTS. And all the bonuses that came with jump packs. Now in the newest Horus Heresy tabletop book they are getting a new Contemptor pattern that has massive lightning claws and dreadnought-sized jump packs. Blood Angels looooove jump packs and assaults.

Indeed. At least Mechanicus is in the same vein...kinda.

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Mechanicus was a bit of a disappointment.

Plus there wasn't an option to execute that tech-priest.


Can't have everything sadly. Still was quite fun.

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The Blood Ravens have that them.

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Why do necron warriors have morale

Blood Ravens are tainted for me.

DoW III that's what. Still love them though.

Eww, dude

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Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

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Deal with it, Boomer.

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Okay, I need someone who played DoW to answer me a question: were the eldar broken in multiplayer? I heard you can just keep teleporting bases into the webway and the boneshakers were the tankiest builders in the game.

am i on /tg/ by accident?
Is this a "post your warhams" thread?

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I haven't painted in a good while but here's the boy I'm most proud of.

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pretty good boy, you done well.
I always just went for "this army's painted, that's all that counts" sort of approach.
But I'm content with what i got

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>try to get into the Warhammer Fantasy universe and games
>the first 20 results in every platform are about 40k
>only get Gotrek and Felix recommendations

Here's your recommendations for all the good AoS games on the PC
>Total War: Warhammer

Join us /tg/ brothers


wait Total Warhams is End Times not AoS?!

It is, but it's shit. The last DLC fucked the entire game up, even if you don't own it. Sad days.

what happened? had no Internet connection for 4 months

>Tfw still play base TWW1 because fuck dealing with the insane bloat, instability, and turn time of the later version
Pirate vamps seems kinda cool but I can only deal with so much bullshit man.

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Long story short, they added a ton of unnecessary features, a gamemode with no real payoff, a new difficulty with no real extra payoff, Beastmen were added, a race that's on and beyond overtuned and just magically come out of thin air, like 30 dudes running from behind a tree like it's some kind of clown car, changed a whole bunch of skills which no one really asked for, one whole new map and one weapon for each character. The list kinda goes on, but the game is just in a very poor state right now, avoid like the rat plague.

Bruddas, I'm pinned here!

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Wait holy shit I'm fucking retarded, I somehow thought you were talking Vermintide since you mentioned End Times. Disregard everything I said.

haha, still thanks for the advice on vermintide

They were absolutely Top Tier, if you mastered fleet of foot micro, not broken though. a really good player can beat them but it's gonna be really really difficult

IG and Eldar are pretty much the best armies in OG DoW games

>trying to turn book pages with a giant power fist
that'll be fun, for sure

how about you permanently get raped by Slaanesh for eternity?

>head exposed
but why

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fucking lore noobs I swear to god

It's ideal universe for moba or hero shooter type of games, but the moba one was so fucking shit that it's servers were shot down when the game was still in closed beta IIRC.
Competent companies are not allowed to produce 40k games anymore.

We serve the Omnissiah!

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Orks would conquer everything if not for internal fighting, lorewise, right? Im sure i heard it somewhere

yes and gork n mork would stomp chaos gods but theyre too busy fucking each other up

Yes. If all ork clans were united, nobody could stop them.

With the new plastic models, I hope we'll get a good Adepta Sororitas game at some point

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>wants a game about space marines but women but without the cool space marine shit instead of proper ork arpg

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Now that I think about it I can actually see a 40k moba working in concept. Too bad they used the rts series to try it though, huge mistake for sure.

I wonder what it's like to have your skull become a tiddy cup. Doesn't sound all too awful, considering how much worse it could be. Anyway, Sororitas suck.

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Sorry I'm an old imperiumfag.

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Do the admech still jealously preserve the secret of "how to use ships autoloaders 101", or have the rest of the imperial fleet stopped using slaves to load their shits?

No. They had the potential to be more annoying than other races, but they were not overpowered. Eldar players rarely won tournaments.

Bonesingers are one of the frailer builder units. Imperial Guard Techpriest Enginseers are by far the toughest builders. However, Bonesingers do have some powerful abilities, for example, they can temporarily prevent enemy production buildings from functioning.

Boys become Commisars
Girls become Sisters of Battle

truly the perfect world(for an orphan)

stop posting your face everywhere

Say my name, SAY MY NAME!

