Can an MMO expansion be GOTY?
Can an MMO expansion be GOTY?
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Absolutely. Nothing this year has come close to what Shadowbringers in terms of gameplay, story, music, or worldbuilding. If they keep the momentum going they'll have the best final fantasy of all time.
maybe honorable mention
>Most boring MMO ever created
>As long as it has FF characters it's good
Nothing about this game is even remotely close to being decent.
name something good about it other than
>the main villain is sad :(
the main villain is hot
What did they do? ShB is just more fine-tuning and simplifying what the jobs did at 60/70 and most of the new skills were additions to it. They still play relatively the same. We only got one ATM right at the final boss and it was just a repeat of Shinryu's. Story and music were great but XIV still plays as it always had albeit streamlined.
should I switch to healer?
i always get mad at my party for messing up but I play tank and I feel like a bitch since i'm doing the easiest job.
>A whole zone dedicated to Shakira
What did Yoshi mean by this?
They took monk out of the shed and unleashed the fists of rhalgr
being out of the shed makes no difference if it still plays like shit
It's tab-targeting MMO, with most of story campaign being an absolute boring drivel where you go from cutscene to cutscene fighting punching bags except for some corridor dungeons. Fucking PLEASE.
Play more games, unironically
Play more games, unironically.
This is your brain on MMOs.
>Play more games, unironically.
>he unironically enjoys videogames
How smallbrain do you have to be? Go listen to Ghost and get some life advice, you autistic cuck.
Where are my NINbros? The sons of Doma shall rise in 5.1
being a contrarian does not make you cool or interesting
I don't think the buffs are enough
You're right, instead I should play the shittiest, most asocial MMO to ever grace the market.
Neither does telling people they're not interesting
Too many buttons
No, you shouldn't be playing video games at all. They turn you into a fat, autistic manchild who will contribute nothing to society.
Educate yourself:
Well, a witcher expansion was GOTY so I don't see why not. But I don't think this is GOTY material, despite the good story.
>If they keep the momentum going they'll have the best final fantasy of all time.
Shadowbringers is already better than 13 of the 15 numbered FF titles.
The soundtrack is absolutely kino.
anyone? was thinking of switching to SCH
>If you consider ceaseless complaining about basic narrative structure in a nasally rat voice while wiping on Normal trials to be """content""", then yes.
I want Plague of Shit to fuck off from everything. His "art" sucks ass and the only good things he ever did were NWF and that DBZ bunny fanart.
Too bad it's a wow clone and you have to go through ARR and SB to even access Shadowbringers (or pay twice for the boost). This isn't to say Shadowbringers is bad necessarily, this is to say that Final Fantasy is in general and it being held to some kind of shining standard was a mistake in the first place, which is why a story that's sort of decent and follows rules of how a good storyline should be created blows people's minds. But a good story doesn't make a good video game on its own, in fact Shadowbringers story can almost entirely be enjoyed as a movie on Youtube, because its gameplay part is not particularly relevant to making you feel a certain way about its story and that's my main problem with XIV (not just XIV, but XIV falls under this). Its story is basically separate from parts of gameplay that make it good. You just watch cutscenes for 200 hours and then the game part starts. It's stupid. At least in other Final Fantasy games gameplay evolves throughout the story at the same pace as the story does.
The english voice acting
Scholar is the easiest healer leveling up also you get summoner.
Hey bros, is it too late to join this game as a tank? I know tanks usually have to lead content so will it just be a shitfest all around if the noobie is the tank?
already have it at 80 i meant for raids
>Play more games, unironically.
Not an argument
It's great /if/ you have a WHM to help. Two SCHs are gonna be rough. However, they're a godsend for Rathalos EX, as the Fairy can still heal.
you do savage?
People are generally very patient if the Tank is new. Go for it.
Vauthry's English actor is fucking incredible. Most of the English cast is great, but Vauthry is probably the best in the game so far.
Nah, new tanks join or level every day. You'll be fine
Not really, just read up on some mechanics here and there. Especially for the harder content. Depending what server you play people can be helpful, some can be dicks. Tanking, for the most part is pretty straigthforward, queues are very fast too
The NieR bullshit is going to knock Shadowbringers down a peg or two, I have very little confidence in those raids being even remotely good, and I'm upset they wasted the entire expansion's alliance raids on NieR in general.
>he doesn't trust Taro
Not religiously but yeah. Scholar falls apart if the other healer is a Scholar or an Astrologian who won't go Diurnal for some reason. Just know who you're working with and you'll be fine.
2 good VAs are not worth torturing yourself with the bottom of the barrel dub
nah it's gonna be kino because they're taking the vanilla wow approach to development instead of developing from a script.
>they're taking the vanilla wow approach to development
What was this mean, I didn't play wow
The only shitty English actor is Alisaie and it's not because she's a bad actress but because she sounds middle-aged. The Japanese is some of the most generic shit I've ever heard.
>Vauthry sounds like a yakuza boss
>Innocence sounds exactly the same, literally no attempt to sound more angelic
>Feo Ul sounds like every bratty loli in every shitty anime ever
Redpill me on coming back after dropping it in 4.0 due to lack of a good FC to play with. I don't deal with Discord faggotry and that kills like 80% of socializing. I understand VC for raiding, which I do use, but if I log-in trying to run some dungeons, I don't feel like hopping in a chat room with the FC sperg using 90% of the air time to bitch about some autistic shit.
Have you played any of Taro’s games? Other than nier automata?
Get your Garo gear yet, bros?
>bald ilberd stuck in 2017
Tank is the best role, user. Dungeons go at your own pace unless the DPS pulls but if your healer is based, they'll just let them die. Pull big and pull fast, user.
I'd argue Hien and the rest of the Doma crew are pretty low bar, borderline racist caricatures, but they thankfully weren't even in a passing mention this expac.
