What is the appeal of the XBox One? I'm reviewing the exclusive list and there's nothing worth investing in the console.
What is the appeal of the XBox One? I'm reviewing the exclusive list and there's nothing worth investing in the console
Halo5, Forza Horizon, gamepass and most powerful console
You get a child-size controller for free
Brand loyalty from brainwash XDrones
Typical snoy ESL cope lol
Runs some games like RDR2 better than PS4 I guess
i recognized that pic
I would say Gamepass and Backwards compatibility but that's it
>What is the appeal of the XBox One
none, it's just a FIFA machine
>retarded pony only recognizes worth by exclusives
back to the bloodborne machine
Wait, PC got bloodborne?
I wish
It's the most powerful console of all time.
None besides
>oh my friends have one I want to be on the same network I guess
Not a single of the worth while games can't be accessed elsewhere
Cuphead and Ori are on Switch now too
>worth by exclusives
Yeah, that's literally the only worth that consoles have.
As a guy who preferred exbawks since a child, I can say that the Xbone is a waste of money. New Halos suck, Gears is way past its hayday, Forza is on the Windows store and microsoft seems content in letting the quadrillions of indie games take the front page of the store.
Indie games on a console store is a sign the console has no fucking games. Wii U was the same way, indie shit in your face non stop.
>the most powerful console of all time
That really means nothing if it doesnt have games you want to play.
PC is most powerful and all xbox games exist on pc, waste of money
Backwards compatibility and gamepass. The lack of elite exclusives hurt it. I dunno why it's a mystery to people here though. A lot of people owned xbox 360 and some have stuck with them.on xbone. If you dont game on pc than it's still a viable option. I unironically prefer the games on xbox that arent on ps4 to the games 100% exclusive to ps4 which is why mine collects dust.
Keep saying it
>hes still comparing xbox and pc
nice insecurities you have there
it's only a matter of time
>dont have to sit at a desk
>can play from bed or couch
>local mp
>runs multiplats better
>more convenience
>games tailor made for hardware, multiplats generally run better
>dont have to deal with animefags and poltards in your games
>can play with your buds, unlike pc where you have to play with shitty online "friends" bc your irl friends all have consoles
I would be willing to bet my ass that a lot of these recent Xbox hate thread were spawned by dunkey epik video, can't believe how these retards don't even hide it, every time an epik e-celeb releases a video shitting on a game and/or platform, suddenly there's a lot of threads about it here made by what I call "ironic redditors"
Xbox one isn't worth getting due to having no exclusives yet it has the best (and unique) wojak variant
It's just jealous poorniggers.
>b-but my console of choice has more exclusives. I win right? Please tell me I won at something in life. This cheap piece of electronics is my life
>most powerful console
Kill yourself, you stupid fuck, PC isn't a console.
>runs multiplats better
>more convenience
>games tailor made for hardware, multiplats generally run better
>dont have to deal with animefags and poltards in your games
>can play with your buds, unlike pc where you have to play with shitty online "friends" bc your irl friends all have consoles
People who were kids when the xbox came out are adults now.
Someone hold me and fondle my penis
>you're a pleb if you dont play all games the best way possible way usually pc master race
>plays console exclusives like red dead2 on ps4 and not xbox one x
>I'm laughing at the hypocrisy
I'm 36 and xbox was great especially og xbox. How the fuck old are you?
Phantom Dust? Rare Replay? D4?
Surely there has to be at least ONE game
Halo5 alone is better than all snoy exclusives combined because it has actual content and not 50 hours of lesbian snogs
If all you really play are the multi-platform games from EA, Ubisoft, and Activision the Xbox One X is the most powerful console. That is a lot of gamers.
PC doesn't play Halo5 or RDR2 and has crossbuy with Xbox, even uses the same controllers
This. Just right after cuckey released a video about the faults of the Xbox One we suddenly got an increase in Xbox hate threads.
Lol no. Esp when you can just get a xbox 360 for 50 dollars and all its halo games for 10 dollars.
Halo 5 doesnt appeal to me and it give it a try when it comes out on pc.
Halo 5 is the best one
Just like they waited for a crowbcat video before bashing the game. This place is full of non gaming underage youtube watching children that are unable form their own opinions and actual manchildren that still console warrior.
Or just bad faith arguments
Because 360 emulation is shit on the PC, whereas it's only bad on Xbox One by having over half it's library unbootable. I could just get a 360, but the build quality on those things is so garbage that it's just a ticking timebomb. Kept my old 360 around to play backwards incompatible games games, and use the Xbox One to play anything that is supported. The less wear and tear on the old dog, the better.
