Risk of Rain 2

chef when?

Attached: risk of rain chef.png (250x400, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck the Prismatic Trials challenge
Not even a remotely good skill

Thanks chef


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I dont think hordes of many should spawn until at least the 2nd loop

Replace the amethyst with an ancient scepter and it's perfect.

Next survivor is Claptrap.

host when

go away randy

isnt it kind of stupid how a group of elites is more deadly/annoying than a real boss

Physical revulsion at the minor possibility of this being true.

>Has the worst stats in the game

Why does hopoo insist on making monsoon impossible? Health regen nerf, proc chain crit nerf, shitty items added. This game used to be fun.

Next survivor is Zer0 as a merc/sniper hybrid.

shut the fucking up homosexual nigger

there will be a zer0 skin for merc

Discord tranny influence, probably.

They did it to make less people play monsoon so that drizzlets look not as pathetic.

For the Commando challenge, cna I just abuse Blue Portals for the 20 stages (like for The Long Run achievement), or does it have to be 5 complete loops?

>tfw you will never actually obliterate Claptrap from existence

Expect a gearbox reference at some point in the game's development.

US East
Fast Monsoon players, starting teleporter when 50% vote

Portal abuse was fixed long ago. You need 20 legit stages. Just edit the xml, save the precious life time.

But Rainstorm is too easy for those people. I'd rather suffer through the tedious RNG shitfest that is Monsoon than fall asleep to Rainstorm.
Monsoon used to be so fun.

blue portal abuse stopped a long time ago

No, they fixed that.

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Yikes imagine being a pussy



>hard mode is actually hard
>Btw lunar items are cheating

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Thank you fem mod user

>imagine wasting 2 hours on pointless drizzle run

>lemurian named cloaca mcshooty

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>tfw both of MUL-T's new skills suck compared to his two defaults
fuckin anti-fun

Do it on monsoon then bitch

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>Rex only new skill is objectively worse in every way than the default

the pizza slicer kills anything in seconds

I don't wanna mod my save file but these challenges are getting on my nerves

Implying you did it on monsoon.

yeah but in order to use it you need to be close, and MUL-T just gets fucked up close, besides late game you're better off with the nailgun for them crazy procs

I've seen people say that shit to others with 3(three) lunar items. That's only like 3-8 coins which is easily gainable on a single run. I rarely ever use lunars aside from tincture or a couple gestures, but I'm convinced that half of the complaining about others using them is as an excuse for why they're not able to handle Monsoon's current difficulty. Because surely it couldn't be that some people are better at the game than them.

*stands on top of you*

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Had to edit mine cause the challeneges were bugged.
Especially the overloading one when I evidently killed 2 in the course of my game.

which challenges

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>Just edit the xml
Nah. I'm like 14 (non portal) stages in with the best luck I've had in a long time
watch me die at stage 19


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Commando with Shotgun and Strides of Heresy is unironically the best character in the game.

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More like Hard mode is not fun because HotPoop keeps balancing the game around Drizzle for some asinine reason.


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It's pretty fucking strong especially if you can get a backup mag or two. But yeah the longer cooldown really hurts since his default is his main source of dealing with everything else. If he gets another alternate skill that can give him better consistent DPS than just his M1 then it'll make sense to use the alternate M2.

how do I mod the UI in this game? I want to have hp bar and abilities bar the way they were in ror1

>the vein on his dickshroom

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This Mercenary one is making me want to commit seppuku

>3-8 coins which is easily gainable on a single run
I haven't seen a single one in three runs, what the fuck

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>get a few glasses
>look at an enemy
>press M2

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Then explain why I can beat monsoon just fine and have fun.
The only bullshit in the game is groups of wisps spawning around the player.

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>Merc with the ranged eviscerate and lunar shift skill
Sword mage
Sword mage

>magma worms break all the eggs, activating solus
>kills your run in a ten minute bossfight due to scaling
but at least you get a single red item for the trouble :)

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Just get the 10 min shooty shooty item and cut the fight in half

>hopoo bows down to randy
>in contact with the drizzlet QA team
>possesses psychic-like abilities
>controls gearbox and hopoo games with a fair but iron fist
>owns borderlands & risk of rain IP globally
>direct descendant of a BADASS jewish merchant guild
>will bankroll the first new character postlaunch (claptrap will be the first character)
>own 99% of the source code for risk of rain 2
>first designer skins will most likely be borderlands related
>randy said to have a 215+ IQ, such intelligence has only existed deep in siren's call and gilded coast
>ancient lore log scriptures tell of a greedy megalomaniac who will descend upon the planet and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented update progress with them
>they own nanobot 3d printers around the world
>you likely have a 3d printed old guillotine inside you right now
>randy is in regular communication with the Archangel Providence. Who do you think set up the crash of the original UES Contact Light (First crash of a ship of that make in over 1000 years) and arranged the teleporter to be stored inside the Contact Light's storage and literally a few days later travel near the planet it was originally from
>he learned fluent Lemurian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with randy. There's no life savings item in risk of rain 2, only randy savings
>randy is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the alpha release of risk of rain 1 on /agdg/ currently accepted by our society
>In reality, randy is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the bazaar between time to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being.

Their chip damage is a pain and the new director loves spawning groups of them back to back. FUCK WISPS GIVE ME A UKULELE AND WISP IN A BOTTLE HOPOO

When is Hopoo going to remove Monster Tooth already?

Bro..... my i-frame experience....

>stack transcendence and strides of heresy
>massive hp pool that fully regenerates whenever you hit shift

Would this idea work?

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*flies into the ceiling never comes back down after you get warped back to the ground *

fuck off listfag

>people who have to complete the merc and huntress 100% runs without the release day seed
godspeed you fuckers

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hello it's me hopoo tell me exactly what you want changed balance wise

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Just run away and press R every 10 seconds. It's tons of fun.