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Think about this logically. SoB are fucking boring and the only good thing about them - their cool bdsm aesthetic is being washed away with new plastic sisters.
The ork game would be fucking cool, but it seems like no one really cares about orks.
The only hope is that Eisenhorn tv-show would release some day and it wouldn't be complete ass and maybe we will get cool inquisitor space opera like first mass effect
Boys can become stormtroopers too. There is actually tonnes of carriers for orphans. Missioners and shit

the average tau player
AKA constantly seething

>it seems like no one really cares about orks.
Orks, right now, are god tiers in tournaments. Saying nobody cares about them is wrong, my friends.
But in videogames, it's easier to make something about the Imperium, considering 50% of 40K players are imperial in one way or another.

I do like Orks by the way. They're fun. Honestly, the only factions I genuinely dislike are Tyranids and T'au. Especially T'au. I always found them out of place.

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need artist

I completely understand not liking T'au, but why 'nids? They're cute little bugs who just want to eat the galaxy.


>the only good thing about them - their cool bdsm aesthetic
you should get good taste

big thank

Next time check the actual image, it's literally in the corner. I wanted to call you an idiot and open your eyes but user already provided sauce. Idiot.

I dont look at corners

What else is good about the sisters? They are
former bodyguards of a perverted man and forced into military service by accident and it's kinda cool, but that's it.

>SoB are fucking boring
Nids are fuckin world eating vermins, Ork are braindead mushrooms that want to kill because they cannot do anything else, Chaos seeks to destroy reality, Necrons want to kill...
To be fair, only Aeldari (and Drukhari now) are a bit nuanced, especially with the Ynnari.

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well necrons actually just want their souls back

Hot Chicks in power armor. Do I really need to say more?


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Waifubait is terrible game hook.

>distant steel rehn noises

Devils .. Kill em all

Knifes out!

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>Been turning favorite video game factions into imperial guard regiments.
>Sharing them with my friends like I'm some 12 year old autist.

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Yes, just like pic related.
What's a good game hook when it comes to w40k?

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Now you have to share them with us

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The fact that they to-go tactic is "cover the entire battlefield in cleansing flame"

From what I have heard GW is afraid good video games would cut into their models market profits, so they guard their IP from any potential large scale video game success

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How can Orkz lose any battle when all they have to do is BELIEVE that they could win and that's it.

Let the record show that it didn't break.

I turned the COG from Gears of war into the "Seran Armored Infantry"
Carapace equipped Imperial Guard/ Planetary Defense with native-pattern auto-guns (Lancer).
And I also made the Helghast Line Infantry. Trench Rats with native-pattern Auto-guns as well with an emphasis on digging in and urban combat. I need to format the PDFs properly, but I'll probably put them up on /tg/ when I'm less of a coward.

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The idea that Orks "Win" as long as there are Orks left to fight. So even if there's one Ork left throwing a giant hissy fit at the Imperials shooting at him they consider themselves still in the fight.
You're only options is to kill every Ork or Kill the Warboss and let them try and make a break for it/ turn on one another. Humanity Pre Age of Strife actually had them pacified, so you can consider that a victory as well.

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It doesn't work that way
orkz are powerful psykers (en masse) but it doesn't mean their wishes come true

Technically yes but the infighting is what makes them strong in the first place, it's a survival of the fittest in every aspect of an Ork's life that makes them so ferocious and strong and ready for WAAAGH!

>What's a good game hook when it comes to w40k?
Big muscular dudes doing brutal things

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Webway gates had the following
>Projected control area, allowing you to place buildings.
>Increases squad cap.
>Can hold ten squads, shared between all gates.
>Healed nearby infrantry automatically.
>Can relocate buildings to their radius.
>Cloaked nearby structures (Tooltip said it couldn't do anything else while doing this, but that often bugged) which included turrets.

A decent strategy is to build webway gates fucking everywhere along with one or two infrantry buildings with the waypoint set to the gate.
Pros could probably counter this pretty hard but i tended to shit on my friends in our 5 player free-for-alls since i made myself too annoying to kill in the early game unless they banded together to hunt me down.

Orkz tech is garbage they shouldn't even be winning anything really.

They got passable autoguns and their swords can pierce through weak points of Astartes armor or even straight up cut through the Ceramite. Their tech isn't really BAD they're just retarded.

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Their guns can shoot (most of the times), their vehicle can move (most of the times) and orks themselves are tough motherfucker which put space marines to shame with their endurance and strength. And famous warbosses are very competent leaders and commanders mostly.
That's more than enough to win a lot of conflicts.
Individual orks are just really stupid and egoistic tho

>caring about tech in w40k
in one piece of the lore they say space marines look like blurs when they move and absolutely NOTHING can penetrate ceramite
then they put orkz killing space marines with literal axes

>old ones gave orks super brain powers
>ork runs out of ammo
>ork believes there's still ammo
>gun keeps shooting
Who the fuck needs tech

The parts where they say nothing can pierce their armor is usually fluff from the perspective of other Imperials or weaker enemies fighting Space Marines.
But yeah, a Space Marine is already fast, watching them in power armor fight is basically watching a giant human being move in fast forward on a good VCR.
But even the scrap Orks use for their choppas are made out of discarded metals, which usually means ceramite or adamantium.
In Helsreach, it takes a good couple hundred Orks to overwhelm a Black Templar during the battle of the Docks, and that was just one Astartes out of the squad of 11.

