Tick Tock Steam Epic is beating everyone into submission with their endless wealth...

Tick Tock Steam Epic is beating everyone into submission with their endless wealth. Pretty soon no AAA will ever come to Steam at this rate and the next Batman game will be Epic Exclusive!

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Yaaaaassssssssss We be rollin!

Oh Steam fanboys be sippin that Haterade r n .

Obviously but why would you buy a WB game at launch? They shit out billion's of DLC and took 6 months to make the end game of Shadow of War tolerable.

Who cares? Enjoy your bloatware faggots

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Oh boy steamie will seeth and cope in this one

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Stop being a nigger and buy your games Faggot!

So much this...

>buying games

Only a select few that I've pirated and loved.

are you guys really that bored with the typical console flamewars that now you are trying to start ones between online distrubution companies? bruh....

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Steamies seeth and cope as Chad Epic Games takeing over all PC gaming lolololololol

Atleast try to use your brain, the Epic version is DRM free and superior to the cracked version

I'm not interested in playing any of these "free" games so far, at least early humble bundles oozed with value and offered top tier games for their time

This. Epic actually make you own your game unlike Steam gay DRM. There is no Reason to pirate when u use Epic Store.

No reason to pirate and cracke games anymore. Epic Games Store is complete DRM free and better then crakced version. None reson not to use anything but it from now on.

what else is going on in their lives, user?
just let them quibble, it's all they have left.

Keep seeth and cope steamies.

You dont need to pirate games anymore dude see , Epic Games makes all games DRM free

Post yfw you have only claimed free games from EGS and haven't bought a single thing

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Go on lads.

Steam time is UP Epic is gunna Rule this House Tonight!!!!

Goodyou are using EGS That store uses all DRM free games and way better then stealing A-K-A piracing

The absolute STATE of Steamcels


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What Piracing is breaking Law so what is wrong


Why don't they spend the tens of millions of dollars they use to moneyhat devs into making a good UT game instead?

Steamies getting seethie

>That grammar
Hmmmmmmmmm... I think I gotta check my actual thesis here.

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

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>epic will take all the western shit
>steam will keep getting all the good eastern games

its a win win scenario.

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yeah because nothing incentivizes soulless corporate machines more than giving free stuff away

Batman hasn't been good since Arkham City.

>Buy your games
Epic gives me free games every week and daddy Sweeny pays for the rest of my games.
Imagine giving epic literally any of your money post ut2k4.

Hey are you the guy who keeps dodging the question whenever people ask why you do this with your free time? Why are you trying to make steamie catch on with your free time on a noodle board?

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>Actual EGS shills
Holy fuck i thought it was a meme

>get free games on epic
>Valve lose appeal so games have to be able to be re-sold
>Law expands to all online gaming
>Sell free games from epic
>Spend free money on steam

It's not easy when the Steamies are living rent free inside his head.

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You are retarded.
If ebin games are DRM free then they will appear on torrents in DRM free releases like GOG games.

Sadly Ebin Games shills are like Apple / Console fanboys, a fucking cult that will defend their pointless shit til death. Brand loyalty is aids, EXCEPT WHEN ITS STEAM XD