XIV has one of the better dubs out there, definitely competes with the original JP audio in terms of overall quality.
WOTLK for example
Got all the mounts and gear I want. Now I can gets sets I don’t need.
Wait you can enable Japanese voices?
Just chill,nobody cares about garo stuff,sets are ugly and nobody will glamour them,mount is ok but not the end of the world
Quads checked
check the roulette everyday, and play on Shatter days as much as you can. that's always a fast queue.
I will now
I'm really afraid that they will not be able to top shadowbringers and the next expansion will be really underwhelming
>pretty low bar, borderline racist caricatures
They have slightly Japanese pronunciation because they're from fantasy Japan and they're all ethnically Japanese actors except for Gosetsu. You think the existence of accents is racist?
They are changing the mudra system so hopefully it will flow better
No, I'm saying it's very obviously a non-Asian person trying to mimic an Asian accent. It comes off very hammy, versus hiring someone that already has the accent. If you think their acting is good/accurate, you might need to get your ears checked. But again, those are honestly the only negatives as far as acting is concerned.
I'm still mad tsubame gaeshi has the exact same colors as normal iaijutsu
The Caster Gear is nice.
>No, I'm saying it's very obviously a non-Asian person trying to mimic an Asian accent
The only non-Asian is Gosetsu's actor. Yugiri, Hien, and Yotsuyu's actors are all ethnically Japanese.
Here's your new mudra system, bro.
the one in charge of the design of the raid mechanics is yoko taro and he has little experience with mmos. similar to how vanilla wow mechanics are made by people who had no themepark mmo experience.
>mfw stormblood
I don't know if I'm just burnt out but my interest in this game has come to a screeching halt
I'm a huge sucker for dumb masks and huge armor pieces and DRG doesn't have many sets that offer that. Also the weapons look pretty sick
there were quite a few better games out that year.
Stormblood is the worst expansion. It gets good once you get to the Azim Steppe and Hien shows up (ironically the Steppe segment of SB was written by Ishikawa), but it's very, very clear that splitting the expansion up like that was a bad idea.
Yeah but how often are you even gonna use 'em? Can count on one hand the number of garo glams I've seen. The one exception being the makai thot jacket that the women all wear.
Female Sineaters. Tesleen and the Mt Gulg final boss had me diamonds. I would let them suck out my aether. Living aether.
kill yourself unironically
The steppe sucks bro. That is the very apex of pointless filler.
just join a FC that isn't full of soys.
Will we ever get a new non-sword-wielder class
Nah, that's the general reaction now that the initial hype died down. Stormblood had a clumsy story progression with the first third being mind-numbingly boring, a solid halfway point with the Azim Steppe and culminating with a lukewarm assault in Ala Mhigo.
>appease the locals quest
>have to find sheep around a big building
>go around
>find a sheep on a ledge
>have to go halfway round the building to go up the stairs and then double back along the ledge to get to it
>can't just fly up because gated aether currents
yeah I'll never understand steppe lovers
>Last part of the fight with Hades
I think Emet very very slightly has him outclassed. Vauthry’s voice actor is really good at playing the high and mighty asshole, but Emet’s voice actor shows such range, from smug to pissed to hatred to anguish, and it’s all not overdone but very natural. I love that character
Stormblood is junk. The doma part is slightly better but still junk. 4.1 and on are super fucking good though and Omega is awesome so it makes up for the bleh base story.
You heard me. The discussion with Goesetsu was nice. But everything else was rather dull.
>it's another dub argument
>despite it being abundantly clear that the ENG dub is far superior
Steppe got the most fluff/worldbuilding love, that's why. Usually the ones praising the Steppe are lorefags.
>Tank pulls big in mt.gulg
>Playing melee dps and have multiple fat sin eater asses in my face as well as their feet
m8 XIV's feet aren't even good.
someone post the webm
English Emet overacts too much.
English Alisaie sounds twice as old as she should be.
English Urianger needs to stop eating a thesaurus.
English Feo Ul... holy fuck I'll take an anime stereotype over an angry scottish middleaged wife
Pretty cringe post here bro not gonna lie
The toes sure but all I see are the soles (because I’m attacking from behind) which look good enough to me
I liked the story, music and world but XIV has shit gameplay. I still love it though.
feo ul is great
>Emet overacts
To be fair, considering how animated he actually is despite his constant slouch, that does make sense for him.
While the Naadam portion was clearly an excuse to lengthen your trip in Doma, the characters were much more likeable than any one portion of Ala Mhigo.
Oh look, somebody pretending to know what they're talking about.
Can’t imagine having taste this bad.
>Garlond Ironworks & co delete an entire timeline to bring back the WoL and what in their opinion was a better world
>this is ok and the Crystal Exarch is just a poor catboi who dindu nothing wrong
>Emet-Selch plans to sacrifice everyone so he can bring back the people he cared about and what in his opinion was a better world
>he's literally hitler and unforgivable
what the fuck
>this weeb cope
>implying their JP counterparts are somehow better
KENN needs to get sian blake'd
when are they shorting the GCD of this game to 1.5s
>all the salty replies
thank you for this user
>English Emet overacts too much.
He's a theaterfag. Emet-Selch loves drama, and part of the reason he's overly hammy and snarky is because he's compensating to hide his depression.
>English Urianger needs to stop eating a thesaurus.
Yeah man Urianger should just speak in plain, boring words like every other character in Japanese. Nobody should have any character unless it's cutesy wutesy speech quirks-nyoron~!
>English Feo Ul... holy fuck I'll take an anime stereotype over an angry scottish middleaged wife
She just sounds Scottish, because she's a creature from Scottish folklore.
I didn't realize there was Scotland in Eorzea.
