Code Vein

user, you're not too poor to give up your precious vital fluids for a free copy of Code Vein, are you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't like to donate to the Red Cross on principle but yeah for what is basically a free 60 bucks I probably would

Would they have sexy nurses there?

Only if the nurse is cosplaying as a sexy Io.

>don't live in a spic infested liberal shithole
>can't get free video games
Wtf I hate Code Vein now.

Wait what? they're giving you free games to donate blood?

I see you poorfags there

why can't the finnish red cross hit me up with a deal like this.....

Would do this if I wasn't on the other side of the world. Take my shitty blood.

and since this is a CV thread, what's the season pass? Expect Dark Souls 2-3 quality or just dog shit?

I'd have to spend the game's price in gas just to go to san diego, also
>red cross

>america only
>only one location

>Expect Dark Souls 2-3 quality or just dog shit?
If they go the god eater way then it would like 2 big expasions rather than just new areas

Wonder how many AIDS ridden degenerates will show up cause that will totally defeat the purpose.

Isn't it illegal to give any form of compensation for blood donation in America thanks to the Red Cross being fags about their monopoly on blood collection? How are they doing this legally?

>San Diego
there going to give you AIDS bro

You know blood gets tested right? Also
>having sex

>only in one location
>not near me
based retard

Can I donate semen instead?

I could make that drive, but the cost of gas going both ways would be more than just buying it

Plus I doubt anyone wants my shitty blood

>advertising it with Io
My blood will remain mine

Giving blood is awesome, it's a free 6000 calorie workout.

>code VEIN
>blood travel through veins

I wish stuff like this happened here.

You don't get shit here for donating blood or semen and donating semen even has forced rules that children can contact you.

Man I already give blood, where's my copy?

Don't donate either one of those things. Sell plasma. $400 a month ez.

More costumes for companions, new blood codes(New spells) and i suppose new locations (Abyss of Fire/Thunder/Ice. Which means 3 expansions).

Does this apply to Canada?


Sure. Just pack a lunch for the drive down.

>donating blood in the state where giving hiv infected blood and knowing about it is legal

That seems pretty expensive, more than the actual video game if my math is correct.

>San Diego California
They all have AIDs so they won’t ever have to give away a code and look generous by offering a new video game for giving blood. Brilliant marketing maneuver.

>nearly at my 50th blood donation
>all of them were for free because uk
Well, that is almost correct. At 30 I got a shitty little lapel pin and you could probably swipe a pocket full of biscuits on each visit if you were feeling petty.

I have to wonder if this board really is plagued with literal retard children. Blood is egregiously tested for both AIDS and HIV and has a 12 month waiting period before being used in hospitals just so that screening is accurate.
I get the haha funne aids joke lmao but you are seriously retarded if you think that's an actual risk anymore there are a shit ton of protocols in place to prevent that.

>donating blood that you can't ever get back
>body doesn't produce more blood
>die of blood loss

nice idea retard

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>he doesnt know blood is stored in the balls in case of a emergency blood loss

thats why women lose blood every month, they have no balls to contain the blood

>nothing on bamco site
>nothing on bamco twitter
>nothing on code vein twitter
retards in this thread

Huh, an event I can actually go to. Red Cross has been pestering the fuck out of me about making another donation ever since I donated once at my high school so I may as well go. I don't really care about anime Dark Souls, but free shit's free shit.

They didn't test the blood for AIDS user, they give you a questionnaire to fill. The test their conducting is to determine the blood type. Blood test takes hours to complete.

Nigger what?

based double retard

Gochiusa did something similar to this, you got a free poster.

Attached: 1482984557084.jpg (1200x900, 320K)

You fuckin' idiot.


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What’s the promo blood code?

Look at this dood

>shitty blood

Virgin blood is probably the most valuable. 100% STD free

Is that how it works in america? i need to do an hemogram first if i want to donate blood in my country.

>link directly in the post
Nigga you blind?


>promo blood code

It says blood kit, so probably like a goodie bag with concept art or something in it

Can you imagine having game content exclusive to a one day, 6 hour event in southern california

Oh yea that’s true

>You can only get AIDS from sex
lmao at the american education system

>Can you imagine having game content exclusive to a one day, 6 hour event in southern california
Given indie devs these days I can 100% imagine that and I bet it's already happened

I want nurse Io to gently nibble on my arm while lovingly staring at me with her large amber eyes!

No, its not how it works.

You are a fucking moron you troglyditic bitch. They collect it sure with just a questionnaire. They test it off site from the donation station you absolute mongrel.

Cant fault the concept here, its thematically linked to the game and has the whole "for a good cause" element as well.

>game gives you AIDS

This makes way more sense than it has any right to.

You are right I got AIDS from your post. learn something new every day I suppose.

imagine being this retarded

Probably not. Probably overweight Mexican and black women with shitty attitudes that hate their jobs

Can I get arrested for giving my blood if I'm gay? How would they find out I'm gay since I'm still a virgin?

No you can't get arrested. That law is functionally retarded and they literally have no way to tell whether you are a fag or not. Just don't donate if you think you aren't free from disease. Otherwise go ahead.

Yeah trumps secret service arrests you on the spot and ships you to gitmo

no of course not you retard

You guys know you can go donate plasma right now and make like 60-75$ and use that to buy a game for “free”

I pay my rent by selling plasma

yeah but that gives you tracks, no fucking thank you

How many times a week can I do this safely?

What the fuck

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i wish, all forme of bodily donations are unpaid here.

it's bullshit


>go donate plasma right now
based triple retard

Spicnigger from SD here.
Might go to the event but never donated blood before. Do they usually have requirements or restrictions to be able to donate? You guys keep saying they even let people with aids donate. is that true?

