Judgement is coming... 2 days

Judgement is coming... 2 days...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Massive flop incoming

I think the hype has really died down on this shit. No one really cares anymore.

that's DS


But Judgment is already out.

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Some of you really need to get out of the Yea Forums bubble. This is just sad.

I wish. Sony droids are gonna eat it up anyways.

Absolutely terrible game

>Part II
God damn, this guy is pretentious

I don't even like TLoU, but I love the endless anal apocalypses on Yea Forums when these become massive successes.

>Judgement is coming... 2 days...

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what a handsome fella

>another third person cinematic experience


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This. He legitimately probably thinks his shitty zombie movie is the video game equivalent of The Godfather.

This dude screams faggot.

Absolutely terrible post.

I thought the OP was about a PC port of the new Yakuza spin off. Now I'm disappointed.

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>the sony pony awaits, lips puckered against the asshole of the industry, waiting for the next upcoming release

>Judgement is coming... 2 days...

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>Neil "Video games shouldn't be fun" Cuckmann

What Cormac McCarthy novel are they going to rip off this time?


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Fuck you kike

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the movie that was adapted from the book. none of them read books

So they're gonna rip off this piece of shit then I guess?

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>instead of another fun Hennig supernatural kino we got some pseudo-intellectual story with "deep and mature" themes and not a single supernatural element

>Amy gets fired from ND because they didn't like the direction she was taking the game
>Uncharted 4 ends up being a pretentious poorly paced boring movie

Fuck Neil Cuckmann

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>The Last of Uspartii

What does it mean?

He looks EXACTLY like that douchy rich guy from that one episode of Parks and Rec.

>Only actually competent western female dev
>Gets fucked over by feminists and a gigakike

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we dont use the word fun around here...

last of us is a masterpiece idk why Yea Forums hates it

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Because this is a Nintendo board user, haven't you learned?

>Have to speed up footage of the game to make combat look even remotely good

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>these animations

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>jump scare

Sonyfanboys BTFO once again


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You guys are crazy if you think either are flopping. They might be shit, but flopping? No way. Last of us is basically a print money machine, and kojima is a celebrity at this point

Maybe it's the PC version.

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based and takpilled


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What a retarded faggot. If you have to make everything revolve around politics and the political you're by and large shit as a writer

>man literally willing to walk over corpses to save his "daughter" even though it could possibly doom humanity forever
There's no way that something this nice was his intention.

>Bruce Straley isn't even there to ring in Druckmann this time
Theres no hope for this game.

Just smash that attack button, the game will take care of everything automatically.

I don’t get why last of us was so popular, the story was fine but fuck me playing that game was a chore, if you’re going to make a story based game make it like Detroit or until dawn

The people that enjoy these types of games don't play it for the gameplay, they don't even think about it. You can ask anyone and theyll say "I was just playing trying to get to the next cutscene or walk n talk"

Can't wait to see goblina die

Someone post the pic with the jewish lesbo kiss

Retards who had never watched or read The Road and thought the story was actually original. Only good thing about the whole game was the multiplayer.

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Yeah, Naughty Dog spends incredible amounts of time and money making their animations pretty. Shame about the actual gameplay.

he means that we're all going to judge it for how bad it looks right?


The comments are golden

>Thought the combat in the singleplayer was fucking boring
>Had a ton of fun in the multiplayer
It was truly surreal

Kikemann is such an unlikable faggot

Good gameplay already came. Take your retarded cinematic Jew trash and shove it up your ass you disgusting Zionist pedophile curly haired homo freak out of Dantean hell.



He's literally correct about this though, everyone has a perspective that will inform their writing.

Well it doesn't help that there are soiboi critics who literally called the first game "The Citizen Kane of Video Games".

No he's not. At least if you aren't literally 9 years old. Plus, you can take it as a warning that Part 2 will be even more propaganda infested than the first.

Video > youtube.com/watch?v=J3HXGMYrPD4&list=PLF1Z73mPt4XVRMOTIwNnXKsNcCTh3O17i&index=3

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Judgement already came.

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>everyone has a perspective that will inform their writing.

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I played the first one.
I probably won't play this second one.
Nothing about the gameplay made me think "yeah I want more of this after it's done." and nothing about the story made me want more.
That's not really a knock on the story though, that's actually pretty good for a story to feel successfully concluded.

So the game doesn't have gameplay i'm craving and the story of the first game didn't leave me in a situation where I wanted or needed to know more about the characters and the world...