How about I steppe on your heads fuckers
Emet canonically was into theatrics, you moron. Did you even watch the first few cutscenes he was in? Dude chewed the scenery like a primadonna when he wasnt engulfed with grief. And fuck you, Feo Ul was great.
that timeline still exists
Nobody thinks Emet-Selch is literally Hitler, not even the characters in the game itself. They just couldn't allow him to win because that would mean their own world and their loved ones would be gone.
The original timeline still exists though. What Emet did was actually just genocide.
Duh. Ala Mhigo didn't have any characters of note. It's entirely one sided. There was Conrad, and that was basically it. M'naago had more to say in her pre-stormblood quests than she did during stormblood.
>the first
Where was it said it still existed?
Is SAM good now
me too
>Yeah man Urianger should just speak in plain, boring words
Fun fact, in the dub, he does indeed drop the flowery language when Moenbryda dies. That's how devastated he was.
The Twinning confirms it still exists. Actually play the game.
>GOTY story
>actually just a rip-off of Avengers: Endgame plot
>the ENG dub is far superior
define good
Healing is dogshit unless you're healing with a friend of yours. Even two good healers together will clash unless they're both the laid-back type that's just good at games naturally. Unfortunately, good healers are only ever autistic.
I literally hadn't heard of bless until the servers apparently shut down like a couple months ago
I understand the love for Emet,the "bad guy is actually not that bad" trope is pretty charming,but have we not seen enough of this?
it's been good, but there are better
SAM was never bad. It just wasn't DRG. It still isn't DRG, but it's still not bad..
It's very fun and has a simple yet satisfying rotation. DPS isn't as high as it should be, considering it brings fuck-all to a group.
it shut down this month. during its last hour up it only had 20 something people online.
doing enough damage to counter the no utility situation
It's all about execution
Yeah, it's obvious he's just a chuuni. Little things like that are part of the reason the English is so good. I think it's great that you can tell where a character is from just by reading/listening to how they speak. There are clear, consistent dialects.
as a mmorpg ffxiv is a failure so no. It’s a good game, but not a good mmo.
I'd punch you in the fucking face for having taste this awful
The throne itself doesn’t matter if you can execute it well in a refreshing way. Only brainlets like you think otherwise.
Especially after coming from Stormblood who has a main villain that was a pure fight autist with zero nuance, Emet was a nice change of pace.
All the girls are hags in the ENG dub.
my perception of time is shit because I'm a neet
isn't blessed unleashed a thing now?
aw dude you replied with an emet image, how could I recover? Oh that's right, I don't have complete social retardation and as such know the difference between good and bad acting.
Why do the ShB faeries have irish accents?
I just started playing recently at the urging of 2 friends. Currently enjoying the trial but kinda sad I basically can't initiate any party based stuff as part of the trial
The dudes are fine to me, the women always sound so off in english in this game.
but they don't?
Besides Gaius and /maybe/ Yotsuyu, villains in XIV are mostly 'okay'. I was hoping to add Varis into the list but his autistic faggot-ass son had to come back and shoehorn himself into the spotlight again with his 'MUH FREN' bullshit.
Well, they have Scottish accents in the game, but to answer your question; fairies originated from Irish mythology.
But they do??
Shadowbringers's plot was pretty garbage.
Stormblood at least did not take itself as seriously as Shadowbringers did,Zenos in all its faults is a much more interesting character than the "morally complex" Emet
Who do I partner as Dancer
You forgot someone bro.
>Zenos in all its faults is a much more interesting character than the "morally complex" Emet
Extremely interesting character and definitely not something I've seen a thousand times in shounen anime.
Honest question; what was his plan after Shinryu appeared and proceeded to torch the earth? Was his plan basically "ALA MHIGO CAN'T BE ENSLAVED IF IT DOESN'T EXIST"?
He's been dead for like 2 expansions, dude.
I know the difference in good and bad acting even if its not my native tongue. I also prefer consistency in voice actors. I used the english for a lot of arr but after a few voice swaps on people who talk a lot I was taken out too much and been on japanese since. I'll watch big scenes in english to compare. Emet is kinda bad in a lot of scenes, good towards the end. Thancred is always bad. Yshtola is good in english, the twins are awful right now, didn't like the fairies, exarch missed some of the nuance of how he speaks to the WoL, Urianger speaks like he does because he speaks oddly in japanese, but giving him overly flowery language probably wasn't the best way to go about it imo. Ardbert is good in both, but english didn't quite capture the suffering as well. That man is hurting and needs a hug he literally cannot have
How can people play through the entire expansion which is longer than many standalone RPGs and not comprehend that Emet is intentionally leaning into his role of a smug, theatrical villain in order to cope with the weight of what he's done and plans to do for the sake of reviving Amaurot?
I'm convinced they must have slipped every cutscene and ignored all the optional dialogue you get for clicking on people during quests.
>>yfw LOOK AT ME
We even get to see a glimpse of his true feelings when the mask slips, fuck Shadowbringers is pretty damn straight forward yet people still can't fucking handle even this much subtext
His plan is everyone should suffer. Imperials, Alliance, Ala Mhigans for not rising up hard enough.
His plan was to throw his own Calamity at Garlemald so they'd feel the same pain. That was it. And in the case that Shinryu failed, he'd have successfully forced Eorzea and the Warrior of Light into finally going to war with Garlemald so WoL would curbstomp them.
does this sound irish to you
Not only does the Twinning lore notes confirm it in-game, but Omega's tales from the shadows story on the lodestone confirms that Nero and Cid gave up on their world to save the world of the past, fully knowing that their doomed world would continue. Biggs III's message at the end of the Twinning quest also has him mention this and thanks the WoL.
He was fun to watch. "Bad guy not actually bad" is being way too overplayed these days, but that's just what people said about "evil just because" villains before.