I think they only let you do it once a week so 4 times a month. Some places will even pay you more for for doing it multiple times a month

Wish i could donate if wasn't because i got hepatitis a when i was a kid

No lmao. And even if some aids riddled retard manages to donate. that blood will never get used because it will never pass the rigorous testing blood undergoes before use in hospitals.

If you are a virgin you CAN donate. You can't donate if you had sex with the same sex in the last 12 mo. Ican't as I literally took it up the ass 5 mins ago. Still got cummy in my bummy.

They’re gonna ask you embarrassing questions like have you had sex

But seriously just look up some info. They’ll tell you what to eat/drink or what not to eat/drink beforehand

>A-cup Io.jpg
WTF! what happened to big tits!?

Marks on your arm that usually mean you've done a lot of heroine

Needle marks stick around if you keep getting them in the same spot. Called "tracks." See it all the time on heroine addicts.
t. lived in a shitty neighborhood most of my life

They literally have no way of knowing whether you did or not. The law is retarded in function and serves no purpose.

What is unclear brainlet?

I would do this in a second if it's real.

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Wtf are tracks?

They test your blood when you first register

I am sorry user I have never had much interaction with heavy drug users so I was not aware of the lingo. that does not make me a brainlet.


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stages in mario kart

I know. I'll rephrase. That user can and no one would have a problem. I would be turned away if I was truthful.

>sen. wiener


id rather save it to make ammo for my plasma gun in 30 years

I used to regularly donate blood myself. Wish this was happening elsewhere.

Damn, I would give my bodily fluids for those.

Scars where they stick the needle in. You don’t get track marks unless you’re sticking yourself everyday like a heroin junkie. Which wouldnt happen because they don’t let you donate if you have any marks that haven’t healed

>it's bullshit
Until you die because you couldn't afford the blood transfusion because some faggots want $$ to pay for his video games

Better not post this on resetera or all of those will be there

>tfw i always thought donating blood cost money because of a shitty fundraiser my high school did every semester and am only now, six years after graduating, finding out YOU get paid for it

based retard
Also unlike in her normal attire, she is wearing a proper shirt here

That’s not true, when I went the doctor told me he had to look at my anus before I donated

Not all of us live in india

Yeah, what gives? Why do all my doctors have to deeply inhale the scent of my taint before taking blood?

It's a great deal and it's a pretty interesting campaign, I'd donate some blood if I lived there.

I'd donate my blood if Io donates her milk.

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You can play Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon right this second and get free PLASMA.

Attached: PLASMA.jpg (474x355, 22K)

I know it's a vampire game and all but that's a really fuckin weird marketing campaign

>golden mask
great what's next, golden blood veils?

Australium Queenslayer Greatsword
Australium Io garb
Australium Lost Wrench
Australium Sunset Pan
Australium Cruz

I'm not a mutt.

You know women aren't milk factories right?

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What did RC do?

I have to say... THAT IS BASED. Too bad I don't live in San Diego or I would actually do this.

They sell like 70% if their blood donations for profit

A chance to get them in the new game mode revenants vs machine? (Only with the vein of duty ticket)

>Isn't it illegal to give any form of compensation for blood donation in America thanks to the Red Cross being fags about their monopoly on blood collection? How are they doing this legally?

Because this is sponsored by Red Cross, their logo is even on this thing.

The Red Cross is what lobbied to make any form of compensation for blood donation illegal, user. Did you misread my post?

You know the character isnt real to begin with, right?

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But is not illegal that? Donating blood and shit is free in the most countrys.


rules for thee, but not for me.

watch all the weebs come out to give blood that day and it would be so successful that they run outta copies of the game to give out.

>red fucks lobby so people can't get money for donating blood
>donations go lower and lower since people dont give a shit
>they now need shit like code vein to step in so they can get some blood
go figure

unironically this, why are people so fucking stupid

>give away free copy of game
>but only at one specific "media influencer" event in one specific city
gee thanks for giving e-celeb shills a free games, scamco, enjoy the publicity of a bunch of SJWs and trannies cry about how evil and misogynistic your game is.
also red cross is run by sleazy crooks.

It's a fucking PR stunt you moron, anyone thinking otherwise is a retard. Same shit happened many times just like Tracer ass outrage which comes to mind. Now stop overthinking this shit and stop being manipulated by this shit and giving them free publicity.


No fucking shit its literally PR, but they could've done this in a different way, but then again I guess not cuz the red cross are such cocksuckers and dont allow anything cuz MUH MONEY

I'm way the fuck out of the loop here. What was this outrage? Because Tracer has no ass. I'm a man who loves petite asses. She doesn't even have that going for her.

It's always nice to see stuff like this happening. I remember one happening for Grand Chase but I was old enough to donate. Didn't something like this happen for Bloodborne as well?

>donating blood in california
i thought gays aren't allowed to give blood?

In overwatch beta she had a hero select or victory (I forget) pose that was her looking back over her shoulder which gave you a great view of her ass. Some people supposedly got outraged over it and there was a lot of arguments for like 2 weeks about "sexualizing charecters" or whatever dumb gay shit. Then blizzard changed it by just having her lift her foot in her pose which did nothing to change the ass at all but does look cuter so whatever.

Only if they had sex in the last 12 months. Or, you know. Lie.

>great view of her ass
Literally flat as a board.
This is coming from someone who thinks the Code Vein FeMC's ass is great. I like small butts.
Tracer literally has no glutes. She's missing the muscle.
So yeah, I believe the part about it being manufactured outrage.

>a virgin
literally how

this game sucks and i'm not american so no

They dump it if it's infected.

Japan can't shake the idea that other nations are as small as theirs.

Tracer has a cute, petite ass.

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Most countries smaller than the US can't grasp the idea of geographical distance being a massive financial obstacle.

$60 game for a pint of blood isn't such a bad deal TBQH and it's doing a good job of raising awareness.

