What is your stance on vidya figures, artbooks, OSTs, etc.? No funko pop trash allowed.
Vidya buyfag thread
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Artbooks are fine.
OSTs are only for losers.
Funkpops are fucking kick ass.
>buying what are essentially just barbie dolls for $150
You'd have to be especially retarded to buy those. At least funko pops are 15 bucks and socially acceptable.
Look at this fag
He's right though.
I wish I had money.
It is pretty sad for guys to own figures and dolls. I'll never understand who buys these.
What do they even do with them? Jack off to them? At first I thought you'd show them, but who would you even show them to? What is their purpose?
They are beautiful pieces of art, like a painting or a sculpture, plebians wouldnt understand
What do you do with plants? what do you do with paintings? what do you do with stuffed animals or other taxidermy? The answer lies in your unused brain
okay weeb
That means you jack off to them then, doesn't it?
What's up with all these redditors?
>What do you do with plants?
You take care of plants, user. They are alive.
>what do you do with paintings?
You display paintings for people to admire. Do you really show your friends, family, and girlfriends your action figures?
>what do you do with stuffed animals or other taxidermy?
I don't. Stuffed animals are for girls and taxidermy is for super villains and retired people that have nothing better to do than kill stuff.
>The answer lies in your unused brain
Really? Because I am pretty sure you're the one being illogical.
Artbooks are the patrician choice. Figures are for degenerates, but stuff such as gunpla are great. I'm a friendless poorfag though so I don't have room to place them and show off, and I don't even have friends to show my stuff to in the first place.
It's a plastic sculpture, an ornament. What you do with figures figures.
I am genuinely lost, sorry. I get they are ornamental, but why would you spend $150 on something only you would appreciate? You could get a nice quality meal for that price and that is something you could share with others. Maybe the train to thought is just incompatible with me. I don't know. I can tell I rubbed some people the wrong way though and I apologise for that.
What? You think years of influx from reddit would not change Yea Forums for the worse?
It holds different meanings for different people. Some people are just complete perves like you assume and like getting horny from the sight of them. Others however can be really invested in a franchise or more and want quality merch from it. I for one just like a having a few set up because I think it looks nice personally.
Sure they are expensive but there isn't really another way to get them. So are other things that have no other applications than to be looked at.
>assumes everyone else in people's lives are immediately repulsed by your own interests
I mean, I feel sorry you are incapable of socializing with anyone that might also appreciate things you like, but don't lump everyone else into your own brand of social incompetence.
The state of nu/v/
You have to be trolling unless you seriously think more than a handful of people like you creepy dolls.
I'm the other user who answered you but holy shit
Like I said, if your social incompetence makes you completely incapable of socializing with people other than your parents, I can understand how you would think that.
You're making an awful lot of ad hominem attacks for someone who is supposedly not "socially incompetent" maybe you could try to talk like a big boy instead of calling names when someone inquires about your toys. Or you could always just keep deflecting.
This is the only vidya figure I own. She's part of a set, but I don't want to buy the rest of them.
>anime girl
that's a red flag
But she's not an anime girl.
>buyfag threads on Yea Forums
I wish the characters I liked got figures. But only boring fan-favorites tend to get them, and that's if the series is popular enough to warrant them in the first place.
The point he made in the specific response I quoted was about how 'only you' would appreciate it. Maybe you should improve your reading comprehension before throwing out big boy terms in your own attempt to deflect.
Nah user, I'm a Jinfag
>i NEED the plastic toys
>i have a void in my life and my soul
>consumerism is the answer, it works for everyone else after all
Well, it doesn't look particularly good.
That's just wrong though, user. How embarrassing.
And it also never came out, apparently
Don't even try to get through to them. These incels are nearly incapable of communication.
>You did address his point
>quoted reference point
>But that wasn't the point I wanted you to address
Maybe take a crack at continuing the conversation in a way that didn't involve you attempting to carry those goal posts all over the field. What point do you want me to talk about?
not really into OST's and I only look at arbooks once or twice and close them forever so I stopped buying them.
I like figures though but haven't bought anything big yet, only Nendos and Figmas. Just ordered this guys.
Figures are creepy af
Shit, now that's some good taste.
>good taste
Guilty gear has some pretty good stuff.
I'll take an otome-hoarding fujo's figures over generic tiddy figurines
And mainly this, GG figures are god-tier
Ordered this qt last week
>be mexican
>develop a strong buyfag hobby over the years
>get a better job, can buy more
>suddenly commie president is in
>taxes for imported good raised out the ass
>customs take months, some mistreat the packages
>buyfaging is dead
3rd world buyfaging is suffering
I wish I got the Elphelt
>has Mai, Tharja, and Chi Chi
Checks out.
I have TWO Mai. I would've bought that low quality Angel chinese figure too, but I saw it in a Con and it's really low quality. Also
>Chi Chi
It's Milk over here, lad.
That Pyra is damn fucking fat.
Take that back, you homo.
Figures and OSTs are great. Artbooks kinda seem like a waste of money to me since you will inevitably be able to find scans online, but to each their own.
Pic rel, my Raymoo.
Move countries fool
What the
how are funko pop socially acceptable?
And how is a (generally) well made statue the equivalent of a barbie doll?
not him, but i would if i had some.
I have gunpla, figures AND artbook.
owning the artbook and flipping through pages ain't the same as an online scan though
>how are funko pop socially acceptable?
Are you retarded? Because geekdom has become more socially acceptable and they are cheap. You know what isn't acceptable? Paying 100+ dollars for cheap chink shit.
I stopped collecting figures since I'm already low on space for storing let alone displaying things, and it felt like I was enjoying acquiring things more than having them. But I don't fault the people who do collect them, some of these are pretty cool if a bit rich for my taste price wise.
I do have a couple of artbooks, possibly my fave is the Oddworld Inhabitants one I have. The art for those games is great and it's cool to see the behind the scenes stuff.
I buy all 3 but figures have taken a back seat to OSTs these days. Just got the Vampire/Darkstalkers sound box. Shit's nice.
Is that Mefmera?
>mfw I'm about to invest a couple hundred dollars in tools, materials and equipment for model making
>mfw I'll finally be able to make custom nude versions of my favorite characters
>mfw I'll have a larger collection on display than would've been possible if I'd stuck purely to figures and statues
>mfw it all depends entirely on my own skill
Wish me luck, I'm going in
Yes. It's also a cast-off.
i live an ascetic life with as little nerd shit as possible
if you have bought MULTIPLE figurines and have them openly out for display you should probably end it. Having figurines on display looks awful like for example. If you feel for some reason that you HAVE to own figurines, you can at max own three, and have those on display, any more and theoretically if you have any human contact for some reason (which you wont) and they enter your room, they're actually going to think you have autism.
Godspeed, user.
I don't think anyone wants or needs your opinion.
>ultra pale almost skin tone nipples
Why invest so much right off the bat? Have you done a lot of work with modeling clay?
who's the brown bitch with the bunny ears. Second why don't you just bang mexican girls, i thought they were all hot and you can fuck em young?
I only know her from disgusting lesbo doujins, but she likes disgusting things, doesn't she?
Can anyone recommend a good replacement stand for Play Arts Kai figures? I've got the AC Cloud and I'm happy with it but the stand is a steaming piece of shit - it can't hold the figure's weight at all. It's basically just window dressing. All I can do is lean it back against the shelf in an upright position.
Her thing is that she constantly acts like she hates everything about Tomoko but she orbits her and obsesses over her all the time.