Also take a look at the people that like this game, of course he hits all the buttons to make them gush over him to an annoying degree.
I initially didn't like Varis, but I still like him better than his son. I hope he somehow manages to suvive. We don't see he die and people survived worse injuries than being stabbed by a katana
what happened to that one khloe gallery
Yes but for some reason it's Xbox exclusive.
>posts picture of Ryne
>responds to his own post asking for a gallery
Get a new script, Epperson. And then hang yourself.
Ala Mhigans sure are good and manipulating people to do things for them
Were they aware that their timeline would still continue to exist though? Because if that's the case it's not much of a sacrifice on their part. And if they weren't sure if it would, that means they were OK with deleting everyone.
He's not really a bad guy that isn't bad, he's clearly the villain, but is sympathetic and is fighting just as hard for his beliefs as you are for yours.
Any feet mods in ff14?
fuck you dickhead I've been waiting for khloe lewds for so long
So its like DBZ time travel with future Trunks.Makes me wonder what will happen to the dark future's timeline then since the world has been rejoined 8 times
but it is objectively successful as a mmorpg by hosting the appropriate infrastructure, using the correct gameplay loops, and having high active player numbers within their persistent world.
shonen manga philosophy in a pretty package.
They weren't 100% certain but Nero theorized it would continue. A lot of the Ironworks left because they had given up on their world to create a new one and they thought that was too defeatist despite the world having fallen totally into ruin- ironically, only the Ironworks were working to fix anything before the gang gave up on it. Wedge's death hit them all pretty hard. Their sacrifice is essentially them giving up the tools to save their own world (Crystal Tower, Tycoon) to save yours, and it was a complete crapshoot. They had no way of knowing it would work but they hoped.
wouldnt mind licking desu
>correct gameplay loops
>literally can't level with other people because of mandatory solo instances
Not sure of other body mods, but tight and firm gives youoptions for bigger boobs more muscle and actual ass along with actual feet instead of flippers.
There are.
post pics?
It went down along with the twitter. The only scraps I salvaged were a handful of Ryne images. That said, it's not that hard to load up mods in-game and do it yourself with sstools.
I hope so as well but I'm not sure why Zenos wouldn't raise his blade without the intent to kill the one person standing between him and the throne. Hopefully, there's a follow-up scene where Gaius and Chadstinien help him escape.
People love Emet because he's sympathetic, not because he's "not that bad" or because of a dumb DID NOTHING WRONG jrpg twist
Emet Selch is willing to murder every living person across more than a dozen planets, and is willing to wait thousands of years to farm out further generations to sacrifice them for the power he needs to accomplish this. What makes him such a great villain is that as players many of us can't say that we wouldn't think about doing the same thing in his position.
Emet makes a joke about moral relativism early on in the MSQ that's really him conveying his true feelings:if you don't consider 1/14th of a shattered soul to be a person, then it's not really killing them. He's willing to murder every fragmented individual because he feels they should never have been created in the first place, his goal is to return things to the way they "should" be and restore the natural order.
Would you kill off untold countless unpersons if it meant you could regain every friend, family, and loved one you'd lost for eternity?
At the same time none of the sharded souls can be blamed for desiring continued life. It's similar to the "twist" of the first Nier game, one's continued existence means the destruction of another
it has every game design trait of a modern mmo. FFXIV is the most textbook definition of a MMO than any other game on the market from a technical point of view and market perspective.
is it really that hard to google ffxiv feet mod?
no but i want pics...
Getting to the final zone was such an awesome experience, FFXIV is building into such a great and genuine experience with each patch. I love the depth to all of its systems, the story, the music, how rewarding the progression in the game is, all the role-play bullshit, player housing, and its autistic community. The developers just need to work on more of the back end stuff like spreading out the location of all their fucking servers and integrating PvP more naturally into their game world. It's a pretty solid fucking game though, I love it.
I just don't find him interesting.Nothing about his story feels new
in 2021 you will be able to visit and PF with all of the datacenters within your region. so NA can world visit to aether, primal, crystal in any major city aetheryte.
But you perhaps shouldn't be proud of being the best skinner box available.
Can I deal big damage on 400 ping
So they were ok with the possibility of erasing the 'bad' timeline to save the WoL? I feel sorry for all the others living in that world struggling to live and adapt. The dragons probably weren't even bothered.
There's a little Irish in there somewhere
He's one of the only characters with a proper assessment of WoL's capabilities. His plan was to force a war by unleashing a Primal so his homeland would be liberated, knowing that Garlemald wouldn't back down after seeing Shinryu and that the WoL would kill it anyways so he wasn't putting the world at risk
Ilberd got everything he wanted and his plan was a rousing success
then there are discords for your ilk
>Vauthry's angry/haughty voice
>completely sounds like a bitch when he loses or doesn't get his way
I love that.
This is my face when the collab is almost over and I haven't gotten a single piece and simply cannot be bothered to give a flying fuck about it.
because people gobble that shit up and makes that characters "complex"
>voice cracks when he has his baby tantrums
the one khloe mod I know of is trash, and I'm not part of the high council of lewd modders
He cute
I can finally unsub
Yeah, their dead world is just small pockets of civilization struggling to mete out some sort of life, but Black Rose didn't just kill people, it drained the aether out of the land. Crops couldn't grow, Garlemald collapsed because their precious metal no longer held aether, everything fell apart. It's unlikely many dragons remain except Tiamat and Hraesvalgr, since they have their own external sources of aether, their eyes. The rest wouldn't be able to feed themselves and would likey have starved to death.
>mfw people are going to reply to that bait
Thoughts on female Roes?
Tough mommies designed to protect precious lalafells.
Sometimes cute but I always assume they all have futa cocks and are played by the most degenerate players
How hasn't there been a single lalafell lewd this whole thread
They are alright.