And since I've got an Xbox One, it makes a pretty decent shit-box for the livingroom that guests can play because everyone I know IRL are filthy casuals who get flustered like a woman when trying to use a keyboard and mouse.
Also, it has an HDMI-In port on the back left over from it's "TV, TV, TV" days, so most of the games I run on the Xbox One are just PC games streamed in over Steam Link.
>Steam Link.
Lol no. If that was true, every fag who owned a 360 would have bought a xbox one.
The UI is much more functional than the PS4. The PS4 menus are constantly lagging, and if you try to record a video on your PlayStation? Forget about it you're gonna be standing still for the next 30 seconds
Why do Xchads live in Sonyvirgins heads rent free?
Because Americhads live in Eurovirgins heads rent free.
More like Xchuds
that was lame
It's literally just the guy from Overlord
It has the best value when compared to the other consoles. Even more so if you have a large 360 library. RDR never looked or played this well before and the same can be said about NGB
as an avid xbot, im real fucking disappointed with microsoft. They spent alot of time explaining how they are on a new course with gaming over the last two years.
We have had some shit games come out recently, but most were just a byproduct of delays (crackdown) or acquisitions (wasteland).
Gears 5, at least to me, was their perfect opportunity to show their hand in what they have in store for gamers with Scarlett on the way, and boy is it a fundamental let down.
The game revolves around a battle pass which they clearly wanted to sell as "free" but you still have to buy the fucking game. Then you go to the cash shop and its nearly as bad as apex. The skins are 10-20 dollars for palette swaps or low effort model crops. They monetize just about everything they possibly can, including XP boosts.
You level your battle pass with daily kill quests that often reward too little stars to even get you to max rank before the end of the season unless you pay real money to get more quests. I would care more but the rewards are even worse than the cash shop shit.
On top of all this, its just fucking boring. People just farm beginner mode to get their quests done because Gears 5 functions as a Cosmetics Store with shooting gallery changing room.
Outside of the game, I couldnt even play it for a week after they updated the game because their UWP DRM made it so i couldnt boot the game at all, and i have to use a two month old nvidia driver to not crash to desktop.
Am i supposed to be excited to buy another fucking microsoft console? Am i supposed to buy a fucking Stadia now?
Holy shit do I hate the state of video games.
Horizon is shit, this is coming from someone who actually likes and spends real life money on cars and racing
Friends to play with.
>this universally praised game is shit
>hurr trust me I like cars
Cope harder poornigger
Well you can play your old Xbox games in fancier HD visuals and they have all three Banjo Kazooie games if you're into that sort thing. But then again you could just emulate the first two and buy Nuts and Bolts on an Xbox 360 Assuming you already have one.
No, halo fans just have shit taste
Okay fag
>Xbox is so desperate for fresh new franchises that they've literally been reduced to highlighting Solitaire as one of their big games
Solitaire is huge tho
can I still download EDF 2525 with xbox gold?
Everyone plays Solitare though user
You literally have no worthwhile exclusives. Even in your golden age of the 360, all you had were shit like Halo and Gears, and several high profile JRPGs from early on. Meanwhile your cuckworthy Xbox live shit became common place because you idiots didn't think that paying for your own internet was ridiculous and you ate it up. Disgusting. And Sony is shit as well, but at least there were some interesting exclusives across PS3/4 but they will always be outclassed by a PC (IE - non cucked consumers).
Not him.but since when was owni g a piece of electronics like being on a sports team? I've owned every Playstation, xbox and Nintendo console.
Halo5 alone is better than all snoy exclusives lol
i know this thread is bait but...
I'm an xbone fan. Stop falseflagging you faggot
sounds like you are coping to me.
every xbox fag from the 360 era I know only played halo 3/odst and call of duty.
call of duty kinda fell out of popularity and halo 5 didnt seem to appeal to halo fans.
it just was bad timing all around.
you're a faggot, that's what you are
I'll play Halo over any Snoy exclusive any day.
Crackdown 3 is way too high.
I got gamepass for 3 years by basically just paying for Xbox live for 3 years. So 180 dollars for an ass load of games is worth in my opinion.
I’m really enjoying halo master chief collection and don’t intend on paying for any Xbox games just playing the ones available on game pass. Which at this point is a lot considering they’ve got gears and halo and fallout
so can you or can you not download EDF 2525? I need to know if it's worth to renew my Xbox Live
Best part about owning an Xbox or Nintendo is that you dont have to chop your dick off to own one. Wish I could say the same for Sony Bros(Female 2019)
If you're renewing Xbox Live just to get "free" games then you shouldn't be paying for it at all. Just buy the game itself.
