So.... this is how it ends Yea Forums

so.... this is how it ends Yea Forums....

Attached: hit.jpg (3024x4032, 891K)

Other urls found in this thread:, our closest allies.jpg/

Please give me a thorough explanation of why an lgbt flag ruins a game

It's not okay to put this in a kid's game.

* I shit and fart in your face *

>waaaaah it's bad to teach kids love and tolerance and to not to be bigots

It doesn't, these are falseflag threads.
At the very worst, they are distasteful.
Like this is an okay argument to make about it.

Ya'll just mad kids aren't being bullied for being little faggots these days like you were growing up.

Why is it bigoted to not want reminders of your sexual preferences everywhere? Why is sex negativity only for straight representations, except if it's a reminder that you fuck men and/or chop off your balls, then it's a symbol of tolerance?

>trans/gay anything appears in game
>discussion immediately ruined on Yea Forums
Why does this always happen

because trannies should not be tolerated.

>implying they aren't
nigga it's increased tenfold, if anything. You think actual kids stand for this crap? If anything little kids are the most bigoted, nonconformist group in existence and have been since the dawn of time.

Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?

No its even worse, now you get bullied for being 1 inch too short. Glad i got out of school before the world went crazy

>tranny flag in the sewers where it actually belongs

What's wrong with that?

Trans flag, not LGBT flag.

Not him. It's an LGBT flag, not the LGBT flag.

because people play games to escape real world problems, nobody is saying lgbt people can't play video games but nobody wants to play a video game and have lgbt stuff put in there face especially when they are such a small minority

*He said it's an

what I would give to be a tranny on Yea Forums imagine the trolls you could do

It's not even being shoved down your throat. It's legit tucked away in a corner of the map basically as graffiti. I've seen more offensive stuff walking by my drainage ditch.

Why have it in the first place? It just reeks of cynical pandering without a hint of irony.

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just pretend like trannies do.

>waah it's bad to brainwash kids into destroying their bodies to appease the insecurity of a bunch of confused freaks and sex offenders

Didn't we have this thread last week? Same thumbnail and wording to.

Why not have it in?

Haha imagine if you thought he was gonna get mad but under the shit you could see a big smile on his face and he had a boner. Haha then you look down and you had a boner too? Damn that'd be so gay

You're paying to support democrat voters. The rest is automatic.

Ya know thats funny. This actually doesn’t fucking ruin the game. You see it isn’t FORCED, its just a goddamn easteregg. Its not shoved in your face, you don’t HAVE to see the tranny flag for a mission or anything like that.

But of course all you shits don’t care about that and only want to discuss how trannys are the bane of ones existence. Trannys are shit yes but be glad that the game isn’t fucking forcing you to look at it and shoving it in your face.

I just fucking hate faggots.
I ain't giving money to faggot enablers, they'll waste it on hormones and pastel colored stripped legwear anyways.

there's always people sperging out in these threads even if OP's just baiting

Tbh this wouldn't happen if short guys and fatties were bullied more

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its /polfaggots/ bait

>Yea Forums
>buying games
I had a laugh

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with a subset of people who make up less than 1% of the population?

>Trannys are shit yes but be glad that the game isn’t fucking forcing you to look at it and shoving it in your face.
Why should I be glad that the developers did the bare minimum?
Fuck trannies.

Its true

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there is not even an option to hide it or to remove it from the game so you don't even have to see it at all. even if it's in the corner tucked away you can still stumble onto it.

imagine playing a game and then you stumble onto a graffiti version of the straight flag imagine how out of place and in appropriate it will feel to have some flag you never wanted or intended to see viewed.

i have nothing against trans people, they can do whatever they want to ruin their perfectly good bodies it's their lives not my own, but i would rather avoid trans stuff and just want to live my life without being subjected to it.

Not that one that's for sure.

If you're gonna have it in make something funny or interesting with it. It'd be like Shadow Warrior 1 (the remake) hiding a 7th gen model of a naked woman showering instead of the cute lil' pixelated sprite you find instead. It's just there, it does nothing and it'd be inappropiate and tasteless.


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>hey guys be mature like me and teach love and tolerance
>fuck all Drumpf supporters they are evil racist
>fuck white people I can't wait until they go extinct!

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>food anaolgy

Is this the guy who cried to fart noises ON STREAM?

or any

what do you think the T stands for? you absolute dumbass, you fool

what the fuck do you think the T stands for numbnuts

Because Yea Forums is /pol/ and Yea Forums mixed into one.

Yea Forums HATES trannies because they are everywhere nowadays and as such are consequently invading vidya. Now if the trans shit isn’t forced in a game and is just simply like an easteregg or a small detail, thats fine idgaf about that. But if its FORCED upon me and shoved into my face, thats when I have a fuckin problem.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>fuck NIGGERS and anyone with brown eyes day of the rope when
>woa wait wtf why are people hating us bro so much for the tolerant left

>Yea Forums HATES trannies because they are everywhere nowadays
They're not, though. 100% of my exposure to trannies comes from this board.


>its everywhere!!!
go outside

How is this allowed

>Dumbfuck makes a literal shovelware game about killing lgbt people and minorities
>Team of dedicated people make an actual great game and put a trans flag in their game

Trans rights.

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So anyways when are you going to lose weight?

>they are everywhere nowadays
I legitimately only hear about them on Yea Forums. That's it. I do not ever hear about them in regards to vidya except when Yea Forums is throwing an autism fit about some shitty western game.

Name me good game that has transgender stuff shoved down your throat. Not memeing I'm just wondering because I almost never see this shit for some reason. You guys keep saying this but I cant find it.

