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Hahahahaha! Fat fingered fucker!

>He bought into the Switch Lite meme

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Heh... Nothin' personnel, gaijin...

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Damn how careless of you
its not Nintendo Fault, its yours

How did it happen OP?

And legpee


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That's Link's Awakening.

It's a feature

That's a honest mistake since both games are overpriced and lazy gameboy game remakes

Are you the same autist that broke the analog stick on his 3ds?

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Since it's a switch lite it's presumably pretty much brand new just take it back and replace it or get a refund.

tbf thats pretty easy to break the 3ds's analogue stick if you play smash

I’ll take that as a yes

Not them, but Smash broke my 3DS circle pad too.

Haha you broke it

I recently got a n3ds and I've been afraid this would happen sometime

What the fuck are you guys doing that you break your analog sticks?

Kek, true

Switch-lite: If I am interested in a NS, but I don't care about the docked mode and the joycons, is it a good purchase or a scam?

>if I don't care about anything the Lite doesn't have, is the Lite a scam?
Obviously not since it seems like it's targeted right at someone like you. The question you should be asking is if the library of games merits a purchase, which depends entirely on what games you're interested in playing. If you're just buying it for Pokemon you might want to hold off, buying a console or handheld for one game usually doesn't end with a satisfied customer.

Being fat

Take better care of your shit

If you play fast paced games like Splatoon or Smash, the regular Switch would be better.
>dock gives you access to an ethernet cable
>easier to play with other controllers
>other controllers aren't as flimsy as the joycons

If you strictly plan on playing more slower paced games like 3H or XB (any RPG basically) get the Lite.

Nah I'm fine, there's quite the list of retro-portings and some Nintendo's IPs I am interested in.

Thought I was the only one. Smash Bros for the 3DS was a error

i played Smash 3ds for hundreds of hours on two different 3ds and nothing happened to the circle pads at all

your fault retards

Not a single person in my local smash community broke theirs when smash 3ds was the latest game

Its the 3DS all over again

So call them and they'll fix it for free.

how the fuck did you do that playing link's fucking awakening

>Buying Day 1 consoles
Anyway, just send it for Nintendo to fix.

Smash and Kid Icarus. Sakurai had something against the 3DS man.

It's just manufacturing variance. If you've ever been involved with manufacturing in your life you know exactly shitty and random QA can be.

I really wanna know how so many fucking people fell for it.

Unga bunga me have gorilla hands

The analog stick skin breaks over time desu.

Calm down Edelgard

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>blowing $250 just to shitpost on Yea Forums

*purposely breaks switch lite*


nintendo games and products are really lazy and low quality these days. its a crying shame.

>being poor

>buy hardware from a company known to make shit
>surprised it's shit

Smash made me paranoid to actually play my 3DS intensely to the point where it did actually break off and I super glued it back on. Then I got another 3DS, then it got a bit loose, and even on my New 2DS it gets loose at times

They're not known for making shit, everything up to the 3DS and wii U were really sturdy, I don't know what happend with the swithch


>he bought a shitch

imagine buying a switch lite just to break it. man you snoys get more inventive everyday

How did it happen, OP?
Come on, tell us your story.

Cry some more poorfag


I wore the rubber off mine playing Monster Hunter.

Op broke it on purpose so he could get some (You)s

whom is crying? my lite and the zelda collectors edition is being delivered on wed. meanwhile I'm playing on my original switch because its hacked. seethe cope and dilate snoy after I beat another fungeon in LA I'm gonna swap back over to MH iceborne on my ps4

Every Switchlet Nintendicksucker deserves this for buying $50 chinkoid plastic dreck from 2004

>go on a rant

I'm honestly not surprised, Nintendo has been making shit hardware for a long time now.

What really surprises me is the people defending it, this board is really full of paid Nintendo shills .

>seethe cope and dilate snoy after I beat another fungeon
which one of those is you?

Attached: Switchlets' annual get-together.webm (426x240, 1.25M)

>man you snoys get more inventive everyday
Imagine being this much of a paranoid fanboy to even think this.

Jesus Christ, I bet most of the board is like this. Socially awkward ugly fucks that use the Switch as a piece of their identity.

>be retard
>have retard strength
>break shit
>blame the company, not yourself

It's plainly obvious though.

>socially awkward
>having parties

you're such a fucking dumbass its ridiculous

Why did you break it on purpose?

