What FPS games are must plays?

What FPS games are must plays?

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Fallout 4


probably doom. i don't really know. most are pretty similar to each other. it goes in trends.
like everything was doom clone. then everything was ww2 shooter. then everything was more modern warfare. who knows

half life

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postal 2

from top of my head
Doom 1&2
Duke Nuke 3D
Shadow Warrior
Half Life
Turok 1 & 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Serious Sam TFE and TSE
Red Faction
Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Call of Duty 1 & 2 (4 and 5 still pretty good)
Far Cry
Medal of Honor Airborne
Amid Evil

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This but black mesa

single or multiplayer?

- Half LIfe + Half Life 2;
- Unreal;
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault;
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

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would add battlefield vietnam

Most fps games released in the past 10 years have been shit. I hope you enjoy boomer shooters.

Despite what Yea Forums contrarian boomerfags say, there have been some good FPS games in the last decade. nuDoom, Wolfenstein TNO, Bulletstorm, Metro, Far Cry, Singularity, Syndicate, all pretty fun games. Then there's the nu-boomercore like Dusk, Strafe, Amid Evil, Devil Daggers

MP list would be quite different obviously
Plus you'd have to take into account how many people still play.

Extreme PaintBrawl

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Doom (first two), Quake 3, Half-Life, Half-Life 2, System Shock 2

Hard Mode: Name some good fps games made after 2010. Yea Forums seems to be stuck in a boomer time capsule

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Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3!

Operation Flashpoint
Rainbow Six
Timesplitters series
Quake 1-3

Hard Reset
Red Orchestra 2
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Shadow Warrior remake
ArmA 3
Doom 2016 (>inb4 "it's bad because it's popular")
Rising Storm 2
Amid Evil

>Half-life 2

I honestly wouldn't put it on a must play list. at the time it was cool, because, hey, more halflife, I waited 6 years for this!

but the shootans were pretty shite, really.

shooting is standard but decent. What turns me off in HL2 is constantly moving from setpiece to setpiece

Very Hard Mode: Name some good single player fps games made after 2010



Titanfall 2