I know this is just another "durrr console warzzzzz" thread but I used to be die hard mustard race.
I prefer my xbox now. You can't beat the comfy of a couch. Plus, your competition consists of literal apes, shitters, and children. It's much more relaxed with far fewer sweaty neckbeards.
I'll take a little bit of input delay over having to sit up at a desk for extended gaming sessions anyday.
What do you mean.
Like unironically, what are you talking about.
Also I'm looking into buying both consoles because I did the same with last gen consoles and had a lot of fun with their exclusives. Do you think picking up an s model with 1TB is worth it or should I just go for an older model?
dude, I want that game because It's missing on my collection. I think it's worth the money I'm going to pay for the xbox gold this month.
You get to keep the Xbox 360 games even if your sub runs out. I just want to know if the game is still up for download.
>I just want to know if the game is still up for download.
Then fire up the Xbox or google it
Well MS literally introduced all the worst aspects of modern games, so yes. However Sony is nearly as had for immigrating them and trying other anti consumer shit.
I can understand when it's compared to shit like The Last of Us, or Uncharted which are horrible shit. Don't get me wrong, Sony's own studios are trash. But they get good third party games from Japanese studios, which are the only worthwhile studios.
The thing is, Halo is one series and it's fucking dead. It's also not very interesting for anyone who was playing actually skillful FPS at the time like Counterstrike. Plus it's a series objectively better on PC; the fact that they denied a proper Halo 3 PC is garbage and they should hang for making it locked to shitty consoles. Additionally, how could you ever defend the failure rate of 360's in the past ? At least PS3 slims don't have that issue.
My Xbox has become my favorite console, ahead of my Switch
Nothing like sitting down on my couch, playing some Gears, Sonic Mania or Minecraft in glorious 4K all at absolutely no cost thanks to $1 gamepass ultimate and bing rewards
Xbox was like the only one out of the big 3 who kept making multiplayer games. Sony tried a bit but their online is still hot garbage and they dont have the money to keep shit running.
People who play gears and Halo will gladly accept another game and Forza has a stupidly active community. Pretty much what separate Xbox from the rest was their commitment to online and bringing unique experiences. Nowadays? its a shallow corpse lead by idiots who dont know what people want. Halo has no active story thread and has essentially been rebooted 3 times since 343i took over. Gears 5 is a solid game all around but its never going to be as popular as microsoft wants it to be. Forza is Forza, but even that is running stale. but like soccer games it has a huge returning base of players.
I use a launch box with 500 gb internal and only the most recent games have any frame lag, usually only when there's a lot of actors and particles on screen.
1TB is a definite minimum though, any AAA game that includes multiplayer is well over 100GB. If you are a collector/hoarder an external HDD is necessary.
And don't come at me with the muh movie gamez excuse. It's a good game and that's coming from someone who loathes uncharted
>Halo is one series and it's fucking dead
That's wrong when many still enjoy it and talk about it online, 343i talked about a possible Precursor map with a living breathing imprisoned Precursor and the fans cummed buckets.
ok I just went to their site instead.
Sadly no it's over, they have Tekken there now. I fucking hate Tekken.
I'm an xboner, and honestly if you are seriously into play games nothing. Its really just a multiplat machine.
I honestly couldn’t give a fuck about what piece of plastic people play on. Why autists like to argue about this shit? Also, it seems like people on PlayStation have zero friends.
Anyone have any idea what they're gonna do next gen to entice people to buy the new xbox? You've got the fact that all exclusives are coming to PC and the already established fanbase on ps4. It'll be hard for them to convert people over espcieally because nobody wants to let go of all there digital purchases and PS5 is gonna be backwards compatible.
>mfw fell for the 1 ms lcd monitor meme
God I fucking hate sitting like a wagecuck all day long
if the playstation people have no friends, why is a game called "Where are my friends" on the list of discount tittles with gold for the Xbox right now?
I genuienly don't get the appeal of Xbox anymore. Everything they have in their court is on PC and better.
>Back compat
>All their exclusives
>XBL being better than PSN
>Having the power advantage over Playstation
>Having the better controller
>Game pass
etc. etc. etc. Unless you're a low IQ monkey who can't into PC gaming there's legit zero reaosn to own Xbox anymore.
game pass is ass on the PC.
goddamnit you almost got me
Normies dont own gaming pcs. Xbox being on pc is only a console warrior talking point. They could easily snatch back some of their marketshare with quality first party games. It looks like they're at least going to try to do that.