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>make an actual great game
AHiT was decent, but let's not get too carried away here.

>Some random person on twitter said something critical of white people
>Oh my god the entire white race is literally under attack, someone stop this act of genocide!

Looks like a tampon

>because they are everywhere nowadays
I’ve met a grand total of one tranny in the city.

>Mutilating your genitals and dressing in women's clothing is promoting love and tolerance rather than being a mental health issue.
I'd say kys but we both already know you're going to so it's redundant

>Dumbfuck makes a literal shovelware game about killing lgbt people and minorities

What game is that?


I was just saying. I know trannies aren’t EVERYWHERE, but they are in a lot more news and media today. They are more common. Thats kind of what i was trying to say, just that they are more common now. Feels like they are everywhere but they obviously aren’t.

Tales of Androgyny

everything that fags touch gets ruined
we should burn them all

The wester industry has long since been lost

The power of pink haired feminists, resetera and games journalists is too great

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How can I legally kill a tranny?



I'm not writing a 10 page dissertation for you on why political movements that elevate blatant insanity to the level of objective correctness have no place in society, much less vidya. You will never be a girl, this is a fact. Accept reality.


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Fucking transphobe

Right after you stop projecting.

Reverse thai flag

this is not how you go about it.

compared to anything the right can make is a masterpiece

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>Single artist expresses their politics through their art
>Multibillion dollar global corporation forces in reference to politics in preestablished work
Omg keep politics out.

As ever, I'm always ready to help you smooth brains understand the difference between artistic individual expression and corporate shilling for PR brownie points.

The only people that pirate games are fucking niggers and poorfags. Which one are you?

become a doctor
how do you legally kill a /pol/ack?
get a factory job packaging tendies

>regular day on Yea Forums
>grrr trannies bad
>moderation weakens for any reason
>suddenly every other post is "uwu fuck my boipucci"

You guys are fake as shit

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>this is what jannies think they look like

I play games to avoid real life shit like trannies and faggots, I don't see why their agenda needs to be forced in video games.

Be sure to read the sticky when you go to /fit/, fatty

user, having no standards isn't tolerance or love, it's insanity and sugar coated indifference. You're no more a girl than I am a fish, and saying you identify as one is as absurd as identifying as an attack helicopter.

Get them to attack you or threaten you THEN kill them. It’d be self defense then.

Nice try consumerist cuck.
I'll buy good games that deserve it, and pirate everything else.

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Top comment

Holy fuck I must be mentally retarded because I can't think of the tranny shit in the game.

That car is so based

Because they've influenced society, and especially online culture now, far beyond what is relative to their population.

They may be "1%" but they're super vocal, rabid, and annoying

someone who doesn't pay for something I can get for free

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>axed nough LReady

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traps are fine, it's when they reject their maleness that it becomes a problem

Imagine if you are playing BioShock and suddenly there is a big real life political flag in some place of the game hidden.

makes no sense buddy, fuck you, mentally ill person

lgbt people like it though, and it's fine to let other people enjoy things and support them instead of pretending they don't exist

>regular day on Yea Forums
>grrr trannies bad
And then (You) was a retard.

Not only that, but they're objectively wrong.

Why don't /pol/fags just make their own game about killing fags and minorities? They claim to be capitalists so why not cater to their own niche market?

It doesnt, I wouldnt even know what it was if the faggoty millenial virgins didnt keep looking for things to be offended by.


My problem with this is that it's nothing. It's not an easter egg, it's just some IRL bullshit shoved in a game for no reason. It's not funny or charming or quirky, it's just there because someone felt pressured or had an egotistical desire to add it in. It's as if you took the "there's no easter eggs here" sign in GTA:SA and had it say something like "FUCK *insert some controversial political figure of the time here*"

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>play video games to escape my unfulfilling life
>over-present aspect of social politics shatters the immersion of my hobby/escape
just like flags don't affect the gameplay, they also have nothing to do with the world building or overall experience.
I dont feel like theres a good arguement for or against them besides "I like them" or "I dont like them". But I don't like them so I prefer not to see them, and Im not wrong for feeling that way.

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they are too incompetent to make anything beyond a moonman doom wad

I never ever see trannies nor see them in vidya outside of random flags. They are a legit boogeyman

>Idiot Free America

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I hate trannies too and I'm not even white, much less /pol/.

With a graffiti in a moldy sewer?

>some random person on twitter said something critical of colored people
>Oh my god all minorities are literally being oppressed, someone stop this act of bigotry and violence!
which is to say yes, I agree IdPol is a retarded distraction to keep the population distracted from the looming threat of global corporate oligarchy

So wait, is the OP fake?

If you say your're a girl when you have the body of a man, you're objectively wrong. Body of man == you are a man. It's not that hard.

Mental illness is not to be celebrated. It signifies that the developers are harmful to a healthy community, like faggots, niggers, and women.

>hidden away in the corner of the map in a place you never need to go
>not an easter egg


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How can women be harmful to healthy communities, when they are required to have a community in the first place?

No its real

fags and anatomy abusers have all the rights they're gonna get, every single one of these acceptance movements is doing more harm than good now and upcoming generations are getting less tolerant across the board. I'm not saying "don't call out this stupid shit where need be", what I am saying is that the gays(tm) are slowly losing ground and shooting themselves in the foot just hard enough to stop them from taking it back.

Encourage them to transition and they’ll off themselves within a couple of years.

mental illness isn't real, sjw
keep crying about your depresshun

Women drastically lower society’s IQ by a lot, just like niggers.