Their bodies should be a little bit more wide and thick.
Wouldn't that have meant that the possibility of bringing back Zodiark and rejoining the shards was no longer feasible due to the Source being fucked beyond repair? I thought the Ascians made it clear that while a shard falling could be worked through, if the Source gets fucked, it's over.
they look best in demure eastern garb
Well, /vg/ is here. Good thread guys.
I can't get into the Japanese dub anymore. I've used the English dub ever since Heavenward and the voices have just grown on me ever since. I can't bring myself to switch to another language without completely shattering the immersion I've built for myself.
Am I a faggot?
hellsguard would be better without black nose
Now get it on rdm
They've survived calamities before, what's to say that those living wouldn't adapt and move on after some time? It's basically like comparing the pre-sundered world with the sundered one, they have a right to live as well.
femshrek should be required by law to cover their faces
Now do it on savage :)
It'll be fine. The source was just filled with light aether, but would eventually recover like all the other since light aether = stasis. The aether was still there
Most of the female races share the Hyur Middie body so applying a petite body mod should be enough to work as a base. The rest would be dressing her up however you'd like. I used to think modding was cumbersome work but the tools have come along way to make it easy to produce lewd shit.
The Source wasn't fucked beyond repair, the aether had just been stilled like on the First. Black Rose causes aether to stop flowing, as does the Light which supercharged it. So all it would take to fix things is to make the aether flow again. And it should naturally shift back to activity again, eventually. The cycle of elements naturally flows between Umbral and Astral.
shut the fuck up
Well that's the interesting thing, if they rejoined a world fallen to darkness, it would reset the Source to a livable world. But they also don't need to, as long as the Source doesn't completely die, they can work with it. Essentially they could continue their plan but without Hydaelyn to stop them with the WoL. The ending question being how to actually have a world fall to darkness without making another Thirteenth.
Can't wait for Bless Unleashed shilling!
It's common knowledge RDM is the easiest DPS in the game. Why would he bother?
I would but there's enough discussion going on to not warrant talking about lewds that much.
Thought's on female Au ras?
>The ending question being how to actually have a world fall to darkness without making another Thirteenth.
The Seventh Umbral Era was a Darkness Calamity. They've already done it. The Thirteenth was botched because they just didn't know what they were doing yet.
Yeah but not that fucking one
>Oh man this 5/10 story is unlike anything ive seen before woah! And HW was AT LEAST a 4
>Oh man farming tomestones every week AGAIN and ANOTHER shitty 12 step DDR boss rush? SIGN ME UP :O
Yoshi-P man, this fucking gook just sold you the same fucking expansion 3 times, but no, you don't care, because the cash shop got new kawaii clothes for your virtual fucking barbie dolls. I unironically hope you shit-addicts overdose on your estrogen pills, fuck you for ruining games.
Incoming delusional tranny defense force that will try and make this about WoW somehow and genuinely believes this fucking crapheap is a perfect game and would kill themselves on stream if it ever shut down
In Cid's world, would Zodiark have been released since he's got all 8 elemental rejoinings? Or did they need more?
Yugiri pleases imperial men for intel
Best race/gender combo
>xbox exclusive
still a bit saddening that the engine is so shit you can't reliably export models for other purposes
They should remain clothed so I dont have to see their cancer scales
7th was Bahamut, unaspected
they make good trophies
>Play more games, unironically.
Not him but list 5 games with a better OST
Released this year
No, read the lorebook and/or watch the cutscene in Shadowbringers that flat out shows you each Calamity. The 7th was Astral, aka Darkness.
That's the idea behind most everyone abandoning the Ironworks after Cid gave up on their world. They still had hope in their world. The thing is, even if they do recover, they're at the mercy of the Ascians with no way to stop them. Hydaelyn doesn't have any strength left. The WoL of now was their endgame.
their only purpose is to please cock
Femroes are so hot.
sauce me nigga
They would need more, basically all need to be rejoined. Otherwise they wouldve gone over that shit happening in the short stories. Zodiark wasnt around, cid and co were still around so... yeah
He's fucking right though and just because you're addicted to your chatroom masquerading as a game, that doesn't change
These FFXIV threads have been awful. Why don't you take a break from this game?
Are you mentally handicapped?
Thought's on male midlanders?
high player numbers lmao
Anyone in aether know where I can find some friends? ^^
Not a big fan of them.
There was a guy who managed to make a Miqote model and export Garuda and some beast tribe monsters working for SFM. Not sure if they continued on anything past that.
>That deliberate choice of lips and nose
You wouldnt happen to be of african descent would you?
What page of the lorebook? Also I watched the cutscene, it never told us what aspect anything was.
He knows he can't. It's a clear-cut fact that FFXIV has one of the most amazing soundtracks ever commited to a video game and it only gets better with more expansions.
Bot favorite choice.
just because you're using it as a chatroom does not mean everyone else is, people can enjoy different aspects of the game
Astral Chain
Cadence of Hyrule
Doom Eternal isn't out yet but if the previous game is any indication it'll be a worthwhile contender
2019 has actually been pretty shit for games
>Why don't you take a break from this game?
Because I just got the screenshot tool a few days ago and need to take more screenshots. Might as well queue for stuff while messing around with it.
post your characters feet and ill post sauce
No, just phoneposting at work
over 1 million according to ceo
>Astral Chain
only Savior is good
>Cadence of Hyrule
zelda fan remixes #21199237297
Decent, though I wouldnt say better than XIV's soundtrack
>Three Houses
Same case as Bloodstained
Thoughts on Vieras?
source? 1 mio is not alot. Even destiny 2 has 1 mio players daily
low effort cashgrab
>people can enjoy different aspects of the game
aspect, singular. It's a chatroom, sorry you want to pretend it's a game. Go ahead though, defend it like i know you will because you hate hearing it
Half-assed race
should have been a loli race
Page 14
>"However, subsequent study of Garlean Epire legatus Nael van Darnus's Meteor project would eventually lead these scholars to the conclusion that the attack by Bahamut was indeed a Calamity, though not one represented by any one element, but rather consisting of all the elements charged astrally."
