What's up with healers in MMOs? Why are they all like this?
What's up with healers in MMOs? Why are they all like this?
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the healer class was invented as subliminal sissy trap training, after more than a decade the program has borne fruit
Healers know their worth
They want the biggest bull
I want to play as a heal slut but it's embarrassing
the virgin healslut vs the CHAD healtank
They interact with other people playing the mmo namely teen boys with no faculties developed to deal with women.
This is honestly all I want as a tank. Am I getting memed on? WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE HEALSLUTS> YES I'M FUCKING MAD>
Under my desk.
I love being a healer because I love getting messages from healsluts begging for me to heal.
Does MMO even need healers as class? Just give every class their own methods of healing, if any. Like tanks get hp regen based on hp missing, warlocks heals based how much damage they done and rogues gets small heal on succesfull dodge(or they got fuck all healing but more damage)
Its way easier to make good/hard bosses without worrying about how priests will constantly heal everyone to full (thus you can actually design a fight without class requirment or one shot mechanics)
fuck off with your ERP threads
>Why have classes in an RPG? Why not let everyone do everything that's possible in the game?
Zoom zoom
Winter Moon is alright, between the fag mage and the honey trap healer.
Healers are not a class.
yeah but faggot is and you have it maxed
That's kinda true
every healer I knew personally on first names bases were always trying to portray themselves as a love-all flower (even the guys) but were actually the cuntiest people you'd ever know
Now this isn't to say all healers are like this, I just had an unfortunate draw consistently
>Like tanks get hp regen based on hp missing
So make them invincible?
>even the guys
especially the guys
because they don’t play the game to have fun, they play healer to get approval from others
They're not. This is just shitty memes. Anyone who's actually played games with healers knows that healers are actually the most bitter, vicious, salty, and abusive players in the game. They will rage harder than everybody and drop group at the first wipe, or if running the raid themselves immediately kick everyone that failed. Healers have no chill at all, tank and DPS bros will stay calm but healers will start infighting with each other/the rest of the raid the moment anything goes wrong. They also spam HPS charts obsessively especially if one of the other healers is falling behind, and even on a successful fight will demand they be replaced.
Yea Forums please help I can't stop acting this way I can only join groups with the strongest tank that will call me garbage and spit on me
zoomers can't play mmos without designated roles
Guild Wars 2 tried this, and it just resulted in every class becoming a tank. Giant murderballs roaming through dungeons.
Actual answer is that a lot of them are homosexuals with a submission fetish.
but it was already working fine in gw1? i wish i could castrate all you faggots who bought 2
i always thought healing should be a limited resource that you gotta fill up at towns and shit. would promote actual rationing of supplies and add strategy and an incentive to plan ahead to dungeon crawls. As it exists now, healing is just a way to trivialize encounters and erase mistakes, where as a system with larger health pools but limited healing would provide a far more engaging experience as well as keeping a sense of consequence
so in conclusion healers not only have shitty attitudes and play a boring class, but also actively ruin and simplify the game for the people actually playing for the gameplay
I play healer for personal validation because it's the class that makes me feel like I'm being appreciated and protected by those around me. A feeling I don't get in real life.
Why do people hate healers so much? I haven't had that big of a problem with them
They're insecure in their masculinity, so anyone not following traditional masculinity freaks them out and invokes the need to signal how masculine they are.
>passive support role
>requires minimal inputs, skill, and understanding of game mechanics
>push button when green bar low
>healers always in demand for pugs so they always get extra attention
>bad healers can be carried by good main healers and tanks
i was main healer in a lot of raids and all the off-healers were massive retards who did nothing but drool in chat when they weren't mashing buttons, at least one of them was always the gf of some fuckhead who insisted on bringing her to everything because she wanted free gear.
Whats the best game to play healer in?
But being a healer takes the MOST understanding of game mechanics because you have to know when someone is in a position to get hit or die.
Any of them.
You also typically get free extra aggro that you need to manage.