All texture. Show a side view.

mostly just low self esteem

Illegals aren't allowed to donate so you might be in trouble.

>They give you a free copy of the game
>It's Xbox One copy

>Scared of needles
>Don't even know my bloodtype
Not cut out to be a bloodbag desu.

I think they'll probably just give you a code to redeem it on whichever storefront you use.

Can someone just do it and confirm?

Not too poor to donate blood but I am too poor to fly all the way to California to donate blood.

>Don't even know my bloodtype
Nigga you won't be able to date anime girls if you don't know your bloodtype, that's one of the most important things for anime girls. and japanese girls in general for that matter

Just tell a Brit that going across the US is like driving to Russia.

>body doesn't produce more blood
This is most likely bait, but there aren't retards that believe this, right?

I live on the east coast so my chances of meeting a Japanese chick are drastically low. The only thing we have down here are the chinks who run the chinese restaurant.

>San Diego is like a two hour drive
Literally so close, yet so far.


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source or it's bs

Also its downtown so parking will be like 15 bucks.

Why are you scared of needles, user? It's just a pinch and you literally don't feel anything afterward.

I already do.
Gave marrow once, never again.

How does O+ work out for those anime girls? 100% virgin blood too.

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Because I used to get stung by bees and wasps a lot as a child.

Man body. Twink man, but man.

>give blood for videogames
>vampires arent real

This is cool. I think.

Literally the most common blood type, average Joe, mass produced shit. Nobody wants your ass.

Here's a better question - why do nips give a shit about blood type? Does anyone who isn't a nip even know their blood type without looking into their medical record?

That's unfortunate. Bee and wasp stings are different than needles though, given that they inject venom at the site. (And in the case of the bee, leave their stinger in there.)

>Here's a better question - why do nips give a shit about blood type?

Because it has a lot of influence on your personality retard

I'm O+, but I also used to donate a lot. It's just like westerns and horoscopes. People care about dumb shit.

What kind of men are you hanging out with that look like this? Even skinny ones.

A book back in the 80's I believe was really popular in Japan that advocated the idea of blood type as a horoscope/astrological sign. It exploded and became a mainstream staple, just like how the greek zodiac was re-popularized in the west at around that time.

>first comment is some subhuman not understanding its a waste of oxygen and not everyone wants to be miserable as it
the good thing is that amerisrael is gonna nuke itself

t. brainlet

>Because it has a lot of influence on your personality retard
ye just like ur zodiac lmao

You can compare your bloodtype and the bloodtype of your waifu here

About 0+ in particular:

-- Realistic -- Good at developing economic concepts -- Vigorous at earning a living -- Strong in face of adversity -- Romanticists -- Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach -- Ambitious -- Go straight toward their goal -- Have leadership ability and often take care of younger people and people below them -- Very cautious -- Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead -- Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize

Partner who is type A – Type O person always wants to take the lead for type A person. They are a good combination.

Partner who is type B – They can talk freely and openly and have a comfortable relationship. However, type O person gets confused by type B person’s moody personality sometimes.

Partner who is type AB – Their thoughts are a match. However, if they are in the same “arena,” they compete with each other strongly.

Partner who is type O – They cannot understand each other basically, and they feel alienation easily. It is best not to get too close together.

Blood type harassment, called "bura-hara" (wasei-eigo: a portmanteau of "blood" and "harassment"), has been blamed for bullying of children in playgrounds, loss of job opportunities, and ending of happy relationships.

Many people have been discriminated against because of their blood type. Employers ask blood types during interviews despite the warnings they have been given. Children at schools have been split up according to their blood type. The national softball team has customized training to fit each player's blood type. Companies have given work assignments according to their employee's blood type.

Attached: That'sRight_Saitama.png (1920x1080, 3.95M)

Nips are superstitious. Your bloodtype has about fuck all to do with your personality as dead stars, but it's their version of astrology.

Nope. She has the body of a small, cute tomboy.

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I mean, I'm aware. I've had my shots, had blood tested (though they didn't tell me my blood type,) and I have to work with needles at times. But a phobia is a phobia, and it causes my heart rate to shoot up regardless.

So basically nip girls are actually NOT any better than white girls. Blood type is to nippettes as astrology is to westernettes.

Prove me wrong fuckboi, it's the most common blood type in the world.

Why do you fucking weebs idealize such a backwards shithole?

>It's not real cause cause l3ddit told me so !1111

ok buddy

that's awesome, too bad i don't lieve in commiefornia

I've never seen a western women who takes zodiac into account for dating.

Pretty sure reddit buys into that garbage user.
Go shop for more crystals faggot.

2 words
Anime tits

selling plasma isn't easy. I have permanent scar tissue on the only vein that was easy to hit so now drawing blood is and will be a huge pain in the ass for the rest of my fucking life

this just punishes people who give blood for free and can't give blood for the promotion because you have to wait 3 months between donations.

>backwards shithole that has cleaner streets, nicer people, and an actual culture unlike any place in the USA

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You haven't talked to any, though, so that makes sense.

This made me chuckle more than it should’ve.
Here’s a (you) sir

>they pay you
how is this a fucking donation?
God America is fucked in the head, they literally have to pay people to do charity.

That's why you only donate when there are free goodies involved.

No, I just live around Christians who have an entirely different set of superstitions than the "spiritual but not religious" city liberal types.

How much have you done for charity Ghandi?
You'd do it if you got paid for it too. Get off your high horse spazoid.

Fuck, that's just as bad. I'm sorry user.

I'm in the same boat user. Considering going though. Wanna carpool?

I've given blood over 20 times all for free.
I just can't imagine them paying people when it's literally the easiest form of charity imaginable.
It's not like you have to do anything, they put you in a chair, it takes 6 minutes to squeeze out the 500-600ml of blood and then you sit down and rehydrate.

How do you pay people to do that but then get people to work at soup kitchens or dog shelters for free?