Ehhh...yes and no. If you're making a scifi world it's important that it be internally consistent with the realities of that fictional world. You can do the Star Trek thing and inject political/ethical/philosophical questions/views into that world but it has to come from a place of internal consistency with the world that is built.
People, being largely pattern recognition creatures, even the average ones, can generally spot when something isn't internally consistent with the world that is being presented to them in a fictional way and it will often times feel just like a personal gripe or message the writer wants to beat you over the head with.
To simply say "that's my views lol" is just lazy.
Also another turn-off for an audience tends to be when things are overly literal. Like if they put in some guy named Ronald Crump who wants to build walls around the survivor city and keep out people from the next city. That sort of shit.

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The problem is that a good writer knows how to write from different perspectives and to take a step back.

A shit writer will just write onesided tripe garbage that completely ruins any sorts of immersion and illusion the game might've set up by pretty much becoming the game version of a political comic. It's the difference between games with political commentary and writing (such as Bioshock and Metal Gear solid) and games where pushing a specific political agenda takes precedence over other elements such as gameplay, writing, character and story.

Seriously, anyone that calls themselves a writer and then claim that personal politics must be part of writing is a huge red flag that screams that they're hacks that probably were hired because of nepotism, which incidentally seems to be how most of these far-left retards seems to be getting work in the comic and game industry.

They're adding jumping, prone stance, and dodging, which honestly makes me think it's mixing in some MGSV and Uncharted and will probably play quite different. But you probably don't care about stealth games. You probably played with the wallhax ability on.

i aint taking my dick out for you

How to delete this posted to wrong post

Unironically hyped

Imagine being this mad that you create disinfo on games with actual budget.

Maybe stick to your funko pop remakes with shit gameplay ya?

wat, UC4 was great.

Actually no, you take a shit ton of damage with melee and zombies and all clickers are instant deaths if you try to melee.

t. someone that actually played it

>But you probably don't care about stealth games. You probably played with the wallhax ability on.

Actually MGS is one of my favorite series.
But TLoU can add all that shit and it still would be an unsatisfying stealth game because TLoU wasn't a stealth game. At all. You would know this if you actually tried to play it as one.
It had FORCED stealth areas with the clickers but I watched Ellie ram her stupid fucking AI head right up the ass of those clickers time and time again, and NOTHING TRIGGERED.
Why? because the AI is lazily programmed. They only see Ellie when your MC is out of a crouched stance. Once you're crouched all other AI are invisible to each other.

And also lets consider Uncharted's jumping...you mean where you run to the end of a platform, press a button (that's prompted) and the character makes it to the other side with no further input of your own? Like you don't have to keep up momentum, you don't have to do anything else. You can literally walk up and stop completely and wait for the button prompt. Oh, and it's so clunky and jarring because the animation is made with the assumption that the player is taking the action seriously, as if it isn't a scripted hallway with button prompts, and thus continues on with that in mind.
You can't fail.
I'm sorry, but given how empty TLU 1 felt in gameplay vs what they portrayed I think you're about to be taken on another ride where the gameplay exists as a show off of animations for the "cinematic immersion" of the "experience".

These people want to make movies, not video games.

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it was fucking boring m8

>It had FORCED stealth areas with the clickers but I watched Ellie ram her stupid fucking AI head right up the ass of those clickers time and time again, and NOTHING TRIGGERED.

I'm not even the same guy, but this is the most dumb ass complaint you have ever had. From a design perspective, this would be a complete disaster, fucking retard.

>Why? because the AI is lazily programmed.
No its a case of gameplay taking presence over realism.

Not surprised

I'm unironically hyped for this and death stranding and Medievil

>Like you don't have to keep up momentum, you don't have to do anything else.
What Uncharted is this? Ive missed jumps plenty of times. It sounds like you aren't speaking from experience at all.

Soooo... what happened about those sexual assault allegations towards ND?

>doesn't even try to argue since even the snoygroid brain realizes deep down that the image is right

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What the fuck is so interesting about an over-hyped hiding simulator? I played the first one! It was also a over-hyped hiding simulator.

I mean, God of War alone was amazing, GOTY, had better combat than any other first party title in a long time, and a shit ton of content without DLC.

Also had zero social justice shit, and isnt a shooter at all. How pathetic are you that you need to disinfo a great title.

>I'm not even the same guy, but this is the most dumb ass complaint you have ever had. From a design perspective, this would be a complete disaster, fucking retard.
You've made no argument you've just stated "nuh uh!". Listen, the game was presented as a stealth heavy game but you can run and gun your way through most areas. Only areas with clickers are forced stealth because they are instant death if they catch you since your defensive actions are also severely gimped even though there is no real reason why they should be, but hey, video games.

