
Oh yes finally! The Nigersaurus arrived at Jurassic World!

What are you going to do with your new Nigersaurus? I'd love to ride a Nigersaurus. Oh i wish they would still exist, the Nigersaurus. Wonder what the Nigersaurus feet smell like, haha.

Attached: LRM_EXPORT_173500192073398_20190922_121931817.jpg (1080x1118, 540K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Niger

More like Niggersaurus lmfao

Attached: Niger.jpg (750x909, 81K)

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Lol it's like that forbidden word mommy said to never speak! Comedy gold!

I bet a Nigersaurus would make a good work horse.

Attached: 1563426437520.png (454x520, 11K)

Isn't that the dinosaur that caused the extinction of watermelons and chickens?

Didn't they go extinct because they ran out of EBT to sustain them?

Guys, this is EXACTLY why this forum has such a bad reputation on reddit and in the media. Can we just not?


nah, this thread is actually funny.
it’s posts like that give it the reputation.

Attached: 1569147903110.jpg (1128x2486, 884K)

If you care about how Reddit feels, you should go back there lamewad

Face reminds me of Gungans.


Attached: meh.ro11980a.png (276x302, 102K)

nigger nigger nigger


Best thread in Yea Forums right now

You must be 18 to post on 4channel

finally a good thread


who gives a shit


This thread is pretty good

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>the Nigersaurus has 500 teeth
probably stole them all lolo

Holy fuck

Attached: B0E888CB-99B0-4EFD-92B9-54EB9B7833B3.jpg (650x494, 48K)



when did this place turn into /pol/?

t. nigersaurus

>people still can't tell this is bait
4channel will get worse before it gets better

Attached: 1550013408163.jpg (325x325, 22K)

A bit before the American elections. Blame m00t.


Attached: 1549617127692.jpg (976x549, 103K)

>gets offended by six letters

Attached: 1944germany.webm (720x720, 2.81M)

The drop in post quality can be dated to then but casual racism funposting is as old as the board.

Beware they eat all greens and world will be ended.

>casual racism funposting
The problem is the /pol/tards are dead serious and need to turn every single thread in every board into "le redpil" about race or homosexuals. They're mentally ill and not fun at all.

>A niger actually made a thread about this dumbshit

shut up nigger

>You did NOT just call me cringy immature kid

Attached: 1568309789862.png (644x800, 43K)

Fucking niggers destroying jurassic Detroit.

>They're mentally ill and not fun at all.
Why did you bring up trannies?

Chill out, my nigasaurus.

Because I'm talking about /pol/? Is like talking about Yea Forums and bring up Japanese animation.

Election tourists

Attached: true gamers.png (738x669, 184K)


ITT: white twitter

Attached: EDyy0tjWkAEoV2H.jpg large.jpg (521x680, 91K)

around 2014

This thread will get killed by the mods anyways so It really doesn't matter. You gotta understand this place will find almost ANYTHING to shit post about.


This thread is not racist by any means. It'd be stupid to delete it.

The developers should've never added the Nigersaurus. The jokes were going to be obvious.

All dinosaurs deserve a performance.

Holy Shit is this Bush Raptor from walking with dinosaurs.

This thread is great.

But only the Nigersaurus deserves to be arrested after said performance.

All those newfags falling for obvious bait.

Isn't it pronounced nygersaurus and not niggersaurus?

Why does it have african lips

where are the feathers?

Nigersaurus Lives Matter

When has Yea Forums NOT been racist you stupid newfag nigger?

Holy fuck this is amazing

Like an Australian saying nigger?


How do I tell the classic Yea Forums-style not-truly-derogatory racist jokes from the low key high key serious /pol/ posts?

Attached: 1541997785756.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

haha, that's the whole fun of it! you can't! it's all lost! we are lost! it's over! it happened! it's over! this world is a hellscape!

Attached: 1567757054937.png (192x279, 95K)

you can make fun of niggers without explicitly calling for their extermination


>Croc in the water
>hyena on the bank
Can you even imagine being so fucked?

