Death Stranding

>Death Stranding
>Ghost of Tsushima
>LoU 2
>Spiderman/Venom game
>God of war 5
>Medievil 1&2 remake
>PS5 more powerful than high end PC
Holy shit, how did we win so hard?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dilating and delusional

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100 million PS4 owners can't be wrong.

>Walking Sim
>Shitty remake
>Bamham combat
>Lesbian dykes making out
>Might be ok
>Nobody cares
I win, don't @me

Considering over 70% of them are part of the LGBTQ+ community I'm not so sure about that.

>games from last year
>games for next year (ported on ps5 6 month later)

there's merely 80 millions owners, most ps4 pro sales are upgrade buy, not new people. It shows in the game sales, completely doesn't match a 100M customer base at all.

the highest selling games on ps4 are cowadooty multiplats and soccer simulators. 100 million ps4 players may as well have gotten xbox one's instead considering it's more powerful.

>PS5 more powerful than high end PC
literally how are you going to make that cost less than 1k$?


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With 1 recent exception a week ago, I haven't used my ps4 in next to a year. I'm honestly having a lot more fun with the vita right now.

To win, you'd have to be better than the competition. And that certainly isn't the case

>only interested in medievil remake from that list
>PC already better than the PS5 could ever be
Damn, should I just sell my PS4 now?

>merely 80 mil

>movie as confirmed by the maker
>i won't lie i know next to nothing
>tranny shit
>fake news same as when ps4 said it
yawn Sony boys are so weak

>MediEvil 2 remake
I swear it was just one. You got some info on 2?

I know this is going to sound like consolewar shitposting, but recently I've been giving some thought towards selling my ps4 and buying a switch. I did have fun with god of war and the prospect of future games in other mythologies does sound interesting, but that's one game.

>PC: no valkyrie profile III
>PS4: no valkyrie profile III
>Switch: no valkyrie profile III
>Xbone: no valkyrie profile III
How have we won, if truly we have all lost?

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I own both, if nintendo hadn't duped me into buying a switch for bayo 3 / SMTV or if they already released it I would've sold that aswell. Nowadays it just seems like everything worthwhile is on PC.

You’re better off playing the mobile game.

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Jesus Christ, why Snoy fans are so fucking retarded?

i legitimately have never seen this one. is it, dare i ask, NEW OC!?

I'm all about the Japanese games and I can also read and prefer to play games in Japanese, so the switch has a lot of value for me. It's honestly fucking annoying to buy a Japanese game on ps4 because importing physical means I get fucked by taxes and shipping, and buying digital means I need to buy prepaid card from resellers who steal my money. With the switch I can just buy whatever region and a lot of them will have JP as a language option.

>PS5 more powerful than high end PC
Bruh you are in denial if you believe that the PS5 will kill PC gaming.

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B-but Smash!

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>PS5 more powerful than high end PC

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the two aren't even in competition with each other. playstation is streaming, PC is...vinyl records.

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So what are we snoychads playing right now?


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more like sony always gay lol

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>>PS5 more powerful than high end PC
Do you actually believe Sony's propaganda? They also said the PS3 could run games at 120fps too.

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Wow only one game that will bomb

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>not even out yet any of these
>PS5 more powerful than high end PC
Oh, this is a falseflag thread.

thanks for the advertisement nintenbros!

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haven't met a single sonyfag who wants any of those lmao

Sales were reaching a plateau years ago that's why there's a ps4 pro to begin with.


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Judgement. After that i'm going to play the Spiderman DLC I got on sale, then Yakuza 4 when it drops. I might get Death Stranding or I might pick up Days Gone. Not sure yet.