For me, it's still MW2

For me, it's still MW2

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The game where cod started throwing all sense out the window? Why?

Yep it's the last good CoD.
t. 32 year old boomer

ok but nobody cares about how hurt your feelings were because you sucked at a game LMAO

nah m8

mw2 was the saints row 2 in the series

black ops was the saints row 3

everything passed that is shit

There's no significant difference between MW2 and MW3, but both are quite different from CoD4. I know Yea Forums likes being in denial but MW2 is the first of the bad games.

I remember when everyone was shitting on MW2 back in the days. Now Yea Forums is full of millenals thinking MW2 Was the thing.
COD 2 was good, COD 4 was good. Then it went to shit

Nah MW2 was the SR3 of the series m8

Couldn't be me. Loved it back in 2009, still love it today and will love it forever until the servers die

I bet you also like Minecraft, Halo and Spongebob.

>The game where cod started throwing all sense out the window? Why?

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Millenials are old enough to have been here when MW2 came out. The average millenial is like 30. It's gen z now.

>stacks of money .jpg

I'm literally 49 and like all of those things

You have 25 years of retardation.

That's because you suck

[citation needed]

MW2 online was the shittiest of all the cods and every time I see it prasied I don't believe any of you actually played it since there was nothing but outrage for it unless you were under the age of 13. Only good thing about MW2 was the single player and even that had a cringe "let's copy the nuke we did in the 1st game to relive the hype" moment.
I'd say it feels summer here but Summer doesn't last all year round.
Inb4 Sales = Good game

Only a zoomer would prefer MW2 over MW1.
Nice heartbeat sensor kid.

>MW2 online was the shittiest of all the cods
Vague statement, please elaborate. Over.

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t. anger management issue

>all these people outing themselves as unironic codfags
is this the end for Yea Forums?

no u

I remember a time when Nintendo threads were rare and died with few replies *SIPP* Yea Forums changed long ago

fucking zoomers, he's right. None of you actually played that buggy broken mess with everyone running around with akimbo 1887s and silenced umps and commando pro pistol+tactical knife and OMA noob tubes and painkiller and every other faggot running around with an intervention


shut the fuck up faggot before I beat your ass

>the founder of spawn and die
>founder of overbearing killstreaks because you killed 9 year old xXImBangingYourDadXx 5 times whose score is 1-17 only 30 seconds into the match
>killstreaks that get more kill streaks so it was easy to rack up 30+ kills and end the game prematurely
>nukes so common that profiles were abundant with bragging about how many nukes that had
>infinite noobtubes
>infinite claymores
>tactical insertion(boosters)
>heartbeat sensors
>commando through walls of bullets
>akimbo dual shotguns one shot at rediculos range and made all other weapons obsolete
>father of the care package glitch that has a had a variation of the same glitch in every cod a care package is present in
>originator of 360 quick scoping
> spawns ended up so fucked with all this stuff that it was common to spawn right next to an enemy player
Honestly I understand if you still liked it. I assume those people grew up to eat ass since they developed a shit taste.

yep sounds like you're just shit and got your ass handed to you by Jimmynoscopezzzxx

no lmao

*rapes you*

heartbeat sensor was shit and got countered by ninja though

>entire post talks about how easy and what an unbalanced mess it was
>lol you just suck
Are your cookies from reddit or tumblr?

I can never understand the love for MW2. It's the first Call of Duty I didn't like and I really don't feel like the series recovered.

they're zoomers who never actually played the game, just let it go.

Yeah if you complain about ITS NOT FAIR I DIED TO THIS AND THIS AND THAT you just suck and never got good

For me, it's Call of Duty 1 and 2

>zoomers fond over old school call of duties
>they don't realize how problematic it was
Today I will remind them

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>calls others zoomers
>post anime
>reddit tier humor

ok reddit zoomer faggot, nice projection


For me, it's BF4 with all DLC for cheap on G4A.

On that note, why is BF4 so much better than the newer ones?

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>Yea Forums
>anime imageboard

Keep dreaming, pathetic weeb faggot. It's as much an anime imageboard as it is a video game or weapon imageboard.

I can't keep up with these zoomer memes anymore. Is soi face now simply a way to respond to people you disagree with?

People who think modern warfare 2 was bad are the same kind of people who say that quake is awesome but never play it cause they think it's boring and does not have enough players
It's the same people who cry on forums about balance issues, about things being OP, about fun glitches.
Basically it's people who want every game to be another competitive bullcrap devoid of all fun because they can only enjoy games when they're dominating someone in a pristine lab conditions.
Fuck these people, they ruin games more than EA/Activision and all SJW's combined.

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it never was something else
but people tend to use it so they don't have to face arguments and shot down anyone blowing them out.

>you HAVE to use this one perk to counter something that any AR class can put on any gun
>millennial shitters think this is balanced

Too bad EA/DICE couldn't be bothered to add competent anticheat to that mess.

its balanced because you can just equipped OMA and noob tube that faggot camping in a corner but you're too busy crying about BALANCED and SKILL IM TOO PROUD AND ABOVE THAT so you end up raging and still have PTSD nightmares about a 10 year old game cry more lmao

I already know all the camping spots, the heartbeat sensor can used to devastating effect in an assault playstyle in the hands of a half decent player. And you don't need to mask your footsteps on every map, so putting Ninja on every class just to be safe is not a real solution.

Made me reply