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All of em desu, i got the game on PC and switch and I'm gonna do them legitimately on console

>h3ad-st5t on Artificer

I can't fucking hover anymore, hopoo you need to fix this

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give artificer extremely large tits please
also a bigger ass maybe for good measure

perhaps turn her ice wall into a big solid cube instead

I can beat monsoon too. That doesn't mean its fun to do.

>headset on loader
>grapple and turbo punch upward
>land for huge damage

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Broken lunar item

I'd be fine with monster tooth if it fucking worked like it did in RoR, or if it worked like Meatcube and Procced on hit instead of on kill. Dropping pickups on kill is full fucking retard.

Literally Шapик

I always get like 2 as drops just for going to the stage 7, and you get 5 every time you obliterate yourself. I seem to remember hearing they're more common on higher difficulties? I'm not sure.

>he spent his lunar coin?
>dump his run

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When you find a fungus printer for your engie bro but instead print him rusty keys!

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Lunar aint free. The Bazaar between Time got to be littered with the blood of survivors. Hopoo A K A Hotpoo is not my developers, he is antifun and probanly nerfing survivors right now. Risk of RAIN not Risk of DRIZZLE. Praise Monsoon.

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>cheating in lunar coins
>using cheat lunar items

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>create an aerial strike team with artificer and loader
that's pretty fucking sick

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I'll be hosting an EU monsoon lobby in 15 minutes. Picking up a few beers in the meanwhile.

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first 50 seconds of monsoon shouldnt be waiting for the ai to spawn 4 blazing lemurians. spawn smaller creatures so we can actually do something besides twiddle thumbs.

I'm trying to install the THICC huntress/artificer mods, but shit's not working. Did the update cuck BepInEx or something?

The only tragedy here is that they removed the ability to place engineer mines on teammates, so no more MUL-T carbombs, and no chance to do it with Loader either.

FUCK you telling me I could've done the Huntress one on that?

Isn't that mod ancient and looks liek garbage?

it's headstomper

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Just needs ambient enemies roaming around when the map loads like there are by stage 3+.




I wouldn't know because it won't FUCKING LOAD

Can you imagine carbombs with the updated mines? It'd be like dropping a nuke on the battlefield.

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Is it just me or are the elite "bosses" actually way more tough than regular bosses, glacial greater wisp just ended my run because it refused to die.

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where can I find the mod with arty's skirt removed? no big tits/ass just the skirt removed. I remember that there was one way back when

>new engi skill will be the old version of engi mines with the ability to attach them to yourself and teammates

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>keep dying on stage 1 with commando because its literally impossible to dodge all the damage while slowing wittling away at the boss

>see this meme
>no way it's true
>have friend load up with artificer + jump alt
>he jumps
>it fucking works
holy shit

Yeah, you could do the exact same run but with Huntress instead, since it had the map required for the achievement.

elite hoards are meant to slow you down, so yes

Greater wisps have too much hp

They want it to be hard, and rainstorm to be the difficulty that average people like, and drizzle for people to be broken.

>loader not being a top

Just use the shotgun, it has insane damage.

That mod is shit, get modanon's instead

It's a ruse man.
She's being sub just so the moment you put it in, she subverts you to bottom and keep you there the whole session leading up to amazon.

post crit chain nerf pre scorched i was obliterating 1 in 5 times on monsoon. I only play monsoon. I havent obliterated on monsoon in roughly 20 hours now. Something happened.


The reasonable thing is to have a fourth difficulty instead of going half and half between stupid and enjoyable on monsoon.
Stupid easy
Enjoyably easy
Enjoyably hard
Stupid hard

>make a trip to Gilded Coast after stage 2 in my latest Monsoon run
>Aurelonite basically carries me through a horde of Blazing Bighorn Bisons and Blazing Greater Wisps
>get succed out of a rocket punch by a dunestrider the next stage and die anyway

I'm so fucking mad about that, Aurelonite was basically set to win me the run on his own and I blew it. I just want the damn loader skin.

>t. brainless trap fucker who doesn't even play the game

I hope it was a mistake to remove them. The amount of setup it requires and it's sheer coolness means that even if it does a ton of damage, who cares?

If you add a difficulty between rainstorm and monsoon then people will still complain that monsoon is too hard.

The spider mines feel like a godsend for starting new engie runs. Now you don't have to chase enemy spawns across the map with grenades or constantly move turrets around to build cash.

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Elites just have insanely bloated stats, even compared to bosses

When you get an elite titan it's meant to be more difficult than just 3 titans. An elite golem horde is meant to be more difficult than just a titan. They probably should have their health scaled down a bit, and overloadings can just be an awful slog.

but I do play the game
I'm laughing at you dumbos who can't handle monsoon.

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No they won't. People are only playing monsoon because rainstorm is too easy. The worst you'll get is idiots on Yea Forums who go like
>third difficulty

btw lunar items are cheating

Do you want arti with robe and jetpack or not?

Link to user's artifact mod?

Yes something happened. They made it harder. I primarily play raintorm, but I was able to obliterate with Loader in 2 tries, Merc in 1 try, Huntress in 2, and Commando in 3.And no I didn't stack lunars, I don't like them.
It's meant to be hard. It says "you will die" when you pick it. I think you are doing yourself a disservice only playing Monsoon if you're having this much difficulty, but if that's what's fun to you then that's not for me to judge.

The fuck happened here?

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open 2/4

Yup, spawns are entirely normal, absolutely nothing wrong with Wisp of Wain.
This happens every other run, if not every run.
The Directors are crazy right now and I hope shit gets fixed asap.

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I just want thicc arti + huntress.