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Batul Brothas!

Spehss Mahrens, todeh the enemeh is at oua doar! We know oua duteh and we will do eet. We fight for our honor as Blod Rehvens,
as SPESS MAHRENS, and we fight in the nehme of the Empra!

And if we die this deh we die in gloareh, we die heroes' deffs, but we shall not die, no! It is the enemeh who will tehste
deff and defeat!

As you know! Moast of oua battle brothars are shtehtioned in SPEHSS, Pruhpeared to deep strike! Oua perimeter has been
pruhpeared in the even dat oua enehmies should be so bald and so foolish. We have plehced numerous beacons, allowing for
muhltiple, simuln-tehneous and devashtehting defensive deep strikes

The Codecks astartees nehmes this maneuvah Steel Rehn. We will descend upon the foe, we will ovawhelm them - we will leave none
alive! Meanwhile oua ground fawses will ensue the full defense of oua headkwaters

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Reminds me of the ork pilot and the tau
>Ork pilot crashes his plane behind tau lines
>Tau takes the ork prisoner because they are dumb tau
>Tau aircast looks over the plane and goes
>"No fucking way this thing can fly now and no fucking way that it ever could"
>Ork prisoner escapes, jumps into his plane and flies away
>Tau faces when

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>Tfw no dominant eldar gf

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>shitter can't even handle beastmen
Fuck off elgi

>But yeah, a Space Marine is already fast, watching them in power armor fight is basically watching a giant human being move in fast forward on a good VCR.
This piece in the lore has always annoyed me.
If Space Marines are fast, then what are Eldar supposed to be? Quake players using speedhacks?


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In universe, Space Marines are fucking nightmares, even to Aspect warriors. They're not as godly "over powered" as some secondaries would have you believe, but for an eldar to be whisking around only to turn a corner and be met by a Space Marine is basically a pants shitting scenario.
Something like a Banshee isn't necessarily "faster" than a space marine, but they're hyper agile and have response time faster than any human would hope to achieve.
They regard them as gorillas, but imagine being in close quarters with a pissed gorilla that knew how to use guns and knives.

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>for an eldar to be whisking around only to turn a corner and be met by a Space Marine is basically a pants shitting scenario.
Which is odd, because melee-Aspect Eldar are supposed to be the epitome of the path they choose.
It's odd that an assault marine that has lived at best for a few centuries can fend off a Howling Banshee that are supposed to be the pinnacle of melee combat for the Eldar and also have swords that make ceramite be as protective as a napkin.

Maybe it's just me being a faggot that loves Eldar but it's just odd. If SMs can fight off one of the most advanced races then how come they haven't demolished everyone else?

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>If SMs can fight off one of the most advanced races then how come they haven't demolished everyone else?
There are too many gits to krump.

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fuck forgot pic

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>How come they haven't demolished everyone else?
Codex Astartes, mostly. Remember that the Great Crusade, if you were on the receiving end of the Emperor's big golden cock, you'd be facing down like, 50,000 to 100,000 of them at a time, if not more. They were flat out kicking the shit out of every other race in the galaxy, and wiped out literally hundreds, if not thousands.
Nowadays you'd be (un)lucky if you ran into Space Marines at Company strength, since the Horus Heresy fucked the Legion Astartes. Though Imperial Guard aren't actually really slouches either, they can't do the nightmarish work of the Legions did.

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>Ork technology literally runs on hopes and dreams

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>they only hope and dream for war and fighting
I love Orks.

Sauce of that one?

I just want a game that shows off the power of a fully awakened tomb world damn it. I want Monoliths flying around everywhere while legions of warriors die and revive while the Overlord and his Lych Guard are teleporting and killing the leaders of whoever they are fighting.
I just love the Overlord Void Scythe. Strength 10, -4 AP and 3 damage.

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>love Necron's revival theme
>best army is literally just spam C'tan
Shit sucks, yo.

On the upside, C'tan have totally not psychic powers that can't be denied. But you're right, most lists need to be composed of at least two tesseract vaults and lots of fodder warriors, it sucks trying to do a lore friendly Necron Army.

