>playing GTA SA >get to Las Venturas >that mission in which Madd Dogg is trying to kill himself by jumping off a building >have to pick him up with a truck before he does it >as soon as the cutscene is over he jumps >mission failed before I can do anything >try over and over and get the same result >turns out a cheat I activated over a hundred hours before that made civilians go crazy has irrevocably altered this mission >can't finish the game now, gotta restart
What are your personal experiences in which a bug ruined your save?
>End up stuck in a room in Vorador's Mansion in Legacy of Kain: Defiance >A window was supposed to break but didn't, so there's no exit >Completely softlocked, would have to revert to an older save and lose like an hour and a half >I'm playing on PC though >Open Cheat Engine >Map out Raziel's position data >Clip him straight through the window >Took like 10 minutes >Proceed as usual
>play STALKER Clear Sky >just play >loading screens take longer and longer to load the more i play >save eventually gets corrupted >turns out quicksaving would gradually corrupt your save >lost 2 runs of 15hrs~ to this
Bentley Hernandez
Kinda similar to yours, op >That mission in MGS V where you have to rescue Huey from a lab inside of a hangar >Couldn't get inside at all >Thought I didn't fulfill a requirement so I killed everyone at the base >Still couldn't get in >Drove away for a bit and then came back in the hopes that something nearby didn't load properly >Still couldn't get in >Restart the mission >Did everything again >Still couldn't get in >Restarted the game >When I tried to enter the mission from the ACC the game wouldn't load in at all >Reinstall >Still won't load into game >Stop playing >Go back after a couple months >Still won't load >Have to delete my save file and start over I wasn't that far into the game but it still sucked. Never figured out the cause.
I used to plat Fallout New Vegas on console before I got it for PC. Whenever I was able to use a cheatcode to bypass a bug I felt like a caveman who just figured out that beasts are afraid of fire.
Wyatt Powell
In the Fable II quest where you have to give the gravekeeper Lady Gray's body parts. After you have the final piece, the quest marker leads you to the basement. For some reason, he didnt spawn, so the custscene didnt trigger. The door was closed behind me, I couldn't fast travel. All I could do was knock on the door over and over again in a vain attempt to escape. Had to reload my save and do it all over.
Cameron Rivera
Fuck, you just reminded me of that time I tried to play New Vegas on the PS3 and which finally got me to spend the money on a PC copy. I had all the DLCs, and has finished two of those, but after a certain number of hours, the game slowed to a crawl and there was lag all over the place, no matter what I did. I did some research and it turned out that the PS3 didn't have enough power to sustain saves after a certain memory consumption without lagging like crazy. Sure, without DLCs you could finish the game okay, but if you wanted to finish them all your system wouldn't be able to take it. I read that it happened to other people, but it could have been a problem on my part; I believe it was, because the idea that a game that is so unmistakably broken could be published and commercialized seems outrageous to me.
James Torres
Bethesda ps3 games are absolutely buggy to hell
Christopher Bennett
how many creepypastas do you think spawned from glitches
Isaiah Hernandez
Fallout New Vegas >that mission where you have to find some letters or whatever >the last one is in the field where the boomers spams their bombs on you >manage to reach the letter >very low HP >the second I pick it up, the game autosaves >half a second later, a bomb kills me >everytime the game is loaded, I get instantly killed >no backup save files >I have to restart the game after that, I always have two or three more save files
That seems like a good horror scenario of constant rebirth and death; I'm sure some time travelling movie must have done that before. I think Futurama did it once.
Charles Scott
>play Sonic Mania >get to the Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 boss fight >play Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine against Eggman >win >machine dumps both Eggman and Sonic/Tails into the abyss
that's y u rotate for bethesda saves senpai i always keep at least 5
Anthony Lee
Skyrim, a couple months after launch
It was the stormcloak quest bug, I'd done the main story and the magic college story and a bunch of side quests by this point, and realised I'd never picked a side in the civil war. Picked the Stormcloaks because they hadn't tried to cut off my head, and got the dialogue glitch with the jarl of Whiterun. It broke my save, couldn't do anything, interact with anything, tried every fix I could find on the web at the time and nothing worked. Killed my interest in the game, and no matter how many times and how many mods I've installed to restart, I've never been able to put in more than an hour without getting bored out of my wits because I've simply done it before.
John Ortiz
Two instances of missions not triggering in GTA >GTA: SA >Just got to San Fierro >The next story mission won't trigger >Restarting wouldn't fix it either
>GTA V >Can't activate Franklin's last side mission so I couldn't 100% the game
>the idea that a game that is so unmistakably broken could be published and commercialized seems outrageous to me >bethesda haha yea who would even support that kinda behavior
Ian Baker
>Prime 2 >get the Sonic Visor or whatever its called >try to use it to find the hidden locks to leave >shooting them doesn't work >nothing works >no matter how much I shoot, i'm trapped >last save was an hour prior >a week later come back and do the same shit and it works
I fucking hate Echoes.
Charles Hughes
I actually got a plat on 3 on the PS3 with all the dlc. The amount of times i had to get up and physically unplug the console due to freezes and crashes is at least over 200. There's seriously no excuse for a game to be as broken as that.
Christian Richardson
Liam Martin
In Far Cry 4, I had a weird glitch near the end of the game where I just had infinite ammo on all weapons. At first I thought it was part of the game, or some kind of cheat code I activated without knowing, but after searching on Google I realized it was an actual bug and there's no way to remove it apparently The game was already pretty easy but having to finish it with infinite ammo was just plain boring
Austin Wright
>play Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus on PC >reach FeeCo Depot >all doors are locked except to soulstorm brewery >saving every mudokon is impossible now, reloading saves doesn't work >restarted from scratch months later, thank Abe the game worked that time
Also >play Grim Fandango Remastered >get to the forest with Glottis >reach a valve/pipe puzzle >click everywhere, just a dark overlay appears with zero interactivity >game cannot proceed
Fuck you Double Fine.
Christopher Ward
>Playing skyrim > legendary no armor run > in the dawnstar sanctuary > exiy door has receded into the bloody wall. Cabt leave > previous saves corrupted I havent played skyrim since. Was 20 hours into that run
I know how you feel. Shit like that makes me never want to touch that particular game ever again. Like it's a matter of pride or some idiocy like that; it doesn't make much sense and I'm depriving myself of what could be a good experience, but the sight of that game is enough to make my blood boil.
Andrew Clark
>beat that quest >resurrect Lady Grey >I’m evil >she sees me and screams and runs away and despawns off screen never to be seen again
Jack Roberts
Learning CE can feel very rewarding. It's the swiss army knife of game modding. I've used it in so many different games to play around with game mechanics and get myself out of awkward situations.
Ryan Bell
Not quite gamebreaking or sure how the fuck it happened but i fell into the blue hell/underground somewhere in driver 2 and i had to restart the past mission or two, was really surreal because it was my first memory of a glitch and it sort of startled me at the time seeing i was 5-ish