You picked up a lunar item (cheating)

Drizzle is for unlocking shit that has no difficulty requirement
Rainstorm is for people who play this game for the first time and are learning new characters
Monsoon is the domain of the true men

I'd like fat merc tits, but arti still has robes and loader has the cage

>monsoon is an rng chore now
>rainstorm is too easy
bravo hotpoo

How the fuck are you going to change the teapot?

did the small wisps always look like little people

not while this is happening

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I would be perfectly fine with monsoon as it is if they fucking cut the wisp count in half

You should consider killing wisps instead of ignoring them until they're everywhere. You can kill half of those with one rotation of your shift.

does anyone have a link to the most up to date modanon tiddy mod?

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It's the lewd mod
I'm not modanon

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>8 more spawn while it's on cd
Please play the current update

I think you don't realize that the Director is banking credits and spawns huge waves of them

>rainstorm becomes the same 'fuck up and get one shot' feast or famine difficulty that monsoon does around stage 8 or so
>the only real difference to monsoon is that it's much harder early on
>people who say rainstorm is too easy want monsoon to be easy early on
I do not get this mentality.

>grenade launcher

it attacks faster and has better AoE than the railgun, nailgun+grenade launcher is the patrician loadout


Kill them again then. Wisps are an early game threat that have to be handled with priority.

>playing Rex
>nuking some dickass templar from afar
>lmao 3 elite wisps are gonna spawn directly a
above you now
>die instantly

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There's simply no end to them
Early game is so ridiculous now

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Why does it feel like hopoo themselves doesn't know how their own game works

merc can just spam shift and R to kill wisps easily though.

Endlessly spawning wisps, shottgunning you from behind while you are dealing with them
They don't end until the boss is dead
play the current update and record it a bit and you'll see

tips to do loader's speed run challenge?
25 minutes for what, like 7 stages? that's just a little over 3 minutes per stage
how the fuck?

seems like I can get through one loop of rushing and get a few items here and there, but eventually my items aren't good enough to defeat shit quick enough or I die
is it utterly RNG based?

Because it's an unfinished game with system that might be scrapped or reworked completely in the future?

Modanon's not done Huntress yet


>cut off the difficulty

No, it's not being shit based.

then just use your R to kill the rest you big dummy, and if both are on cooldown, the fuck are you doing standing out in the open to get shot by wisps?

So lemme get this straight. There's a dude called modanon who has released many mods including lewd/thicc mods, but no one here has a pastebin or a link to them?

You do realize that my dash is oneshotting them and these are screenshots of new waves each time?
It doesn't matter when they infinitely spawn, it's not enjoyable anymore.
Not every class has free barrier or iframes and they are utterfly fucked in this situation


just play on drizzle and rush the tele, fuck items
RNG is literally not even a factor

Shouldn't be too hard. The end result will likely have a model that's significantly smaller than the hitbox, but it might also not. Hell, ive even got plans for worms.

>just stand there behind a rock and let more spawn lol what are you doing

look at the other screenshots I posted

>press R
>half of them are dead

>using a screen from a previous thread
for shame drizzlet

The director must be broken again, investing into the cheapest units and elites.

It's really weird how certain players are having this problem of infinitely spawning wisps that cannot possibly be dealt with and others aren't. Wonder what the difference could be.

Been said several times that they keep spawning and other classes would be fucked in this situation, apart from Loader, she gud.

where's the hosts

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Having gasoline, decent damage or being huntress/loader.

are you affected by it?
I am inclined to believe that most of these shitposters are lying

modanon's mods

mods of that mod
edit versions have robe- and jetpackless arti and cageless loader

Are any of the alternative skills good?


>just play on drizzle
I just realized I have my game to auto go to monsoon every time and never thought to just lower the difficulty

Commando's shotguns kill anything in seconds

Thanks buddy

>play with Yea Forums
>we're now at stage 3 with 4 items each and no xp after two teleporter difficulty spikes
>we die
fuck you braindead faggots

Some classes would have issue, but not all.
>play Huntress
>press M2
>half of them die
>press M2 again in a few seconds
>they all die
>play articifier
>be actually good with aim and 1 hit 4 of them quickly with m1
>charge M2 and throw it towards some and let the sparks kill them
>1 shot a couple more with M1
>use either R skill as necessary

I'm affected by the regen and director change, but I changed my playstyle and purchasing habits to mitigate the increase of difficulty and feel it's good that wisps are no longer completely ignorable from the start unless something else drops you down to 10 hp.

>stack guillotine
>elites are now easier than normals aside from the extra damage they can do
weird feeling. if elites weren't fucking health sponges I would want the guillotine removed from the game for being too good in a numbers way instead of too good in a fun way

going fast in multiplayer is a meme, since the difficulty spikes so much whenever you go in the tele. ~6 min per stage on Monsoon is perfectly fine and will give you a better chance of survival than ~3-4 min per stage in 4-man multiplayer.

>Monsoon is SUPPOSED to be unplayable, not fun, and rely on getting early broken items to get around massive aimbot damage sponge spawns
Wow, I've been thinking about it wrong this whole time! Now I see what hopoo was going for with this update.

Thank you so much

Loader's grapple unlock seems like a straight upgrade over the original if you aren't hooked on swinging from small wisps

You dont actually play the game.

Oh great it's a delusional buildfag talking about purchasing habits

only questionable ones are:
Arti M1 and the new Engi turrets
Everything else is good/viable


EU Vanilla

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Literally just buy a drone. They are guaranteed to spawn in the first level. Yes they'll die eventually, but it's rare for them to die before stage 4 by which point wisps are not an issue.

rex unlock is a straight downgrade

Reminder that Ancient Wisp is coming soon

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Man I'm pissed. I was on scorched acres on monsoon, 2nd cycle. I was so god damn close to getting the mercenary mastery skin, then grove tender showed up, it wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't think the volcanic egg makes you invulnerable, it doesn't. I got fucking destroyed by the chain shotgun, I'm mad. Anyone else have similar pain?

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So Yea Forums whats the longest the game denied you a good run?