>buying Switch Lite when it looks even cheaper than the 2DS
>buying Links Downgrading when you can just emulate the GB/GBC version and get a superior experience
I just don't understand kids.

You can be among other ugly, socially awkward fucks retard. You are among your people here, are you not?

>Link's Awakening
how did you even break it in the first place?
seriously, fucking how?

There is no way anyone has already legitimately broken one of these other than doing it on purpose.

why didn’t you just buy the normal switch you fucking idiot

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sure bro

im sure you're invited to all the parties being the handsome chad you are

I play a lot of video games but even I think these people are losers.

the joycons are trash

>seething, coping, and dilation intensifies
meanwhile, just swapped into table top mode and opened twitch on my ps4 to watch someone play the game I'm playing. snoyboy poorfags everyone.

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Actually, yeah. I had an amazing Friday.


This is the switch with the super duper maximus hardware or not?
I'm sort of out of the loop.

What the fucks is the problem with Nintendo sticks man, the quality is pure shit.

sure bro

>ugly people shouldn't be allowed to socialize
chill chad

>snoyboy poorfags everyone.
But I have a Shitch and know its shit.

>dilation intensifies
What the fuck are you on about? Most trannies are Nintendo fans.

>Snap a device meant to be used by normal people with your retard strength

my joycons are in perfect condition because I’ve been using a switch pro controller since it came out and it hasn’t broken yet. gotta agree that the joycons are garbage, I wouldn’t buy a switch if theyre going permanently attached

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>The new hardware revision of the Nintendo Switch is now making its way to retail stores. It features a newer, more efficient CPU than the original launch console, which results in significantly longer battery life ranging between 4.5 and nine hours. (The original Switch can last between 2.5 and 6.5 hours.)

>Otherwise, the Nintendo Switch “v2” — not to be confused with the upcoming Switch Lite — hasn’t changed much: it’s got the same design and same screen. That means there’s no easy way to distinguish the new, longer-lasting model from the original unless you know where to look and what to look for.

Nevermind, no. Why would anybody buy this fucking shit is beyond me.

No it's the one were they removed a bunch a features, but it's $100 less. It's the poorfag version.

>he bought the switch lite AND remake
Should've seen it coming user

>buying a lite


It's another trash revision with portable only mode, a shit screen, the same shit joycons, etc.
It's a big issue because people here were shilling this revision as having improved sticks that wouldn't have issues like the current joycons, but its evident its also cheaply made, can't be replaced, and has the drifting issue that occurs after only a little bit of use.

Basically, this is damage control for Switch fanboys ie. most of this board since /r/nintendo used this board as a fanboy meetup.

You realize OP purposefully broke his stick just so retards like you think it's Nintendo's fault, don't you?

Nintendium....still exists.
Yea Forums fuck off.

Yeah, purge them from the gene pool with their shit taste.

You can use Ethernet on the lite
You’ll look a bit silly with a usb C to usb adaptater sticking out of the bottom but it works

Read your post man. Just realize how mad are you. Why are you so mad? The thing is like 200 bucks, you can save that money in no time.

I see. Basically this is
>a lot of people will sell their switches to get the new one in time for Zelda 2 and whatever else
>let's fuck them up by releasing something cheap for the people looking for an used switch

only the old 3ds, new 3ds has a good pad

i don't think you have to worry about them breeding user, not in the current year or the upcoming current years.

good job replying to yourself

>intentionally breaking your own toys to get attention on the interwebs

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>mad about facts


No, my the joycon drift made me buy a new pro controller because the qualtity is pure shit. Dont jump to conclusion you retard.

Thank god. I'm not raising my kids on Nintendo, seems to doom them to failure.

Fuck off Eric
Get a new hobby.

Feel free to have sex bro

How about you use your brains for a second? Even if Nintendo had used fucking toothpicks to make their sticks, there's no way in hell the damn thing would break on its own in 2 days.

im sure you're swimming in pussy bro

I didn't break mine, but the "cover" did come off. It still works perfectly fine, though.

Who? Maybe you should get a new hobby outside of defending Nintendo. Imagine being so paranoid you attribute names to anonymous posts.

Stop laughing at me, bro. I'll have to buy another one. And I'll never give up on Nintendo. Fuck You Snoyfags, Microshitfags.

Something that happened 2 years in and that you could have fixed just by applying some contact cleaner.