>Imagine painting a vehicle red and actual going faster that one of the most advanced races in the galaxy

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No ya zog, blue an' yellow are da fastest! Lightning speed!

Do you guys think a 40Quake would work as a game?

Modern 40k marines company is fucking retarded. Even with guard as meatshield, fucking 100 at best shitstomps enemies harder than CSM needing cultist or chaos setup shit.


Its probably because Loyalists are actually tougher than Traitor marines. CSMs will actually run away from fights, they don't have the "Know no fear" rule. They're also using beater shit held together by duct tape and love.
Space Marines will drop down on you from a pod from space, shriek at you autistically, and then cleave you in twain with a chainsaw that doubles as a sword. They're also using Armor pattern that isn't jury rigged Heretic pattern shit.

The Imperium can't really rely on shit like summoning demons or using weird alien artifacts for obvious reasons. Space Marines have to be heroic as fuck. But that also doesn't include shit like gene warriors, abhumans.
It may have evened out more now that GW decided to make SPACIER marines.

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Orkz would probably be the only ones I can see Rocket Jumping, every one else would be too heavy or too weak to do it.

I'm pretty sure that 100 googoplex ants is enough to fill every cubic metre of the Milky Way galaxy with ants solidly.

Gonna go with the ants on that one.

but what if the space marines had prep time and access to 1 (one) dreadnought?

Somebody post that planet that has more guardsmen than there are atoms in the universe.

Space Marines go to Space
Ants can't go to space
Space Marine win

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>100 googoplex ants is enough to fill every cubic metre of the Milky Way galaxy
try every single particle in the entire universe

>ork presence: tiny
every fucking time

>It doesn't orbit the sun, it's marching around it on patrol
Old /tg/ was the best.

Has it changed this much in 4 years?

Not really. Still one of the better boards on this godforsaken website.

Sometimes tertiarys from tumblr show up and get pissy when someone isn't be a le epic rolld20 watching tard, but for the most part you can still talk about weird /tg/ related shit.

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The ratio of pure blood fa/tg/uys to cross-board tourists has dropped over the last decade.
It's still a great board, it's just stagnated a bit.

But it does though.

What doesn't make sense is that most of this traitor marines are from horus hersey era niggas. They are suppose to be "better", but jobs harder than Imperial Fist on jobbing duty when confronted by a modern chapters some at company strength at best. The only time they seem to win decisively is when they are first founding traitors who managed to trigger their win conditions early or have plot armored dudes like failbaddon.

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Can we just get a proper sequel to Last Stand first?
That shit's so fucking fun despite being simple, I can't believe relic's too incompetent to even capitalize on that,

If I recall, and this is a BIG "If I recall" here. But I'm 99% sure that Mark IV Maximus pattern is probably the -best- type of power armor a Space Marine can be slapped in. But the problem is that there probably aren't that many left, considering that Heresy pattern started showing up in the, you guessed it, Horus Heresy. Heresy is basically just boot legged plating from other patterns slapped and riveted together to work, sometimes going back as far as MK II and even MK I.
So the more common MK VII and MK VIII probably help out a lot with modern Space Marines.
Space Marines also have reliable supply lines, CSMs live day to day and are usually forced to Raid.
Hypnosis also has a big thing to do with it. Since Space Marines have "Know no fear" and generally don't second guess themselves in battle. CSMs will actually run away, like I said before, if they feel like they aren't winning. They're also butt fuck insane and incredibly unreliable. Whether or not they'll work properly in a squad together is questionable since Chaos is prone to working alone.
Now mix all this together with bolters that will rip right through your beaten up and charred 10,000 year old power armor, the chance of getting shot in the back of the head by another CSM, or just shitting your pants and making a break for it. Space marines as a whole are better war makers than CSM are. Which is why they summon demons and use cultists to begin with.

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here's my baby

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and my latest wip

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It should also be noted that orks have some of the best force field technology in the galaxy.
If I remember correctly in epic the forcefields of gargants are harder to take down than void shields, but once they go down they stay down.
And if not the best, at least the most creative, since they're the only race to regularly weaponize force fields using shit like traktor kannons, pulsa rokkits, bubble chukkas, smasha guns, shokk attack guns, etc.
They're also noted to have some of the best/most accurate teleportation technology, most likely as a result of their aptitude in forcefield technology.

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Looking good, my dude.

It all depends on the concentration of Orks. During the war of the beast, there were so many of them that they developed teleportation technology that worked on entire moons, and gateways that didn't use the warp, but gravitic corridors (like the tyranids, if I'm not mistaken, only more effective). Being able to bypass the warp is the panacea in teh w40k universe, and even the most advanced races can't do it.