Don't MS own mechwarrior and Ninja gaiden? What the fuck are they doing?
You mean MS Scarlett? They already announced what the hardware is going to be like.
>Microsoft unveiled Project Scarlett at E3 2019, touting 120 FPS, 8K resolutions, and the elimination of load speeds.
>Based on custom Ryzen Zen2 CPU architecture and Navi GPU architecture, Project Scarlett is set for a Holiday 2020 launch.
They also acquired a handful of game studios. All they really have to do is have a handful of good exclusives that has a wide appeal.
>touting 120 FPS, 8K resolutions
Why do people still fall for this shit every gen?
For a dead series, Halo5 sure got a lot of free content updates?
No it isn't lol
>Still playing Nu-Halo
>Not realize the franchise ended with Reach and 4 was necrophilia
Their games are painful immigrations of real Halo, sorry but that shit is equivalent to fan fiction. The fact they have to make a whole new fucking game to retcon the other atrocious 343i games is an example. Their ineptness with the Master Chief Collection (when MS has all the assets to NOT fuck this up) shows how inept they are.
The Xbox only works as shitty PCs for poor people. It's a tragedy when the two or three games they have are trapped in awful hardware and cucked online.
It's the same shit though; boring cover based shooting with snap animations where you "press x to watch" animations for everything. There's not a remotely unique aspect to TLOU, and if you say the story/scenario it's a The Road but reinterpreted for ingrate children who don't fucking read (Americans). It's boring as fuck, and Resident Evil 2 Remake takes a steaming shit on it.
>120fps, 8k
I find it amusing that they could barely muster 60fps at 1080p yet suddenly we're supposed to expect 120fps at 8k?
Because it's the only brand MS has, and they're backpeddling to keep people interested ?
This game looked like ass yet when it got canned suddenly all the Platinum and MS shills framed it as some kind of tragic event
they are desperate
Xbois like me who created a Live account in 2002 as soon as it dropped and cant let go.
Because they have to support it just like Sea of Thieves. MS is in the corner now, they'd be destroyed if any of their games weren't supported. Fuck, even Crackdown 3 got DLC.
I get the specs, but Sony is going to introduce backwards compatibility. Which compared to xbox is going to be fucking huge for normies. PS1-4 is a massive catalog of games. You don't think sony already has a handful of good exclusives ready to go for the new gen to compete with Xbox too? I'm just trying to think of what MS can do to BTFO sony next gen in terms of features and software.
They're not retconning anything though and even all of the Bungie and ex-Bungie members accept 343i's Halo. Also, what really is real Halo?
Reminder that your average pc gamer is playing on a pc weaker than an xbox one x. Why are europoors so pathetic?
Sorry bud oh halo died at 2 and 5 is better than all of them
There really isn't one right now, and I say this as an owner who enjoyed his console immensely but in retrospect should have just gotten a PS4. Most all the exclusives are now on PC in some capacity, and are often day-and-date included on gamepass for both platforms. I really liked Halo 5 when it came out and gears 5 is actually pretty fun even though the game feels a little bare bones at times, but the lack of new interesting games on the platform is staggering. I can at least thank my xbone for pushing me into PC gaming, a platform I now enjoy immensely.
A game vs actual people in real life with zero friends, bro you’re fucking retarded
>He still thinks he's getting more than PS4 back compat
LMAO. You think they'd let go of charging you for PS1/2 classics like they always do? Also PS3 isn't happening ever. They're lazy jap fucks and they've got the perfect scapegoat for it with muh cell. PSNow also exists, no way they're undermining that.
Don't forget it will have hardware raytracing with raytracing cores.
Yeah and it turned out better than anything snoy shat out this Gen
They've said ps4 only so far. I doubt youre getting full back compat especially with ps3.
Not him but kill yourself, only Halo 1-5 are good, spin-offs need not apply.
Better multiplat experience
overlord sucks
No reason to let it go but yeah I have my first wave xbox beta kit still. The orange memory card sells for like $100 on ebay
do they have minesweeper? I need to know.
Gamepass is the best deal for games especially if you're on a budget. We recently got Gears 5, DMC5 and Bloodstained.
It’s backwards compatible with my 360 games, is powerful, has third party games, and I can buy them physically.
I have a switch and xbox one and between them they have pretty much every game I want to play and the xbox has the added bonus of gamepass which is very affordable and saves me quite a bit of cash. It's a satisfying combination. Currently playing DMC5, RDR2 and FH4 on the xbox and mario odyssey, astral chain and just bought pokemon let's go to get myself hyped up for the upcoming game.