>racism is bad

it's time to go back

you're the newfag around here you fucking retard YOU go back
goddamned fucking phoneposters and readed-it-ors and election tourists get the FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

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Attached: 1395128594088.png (250x265, 79K)

Aham, it's a dog, not a hyena. Thanks.


look at this nigger kek

that's a painted dog

just fun post bro

Attached: 1209745121604.jpg (759x1660, 381K)

>The jokes were going to be obvious
Why the fuck do you think they added the damn thing?

>nobody ever said nigger on Yea Forums until Gronald Blumph ran for president
newfag redditors need to fuck off and die already

le funny n word

Attached: 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwMNRR0an-1FcciM-EAAXCXs.png (2048x1152, 999K)

le funny anime girl

that's not what we mean you FUCKING DROOLING RETARD

Attached: enragedpotionjew.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Now that they have a template skeleton and rig. here's to hoping that we get Amargasaurus soon.

Attached: amargasaurus-cazaui-a-prehistoric-era-sergey-krasovskiy_b3f2.jpg (900x612, 134K)

You made this same thread last night on Yea Forums yet instead the thread got derailed by unironic christfags and creationists arguing about climate change

Oddly enough, that just means Yea Forums is a better board than Yea Forums.


Why are they so goddamned cute?

Attached: dryo homalo.jpg (670x377, 63K)

If you have to ask yourself that question, then it's clear you weren't there then and don't belong here now.
Laugh at what's funny. If it's not funny, find another thread. It's that simple.

Keep going, kid, you'll land a good one eventually

Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

These threads are a great test to see the outsiders expose themselves.

lmao imagine being so bumblasted about the word nigger

>we are many for we are legion internet hate machine we do not forgive we do not forget

desmotivational that bring back memories of old memes like peanut jelly butter times and PWNED/OWNED.

Bet it fucks white women

>literally gets eaten whole and alive

Attached: I can get you Nigersaurus DNA.gif (229x176, 987K)

>all these cute dinos being added to the game
>I can't have them because fuck DLC
Having principles is suffering...




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the best fetish

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>being this autistic

poor little nigersaurus

Attached: Moonmanhimselfladehsandgentlemens.jpg (400x400, 20K)

are you fucking talking shit are you telling me i'm a fucking outsider here you stupid fucking limp dicked faggot-ass cro-magnon waterbrained fucking FAT CUNT would that i could punch my whole arm up your ass and tear your heart out from it you fucking dumb little cunt i hate you so much GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY WEBSITE YOU ARE THE CANCER THAT KILLED Yea Forums AND YOU'RE KILLING Yea Forums TOO NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT AND NEVERY IMPLY ANYTHING AT ME AGAIN YOU DUMB FUCKING WHORE I'LL BITE YOUR FUCKING BALLS OFF AND JAM THEM INTO YOUR EYE SOCKETS FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FFFFFUCK YOU

Attached: listenhereyoulittleshit.png (684x796, 507K)

And the great thing about the test? It always makes outsiders mad.

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>not giving in to anti-consumer practices

DO you have to pay reparation upkeep on a Nigersaurus pen? Or is it normal.

We’ve always been an alt-right gaming forum.


shut up nigersaurus

>getting more content is anti-consumer
So how many years would you wait for a game to be finished in an age where you can keep adding to it long after it gets released?


>You ain't the only nigga cursed with knowledge

Yea Forums has always been racist retard. Doesn't mean were all brain dead /pol/ fags

>deliberately holds back content to sell you later

they all look like fun people to hang with

When will they add futalognkasaurus

are you guys missing all the racist post in this thread? is that supposed to be on topic?


Yes, I'm certain all of the DLC missions and dinosaurs were completely made and finished before the game launched and was deliberately removed to be sat on for several months.

I wouldn't mind DLC if it actually added shit to the game but charging money for a couple of models is unacceptable, even more so if you do it on release, which they did.

I would wait as long as it needs to be finished. An extra year makes no difference to me.