Oh it actually makes perfect sense. When the heresy began the imperium was just testing new armor patters that were a big step-up from the previous designs. Three IRC all of them went into full scale production after the heresy. As for why they Traitors retreat and aren't as hardcore fanatics willing to fight to death it's because the "Know no Fear" rule is due to the post-heresy marines being psycho-indoctrinated to never retreat something which the Legion era marines never practiced which also is reflected in the rules of in HH where astartes are more human than anything in 40k

War of the Beast is so retarded even GW likes to forget it ever happened.

I'm not an ork player, but I think they deserve their moment in the spotlight, and war of the beast was just that.

>tfw tabletop is nonexistent where I am from and getting into it would cost probably thrice as much than usual
>the 40K figs I would want ain't even in production anymore
I was always shit at painting anyway

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have you fallen to Chaos yet?

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>the 40K figs I would want ain't even in production anymore
Please don't tell me you wanted some shitty forge world exclusive guard regiment.

Time to move places, I'd say.


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Real shit those Death Korps of Krieg FW models look fucking dope, I'd love to have them if they weren't like 60 currencies for a troop of 10 weenies. I don't even play Imperium but I would go to Korps in a heartbeat if it didn't cost all my life savings.

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Were the Kasrkin I posted made by Forge World?
Those look so good

The Dark Age of Technology pisses me off. Its existence makes every other faction look like complete chumps. Orks, Eldar, Necrons, Tau, none of them come close to what humans were over 20,000 years ago.

Oh sure guys, you can play as these pathetic little xeno races if you like, but just know that humanity already accomplished far more than they ever could, and it's only kinda an even fight now because all that old tech's gone. Congrats on barely standing up against a fallen empire with a tiny fraction of humanity's former power. Awesome.

That's right. Know your place, Xeno.

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The Eldar created Gods during their pinnacle, though.

The emperor could restore humans to almost peak of DAOT with his stashes of archotech but he didn't do it because that would only lead to another dark age. Also in the new Cawl novel it's shown the Necrons had/have tech beyond humans in certain fields.

So did humans. Ever heard of Khorne, Tzeench, Nurgle? Those were all created by early humans.

Its funny, because as soon as the age of technology ended and humanity was at its weakest, all those little xenos races gleefully attacked humans on all fronts without even thinking twice. The reason why the galaxy is one giant graveyard of extinct races now is because a bunch of alien niggers decided that there would be no repercussions for excitedly butchering humans and sending the Emperor such horrible psychic backlash that it gave him permanent PMS.

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All weak ass Gods. None of them have even eaten other Gods.

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based fuck xenos

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>doesn't come close to what humans were over 20,000 years ago
Nigger, War of the Heaven Necrons are no fucking joke.

Necrons were at least as good, probably better.
Their problem is that 99% of them are soulless unthinking machines, half of the 1% are fucking crazy, and all their active numbers combined register as a statistical anomaly in the galaxy.

In the defense of the Eldar, they are also a fallen civilization and have a lot of their old ways post Slan birth. Tau are a young species, infants when compared to the others, and they still managed to compete technologically with the IoM. Orcs tech in its own league since it doesn't have to follow any cohesive logic like the tech of other races

Xeno scum have no place in the milky way because it's for humans only. So fuck of before we blow you up.

Even at their peak Eldar were shit all their tech is literal hand-me-downs from the old ones.

are they really? Then why did they fucking cancel warhammer fantasy in favor a more skirmish-friendly game with sigmarines in order to "get more people into the hobby"

Because it wasn't selling well. 40k is selling well, so they have money. Was that a trick question?

Age of Sigmar is racking in a lot more money than Warhammer Fantasy.
Warhammer Fantasy was objectively better setting-wise and lore-wise, but AoS sells way more because it's simpler and, according to the people that play it, has better rules and plays better.

>Cawl had known Arkhan Land. Land was never happy with the name given his tank.
>A fragment of memory from a distant time popped into his head.
>‘Land’s Raider!’ Arkhan Land said angrily, that strange simian he’d cooked up in a jar jigging about on his shoulder. ‘Land’s Raider!’

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This Greater Demo- uh, Living Saint bursts into your home and demands your seed.

What do?

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That's old news AoS isn't the cash cow everyone though it was. The increase in income was all due to 40k getting more and more popular. The news of AoS making bank were all fabrications.

Is it true that Imperial Guard are the hardest faction to play in Dawn of War? If so then who's the easiest?

