>this name offends me i should report them
If you report people for their usernames in games you're a faggot
Other urls found in this thread:
aaaaaand reported
Fuck you soft pussy you are everything wrong with this generation of gamers
Sorry your retarded username wasn't funny and you got reported, but don't cry about it here fag
I bet you thought you were an epic troll when you made up that name, but in the end you were thoroughly out-trolled by whoever reported you. Take the defeat with grace, kid.
Which game did you get banned from?
I report people if they say bad words, not because the words offend me, but because it lets me grief them.
I do it all the time even to my own teammates. And 100% of the time the name doesn't actually bother me, but I think it would be funny to get someone suspended, banned or at minimum make them change their names because their current one is some gay meme shit they think will offend people.
>why did I get banned, XxXNILL_ALL_KIGGERSXxX is based as fuck
inappropriate names are a low hanging fruit and honestly abusing the ToS to report people and get them banned or piss them off is more fun
wow classic. literally banned for
eat shit whiteknight fags
This is a man
So what's your name?
t. xXxBigDiggerNick69420xXx
Creative shitposting names >>>>> blunt racist names, etc.
>playing wow classic with friends
>one guy names his priest "Kiddiddler"
>gets flagged for a name change
>when prompted to choose a new name he takes the exact same name
I don't fucking understand blizzard's renaming process at all.
>OP gets banned for being an edgy faggot
>Immediate response is to go on Yea Forums and cry about it like a little kid
>report people
>they get mad
>I'm the triggered one
What did they mean by this?
Maybe you shouldn't have an edgy nickname, you edgelord fag lmao
>reporting people is CoOl
>tfw report 50ys with nazi names or nazi imagery
>tfw know I'll probably see them here bitching about it
I report you because I want you to get inconvenienced and angry as fuck. My dick gets harder every time you make this thread.
>using the chad meme incorrectly
how are you this retarded.
t. riggered
seething lmao
wouldn't expect anything less from fags willingly posting on a board with a 200 reply thread dedicated to jacking off to a streamer in drag. this place has become r/eddit the imageboard
link to thread?
Please keep crying, I'm so close to coming. I think I'll hop on Dota and bait someone into typing nigger again.
I've never been reported or banned for a nickname but I can wholeheartedly agree. There is not even a word that can describe the kind of people who would do such a thing. Can they still be called human?
I'd be inclined to report for being a faggot little shit too FuXK_N1ggers2002.
>It's my RIGHT to have my name be niggakillafaggotthrilla and you CAN'T take that away from me!
wittle baby get bwanned becuz he had wacist name? awwwwwwwww dats too badddd
i report you so you get angry
What are some video games?
they're usually shit players too so it's not wrong
epic troll faggot
lmao just imagine being this mad. his entire weekend is ruined
>Make offhand comments to make people believe in-game that I'm black
>Do dumb shit to piss them off until they break and start throwing out the curses
>some retard who I hate calls me a faggot in trade
>report him and tell the gms I am actually gay and it hurt my feelings :(
>gets banned for 3 days
Feels good man. This was in 2009 too well before actual fags infested the internet
If you're using a name that's clearly inappropriate for a game people of all ages are going to be playing and you're not even being subtle then you deserve to be banned for being a fucking idiot.
>Why are you reporting my name?
>This was in 2009 too well before actual fags infested the internet
>He's saying this like fucking 2009 was some ancient times
Jesus you kids
>put my nationality in my public profile
>shitters naturally check it after a beating
>starts acting xenophobic
>keep acting smug until they go apeshit and start being racist
>someone else reports them
Powerless to stop me and mad about it.
Next time, have the maturity of understanding using nigger in your name is cringe and underage as fuck. Please come back when you're over 18.
I’m 32 you actual literal boomer trash and 2009 was in my 20s
>retard makes an unclever meme, edgelord, etc. name
>report it
Why wouldn't I? You deserve punishment for being sperg. It's not that I am offended merely that I want you to answer for the crime of being a retard.
>Legitimately have the freedom to name yourself whatever you want
>Could be a range of names, from your first online handle in 1998 to a meaningful moment in your life to simply a reference your favorite movie/song/vidya/etc.
>Instead choose to be KillAllNiggrz69420 and instead of accepting that your name is retarded, instead get mad that others report you for it
Why should I have even the slightest inklet of empathy for any of you faggots?
Being offended didn't take over the internet until 2016
>don't do this or money will be stolen
>do this anyways
>money stolen
>zoomer screeches, "muh free speech!!!!!!!!!!!" after signing ToS
>making that the subject instead of your name
Missed opportunity. OP is a fag.
Eightbitbailey is the name. No nudes
not a fan of ring fingers that are smaller than the toes personally. Makes the feet look fatter.
Around the same time when you started getting banned for usernames. Yea Forums is fanning the flames under the guise of " le epin griefing"
Non-RPers shall be purged from Grobbulus.
This is the reason i report certain usernames
Really fun to see people bitch about getting banned
>No nudes
Actually... she just posted this 12 hours ago: i.imgur.com
>pierced nipples
total slut, gross
>this thread will die sooner than the tranny pic homo thread
Who reported you Op?
Did you really expect anything more from a girl who posts daily pictures of herself in slutty clothing trying to make dudes on Reddit drool?
lmao this is why I report, imagining the autistic rage of the memelord on the other side is always fun
>total slut
Dude no way, I thought she was a nice girl
>jews take of video game industry
>you can be as anti-white as you want but as soon as you target protected groups you get banned
>Yea Forums defends this
doesn't sound ban worthy to me, but you're still a faggot for making a butthurt thread on Yea Forums and I hope your entire bnet account got nuked