Let's have a discussion about price of games...

Let's have a discussion about price of games. A lot of people have argued that pricing a 15 hour game at $60 is too much. They argue that such a game should be $30 at most and $60 should be the price of huge, long games like Breath of the Wild or for example on another platform something like GTA.

The problem with this thinking is that it ignores games have gotten more and more expensive to produce AND the price of games has been effectively dropping every year due to inflation. The $60 we were paying for games 20 years ago is nearly $100 today. It's not that smaller scale games like this are overpriced at $60, they're very fairly priced at that amount. Rather, larger scale games are UNDERPRICED at $60. That's why we ve seen the increase in things like DLC, microtransactions, season passes and online fees. It's to desperately try to profit at such an incredibly small price.

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activision released 3 remade games for 40 dollars

Why couldn't they just've made a game with actual content, say 60-80 hours of gameplay?

First of all you say 3 games but they're basically the same damn game and second it was very lazily made. They just upgraded the assets to HD and stuck it in unreal engine which caused quite a few issues. I doubt they spent more than a few hundred thousand on that.

You're not taking into account how much bigger audiences have become, so they're making a lot more than you say.

What you're forgetting is that if a game is fun and has enough skill to it you don't have to make a lot of content.
People will play the same game like Tetris for hours without any major production cost.
First of all make the game FUN.
We don't need story lines if they're just going to be shit anyways.
I play Factorio and as far as I can tell there is non story to it.
The game is fun because it challenges the player, not because it's a blockbuster movie with amazing CGI.

For me if the game is fun to play i'll pay any price if its complete

This, corporations need to feel the sting of a game not being good enough it to realize they're not entitled to your money and that any amount of a game being to expensive to produce is their fault.

>costs have gone up

Eh, I guess? If projects were managed better I don’t think it would be an issue. Tools are getting better and better and indie devs are able to do some pretty impressive work these days on pretty shit budgets.

This is not really true. Nintendos portables have always sold big numbers even from the gameboy. The audience for Nintendo games hasn't gotten much bigger.

Indie games look like dog shit and 90% are 2d platformers or 2d action games.

The stupid thing is that 40$/50$ prices are still much more affordable for common people out there.

By raising the price, you're pretty much limiting your audience. Less people buy it, ergo, less profit actually comes. It's not really worth it to price a game 60$/70$, especially if you're still cramming microtransactions by the end of the game. At the very least have the human decency to price it 40/50 and THEN add in microtransactions. Asking 60$ and then asking for more microtransactions? People are already expecting the FULL GAME at a price point like that. If you're gonna unleash that bomb that 60$ games are still not completely made, of course there won't be as many purchasing it. You're completely relying more on microtransactions and people who already played that game than the people missing out who haven't gone out to purchase the same game.

Sure, but even with that, I'd expect production costs to go down considering how expensive cartridges were to make back then.

Because most people don't have the time to play games that long, so most people don't want those kinds of games. If you do, then good for you, but not every game is gonna be catered towards you.

This remake is running on hardware not much more powerful than a Wii U, which wasn't much more powerful than a PS3. So even if we entertain the idea that you're right about game development expenses, you'd be wrong to apply the kind of expenses of a PS4 or Xbone exclusives to a Switch exclusive. It had a full roadmap to follow from the get go. It is a remake that does not demand huge production value and it shows.

Additionally, sixty dollars has been a longstanding standard in game pricing because games have been overpriced for ages. Some games used to sell for over $100 until consumers caught on to how scammed they were getting. Most major game releases, with their sales being identical, would still be making a major profit at $40. Anyone providing rationale for the state of DLC, micro transactions, and season passes is sucking corporate cock hardcore. Video games are more profitable than ever before.

It's arguably hard to live to nowadays knowing people are now purchasing the same game I've had during childhood (LA in this case) for more. Inflation shouldn't have anything to do with it, as a fan of the original game, the only way you're compensating yourself to think that the extra dollars are going somewhere is probably by very small additions asides from aesthetics, which we've already seen the Switch pull off much more extraordinary feats than LA itself. Is the content there? It is, so at least that's worth some of the price, but the game still is essentially a remake of a Game Boy game. Games already used to profit a lot back then, what makes nowadays so different? Huge production values? Nigga, you're handling better tools than you had BACK IN THE ERA. Making games like Link's Awakening in a fucking Game Boy was already a feat, with that kind of chip tunes.

Of course inflation is relevant you tard. For example, low wage jobs in my state 15 years ago were generally paid about $7 an hour, today they are paid $10-11. Money is not worth as much as it was back then so of course the prices of things rise.

Government should mandate price controls for games, and limit the ability to make things like lootboxes.

That's a good way to make investors get out of the industry and dramatically reduce the amount of games.

>a 15 hour game at $60 is too much
Not really. I'd pay 60 bucks for a brand new Platinum games, and those rarely last more than 15-20 hours. The problem with LA is that it's a 1:1 remake of a game I already know in and out and played extensively, now with performance issues. There's literally no reason for me to pick it up, I've already played it.

So an actual positive? Nice.

>but they're basically the same damn game and second it was very lazily made. They just upgraded the assets to HD

and how is this not the case with LA?

The art style is completely different. They probably tried out and scrapped a bunch of different concepts before deciding to go with this. I'm willing to bet Activision reused assets as well. Finally, Nintendo actually added a new feature to this game with the custom dungeon mechanic.

i got 3 spyro remakes for 40 bucks so im not paying 60 for this, even sony is only charging 30 for medievil remake

its a 1:1 remake with the chibi art from the original now in hd you delusional faggot.

3 games, $40
>muh dungeon maker

>but they're basically the same damn game
>it was very lazily made
nah fuck off

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>incoming more 60 dollar chibi gameboy remakes

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Are you just being stupid on purpose? It's using a toy aesthetic utilizing tilt shift, something very few games do. First of all, the idea of using tilt shift for a Zelda game isn't something they randomly pulled out of their asses one day. They definitely tried a lot of different ideas before they got to this. But second, this isn't something they have experience in. I'm sure it took a lot of tweaking and redesigning assets, DoF, lighting, textures, etc. To get this to feel right.

It's completely incomparable to making assets from another game HD (while likely reusing assets for background elements) and then sticking them in unreal engine.

I own the crash collection. I enjoyed it a lot. It's a very lazy remake. It doesn't even really look like the original crash games, probably to make it easier to reuse assets from other hd games they've published.

So you're trying to say this game costs a similar amount to produce as breath if the wild.

No. No it doesn't.

No I explicitly did not say that, you didn't even read the post. I said that games like BotW are underpriced at $60 and that's why it has $20 of DLC that should have been part of the base game, to effectively increase the price to $80.

you're making an awful lot of fucking assumptions there

at the end of day, minus all your buzzwords, we get a $60 1:1 port that doesn't add any significant experience over the $5 original on VC. at the very least the crash and spyro collections were a good value compared to buying the PS1 originals

>It doesn't even really look like the original crash games
>probably to make it easier to reuse assets from other hd games they've published
name a single reused asset, and no, I don't mean the characters or objects that appear in all three titles. Find me instances of them actually reusing shit from previous games just to fill content in the remake

>the price of games has been effectively dropping every year due to inflation
>larger scale games are UNDERPRICED at $60
lol economics 101, supply and demand.
games sales are higher than before. saying these companies who only care about their bottom line is somehow selling games at a loss is such a retarded statement.

breath of the wild turned a huge profit with its 60 dollar price point so I don't see how you can come to the conclusion that it's underpriced