Why the fuck do her attacks do so little damage compared to Mythra? Am I doing something wrong?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
isn't she all about nuking shit in chain attacks? idk I barely used Rex
She's supposed to be but her attacks do like 30,000 while Mythra's are doing over 100,000
>idk I barely used Rex
She's best as a support blade for the party but has shit damage if you're in the post game. Such a shame
I liked the other characters more
I hate Rex as a character, but he feels by far the best to actually use with the best mix of offense defense and speed. Meanwhile Nia is my favorite and she's slow and fragile as fuck, so I use her as a blade on Rex instead.
playing Rex just feels like endless button mashing to me. I mean I guess the combat system is kind of like that already, but with Rex it feels like a whole extra level of it. when I play Morag or Nia there's some fun in perfectly timing a dodge or heal to keep myself alive, or managing to pull off a driver combo with Zeke's rertardedly longwinded animations
>when I play Morag or Nia there's some fun in perfectly timing a dodge or heal to keep myself alive
I get that with Rex too. Rex is more fun to me in that his crit recharge eliminates the time spent waiting for a meter to to charge and instead means you're always setting up your next combo
>Randomly greentexted words
maybe it's just because I'm always doubling up on arts recharge speed items, but waiting for shit to recharge isn't really a problem with those characters either. there's just a lot more switching between blades instead of constantly using Mythra
My entire strategy is Overclocking Bangle + World Tree Drop. My style is predicated on constantly switching and Mythra's crit spam makes her invaluable in this regard
>Do I fit in yet!?
You're doing something wrong because she usually does 900k dmg
She helps other party members do that much, but her strength is locked and loses any auxcores
>implying there's a majority that thinks that way
I wish it did though, shitposter.
So why the autism over the name of the game?
Why add it at all?
Because it's the name of the game
>critical thinking skills
It triggers your autism that I typed an extra word beyond the bare minimum?
Then explain
Haha dumb cat
Water is a difficult element to control
Okay, you're baiting, got it
Mythra > Pyra
Eh Rex was pretty middle of the road for me, Morag felt the most fun to play as, followed by Zeke who gets even more fun in NG+ with his Bringer of Justice mode
I can't use the eye without him dying in two seconds
Sorry if you got triggered at me calling out bad names.
But it's a sequel sort of to Xenoblade Chronicles, hence the name is Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Why the fuck has nobody brought up Tora?
it's a sequel to Monado: Beggining of the World
But what's the name in Japan then?
Monado: Beginning of the World
(but in Japanese)
I mean 2's
Should I buy this game or wait to play XCDE?
Hey, you're almost on the right track!
Actually it's Xenoblade. Monado was an earlier title.
So that's it, you're a shitposting ultra weeb.
He asked the name in japanese, I just complied, geez user
Yeah, but it;s obvious he;s mad that the word Chronicles isn't in the Japanese name and he's too cool to speak his own language
Super Mario Bros. should be renamed to Super Mario Bros Chronicles. Like what the fuck is the game about if it's just the brothers? A dating sim? A fighting game? We NEED chronicles.
Thoughts on mechs ?
All their attacks are fucking garbage and I hate it
Uh, are not the same person?
No they aren't.
Other way around, bud.
all me
No they aren't
answer me you fucking weebs
1 is forever better than 2.
Wait for XBDE.
2 has better gameplay
1 has better story, worlds, music, etc
Wait for XBDE and then play 2
ill wait then. thanks nerds
I am conflicted, her flustered face is cute beyond belief but the reason why she is flustered makes me sick.
Is a "intercuel" or also called "midquel".
How does Yea Forums feel about my OTP?
I doubt it's actually your OTP.
god damn i've gotten to chapter 5 in this game, and i really love the combat, but this game feels like such a pain in the ass to play sometimes. i feel like i'm overthinking a lot of the extra systems, but definitely the most annoying thing to me is the blade system and the skill checks (more how its annoying you have to equip the blades for the skill check and how it just doesn't pull from the blades you don't have engaged)
as a side question, is zeke a good replacement for nia? i haven't unlocked him, but i'd love to run him over nia just because he's a great character (nia is great too, but still). who would do healing in her place? rex? morag?