>No its a case of gameplay taking presence over realism.
No, it's not. Because there is a mechanic that already exists with Ellie where she CAN get into a troubled situation with an enemy grabbing her. The fact that they just said "fuck it, make her invisible when the player crouches" is a complete negation of this mechanic because they didn't want to bother stopping their dumb-shit AI from headbutting the asses and crotches of all the enemy monsters.
I wouldn't even be on the move and she'd be out there, running around in that crouch-walk-run just ramming her head into crotches and asses. No reactions. But if I stood up, even out of sense/sight of enemies, they now suddenly see her with her shenanigans.
Don't defend laziness because watching that happen instantly tells me about the big in the gameplay and how exploitable it can be. If they gave a shit about gameplay they would have FIXED THAT or kept the AI character out of the situation to obscure the flaw.

Uncharted 4. watched some gameplay to decide if I wanted to buy it. Watching the person playing it do as I described. Watching button prompts pop up to tell the player exactly what to do. Climbing seems to be hold up or left or right and when the character pauses maybe press an action button. It's all extremely rail-fed and button prompty which makes me wonder why put it in at all. Like the Tomb Raider reboot you have to actively try to fail.

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>zero social justice shit
>literally raising your wife's son

>but you can run and gun your way through most areas.
No you can't.

>Only areas with clickers are forced stealth
Or most of the game when you have next to no ammo. Were you playing on easy?

>where she CAN get into a troubled situation with an enemy grabbing her.
During segments of detection, which makes sense.

>The fact that they just said "fuck it, make her invisible when the player crouches"
Name one game that has a companion (non-controlled) that can be detected. You seem to imply its been done before, so tell me. A game where you cannot direct the AI having the ability to break stealth.

I used to fucking love Playstation. I never would have imagined that things would turn out this way.

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lmao Yea Forums is already seething months before the games out

>Uncharted 4. watched some gameplay to decide if I wanted to buy it. Watching the person playing it do as I described. Watching button prompts pop up to tell the player exactly what to do.

So you never played it, this is never the case outside of "action sequences" Jumps were never prompted or automatic.

It's literally his son

I dont even care about the game but I really do hate pretentious people who have no right to be pretentious

It insists upon itself, Lois

I thought judgement was in 3 days.

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Don't bet on it

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>very basic cinematic melee system
That's actually an apt description for nu-GoW.

Yea ForumsNintendo

you forgot "detective vision"
i started laughing when i saw it in days gone ngl

Honestly, I wish it was good as BOTW which is a cinematic QTE masterpiece of combat.

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>better combat

>doesn't even have a jump button



very cinematic!
i hope BOTW2 has more QTEs.

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I hope Trump jails all these anti-semites.

BOTW isn't a game about combat though

and the combat in places with low resources is pure kino, it has an improvisational vibe to it

Wrong snoyfag

>Not about combat
You're right, its basically a walking simulator with no content. The cinematic qte combat is kino though.

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>its another ayynime "rpg" experience

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>>its another ayynime "rpg" experience

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The last of us 2 was an amazing game for just punching the shit out of everything, shame that the next one is gonna be boring ass weapons like bows and blades

How is it a walking simulator? If anything it's the Sony 3rd person walky talky exclusives that are the walking simulators.

Grappling hook points are prompted. Character stops at ledges to wait for your input. Climbing is a matter of pressing up or left or right and when the character stops on the hand hold you press an action button to continue on (this is a form of button prompting). Kind of like Assassin's creed climbing and platforming and if you've done that and after the first 10 minutes all the little tricks to make the player feel like they're actually having input crumbles you see it as a chore rather than a challenge.

What the fuck are you talking about? It's his son. Where do you think men get their children?

>No you can't.
Yeah you can. I did it.

>Or most of the game when you have next to no ammo. Were you playing on easy?
Playing on the hardest difficulty I could out of the box.
BTW, "run and gun" doesn't mean literally having to use guns, it just means not needing to be stealthy. If you fight against this then I suggest you get tested for autism.

>During segments of detection, which makes sense.
So you agree it's a mechanic where she should always be up for detection especially if she decides to headbutt enemy crotches and asses?

>Name one game that has a companion (non-controlled) that can be detected. You seem to imply its been done before, so tell me. A game where you cannot direct the AI having the ability to break stealth.
Are you terminally retarded or can it be treated? I stated that if they can't be bothered to fix the AI character then instead of making it invisible they should just create a situation where the AI character need not be involved in that segment. your protests are not arguments they're justifications along the lines of "well those other guys did it!". Stop being a child.