Based video

It doesn't, at the same time having all these flags in a game really seems out of place, it breaks ones immersion by reminding of the real world, and these flags being everywhere nowadays does get a bit annoying. Other than that I don't see any problem with these flags being in games.

the trans flag is in the game, in the sewers, its real

Easter eggs are meant to be somewhat funny or interesting, otherwise they're just lazy and shit. What's funny or interesting about the tranny flag?

both of those groups are bad, as are you wojak posting gen z skids.

Okay so can I hide swastikas and racist propaganda along with pedophilic stuff as long as it's tucked away in a non-political game?

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Feminism, you dipshit. Plus a bunch of worthless holes being worship by betas will always destroy society.

I literally just said they're the same thing
fags and white supremacists are controlled parties used to keep retsrds like you from taking down the corporatist government. at this point the world deserves it, it's clear that free will was wasted on the stupid and when left to our own devices people can't do anything worthwile

It’s normalizing the mutilation of one’s genitals and mental illness.

>le attack helicopter meme xD
epic dude!

sure, whenever you feel like making a game


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what does being trans have to do with communism?

Is this all that Yea Forums has become? Moaning about gays and transexuals? Are people born after 85 all insane?

feminism. No other movement has degraded standards as much as feminism, and yet they're beyond repute because muh oppreshun.

>A Hat in Time is a shit gam-

Attached: A Hat in Time.webm (940x548, 2.86M)

I found it funny, therefore it's an Easter egg

Wow hey good thing I never considered giving the devs a dime for their work. Thanks for the free game tranny faggots.

It's the truth. You are what you physically are, if your sense of self doesn't match up you're just wrong.

Because the line between "Gay pride" and literally grooming children is too thin to be morally defensible.

Would you let a 40 year old straight man teach your child about how its natural to show his penis and how sex feels good? No? Then why would you let a 40 year old homosexual/transexual teach your children about various sexual intercourse and sex organ modifications?

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there seems to be a large overlap. Guess you do have to be mentally ill to think communism works

Do you think kids are going to see this and be "moved" or "empowered"? Kids are the ones micspamming in your favorite game and shouting nigger constantly, 1 stupid flag isn't gonna change their minds, if anything it'll have the opposite effect.

I love disingenuous "arguments".

I know you like to eat shit, but shit aint food

No, we’re not going to pretend that the LGBTQPOLNIGGERS aren’t a cancer.


>tfw righties never ever have a solution for trannies that don't involve torture, murder, or a violation of civil rights

I might respect you more if you had any remotely intelligent solutions to your grave problem. It's generally either "hurrr murder" or "JUST KEEP TELLING THEM THEY ARE WRONG". Neither is remotely useful, since you can't mass murder everyone you dislike, and doctors are giving patients what they feel is the correct treatment, so they have no reason to listen to laymen


There's already lots of games with catholics in it though?

Spotted the niggers. Don't you have a welfare check to pick up, fucking nigger?

if it’s funny it isn’t always necessarily an Easter egg god dammit

kys my man

Keep your politics out of my vidya and I won't have to bitch about it.

>teaching children the golden rule


>teaching children they need to be obsessed about their sexual organs and orientation and how its cool to chemically or physically castrate themselves when they're 12 years old

One of these isn't like the other


You fucker better pay for my new sides surgery.

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it glorifies a mental illness.

>SJW infested vidya is ba-

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They actually do try to transition children. It's a perfectly valid concern.

much better than "I didn't find it funny or interesting so it's not an easter egg"

This. I was forced to chop my dick off after seeing the tranny in time flag.

>an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.

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>main character is a little girl
Serves you right fucking fag

>Ugh, if you want your faggot shit in games why don't you go make your own game?

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Don't try to erase queers, pansexuals, demisexuals, intersexuals, and 2-spirits you nazi
Donate to my patreon or else

Not like you had one in the first place.


Mental illness and depression aren't real, kike

You could not release New Vegas in today’s market with Caesar’s Legion the way it is. Just because a few of the developers are massive fruits doesn’t make it an SJW game. Nice try, though.

Why are game developers so adamant about pushing sodomy in our faces?

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>irate buyfag plays the nigger card
Haven't seen that one for a while. Stay angry, buyfaggot.

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The funny part is that whenever the Steam vs France argument comes up, people use indies to attack the used market, like it's worth to keep indies around.
What a bunch of fucking morons.

how about I rephrase it for you. Get out of my hobby scum, go kill yourselves.

please tell me, why exactly do you not like the trans flag?

Still bigger than yours.

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Yeah but then people will shit on me faster and NOT support me but the bias of trannies allows such a vocal minority to act like the majority. So even if I wanted to do it, it wouldn't be what I wanted, mind you I wouldn't cave to their demands but you get my point. It's equal to getting an AO rating on a game.

I have literally not played any game with Catholics in it, there's that eastern orthodox church in half life 2 but that's obviously not vatican shit.

Nah, I don't think so, and I'm sure you do as well.

This sub is so toxic....

I guess what redeems it is that it fleshes out the opposing views just enough to not make them complete straw-men, but it really doesn't at all hide the popular identity politics narrative of what is good or bad. I mean come on, both gay and lesbian companions voiced by extreme IRL liberals. The gameplay pretty much forces you to side with the NCR and reinforces the notion that they are the good guys throughout the game. Legion is painted as a comically evil nazi gang and when you interact with characters in the game world their literal top complaints are about misogyny, and slavery, the two biggest talking points in today's popular media, instead of general human atrocities they commit. The way your companions talk about Legion is also exactly the same infantile name-calling that the Trump-obessed liberals use; "Those idiot jerkwads!" There is an overarching general liberal narrative shoehorned all throughout this game yet I never hear that complaint levied against it like it is for more modern titles, and when did this come out, like 2010? That was still almost the nascent period of thepost-modern progressive hegemony and political correctness yet it was already so heavily entrenched in this piece of media...