What's funny is that San Diego is in a position where it's easier for a Mexican to come up from Tijuana and get a free game than for the majority of Americans.

It hurts and costs you time, the most valuable resource of all. Why would you do it for free?

Wait, is it actually illegal for homosexuals to donate in Cali?

they give you the mike pence treatment first

It's pretty faggy that you are infatuated with a gay chick.

The red cross won't take blood from people who have had sex with same sex in the past 12 months. I don't know the legality of it but yeh.

Why though? is it an aids thing?

>It hurts
the prick they give you to test your iron-levels beforehand stings more than the actual needle going in, the needle barely hurts.
>costs you time
like 30m tops including the rehydration time after
>Why would you do it for free?
my country chose not to pay people in order to filter out hobos and pozzed weirdos before they even step through the door.

Yeah, it's an AIDS scare thing.

Man, I WISH I could give blood...

She's not gay.

Pozzed weirdos are more likely to do virtue signals like blood donation in the first place.


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>like 30m tops including the rehydration time after
Hate to break it to you, but most people in the US probably need at least another half hour for the commute back and forth. When you have maybe 8 hours in a day at best to do all the shit you want to do that's not work and sleep, that's a big investment.

Wow, you can tell he's a Jew without even looking at his name.

That company got shut down by the FDA.

gonna slit my wrists right next to this and shout "checkmate sickfags" as i die, that'll show them

I'm an anime fan, which means I'm a homosexual. Will they still take my AIDS blood?


If you are being paid for your plasma or blood, it's going into some kind of product or research. (there are beauty products that use plasma) if you are not being paid for it, the plasma is being used to save a life.

But that's wrong, they are literally breeding sows who belong in milking factories, not in the traditional workforce.

>can't donate blood if a man and had sex with men
>been raw dogging trap/tranny boipucci due to being forced by society
>donate anyway
You get what you deserve

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it's because homosexuals are far more likely to have a blood-borne disease (not just aids) because penis to anus sexual intercourse creates tiny micro-tears you can't see.
In contrast, unprotected vaginal intercourse or lesbian scissoring doesn't.
If they allowed sexually active gay people through, they'd literally be throwing out 90% of the blood they took from those donors.
It's not illegal and it's not about being gay.
If you're a virgin you're allowed to donate.
If you have had sex with another man in the last 12 months then you can't donate.

Also you can't donate if you've been with a sex worker, acted as a sex worker or gotten a tattoo (can't remember if there's a time limit on these)

Tattoos take a year I think.

dystopian vibes

You know people aren't blood factories right?

they still test your blood before anyone gets it user.
All you're doing is wasting your time if it's bad, and if it's good they're using it and it helped people stay alive.
When you give blood they take like 2 or so vials of samples separate from the bag, that's what they use for testing.

The preliminary questionnaire is only to weed out retards who are likely to be pozzed so they don't waste all the people's time.

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imagine being this much of a slave.

>lol its nothing valuable just literally a portion of your life.

That's just stupid. The blood you receive by transfusion is completely gone by 3-4 months because of cell lifespan and constant filtration by liver, spleen and kidneys.

are you retarded?

>choosing what to do with your free-time is slavery
that's a new one

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Medfag here. Bad blood is thrown away and the donor is informed of their gay infections.
If you haven't been contacted, you're probably still clean.

>G*mer blood

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>Imagine some red cross doctor telling you to have sex

I think the sex worker and tattoo clause is 1 year from the last time it happened.

I want a bloodborne disease so I can be a Bloodletting Beast.

>mfw some racist out there in a hospital is receiving my nigger blood and he can't stop it from happening

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user, the elites take young blood tranfusions every single month

and is proven to work


>Their kidneys murder your nigger blood after they're done leaching off its contributions to the body

why are the american red cross so homophobic and transphobic towards those folk that want to donate blood?

I'm sorry for your loss, fuck Blizzard man.

>cali only

Proven? How so?
Also, I bet billionaires have more done on them than just blood transfusions in their quest for health-prolonged lives.

Because there are some homos that enjoy infecting people.

no joke but its because gays have a higher chance of having HIV.

>Give pozzed blood
>Feeling good that I'm rising up
>Gamer physique means I'm a little wobbly from the blood loss
>Absentmindedly bump into a nigger
>Get shot and called a racist in epitaph

>They sell like 70% if their blood donations for profit
What's wrong with that? You do realize there are costs associated with collecting, maintaining and distributing that blood?

free nigger pass, why not?

If it keeps me alive I wouldn't complain, I will never donate though since I don't want to help keep a nigger or tranny alive.

Even if I did this, Code Vein still comes with Denuvo so I still wouldn't want to install it even if I got it for free.
Fucking Denuvo. Ruining everything.

Because before the 90s, a fuckload of druggies and faggots donated blood to get a quick buck and keep going on with their degenerate lifestyles. Turns out, people who received that blood would later develop hepatitis C, cirrhosis and liver cancer or AIDS. Now we screen blood for this shit to prevent faggots from ruining other lives.
Also, thisIt's not PC to talk about it publicly or even within medical spheres, but pozzed homos are really into that kind of shit.

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Who in the hell is donating blood without getting paid though? Probably not even 5% of the people who do it are doing it just to help people, so there must be much less blood for transfusions going around.

someone blackpill me on denuvo

>Make it illegal to pay you for your blood
>Get paid selling your blood for profit

>"donating" for money
fuck why are amerijews such a bunch of brainwashed tools? do you even know what donation means?

Pirated copies are objectively the superior copy because DRM tanks performance, even if just a little, punishing consumers.