Publishers, on the other hand

excellent thread, so many salty shitters

stop making off-topic meta posts and stay on topic, you blanched watermelon

And what if the game was supported for three years? Four years? You want to wait that long?

What's day 1 DLC, goy?
Naive anons are so cute!

*smacks lips*

Attached: tumblr_inline_nvpzm5NDkY1rx4yme_1280.png (850x888, 1.41M)

Oh wow, a whole five bucks, I spend more than that for lunch at work.

Curious, what do people here call the country "Niger"?

I like the game but its pretty clear they're waiting to put all the special features into the sequel and planet zoo.

shit, I replied to the wrong post
>Naive anons are so cute!
This was meant for you , you cutie.

How do you think we pronounce it, genius?

Attached: 15426135234.jpg (1000x893, 83K)

Its like Nigel

I know, I know, conspiracy theories are always correct, everyone hates you and wants to fuck you over, woe is me.

The amount of money is inconsequential.

>And what if the game was supported for three years?
>Four Years
I can live.
>You want to wait that long?
If it gives me a complete game, I'm all for it.

If they didn't, then they may do the Hitman thing and spend two years making it, and then one year supporting it before pulling the plug on all the DLC, and then no one gets to enjoy it. I rather have a game that's a complete experience ten years down the line than something I can't play a year after it launches because all the DLC is no longer supported.

just pirate it you fucking moron


1 Nigersaurus is pronounced like Nigeria
2 this thread reminds me when 8 year olds see Niger on a globe

>Lol it's like that forbidden word mommy said to never speak!

But she was the one who taught me tho, get dabbed on nigger.

Attached: 1537959983090.gif (1041x400, 62K)

Whats with revisionists faggots claiming Yea Forums wasn´t always racists?

The "nigga stole my bike" meme was born here.

No one wants to crack that shit, nigger.


Exactly, people who have jobs can afford five bucks every three months or so. But what do any of you care anyway, you never buy any games, you proudly proclaim how you stigginit to the evil game companies by pirating everything while in the same breath crying about how all games are shit and stupid because they don't cater to you specifically.

Attached: suicide rate.png (738x669, 228K)

Yes, there is zero humor to be found in this thtead unless you're in grade school.


I don't know man, it isn't funny at all nowadays, especially with the /pol/ boogeyman looming over. These Nigersaurus jokes are funny but if it's an actual agenda pusher on the other side, then I don't want to humor them. My space has been invaded and I'm blind.

Attached: 64131d779dbad11d6874a9276aaf71b9.jpg (562x439, 51K)

based and angpilled

This. Yea Forums is one of the last bastions of the true American white male, we're doing our best to protect and save our culture.

>inb4 you're called pic related

Attached: 1564092056267.jpg (843x903, 156K)

Go shoot up a school wh*teoids

Yes user, corporations are your friends, they would never withhold content to sell it at a later date or, god forbid, the same fucking day the game is released.

>why are people having fun on Yea Forums i don't understand!!!!!
ITT: Twitter roasties getting mad

The deluxe dinosaur pack was free on launch day.

shut up sneed

Ah yes. Yea Forums. Vidya Niggers. I'm home.

user, I've got over 200 games on my steam account, one of them being JWE. The only things I pirate are low content DLC and games from scummy devs or publishers who deserve to go under.

>getting triggered over a racist joke
wtf happened to this shithole



Attached: jokerrun6.jpg (634x951, 114K)

It's one-two people either false flagging or legitimately upset. Let them be upset.

Saying the quite part loud I see.

Dont you mean Niggersaurus?

Anyway, let's talk about what dinosaurs you'd like to have in the game. We need some more smaller dinosaurs, dinos like Gastonia, Psittacosaurus, Coelophysis, Oviraptor, Mussaurus, and Hypsilophodont.

Attached: JFC_Gastonia_99ef.jpg (900x506, 111K)

>All these newfags upset that this post was on the money replying with reddit-approved memes

Attached: Hello there.png (1600x900, 1.83M)

No it wasn't, it was included in the deluxe version of the game.

well nobody cares either way

>all those arrows form a jew star
surely this cant be a cohencidence


Go back and stay there, nigger.