>make it execute everything, not just elites, with a much lower threshold
>tone elites the fuck down
Easiest fix in the world and it’s still useful with high hit count, low hit damage characters/builds

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do equipment drones even work

what the fuck

Hoe long until we get the equivalent of this mod for Huntress?

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From the few I have
>new Engi turret is kinda shit. sure it's mobile but without the healing of the shrooms I doubt it will be viable. as engi you'd have to go full hoof and damage so the turrets can avoid damage and dish it out. but I get the feeling the turret AI is trash and will end up walking into damage anyway. seems you'd be better off with tanky turrets then sorta nimble turrets
>art's new ult is kinda neat. it's good for mobility but doesn't seem to do much damage. if you have a lot of mags you can use it to fly above everything and rain hell down, but I miss the crit/hoof combo on the flamethrower and just melting anything in close range
>huntress's new ult and dash don't seem good. new ult doesn't really seem to do enough damage, you hang in air too long, but I guess as a big move to deal damage to a boss it's good. but then again, only flying bosses were a problem with old ult since it would never hit them. new dash is trash. only takes you forward, no real mobility to it, short range. guess it could be used to avoid more attacks more often, but without being able to go up or anything, it's rather lacking. you'd be better off just using the glave and ult to avoid attacks and keeping big blink for the mobility of it

Wisp mommy

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Everyone learns about egg the hard way.

Getting shotgunned seems to be the leading cause of death. It feels a lot like EDF in that way.

Am I just crazy or is guillotine fucking bugged or something now? An elite's health will be clearly under the threshold for the execute but it won't fucking die.


Tell me who the strongest character is RIGHT NOW

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It's not pixel-perfect, it has to be a bit further past the threshold's right side.


It would make sense if it like, had a bigger AoE and did more damage
But no, you spend more HP to do less damage.

Why? The literal only upside to it is that it does a bunch of small hits instead of one big hit, but that only really helps it with a few items with how onhits work now.
I guess it's better when you have a bunch of backup mags since you can then just rain down an area for massive damage but then you just kill your early game potential for lategame which is when the skills matter much less anyway

It’s definitely visually misleading, but I think it’s a fault of the thicker borders on the health bars and not outright malfunctioning thresholds.


Yeah I noticed that too.
Got me killed the other day because I was punching a vagrant and was sure I could get it below the threshold.
I did, but it didn't die. In subsequent runs I saw that it's a good bit behind the indicator where the instakill actually happens.

It's the way that healthbars are rendered. It still works as normal if you use raw damage values
Also you can still get enemies to 0hp and they'll still be alive, they aren't actually killed until their health goes negative which is why artificer's snapfreeze didn't execute after the scorched acres update until it was hotfixed

>just buy a drone
>just get gasoline
>just hide behind cover
>just use iframes
>then you'll be able to beat the 3-5 elite greater wisp boss and dozens of lesser wisps spawning all around 8 minutes into stage 2
What's the next solution?

uninstall until 1.0

Still commando
He uses the (cheating) lunar item shift skill well and got a shotgun for early and has the best scaling.

cheat lunar coins in
just don't play the game to play the game
hopoo can do no wrong
n-no, these aren't gearbux in my pockets! s-shut up!

>[WARNING] The air begins to burn...
fuck this modifier in particular

Is it going to be 4th stage -> final level or will there be 5th in between?

grind runs autistically until you get clover, ukulele, and AtG missile in stage 1

I had a nice Commando run where I abused new lunar shift item for 6 seconds of heal and invul. Also had the volcanic egg for damage big groups of trash mobs. Overloading Beatle Queen started her acid spit charge and I thought lol fuck you I'm gonna use my cool ability and pressed the fucking egg instead of the shift.

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early access was a mistake

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Just play on drizzle, scrub. There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with current difficulty.


They can survive both of those in the first level unless you expect a gunner drone to solo the golem and for some reason never kill the golem yourself, or you allow the vagrant to explode twice for some reason.

EU Monsoon lobby is up.
I do not give a shit about your way to play Monsoon properly or Yea Forums etiquette. I'm gonna rush teleporters FAST and die like a bitch afterwards. Deal with it.


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I play on Drizzle with a controller and I have no shame.

>instakills you as merc by throwing you into a surface with shift
Got the loader on monsoon because of that shit

Git gud.

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>Loader using Head Stompers to land ass-first on your pelvis

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Reminder Huntress is best girl.

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Playing controller drizzle sounds as hard as current monsoon

Wtf is this (cheating) lunar shit, I haven't played in 5 months. Are people whining about how broken lunar items are now?

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>git gud
>carried by aurelonite

Is this modeled after something? If it exists, I want to know of it

Why does she have yoghurt in her ass crack? Doesn't seem sanitary.

What's the trick to reliably doing that with Merc?
I tried it a lot but didn't get it, just beat it normally on Monsoon in the end.

>No lunar items
You'll be considered the most chad post in here, congrats.

2/4. I dont got any huntress/arti porn pictures to lure you faggots in.


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It's just the same faggot who's been doing it since release. Ignore him.
I'm surprised he hasn't started replying with "bing" every time someone mentions the Switch port.

Next solution is to use your ears. Wisps make a distinct noise both when they spawn and before they shoot which are very easy to hear in the slow-paced early game, so you can hear them spawn behind you and kill them before they can attack. Or at the very least you can use your jump to dodge their attacks if you're paying close attention.
If both the boss and the spawns are very threatening you should focus on killing the spawns while dodging the boss. That way you can 1v1 the boss once the teleporter hits 99%. Early elite hordes are a fair bit overtuned though.
I know you can improve user. Monsoon isn't out of your reach. I believe in you.

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Question as a new player: Does every single item stack with itself? I can visibly see stuff like sprint speed etc. increases with numbers, but what about armor reduction or burning? The ticks seem to be the same.