I have a number of issues with it
>it feeds into the godwaful hospital/insurance system
>it's incredibly dishonest to act like you donate blood and then it charitably goes right to people who need it when you're actually charging those people for it
>it's also dishonest to act like it's going to the needy when you just sell to whoever wants to buy it
>they ship the blood out to cities with richer populations because they can charge those hospitals more for it
>not all the money goes purely to administrative costs, there's also advertising and PR and all that retarded shit

Gee, thatd be great, if lived in California. Which (gladly) I do not.

And of course theyre only doing in ONE place. Fucking Scamco

ill just wait for the pirate and steamfix

denuvo makes a game have shit performances while destroying your SSD if you decide to use one
steam forums are already filled with people alerting that this game has it and hopefully less people fall for this shit

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>getting paid for your time and discomfort
america has some twisted shit going on but literally what's the problem with this

Nah bruh. We don't pay for plasma donations here. Literally against the law. Now SEMEN on the otherhand is a gold mine

You conveniently forgot to use the word ''donating'' here, oops!

>SEMEN on the otherhand is a gold mine
Provided you have good genes.
Mine are shit.

I live in LA but I would spend more on gas than the cost of just buying it on steam by going to SD. Is it worth it just for the goodie bag stuff they give with the game? Also I weigh 300 pounds of muscle, will they take my blood anyway?

Because in many nations that's illegal. RC doesn't have the money to pay off bribes, so the sanctions would be massive.

im not talking about the jew cross
im talking about how can "people" not even grasp the definition or the very concept of the word donation

No, literally every plasma place I’ve seen will pay you for it and they advertise it

3rd world nation in denial.
A country is only as valuable as its people and Americans are incredibly low-tier.


its nothing, piratefags just making excuses, remember that you will never play CV

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>giving your blood in any way but directly to non-profit hospitals/government efforts
shiggy diggy friends

There is nothing wrong abut Denuvo and doesn't affect performance on any significant way. People always posts the "it tanks performance" or "it kills HDDs" without posting any proof beyond some website titled ""
Yea Forums shitpost against it because the board never buys anything and depending on the game a Denuvo-protected title may take months to crack. Meanwhile actual buyers don't care,

I live in a hurricane-prone region and Red Cross is a huge joke. They're a brand name at this point, rather than a charity. They drive around disaster areas in empty trucks just to make it look like they're doing shit. They raised half a billion dollars for Haiti relief and built like 5 homes or something. is a bit off the mark though, that's totally reasonable. People donate the most blood right after a disaster or during a blood drive, and rarely any other time. Blood banks are short stocked 99% of the time and SO MASSIVELY overstocked the other 1% that they literally couldn't ever use all that blood themselves. If you're interested in donating blood, it's important that you do it regularly and not just when asked. Ask your doctor about scheduling appointments year-round.

>Ruining your health and veins by constantly giving blood
Hope you enjoy shortening your life

This character creator is fun

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>Meanwhile actual buyers don't care
How delusional/retarded are you, exactly?

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i hope i will be able to get this set without donating blood in fucking america
i'm not able to fly there just to give my blood for some exclusive dlc, fuck

Try reading those threads.
A few people making a drama over Denuvo and the majority telling them that they don't care.
And even then, forums very rarely reflect a game's actual sales.
Doom 2016 and Metal Gear Solid V sold very well on every platform, PC included, Denuvo or not.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 bombed on every platform, PC included, Denuvo or not.

this is going to be my first Denuvo game. I swear if my PC doesn't release mustard gas within 24 hours I'm going to label every Denuvo whiner a fucking liar.

I've played a bunch of denuvo games and never had any issues

It probably won't ruin anything but it'll probably make the game unusually taxing on your CPU

It'll also constantly be spying on you but you know what isn't these days

wait for the crack, then compared the Denuvo vs crack performance

This guy's lying, I played a denuvo game once and towelheads with AKs tracked down my parents and siblings and took them to Afghanistan where they were forced to eat dirt-covered peeled apples for an entire week before they were brought back to iowa and forced to hitchhike their way back to their homes.

You can’t give it blood if you need some in the first place because of your weak genes.

the game will run atleast 10-15% worse than it would without denuvo
loading times will be longer
some games like nu-DOOM have been abysmal, up to 30-40% performance loss depending on hardware
you should still hate denuvo even if you don't mind performance losses because it prevents user modification of the product
which makes denuvo illegal in the EU and the US but politicians don't care

I've bought on launch DOOM, MGSV, Valkyria Chronicles 4; I've also bought Lords of The Fallen.
Never had any issue with them; they ran as well as expected on my toaster AMD FX6300.

>lmao so funny
>let's distract legitimate concerns about drm with funny meems
>t. denuvo c*uck

Imagine being this much of a bold faced liar.

Sorry user, I didn't think you'd be so serious about it.

how do I upboat this funni post

which part is a lie?

Because most people don't want to get AIDS, unlike your faggot ass

Sorry user, I didn't think you'd be this livid about it.

based fx6300 poster. i'll be saying a prayer for both of us once this game releases.

DOOM having a 40% performance loss. It surprised me how well it ran on my aged hardware, and that was on launch.
I don't understand why you pirates make such a big deal; Denuvo games get cracked as much as non-Denuvo games so it doesn't really matter.

>Crips do a drive by

It blows living on the East Coast sometimes, you know? At least I don’t live around homeless & heroin fiends all day though.

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>If you have had sex with another man in the last 12 months then you can't donate.
that doesn't make sense, if you've had sex with a man then you're infected, and the disease is forever it doesn't go away, why would waiting 12 months change anything?

If you have something it might take that long to show symptoms. If it's been 12 months you're in the clear almost definitely, and if you did get something that's covered under the part where you can't donate with an infectious disease.

>DOOM having a 40% performance loss
it did, depending on hardware
I barely had 40-45fps with denuvo and after removal constant 60
>you pirates
I have pirated 1 (one) game in the last two years and it didn't even have denuvo
and it's a game I'm going to buy once it reaches a reasonable price

Yeah, sure user.

