Come on Sony, don't keep me waiting

Come on Sony, don't keep me waiting

Attached: Venom PS4.jpg (480x463, 51K)

you should take a sit then

As long as it is connected to Spider-Man

Just play Ultimate Spider-Man.

the closest we are going to get is the symbiote suit peter in spider-man 2.

maybe as like a really hard bonus fight or a small team-up sequence, or both preferably, but not as a central part of the game

>Treyarch Spider-Man
Full of soul and love for the character despite a bit of jank
>Insomniac Spider-Man
Soulless and corporate that copies most of its idea from Batman Arkham

Prove me wrong, Yea Forums

I have never understood what people like about this character beyond his looks

spiderman had combos and spidey sense before arkham games copied it

new thing bad
old thing good

I'm still thankful for insomnniac for pushing an adult spider-man into the mainstream again.
Disney has been pushing kiddy, toned down Spidey for years with merch and cartoons but the game and into the spiderverse showed the casual crowd an older Peter is great.

It's the character faggot. An alien that was a loser on his planet actually could become something on Earth and was content with eating poptarts and tatertots instead of killing everything like all the othery symbiote. Also genderbending to a 10/10 she-venom.

when spiderman got his powers he knew instantly what he wanted to do with them, he wanted to help people and yadda yadda power responsibility
when venom got to earth it didn't know what the fuck and after eddy and it got over their initial fuckery with spiderman they didn't know what to do really, venom had to figure out how to be a good guy in their own way and it makes them have a lot more depth in a different style
this is why they are called anti-heroes

Web of Shadows did it first and better

>he knew instantly what he wanted to do with them, he wanted to help people and yadda yadda power responsibility
Spidey was a TV star before he was spiderman, his uncle had to die for him to start becoming a hero

Insomniac Spider Man is great. I am glad Sony let them make it instead of Ratchet and Clank / Resistance type shit. I'd have thought they would ask the Infamous devs to make it, but they are making Ghost of Tsushima instead

Attached: electric throw.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

most of his fans were kids when he became popular. venom is just the right amount of edgy and funny to appeal to preteen boys.

I want that OP
They have the city already, just do it already

i guess i should i have been more clear; we all know spiderman will turn to good, barring some unique situations, but everything about venom had you question what exactly their motives are, depending on the writer, haha

>older Peter is great.
Great again*

Insomniac's Spider-Man showed more love for the character than anything Marvel did with him in the last 10 or so years.

WoS Peter wasn't an adult. Not with that voice.

Corporate and soulless


Nah he will in the Spiderman sequel though
Mix of Green Goblin and Venom could be interesting

Is that Vemon show out now or what?
Haven't been following it.

Corporate bootlicker

Urethra insertion prostate infestation while inside a vagina at the same time

nobody wants this shit

How would it play any different than Prototype? It's the exact same concept.

>posted from my iphone

Insomniac's was fucking great. %100 that shit start to finish and didn't stop being entertained once. Didn't play the DLC though, base game was juuuuust enough.

Sony makes its marketers work on Sundays

Downloading Spiderman GOTY rightnow bros

>”talking about things I like is advertising”