Ave Caesar.

Aimless generation of depressed people without a real cause to fight for, without no real physical struggles, a generation that has got virtually everything at least on surface level, literally invents causes to fight for out of thin air to feel like their life has got a meaning and they're not just a transitional generation or an end-times generation which is far more likely.

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>its another “Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies” episode
I hate reruns

>every fucking day these threads keep getting made
>they always reach bump limit
>there's several up atm headed towards bump limit
>literally free entertainment watching conservacucks get triggered by some flag that represents a dude's right to wear a skirt

Lurkin comfy

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How are you doing anything other than acting like 65 year old widows in a mid 20 year olds body complaining into the wind about anything you dont like and accomplishing nothing except being a repetitive annoyance?
Imagine spending your youth staring into screens to purposely upset yourselves? Millenials and zoomers are fucked.


Based Amphachad

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>video games are the last bastion of freedom for straight white males
It's also your last stand, bigot.

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Given the large number of people who post on Yea Forums and /pol/, surely you have a large potential player base? Are you saying they wouldn't buy your game?
Also early ass-creed had Catholics, as do the civ games

Is that your cat?

this game produced some good porn

>literally free entertainment watching conservacucks get triggered by some flag that represents a dude's right to wear a skirt
It's also your right to call them a man and refer to them as "him", and you're far more right in that statement than they are to wear a skirt.
Why don't you try that and see what happens?

Why do you think you get to own a hobby?

No but I have a russian blue that looks almost exactly like that cat which is why I saved it, no pics of her on this computer tho

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well, im bisexual and i dont spend money on that kind of stuff

>I-I'm not a nigger I s-swear!

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>* I shit and fart in your face *
classic canadian joke

You're annoying, always bleating on about your empty and worthless causes, acting like doing makes you some kind of hero. I hate you people. I will never stop hating you people. I will grow old and gray and my hate will still be as strong as it is today. I wish I could hate all of you to death.

Pick a side.

>it's your right to call people things they don't want to be called
How come every argument against respecting pronouns is just "but I don't wanna"? Are you a child? Grow up.

Because when he was gatekeeping it was good, then it died because it let fags in.
You think it's gaming, but it's everything.
Look what happened to mandrama, an obese injun man in drag is about to win the women's world title next month.

see nobody actually talks like this. You made up this exaggerated caricature


Because I was here first.

>and you're far more right in that statement than they are to wear a skirt.
There's literally nothing wrong with crossdressing, you faggots love it when tomboys do it and you know it

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Why are you /pol/cels are so obsessed with 'muh kids' when 90% of you will never have kids, let alone have sex

I want to milk fat ampharos cock


>I don't wanna
You're fucking retarded. It's more like "I'm right in not calling you a woman and I shall not".

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>Because when he was gatekeeping it was good, then it died because it let fags in.
It died when mainstream came in. Get your target right. Capitalism pushed mass market appeal and mass market appeal is garbage.

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>free entertainment

So how’s that inferiority complex doing for ya?

So should they censor themselves and remove it?

But "I don't want to" is a perfectly valid reason. You have no right to command me, I will do and say as I please.

I'm also talking about those "trannies" youre at "war" with aswell. Absolutely pathetic and disgusting generations of people.

Attached: True Tranny Flag.jpg (655x395, 9K)

>see nobody actually talks like this. You made up this exaggerated caricature

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fat fuck

Okay, we'll keep saying the right is full of nazis because it's both correct and we will do as we please.

Mass-market big push was 1994-2004, then it became literal non-gamers from that point on, same as what happened to capeshit and hollywoord.
Again, "gamers are dead" was never about a fat roastie and her crew, it was about destroying any semblance of taste when it came to oppose anti-consumer practices, get everybody to eat shit and like the taste of it.

It's your right to be a dick on general principle, but you'll notice that you get a lot farther in life being kind.


It’s not censorship, it’s called common courtesy, fleshwound

That is an opinion and a very questionable one, mine was a statement, you fucking transvestite.
To be a nazi, I would have to do heinous things which I didn't do. You are indeed a man in drag.


So a bunch of suits looking to make stacks of money ruined your hobby, and then they got you to hate a dude in a skirt instead. Got it.

I'm glad because I always disliked this trash game. Only faggots defended it because they didn't want to buy a Switch for Mario.

Literally made for SJW trannies and pedos BY SJW trannies and pedos and Yea Forums hyped it up for a year.


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Oh yeah you're right about asscreed and civ, but yeah sure they'd buy my game, but the stigma seems rather annoying but publicity is publicity. More so I just find it odd that one can push something that's clearly harmful to children cause lets be real here, the game is clearly targeted to kids of a reading age, and quite frankly it's up to the parents to decide whether or not to expose them to such nonsense. When I do eventually make my own game I'm clearly not going to falter but it's going to be rather annoying having a bunch of mentally ill homosexual pedophiles trying to dox me and fuck my life over, but you never see that happening in the reverse sense.

Why do you care? Some random fuckheads child is not my concern. I don't give a fuck.

Based. Trannies are trash.

why? i like both

"Being kind" is code for letting objectively incorrect people continue to push delusion. Having standards and holding to them is not cruelty, if anything pointing out the mistake in identifying as something you're not could help them grow as people.

It's a provable fact, and most nazis didn't do anything but allow the tyranny of their government to kill and torture innocent people.

Dudes in skirt are a symptom, the real culprits are white male liberals, and only them.
They are the biggest enablers. You don't get Amouranth if you don't have them paying for Amouranth.