I'm not saying AoS makes bank.
I'm saying WHFB was making effectively 0 dollars.

then why not just completely reworking the ruleset while keeping the setting?
it seems retarded to me to cancel a game at the same time a major video game releases in the setting is taking place

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Unzip dick of course. With fervor.

Eldar, just like in the tabletop.

fuck her for the glory of slaa- the emperor!

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Because the game was already 30 years old and as fresh as a fat rotten shit.
I LOVE Warhammer Fantasy user, don't get me wrong, but everything about the tabletop game screamed "old".

>the Huntsman turned out to be a great expansion
How did they do it? I thought there is nothing you can do to make Lustria fun anymore.

>No servant of the Emperor shall fall if I can help it

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Does the Emperor prefer we do it missionary, or doggystyle?

he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
he get the geneseed bacc

opinion: this game is fun to play and if it hadn't promised way more than it could deliver it would probably be remembered fondly as a fun team based objective shooter

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The Emperor DEMANDS mating press sex to ensure impregnation.

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>take minor footnote in the lore and make a full faction out of them
CA is based

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>implying you will actually help anyone
>implying you aren't just following the squad to extract the geneseed and leave the corpses

wasn't this supposed to be planetside in 40k?
what happened?

Watch out for ork snipers, bro!

>make a fat OC bitch instead of giving wood elves sisters of twilight LL
CA is fucking trash

I will request that the Saint lock her legs around me for added effect.
So that if some Heretics or Xenos try to pull me away, there's an extra layer of protection in place.

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It wasn't funded by sony like ps2 was so they pretty quickly run out of cash facing such a large project.

I just noticed how few healer units there are in DoW

I actually really loved the voice acting in this game. Are the voice lines recorded alone anywhere? I love the Imperial Fist VA.

>be me, Dark Angel
>apart of one of the most outstandingly powerful and respected chapters there is, basically still a legion since the successors still swear loyalty to Supreme Grand Master Azrael and fight alongside us
>the best Primarch, Lion El'Johnson is our icon, and will return one day to lead us again on glorious crusades
>get to do what I want since the Dark Angels don't really have to listen to anybody but themselves most of the time
>get to live comfortably on our cool Rock asteroid base that puts that whimpy IF Phalanx to shame, also got cool knightly things and sword displays on the walls everywhere
>have a qt 10/10 big titty shortstack Watcher in the Dark gf and the Inquisition wackos will never be able to do anything about it because they'll never know, never.... and if they do, they 'vanish' if you catch my drift
>get to Rock around the battlefield with a bitching tabard while I make assholes repent
>get to call ourselves 'the first' smugly to other whimpy chapters like the Fists or the Ultrababies
>only real downside to being Dark Angel is that we have to machine wash our tabards a lot because they're fucking white and that shit stains with the oceans of enemy blood we drown ourselves in with easily whenever we go Rockin around the battlefield and bringing repentance
>there is also that Fallen shit but you don't get to know about that, just forget everything on this line
>our gene-seed is the most stable
>we're more armed, have more plasma and bigger and better swords than any other chapter
>we don't have any retarded ailments like those Blood Angel bints or negative attributes like those kleptomaniac Blood Ravens

If you aren't a Dark Angel or Dark Angel successor, you have my most sincerest condolences and pity. I feel sorry for your plight of having to be apart of an inferior chapter. Remember to repent regardless, it is within your ability and may be your only saving quality, if even that.

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>tfw the steel legion mod is the closest thing to video game DKOK

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There is also the Retribution DLC

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Ah, literally forgot about that one. Also:
>have the grenadier model already in the game
>stormtroopers stay the same

Attached: [muffled WRYYYYYY].jpg (849x589, 80K)

Based and Lionpilled
Also new WD says DA's are almost cartinly a legion now and are ammasing in the somnus stars to be the counterpart to the ultramarines in the imperium nihilus.

When are we getting a Kill Team vidya that actually plays like Kill Team? And more importantly, when is GW going to get off their asses and introduce an Arbites kill team already?

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the executions in this game were fucking mint
>melee stim myself and fuck up some leaping scorpion nigger
>stick my narthicium wrist chainsaw into his chest as he screams like a bitch

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For a second there I thought you were going on about the latest TWWH2 DLC, was going to ask what exactly was supposed to be wrong with it since I've been having fun colonizing the lizards and removing vampire pirates.

Think the Community Patch fixes that

Nah, nothing wrong with TWWH2, maybe a bit on the expensive side if you buy all DLC and a lot o powercreep on every single DLC , but they get toned down later anyway. Great game. Back there I was having a small brain moment and somehow got Vermintide mixed in, oops.


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>crying for the f*llen
future traitor

have to wait until marriage approved by the Emperor

Fuck you, this game is fun.