Which matches up with the intense aetherial activity leading up to the Calamity, with extreme weather changing constantly, animals getting bigger and more aggressive, etc.
>Also I watched the cutscene, it never told us what aspect anything was.
It's a spooky black cloud, it's Darkness, which Urianger then told us was actually Astral.
Does it even need to be said?
It's the equivalent of sacrificing mad max world for our current world. It's not really a correct comparison at all.
>1 million
destiny 2 is f2p and not sub or mmo based
Can a 15 year old MMO be GOTY?
He does a lot of futa
hot enough for me
It's possible
so? even swtor had over 5 mio subs?
People are just arguing what villain gets their peepee harder and what dub sounds better.
From the POV of the Ascians our current world is the mad max world, so yes it is.
I was told there would be Ryne pictures posted in this location
Fem Middies > All
It never did
Vieras make my fucking gamer go nuts
Are there any recommendations for mods? Game can be kinda ugly
ShB story is overblown as fuck.
wrong. even SE knows
This is the true tranny shit right there. Fucking erp'ers.
oh shit someone saved that one user that drew my character.
I wonder if he's here.
shapely taters
I only use the body mod and some reshade.
And the muscle textures.
Destiny 2 doesn't have a sub you dingus
They have disgusting pig faces
yeah it has 1 mio players daily which is a higher playerbase than 1 mio subs
>And the muscle textures.
Why would anyone play the gayfur race?
reshade, vsr/dsr downsampling 4k or 8k resolution, textool discord
i haven't seen a good reshade preshade left. everything looks so "fake" or the bloom is taken up to kaioken x 10
Thoughts on Tataru?
just like the square never said that ffxiv has a million subs ;)
her voice sends me into a mating pressing frenzy
Filthy whore. There's no cock in Ishgard and Kugane she has not sucked.
Bless his heart. QT Middie pits are heaven.
>Following much deliberation between the scholars and the ruling parties of each of the four Eorzean city-states, the consensus was finally made to deem the years following Bahamut's advent the Seventh Umbra! Era.
That is literally the next sentence. So they never decided it was darkness, just that it was a calamity. Wouldn't darkness consist of ONLY the dark aligned ones? If it's all of the elements, can't it be possible to be unaspected, just the same as the Ruin spell (or many of the spells that SMN uses)?
thats not a official statement by square. literally read your own source lmao
I've heard good things about the expansion and know that FFXIV has always had a running storyline in which players participate, so its not unusual that many find each addition more polished and desirable.
I'm relatively new to the game (ie I played during the 1.0 and a little during the ARR days but not really since). Can anyone confirm there is a Newcomer chat channel officially? I seem to recall those with the little "green sprout' were supposed to be in it, along withe Mentors (who hav another icon). I'm told that Mentors can invite anyone into the channel, which will benefit returning players etc? I have tons of stupid questions since my understanding of the game is antiquated etc, so being able to get into the newcomer/novice channel would be very helpful
>The CEO of SE announced that they had 700k subscribers before shadowbringers launched, but that wasn't the peak and they have way more players currently.
>The amount of active players has surpassed a million and the number of subcribers has also reached a never before seen level.
>They'd like to update us on the numbers at some point, but they might wait because the numbers are continuing to grow and they haven't reached the peak yet.
>Before shadowbringers, the amount of subsrciptions would decrease after the 1st month, but they are still hanging on up to this point. It's not like nobody is leaving, but new players are flooding in to balance out the numbers.
Which voice? New or old? I liked old a LOT better. New one just sounds like a grown woman.
Rember that the Lorebook is not always right.
Just ask for an invite into the Newbie channel in Limsa, there's always a load of burgerkings kicking around there.
I don't live in Ishgard or Kugane you dumb fuck.
the one she always had
where is your source? swtor had over a million subs after 3 days lmao
Read JP interviews
Oh okay. I'll give it a shot. If someone with no icon (ie they naturally "aged out" for their account) gets invited, do they acquire the little green icon again? Or someone told me that returners or invitees get a golden sprout instead?
>So they never decided it was darkness, just that it was a calamity.
That statement has literally nothing to do with the Calamity's elemental alignment. What are you talking about?
>Wouldn't darkness consist of ONLY the dark aligned ones?
No, Darkness/Astral and Light/Umbral are polarities that determine activity of all aether. For example, Fire aether is an open flame in its Astral aspect, but a dry heat in an Umbral aspect.
>If it's all of the elements, can't it be possible to be unaspected
Unaspected just means that it doesn't tilt particularly toward one element or another. So yes, the Seventh Umbral Era would technically be unaspected, but also Darkness/Astral.
Except in this case it was confirmed by G'raha and Emet-Selch.
source: my ass
Not him but let me see. Post the one that has it.
seething incel
>he doesn't know
>no menders in crafting guilds
nu Yea Forums will defend this
Famitsu, Dengeki, 4Gamer,Game watch
go look it up, don't blame me if you can't read Japanese.
When will they add new rewards to the wondrous tails
>tfw no static
so there is no source okay thanks
>"We fight as one."
How did they make a throwaway NPC from over 2 years ago into GOAT?
Black guys play cat boy, lalafell , or lion men
G'raha and Emet said "That's darkness"? No, they just showed some shadowy blob, that could mean two different things, not that it is totally 100% darkness. When I'm given confirmation as to what aspect it is, I'll accept it, but until then, it could go either way.
how hard is it to google it you zoomer fuck
>do they acquire the little green icon again
>Or someone told me that returners or invitees get a golden sprout instead?