Based as always, Amphabro.

You over 33?

Whatever that means, it's working out pretty well

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Why won't Yea Forums just fuck the tranny? Are all of you bigots?

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nIcE gUyS FiNisH lASt

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>"Being kind" is code for letting objectively incorrect people continue to push delusion.
It's good for them. What's the problem?
> if anything pointing out the mistake in identifying as something you're not could help them grow as people.
See this shit is what happens when fucktards like you with not a goddamn clue think they know more than doctors.

>never see it in the reverse sense
Isn't that half of what Yea Forums was doing during gamergate?

You be coping on all the money you wasted purchasing digital games so I understand you don't like pirates

But that's objectively untrue. I'm not even a conservative. I voted for obama twice. You're just wrong. Trannies are wrong about themselves, and you're wrong for pushing that wrongness.

>being proud of the fact youre going to spend your entire existence angry and miserable

Um sweetie, of course it is. Transgender rights are children rights.

Attached: trans toddler.png (981x695, 615K)

>almost all trannies are white males

Attached: thinking brigette.png (381x566, 241K)

You know what it means

Not quite, I see where you're getting at, but not to the extremes that these people do. Gamer gate was about exposing retarded ass journalists first and foremost.

>Dudes in skirt are a symptom, the real culprits are white male liberals, and only them.
And they're convinced the real culprit is you and people like you, open your fucking eyes. You're being played by the rich, and they're laughing all the way to the bank because they know the poor will never unite again as long as they keep the hate going.


Reminder that Yea Forums is full of trannies.

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>cutting your cock off is "love and tolerance"

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Just stand your ground about not wanting to, that's sufficient in and of itself, don't bother with this pissy "oh, I'm just trying to help" concern trolling shit.

>but allow
>you can oppose me, then you die
Imagine being so fucking stupid.
Nevermind, this guy is so stupid it's mindboggling.
Imagine where Gates would've been by being kind.
He's kind now, after he ran half the world of IT out of the fucking business and paid billions in fines.

>Gears for Breakfast
>Multibillion dollar global corporation

Wow, AHIT must be the best game ever if it turned a couple of indie devs into a world leading corporation! And the only thing they sell is one game!?

At this point I want the muslims to come in en masse because I know those sand niggers will do to these people what needs to be done.

Only attractive traps are allowed. Too bad they don’t exist irl

t. subversive kike

The only genuine truth in this entire thread. Everyone else is wrong.

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Why are there so many transphobes on this board? Don't you know the science is already settled? You're on the wrong side of history.

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Except it's proven their existence has caused the downfall of everything, not the other way around.
There's no benefit in being a white male liberal in 2020 unless you're legitimately as in scientifically in autogynephilia.
In fact, I've been thinking for a while to try and con them into adding "white male liberal" to the LGBT association, as in "if you're that, you're basically gay".

Did the developers ever respond to the outrage that the transsexual flag caused and if so then were they calling people bigots?

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>It's good for them
No it isn't.

>See this shit is what happens when fucktards like you with not a goddamn clue think they know more than doctors.
If they need a constant reinforcement of their own insanity to function they should be locked up in asylum because the rest of humanity can't be expected to do that.

>this kills the conservatard

Attached: Fujisaki.Chihiro.600.1718493.jpg (433x600, 57K)

When are we going to have an honest conversation about how fucking prevalent the LGBT has become in media subcultures, particularly video games? It’s actually insane how Western games shove LGBT shit into every single possible thing these days. ResetEra is a hub for transgenders, there’s LGBT esports personalities everywhere, speedrunners are constantly transitioning, and now even video games just randomly have trans shit despite having absolutely no connection to anything.

I don’t know how anyone could seriously say “they were born that way” when there has been more transgenders in the past 5 years than I’ve ever seen in my entire life. This is legitimately a subculture at this point, not some “born in the wrong body” shit. People just randomly decide to change genders (vast majority are male to female) because of influence from the internet and media. I’m just curious as to what the correlation between LGBT and video games are. Is it late-stage capitalism and social alienation? Why do developers promulgate in video games? It’s actually fascinating to see all of this unfold, strange fucking phenomenon

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Of course, I was just speaking to actions rather than intentions
Like how the left's intentions when they dox is to fight bigotry and what they view as a potential rise in facism

>...except when it's censoring shit I don't like...
why are both the left and right like this?

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Aight, mate. Keep hating they bogeyman.

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I just finished this for the first time bros...... I love it. This game was a fucking masterpiece. I have never felt such jubilation and fanaticism after completing such a daring adventure. There's no way for me to properly describe just WHY I love this masterpiece, but here are a few.

Firstly, I like how every enemy and boss can be beaten by spamming B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1 B B B R1 R1. I am not very good at videogames and this helped me dramatically because I could just press the same few buttons throughout the entire game, start to finish, and still win. No experimentation or learning curve was required to succeed in the later game, which is good because I have Low-IQ.

Secondly, I love how half of the base bosses are humans who look just like me and all have the same attacks. As I previously mentioned, I have Low IQ and I like every boss I fight to have the same gimmick so I don't have to think very hard. I am also autistic and don't like deviating from the established norm, so giving every boss the same general attacks and movement patterns helped prevent me from punching holes in my wall and screaming and crying into my pillow.

Lastly, I love how the fire keeper has big juicy tits. I like to imagine that she's my mommy and when I come back to the shrine after a long day of adventuring she gives me a handjob while I suck all the nutritious milk out of her big yummy tits. Nakey nakey!