What are you even talking about? GW1 had monk as a healer class.
reading comprehension checks out, never breed
The person you were responding to was talking about GW2 in the context of it trying the no healer thing and it not working. In the greater context of the conversation bringing up GW1 implies that GW1 got no healer gameplay right, which it didn’t because it wasn’t trying to do that.
This must only happen in gay anime mmos, wow is skill based so people check numbers and logs
Alright, so first of you don't even know how to properly use upper and lower case nor punctuation. Second you start a sentence with fucking "but". Third is starting the sentence with "but" shows that you tried to call the other user out on being wrong on something, even though he never said anything about GW 1 or how GW 2 was better or anything. Lastly you act like people could know how shitty the GW 2 system would turn out prior to its release.
Seriously, you are a fucking retard that can't write up a proper post because it has inconsistencies all around then you call others out on bad comprehension and you top it of with a false sense of superiority by trying to deny others offsprings.
Dunning-Kruger-Effect working at its finest again.
If your group is full of idiots who don't understand basic concepts like don't stand in the fire there's nothing you can do for them.
Fuck off dps bitch
Space Station 13 is the only game I know that has in-depth medical system (varies depending on the server you play)
Here's a typical example on a Yea Forums server with a pretty simple med system:
I can heal them.
Yes, basicly this
It's also the only game where you can cut off people's asses and throw them at people.
I like SS13 but I think that would be nuts if healers and medics became like doctors in SS13.
Do healsluts prefer tanks or DPS?
That doesn't happen anywhere. This shit is just a fantasy of a bunch of deranged retards who get off to the thought of their betters fucking all the time.
>wow is skill based
lmao the whole healslut meme comes from wow, it's funny to see wow players now trying to act like it was always some haven of alt right kiddies and wasn't always full of tranny healsluts and e-girls playing blood elf priests
most really aren't that picky, but I kind of prefer DPS.
Depends on which one will tell me that I did a good job.
nice samefag. just get btfo with some dignity next time
If only you'd take your own advice
my advice to myself was to blow you the fuck out and humiliate you so i did
Can someone link the full comic? iqdb doesn't bring up anything.
healers and summoner classes were originally created so dudes could let their sisters/girlfriends/wives play something while not getting in the way.
i dont get it why is she mean to the nice thief girl
Its called Winter Moon, thot healer and her homo wizard enemy have adventures in virtual reality.
he wants to get some dick
the only reason classes exist in modern multiplayer games is specifically so skilled players cant 1 man anime hero everything while the rest of the casual shit for brain normal players get mad and quit the game because they come to mmos to feel like the real reason they aernt shit irl is because the world is unfair, so they get their artifical fairness from garbage game design designed to lobotomize its players. In old mmos, one man could become a god and rule over hundreds of normies. Now even the best player is barely able to take on 2-3 other players at any given time because of how crippled the developers make you.
Its not bad actually, the mutual e-slutting the two get up to makes for some of the better chapters.
Try playing healer. All the joy in the world will be slowly leeched out of you by having to babysit insufferable morons while they derp about.
is the concept of healsluts an american thing or smth? ive never actually seen anyone acting anything like one, but there is always someone in these threads claiming that they actually exist
the behavior is more common in Americans thanks to penis inspections and hormones in the water
it happens in mmos once they run out of content
The healer is a girl IRL and the homo mage gets laughed at for his bullshit.
Healslutting is a real fetish, I've known a few girls and boys who were into it and roleplayed on various servers. It's basically an extension of the BDSM dynamic.
