Darkest Dungeon 2

Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?

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A great game. Most or all of the original cast returning plus new classes.

Grind reduction.

More RNG bullshit. Every strategy being nerfed into oblivion because the devs are manchildren that hate players beating the game. ~1% of total playerbase ever beat the game even on easy mode. Insane grind.

Needs Dwarves because it's gonna be in the Mountains and Dwarves live in Mountains.

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Yeah I'm kind of curious what new classes they'll think up that will still fit the theme. Potentials:


Anyone else have any ideas? If i was more talented I'd do some mock ups

It's in the mountains so:
Generic Indiana Jones style Explorer

Not mountain related but maybe some kind of Scientist/Scholar

Also definitely some sort of Shaolin/Buddhist monk as well. Sherpa is a good one. Explorer and Scientist are almost a given with the Mountains of Madness theme

I hope to god they don’t have six-man missions and keep it to 4.

the interesting debuffs and move attacks were often of questionable usefulness because of bad game design, so if they're making a rehash they should sort that out

I'm really not expecting much more than what 1 was. I don't even expect better models support, which would be a given.

Yeah, Darkest Dungeon is a fun game, up until you realize that once you've found a good strategy and have passed the break point, it's just an endless stream of rote repetition. If they don't fix this issue it's really going to be hard to justify playing it, since very few people are going to want to slog through the same kind of grind all over again. Most people didn't want to bother with it even the first time around.

Here ya go, bro.

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Yeah a ton of moves were honestly just trap options, once you understood how the game worked you never used them again. All the movement shifting abilities, the debuffs, and the marks, were fucking useless compared to the holy trinity of damage-stun-heal.

The base game will be good, and the expansions will be shit, just like the first one.

DD had great expansions.

More of the same. Unnecessary sequel.

What a retarded mentality.

I'd honestly prefer if they had a more diverse cast.

They have shown literally nothing after the reveal, which was almost a year ago.
It will be released in EA, meaning the finished game won't come out before 2021.

More than one "biome", read it was about journeying to the mountains, so hopefully there will be many different places to visit on the way.

One big dungeon and you homebase is a camp that moves with you

The peak is the final part and goes into space

The fuck? Thematically, they were good, gameplay wise they were pointless. You could flat out ignore Crimson Court until you had built up a beefy squad then casually bulldoze it down with no issues. They failed to integrate it into the main campaign well enough. And the Endless mode was just proof they have no idea of what the criticisms of this game are, namely, the endless rote repetition grind, which is what the game already was anyway. Giving another pointless grind on top of the one already in the base game is not a great expansion by any means. Quest mods + class mods were far better "expansions" than what the official expansions provided.

If you're going to bait at least put some effort into it, you colossal faggot.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it was bad.



That it isn't a stinking piece of shit like the first game?

>More of the same
God I hope so. DD is fantastic as it is and I don't want it drastically changed for no good reason. Just add a new hub, dungeons, enemies, classes, and some mechanics and I'm happy.

>he's still assblasted
It must hurt you knowing DD is crazy popular.

Just because you like it doesn't mean it was good. Objectively, it did nothing to fix the core issues with the game and actually magnified them.

You have to provide actual reasons as to why you think it's bad.

>core issues
Just because you dislike something doesn't mean it's bad.

Do you really think only 6% of people who bought this game ever beating it isn't an issue? It's not like the game is hard, either, everyone gets tired of the grind and find something else to play. If they don't fix that problem they are fucked.

More classses

That the new "gameplay mechanics" they're planning to add would work perfectly

My frustration getting bigger because I forgot to git gud and/or I like a class so much that I forget about the existing ones' strengths/weaknesses/synergies

I already did. Crimson Court was easily ignored and didn't provide an additional challenge, if anything, it made the game easier because you could just build a strong team while ignoring its existence, then smash it for the trinkets and go back to forgetting about it for the rest of the game. It wasn't integrated properly into the main campaign. Color Of Madness took the worst part about DD, the repetitive grind, and made that its main feature. Again, mods saved this game.

DD was fun when it was the new kid on the block, but the sequel needs to shake up the formula a bit.
I expect it to get plenty of sales no matter what though. Streamers love to stream this game.

As someone who played 80-ish hours without looking up anything & beat it on normal difficulty, I thought it was a fantastic game with just a bit of a grind problem. The fact that only 3% of people beat it on the same difficulty as me also felt cool.

I hope DD2 mixes up the gameplay a bit but ultimately brings the same difficulty

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>Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?

Neither of those are legitimate problems, they're your personal complains at best. For starters the Courtyard cannot be ignored if you have it enabled, as the game throws vampires at you more and more until you can't deal with the blood to satiate your infected characters, forcing you to complete the Courtyard before everyone dies in the Hamlet. And no, the Blood Vintner is not able to deal with an entire Hamlet of vampires alone. Secondly it was never supposed to be part of the main campaign, it's its own thing on the side. The main campaign is the Darkest Dungeon itself. Literally everything else is optional side stuff.

>the repetitive grind
You can't state a core part of the game being used is a bad thing. I don't care if you don't like the grind, it's part of DD's identity therefore emphasizing it in an expansion is not legitimate complaint. See

more bosses instead of harder versions of the same 2
more events like the hamlet raid
dunno what else

>reduces your damage by 66%
>marks you and nullifies your dodge chance
all by wearing 1 debuff trinket also
>heals you for twice your max hp

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>heals you for twice your max hp
5% of the time, when you were only missing 3 hp.

Some of my best memories of DD were during its extensive early access period

It's barely been half a year.