This is why I fucking love Dark Souls III. I hope you heed my advice and go play this epic game, fellow Yea Forumsros!

Jannie, if you're reading this, I hope you gag on a fat fucking log of shit. Okay? I hope you fucking choke on it. Choke on a fucking rotten log of shit in Hell.

Attached: DS3.jpg (1200x650, 224K)

If your doctor thinks you were born in the wrong body then he is a retard and I do in fact know more than him.

Go die. Join the statistics of your beloved trannies.

I wont, but the fact is the hard truth is better for a person than the sweet lie. You can't improve if you aren't even aware of your own failings.

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>It's good for them. What's the problem?
That they exist to push for globalism and that's fucking cancer?
The only thing they have in common with women is that they both vote like fucking shit.

Nevermind, bisexual people always pick a side.

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>When are we going to have an honest conversation about how fucking prevalent the LGBT has become in media subcultures, particularly video games?
They haven't.

This is my hand, the hand of someone who pirates.

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>always show white children when discussing trans kids because black people don't put up with LGBT bullshit and we can't allow that demographic to turn on us

Shut up and post more best boy

>I don’t know how anyone could seriously say “they were born that way” when there has been more transgenders in the past 5 years than I’ve ever seen in my entire life.
The same way we went from "oh they're just weird" to autistic people everywhere, and from "confirmed bachelor" and "old spinster" to gays. People are coming out because they think they're finally no longer getting killed for it.

>when there has been more transgenders in the past 5 years than I’ve ever seen in my entire life


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My fucking sides.

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no, but respecting people who do is

Just stop already, your propaganda is not working.

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I'd be fine with this if it was a gay pride flag instead.

Tranny fad will pass like every other and retards who fell for it and ruined their lives will be left behind.

Respect is earned. You shouldn't even respect your parents if they suck.

mmm, delicious cuckservative tears
so salty

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Respectable people make sensible choices. Respecting someone like that is like respecting an alcoholics choice to keep drinking.

Hatred, also Feminazi: the Triggering.

Chihiro deserved better

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>respect people who chop their dick off
Yeah, not happenin'.

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both of those groups are bad you idiot

He deserved a bullet in the head for indoctrinating weebs to tranny propaganda

Tolerance and Apathy are the final virtues of a dying society.

Agreed but there are two different kinds of respect, there's respect that you give everyone(Covering your mouth when you sneeze around them, etc) and then there's respect that is earned like you give to your father who has provided for you and taught you well.

An entire movement to have transgender drag queens teach children across the country is not “repression.” It’s calculated, it’s planned, it’s deliberate and deceitful. You are honestly either insane or lying to yourselves if you think that people that switch from 3-4 different sexual identities in their lifetimes are doing it because they were just “repressed” and always destined to be demisexual transgender polyamorous furries. Give me a fucking break

>having money makes you "bad"
Kill yourself loser.

I hate faggots obsessed with trannies more than actual trannies. I've, at least knowingly, never interacted with a tranny but you dopes just dont stop.

Why don't people stop replying to this fucking thread if it's always bait, always leads to the same kind of thread, and always is minimal effort shitposting?

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I hate trannies but I want to fuck trannies. What's wrong with me?

All anime is tranny propaganda.

Hey Guys what's going on in this th

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Okay so tell me why they're indoctrinating children into doing things that are simply fetishes? You realize most founders for these LGBT organizations are known pedophiles right? Care to explain to me what bigotry is cause the only bigotry I'm seeing is from the other side where one cannot simply live their life in privacy. There's a saying about not caring about what people do behind closed doors, but you people decided to go on stage and make asses out of yourselves which is why you'll never be taken seriously. It's disgusting as it is disheartening to see people clearly lost due to molestation/rape as children to simply spread it again. Maybe you don't have children, but I do, and I simply just don't appreciate this. Have you no shame?

Funny, since some bulls actually killed some matadors

>urironically showing everyone how brainwashed you are
i bet you're an americuck. go worship your elite some more

Is Chihiro trans?

>everyone who has money is "elite"
And yet I'm the brainwashed one.

how come nobody noticed this when it was released?

>lgbt flag not in a respectable place but in a sewer.
>get applause from "them"
what did they mean by this?

absolutely based

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the 1% is robbing from everyone beneath them and doing nothing but making money off of money. They deserve to burn.

user, that's a girl.

Keep seethin eurotranny

No user Chihiro is boy

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>Female scientist
So what, do they study sandwiches?

This is now a 3x3 thread.

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Because strife gives people purpose and for some strange reason people who get their identities from their hobbies are lacking in purpose.

How does having a combination of colors with no explanation of what they mean teach kids love and tolerance? It's just virtue signalling.

>This is now a 3x3 thread.

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I am the OP of this thread and I'm glad that it's going to hit bump limit. You can all expect this same thread to pop up again tomorrow around the same time so I can get my dopamine fix.

Fuck you.

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>rich people are the reason I'm a loser

The rich are bad, commies and anarchists suck shit through because they always attack the middle class instead of the elites.

Ask me how I know you're from reddit.

>be five years old
>get a commentary to teach you about why it's fine to have different sexual freedoms and beliefs instead of wanting to jump on a platform and collect coins or avoid video game bad guys

If you cannot see what is wrong, then you are a fucking moron.

Cancer starts with a single abnormal cell. Considering the state of videogames in the west, even in traditionally niche genres like rpgs, or movie and comic industry... is weird how you can't see it. Unless, of course, you are part of te disease.


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They'll probably kill themselves anyway so I wouldn't worry about it.

Attached: Left the Locale.png (521x232, 159K)

Based, keep destroying Yea Forums one thread at a time. It is beyond repair.