>not being a dickhead healer that constantly talks shit when tank goes full retard or dpshitters draw aggro
I'm dissatisfied with you healsluts
didnt mean it that way, ive just genuinely never seen anyone acting like that when i play
>noooo stop calling us out already we can't take it anymore bawwww
stop being so tsundere for us
>homo wizard
Who would even want this? Especially over a cute healer (female)?
depends on the game. Depending on Tank mechanics you can get by with a good tank
Big numbers and grind =/= skill, you braindead sack of shit
what if male healslut female tank
Sponsored european teams of hand picked players take ~500 attempts to kill bosses that most players wont even see, youre a retard
Ive never seen anybody be a “heal slut” in wow and ive actively played since day one. Meanwhile people regularly says this goes down in the ff mmos, fuck off you colossal dumbass tranny
Gotta ask as well. American or eurofag?
retconning again, /wowg/ has always been the biggest tranny general on this site, you only jumped on the alt right train because asmongold realised that he can make money by pandering to alt right kiddies
Gotta find an easy way to make a male character not fall for some cheap slut
No user you are. WoW was considered babby's first MMO and still is piss easy. No matter how many faggot sponsors toss money at your fisher price play castle doesn't make it an actual fortress.
Gw2 did this and it was shit, every class ended up different flavours of dps, and everything was beat by becoming the zerg.
It was shit
Gw1 had a healer class dumb dumb
I started leveling tank, what the hell are these queues my dudes? I thought tanks have queue privileges.
Not since ShB
That was before edgelord and memebreaker
I wanna fuck this slutty bitch priest
I don't really get why people feel the need to combine the two. I'm a healer into submissive stuff but crossing the two seems fucking dumb to me. If I'm playing a video game I'm playing it to have fun, not to get off.
Has anyone ever met a healer who wasn't a complete failure and a shame to his parents? It seems to attract the absolute dregs of society like trannies, fags, and other degenerates.
Genuine question by the way, all healers I've gotten to know have been absolute social retards and a fucking mess.
Other people are in fact, not the same person as you.I know this can be confusing to spergs like you, but it's the truth.
The reason they stopped doing that is because a small minority of no life poopsock autists would ruin the game for everyone else
>Implying EQ was ever actually hard instead of janky and broken
This is exactly why I play healer.
yes remove any and all reason to work together in a massively multiplayer game, sounds great
because its what dps players imagine them to be like
same but only if the tank is the token loli race and the healslut is token human race
pretty much this. its a sliding scale based on the compentency of everyone around you. its either braindead or maximum difficulty, whereas DPS the difficulty is a constant that just requires on your own damage output, and tanking mostly just depends on your healers keeping you alive and knowing when to effeciently use your cooldowns
Sir, you have shit taste, but I will heal whoever is fighting for your right to express it.
Eh, I really like the contrast
It Sword Art Online except this time the main characters are a faggot and a bitch.
>he thinks people work together because of this
What are you retarded how stupid can someone possib...
>numale anime poster
EveryTIME, also nice selfie LMAO
Didn't work in bns. Summoners still ended being a healer class esp tor raids.
>he thinks people work together without this
come on bro xD dont be trolling me le epic style now LULZ
what a shitty, cluttered UI man, do something about it.
Maining healer turns you into the most cynical fucker imaginable. I didn't notice how many mechanics people failed at until I had to heal through them.
I play healer for instant queues
do u raid with a guild
In an RPG, each player should have a designated role. Self-heal rewards individuality instead of prioritizing the group.
The point of healers is threefold:
> Keep the team within relative reach of one another, based upon the healer's range
> Create a third focal point of strategy
> Opens up more unique playstyles
Of course, each of these has its equal exception:
Some non-healer classes should have some minor self-healing abilities, but only if they can be reasonably expected to spend a fair bit of time out of healing range- like, say, a rogue or sniper.
If a proper "third role" exists that doesn't boil down to doing damage or taking damage, and yet also isn't healing, then healing isn't strictly necessary from a variety of strategy standpoint.
And of course, if healing is straight up unengaging, then it's probably best if it gets rolled in with at least something else.
Nah, I'm lazy, you like my bath towel though?
I always played medic in wolfenstein enemy teritory.
A good medic on your team made all the difference.
Tanks because they can actively protect you and heal-tanking through a tough situation is more fun than something chasing you around while the dps does his thing
Yeah healers are usually the most jaded people, you sorta have to babysit everyone and see all the mistakes people make endlessly. I tried to main a healer for about 2 months and couldn't tolerate it anymore
The one that survives longer without their healing
I always play healers in games but I'm not "submissive" or "slutty". I think you guys just have issues. Seek help.