>tfw loader max speed punch

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>lunar economy is drop based and persists between runs
>you can edit your save file to have effectively infinite currency in this economy
>lunar items are typically really strong
put 2 and 2 together user
lunars a shit, they should be a run-specific currency that carries over between stages but not between runs. Adjust prices/droprates to accommodate this change

You're only going to get 1 or 2 actual elite greater wisps as boss unless you do shrines of mountain.
Only characters you should have trouble fighting that with is MULT and Commando, unless you get mobility items.
Huntress, Merc, Loader, Arti (with new R) are easy mode for that fight
Engi is still doable, but you're semi limited by shield CD

>Next solution is to use your ears. Wisps make a distinct noise...
fuck off retard youve never played the game

The artificer one second one and huntress crowbar one are just luck, I can eventually do the rest but I haven’t gotten a single late game crowbar copier.

>make haughty posts in 4channel
This one isn't working for me either

Gold Coast puts you incredibly far ahead by merit of having a permanent meatshield and a huge bump to xp, let alone the smattering of actual items. Wins games for me

Based and rider pilled.

Yes, but they stack/scale differently

use your hands to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger

On Switch does the game have gyro?

is that supposed to be cum?

>He thinks drones can survive vagrant nukes or 3 elite golems juggling it
More proof hotpoop shills don't even play the game

That count is total fucking bullshit and your idea of what classes handle them better is nonsensical

Item by item basis. Some only increase duration when stacked, like Chronobauble or Shattering Justice.


>artificier with gamepad
What is wrong with you.

3/4. Thankfully no engi faggots yet.


No, it's bird poop.

Don't be silly, that's clearly bird shit.

bird excrement mind

>he didn't do the merc trial challenge
Really teaches you how to handle wisps.

thanks, I really need to get into kamen rider

based drawfag

bullshit how?
You might get more total greater wisps, but only 1 or 2 will be elite
How is it nonsensical?

I'm 30yo boomer with a pain in my wrist. Didn't use mouse for vidya in years.

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Huntress is a bird?

reminder that huntress has a mouth hole in her helmet for blowjobs

Same reason I use a gamepad. There's something fucked with the tendons in my fingers and they just feel odd when I use a mouse. It's not painful, it just feels like a pressure being applied to the back of my wrist.

no a vulture pooped on her

I suggest W as a good starting point. The first couple episodes childishly exaggerate the character's traits a bit more than they are the rest of the series as a shortcut past the basic character development, but don't let that turn you off.
polite sage

Last chance before Im calling it. 3/4 EU monsoon.

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Does the RoRBooru still get updated with content?

I don't like how many of the invis dudes you can get lategame
An invis field hiding two dudes who also have an invis field is so obnoxious

Still going strong. Spinel Tonic is the best.

Attached: spineltonic.jpg (1279x960, 956K)

What happened to the 3-4 drawfags that said they were going to draw lewds from the past dozen threads?

why do enemies explode into these weird balls with something green on them when they get nuked in long runs?

Fast and with 8 brooches?

Aren't those pots of gold?

I have a connective tissue disorder, so I have hand/wrist pains from vidya too, but gamepads are FAR worse than mouse/keyboard for me. Just have to be careful not to use semiautomatic guns all that much, and I rebind sprint to space and jump to space since you have to hold sprint so much. Far more comfortable to do that with a thumb than pinky.

driven off from fears of the mental handicapping being contagious

they are? they always despawn so fast and only appear on long runs so I never get to look at them

There are multiple points where you wouldn't have shields up because early game pre-tele spawns are so sparse. Thankfully even during the tele during the first couple stages there's not much going on that makes a ton of noise so that makes it a lot easier.

They should be, it goes from coins to bars of gold and so on.

EU plant lobby

I thought they were just really poorly shaped sacks of gold like a bank robber carries.

wow I never noticed this. thanks, mystery solved after 250 hours in this game

haven't played in a while, what the fuck is this

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Why wont they release Bandit?

It's REX
look at the back of your drop pod and have a go


pick up the explosive on the back of your escape pod and bring it to that to unlock rex


rex, when you spawn, check your pod in the back and take the fuel cel with you to that same thing, it powers it up and you unlock rex


why the fuck does this game stutter so much on my 970? i have absolute minimum graphics and i still drop to unplayable levels at times. no idea how to fix it and its pissing me off

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I don't have enough creativity to draw this right now, but maybe it can inspire another user.
Bonus points if Merc/Loader because they don't normally use guns.

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you get invalid when lobby is full

Its Rex, a new (shit) character. Check the back of the escape pod at the start of the run for a fuel array and take it to him.
Don't drop below 50% health while you're carrying it, or you die.

US host when?

I love the shottie so fucking much

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This is the ideal female body

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A friend who is doing his best.

>le syringe printer

nice one dude

Do you use mod? rn the 2.1.16 version of the mod api causes stutter. Get a never nightly build to fix that.
That being said, I play the game on a fx6300 & a gtx970 at 2560x1600 at very high settings without issue.

I have no idea what you're trying to get at

plants come join

How dare you people, I lurk the thread for tips and all i get is an erection.

Syringes are cheating. Lunar items are cheating. Using your skills is cheating. Exiting the escape pod is cheating.

i purged all my mod stuff, im totally vanilla atm and still nothing was fixed

Damn, those are some humongous hot honkers.