>Centuries of getting disowned by friends and families, rejection from society and the chance of being killed
>Finally safe for these people to exhibit what they feel


They should be medicated (at their own choice) to resolve the chemical imbalance in their head that makes them think they're the wrong sex.
They should be treated like other mentally ill people, with medication and therapy.

There you go user, a right wing solution.
Doctors are wrong about shit all the time, I think the fact that trannies kill themselves post op at the same rate shows it doesn't really fix anything.

Doing god's work user

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Don't you think it's a bit of a hyperbole to claim that having a flag in some tucked away corner is indoctrinating kids? Keep in mind the scope, we aren't talking about bad parents who put their kids on hormones here, we're talking about representation in games, specifically AHIT. And pedophilia isn't a right or left issue, most elites or people in positions of power seem to have a finger dipped into that pot


Attached: Reddit, our closest allies.jpg (1767x157, 50K)

Flags in general are just memes that reinforce tribalistic mindsets. They're just fucking colors.

It shouldn’t have stop. Humans have a natural urge to filter out degenerates.



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>pedophilia isn't a right or left issue

Because nothing's gonna change if you never say anything, the sorry state of western society is the direct result of sane people never bothering to keep the retards in line.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Attached: 200% DEMORALIZED.jpg (570x640, 63K)

Unironically based.

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>Posts 4x4
Jesus Christ man


aight im boutta head out

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It don't.
But the flag itself ruins the trans movement, as turns it into a political movement and the group into a collective that can and will be manipulated for nefarious purposes.

For example, the whole pronoun thing, that's something enforced by authoritarian monsters that use the trans people as a weapon to grab for power and control what you can or can't say.

>replying to yourself, our closest allies.jpg/
Classic NPC behavior. As expected of autistic_frog.

Attached: file.png (903x2451, 501K)

Rick and Morty is a fantastic show, at least the first season anyway

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>trannies are all over Yea Forums and around the Internet at insane rates
>no dude this isn’t a subculture they are all just coming out including the 7 year olds that are on HRT

God shut the fuck up, you can’t possibly even believe this if you use the internet at all in the past 5 years. SonicFox going from a gay furry to a non-binary gay furry is not some result of sexual repression, it’s literally the opposite, there’s a new ideological of sex and gender pushed by the LGBT and people are simply being influenced by it. Do you go outside? Is it just a coincidence when child transgenders are put on NYC billboards? Why are you faggots so disingenuous about your beliefs? How hard is it to just say “Yes, more people are becoming trans because the ideology is popular, and that’s a good thing.” But no, you can’t even do that, because you necessarily have to feel oppressed and disadvantaged even when the mass culture is increasingly in your favor

What's wrong with being a bigot though? I'm a bigot, I don't respect other peoples religions and beliefs, how can any not be a bigot.

Because most of those who identify as bisexual are more like bi-curious or some other faggot term for straight, but in-between. It's just easier to say "I like both" than explain every time your preferences and how those things you like are mostly featured in people of one gender, that's preachy and unnecessary.

This. Even reddit shits on trannies, jannies, roasties, liberals and resetera.

Resetera is our enemy, reddit are our brothers.

>there is not even an option to hide it or to remove it from the game so you don't even have to see it at all.
Grow a fucking spine, what do you want, a safe space from liberals?

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> #
> #

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Whiter than you, Ahmed.

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Fuck all the baiting fags and post Hat kid

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I don't like to follow the rules
and that's just who I am
I hope you understand

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Kill yourself tranny subhumans.

Two conservative republican politicians went down for pedophilia just this year and wasn't it last year Alabama almost elected a pedo? Even Trump is supportive of teachers raping their under aged students. He said it builds confidence.

>reddit is good now because the political shitposters come from there

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Cucktholics are leftards

More like a concentration camp for liberals

god, go outside

christianity is a leftist progressive value


I agree. Wealthy people who want the existing power structure benefit the most from retards of any political leaning bickering online rather than doing anything meaningful. Especially when you consider most people who bitch and moan online don't have anything going on in real life.


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I don't give a fuck about politics so I don't really get why you care this much.
I've laughed at radical feminists and liberal extremists for being bonkers, but that doesn't mean I think rightwing politics is awesome and I'm going to defend it and fight for it.

That would be a fucking autistic conclusion to draw from a bunch of people laughing at other people acting crazy.
If anything now I just have to deal with actual political retards on this website too which kinda sucks, makes me regret ever laughing at feminsts for acting like idiots cause now I'm surrounded by idiots here instead.

Attached: OhEtwrpyh5-2.png (300x250, 89K)

what does the flags colors even represent? would have thought it was just austria or latvias flag if i hadnt read any posts desu

How is the flag a real world problem. You get triggered by seeing it or something?

Well duh, of course the political shitposters are going to defend the political shitposters. Unless it's politics they don't agree with. Those shitposters are bad and should leave.

>qt traps
>AND they hate kikes
absolutely based

Attached: chihiro.png (500x528, 167K)

except when you larp about muh christian values

It'd be better if chads facial features were spread across the circle it'd be funnier but still good

>support them instead of pretending they don't exist
>implying this is good instead of evil

Lol no, but the current Pope sure acts like one.
No wonder they are losing ground everywhere except for Africa.