MY ABSOLUTE NIGGER, thats my favourite game of all time

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>be openly gay
>can’t donate blood for a family member due to homophobic bullshit
>can’t donate blood for weebshit due to homophobic bullshit

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Who the fuck would want your pozzed blood

>be me
>be bisexual
>never fucking ever mention it
>donate blood
Not looking or acting like a faggot helps a ton, do everyone a favour, would you?

just go donate and say no homo

By "homophobic bullshit" you mean probability?
Gays make up like 90%+ of HIV cases.

Like this would be the first time you've lied about your sexual orientation. Just go get your Code Vein copy. You don't have to scream IMAAA FAAAAAAAGGEEEEEEET everywhere you go.

not only youre mentally ill youre physically ill
why is this so hard to understand?

>a fucking california exclusive
no thanks, i don't want aids

has anyone bought from wingamestore before? are they legit

It's not homophobia, they test blood in batches so if anybody gives bad blood they have to throw out a ton of good blood. They just use statistics to make that less likely to happen.

>guaranteed replies

>not wanting to get AIDS is homophobic
Just kill yourself already

I have a feeling buying the game is cheaper than flying to the US to donate blood

Tell them you're a virgin retard. No (You).

you have to be 18 to post here, how about you go back to your little fiends on reddit?

Maybe if faggots like you weren't so filthy and riddled with disease.

>look at how mature I am guys
>Is that a penis joke? Ugh, so immature
>Like the mature person I am, I got my algebra homework done on friday, because mature people don't procrastinate
>I don't eat tater tots. I ask my parents to allow me to mash my potatoes by hand to show them how much I've matured
>is that a grey hair? I really am getting old...

nigga you seriously >implying dicks are reddit?
are you really trying this hard to fit in?

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I had no problem playing Anno 1800 on my 5 year old laptop despite it. May depend on how the devs optimized the game...

do you actually think doctors won't test the blood for a disease that is invariably lethal because it "takes too long"?

>taking the time to reply to this absolute retard to begin with
how bored are you both of you fuck off holy shit

I'm doing nothing but browse Yea Forums right now, of course I'm bored.

Interesting promo albeit limited in scope.

Go easy on the lad, he is American after all

play something

i have some free time user, i'll respond to whatever the fuck i want

here have another (You)

they warned me this board was cringe and I should've listened

There's nothing I'm really interested in playing right now. I hope CV's PC port isn't abysmal so I have something to sink some time into.

I would but Bloodborne 2 isnt out

>East coast is closer to Europe
>But Europe doesn't export any culture worth considering and European entertainment companies never hold events


Why would anyone complain about receiving buffalo blood?

enjoy your collapsed veins, suckas

Will this game give me the fix I need or am I being baited by the gas masks?
I'm also downloading The Surge 2 but I doubt I'll be hooked.

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Is that how many hours you have?

It's okay for the first part of the game till the story is over (40f) after that it turns into a gotcha game for tattoos that power up your character

Without decent ones you literally cannot overcome some bosses

>need to buy a full tank of gas to get to san diego and back
it will be the same price as just buying the game, what a shame.

>gotcha game

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if i fill my body with nigger blood, can I finally become the bull?

Just finished paying off my preorder, feels nice, now to wait till it comes out

Do any Inland Empire anons want to carpool


Fug I've been had

>gotcha game

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>copying bloodborne
I bet bandai are seething over bloodborne lmao


Imagine you got into a car crash, got blood infusion, and later the doctor told you the blood is from a gay person

>wake up after surgery
>sudden urge to fuck men in the ass

Is there anyway to stop the transformation into a gay? Or once the blood is in me am I going to lust for cocks for the rest of my life?

It's basically a deal with the devil that you've unwillingly signed. He'll turn you back straight but only after you fuck one hundred men.

Tell me about it, I've been donating my cute platelets every two weeks for about three years now just because of the free food and people get free games for it everywhere else. Unfair.

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I have been with a couple of HIV positive girls. If they are taking their meds there is literally zero risk of trasmission (even without condoms). Just make sure the girl has an undetectable viral load.

is this like your fetish or what?

Not really. I've been with multiple women, only two had it. I just wanted to clarify it, since there is a lot of misinformation around HIV.

But these girls couldn't donate their blood if they wanted, right?

Imagine it being blood from a tranny, there are rumors if you kill a hundred trannies before the next full moon you wont become one.

If you loved that kusoge, youll cream your pants playing anything elsw.

I can't find recent information, but i would guess they can't. Maybe for very rare blood types or emergencies they can be allowed, but not on normal conditions.

It's real, it's just only at Twitchcon. Which is in California.

>Donate blood
>Get a free game worth $60

Jesus, what a creative marketing ploy. I've never heard of a company doing something like this, but good on Bandai Namco. I mean, they're losing a lot of sales but imagine all the blood the blood bank will get.

We are blood of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.

Fear the Gay Blood.

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>I swear if my PC doesn't release mustard gas within 24 hours

s-should we tell him?

I had more fun grinding this than MWH so yea; what didn't you like about LiD I'm curious.

I've been donating blood since high school, and my last donation was yesterday. Where's my free copy?

Pretty slow and you only had mushrooms and a single weapon. And because its not BB

>health too completly shit to donate blood

I tried donating blood twice and got rejected both times for low blood pressure. Shit sucks.

drink some water, nigga

At least that makes sense. A friend of mine was rejected because of having allergies to pollen.

Giving blood regularly eliminates toxins and promotes fresh blood creation, periods are a big reason women live longer

is this game actually good? from what i briefly played the combat seemed awful

>Rampant cybercrime
>Hikkimori/NEET rates rising
>Worse boomers
>Overemployed police force that will only be useful for the 2020 Olympics
>Everything is operated by sarakin or the Yakuza

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It was good until they started pandering to commiefornian trannies

Can't even fucking donate blood while I'm on finasteride, and those teams are deluded if they think I'm going to stop taking finasteride for a month just to be able to donate any of it. Sorry, I care more about my hair than I do some stranger I'll never meet dying of blood AIDS, or whatever the fuck needs transfusion.