It's meta to sit in the escape pod until HAHAHA and then start your run.

alright then

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Am I actually supposed to play rainstorm like a faggot this patch? Monsoon became absurdly hard all of a sudden

Next update: Fuel Array instantly explodes if you leave your pod on Easy

Let steam check file integrity and update your driver. Check to make sure that you deleted ALL mod files, no just the bepinex folder.

don’t forget the parroting of “git gud” as people post the clears and never the countless failures that go into them


just killed a teleporter event imp overlord on delta with the preon accumulator as mul-t - no fucking challenge acomplished.
what the fuck do i need to do and why is there no way to look the challenges up in game. i hate this shit so much

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Delete assembly-csharp.dll in data\managed then let Steam redownload it.

can i still join matches as overloading worm?

it has to be the big explosion, the tendrils don't count for some reason
just get right up in his dick next time when you fire it

im updating my driver and totally reinstalling
if this doesnt work ill probably just obliterate myself irl

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EU Vanilla

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>why is there no way to look the challenges up in game

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This is how I got my first 2 hour Monsoon game with Merc. Except I went afk after the first teleporter

I assume this of everyone who bothers posting a clear screenshot unless it's some ridiculous item setup that they wanted to share. Someone who clears often isn't going to post pics of it.


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>these aren't my lens-maker's glasses

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current rainstorm is harder than pre-patch monsoon sweaty

Are the mercenary's hands normally hulk sized?

congrats, you can read


There is nothing wrong with playing on Rainstorm

EU vanilla monsoon

you've not played monsoon pre-patch and are just shitposting
rainstorm is way too easy

So? Maybe you should join the discord and post there, pony trannies will be actually impressed by your high difficulty rainstorm run.

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>there are actual rainbabs posting in this very thread RIGHT NOW

it's not about being impressed, it's about sharing your experience with the thread and having fun. nobody gives a fucking shit what difficulty you play at in a PvE game

>monsoon too hard
>rainstorm too easy
what do i do lads

Its because femmerc is a good amount shorter than normal merc while retaining his hand size

play on rainsoon

unless you're a drizzlet

>he's a vanillatard
>he doesn't mod the game to make the difficulty 200% speed
never gonna make it

3 options
>deal with the difficulty of monsoon and try to improve your skills
>play rainstorm anyway
>wait for next patch

ok retard

what port do i gotta forward to host ror2

>deal with the difficulty of monsoon and try to improve your skills
By this he means keep playing monsoon until rng gives you a good run

>try to improve your skills
how is my skills going to help me when I get chronobauble, rusty key and fungus only to face horde of many greater whisps?

>monsoon too hard
Git gud.

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>blue items
nice cheat run

They gonna make rainstorm easier though. They said they'll buff health regen on rainstorm to be in the middle of drizzle and monsoon.

>spinel tonic
>"get gud"
holy shit are you actually serious?

>103 lunar coins

>merc with tonic
not trying to be elitist, but tonic is busted

>12 tonics by stage 8
>"git gud"

Attached: delusional.png (497x576, 253K)

perma-tonic is, but you need gesture+3 fuel cells/4gestures. He only has 2 and has 12 stacks of addiction.

>12 afflictions
>one gesture

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who said lunar items are cheating?

Not constant uptime though.
All legit.

which is why he called it early and didn't continue. those debuffs would've ended his run soon

more range on charge punch for loader

You don't get 12 debuffs all at once. He had to handle them for a while, so it's dumb to say that tonic carried him the whole way

God, Loader is fucking terrible. If your first item drops aren't God tier you aren't doing shit.

it already yeets you across the entire map with a tiny amount of speedboosts

yeah he only had a 75% uptime, totally not busted at all

So what's the stable version of the API? The release that's on Github?

It was pretty fun actually, playing like a real drug addict. Having to endure until the next dose.

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lunar items were such a mistake

why do they run off a limited currency? half the threads are just shitposting about lunar coins, why would they put a big glowing blue chest in the level and expect me to NOT open it ? i wanna open the fucking pod ok i dont even cares whats in it. you know whats in the pod? joy, especially with x3 rocket launcher

are you joking? it's already the utility with the most range

I hate vagrants so much
I’d rather be chased by 5 overloading vagrants in 1 than this

but the currency isn't limited since everyone just cheats in 9 billion


Its open again. EU Monsoon. 3/4
Join faggots.

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just checked the strawpoll, and short shorts and mechalegs are tied. I'll do short shorts for the upcoming WIP and then mechalegs the next for loader.

yeah i'm sure it was real rough pressing R and then shift three times to wait out the 5 second weak period
you're so good

short shorts for who? didn't see this straw poll.

Also any chance for the alt color pattern arti's being updated?

give loader an ALT R that lets her punch through it for a speed boost

let Rex detonate his R midair? also just buff rex because less health regen is whack


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EU West Monsoon

kept exiting back to menu, thus deleting the last two

vagrants are comfy until there's five on screen loosely spread and they stagger their fuck off explosions

Why are people even spreading this shit out over 4 lobbies. Come and complete this one. 3/4


just focus them one at a time they only explode past a certain threshold of hp

How do you even loader? Do you swing and catch the moment of the highest speed for your shift? Does direction matter? Shit's a bit confusing. She sure is rather unorthodox character but it's also kinda hard to get the flow, most of the time I just fly away from enemies.

how'd you manage that

So how do I make the most of Loader's big charge up punch?
Charge, sprint, jump and grapple then release? Having a bit of trouble getting it right.
Also, I've got "stuck" inside clay dunestriders doing the punch. Not sure if intended or not.

Slightly tweak Commandos roll so its worth a shit. It doesn't even need to be iframes, even lowering its cooldown would be fine. Also his DPS sucks.
More healing and defensive items. RoR1 had good ones, why doesn't this game?


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I get the feeling people complaining about Monsoon never played the original Risk of Rain. It's supposed to be fucking ball-breaking; there's a reason merely getting to the Celestial portal on it, a practical given on any other difficulty, gives you an achievement and an unlocked skin. I was expecting a balance patch to make it much harder eventually since day 1, as it was way too easy. I just didn't expect it to be because of a glitch doubling your regen by accident.

