What are some fun xcom alternatives?
What are some fun xcom alternatives?
Read Muv Luv
It is the themes of X-COM in Visual Novel form
They say read Muv Luv Extra, then Unlimited, and Lastly Alternative
Muv Luv extra is a generic slice of life VN. Read it until you get bored, then load up a Muv Luv Unlimited save.
It is 10/10 kino
Here are the alien strains
It's alternative fiction
During the cold war aliens invade. The main story takes place in the late 90s early 2000s
I think op is talking about video games.
Troubleshooters is the only good one out of the recent games.
Visual Novels are like video games
When I think Troubleshooters
I think Paranoia
phoenix point when it comes out on steam
I think there is a paranoia game coming out soon
Just wait for Phoenix Point to come out and pirate it.
Phoenix Point looks like shit though.
>user asks for fun tactics games
>Suggest a weebshit visual novel
Muv Luv is based
@ me all you want, I will defend it
mechanically is surely a better system than xcom
it's very very brown thou
Play Jagged Alliance 2. Best turn based combat in any game.
Hard West is a Wild West tactics game
The aiming system is better, but everything is same shit as nuxcom basically, if not worse. Honestly was really disappointed with all the design shifts that happened from first pre alpha gameplay to now.
The only xcom clones in development that i am still interested in is Endstate, but it is in perpetual devhell and might be just as shit when it come out if it will at all and Othercide which is won't be out anytime soon as well.
>The aiming system is better, but everything is same shit as nuxcom basically, if not worse.
It doesn't seem like the current PP build is missing any key features from the original xcom, at least combat wise, so I'm not sure what you're referring to
>Honestly was really disappointed with all the design shifts that happened from first pre alpha gameplay to now.
like what ?
Endstate looked cool, shame it's vaporware
I want a fantasy X-Com with Elves and Dragons. Divinity but with missions and a strategic layer.
XPiratez or X-Com Files
Into the Breach.
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus was pretty good
Divinity: Original Sin is an upcoming XCOM-style game in the Divinity universe.
they actually commisioned some sort of pixel art for into the breach recently
maybe an update is on route
Maps are samll and recycled, especially the settlement ones. Artstyle while being promising on first reveal transformed into soulless nuxcom shit, which clashes a lot with gritty and gutsy look of monsters almost feeling like they supposed to be from different game altogether. A lot of geoscape features feel really tacked on and underdeveloped, like settlement trading for example. Same nuxcom small squads and while it technically has action points they are barely relevant and all boils down to the same shitty move/attack per turn excluding willpower burning, which is a nice touch.
I thought the game was over and done with. Good to know, it's definitely way too short.
It's a great PUZZLE game
The issue actually is that it doesn't rely so much on luck than it does on logic.
Druidstone released not so long ago
does it have the "pod" free movement system the nuxcom has? that shit's my biggest gripe with the latter.
unfortunately I agree with basically everything
If you liked the stealth elements of XCOM 2 at all, Phantom Doctrine takes those ideas and really polishes them into being a unique take on the genre. Hard West is good too, if you want a more traditional xcom
You wish
Mutant Year Zero, Fell Seal, Battle Brothers.
You're joking, there'll be many times where the enemy turn will unavoidably checkmate you and you'll be forced to take a loss.
Empire of sin looks like it's exactly XCOM 2 between the combat and the base building.
What about Xenonauts?
It's hard :(
Kinda like original xcom
Way better art though
Rebel Cops just came out for $9.99 from the creators of This Is The Police. It's like a hybrid of X-Com and Commandos, it took me 15 hours to beat the campaign and I honestly really enjoyed it.
xenonauts 2 fucking when
if you don't mind sports games Football: Tactics & Glory is an XCOM style football game
Thread should have ended here.
Battle Brothers is such an underrated gem. It also a very amusing writting.
Fuck y0u
wrong pic but still somehow related lmao
i can see why it's so niche with its uncompromising difficulty and oddball graphics
Mutant Year Zero
Massive Chalice
Banner Saga
Either December or Q1 2020 for EA release.
Full release sometime in 2021
Massive Chalice demonstrated that Double Fine can take a cool concept and simple yet engaging gameplay and completely fuck it up to deliver a dogshit game.
Xenonauts' art is fucking god awful. I know there's a lot of meme talk about soul versus soulless but this the prime example.
Dungeons and Dragons Tactics but it's shit
maybe troubleshooters is more your speed then you no taste weeb faggot
It seems to have a few issues in pandoran nests where if you dont step on certain tiles, parts of the map will be scripted to be darkened.
Xenonauts is piss easy. You just had to follow a few specific things. It is way easier than classic xcom.
If this is a list of betas, how come you're not in it?
based and redpilled
Silent Storm if you want a ww2 based combat oriented version. No real base management elements, but craxy fun bullet physics and destruction.
Based and redpilled, absolutely destroyed that faggot.
I've had ex with a woman
Use grenades a lot, theyre free
Have a second base a few months in
Have a third base a few months after that. You only really need three bases.
You dont need labs in every base. Just build some more labs in your first base. Maybe make workshops in the second base.
Using 8 people, make 4 people riflemen medics, 1 sniper, 1 shotgun, 1 shieldpistol, 1 mg.
Skip the first armor.
Foxtrots are always useful, but the Condors will get phased out after maybe 9 months as small ufos will just stop appearing.
It's really not that hard. Classic XCOM was way harder and most of these tips still applied then.
What are you talking about you fucking dumb nigger? Can you really compare Xenonauts art to X-Com: UFO Defense and tell me it has soul? I don't need to like nipponese waifu titties to know a bad artstyle when I see one.
I'm impressed, you dropped that "s" harder than your daddy dropped you.
Unironically Mario vs rabbids on switch. Gets surprisingly difficult later in the game.
based retarded/senile boomer lmao
tfw OP owns a shitty PC and PS4
I want switch to actually have fun
What do people want to see from the next XCOM?
Flying one-hit chrysilids
I want to see an actual functioning version of XCOM2, with working elevation, indoors, LoS and destructible environments.
character customizer like dragon's dogma or saint's row
that they find a workaround for the overwatch spam tactic
also long war 1
Less dumb shit they use to hide the fact they have worse AI and gameplay than a 90's game
They need to fix the physics badly also targettable enviorment.
that'd be awesome
more anime battles
I just want them to overhaul or remove pods. The part I hate the most is how moving literally one tile can double or even triple the number of aliens you're fighting. It absolutely discourages any aggressive movement except for the last pod. No idea how you'd fix this mess without basically making a different game, but they need to.
Also it'd be nice if the difficulty curve wasn't quite so inverted, the first month is fucking torture. Long war 1 did great here, with two items available immediately and many actually useful items giving you some early game choices to make.
Lobstermen in full 3D glory.
xPiratez was suggested already. OpenXcom in general is pretty good, with a couple of total conversion mods.
While muv-luv is a great read, it's not a game. Speaking of muv-luv, have anyone played faraway dawn? How bad is it?
God, I hate Muv Luv faggots so fucking much