I did, still didn't reach the threshold. I also heard giving blood with low blood pressure can fuck up your eyesight so I guess it's for the better.

Bro... you know there just as many conservatives in the valleys and mountains of Cali as in any other state? Only difference is they arent as racist because there are so many asians and mexicans but the older asians are more racist desu.

Well, it induces hypovolemia. Possibly hypoperfussion which leads to tissue damage to to lack of oxygen. Eyes, brain and kidneys are especially susceptible.
Never bleed out, nigga.

>who cares
>who cares
>who cares
>less crime bad (?)
dont think so chief

Rooftop Koreans 2.0 when? I wanna see some "gangsta" niggers drop on the pavement face first.

So just some zodiac tier shit, except employers and kids will bully you for it. Yikes!
What nobody seems to mention about Japan which is the real problem for me is that past the 2011 Fukushima disaster the region is a radiation zone. They just don't tell you how bad it really is. You might as well go live in Ukraine.

>living next to russia

>Yes I like to play Russian Roulette

Periods are more tissue slurry than blood.

U=U stands for Undetectable = Untransmittable. It means that when a person living with HIV is on regular treatment that lowers the amount of virus in their body to undetectable levels, there is zero risk of passing on HIV to their partners. The low level of virus is described as an undetectable viral load.

There is no roulette.

They're more racist because they're around illegals all the time. Their votes are also worthless so they're wasting their time.

Radiation dissipates extremely fast with most of these accidents. The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is almost entirely safe throughout most of the zone, and that accident was much dirtier in how much ended up concentrated (though Fukushima spread wider thanks to currents.)

this is actually wrong. most r&d work utilizes the same plasma that’s used to make plasma therapies, just on a much smaller scale. source: I work in plasma therapy R&D

For one, they have the virus still. It's not unpresent, it's just low enough the standard test won't pick it up. There is still the risk of infection as long as a single virus exists. For two, the medication is extremely unreliable in its consistency, there's a good reason the drug warns you it's not some silver bullet.

one location in the states, I guess leaf blood is no good.Too cold?

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in america there are many corporations and "charity" orginizations

red cross will sometimes buy blood, because they sell it to through insurance to hospitals.
but they also gotta give them for free a certain amount so they take those "donations" from you
then theres beauty and science centers who would just buy it from you.

>tfw go into shock from having shit digging inside skin
I don't care for the needle itself, it's all about the needle going in.
>Get shots because going out of country for a bit
>First one is okay
>Second starts to hurt, it's in the same spot
>Third fucking hurts
>Walk out to counter to pay
>Go into shock but still fine enough to get into wheelchair they suddenly bring out
>Minute later come back out fine
I fucking hate it


Tried to s while back and they turned me away based on low blood pressure.

Oh well

>San Diego
>Not requesting semen samples instead

Is is going to release at midnight 27th japan time?

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>San Diego

That's a lot of pozzed blood.

You are a retard that doesnt know whats hes talking about. There has never been a case of trasmission from a HIV + person that's "undetectable". Literally zero chance to get the virus while having sex with a HIV + person that has an undetectable viral load. The modern medication is pretty good so I don't know what you are talking about.
Please take at least an intro to stats class before talking nonsense.
t. dual major EE and med. Currently getting my master in biomedical engineering.

I think I'll just pirate this shitty souls clone and not drive an hour to san diego and have sodomites drain my fluids so that minorities can live longer.

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rip user, you had so much to live for...

>t. dual major EE and med. Currently getting my master in biomedical engineering.

you're full of shit.

I drive a hour to SD everyday. Thats a 2+ hour round trip. you get used to it

Wasn't there a similar service involving taking the poop from young peoples colons and putting it in old peoples colons?

>I don't know how viruses work
By the by, 'statistically insignificant' does not mean non-existent.

lmao the contrast between those two posters
the duality of man

It's al true. And the best part is that i'm german, so I didn't need to get in debt like you amerimutts.
I'm pretty sure you have never done any research, let alone grab a fucking stats book. A friendly tip: Learn what Hypothesis Testing is.

Shut up pozzed gay man

dumb nazi. I feel sorry for the future of germany if they are pumping out more retards like you. Then again...germany is already fucked by all the migrants it gets.

why not do both and have a $70 in your pocket

I already preordered the game, can I just get in game items instead.

cancel your preorder.

in japan, they are letting you donate sperm instead because of low birth rates.

Just go give blood and give the code to a friend so you can play co-op :-)


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Just admit you get off on the chance, no matter how small, of being pozzed. You may not want to actually get infected, but the risk is why you keep fucking AIDS whores.

To who? Dracula?

thats hot

There is zero change. Are you braindead?

Presumebly the red Cross are above their own laws.

>I don't know the difference between zero and an extremely small number

This is really cute as far as promo events go.

It's not legal, it's just punished much more lightly than other states.
Not that that is much better.

Your not allowed to donate blood if you’ve had gay anal sex in the past 6 months

I doubt they are visually inspecting the asshole of every male to make sure they are being honest about it.

There are other ways to tell.

You can detect viral load very easily

One source you might wanna look up is "The Red Market" which is a book on the subject of selling organs, marrow, bones, blood, etc.

Originally bloodbanks would buy blood just like plasma and sperm banks still do, but in the old days there were a lot of drunks and homeless people basically being siphoned. The government stepped in to stop it, preventing people from being paid for their blood and privacy acts meant that the origin of the blood remains pretty shady.