>1% of total playerbase ever beat the game even on easy
Wait, seriously?

Before they nerfed everything?
Me too.

I guess so. I’d like to say it was less nerfing as it was, specifically, convoluted solutions to problems that unless you read the patch notes aren’t apparent just playing the game.

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He's exaggerating, if you add up all the difficulties together 6% of people have beaten the game. % completion is always low on Steam in general, but that's pretty low even considering that. Most people just get sick of the grind and quit playing. Darkest Dungeon is "hard" the way that Warcraft Classic is "hard", you just have to be able to burn huge chunks of time doing the same thing over and over until you finish.

A witch

The faggot devs literally flipped the fuck out when people would figure out strong combinations and steamroll the game. They raped Jester so hard it's laughable, all because some people used him in teams on Color Of Madness to get 1K+ kills.

>if you add up all the difficulties together 6% of people have beaten the game
You do realize that most, if not all, people that beat it on the higher difficulties also beat it on easy, right?

I really want to see each of the dungeons be persistent like crimson court. This could have alternate ways of solving a quest with secret passages, luring enemies into traps and whatnot.

will it happen

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>The faggot devs literally flipped the fuck out
Why do you feel the need to lie?


Devs made a point of nerfing any interesting strategy into the ground. Allowing Abom to party with religious characters was a mistake since they had to basically cripple what made him good.

Sex scenes.

How slow are you even going, you filthy plebe? By the time the swarms become enough of a problem you can slaughter the Court with ease. The entire reason the Court is a joke is because it does not present enough of an early game threat and by the time you're hitting it up it's a cakewalk. All the Crimson Court did is make the game easier with its trinkets and proper management of the disease itself to get free +25% damage. If you think it was in any way challenging or a good addition to the game you are shit at a game where the only difficulty is minimizing RNG. Fucking casual.

Oh, and yes, the grind is a problem. It adds nothing to the game, the cookie clicker joke is quite accurate. If you want to mindlessly do the same task over and over, then that game is truly a masterpiece beyond all others. Of course if you actually want a fun game with real challenge, it's shit, but hey, that's not what you want Darkest Dungeon to be, is it? You probably never even played it, so it's fine to you if the worst parts of it remain since all the game is to you is a meme fest your favorite pretend friend puts on from time to time.

It's almost as if the majority of people picked and played through the mode that lessened the repetitive and mind numbing grinding. And those that didn't couldn't take it and just stopped playing altogether.

Have some interesting punishment for losing a team. In DD you only really lose one thing - your time. And unless you're playing on Hard time doesn't matter at all. You lose a team and the punishment is that you have to get a new team up to the same level, which might take you 4-5 hours. That's it.
Sure, they won't be 100% the same, but they can get the exact same weapons and skills. You get to play for more hours, doing the same stuff you've been doing the entire game, before you're right back where you were before.
Make that shit more interesting. Either make the characters more unique, so when you lose one you lost something important, or set a standard time-limit on the game, so you have to deal with increase difficulty based on that.

My words speak only truth, you god damned heretic. The devs have repeatedly nerfed characters specifically to stop winning combos from being used. They seem to hate when people figure out the best combos and how to outplay and utilize strategies that overcome the RNG.

>Hopes? Dreams? Expectations?
less RNG

>More RNG bullshit. Every strategy being nerfed into oblivion because the devs are manchildren that hate players beating the game. ~1% of total playerbase ever beat the game even on easy mode. Insane grind.

---This. This is why I stopped playing the game. I could play this game for hours and it felt I never made any fucking progress. So grinding and repetitive. Sad, because I really wanted to like this game.

they better get wayne june back for it, have all the dlc classes from the first one in the base game, and not get bought out by tim

Time is meaningless to these fucks, they don't understand why the way the game was designed is bad, because they never played the game, they just watched someone else do it.

post your dream teams
>man at arms
honorable mention to abomination

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>and not get bought out by tim
Boy, do I have some bad news for you...

The Crusader is 100% not coming back, they didn't put him in the reveal trailer. He'll either be a miniboss or gone altogether.

Back when Abom couldn't party with religious, I had a ton of success with:
Houndmaster(or Arabalist), the Arab guy whose name I forget, Abomination, and Hellion. You had massive damage output from each character to all positions, Abom and Hellion can reposition quickly, everyone has a heal, stress reduction too. When they changed the meta though it lost a lot of its power.

if they didn't gut him into oblivion maybe but not anymore

Git gud fags

Less RNG
0 grind

You still have not posted a legitimate con. If you don't like grinding then the game is not for you, plain and simple. Again, you don't have to like the grind but it's a core aspect of the game and therefore adding to it is not a valid complaint. I already explained how your issue with the Courtyard is not valid. You said it's avoidable which it is not but you seem to have changed your complaint to how easy or hard it is or isn't.

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That sucks, but to be fair he's basically just the Leper but better. If they can make old Baldwin not fucking shit then that's probably why they're not bringing crusader back, if they aren't

You must be joking.
>By the time the swarms become enough of a problem you can slaughter the Court with ease
CC enemies are always an annoying problem on any kind of quest (more enemies - less party compositions) and you have to farm some invitations before entering the court (which appear only on the highest infestation level). Or are you trying to say that you're such pro, that your attempts at doing "one-hit" CC boss quest were always successful?
>All the Crimson Court did is make the game easier with its trinkets
Not every trinket is THIS good, as well as not every set.
>proper management of the disease itself to get free +25% damage.
Buff comes with the cost of a mad hero. You can not manage rng'd madness.

I'd say you haven't played the dlc at all.