Don't forget the special card: stormfaggot.

However, stormfaggot only beats nigger while simply applying 1 turn of confusion to users of other terms (along with many users of nigger!).
The true power of invoking stormfaggot is that it only has its winning affect against non-immigrants and non-newfags, thus anyone afflicted by the confusion state instead has also been revealed.


Attached: 5e5c91df813b5c8dcc2eaf3cf718cee3--dinosaurs-live-dinosaur-pictures.jpg (639x425, 46K)

>tfw i realize it was a real dinosaur

Attached: 5402567+_37f6a2754f57e5fbb1a0976421293785.png (400x390, 91K)

>Wonder what the Nigersaurus feet smell like
Corn chips.

15 years ago when it was created

It's pronounced "Nye-jer", you fucking retarded children.

I'm not triggered by the joke being racist, I'm triggered that it's bottom-barrel garbage. A shitty joke is a shitty joke, making it racist doesn't exclude it from getting shit on for being bad, especially when its defenders resort to spamming redditjak to anyone who calls it out.

Okay mom.

>people actually getting upset at these dumb n-word jokes
yeah this place is well dead.

Is this real? Asking for a nigger

What does the white man say to his wife when trying to pass through a black neighbourhood undetected?

Do you think the Nigersaurus?

Attached: 1560191428212.jpg (600x575, 36K)


See? "I'M NOT TRIGGERED I'm just triggered though, that's why I haven't left the thread yet"

Not even worth this single (You) I'm giving you.


Came here for this. I'm impressed it got posted this quickly

Racism memes are getting stale as fuck. It’s dull now. Just like hearing grandpa ramble. Funny at first but after years of it you are just sick of it.

This thread is just the equivalent of a bunch kids laughing at the word penis in their biology textbook. Yea Forums is filled with a bunch of easily-amused faggots.

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fucking hell yuki

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Even this smartass post is wrong

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>Extremely careful to avoid acknowledging the actual problem, that the joke is shit

Sneed seems like the best thing to post if you don't want a rebuttal.

oh fuck off. faggot.

We get it user, you don't do lowbrow humor. You can move on to another thread now.

They don’t want to admit the racism jokes are played out again.

You're a big file

when has this entire site ever had a problem with saying nigger? only recently are reddit babies crying about it

Yet it doesn't fail to get the snowflakes triggered, go figure ....

hey twitter refugees! im gonna say NIGGER!

if the post sounds bitter with a thin veneer of humor then chances are you're probably dealing with a stormfag


Attached: PraisetheSun.jpg (620x417, 55K)

ehehehe nigger


I'm not writing a fucking Rick & Morty episode for your viewing pleasure you inbred faggot.


Attached: STOP_SAYING_IT.png (1078x436, 150K)

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Where have you been? This board is literally a bunch of underaged posters that take something that was funny for a few seconds and stretch it out for way too long.

Attached: are_you_pepe_or_wojak-f.jpg (800x418, 42K)

Attached: Dr Nigger.jpg (549x556, 27K)


And trannies are a subset of incel so.


This thread is great. Don't let upset discorders stop you.

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>i prefer le HIGH STANDARD and *snort* INTELECTUAL comedy

Attached: 1540066684985.jpg (575x651, 58K)

You wish. Take a minute to look up STD rates in the tranny community.

No, fuck you. You fags come into threads I like and derail it with this shit so you don't have a right to your own threads.

Attached: 1567685214038.jpg (2000x2000, 374K)

fuck that should be in the louvre

An incel can go fuck a prostitute and contract an STD too, he's still an incel.

Attached: 1489295949460.png (1600x900, 888K)

Your post backfires on itself when the ones defending the lowbrow shit are posting these

But you came into this thread

Attached: 1526757590964.png (284x294, 25K)

Prove it bitch.

Found your city,_Niger


Attached: 1543963751482.jpg (480x358, 28K)

You can't stop us from having fun user-kun.