What this has resulted in is that blood banks will collect blood and then proceed to sell it off for profit, often to another bloodbank or some middle man blood broker who will then sell it again at a higher price. Blood is often sold like this a half dozen times before it reaches hospitals, who then have to pay a huge price for "donated" blood. It gets even worse because you know blood drives and that idea that bloodbanks always need more donors? Very rarely is that the case. They almost always have surplus which they sell off.

Oh and related -and I've worked in hospitals so I can confirm this- NEVER be an organ donor. If you're an organ donor then your chances of being resuscitated are basically zero. The organ brokers will be following your gurney down the hall, tapping their watch, hustling the doctors to give up on you so they can get their product. You'll see them, standing there in the room with a clip board (or ipad these days) glaring at the monitors with hate as people dare to keep living.

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Have you guys donated blood before? They give you a questionnaire which goes over your health and sexual activity, including whether you've ever had homosexual relations. They do test your blood anyways but you're not suppose to use the donation drive as a blood test.


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>Doesn't say anywhere on Steam that it has Denuvo
What the fuck, Bamco.

>People always posts the "it tanks performance" or "it kills HDDs" without posting any proof beyond some website titled ""
Literally every game to have had Denuvo and removed it has seen significantly increased performance as a result.

>Oh and related -and I've worked in hospitals so I can confirm this- NEVER be an organ donor. If you're an organ donor then your chances of being resuscitated are basically zero. The organ brokers will be following your gurney down the hall, tapping their watch, hustling the doctors to give up on you so they can get their product. You'll see them, standing there in the room with a clip board (or ipad these days) glaring at the monitors with hate as people dare to keep living.
Funny. I'm a doctor in Mexico, I've worked in both private and socialized medicine ERs and we never check if a person is an organ donor. Resuscitation always comes first as per protocol. The rest is managed by social workers who mostly try and contact family members before even looking up donor status.. Where do you live that it's so bad in health services?
Organ trafficking here is an issue from kidnappings mostly.

just do a walk-in

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Nice, cannot wait to see similar promo for coomer games.

Found the chink

Shame it's only in SD, I give blood about twice a year, so I'd be all over that.

Can I still get the game that way though? the promotion says you have to register.

>Illusion will never set up shop at your nearest sperm bank and give you a free copy of AA3

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>family member wants to save me
Leave me be. If I die it means that I was weak.

that's just so you can be seen quicker than other people as long as you show up before the end of the drive you should be able to get one.

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Where do I get the plasma though?

We won't know for sure until we get there user!

I actually live in nevada.

America. Its better or worse in some places. Poor hospitals are likely to just try to get you back a bit then give up, where as better hospitals will actually try most of the time. Still, your status and the organ brokers do have an effect.

It’s inside TVs, that’s why they call them plasma tvs.

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>blood donation promotion for game aimed at people who can't donate blood

Organs are only useful if you're "alive" and degrade super fast if you aren't, usually if they want to harvest they try to keep you breathing somehow, which is the opposite of what you suggest.

Makes sense I guess. I wonder how packed the place will be if they're already filled with appointments.

well twitchcon is happening on the same day so probably pretty full

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>code vein higher than the surge 2 on steam top sellers
so this is the power of weebs


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>higher than the surge 2
Bar so low it's almost hitting the ground.

it's still page 1 on top sellers, I find it funny it even reached there

I honestly really didn't like the first surge game, so I have no interest in 2. On the other hand, I'm willing to give CV a fresh start. Besides, I can play as Aradia!

I'd rather not risk the fucking AIDS.

Sperm banks are a lot pickier about their donors from what I understand

The heck kind of restrictions do they have? If your dick isn't 8 and a half inches your DNA isn't worth it?

wahmen can specify who they want their donor to be so 6'6, blond, university degree, making six figures etc.


Well then.

>tfw your sperm doesn't even have a job

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A lot of sperm banks have height and/or race requirements now.

I donated blood once and they called me every week after for like 2 years asking me to donate again

>Age 19-38
>Height of 5'8" or taller
>Currently attending or have graduated from a 2-year or 4-year college
>Legally allowed to work in the U.S.

That’s the baseline. There’s more screening processes afterwards, apparently.

For the user who wanted all the weapon movesets in the demo

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what else do you want milkies to produce other than milk, vodka?

wait, what do they even mean by copy? it doesn't concern me but can you even choose the platform?
>Currently attending or have graduated from a 2-year or 4-year college
I thought getting into college in burgerstan is just dependent on money


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Donate blood to buy one, duh

>a lot

more like all. sperm banks are a business, if you're uggo/stupid/have genetic diseases they will turn you away at the door. If you are chad alpha male they will pay you top dollar. One of my frat bros - 6'2", blonde, blue-eyed, currently a successful petro engineer making 200k+ - made several hundred dollars a month donating sperm to several banks in town. They show portfolios of the donors to potential recipients and if you aren't popular they'll stop paying you

Attached: Nurse Io.png (471x791, 299K)

Anyone willing to buy the game for me right now? I don't have the cash right now but i really want those preorder items and its coming out in a few days. I promise i'll pay you back with another game of equal price or something like that.

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wish this was in the game. milky nurses are my fucking weakness.

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Actually I got over my fear of needles because I had a cute nurse when I was in 7th grade or something. I remember it was April 1st too. I now firmly believe that it should be a requirement for all hospitals to have a detachment of cute / sexy nurses.

>Io will never take care of you when you're sick

>One source you might wanna look up is "The Red Market" which is a book on the subject of selling organs, marrow, bones, blood, etc.
So it bullshit then? Thanks for wasting our time.

wow that looks janky as hell

just sell the game andd the goodies and get something you can actually play with the money

Not having money is a sign of low intelligence.

>nobody wants your universal blood type because it's too common
What kind of retarded post is this?

>replying to an user that doesn't know about mudblood tier
If you're AB+, you and your bloodline need to be snuffed out.