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>it's a pissc exclusive experience

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> Smash is an RPG

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I'm already annoyed that this is going to win GOTY

>The last of us 2 was an amazing game for just punching the shit out of everything

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Shit, meant 1

Unlocking the perk that lets you use shivs to save yourself from clickers and stuns them enough to kill them with punches was a real game changer

>reading comprehension

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Somehow I get the same feeling.

>even days gone sold well on PS4

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Repeat content and most of the time you walk around doing nothing. Its literally an open world meme game with recycled content and ideas.

>Grappling hook points are prompted
This isnt jumping, and yes, because they are visually subtle.

>Climbing is a matter of pressing up or left or right and when the character stops on the hand hold you press an action button to continue on
No, you also have to jump.

I'm confused, what do you consider good climbing? Spiderman on walls?

Love your wife's son drawing of yourself.

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>What the fuck are you talking about? It's his son. Where do you think men get their children?
Their wife's bull

why are videogames so derivative?

>Yeah you can. I did it.
Prove it, show me a video of mid game.

>If you fight against this then I suggest you get tested for autism.
Insults are a sign of insecurity and losing, you know. I needed stealth plenty of times due to overwhelming odds.

>So you agree it's a mechanic where she should always be up for detection
No, and I asked for an example. It would be an annoying gameplay aspect that NO ONE would like.

>Are you terminally retarded or can it be treated?
Are you? You didn't answer my question.

You wanna mic to circumvent your autism insults? I can setup a voice chat. Maybe you can actually articulate proper arguments then.

Big yikes

Do you know what a walking simulator is? It's a genre with minimal gameplay and very linear storytelling. BOTW is one of the least linear games ever made and it never once takes control away from you to show you unskippable cutscenes or make you do a walky talky pseudo cutscene.

GOW4, TLoU and Uncharted apply to those descriptions perfectly.

> It's a genre with minimal gameplay and very linear storytelling
So in short BotW is a walking simulator.

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Man the combat in this game sucks

BOTW is an open world walking sim where you get one thing the entire game, and shit seeds on the side. Literally a walking sim on par with assassin's creed.

Ironically, Sin's creed has better combat and content. BOTW even has cinematic slow down and 24 FPS features.

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But I thought snoys only buys FIFA and cod

>It's a genre with minimal gameplay
God of War has better combat than BOTW though, and thats whats the most "gameplay" of the aspects of both games.

Lmfao and tendies defend this.

You forgot to mention that they copy/paste the same combat shrines with minimal effort,and the puzzles are piss easy

>Sony marketing on skyscrapers and subway cars
Zoomers and normies will eat it up.

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Writers also try to write entertaining stories.

I'm honestly shocked this shit isn't being banned like it does in Nintendo threads.

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You know there's more to gameplay than combat, right?

>has inferior combat to its prequels
>leans so hard on said combat that everything else is an afterthought
>slow, noninteractive garbage like climbing
>didn't have skippable cutscenes until almost a year after it released
>still has shit like carrying the boar, which is not skippable
>recycles the same troll boss a dozen times
>has 3 unique bosses

See above. GOW4 has basically one miniboss it uses constantly. It has the same "freeze this mechanism and walk through the door" puzzles, "find 3 runes" puzzles, "carry crystal here" puzzles. It honestly has more recycled content than BOTW.

The old PS1 Tomb Raider games were pretty good as they required more input and care, and in some places planning, of the player. Uncharted and Assassin's creed and modern Tomb Raider may as well be spiderman because they're sticky to the walls they're supposed to climb no matter what. It seems like you have to try to fail or have been just gifted thumbs that hour and told to play the games.
Also I guess I could say that Shadow of The Colossus had good climbing but that was because climbing was a core mechanic so it had a whole grip strength meter to be aware of and manage. That actually may be too much to put into the other games mentioned here as it might take someone out of the intended "cinematic experience" because all of it leads up to simply that. They want the player to play the game in a way that is seamless from a cutscene so the player feels like they're playing a movie. That's been the obsession, particularly with the west, for some time now.

>Prove it, show me a video of mid game.
I'm not going to dust off my PS3 to prove something to you that by this next line:
>Insults are a sign of insecurity and losing, you know. I needed stealth plenty of times due to overwhelming odds.
Just admits that you're shitty at playing the game. They litter every area with things to pick up to throw at people which stun them long enough for you to run over and melee kill them and the enemy AI are shit at shooting you so long as you're moving.

>You wanna mic to circumvent your autism insults? I can setup a voice chat. Maybe you can actually articulate proper arguments then.
Take that shit to a gay bar. I'm not here for hookups.

It's true though. BOTW combat has nothing really to it other than an inventory management. I say this as someone who loved BOTW. Zelda games are never about combat, though.

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Why is advertising suddenly exclusive to Sony now?