Holy shit

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Attached: 1272159446013.jpg (258x257, 17K)

his skin looks really nice against the white background lol

>Your post backfires on itself when the ones defending the lowbrow shit are posting these

Attached: 1568370918987.jpg (1024x683, 53K)

>I-I'm totally not triggered, its just like... can't you just be original for once!? Like... just...

Attached: 1535478609023.jpg (1500x1000, 376K)

These are funny. The rest of the thread is underage humor.

Attached: ObiWanHS-SWE.jpg (400x534, 41K)

But their STD rates aren't greater than the regular population as far as I know of, unlike trannies.

>uh you can't defend lowbrow by posting lowbrow

do you realize how retarded you sound?

Attached: 1568852800134.jpg (238x286, 11K)

Nobody knows because nobody measures incels as a category.



probably around the first time /new/ was deleted
so over 10 years ago

holy mother of being angry

Actually, the entire fucking thread is underage/mayo humor.

Attached: 1567450461324.jpg (553x413, 96K)

user, please learn to fucking read. user A suggested anyone who doesn't like this thread is a wojak/pepe spammer from reddit and user B listed posts that were said spammers that were defending the thread.


Attached: haha_pepe.jpg (251x242, 15K)

holy shit look at this dude. fucking cope hahahahaha

thats racist

Incels are the cacoon stage of trannies, its at this point that they either turn into a gay butterfly or a murderous moth

most trannies are r9k tier failed men
>if I cant have a gf i'll become the gf

Obi-Wan judging memes is an okay meme I guess, can we keep it

That means they are grouped with the general population.
You still haven't addressed my point, which is trannies get fucked in the ass a lot without protection because they are degenerates, on average.

ok retard

Hey ma, they made- I mean found another Dinosaur fossil!


Attached: n.png (1024x930, 891K)

only underage say the n-word

>pedoera crossposters trying to shift the overton window

Attached: 1494865078011.png (1314x1503, 1.84M)

holy fuck

Attached: feds_laughing.gif (270x180, 2.5M)

ok retard

You mean NIGGER.

fuck yeah branching skill paths

I'm correct. Calling me a retard doesn't change that.

Attached: billion_years_in_paint.jpg (1041x400, 67K)

Funny how they will never be able to come up with an insult as good as "shitskin"

bottom image should be white people screaming and pissing, because they're the only ones who actually care.

I get some of you hate the "edgy" jokes but you guys need to learn to ignore it. Expecting Yea Forums of all places have any shred of decency is dumb and taking it seriously is foolish.

Attached: 1563753996028.gif (300x300, 2.88M)

Why the fuck do white people hate mayo so much? Aioli is great.


>he thinks it isn't people merely pretending to get (You)'s

people got close with “cum skin” but that just doesnt roll off the tounge. “whitebread” and “snowflake” just sounds cute.
aparently “ofay” is a “highly offensive term for a white person”. never heard it though until i googled it just now

it can be changed

You're probably right but you never know.

>expecting people who migrated from twitter and tumblr to understand that the internet isn't serious business.

White people are fucking tasteless if you haven't noticed. I have an H-mart at the storefront of my building, and love being the high end mayo and spam they sell.

If it can't use those sharp antlers as self defense why did they evolve them? Do they exist just to be food?


I know, it's just really hard to ignore when I can remember when jokes like these tried to be funny, and not as retardedly unfunny as possible to bait replies. I miss pre-irony Yea Forums.

Attached: sad-storm-trooper-e1330602041486.jpg (640x328, 33K)

i highly doubt that. Yea Forums is browsed by a lot of underage fags and twitter key board warriors.

cum skin is kinda pointless because we all were cum at some point

Ghost would be a good one if niggers were smart enough to realise they're helping to genocide us

Attached: manny13percent.jpg (628x353, 62K)


Its really Twitter/Resetera invaders.

>be an actual paleontologist
>just came back from fondling dinosaur bones at the museum

I approve of this thread


>not fun
Ironic from someone who can't let a fucking nigger joke sit without getting mad enough to make a post about it.