I can read. I asked you to post the one that has it. Clearly you know, since you're talking about it and using as argument. So post it.
I like them and anyone that doesn't is a fucking liar
>stop taking edibles
>can't parse above blue anymore
worse same face than miquot'e
>When I'm given confirmation as to what aspect it is
I literally just gave you confirmation you fucking retard. Straight from the lore book. It's Astral, which is Darkness. How fucking dense can you be?
he literally never say that they have over 1 mio subscribers
>Bunny ears are static without jiggle physics
>Not even for the floppy ones
>smoke some orange krush strain
>easy orange parses
>mfw intentionally shitposting using my own name on xivg so people give me pity
heh stupid idiots. ;)
>t. can't read
>that tiny anus peek
I want to touch, smell, lick and fuck her rabbit hole; in that order.
Why did they give different ear types and sizes as an option anyway?
Seems like a stupid decision since they're using it as an excuse to not make head gear wearable on them and because the ear options suck anyway. If they just had all the same ears like Miqo'te they could've animated them and made helmets and probably had all the hairstyles too.
he talks about 1 mio players not subs cant you read your own source
>When the Lalafell outparses everyone else
halfway through and have 30 frontlines wins
how the fuck do you fight teams with stacked healers
you can't lay a finger on them
the main villain is smug
again you can't read. go brush up on your moonspeak.
I'm not read all that fucking crap so I'll just stick to one.
Sounds about right to me.
He's literally the poster boy
i mean you have no proof of 1 mio subs ;^)
Nobody expects shit from me so I like them.
>Ran'jit's dub voice
Holy shit lmafo yeah you dubfags are wrong as always, I'll pass thanks.
Well Yea Forums?
holy fuck she a cute
What's the difference between active players and subs? Isn't that kind of the same thing? Not any of the people you guys replied to by the way. I'm just confused.
They have the most effort put into it.
Tfw healer mains in PvP
someone post the chad tranny meme
Shadowbringers > Heavensward > ARR = Stormsblood
>tell myself I'm only responsible for raid-wide damage and keeping the tank alive
>everything else is just icing on the cake
>suddenly enjoy healing more
>every dragon in the heavensward trailer is hraesvagar
ruins it
>no voice acting
>rehashed music
>reused glamour from normal mode
>nerfed by 15% to satisfy casuals
they gave away the base game for free on twitch and sold they game for 1 euro on humblebundle
How is the HRT going?
just join maelstorm for easy wins if you're in aether. i hope the new pvp mode will have GCs involved again
>doing MSQ
>get caught by weird religious forest people
>Uh Kupo?
>Emet peaces the fuck out because i'm antagonizing people
what is happening
but they would still have to pay a sub to play
no because you get a free month for the basegame
I don't really think that's what they are talking about when they say active players and subs.
Maybe they count auto billing as subs? Plenty of people not on the auto bill system who pay to play in other ways.
i dont think they would do it like that if it makes them look worse
XIV is far from being perfect, both gameplay and story-wise, but listening to Progeria of Gripes whine and almost willfully misunderstand shit that even the dimmest smoothbrain could comprehend was such an irritating waste of time.
To be fair, the logstone does call auto billing the subscription system. The other options are just "add game time" or some such.
Where is the Yea Forums cross world linkshell?
Meant Lodestone.
On crystal and primal. The Yea Forums official server is Ultros.
>do ilvl trick for trial roulette
>get The Dancing Plague and wipe for 15 min
Does the trick not work anymore?
Anons, i've been trying to clear E4S for days now, i did 60 tries yesterday, i cant seem to find a group that does the fight without issues, should i just give up?
but thats the same with every other mmo
Forgetting the previous MVP:
i really hate iyob yakhne on gilgamesh
dyrus is killing ucob guys
Are you doing PF on week 50? At this point all you'll find is retards, no wonder you can clear. PF is already bad to begin with, but the longer it goes the worse it gets because the good players will get their clears and stop joining "clear parties".
i started really late and kept waiting for my friends, until last week until someone here suggested me to ditch them, i did that, cleared 2 and 3, and now im at 4 but i just cant seem to find people to clear it with.
>rehashed music
>reused glamour from normal mode
You've got it backwards. Savage is made first, and then normal mode is made by toning it down.
why does he only have 500 viewers
Maybe you should go watch your precious e-celeb do that then and never come back to this website you underaged faggot.
>saw Titan enrage today
Group just needs to clean up merry go rounds and we've got this
im older than you bro
respect your elders son
I like Elezens :)
Heartwrenching opening calls for attention to newcomers and invites veterans to return. The ending has the closest feeling of embarking on an MMO adventure with the shot of a large new world to explore.
Kino orchestra with booming choir delivering a fanfare for DRGs everywhere. Lots of ominous foreshadowing on the forces coming after the heroes. Someone in the cinematics team forgot Hrasvelgr is supposed to be a good guy.
Blueballing with not-Dancer. Plenty of hype leading up to the reveal of SAM. Weaboos cream their pants at the prospect of visiting Japanland. Oh yeah, we're fighting for Ala Mhigo, I guess.
Kino shots with WoL switching melee jobs mid-fight while casters and ranged get cucked. The Scions get their moments foreshadowing the coming conflicts. GNB and DNC get their highlights. Reveal of the Crystal Tower with the FF3 overworld music was a nice touch. Trailer caps with the screen bleeding rivers of blood from the unmeasurable amount of DRK edge BTFO'ing the Sineater in the best way possible.
ShB has the best story/action moments ratio. ARR is the heaviest emotional-wise. Heavensward made me cum buckets from all the DRG wanking. SB a shit.
a post i can get behind by :)
I'd like to get behind this elezen if you know what i mean
I like them too.
