Battlestation thread?
Battlestation thread?
Get an headphone hanger. There are really cheap ones that clip on your desk. Having something to properly hang your headphones on will increase their life.
cute desk, what are the dimensions?
You need more RGB
one of the better stations i have seen. consider adding a second desk to the left, to turn it into some kind of round corner desk
how is the contrast/blb on that HP. I really like the design, thinking about getting one.
>Not just hooking your headphones over the monitor
Use your initiative, user.
>magnet right next to your monitor
There are magnets in your heaphones. Magnets fuck up monitors. Pick up some speakers and rub them on your monitor. They might not be as strong as speaker magnets, but there are so many better options for hanging your headphones the risk just sounds retarded.
Do you ever hit your head on the ceiling?
I've been doing it for years and nothing has happened so whatever lmao
Good morning lads
Lazily spliced together room pic.
>Clearly not British
>Saying 'lads'
Fuck off.
Is there anything more pitiful than a full grown adult with anime toys?
yeah, you LMAO
a grown adult with mlp toys
man that tiny limp-ass plant is depressing
>no lumbar support
dude orange lmao
>filthy weeb dens in mommy's house with non-matching fixtures and no "theme" beyond "anime tits"
>clean, simple, functional stations treated with pride and that your family wouldn't disown you for
Like pottery.
wow these are some pretty nice battlestations. mine is just barely non-degenerate enough to be sad and plain enough that its nothing worth bragging about.
wow... thats kind of sad
currently watching killem
thinking of going out and getting greedfall
your screens are way to small
not him, but they look fine to me, they're probably like 19-20"
You're an idiot.
Nice trip to the doctor with those back problems...
The joke is that the image is small. Not even the guy who made the first comment, it's just obvious. It's like saying "picture for ants", the picture isn't literally for ants, the joke would be that both the picture and ants are small. The "screens are small" because the picture is small.
pls bully
honestly I'm so used to just seeing that one picture for ants gif that people spelling it out doesn't ring a bell anymore
time to an hero I guess
clean up. it's not hard