Same desu

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That's not true at all. Joycons are immediately poor quality, they dont need wear and tear to break.

lmao, maybe stop being a child and take better care of your hardware

Sony ALWAYS wins

>still buying nintendo shit in 2019
oh no no no

The rubber came off while playing Smash, but I never broke the pad itself

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What the fuck happened to Nintendo? How do you go from making the Gamecube, DS Lite and 3DS to this fucking trash?

Of course you don't need that to happen if you fucking pull it out by force, retard.

If this is trash what do you call the ps4 and it's controller

How do you know, Janny?

The PS4 is the best console out right now you retard.

Dilate literal tranny.

>what do you call the ps4 and it's controller
Fucking based

What's up with Nintendo fans and the victim complex surrounding Sony?
Do you blame every trip and fall on Sony too? No wonder everyone thinks Nintendo fans are the worst fanboys of all time and developers just use the Switch for sloppy second ports.

>he doesnt have a launch model Switch with CFW and a Switch Lite
poorfags lmao

I dont get this meme, all trannies are Nintendo fans. I find it weird you can't come up with your own insults so just use the ones people use on the Nintendo fanbase.

that's what you get for buying that piece of shovelware

for fucks sake, it doesnt remove the fact is a shit stick, why would you defend something like this, as a consumer you should aim for the acquisition of a good product.

Is like defending xbox for fixing the RRoD by giving you a new console, it doesnt change the fact that is shitty quality and design from their part.

I have a Switch and think its shit, does that count?

someone post the snoy tranny parade

>Corperate sponsored parade of volunteers
Yeah, nah. If that were the case, every company would be made of "trannies" since every corporation has a float.

Now where we see the difference is the countless trannies converting before our eyes at stuff like GDQ and known Nintendo circles, literally all of them have been Nintendo fans.

So at the end of the gen you will have three switches?
One per each game worth buying?

Looks like the thumb stick snagged on something and got ripped out

It's not on the same scale at all.
You're just looking for an excuse to get mad at the first little thing you big entitled baby.

Let me guess, you were fishing.

>DSLite and 3DS weren't trash

>It's not on the same scale at all.
Literally every joycon made has drifting issues and is made of cheap plastic. They even got a court settlement out of it.

Who are you fooling?

Say what you will about Joycons but it's actually dope that you can replace them or have them repaired if something goes wrong.

Fake news. It only happen to monkeys who can't take care of their electronics.

Not on the Switch lite

>breaking something designed to withstand children
What triggered your tard strength?

>a public court ruling is fake news

After all, that was only 7 years ago, we absolutely haven't had time to recognize that they have been making shit lately

Are you sure about that?

You can bet your ass Switch Lites with scratched up screens and busted analogue sticks will be flooding ebay in due time

Did they confirm the screen is cheap plastic like the 3DS? Fucking hell, Nintendo is full of retards.

What's to fall for? It's a switch that's a better handheld and costs less. Win win.

And this is in the first year...
Imagine the 2nd the fucking cringe.

They used the same cheap material thats on the OG Switch screen

If the Switch Pro rumors are true, that might have something like gorilla glass. But I wouldn't get my hope up for that.

Since you are so fucking dumb to even comprehend what the point is i will respond in a way you will understand to you little insults and shitty conclusions

no u

If that's the case, has anybody tried to interface a Switch Lite with a dock with a USB extension cable or something? The only reason it's not compatible is because it doesn't fit, right?

>I-It doesnt count! All Nintendo are trannies because a couple of people are!
Whatever makes you sleep at night, bro

No? It literally doesn't have video out components.

>because a couple of people are!

You are literally shilling the biggest low test- Apple-tier device of all time. Think for a second, tranny.

Lmaoing at your life

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>he fell for the switch meme... in 2019

>he bought a Switch Lite AND Link's Awakening

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>no comeback other than "no u"
>he thinks that whatever number of sick people he seeks and obsessively search is anything more than a couple compared to the millions of switch owners

that's a very, very expensive shitpost

>Getting a lesser version of the actual thing which can already do portability on its own

You're just being a overall cheapskate that doesn't even realize the costs of repairing the Lite are even higher than the original Switch.

Arguably, the 3DS had the same thing, but you can immediately tell that the 3DS' sticks weren't made to be durable during harsh amounts of stress, no matter whether you put Smash on the equation or not. Mine fell off 8 seconds into the Smash demo

The fuck did you do to fuck break it you retard?