Why? They have the best chemistry. Zeke is the one who actually comments on how sexy Nia's blade mode is
Your OTP is just fucking text instead of a full doujin, it makes me sick.
Rex will in chapter 7
Just text is usually better than a doujin though.
You're just mad that it doesn't provide you with quick and easy fap material.
Not him but they never get translated
No, text sucks, images ALWAYS beat text.
The best faps I've ever had have come from text
>not pandy
shit tier cope
Imagine having this shit of an imagination
field skills are the worst part about the game
> who would do healing in her place? rex? morag?
Rex is best played in a casual playthrough as a paladin, either ATK/HLR/HLR or ATK/ATK/HLR
Mythra, Roc, Nia
>field skills are the worst part about the game
The field skills are good on paper. The problem is you're rewarded with early-game garbage
i never considered that, i was told not really waste any cores on rex after the beginning so he barely has anything engaged other than story blades (i did get him a launch blade because i can't rely on the AI to reliably finish combos) alongside Roc.
morag and nia have been running TNK/TNK/TNK and HLR/HLR/HLR.
Keep waiting. He's not getting story blades yet
it's fine to use a few cores on rex, I would sub out a healer for an attack blade on nia since that seems excessive unless one of the HLR is a claw user which are pseudo attackers.
i have ursula and vess on nia, maybe i can swap out vess for an attacker though.
good to know at least, i'll keep waiting.
Zeke is for Pandy only.
I am still impressed how MS managed to kill a ship so effectively.
You forgot your image.
Is not my image, plus they aren't beaties, they are "father and bratty daughter" and I can't post pics anyway due to a retarded IP rage ban affecting pretty much ALL MY CITY.
get fucked phonenigger
Hope X2 finally features pilotable Faces and Artifices.
You think it only affects phones? No, it affects all the internet in the city.
What? But those elements aren't from X.
And? We've got Shulk, Fiora, T-Elos, KOS-MOS and Elma as party members in 2, why couldn't we get Faces and Artifices as mechs in X2?
THE first one is a better entry point into the series, although the second game is better on the whole in my opinion
And they they went and did this
She's only their pet
Well, on second thoughts I guess there shouldn't be a problem. But again, I don't like X so I better remove myself from this conversation.
WHat's a good setup for Tora? Just got Poppi QT
whenever this game becomes emulatable, I'm gonna mod that fucking shirt to what it should've been from the start
Poppi deserves better than this betrayal
Note I was talking of MythraXAdaam.
I know. It just shows that Nia is part of the harem because they could've killed that ship too if they wanted
I find hilarious how the fact Adaam is married is both "easy and hard to find".
I'm not even sure if Pyra is top 5
Wait for QTpi
Don't bump a dead thread at page 9, it's a ghost town here
Fuck you, I do what I want.
Stop reviving the thread just to spite your imaginary boogeyman.
Sexual pet.
hey xfag
This is the super important kind of discussion you brought this thread back for.
>He doesn't want waifushit, he must be a xfag!
Why you keep trying to have a war with X fans?
don't sell yourself short, it's not just any everyday x fan who can write such classic posts
who cares?
>Literally page 10 bump
>Just to say nothing
Seriously, why keep the thread alive? Nobody is here to discuss the game.
i just got to the second island where my ship gets busted. who should i be opening these loot box things with? and who should i be giving blades too. i just feel like i should always have pyhra for rex.
You can't actually unequip Pyra from Rex, so...yeah.
You should be using cores on everyone, pretty much. The general advice is to not go overboard on Rex, though, since the story gives him plenty of freebies.
>WHat's a good setup for Tora?
dumping him shortly in favor of the new tank until NG+ so you have to play that shitty mini game
Mythra lets you shit damage and special gauge with infinite double spins. Pneuma exists for fusion combo chain attacks after you have orbs set up.