New Advance Wars NEVER EVER

Why? Literally everyone loved these games

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With the current state of Fire Emblem, do you REALLY want sequels in this age?

no waifus xd

>Fire Emblem
never played that game

Because I told them not to release new ones.

>no waifus
>no cool music
>no cool characters
>no cool but corny story
>no epic battles lasting days
>no multiplayer
this game would be golden in current age of youtubers

Is Tiny Metal any good?

>current state of fire emblem
You mean literally releasing the best game in the series thus far?

Yes, I would like Advanced Wars to end up like fire emblem

Waifufags should hang

You should give one a go if you like AW. They’re similar but different in that you have a party of unique units instead of producing units each turn. And you can use kamikaze strats as much because your units stay dead when they die. Try out one of the GBA ones - you’ll probably like it.

Sure, but that barely has anything to do with Three Houses. You can only romance one character in a 60 hour run and the “romance” scene is optional and lasts 1 minute. Hardly egregious.

I would love for IS to make a new AW for switch with the same amount of content and care as Three Houses.

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Fuck you. Tell them to start making them again.

You would rather there be no new AW game than have a new AW game with brand new maps and units, but with some minor completely optional dating sim elements on the side?


They'll take another run at it once they figure out how to play up the character
relationships like in FE. You can wait a little longer, right?

Because DoR flopped and FEA sold gangbusters.

As long as the social link stuff is optional it’s fine by me. Just give me more AW.



You fool, my only waifu is the unit design of AW

The game was Japanese developed but constantly irrelevant in Japan for almost two decades (since the sales of the sequels fell in Japan and then there was a whole mess with Advance Wars' Japanese launch getting delayed for years), when the Western sales fell, I'd guess the Japanese developers just weren't invested in the series to attempt to push it again since it lacked a big presence in their home country for such a long time.

I miss the series so much

>best boy died

>Because DoR flopped and FEA sold gangbusters.
DoR came out before Shadow Dragon. The AW series stopping has nothing to do with Awakening.

Frankly I think a new AW game with FE 3H's formula could work:
>Military grounds or academy
>Free to explore it. Can talk with fellow commanders and do activities with them
>Upgrade your units with trainings
>Engage in skirmishes to gain money / points
>The more time you spend with a certain commander, the stronger your combined CO powers get
>Be able to choose between Orange Star, Blue Moon etc...

>upgrade your units
user, have you actually ever played an AW game before? It’s not an RPG. You don’t have units to upgrade.

FE was also flopping in the late 00s, mind you. That said, it's no surprise DoR bombed, since they killed one of the main appeals of the series, the aesthetic, in a misguided attempt to appeal to the Western audience. It's a shame, too, because DoR has the best unit roster in th series, even if I don't care for CO units/zones.

that's true but imagine if you could give them small buffs like:
>Less impacted by snow, mountain
>Consume less ammo, fuel
That sort of thing

COs could be given RPG-like attributes for the campaign. Honestly not a bad idea, if that's what they need to do to get us another game.

>Best game in the series
Map design is mediocre to bad across the board and the game is easy as shit
AW doesn't deserve FE's fate of awful neglect towards intricate map design & difficulty

People keep talking shit about Three Houses maps but I thought that there were a lot of good ones in there

FE 3H's maps are alright. Way better than what Awakening had but not on par with stuff like Fates or Sacred Stones

Didn't stop Three Houses from selling.

You clearly haven't played Conquest.

None of us have played the original games the right way anyway since they were censored here.

>literally everyone loved these games
>don't sell enough to justify making them without shoehorning in waifu shit

Sorry user but the truth is cruel and we've all unfortunately had to learn to move on.

You might as well also ask for Atlus to make another Trauma Center.

dated formula
it's like releasing a text adventure game in 2020, nobody will buy it

It actually has a lot.

>Advance wars comes back
>All the characters are now waifu/husbando bait like in Fire Emblem
>Gameplay is watered down as not to alienate the new character fags
>Emphasis is placed on social elements like dating and relationships over commanding an army
>Becomes painfully easy
>Switches over to shitty 3D models instead of great sprite work
>Like 10 ground units to use, no airforce or navy
>Heralded as a masterpiece and revives the series becoming the cornerstone of the series revival
>Or worse becomes a gatcha series
After what happend to Fire Emblem I would rather the series stay dead and good than get turned into an abomination

>now waifu bait
I love Rachel!

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that's a good point, if any anime girl is a waifu to weeb, what would make a game waifubait?

Essential "villains" who did nothing wrong

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The games always had waifus but there is an difference between the player base naturally waifuing a character and making characters that are designed to be waifus

>making characters that are designed to be waifus
Like Rachel

Did the old games put emphasis on going out on dates with her?

No, but neither does Fire Emblem? You have support level up conversations, but not literal romantic dates.

Whatever, you don't care, you're just looking for a reason to bitch about waifufags

One of the selling points of several of the last Fire Emblem games is a player avatar that could interact and possibly marry other characters how is that not them trying to appeal to waifu fags

They thought this art style would really make it sell better in the west?

You "marry" the characters in 3h in an ending cutscene and that's it. It was a mechanic in Awakening because they were bringing back the mechanic from an older game and it was part of the plot, Fates is the only one where it's shamelessly shoved in.

Sadly, no. It's kinda clunky and doesn't feel very finished or good. The music is eh, the battle scene don't look that good. If you really wanna see, try the demo.

How dare they have in-depth character interaction in an RPG, waifufags really are killing everything, Advance Wars never had gross shit like Sami being Eagle's cocksleeve or the whole selling point of Dual Strike

Play WarGroove, retard

>Worst game(s) in the series
>B-but the maps though
Just because it has a couple of fun maps doesn't make the game not awful.
Meanwhile, Thracia is still a masterpiece.

>in-depth character interaction
How delusional are you?

>Worst game in the series

Even birthright/revelations are nowhere near the worst, just fucking lol at people acting like Fates has a uniquely bad story. It's average as far as FE goes, people just flip shit because the Lord is emotional and naive rather than an emotionless bundle of friendship.

Not as delusional as claiming Advance Wars doesn't have cute girls

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Advance Wars has cute girls but the core gameplay is the fucking strategy.
FE has cute girls and boys and the core gameplay mechanic consists on getting your character close to your waifu/husbando during boring battles so afterwards you can get a poorly written date with them.

>the core gameplay mechanic consists on getting your character close to your waifu/husbando during boring battles so afterwards you can get a poorly written date with them.
That sounds like a perfectly reasonable assessment of the core gameplay loop that is not heavily biased or influenced by an existing victim complex in any way

It cant compete with FE. Feel like duel strike was intel systems last attempt to revitalize the AW series, like awakening. Didnt work out as well I guess.

Give it some time, if Punch-Out, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus and Famicom Detective Club all made a comeback after decades of being abandoned, anything can happen.