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If you add up all DLCs it's definitely expensive as fuck, though I've got over 1100h across both games so I can hardly complain about value for money.

Pick your flashlight pattern Yea Forums

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I Require Apothecary.


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Is the game dead?

Galaxy looks nice, but that Mars pattern is speaking to me.


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for me it's the commissar

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I wish I _was_ a cute eldar girl

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eldar males can also join the Howling Banshees you know

>can chose the love of the emprah but he forgoes it
You don't deserve to live.

Gib sororita fren

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I really wish BFGA had an empire at war style campaign. The battles are great but the overmap is shit
>Ai doesn't do anything, its triggerd to react to what you or to scripts

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Daemons of Khorne will eat you out like i cream sandwiches once your red rage beings.

Damn, Diomedes isn't getting pinned anymore...

>ice cream.
Forgot the "ice cream" part

I remember seeing that later expansions heavily nerfed accuracy while moving, making fleet of foot a straight upgrade, since you can't hit shit anyway.

the most based warhammer artist

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I rather be an ultrasmurf than bdsm fag that lives in a gay bar down GW.

I haven't read much Warhammer Fantasy besides Gotrek and Felix, but G&F is pretty fucking good, besides some fall-off in some later books.

>Not Youz

>glorious and desprates battles fought by normies and ridiculously op super soilders
>orks as comic relief villains who can still be a serious threat
>lovecraftian horrors from beyond the stars
>amount of lore thats equal to or more complex then the star wars EU
>some legitimately good story telling (though some is also shit)


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the chaos life ain't easy an easy life

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Most of the OG traitors are aspiring champions at least by now, your rank and file csm is some promising cultist hooked up with some approximately equal mutations by hereteks and slapped into salvaged armor.

No, but the models themselves got cycled out by new ones. I agree that they're the shit though, picked up the sergeant one just to paint it and I don't even play guards


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i keep going back to DC and playing chaos because i love them so much (cultists are annoying tho)
orks are cool too

Lol go get eaten by Tyranids you blue hardware store product

it is good but the lore inconsistencies gets on my autism
>nobody wears helmets
>forge world, but no mechanucis anywhere
>fighting by yourself half the time, marines mostly fight in teams
>orks calling you "space marine"
>everybody calling you space marine
>not Astartes

>Tau are a young species, infants when compared to the others, and they still managed to compete technologically with the IoM.
The Tau got their plasma and FTL technology from the Demiurge.

Literally who has ever disagreed, retard?

such a wimpy voice
chaos cultists deserve better than that

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Nobody wearing helmets makes a little sense, as you have an iron halo, the veteran sergeant is a chad and the snitch gets his damaged if I remember.

shut up boomer

Are the non-Space Marine books (ciaphas cain/ gregor eisenhorn) as good the Space Marine books?

this binary actually means something

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Guard books are, on average, the best of 40k books. 15 Hours is a personal favorite.

>he wants more 40k turn-based games
Explain yourself.

eisnhorn is fucking boring, i never understood the hype. it hardly has anything to do with 40k, if you just changed a few names around it could be a completely different sci-fi. the writer also really lowballs space marines and makes them barley stronger then normal guardsmen

id agree desu
>space marine ships are shit for some reason
>stupid "do this mission in 2 turns or you lose the game" timer

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An X-COM like game where you're storm troopers operating against a chaos or genestealer cult would be fucking neat. Have it to where it could be one or both of them happening at once so you never know exactly what you're going to get.

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>geedubs richer than it ever was
>yet the only good warhammer projects that aren’t figurines are almost entirely fan-made (dow mods, astartes, etc)
gw doesn’t deserve so much success

>Orkz tech is garbage

Are you telling me this trailer lied to me?

Did nothing wrong:

It was a moment of weakness:

Was fucked from the start:

Whining fuckboy

Not only did nothing wrong, but was actually in the right.

damn fine work, user


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i think you mean kurze. and he eventually an hero'd because he knew how fucked up he was

The call that saved the Imperium

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Made for Slaanesh cock

>tfw both Kurze and Dorn get killed like a bitch


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>Perturabo in Did nothing wrong
>Not in whining fuckboy

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It literally does work that way
Ork machines only work because they believe they work, once they fall into imperial hands they are useless

imagine literally being named robot girlyman

>petrabo did nothing wrong
>can into battle strategy to save his life
>wins by feeding guardsmen and marines into the meat grinder by the tens of thousands untill the enemy drowns in blood
>gets mopey because of so much death
>"this is the emperors fault"
>joins horus
>countuines to drown the enemy in blood
>"reeeeee the iron warriors have always been blunt tools of death and destruction why is everybody so violent"

is this coomer.mp4 but 40k?


