Fightan games

Hey Yea Forums I need some advice.

I just got a ps4 for 130 bucks with 2 controllers, and a copy of dragons age inquisition and a 10 dollar psn card. I haven't been into fighting for years but I wont be coming into money for a while due to several things. Plumbing repair Bill's. Hospital Bill's and lawyer Bill's. So on psn I see a few fighters on sale for 10 bucks. Street fighter 5 base game, guilty gear xrd revelatory and skill girls second encore. I'm gonna be out of commission for a while so which will I get the most out of?

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Offline or online?

i'd say skill girls

I dont have the option to play online yet but will eventually I hope

then you should get some NRS fighter or SC6
Other fightans don't really have offline content

I dont like mortal kombat or injustice and besides that mk and soul calibur are currently out of my price range

Street Fighter 5 is a safe bet, though you will pay more for DLC characters and so forth beyond just the base game. I would also recommend Under Night In Birth (UNIST); that game is on sale as well and it's on of the more popular anime fighting games.

Skullgirls community mostly plays on PC; no one plays on PSN.
Guilty Gear on PSN has a lot more native input delay on PS4, so most people also play it on PC

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Yeah I saw undernight but it's still 5 usd over what I can afford. Literally just lost pretty much everything I own and am majorly in debt so this ps4 I just got and the 10 dollar psn card is all I can work with. Just looking for suggestions
Even though I dont have online yet I still have mates that will play fightan irl

Damn, that sucks.

Just get SFV, it's the most alive game right now (other than Tekken7).

>mk and soul calibur are currently out of my price range
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Well I appreciate everybody's recommendations you guys are rantastic

I'm 28 and got seriously fucked over in the last 3 years so you can go slam the fuck somewhere with that wojack poster. This is 4channel. We're a Christian server now.

>just lost everything
>in debt
>better buy a ps4

thats false, dbfz has more than sfv usually as well and is often on sale for $15

Among those 3 games, SFV. Xrd and Skullgirls are dead online.

SFV has crossplay

>i'm 28 and can't spend 30 bucks for a used copy of a video game, let alone 60
You are the most pathetic person i've ever seen

I play Xrd regularly online and have little issue playing in public lobbies without resorting to Discord or any if that.

and it has netcode and match making that doesn't work.

Sell your PS4 you dumb nigger.

dude if you want fighting games when in debt just get a cheap PC instead of a console and play poverty fighters like hisoutensoku or melty blood

those are dead online on PSN, on PC there's plenty of player lobbies

Guilty Gear has the most content for your money, but if you haven't played in years it can also be off putting bc its pretty difficult. But everyone has several combo trials you can grind through and theres a mission mode to teach general stuff, as well as an anime story mode to watch

SFV base game is a little roster and doesn't have much for just offline play. If you could spring for arcade edition and get some more of the cast that's another thing, but right now it's just kind of "fine" with short and unfulfilling arcade modes

Skull girls is another game with a good helping of single player content, I dont think it's as hard to get into as guilty gear and you can jerk it to all the characters. Just get a feel for whether you like GG or SG better I say, pass on sfv if you're not online

You can get hundreds of hours out of any of those. SFV is the best bet for online.

I appreciate all the replies. But yall ain't gotta tell me how pathetic I am. I know I dont have a job. Just got of the hospital, had to have plumbing replaced in my house and owe 2 lawyers money but yeah I'm just trying to get some entertainment.

But I'm thinking guilty gear is the one I'll get. If I liked accent core will revelator hold me over for at least a month or so playing offline with friends and practicing until my leg heals?

Sure GG is entertaining enough, especially if you already liked the previous entries, then it makes it a safe bet.

Hope you get well soon. Take care of yourself, dude.

Thanks user. You guys are swag

Honestly for offline play, get guilty gear
SFV is trash, skull girls is alright

Get a good job asap to get your life back on tracks

Good luck

Good Ass Tekken

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gameplay-wise Xrd is less technical than AC but mostly because new systems are a unification of some old systems (yellow roman cancels are similar to false-cancels that let you cancel before a move lands to fake it out, but they can also be used as a universal force break "upgrade" for moves that didn't have it previously); however i don't find it bad to play as i did with other "simplified" games.
story-wise it's good, shame that the story mode is just one big movie but at least there's arcade episodes with individual plot lines.
netcode is mostly garbo, but it's alright if your friends live in the same city as you do

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