So they can cast passage of arms, right?
Don't go behind giraffes. They may look inoffensive but their kick is genuinely strong enough to kill a person.
This would look better without the cheap alley prostitute make up on top of the eyes.
Why does this Ucob fight have like 4 fights wtf
>bard lvl 42
Does this keep being a boring straight forward spam heavy shot and click proc every once in a while job? machinist any better?
>Tfw I made an elezen
>Accidently picked up the REALLY anime squeeky voice
You don't wanna know how fasted I bought another fantasia
>just started crafting
>have to stand up to change crafting jobs
what the fuck
>you'll never be rescued by an elezen
Why live?
Long hair looks so good on femElezen but I mostly play melee jobs and it doesn't look right in most glams, unfortunately.
Pick voice 4 next time
I'm not a fan of the makeup and nails either but I can't say no to some delicious femlezen legs in latex thighboots.
Dont forget to level them all equally!
Male Elezens are the only ones that matter
you all look like feet
That's changing soon, thank fuck
you are gay
Post yfw you don’t play wow
I don't understand people who think that mount is hot shit. Is it a crystal thing?
no but you are you foot looking ass bitch
>imagine getting a nursing hanjob from a duskmommy
>imagine rubbing against her long smooth slender legs
It's a Whale thing. Me, I'm just happy with my chocobo as I grind Fates to level it up.
>tfw i got a cute duskie wife
this is the only hot roe face and i hate that every tolerable femroe is more or less a palette swap
Such fucking avatarfagging trannies, jesus christ
MNK bros, they're gonna nerf us...
I don't play to text fuck
I envy you. You're a lucky man.
patch 5.1 is making crafting more accessible to get people to participate in the ishgard building thing
I wish they would introduce savage dungeons, I don’t want to deal with the tranny autism of raids and I like how dungeons are 20 minute chunks of content that are a lot more flexible.
i wanna mating press this elezen
Neither do I. I just stop by to /hug if I see a femroe on cactuar before I keep doing what I was doing before.
I think only one of them is outright bad and it's that it's harder to make the remaining two look as good as that one does by default.
Was eureka fun and will they bring it back?
Thank fuck
This but all elezen
No and hopefully never.
Nice I do that with Lalas too if they aren't dressed like sluts
Adamantoise btw
No, yes
No and yes.
>yfw a Sonic game has better ear physics for custom characters than FF14
Why was it unfun?
i'm higher that as ranged, guess i would be at 80-90% if i was a good healer huh
it was ffxi the content which means it was tedious as fuck
>Warrior of Light/Darkness never plays a pussy DoM class in trailers, only chad DoW
>a game made specifically for furries has the superior furry physics
Decided it wanted to be old school and have you do nothing but grind mobs all day or chase the train to fates to grind more mobs.
The fact they made the dyeable versions of the AF gear locked behind it pisses me off like nothing else.
why are adamtoise players braindead?
No, yes.
we like you too bro
He's going to be a SMN in the next expansion
Legacy Derplander was a Bard so still a faggot ass pussy.
So who's next boys?
female viera are the most cancerous players in the game
You could have thrown in the 1.0 opening movie.
>all Elezen
Even better. Femlezen make S+ tier milfs
I play on cactuar so same DC and I haven't noticed anything bad from adamantoise players in particular. And I've pugged e4s before, though admittedly not on the first clear.
This. Legacy was the high point of the game. Shame Yoshi came in and fucked it all up. Now all I can do is wait for Seventh Umbral Era to get up and running.
I hope they remove it. I’m tired of level 50 alliance raids.
>Can replay Kinobringers story soon
Gonna take it real slow this time, just like when we first made love.
Face 3 is the milfy face, but you have to use lipstick otherwise you have the dark red lips by default
I want to replay ARR. I forgotten everything.
Really what I'm curious about is the fact ARR isn't replayable due to them redoing it. What exactly do you think they're changing? I figure they're probably changing Meridianum and Praetorium again so that this time you can't just pull from boss to boss and blitz everything, but what else?
Is it possible that the next "expansion" will just be them bring ARR up to par?
Nigga give it some time. We just fucking went through it.
The next Umbral Calamity will be the end of support for FFXIV.
all of them I've met have either been the worst at this game or an elitist bitch.
Nevermind the massive tearstorm when they were confirmed female only.
>Going through the Anima weapon storyline
>Realize this is guy and not a girl
For me, it's this slutglam
And the shitfit they threw when they realized they were all tall and they couldn't make le widdle smol bunni
I still would
For me, its Shiaui healer top, elezen racial shorts, and qitana ravel feet to delete the leggings and leave the tight shorts.
How? It has no pussy.
what the fuck
I'm just glad that my MCH is >50, and doesn't have to dress in the Immortal Flames gear and dungeon drops that made him look like a leatherhead.
they will never have a healer/caster/ranged be the poster job cause that shit doesn't market well to normies yeah. That just leaves pld/nin as the only 'cool' jobs left and whatever melees they add in the future. They could maybe pull smn off in the right trailer but it'd be tough.
That's a good looking Elezen. What face/hair?
I would never say it was fun but I really enjoyed it. Basically an AFK hub to watch movies in, and at the end I had a weapon and an Ozma mount to show for it.
Hey if I only have ARR, do I need to buy each expansion individually or is there like a pack / bundle I can get my hands on? I haven't played XIV since '13, and I'm looking to get back in.
They would have to change the Egi models for SMN to be worthy of posters.
Shadowbringers comes with all previous expansions
Do I NEED shadowbringers to play the base game though? (Subscription withstanding) I don't wanna buy a full price expansion on a game I might drop a month later. I'm just looking to get the basics, and a thirty-day, and see if it sticks for me.
>WoL unleashes Bahamut on Garlemald
You know it would be kino.