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I don't play Nintendo games and I don't know why you're even Zelda into it, GoW should be compared to Platinum and Capcom action titles.

Wow goty 11/10

report > spamming/flooding

>>has inferior combat to its prequels
objectively wrong

>>leans so hard on said combat that everything else is an afterthought
Not really, it has plenty of side quests and optional content.

>>slow, noninteractive garbage like climbing
True, but its a side note.

>>still has shit like carrying the boar, which is not skippable

>>recycles the same troll boss a dozen times
They need more bosses, true. BOTW had shit everything in this regard however.

It's not. It's retarded to think something will flop with a AAA budget in general. Regardless of platform. Sony just puts bigger bucks behind it because their products are shit. Nintendo has a cult that buys their stuff regardless.

>Running scared
Expected of an autist.

>Bracelet has literal kike magic shit on it

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Basedboys can't take the banter

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The side quests are nothing. They involve going to a combat trial more often than not where you fight the same filler zombie guys over and over. The game only has a handful of enemies. Its puzzles are weak and easy (AND TAKE FOREVER since movement and climbing and traversal is so slow). It railroads you into a single path where even jumping is not allowed. Combat plays out the same way for everyone because the skill trees are so limited. And it even limits your options in the end. The running attack, once you buy it, means you can't run in and attack an enemy normally anymore.

It's the most cinematic walking simulator AAA game I've ever played in my life.

Does anyone seriously give a shit about this? It’s like 5 years too late. I pray it flops.

>thela stofu spartii

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God of War games were never about puzzles. They're not Zelda. In fact, I remember as much being stated by the director of the first game in a "making of" video or interview.
They traded the CUHRAZEE combat gameplay (which lets be honest, just amounted to every player spamming the 3 versions of spinny chain blades) for something more slow and deliberate like Dark Souls which was in fashion at the time.

This is the bigger question.
What the fuck has Naughty Dog been doing all this time? I thought this game already came out years ago.

nah itll be 10/10 even though the story will be trash and the gameplay will be last gen gore porn. Sony pays alot of money to not get bad reviews

>inb4 24fps stuttering masterpiece

When will ND let go of their tps action-cinematic signature to venture on new genres, and what would you like to see from them?

I would like them to shut down. All the good people from there have left.

Get rid of Cuckmann and his team first.

The game has been barely shown and Yea Forums is already seething and coping like crazy. I wonder in what state the board will be around the time of release

if i buy this sjw trash its for the MP, factions was really good. all i need is some gameplay footage first.

What if TloU2 happens to let you massacre a synagogue?

Will zelda come out next year or 2021?

only if you turn out to be the bad guy. and also iranian.


>bad guys

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>already seething and coping like crazy
ops post is over 3 1/2 hours old with just 165+ replies
bitch please

But user, I wanna see it. :(

>massive open fields with gameplay vs linear paths with cutscenes

>I'm not even the same guy, but this is the most dumb ass complaint you have ever had.
Put Ellie in a trash bin like Biohazard 4 did, done.

Having her face-fucking clickers really killed the immersion.

He said Judgement, not Judgment.

>massive walking fields of nothing vs straight paths with great level design density and ludo presentation

they've been losing key talent and hiring junior staff to replace them for years

oh boy another 6 hour escort mission with trope filled writing and mediocre to bad gameplay I'm SO excited

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>165+ replies
90% of them are SEETHING

And so Jesus spoke unto his disciples: Nay, be not afraid, the Rapture shall purify His creation of all sinners, and the lambs of God shall return to his bosom. Divine is the righteousness of teen lesbian make out sessions! Lo, prostrate thyself upon the altar of the third wave of the seal of the feminazi, and pay no heed to Hennig, the great blasphemer of nations!

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Why do they act like their shitty tps stealth cover zombie shooter is some hot shit game? Oh wow it has a shitton of gore, be ready for the downgrades of downgrades and the legion of comparison videos to follow.

They've been losing alot of higher up talent, same with alot of studios in the area. Microsoft specifically has been poaching alot of higher up people.

I laughed. Thx for that.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with days gone.

They ripped off children of men poorly for the first one so I dont see why not.


I don't give a fuck about TLoU, GoW, Uncharted, Horizon, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Smash, Halo, Forza or Gears of War, I want the videogame industry to crash and burn so maybe we can have nice games again.

Still hyped for Bannerlord though

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It's a popular game, that's why

That's Rabbi Cuckman for you goy.

Lol based. Anything that triggers the seething incels and drumpftards is DAMN worthy of my sheckles

If you haven't seen The Road I recommend you watch it. It's obviously what they were trying to rip off, except it's actually good unlike TLoU

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