Cumskin is nowhere near shitskin, first off we arent actually pearly white, second cum is something "gross and vulgar" but is actually related to reproduction, nigger actually have the same colour as shit plus shit is pointless waste that smells bad and can make you sick

It's all up to you really.

manny is based
You could just ignore them. Yea Forums didn't change its humor, you did.

have sex


Which dinosaur bones? Tell us more.



I've been here for years and people never said the n-word until the orange rat trump won

>Yea Forums didn't change its humor, you did.
Not him, but that is untrue as hell. The way 2009 Yea Forums and 2019 Yea Forums handled memes is wholly different

Which dinosaur had the largest dickbone?


Only if..

Was hoping for an actual JWE discussion thread, but take what you can get in this /pol/-infested shithole. Irritator as part of a Wetland Dinosaur Pack when, using the design of the Baryonyx on the JW website?

Attached: BaryonyxTall.jpg (540x640, 201K)

Attached: 1552527178493.jpg (1024x321, 61K)

We only work on triceratops these days. Might get some new material but that will take a few years or arranging I think.


That's not because the culture changed that's because the people on Yea Forums changed. There's maybe a good 500% more people here than 10 years ago and a good 75% of them can't take a fucking joke.

I remember the exact day an entire thread condemned me for gatekeeping from Reddit. "Dude you're anti reddit you're such a fucking faggot lol we all visit reddit"

I bet he's even right. This place literally isn't the same place as it was a decade ago. Different people. Different owner. Different world. We really should use like an exhentai-esque blocking system that detects cookies from reddit and automatically locks the site out.

me lol

Yea Forums is pretty much a baiting game nowadays and I expect this thread to be repeated multiple times like the Transgender shit. Just Filter it and find good thread.

>look guys I got fucked in the ass by some twink that doesn't make me an incel

You fucking destroyed him. Good show.

>lol niggersaurus
>/pol/ has ruined Yea Forums

>just ignore the racists and they'll go away!
You faggots have been repeating this shit ever since Trump won and it's only been getting worse. Ignoring them DOES NOT WORK. They need to be BANNED.

The thing is that whites don't really get worked up over racial slurs as darkies do. So they should just stick with inbreeding and cuckoldry jokes.

I'm really hoping we get ancient crocs in the sequel but I highly doubt it will happen

I would argue it's about 50/50 shitposters leaping as twitterfags and actual twitterfags.

imagine seething this much over a thread you can actually choose not to read.

user you just said the culture hadn't changed and proceeded to exchange how the culture changed.

>Was hoping for an actual JWE discussion thread

No you weren't, now fuck off faggot.

Then I would open a separate browsing session with no Reddit cookies. GG?

>mayo humor

Attached: tv60mncyvl831.jpg (623x749, 37K)

not much to discuss about JWE.

Game is ok, could have been much better. New dinos wont fix shit gameplay


Or you can just go back to Resetera, how about that!?

Not much they can do about the gameplay when they're limited by the console versions. This is why games for PC should NOT also have console versions.

I want to fuck a dinosaur

No, the culture still remains. Ghosts of how we used to act over a decade ago. It's those moaning ghosts that keep this place even SORT OF similar to how things used to be. Everyone is aware of "The violent sociopath known as Yea Forums" and that energy exists and permeates the website to this day. That CULTURE remains.

It's just upheld by people who don't recognize or appreciate it. Like how Nubians aren't Egyptians despite having the same culture.

could i get the sauce on this image
image search gave me nothing

Calm down. Racism exists but its not like any of these anons will actually do anything to blacks. Only thing they can do is shitpost on Yea Forums.

You think you're safe because your russian cheetoh puppet won, just wait for 2020. There won't be anywhere for you racists to hide.

Sorry, spook's already taken.

Yea Forums has been shouting nigger since 2003 dude

>I am so smart
>I hate fun

Attached: 1562808133624.jpg (960x944, 48K)

Or we could just kick you faggots off because you can't take a joke.