I can't really bring myself to pay money for it but the xbonex having probably the best BC emulation features ever really helps make it more of an attractive purchase to me.
>but the xbonex having probably the best BC emulation features ever
Do you even know what a PC is? You know were you don't have to wait for MS to make a game back compat, or hope it doesn't run at 720p sub 30fps. Or just emulate any other console you don't own? How the fuck does Xbox have the best back compat features?
Maybe in americuckistan lmao. Have fun paying off that loan for your xbox's loan's loan, fatty
My loan is for my house on 4 acres. Have fun living like a fuckin cockroach with your weakshit pc.
You're the pcfag here, DayQuanSho'en
Honestly feel bad for actual xbox fans. I'm 100% sure there are no xbox fans on Yea Forums; they are all just falseflagging to shit on other platforms lol.
I like how this pic was made when nincels thought they would be getting Persona 5 and not a shitty Musou
I'm a fan. I bet I play more games than your average Yea Forums shitposter by far. Feel sorry for them. They hate games and themselves.
Show me a 360 emulator that's on par with the xbone I'll wait
>backwards compatibility to remember how this fucking generation is trash and you gonna end up mostly replaying old games you missed, some with 4k resolution.
>cheaper to acquire, even the Xbox One X can be found at the same price or cheaper than the PS4 Pro.
Don't forget that Jim Sterling also recently knocked on Microsoft.
Right now it's SO COOL for zoomers to hate on Xbox. Their patreon donations are really paying off, look at all they have to talk about.
Sorry user, you missed, since day 16 its Tekken Tag 2.
>Everything is a falseflag.
Your /pol/anoia is showing.
Weird that it could end up backfiring, i've seen people complaining that Gamepass is not profitable, why they care about a company they hate? And shouldn't they be paying the full price aways to deliver the best support to developers?
Imagine such discussions against Gamepass goes to the average joe, its going to be the same result as it led to Trump victory, they are trying to shit on something that most people would like.
There was just a thread claiming there are only 3 million game pass subscribers because that's how many people played gears 5. People live to hate Microsoft here. It's almost like they're paid to hate them.
>Jim Sterling
Now that guy is the definition of a hack. Literally none of the shit he does is in any way original OR transformatively creative and his trademark rants are unbelievably redundant
Bought an Xbone a year after it launched for Halo 5. I've regretted it since then. Yeah it has some neat shit like Gamepass but the games I'd like to play - weebshit mainly - is all on PS4 so I should have gone that route. Next gen will be interesting whether or not to see I go PS5 over Xbox after being an Xbox/Nintendo guy since the start of time.
>Another decade of seething at Xbox merely existing incoming
Feels good, fellow xbros
>cheap 200 dollars
>game pass
>emulation with xbox and 360 which is shit on pc still
>4k dvd player
>elden ring
That is all.
elden ring isn't exclusive
literally all on pc
>Forza 6
>mid tier
get out
You can buy Loss clothing for your Avatar, what's not to like?
>They spent alot of time explaining how they are on a new course with gaming over the last two years.
Lol... it's been like 4 years of them saying... THE GAMES ARE COMING
And yeah, they did come I suppose, but they were mediocre disappointments all around. Forza is the only franchise worth a damn right now and even I fear for Horizon as each release seems to lose features. The DLC for FH4 has been underwhelming and gimicky.
the fuck
is this real?
to be fair , games these days take 5 years to make. it was allways going to be a 5 to 6 year plan before we even seen anything.
Just noticed it today.
Fucking whut
god i want to fuck an xbox avatar
The T-shirt one...seems wrong.
Could someone recommend me an acceptable headset for the One S?
Did MS hire a cabinet full of women and homos to make these avatars? It's like they decided gamer gurls were their only market for these things because they are entirely stripped and devoid of masculine features. Try and make a male avatar and it still looks like a tranny.
OP loves big brown dick in his ass?
Nope. Otherwise you'd have a job right now.
Turtle Beach Stealth 600
Xbox fan here
What keeps me coming back to Xbox over the other console and PC is the convenience, the backwards compatibility and my love of western-developed games.
You're not gonna find many fans here because Yea Forums is a Weeb board, but its a solid console.
I mean sure you can shit talk about the games already being on PC, but that just means more people are playing together, I played Horde in Gears 5 today with some random PC and Xbox players and had fun.
I don't really believe in PC mustard race anymore, Modding is dead and most games are just console games anyways. Games like Arma and Tarkov and Red Orchestra 2, games made bespoke for PC that aren't shit are very rare.
Awful joke homo. I don't work in software either.