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End of Evangelion?


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honestly ork sounds pretty fun to be around with

Whatever, next time try to have less people killed, we are running out of Penal Legions.

>mental image of a brave guardsman proudly telling his commissar he came inside a living saint

A bitch.

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>couldn’t even get diomedes’ original VA

Pretty sure that's all the result of the VA strike, usually relic has god-tier voice acting and that game was a hot fucking mess.

>He became Blood Raven's first primaris upgrade.

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Regular marines can become primaris?

what were they thinking with dow3?
did they want the franchise permanently dead that badly?

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>VA strike
oh yeah, that was a thing

why did that even happen

Yeah, Marenus Calgar of the smurfs was the first and now a shitload of them are upgrading. That said a lot of pure SM chapters, aka non-primaris ones, see it as being traitors/pussies.

Mobas. Mobas and e-sports. They focused on that instead of making a game their fanbase wanted thinking they'd get a new and bigger one.

There were pretty cool when all of their worlds were buring.

What is the name of that one Blood Angels successor chapters that don't show their faces to anyone?

More than a decade later I still don't know what was so important about that fucking flag.

wut game?

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It was a req point that gave the spehs mehrens enough req to steel rehn

I think that is 40K Gladius

Arbites are fucking useless and never should have became an Adepta

the SFX in battlefleet gothic are loud as shit

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>Aspect Warriors, an extremely varied troop corps of diehard specialists who are dedicated to their path and spend hundreds if not thousands of years on their paths, are now probably worse at their niche than a generalist Primaris Marine.
Eldar exist only to suffer. Even the Tau get more victories than them.

Magnus literally did multiple things wrong. The only thing that wasn't his fault was Horus intercepting Russ and telling him to kill Magnus. HOWEVER, you know what was also his fault? Refusing any and all communication requests from Russ on the way there and in Orbit. Russ DID NOT WANT TO DO IT. Magnus is literally the only one who undeniably should have known better.

Perturabo Also all interactions he has with anyone including Iron Warriors are some of the most self indulgent masturbatory interactions ever on his part.

Fulgrim, while he was trapped in the painting fully accepted Chaos even after he realized what it was.

Horus had everything stacked against him. It's hard to fault him when he had all four god's direct attention.

Angron it's entirely the Emperor's fault.

Cruze is also partly the Emperor's fault.

Logar is COMPLETELY the Emperor's and Malcodor's fault.

can you give me a quick rundown?

first heretic is non canon. the book was written by a retard who made the emperor into a schizo

>Eldar infiltrators are Rangers, Warp Spiders, and Striking Scorpions. All dudes with special gear and training
>Primaris just use Stealth Dreadnoughts

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So i guess we say that about all of the Emperor's mishandling of his sons? What did Desh'ea not happen either?

Hey Pert, remember Tallarn?

I loved how in Dark Crusade even the cocky Chaos commander was spooked by the Necrons.

>tfw want to play the tabletop game
>tfw no monies

Wut do guys?

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quick rundown

iv always had a cool mental image of how necron ships operate in space
>they dont actually have interiors , they walk about on the top of the ships with magnetized feet
>ship weapons are necons wielding huge canons
>pheron doing an anime pose on top of the pyramid firing huge lightning beams from his staff

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Kill Team is cheap. You can build a list for like 50-75 bucks.

Havent painted in a while but heres my buggy

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Anyone got Soulstorm on Steam and wanna play?

>want to play the tabletop game
you think you do, but you don't.

>Tell Ork that there's tons of warlords he can fight in Africa
>Oh fuck, he's doing really well
>Becomes the kang of Afrika in about a month
>Uhhh, I guess go to the middle east next?
>Takes his new followers with him and continues his glorious waaaagh!
>Runs that show in about 2 weeks
>Other countries get nervous try to stop him
>Just makes him more erect
>Continues his Waaagh! mostly at random, going after whatever country last attacked him
>This goes on for some time, until everyone is either dead, or joined his cause
>Countries leveled, billions slaughtered
>But at least you two rule the world now, so that's kind of nice

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I just personally want GW to find a way to combine oldcron and nucron into a perfect synthesis. I mean, the dynastic structure and power struggle is easy to reconcile with legions of undead robots that hate life if you write their hatred of Life into how they run their many empires.

>No game with Valkyria Chronicles gameplay where you play as as IG

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>play Total war warhammer 2
>chaos look like shit and generic as fuck bad guy unga bunga
>their most powerful unit is just a fucking reskin giant