Sure whatever retard, now fuck off back to your containment shithole please.

aligators and crocodiles still exist and they are very excited to meet you


Pretty sure the leaks posted here said they know the game is unfixable and are making a sequel. Planet Zoo is the prototype

Attached: 1567183448448.jpg (1024x758, 50K)

No it’s crybaby tranny fucks like YOU who need to be purged. Get killed you faggot fuck.

Why are white people who post on twitter about being white all so uniformly fucking ugly?

the irony

JWE2 is pretty much confirmed. Long as it has everything they couldn't do in 1 and has all the 1 content in the base game I'll be happy.

They're aren't ugly at all, just old.

None of you uppity nigersauruses have ever ignored anything except threads that are actually about video games.

Fucking based

Attached: 1561251963261.gif (700x700, 96K)

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Old people are ugly.

>explicitly calling for their extermination
Nice meme, Schlomo

Attached: 1544029779041.png (640x640, 172K)

honestly that crocs a wee baby ill take my chances with the 5 foot croc drowning me over the 10-20 dogs ready to tear out my stomach on the bank

Attached: cookie.jpg (634x347, 39K)

>literally majority of people in that pic is or half spanish

Only females.

posts like this are even more pathetic than random niggerspamming. being a good white knight (pun intended) won't get you laid fag
>look how I'm so above it all haha

Based and actually true.

The two females look fine for 50+ yr olds. It's the guys in that image that look like wrinkly hairy anuses.

they're for fighting over mating i'm pretty sure, a lot of similar mammals with horns have them mostly for show and to fight other males

Where's my goddamned bro Therizinosaurus?

Attached: CGTPL_Therizinosaurus.jpg (949x1080, 319K)

>old white women look fine

ok retard

You’re probably from reddit yourself, pale incel

First-cousin marriages are insanely common in most muslim countries, because the Quran lists all of the people you AREN'T allowed to marry, but the writers forgot to mention your cousin. So according to the perfect word of God it's ok to marry your cousin. I get the whole Alabama redneck thing (hilarious!) but inbreeding is actually a muslim thing.

You can’t POSSIBLY believe that ANY actual discussion was gonna come from this thread. You can’t be that fucking stupid.

And what if I browse both? What are you going to do about it, Mr. Internet Badass basement dweller?

They look fine for old women. The guys are bald, unshaved and most of them fat.

>doesn’t provide a correction
Stop being an idiot

>I get the whole Alabama redneck thing (hilarious!) but inbreeding is actually a muslim thing.
Jesus Christ, Cleetus. It's just a low effort joke, don't get worked up. Also, marrying your cousin is still above miscegenation

Real shame they added three new Dinosaurs but all they really bring to the table is new dying animations when are they gonna balance the herbivores im tired of watching my Triceratops get bowled over by a carnivore a fraction of its size and the Sauropods literally cannot fight anything

Attached: 47939772a50ba27ce1a7b8132a17fd2c.png (583x660, 869K)

>Mr Internet Basement dweller
That literally you, especially if you admit to browsing both of these shitstain sites

>Racism exists
Honest-to-god racism does not exist anymore. If black people started acting like white people, no one would have a problem with them. That tells you it's about behavior, not race. Race is just the most potent predictor of antisocial behavior, whether you like it or not.

don't be mad you got locked in the shed again.

So you admit every single person on Yea Forums is a retarded child screaming racial slurs and pretending they're mature?

More people should know about it though, and I'm taking every chance I get to spread the gospel. It puts a huge strain on Europe's socialized medicine because it wasn't designed to treat expensive genetic disorders as a result of massive inbreeding

Sauropods don't need to fight anything, aside from Niger they're immune to everything except Indominus and that's straight from the film. Also you can adjust the fighting herbivore's stats with genetics.

the word is "nigger". This isn't Harry Potter, you're not a child, use a word when you're talking descriptively.

Did you know the most of the world pronounces "Niger" or "Nigeria" just like Americans pronounce "nigger"? Hell, even those tribalistic wild African people speak it like that.

My mom says nigger all the time, get better parental figures

Looking at the forums and even the reddit page, people wanted a nature simulator forgetting this is a Jurassic Park manager tycoon.