If you really want to have respect, you are going to have to do something other than weasel your way into day to day occurrences to promote how proud you are you lopped your cock off, you're free to do as you wish but you don't just get respect for free, let alone if you feel the need to tell kids about it, kind of creepy desu

How about this:
You can do the fuck you want to your body, REGARDLESS of having or not some specific disease.
But, you don't get to control what i can or can't say.
Is this a fair trade?

last time I checked resetera was sperging the hardest about pedos, goes to show that you people are one and the same

Wages have stagnated since the 70s but prices and the general cost of living has skyrocketed with the only ones to benefit being the super rich. It actually is all their fault and they deserve the guillotine like the french nobles before them.


based as fuck holy shit

I just want these fruits gone, don't give a fuck if they're shitlibs or nazis or gommies just get them the fuck away

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Why is it LGBT not LGB? Gender Dysphoria has nothing to do with sexuality.

You act like you're taking a moral high ground, but you're obsessed with trannies.
You're pretty fuckin weird yourself and I doubt most people would respect someone who spends all day seething about some gay dudes he'll never met wearing skirts

That's exactly how it works in the real world.

They're only growing in number user, and technology is only getting better at making them more realistic

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>Tranny flag in a sewer

Makes sense to me.

And yet you save and actively seek out their images on non-vidya related sources. Amazing.

I mean, it depends where you want to say it. If you want to say something in public then you can do that in america. You might not be able to say it on a private space though and games are private companies. You know if a guy walks into your house and starts calling you a cunt then you can kick him out, he can call you a cunt from the street though.

How many pictures of them do you have saved? Just how mentally ill are you?

Because the loonies are parasitic and need to latch on to more valid causes or they won't be taken seriously.

Because it's transsexual not transgender which includes crossdressers and drag queens who still consider themselves male. Which are a part of sexuality.

Well, I'm sure if you keep acting like a schizo and shitposting about how much you hate trannies on a video game message board every day where the only people who will see what you're saying are also delusional retards who will backpat you, or a bunch of people that don't give a fuck because they're here to talk about video games, the trannies will go away.

Surely, if you keep shitting up a website that these people never use, they will stop ruining your life by forcing you to constantly talk about them, look up what they're doing, horde screenshots of things they've done and said that you don't like, and look at pictures of them all the time.

Any day now, one of your shitty off topic posts will wipe out all the trannies and libs and mean people that disagree with you and don't think you fit in here will go away and you'll finally feel like you belong somewhere just like you've always wanted.

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>average polfag

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I don't know, why are feminists constantly talking about homosexuals even though they should have nothing to do with women?

>Getting triggered by a texture in a kid's game
How do these people function in day to to day life?

They don't. Legit subhuman mouth breathers.

>tranny janny immediately deletes the /pol/cuck tranny images for non vidya and leaves everything else up
As if you needed any more proof that these threads are babysat by some /pol/cuck janny
IRC time

>advocating for cutting off your dick in a kids game
there's a special place in hell for scum who defend this

That "texture" encourages male mutilation and homosexual sodomy. Why wouldn't a normal person be offended?

For now, many of the "trans rights activists" want you to get arrested for using the wrong pronoun and already use all the power they have to punish you.
For example, on the borderlands 3 forum, you get banned if you "misgender" the robot.

I know several people who are trans at my job

How is crossdressing and dressing in drag related to sexuality? Still doesnt make sense.

>How do these people function in day to to day life?
Spinning their chair around occasionally to walk to the fridge or the loo, but only for poo since they've got bottles stashed for pee.

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So, you think people are so braindead that they will mutilate themselves just to be hip?

And /pol/ wants you arrested for masturbating. But society is not that retarded to do it.
And again borderlands is a private entity, it can ban you, it's not a public space.

"Progress at any cost" was a mistake

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Fuck all of the chuds in this thread

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Tattoos are mutilation and sodomy is a non-issue.

What's your current favorite video game?

nobody even fucking cares about these people anymore, give it a rest gamergater

No it's not a hyperbole, I think you're just using words that you really don't seem to grasp what they mean or their usage. There needs to be no representation of the real world in video games cause it's a fictional medium, nothing more, nothing less. Pedophilia is an issue period, and with how you're trying to word things, I think you're in favor of it. Maybe when you actually have children (I pray that you don't), You'll understand the fears of having freaks such as yourself preying upon your children. So in that case, You'd be fine with me molesting your daughters right?

>trans flag
>in the sewer

Right where it belongs

>You act like you're taking a moral high ground, but you're obsessed with trannies
I rarely talk about it in all retrospect, but feel free to tell me how i must talk about it all the time
>I doubt most people would respect someone who spends all day seething
That's funny if anything you seem more bothered at me pointing out how absurd you pushing this transgender shit is, like i said feel free to do as you wish, just don't brush it off on every fucking thing i take in intrest in


Because you're temporarily taking on the role of the opposite gender for a sexual purpose

I'm not a /pol/ster as well, as my first post point out.
I just think the trans movement should toss out all the authoritarian fucks and megacorporations, specially EA out of the thing.

That's not a real thing though. I know leftists and have plenty on social media and don't see that slogan thrown around.

/pol/fags fuck off and die

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Third time, private companies and public spaces are different things. Stop being retarded.

two trannies at work, one in each of my college classes, let alone the dozens I see around campus. It's getting weird out there man

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I dont think a child would know what that was. I only know what it is because weirdo's on this site are obsessed with them.

Fuck off tranny.

> sodomy is a non-issue.

yeah it is a non-issue, until you start teaching little kids about how great and natural is and how they should practice with dildos until they find an older gay dude to fuck them and thats totally cool and normal

imagine defending grooming lmao

>And /pol/ wants you arrested for masturbating.
Citation needed.

28yo - she/her - transbian - gay disaster

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Absolute state of middle class fags

wow nazis looked like that?

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I'm not talking about this issue, i'm talking about the whole "using the trans people as a meat shield from criticism".
Cinic support should be scoffed at.