Only faggots think this is a thing
I hate so much the Eden dps gear
Don't worry, the nier raid gear will be good, maybe.
Yeah ok cool, how does this make you any less of a failure who wears his sister's underwear, dropped out of high school, and lives for his next bad dragon dildo?
I only masturbate using my sister's underwear
Regeneration is not instant. That kind of healing makes you tanky, but if more damage is coming in than you heal you're still going to die.
I'll solve the holy trinity problem in MMOs for you guys. Everyone dies in one hit from enemy mobs but you also kill them in one hit, if you want to clear a dungeon you just need to send in hundreds of people. It's an mmo so it's fine right? Also there's permadeath so if your lvl100 dies then you have to level it again.
what do levels do
>why healer rather party with tank than dps
Because it's easier to find group with healer+ tanks than healer+dps, being a cunt towards dpsniggers is just a little extra.
>doing content with the group
>always assigned healer duty
>is the concept of healsluts an american thing or smth?
I've never really seen one either besides in Overwatch and TF2 and even then they range from being American or British
Longer range attacks, dashes, pets, different situational skills, dodge, evade, block, parry, lots of things depending on class. If you're high enough level you get commander skills that make your army have different buffs. You still die in one hit but you have ways of evading the attack, if you're lvl 100 get stunned and stabbed by a lvl 1 skeleton you're still dead though.
I only started making healer because half the healers I run into can't dispell for shit.
I would play it
I am a healer sometimes and no this is not common healers just do there job and leave at least I do
I like healers that can do other stuff than heal. Let me give buffs and debuffs, and above all, let me defend myself. I'm not expecting to be the main DPS but I don't want to have to play DDR with the trashmobs in order to stay alive.
Please explain how am I supposed to do open world content as a healer/tank?
I`ve never played these roles.
One word.
Being a healer makes you realize how absolutely fucking retarded a lot of the playerbase is. If anything, I have no idea how the fuck healsluts exist without yelling at their DPS and Tank for being absolute braindead mongoloids a majority of the time.
TG is not a fourchannel server
Was about to post this and user basically summed it up.
Never played a healers because I have too much testosterone, but every game I've ever leveled a tank in is basically me appreciating my investment of a second monitor.
I don't think many people would, it's way too hardcore. Games where you can't lose anything and steamroll dungeons stress people out, now imagine if you could lose anything in a split second. People would get heart attacks when a stray arrow kills their character.
>MMO healer
nope cringe virgins
>Action/Shooter game healer
Big fucking yes. Chad as fuck since you're barely and sometimes your self healing is actually a big boon. They magically also get the best guns in the game too.
Is that what healers experience while questing/grinding?
I understand you can outlast an enemy dd in a rare pvp encounter (because your hp/healing numbers were balanced for fighting raid bosses and his damage is balanced for cleaning quest mobs), but most of the time you`ll be cleaning mobs yourself, but 3 times slower without burst sequences, mobility options and everything else.
>trying to spread the word of ss13
I love it, but that game is a fucking beat. so many systems in place to learn. you can play a role for 500 hours then switch and be pretty clueless. It's great
Depends on the game, most games don't leave healers and tanks with absolute garbage damage, and their extended survivability usually makes up by reducing downtime. But absolute zoomers see they took twice as much time killing something without even trying out their whole aresenal of abilities and how much they can acomplish in a long session so they avoid those roles.
healers and tanks usually have dots or aoes so you just pull 5 mobs, dot them, aoe them, and afk farm, with dps you usually can't pull more than 2 mobs or they kill you
I started with engineering, then medical. If you get those two down you're set. What servers do you play?
retards expect to be praised just because they are healers while they have actually the most difficult job of prioritizing who to heal and deciding which heals to use since you might get out of mana
It requires 200 iq decision-making.
t. Someone who healed as a disc during legion and cleared all mythic raids including kj
>Pick some Tank/Melee DPS class
>End up soloing most of the time
I've never had to deal with healers and their brand of faggotry