Easily my single favorite change in this entire update, holy shit. I actually use mines constantly, to good effect.

shuold've put in an option for no pants desu



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you can hold down the grapple on enemies to swing around them in a circle; that makes it easier to time the shift, and if shift is on cooldown, you can just swing like that to dodge shots. The hook doesn't actually drop until you either let go or you touch the point it's attached to

Fell through the floor upon loading into the map, then could just walk into the secret area and kill the bosses

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Fighting bosses on small platforms or over cliffs as her is awful.
>Overshoot all the time and fly majestically away into the distance

3/4 monsoon EU lobby

Invalid lobby id

>its SUPPOSED to not be fun

nice man

I want spider turrets that can cling to walls or players

been there
it's pretty easy to glitch in, not as easy to glitch out

Jesus fuck. How?
I love the game but how much time do you have on your hands?

god sothoth is such a shitter i really hate that guy

He's already in the game. You can spawn as him if you can access the console commands with a mod. Has the same pillar of plasma attack from 1, but now it's in a circle around him instead of a line.

>Fell through the floor upon loading into the map
you can actually just run into the upper left corner of the door and boost through with enough speed

>849 hours
Jesus christ. I thought I had many hours and I only got 250+

Does invalid ID mean it's full or what

Should an individual whose threshhold for difficulty being fun being higher than yours not be provided a difficulty on which he can experience that? And if he is provided such a thing, have you been deprived of your own fun on the lower difficulties? Because when I hear these complains is sounds more like people are upset that their comfort zone is not synonymous with the highest difficulty, because it implies mastery on their part.

1. get momentum swinging like monkey
2. do the giga charged punch
3. hit multiple enemies with the 2700% damage punch to multiply your damage several fold for each enemy hit

yeah, that or the lobby is closed

>849 hours of drizzle and rainstorm runs

Whats up with this skill update?
I don't have any new screen, no skin selection, nothing different before starting a game.
How do I access any of this new shit?

Do your challenges. You can view your loadout tab once you unlock something.

You need to do gimmicky gay challenges first like playing 20 stages without lunar items or finish prismatic triel without ever going lower than 100% hp. Enjoy the new content update!

I've been here since day 1, I liked the game when monsoon was fun
>t. shill

Did you play it? Monsoon on RoR1 was easy as fuck outside of the stupid turtle boss, you almost always got a guaranteed god run that would go on forever. No need to get super lucky stacks since there where a bunch of items that where completely broken.

My idea was disposable sticky turrets. You shoot them out and they stick to enemies/walls/ceilings/players, and then they start shooting. But they have a limited supply of ammo and if they run out before being destroyed by enemies they self-detonate doing AoE damage.
Ideally they'd have less base damage but higher proc coefficient, and a lower cooldown and less health. The idea is for them to be worse early game, but better late game as well as force you to make more decisions. (do I place them where they're safe, or in the middle of everything to try and use their explosion, but what if they just break?)

Shaped glass is just glass artifact, which was more fun in RoR1 too

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>I've been here since day 1
So have I and I've played it alot, you must've played it non-stop.

Or do one of the easier challenges like killing 15 enemies in one hover as Arti or 30 seconds airtime as Merc.

You need about 4 for the full artifact experience though.

Incinerator was always easy for me, as Engie main. Jump over, drop mines and turrets, never have to stop moving. Thermal Harpoons if he's focusing on somebody else long enough to fire.

I wouldn't say Monsoon as a whole was easy, though. But it was certainly harder than launch RoR2 Monsoon.

>Love that Huntress has TWO escape abilities which helps a lot
>Hate that she's an auto-lock braindead character

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Don't you get bored? 800+ hours after a year or two? Sure. In about five months? Holy fuck.

I might've also left it idle cuz I liked the menu music

Shaped Glass is x2 damage and .5 health. Glass was x5 damage and .1 health.

Artifacts are the primary addition of the next update in winter. We'll have it back soon enough.

I hope we still get the artifact anyway, or something that behaves similarly.

Cringe, my hours are pure gameplay.

Here's to hoping that skills 2.0 gives her a new M1 that requires aim.

Play Mercenary.
I also hate the auto-lock, it's a pain to work with and has short range.

>monsoon was fun when it secretly was drizzle
This update really showed who is real monsoon chad and who was filthy drizzlet all along.

Here's hoping that later skill updates gives Engie his Thermal Harpoons back.

>get shattering justice
>attack speed is so slow that i cant apply the debuff fast enough before it wears off

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4 is x16 damage.

Why are RoR threads always teeming with masturbation addicts? Look, I'm a big fan of jerking off. I get it, it's a delightful pass-time. But I don't understand why boobies have to be front and center in every facet of your life.

If not modding definitely will when we're given more tools for it. It's literally just a matter of making disposable missile launchers a basic skill, but weaker, and with a different look.


>This item scales exponentially with the amount of damage increase and multiplicatively with the amount of health reduced.
Oh fuck.

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I think the skill would have to be changed a bit for the new gameplay system. Probably require some amount of effort to lock on, fire a single missile (or visually many but they produce one effect), and a large blast radius. Basically guided rocket artillery.

That isn't an answer. Are you upset that I pointed out something you don't like about yourself but are unwilling to change?

Also with how oneshot protection works, if you get down to 1 hp max you can't die to normal attacks anymore. Only to shit like fire or getting hit by multiple instances in the same frame (wisps)

fuck off discord tranny

It's the only reason we play this game obviously.

>stay at just barely above 1hp
>stack teddies, gestures, fuel cells and put on blast shower

Give her a new M1 , a non auto aimed shot , can be chargued and pierces if fully charged

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>finally got my first skin
I blame the lens printer

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Is Transcendence good on Artificer?
I'm sorta new to the game and am trying to unlock her secondary skin. Ended up in the shop and need to know if it'll give me a better chance of success

That'd be preferable just for being more interesting. Even if it was just Huntress style lock-on. Maybe make it a charge move that completely halts your movement? The more you charge the more missiles could come out. Tap once for just a couple when you need some fast damage but can't stop moving, charge it up while falling through the air for a big barrage.

yes, transcendence is good on everybody but REX and engineer

My brother plays with a mod that does this by patching in MUL-T's rebar puncher over her M1.

