Dont do it, they got the same joycon parts for the sticks
just get one for handheld mode and leave your other one in the dock
Why Nintendo screwed the d pad and analog sticks on the switch so bad? They had gread input always
they use the same joycons as the original so when it eventually starts drifting you need to send the whole console to fix it instead of just the joycons so I would advice not buying switch lite
same as the revised model. Just don't get them filthy and they should work fine.
But I like the compact look of the lite one
I don't even like the small screen of it
It just looks so fucking comfy
Help me
Marketing is trying to fuck me
I like the colors, I'm tempted to get one too just because of marketing.
But i don't even use handheld mode
yes that's what i was saying
get the lite to play in handheld and leave your other one in the dock
200 bucks bro
just wait for the atomic purple shells
OH I thought you meant I should get another normal one because it's not that much to a normal switch
Are you me?
I want the white one tho
Is it pokemon bundle only?
I want one too I’ve got a regular switch but I love handhelds even though I never play them anymore. It’s just very cute looking.
Also people have problems with their joycons are a small percentage. Maybe they got lemons maybe they don’t take care of their stuff.
What's with the looks of this thing that makes you want one?
>stuck in handheld mode
>too big and joysticks too long to put in your pocket
permadocked model when?
Kill yourself.
sonygros will never have this much COMF
>Maybe they got lemons maybe they don’t take care of their stuff.
no faggot, they repeated the n64 joystick issue. a hard material rubs against a softer material in the part and wears it down over use. the difference is now it's graphite(pencil lead) being worn down producing dust that messes with electrical contacts while the n64 was a soft plastic housing being worn down by the ball at the base of the stick causing it to loosen.
My old one collected dust after I finished botw and mhgu, why should I buy another?
Nintendo just know how to make appealing handhelds. The Gameboy color, advance SP, DS, 2DS now the switch lite.
The vita is comfy, playing MGS3 or Gundam on it was great. To bad it had no games
>buying any nu-tendo product with 0% nintendium i.e. buying anything after the GC
Bought my Switch last year in August, so no reason to get the mini if it can't "switch." I just want a pro version, and hope that when they do make a pro, the system is lighter than the regular Switch, maybe that way I'll actually feel like playing with it undocked more often.
>Nintendo invented gaming from bed
You console-warring faggots need to be shot in the head, especially nincels like you that need to validate their fucking purchase every goddamn second of the day and need to keep the snoy boogeyman alive to feel like you're getting your money's worth. Ever since I had a 360, I've played from my bed under the covers. I can't actually do that with the Switch undocked.
>Kill yourself.
kys reditor
its comfy
dumb shaft dogshit watcher
killing myselfs doesn't sound very comfy owo
Cringe but not based
Why couldnt they put colored buttons like their 3ds ll version? Or make it snes theme.
I have my N64 from when I was kid with the original controllers I bought with it and the sticks are still tight.
Now my little brothers controller is all loose because he was so rough on it.
>I can't actually do that with the Switch undocked.
what the fuck are you on about retard, have you ever owned a handheld? Even with the standard switch model you can just plug it in to charge right next to your bed and the entire system is right there.
Fucking drones
fucking soiniggers
based (not really)
Imagine being this much of a shill. Nintendo fanboys are literally the Apple gamers of the last 10 years.
there were already hori d-pad joycons before the switch lite they just didn't have the extra features
based (for real)
What the fuck is wrong with you?
This but unironically just read shit like and OP, what the fuck is wrong with people
Why are all Nintendo fans low IQ racists that are also social outcasts?
Don't get one now because there are issues with it wait for them to do a revision or something and hopefully they might do something about the shitty fucking graphite joycon sticks
they will with the pokeman edition, and i'm sure they will release of versions down the road.
i'm personally waiting for the god damned gameboy edition
Rent freeeeeeeee.
Are you illiterate you benighted ape? I'm saying that I can keep both my hands under all my covers in bed playing with a wireless controller, and have done so since I got a 360. During the winter, I usually keep two blankets on my bed, so I play games with my hands under both blankets. I can't do that with the Switch undocked. I'd need to to uncover my hands so I can look at the screen. I could do it with the thing docked, and that'd be much more comfortable, and I much prefer using the Pro Controller to using the Switch undocked anyway.
nothing wrong with apple
i would like to know that myself tbqh
shut up dumb whirrrrr poster
also nigger
i wouldnt defend razer tho
That’s just how the tech world is now.
New cell phone every year.
New computer every two years
PS4 slim, PS4 Pro
Xbox one s, Xbox one x
Seriously don’t do it OP.
I bought a lite on a Friday and have been using it instead of my OG and I can only play for twenty minutes before my right hand cramps up.
I’m trying to figure out the best way to hold it to prevent that, but the right stick is just too awkward to use.
what would a miku editon look like?
>Are you illiterate you benighted ape?
you never said you play with your hands under the covers. There was no way i was going to assume you were talking about your own autistic way of playing games.
Imagine still playing on xbones and gaystations while wrapped in a blanket. And there are people itt calling switch owners babies.
My hand cramps with the regular switch in handheld mode and i don’t have large hands. Maybe they’ll make something like I have for my 2DS
They no doubt will, but then it won’t easily fit in a pocket anymore which kind of defeats the purpose of it being a lite in the first place.
You just posted it. Might be some white stripping in the console too.
>owned 4-5 consoles and 2-3 handhelds over the last 5 years
>always end up selling them again after a few weeks
The PC is strong with me.
i think it needs more black
>you never said you play with your hands under the covers
>Ever since I had a 360, I've played from my bed under the covers.
Stay stupid, you absolute faggot.
>Ever since I had a 360, I've played from my bed under the covers.
>I've played from my bed under the covers
You said nothing about holding your controller under the covers. Like i said before, nobody does that. Especially adults. How the fuck was i supposed to know you meant your hands? Learn how to structure your sentences properly in order to get your point across, you dumb spic.