Just get some syringes bro

Do you have her alternate R? If yes, then probably because you can escape with it to let the shields charge. Do you have good healing? If yes, then it's probably not worth giving up.

Yeah, it's ok since she has problems with healing in general. You need good mobility though and be ready to fuck off in case you need to safely regen your shield.

i literally cannot play characters with no mobility
i cant kill the adds fast enough so they just swarm me and i cant escape

am i destined to be a Huntresscuck forever?

Attached: risk of rain antlers.jpg (868x1228, 91K)

When do you decide to go all in on a printer? Many times I find an amazing printer, but I always have a bunch of strong items I don’t want to lose. If you were lucky enough to get an early drink, sticky, and topaz, do you just go all in on the printer?

Make it like Panzer Dragoon Hold to activate lock on, highlight X enemies and let go to launch.

Attached: file.png (280x210, 103K)

Are you alright?

you just need to adjust your chair's height you retard

any lobbies in the US?

in my case, I got a bunch of shitties on the first level and the second level had the printer, so it wasn't a big sacrifice to just put everything I had into the lens printer

Holding shift as Loader is murdering my pinky. Would love a toggle option. Press once to start charging, press again to release.

every single board on Yea Forums has these so-called "masturbation addicts" since its very inception, you normalfag /pol/ tourist

>want mobility
>play huntress
You're like a baby

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No shame in being a Huntress main taking dick in every orifice.

If it's something like lens, at least make sure you have ~8-10 whites. I wouldn't drop those if it meant I only got 3 glasses out of it.

modding this game will not be complete until someone figures out how to make the rack do that to female player characters

I have a really hard time with her controls. I want to remap them, but it’ll fuck up everyone else. They need survivor specific binds

Crit printer is usually a no brainer, double damage is just too good. Syringe printer is extremely beneficial for Commando and MUL-T. Everything else is rather situational.

don't forget fungus printer for engie, unless you're some weirdo using the walking turrets

I can promise you I've been here longer than you. And I don't know why I'm being met with so much hostility for pointing out that these threads have a lot of porn in them, even for Yea Forums.

The "coomer" meme is a coordinated Discord raid and has nothing to do with our native boards.

Hell yes. Maybe with like a thermal scope visual filter for juice while tracking targets.

I'm asking Hopoo about toggle for Artificier's hover for months. Holding jump and aiming is pretty much impossible on gamepad unless you do some super weird clawgrip.

Coomer is a /fit/ meme, guy.

stop trying to do deflection, discord tranny

>post a screenshot of a monsoon win
stop bitching and get good, drizzlets

Attached: file.png (225x225, 84K)

>don't forget fungus printer for engie
You don't need to go all in with fungi.
>unless you're some weirdo using the walking turrets
Walking turrets are great and actually force you to play the damn game instead of sitting inside your bubble while immortal turrets doing all the work.

coomer and c*mbrain have no relation, the former is a /fit/ meme in reference to the fact that a lot of people there will start threads with completely unrelated pics of hot girls while the latter is a shitty meme forced on Yea Forums by discord trannies


Do you risk losing something absolutely essential, like your hopoo feathers, or what little move speed you have? Maybe don't.
Do you have a random assortment like 2 syringes, 1 sticky, 1 tritip dagger, 2 gasoline, 1 monster tooth, 2 keys? Probably worth it. It'll be sad if you lose your syringes, but really if you're printing something like glasses they're about equal to a syringe anyway so that's almost an equal trade. However the gasoline, tooth, and key are definitely upgraded if they get selected.
So worst case scenario you end up with all glasses, which is still quite good, best case scenario you lose the shitty items first and can keep your few syringes/bears/whatever.
I personally say don't go above 7 or 8 glasses. 9 glasses+instincts+scythe is 100% crit. If you print 10 and get those later you'll be wasting stats. If you print 9 you're likely to get some glasses from a chest later that will do nothing aside from maybe feed a later printer. 80% crit is already pretty damn good.

>by discord trannies
by newfaggot /pol/ nofap puritans you mean

We don't have the ability to mod item appearances yet, but once we do you can just replace the items model with a big pair of tits and set them to appear over the character's breasts. So it's going to happen once we get more modding ability.

Talk risk or shut the fuck up.
No one cares if you do or don't jerk off.

Attached: 14.gif (500x364, 359K)

it'd probably be a bit awkward on male characters

Attached: 1568851348455.gif (302x260, 184K)

i fucking hate scorched acres


Every character is male until you see the titties

guaranteed newt shrine is nice

If that doesn't do it stretching your pinky to hit control to sprint all game after every attack will. I suggest moving shift to m4 and sprint to shift. It probably won't take as long to get used to as you may think.

Everyone does

No, /pol/ has nothing to do with this, fuck off with this misdirection

What do we should even consider a monsoon win though? Obliteration is obviously too easy since most of the time you won't even have a single malachite beetle spawn by stage 7.

Everyone does. Its a shitty slog unless you have high mobility.

This, seething drizzlets and "muh cheat coin"fags


it's easy to just run games idle. a lot of losers do it so their steam profiles have 20k hours of gametime

Each character has unique spots for their items, and they also get rescaled to fit the character. Just make it so they're rescaled to be extremely small and set to go inside their head or something where they won't be visible. That's a trick used in a lot of professional games to hide stuff to show up later without having to load it on the spot.
Also you're a fool if you think wommando mods aren't on their way

yeah you're right I'm sure it's those trannies conspiring to destroy 4channel

Now this is an actual Discordtranny post.

any games up? want to unlock loader

It unironically is. Proof has been posted more than enough by now.

you don't even play the game, go back to your waifu gachashit board